Quote of the Month - Beth Israel Congregation

A Publication of Beth Israel Congregation
What’s Inside....
November 2013
Words from Rabbi Cohen
BITY and
Religious School
Financial Corner
Birthdays &
Annual Meeting
& Calendar
Beth Israel Congregation is honored to host the
AIDS Quilt during
the week that falls
over World AIDS
1-7, 2013. How appropriate!
During the same week, we recall
the Maccabees and their fight for
survival - in their case, Jewish survival. Chanukah also celebrates
the miracle of light, a symbol of
life, renewal, and hope. With 12
panels of the Quilt hanging between our sanctuary and social
hall, we lend our support to the
fight for survival – for all those living
with HIV or AIDS and their families.
The entire week will be filled with
activities, primary among them
being the showing of the quilt during the week mostly in the late
afternoon and early evening. We
will have visitors from around the
Jackson Metro Area come to Beth
Israel to view the AIDS Quilt Panels led by docents from partner
churches and our congregation.
The premiere of the Quilt will be
Sunday, December 1st, coinciding with our Sisterhood Chanukah
On Wednesday, December 4th,
we will host an Interfaith Healing Service, honoring World AIDS
Day. Clergy from numerous congregations and organizations are
already planning to attend with
their members. We’re planning for
a full house.
We will also have an opportunity
to view the Quilt before and after
our regular Friday Shabbat Service on December 7th, jointly led
by myself and the Shirim Choir.
As the finale, St. James will host
their Annual Dr. Trey Magnum Memorial Walk of Grace on Saturday,
December 7th. Come to temple
for Shabbat services and Torah
Study, and then go to St. James
for a cookout, a carnival, and a
healthy walk to benefit Grace
House. Partnering with members
of other faiths to participate in
Tikkun Olam – repair the world and celebrating Shabbat through
good food, joy, and exercising our
cont’d on page 3 ...
“He that does not add to his store of knowledge
decreases it.”
~ Rabbi Hillel ~
Quote of
the Month
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
President’s Message
“May Your
Strength Be
I recently had
the privilege of
attending a Bat
Mitzvah at the historic Vilna Shul in
Boston. When we
arrived at the Shul,
at first we thought
been at the wrong
a beautiful young bride (or so we
thought) was standing in front of the
Shul welcoming her guests. We then
realized that it was actually the Bat
Mitzvah greeting those of us who came
to celebrate with her. (It seems that it
has become the trend in the Northeast
for B’not Mitzvah to dress in a bridelike manner. I can’t imagine how the
boys are dressing
for their B’nai Mitzvahs!). While this
currently doesn’t have
it opens its door
for chavurot and
life cycle events.
The officiant was
a young woman
who had been this
child’s Bat Mitzvah
tutor. The Bat Mitzvah was a bright and talented pianist/
composer. She had written a piece
in honor of her Bat Mitzvah which she
played early in the service. Later, between sections of her D’var Torah, she
played a composition she also had
written that reflected her interpretation of her Torah portion. And throughout the ceremony there was much
singing and rejoicing. Although all the
traditional elements of a Bat Mitzvah
were included, this child’s musical interpretations made her Bat Mitzvah a
unique and exceptionally spiritual experience for me and many others as
I was intrigued by the venue and the
lay leader officiant. I asked the mother
of the Bat Mitzvah if they had a congregation they belonged to.
She replied, “As you may have noticed, my daughter is a bit different
from most children. We talked with
our congregation about what we
wanted to do for her Bat Mitzvah and
they were unwilling
us. So we left, hired
the tutor and did
what was best for our
child.” When I heard
that, my first reaction,
which I did verbalize, was,“My congregation would have
loved to have this
very special event.
There wouldn’t have
been any question
about that.” A third woman who was
also a part of our conversation commented that her congregation also
would not have accommodated this
family’s request.
“We are a
wonderful caring
community to which
other congregations
can look to for
cont’d on page 3...
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Messages Continued
Why am I telling you about this Bat Mitzvah? The point of sharing this story is to
tell you how proud I was to be able to say that Beth Israel Congregation would
not only have welcomed, but lauded this child’s talent being incorporated into
her life cycle event. We are a wonderful caring community to which other congregations can look to for inspiration. I believe that we are a lucky community
that benefits from a culture that is flexible, innovative, and daring while respecting our differences and yet still maintaining the values and ideals we all share.
So, Yasher Koach* to us!
(*As I was checking that my use of Yasher Koach in this context was correct, I learned
that while this phrase is typically used as a way of saying “good job!” for a mitzvah,
the literal translation is, “May your strength be firm!”, carrying with it the hope that the
mitzvah will give you the strength to carry on to future mitzvot. I was really struck by this
translation. Why? Because I believe our culture as I interpreted it above is indeed one
of our many strengths.)
bodies just makes Jewish sense.
Grace House is a transitional living space in Jackson for people living with HIV/
AIDS. As they write on their webpage, “Many living with HIV are destitute, abandoned by their families and friends, without resources or empowerment to act
for themselves or are homeless. There are limited state funds in Mississippi to assist
people living with the HIV disease. Grace House is a place where people with
HIV/AIDS may live with dignity, in safety, and with compassion and caring. We
believe Grace House is a quiet beginning in answering the biblical question:
“Are we our brother’s keeper?” And, of course, we are.”
This biblical quote is found in Genesis, referring to the murder of one brother
against the other. Also in the Torah, in the book of Leviticus, we find a discussion
on a skin condition called tzara’at. In textual commentaries and modern interpretations, this disease has often been compared with AIDS. People who contract tzara’at, this skin condition – much like people living with HIV or AIDS – have
often been blamed for their disease, with their suffering understood as divine retribution for moral failure, namely the “sin” of homosexuality. We protest against
this unrighteous blame for people who suffer any kind of illness or tragedy.
The religious community of Jackson will gather during this first week in December to proclaim our support of those who have HIV or AIDS, their friends and family, and we remember the people who have died from the disease. The hanging
quilt in our synagogue is a statement of healing. We look forward to seeing you
during the week.
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Upcoming Events
For Tuesday’s weekly Blast, all information must be submitted on Friday
by noon.
For Friday’s Shabbat Leaflet, all information must be submitted on
Tuesday by noon.
For Monthly Chailights, all information must be submitted on the 10th of
the month. It is not necessary for you to create a complete ad. Contact
Erica on the size of your ad, to find out the number of words you are
Please e-mail all information for publication to office@bethisraelms.org
with the name of your publication in the subject line. Information that is
submitted after the deadline is not guaranteed to be placed in the current publication. We appreciate your cooperation.
At Office Depot
or Target?
Throw some
extra stuff in
your cart.
Office Supplies Needed!
It’s so easy to help the Temple by donating much-needed office supplies. Here’s our wish list of office-related items you can donate:
Colored paper (card stock, too)
Paper clips (various sizes)
Notebooks (hard-backed)
File folders (letter size)
Post-It notes (any size)
Manilla envelopes (large)
Dry erase markers (Expo low
• Lined notecards
• Thumb drives
Binder clips
First aid kit (one)
Pocket folders
AA batteries
Forever Stamps
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Upcoming Events
In Partnership with
St. James Episcopal
BETH ISRAEL Congregation
Beth Israel is
Honored to Host
DECEMBER 1st- 7th
December 4th:
Interfaith Healing
6:30pm at Beth Israel
December 7th:
Immediatly following
Shabbat Services
at St. James
Episcopal Church
Walk of Grace
(starting at 1:00pm)
June 1987, a small group of strangers gathered in a San Francisco storefront to
document the lives they feared history would neglect. Their goal was to create
a memorial for those who died of AIDS & to thereby help people understand the
devastating impact of the disease.
Today the Quilt is a powerful visual reminder of the AIDS pandemic. More than
48,000 individual 3-by-6-foot memorial panels — most commemorating the life
of someone who has died of AIDS — have been sewn together by friends, lovers
and family members. This is the story of how the Quilt began…
The Aids Memorial Quilt will be displayed
at Beth Israel Congregation December 1st - 7th
To register for the Walk of Grace, please CLICK HERE.
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Sisterhood Spotlight
New Year’s Eve:
Dancing Through
The Decades
Put On Your Casual
Clothes, Dancing
Shoes and
Let’s Boogie!!!
Dancing Through the Decades: BIC on New Year’s Eve
Tuesday, December 31st ~ 8pm- 12am
Limited Space is available!!
Reserve your spot on the dance floor before
December 15, 2013!
Entrance Fee:
$20 per person in advance. $25 per person at the door
Includes Champagne toast to ring in 2014!*
Please bring h’ors d'oeuvres or sweets to share. This is a B.Y.O.B. event.
Set-ups provided: Ice, Coke, Ginger Ale, Tonic, Limes,
Lemons, Cranberry Juice and O.J.
Questions? Click here to contact us.
Click here To register for the event.
Click here to register for babysitting
available for
this event -
At $20 per child, space is limited, so register your child early!!
Babysitting hosted at Rebecca Laskin’s home from 7:45 pm- 12:15 am.
Don’t have access to a computer? That’s cool, print, complete, mail or
drop off the information below:
Name of Attendee:_____________________________________________________
Name of Attendee:_____________________________________________________
Total: _____ x $20.00= ____________________
See next page for
details and form.
ALL Reservations requested by December 15**
Make check payable to:
Beth Israel Sisterhood
5315 Old Canton Road
Jackson, MS 39211
Complete this form & return with payment. Please write NEW YEAR’S on check.
*Beth Israel Congregation is not responsible for your or your guests’ alcohol consumption.*
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Sisterhood Spotlight
For BIC New Year’s
Dancing Through
the Decades Event
Babysitting Reservation for BIC New Year’s Eve
Dancing Through the Decades Event:
Child’s Name/Age___________________________________________
Child’s Name/Age___________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: _____________________________________
Phone Number: _____________________________________________
Babysitting will be held at Rebecca Laskin’s Home:
5371 Fairway Street
Jackson, MS. 39211
Babysitting Facts:
Time: 7:45 pm- 12:15 am • Price: $20.00 per child.
CASH only & should be given directly to Gloria (Babysitter).
**Deadline: December 15, 2013**
Please feed your little one(s) dinner prior to drop off.
Your child(ren) may bring a pillow & blanket.
Rebecca Laskin has graciously opened her home
Be respectful:
Pick up your child(ren) immediately following the party.
Please mail this form & payment to BIC:
5315 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211
Save the Date!
Sisterhood Chanukah Luncheon
December 4, 2013
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
November 2013
Sisterhood Spotlight
Calling all
The Blake at
Township in
Sisterhood will be hosting a musical recital for the residents of
The Blake at Township in Ridgeland on November 17th at 2:00pm. If you
enjoy singing to a crowd or playing an instrument we need your help.
Please contact Kim Rost to be on the program and let her know what
selection you will be performing.
Everyone is welcome to come listen to this beautiful performance!
Refreshments to follow.
Please join Beth Israel Sisterhood for a festive
Chanukah Dinner, Sunday, December 1st at 6pm
Advance tickets are $12.00 or $15.00 at the door.
Please indicate chicken or fish entrée.
Children 10 & younger $5.00
This is your first opportunity to view the Aids Memorial Quilts
Mail or bring your reservation & payment into the office by: Wednesday November 27.
To take part, don’t delay, ACT NOW! Complete the form below.
If you have any dietary restrictions, contact Charna Schlakman at
Charna515@aol.com or 954-629-1371.
Chicken________ Fish__________
Return to Temple by November 27th
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
BITY / Religious School
NFTY Southern
Fall Conclave
November 22nd-24th in
Little Rock, Arkansas
All high school students are invited to
NFTY’s Fall Conclave retreat!
We’ll be celebrating Shabbat,
participating in interactive and engaging
programs, social action projects, an
awesome party, and having lots of fun!
Whether this is your first or 15th NFTY event,
you’re guaranteed to meet plenty of
amazing new people and have a wonderful
Registration is now open, click here to register!
Sunday, November 17th • 5th-8th Graders
JYG (Junior Youth Group) is going bowling!
Sunday, November 17th 4-6 pm
At Fannin Lanes in Brandon
Price is $15 and includes bowling, shoes, pizza and soda
BITY’s Chanukah
Latke Lock In
Join us: Saturday, December 7th -8th • 6pm-9am
Co-chaired by Alex Goldstein & Lily Katz
More information to come!!
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
BITY / Religious School
2ND, 3RD &
Shabbat for the
whole family
Join us on November 8th
at 6:15 pm for Family Shabbat!
Honoring 5th and 6th Grade Students
Come join the fun!
Tot Shabbat
It’s Tot Shabbat!
Join us:
November 15th, 5-6pm in the Library
1st grade and under
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Have you...
Mazel Tov!
...always wanted to know more about Judaism?
...struggled over our relationship with Israel?
...wondered what Judaism teaches about
Death and the Afterlife?
...wanted to know more about the faith of Jesus?
...wondered What Would Moses Do?
Congrats to the Newlyweds!!
Ric & Ashlie Gavant
Mark your calendars for
Intro to
September 22, 2013
Destin, FL.
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm at BIC
Judaica Shop
14 sessions taught by
Rabbi Valerie Cohen
No cost for Beth Israel members
Suggested donation for non-members of
$120 for all 14 sessions
20% Off
All Chanukah Items
through November 30!
Contact the Temple office:
Class Schedule
11/5 Reading the Text II: On the Web and
in the Cloud
The Jazz of Jewish Worship
Celebrating our Lives
What Happens When We Die and Afterward?
Two Jews, Three Opinions: Jewish Theologies
History in a Nutshell
Zionism, Israel, and Palestine
Streams of Judaism or Just Jewish
Remaining Questions and Conclusions
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Financial Corner
Create a lasting tribute to someone special
through the purchase of a leaf on
Beth Israel Congregation’s Tree of Life.
Prominently displayed in the lobby of Beth Israel
Congregation, our Tree of Life is admired by our
congregants and visitors alike.
Our Tree of Life
provides a unique opportunity for creating a perpetual
remembrance of loved ones or to honor family and
Leaves are available for $100 and are fully tax-deductible. Please contact Temple for
information on ordering.
A notice of the gift will be mailed to the honoree and you both will receive notification when
the leaf has been installed.
11/01 Lucy Cohen
11/01 Mathew Harris
11/01 Bette Shornick
11/02 Ellen McGregor
11/02 Dr. Steve Silberman
11/03 Llia Giammarco
11/03 Marcia Walsh
11/04 Rebecca Laskin
11/04 Aaron Samuels
11/05 Bear Atwood
11/05 J.B. Sandifer
11/10 Allison Goldman
11/10 Emily Kamber
11/10 Morris Mermelstein
11/11 Cheryl Katz
11/12 Benjamin Russell
11/13 Sloan Bancroft
11/13 Emily Fertig
11/13 Henry Fischer
11/14 Joseph Metz
11/15 Monique Guimbellot
11/15 Rachel Shute
11/17 Helen Greenberg
Mary Golde Howell
Lex Rofes
Judy Stamm
Michael Seiner
Emma Pollack
George Glass
Phoebe Spencer
Amy Finkelberg
Reed Leonard
Karen McDougal
Gary Schneider
Joel Jacobs
Peggie Omolara
Rebecca Docter
Andrea Fish
Spencer Nessel
Dinah Jeannette Briggs
Tille Docter
Casey Mabry
Nina Mabry
James Paul
11/01 John & Becci Craig
11/08 Aaron & Morgan Samuels
11/10 Michael & Lisa Ivshin
11/13 Marshal & Christina Klaven
11/18 Elizabeth & Trey McGregor
11/25 Steve & Sandra Liverman
11/29 Jonathan Fratkin & Gail Chadwick
“Don’t be frustrated by the obstacles you encounter on your
spiritual journey. They are there
by design, to increase your desire for the goal you seek.
Because the greater your goal,
the greater the yearning you’ll
need to achieve it. ”
~ Rebbe Nachman of Breslov ~
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Annual Meeting Agenda: December 8th, 4:30pm
1. 2014 Budget*
2. Nominating Committee for Board of Trustees & Officers*
3. Constituional Changes regarding cemetery policies*
(See Below ~Old~ and page 14 for proposed policies changes)
4. Reports
*Voting Items
Sec. 1. The Board of Trustees shall delegate the management of the Cemetery
to a Cemetery Committee whose actions will be subject to the approval of the
Board of Trustees. The Cemetery Committee shall establish complete regulations
for the management and maintenance of the Cemetery. All Cemetery fees shall
be paid in advance.
Sec. 2. The Cemetery Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members, one- third (1/3) to be appointed each year to serve for three (3) years.
Sec. 3. A member of the Congregation shall be entitled to burial in the Cemetery subject to the cost of upkeep, for the members of his immediate family,
that is, the member, the spouse and children who have not reached the age of
twenty-one (21) years.
Sec. 4. The spouse of a deceased member, who has not remarried, and is a
member in good standing of a Jewish Congregation, shall be entitled to be buried in the Cemetery, subject to cost of upkeep.
Sec. 5. The Non-Jewish spouse of a deceased member, who has not remarried
shall be entitled to be buried in the Cemetery, subject to cost of upkeep.
Sec. 6. Any ritual of interment in the Cemetery shall be conducted by a Rabbi or
a member of the Jewish faith. Services by Fraternal Orders may be conducted following the aforementioned ritual, and must be of a non-denominational nature.
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Annual Meeting Agenda:
Sec. 1. The Board of Trustees shall delegate the governance, management and
maintenance of the Beth Israel Congregation Cemetery to a Cemetery Committee whose actions will be subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees. The
Cemetery Committee shall establish complete rules and regulations for the governance, management and maintenance of the Cemetery to be approved and
adopted by the Board of Trustees.
Sec. 2. The Cemetery Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members. Each member shall serve for a minimum of three (3) years.
Sec. 3. A member of the Congregation shall have the right to burial in the Cemetery for the members of his or her immediate family; that is, the member, the
spouse and unmarried children who have not reached the age of twenty-six (26)
years. Burial in the Cemetery shall be subject to the prior payment of the Perpetual Care Fee for each plot reserved.
Sec. 4. The Jewish spouse, of a deceased member, who has not remarried and
whose deceased spouse is buried in the Cemetery, and is a member in good
standing of another Jewish congregation shall be entitled to be buried in the
Cemetery, subject to the reservation of a plot and payment of the Perpetual
Care Fee prior to burial.
Sec. 5. The Jewish spouse of a deceased member, whose deceased spouse
is buried in the Cemetery, who has not remarried and is not a member in good
standing of another Jewish congregation is entitled to burial in the Cemetery subject to the payment of the Perpetual Care Fee for the reservation of a plot and
the payment of the Non-Member Cost prior to burial.
Sec. 6. The Non-Jewish spouse of a deceased member, whose deceased
spouse is buried in the Cemetery, who has a reservation for which the Perpetual
Care Fee has been paid has the right to burial in the Cemetery. However, a subsequent Non-Jewish spouse whose deceased Non-Jewish spouse is buried in the
Cemetery shall not have the right to burial in the Cemetery.
Sec. 7. Any person who was a former member of the Congregation and is a
member in good standing of another Jewish congregation at the time of their
death and for whom a reservation for a plot has been made and for which the
Perpetual Care Fee has been paid has the right to burial in the Cemetery.
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
Annual Meeting Agenda:
Sec. 8. Any person who was a former member of the Congregation and who is
not a member in good standing of another Jewish congregation prior to or at
the time of their death shall pay or have paid on their behalf the Perpetual Care
Fee for the reservation of a plot and the Non-Member Cost in order to have the
right to burial in the Cemetery.
Sec. 9. Any Jewish person who has never been a member of the Congregation, whether they have or have not been a member in good standing of another
Jewish congregation must pay or have paid on their behalf the Perpetual Care
Fee for the reservation of a plot and the Non-Member Cost prior to burial in order
to have the right to burial in the Cemetery.
Sec. 10. In cases of financial duress or for other reasons, as determined by
the Board of Trustees of the Congregation in its sole discretion, the Non-Member
Cost may be waived in whole or in part.
Sec. 11. A Rabbi or a member of the Jewish faith shall conduct any ritual of
interment in the Cemetery. Services by Fraternal Orders may be conducted following the aforementioned ritual, and must be of a non-denominational nature.
“People are accustomed to look at the
Heavens and wonder what happens
there, it would be better if they would
look within themselves, to see what
happens there.
~ Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotsk ~
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
From the Office
• Contributions processed after November 10th will be included in the December issue
of Chailights.
• Reports and articles for the December issue of ChaiLights are due Monday, November
11th. Submissions can be e-mailed to office@bethisraelms.org. Submissions received
after the 10th will be included on a space-available basis. *Please note in the subject
line “(December 2013) ChaiLights submission.”
Dates to Remember
11/1 Shabbat Services • 6:15pm
Men’s Club Dinner • After Service
11/2 Shabbat Services • 9am
Torah Study • 10:15am
11/13Hebrew Hangout • 4:45pm
Hebrew School • 5:15pm
Confirmation Dinner • 5:30pm
Confirmation • 6pm
11/3Religious School • 9:30am
Shalom Group • 7pm
11/4Meals on Wheels • 8:30am
11/14Talmud • Noon
11/15Tot Shabbat • 5pm
Shabbat Services • 6:15pm
11/5Beginning Hebrew • 5:30pm
Biblical Hebrew • 5:30pm
Intro to Judaism • 7pm
11/16 Shabbat Services • 9am
Torah Study • 10:15am
11/6Billy Brumfield •
Hebrew Hangout • 4:45pm
Hebrew School • 5:15pm
Confirmation Dinner • 5:30pm
Confirmation • 6pm
11/7Talmud • Noon
11/8Meals on Wheels • 8:30am
Family Shabbat Grades 5-6 • 6:15pm
11/9 Shabbat Services • 9am
Torah Study • 10:15am
11/10Religious School • 9:30am
Open Budget Meeting • 3pm
Shalom Group • 7pm
11/12Beginning Hebrew • 5:30pm
Biblical Hebrew • 5:30pm
Intro to Judaism • 7pm
11/17Religious School • 9:30am
Book Club • 11am
Pottery Party • Noon- 2pm
Musical Recital at The Blake at Township in Ridgeland • 2pm
JYG Bowling at Fannin Lanes • 4-6pm
11/19Beginning Hebrew • 5:30pm
Biblical Hebrew • 5:30pm
Intro to Judaism • 7pm
11/20Hebrew Hangout • 4:45pm
Hebrew School • 5:15pm
Confirmation Dinner • 5:30pm
Confirmation • 6pm
11/21Talmud • Noon
Monthly Board Meeting • 6pm
11/22 Shabbat Services • 6:15pm
Fall Conclave
cont’d on page 17 ...
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
In Memory of Ralph Daniel Jr.
By: Richard & Arna Miller
In Appreciation of Rabbi Valerie Cohen
By: Lisa Ivshin
In Memory of Nell Weiss
By: Lynn Crystal to the Cemetery Fund
In Appreciation of Rabbi Debra Kassoff
By: Lisa Ivshin
In Memory of Gerald Paul Crystal
Reuel May Jr. DDS to the Library Fund
In Memory of Dora & Murray Leventhal
By: Stuart P. Leventhal, M.D. to the General Fund
In Memory of Nokhim & Nina Ivshin
By: Michael & Lisa Ivshin to the Cemetery Fund
Calendar of Events continued...
11/23 Shabbat Services • 9am
Torah Study • 10:15am
Fall Conclave
11/28Office Closed for Thanksgiving
11/29 Shabbat Services • 6:15pm
11/30 Shabbat Services • 9am
Torah Study • 10:15am
11/24No Religious School
Shalom Group • 7pm
Fall Conclave
11/27No Hebrew School, No Confirmation
“There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a mircale.
The other is as though everything is a miracle”
~ Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotsk ~
5315 Old Canton Road • Jackson, Mississippi, 39211
ph 601.956.6215 • fx 601.952.0895 • www . bethisraelms . org
Founded 1860 — A member of the Union for Reform Judaism,
Serving Reform Congregations in North America
5315 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211
Phone: 601.956.6215 Fax: 601.952.0895
Yahrzeits for November 2013
November 1-2
Elaine Crystal
Harold Gotthelf, Jr.*
Carl Bonas
Thelma Dorfman
November 8-9
Joseph Bernstein
Susan Childs
Harry Draft*
Frances Bass
Meredith Spencer
Ben Weiner*
Edward Prager
Charles Ross
Wolfgang Wernicke*
Estelle Bergman
Samuel Galea
Lillie S. Rouz
Rick Seick
Maurine Wiener
Tessie Levy
Morris Trubman
Morris Zelmon
Jane Levy*
Minnie Louise Nelson
Mollie L. Spitzberg
November 15-16
Mina Kuhnreich Gran
Theadore M.
Charles A. Clarke
Esther Feldman
Timothy Amadee
Sara Chain
Simon Sharp
Stanley P. Shindell*
Martha Thielman
Lena Fine Botnick*
Frances Kast
Ben Kreitman
Jack Shapiro
Marian Docter*
Florence Lehman*
November 22-23
Lester Burgh
Dorothy Hoffman
Myron Buddy Rones
Sadie Bloom
Meyer Lebed
Isidore Lehman*
Maureice Sollek*
Ross Allyn
Howard Fishman
Albert Mitchell*
Saul Grossman
Rae Rozolsky
Stephen Eisman Asher*
Emil Lutfy
Cornelia Prager
Ida Leigh Schwartz
November 29-30
Cleveland Branson
Bernard Lasky
Freda Orkin*
Albert Rosenfield*
Harold Berg
Sidney Goldfarb
Ann Taylor
Sam Korelitz
Melvin Slifkin
Emile Wise
Isadore Draft
Issac Epstein
Lucien Loeb
Leonard Winer
Sarah Lubin Berman*
Maurice Sontheimer