T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS (Mss. 2489, 2510) Inventory Compiled by Anne L. Smith (2000) Revised by Rose Tarbell (2006) and Brad Wiles (2011) Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections Special Collections, Hill Memorial Library Louisiana State University Libraries Baton Rouge, Louisiana T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES CONTENTS OF INVENTORY 3 4-5 5 6-8 9 10-21 22-35 SUMMARY BIOGRAPHICAL/ HISTORICAL NOTE SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE SERIES DESCRIPTION INDEX TERMS CONTAINER LIST APPENDICES Use of manuscript materials. If you wish to examine items in the manuscript group, please fill out a call slip specifying the materials you wish to see. Consult the Container list for local information needed on the call slip. Photocopying. Should you wish to request photocopies, please consult a staff member before segregating items to be copied. The existing order and arrangement of unbound materials must be maintained. Publication. Readers assume full responsibility for compliance with laws regarding copyright, literary property rights, and libel. Permission to examine archival and manuscript materials does not constitute permission to publish. Any publication of such materials beyond the limits of fair use requires specific prior written permission. Requests for permission to publish should be addressed in writing to the Head, LLMVC, Special Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, LA, 708033300. When permission to publish is granted, two copies of the publication will be requested for the LLMVC. Proper acknowledgment of LLMVC materials must be made in any resulting writings or publications. The correct form of citation for this manuscript group is given on the summary page. Copies of scholarly publications based on research in the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections are welcomed. 2 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES SUMMARY Size 40 linear ft.; 76 cassette tapes; 15 volumes Geographic location Louisiana, Wisconsin, and England Inclusive dates 1775, 1861-1980 Bulk dates 1927-1977 Languages English Summary Correspondence, writings, records, research material, literary productions, printed material, photographs, audio/visual material, and scrapbooks relating to noted LSU History Professor and Huey Long biographer, T. Harry Williams. Access Restrictions Reel-to-reel tapes and photograph negatives are not available for patron use without consent of the manuscripts curator. Reproduction Note May be reproduced. Copyright Literary and property rights of the materials are retained by the LSU Libraries. Copyright of other original materials is retained by the creators of the materials or their descendants in accordance with U.S. copyright law. Citation T. Harry Williams Papers, Mss. 2489, 2510, Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections, LSU Libraries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Stack location Range 34, OS:W, Vault, and MF: W 3 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES BIOGRAPHICAL/HISTORICAL NOTE Thomas Harry Williams (1909-1979) was a Professor of History at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, from 1941 until his retirement in May of 1979. A scholar and prolific writer, he authored numerous books, articles, and book reviews. He was a distinguished and popular faculty member and a superb public speaker. He was active in several historical associations and received many awards and honors. Williams was born in Illinois. His mother, Emma Necollins Williams, died before he was two years old. Soon after her death, T. Harry Williams and his father, William D. Williams, moved to Hazel Green, Wisconsin to live with his paternal grandparents. In 1952, T. Harry Williams married Estelle Skolfield Williams. He had one stepdaughter, Mai Frances Doles. He received his early education in the local schools of Hazel Green, Wisconsin. In 1931 he received a bachelor’s degree in education from Platteville State Teachers College, Wisconsin. Unable to find a teaching job, he entered graduate school that year at the University of Wisconsin to study history. While at the University of Wisconsin, he studied under William B. Hesseltine and earned at Master’s degree (1932) and Ph.D. (1937) in history. Williams began teaching history in the Extension Department of the University of Wisconsin in 1936. He then taught at the University of Omaha from 1938 until 1941. He began teaching at Louisiana State University in the fall of 1941. Williams was awarded the title of Boyd Professor in 1953. He was an enthusiastic and stimulating classroom lecturer and spoke to overflow crowds of students. In 1979 the L.S.U. Board of Supervisors established the T.Harry Williams Chair of American History. In that same year, the T. Harry Williams Scholarship Fund was created. Among his many academic honors were; Doctor of Law, Northland College (1953); Guggenheim Fellow (1957); Doctor of Letters, Bradley University (1959); Harry S. Truman Award in Civil War History (1964); Harmsworth Professor of American History, Queen’s College, Oxford England (1966-1967); Doctor of Humane Letters, Loyola University (1974); and Doctor of Humane Letters, Tulane University (1979). He described himself as a “narrative historian,” meaning he wrote and lectured for the general reader and listener. His first book, Lincoln and the Radicals, was published by the University of Wisconsin Press in 1941. Williams published more than fifteen books from 1941 until 1979. Two books were published after his death. In 1969, Williams received much acclaim for his book, Huey Long. In this book he used the new research technique of oral history. Williams was awarded the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Huey Long. Williams served as President of the Southern Historical Association (1958-1959) and Organization of American Historians (1972-1973). He was a guest lecturer at numerous colleges, universities, historical associations, and Civil War Round Tables. 4 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE The T. Harry Williams Papers includes correspondence, writings, records, research material, literary productions, printed material, photographs, and audio/visual material from Thomas Harry Williams (1909-1979), author and professor of history at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, La. The correspondence documents his personal and professional activities and associations. Personal family letters are included as well as correspondence of his wife Estelle Williams. There is a series of correspondence that reveals Williams’ research efforts on his Pulitzer Prize-winning book Huey Long. Other writings include articles, speeches, and reviews, primarily by Williams, but other authors as well. As a scholar and writer Williams gathered a great deal of research material including manuscripts, notes, notecards, clippings on topics such as the Civil War and its major figures, U.S. history, military history, and Louisiana Governor and Senator Huey Long. Included is Williams’ collection of oral history interviews related to Huey Long. Other literary productions include handwritten manuscripts, typescripts, page proofs, galley proofs, and sample pages, along with notes and corrections by Williams and various editors. The printed materials in the collection include programs, publications, and numerous maps reflective of Williams’s research topics and professional engagements. The photograph section includes carte de visites, personal and professional photographs, images used as book illustrations, and several documenting the Huey Long era. Fifteen scrapbooks contain publicity materials, reviews of his books, and information about speaking engagements, travels, awards, and congratulatory letters to Williams. The Audio/Visual materials include a 16mm film strip of Williams, reel-to-reel master tapes of oral history interviews, speeches, and presentations, and copies of these items for public use. 5 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES SERIES LIST AND DESCRIPTIONS Series I. Correspondence, 1926-1980, undated (8 linear feet) The Correspondence series is divided into seven subseries as follows: Subseries A. Personal and Professional correspondence reflect his academic career and relationships with friends, colleagues, and students. Included are letters from Stephen E. Ambrose, Oliver P. Carriere, William B. Hesseltine, Warren L. Jones, and Charles L. Dufour. Letters from United States Presidents include: John F. Kennedy (2/11/1957), Harry Truman (11/19/1959, 2/24/1964), and Lyndon B. Johnson (5/15/1965). Originals of these letters are housed in the vault and copies are filed by date. Subseries B. Publications are primarily comprised of correspondence with editors of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., and other publishing companies. In addition, it contains correspondence from Richard N. Current and Frank Freidel, co-authors of the textbook A History of the U.S. Subseries C. Professional Organizations record Williams’ involvement and contribution to the Southern History Association and Organization of American Historians. He held the office of president in SHA and OAH and was a founding member of Friends of LSU Libraries. Subseries D. Awards include correspondence with the Guggenheim Foundation, an award which he used to research the book, Huey Long. Also included is correspondence related to the Pulitzer Prize, the National Book Award, and his stay in England as the Harmsworth Professor of American History at Oxford University. Subseries E. Miscellaneous contains correspondence related to his suspension from the University of Wisconsin, due to a controversial lecture on Abraham Lincoln. Subseries F. Huey P. Long correspondence reflect his early research efforts, included are letters to potential candidates for oral history interviews and letters from individuals knowledgeable of Huey Long . Also included are copies and original letters of Huey Long. Correspondence with Russell Long reflects his relationship with Williams and his assistance with the biography of his father, Huey Long. Harley Bozeman was a childhood friend of Huey Long and assisted Williams in his research, providing a great deal of background information. Subseries G. Estelle Williams, wife of T. Harry Williams, contains her personal and professional correspondence. She assisted Williams in his research and oversaw the publications of two books after his death. The family correspondence is comprised of 6 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES letters from family members including his father, William D. Williams. Series II. Writings, 1924-1979, undated (2 linear feet) This series contains his early academic writings; high school and college term papers and a copy of his M.A. thesis. Also contained are numerous articles, reviews, reports, by Williams as well as colleagues and students. Contained are notes and transcriptions of speeches and lectures. Topics include: Huey Long, Lyndon Johnson, oral history, LSU and various history courses. (Note: The Audio/Visual series contains audio recordings of select speeches and presentations from this series). Series III. Records, 1944, 1952-1979 (0.25 linear feet) These records reflect his participation in various organizations. Williams was president of SHA and OHA. He was appointed to the Louisiana Civil War Centennial Commission and to the Louisiana Bicentennial Commission. Also contained are records from his Pulitzer Prize Award and an NEH. grant. Personal records include a military draft registration and royalty statements. Series IV. Research Materials, 1986-1890, undated (5 linear feet) This series is comprised of notecards, notes, clippings, originals and copies of manuscripts (diaries, correspondence, & documents). The notecards, notes, and clippings cover various historical topics, such as; Civil War, major civil war figures, U.S. History, and military history. Copies and transcripts of diaries and correspondence are included along with two original letters and two original documents; George Trent letter (1869), Gen. B.F. Butler letter (1861), Union Order (1861) and Grimes document (1890). This series also contains several boxes of research file cards on Lyndon Baines Johnson. Series V. Research Materials. Huey P. Long, 1952-1966, undated (4 linear feet) This series reflects Williams’s accumulation of material on Long. Included are notecards, notes, clippings covering a wide variety of topics including his childhood, family, elections, assassination, and funeral. Also included are speeches by Long. Legal documents and records include two items relating to Public Service Commission and Standard Oil Company, military registration, Win or Lose Inc., succession of Long, and scholastic records from the University of Oklahoma and Tulane. Miscellaneous contains microfilm copies from Duke University of the following manuscript collections: Huey P. Long Papers, Irby Papers, Socialist Party of America Papers, and Harry Slattery Papers. Oral history interview transcripts are also found in this series. Williams sometimes referred to these as confidential communications. There are 235 identified interviews, filed alphabetically and listed in Appendix B. (Note: The Audio/Visual series contains select audio recordings of interviews from this series) Series VI. Literary Productions, 1951-1980, undated (7 linear feet) This series contains manuscripts (handwritten pages by Williams), typescripts, page proofs, galley proofs, and sample pages of his books published from 1951 until 1980. It also includes literary productions of the two books published after his death with notes and corrections by 7 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Estelle Williams. Additionally it contains other manuscript and publication materials that were originally accessioned as the Thomas Harry Williams Manuscripts, Mss. 1964, 2158. These are housed in Box 36. Series VII. Printed Material, 1775, 1861-1970 (4 linear feet) This series contains programs, publications, prints, numerous maps, newspapers, journals, broadsides, and illustrations. Also included are two interviews of T. Harry Williams. Printed items related to Huey Long are segregated and are comprised of the following; publications, articles, journals, sheet music, election material, cartoons, broadsides, and maps. In addition, there is a coroner’s inquest of Weiss and genealogical chart of the Long family. Series VIII. Photographs, ca. 1861-1864, 1890, ca. 1913-1969 (0.5 linear feet) Included in this series are carte de visites, personal and professional photographs, Huey Long photographs, as well as photographs related to Long. There are thirty carte de vistes, most are identified and a few are produced by Baton Rouge photographers. A detailed list of these can be found in the container list. Personal and professional photographs include images used in Williams’ books as well as friends and colleagues. The majority of the Long photographs are from the Louisiana State Museum Collection. A detailed list of Long photographs can be found in Appendix C. Series IX. Scrapbooks, 1951-1979, undated (4 linear feet) This series is comprised of fifteen scrapbooks, documenting the publicity and reviews of his books, speaking engagements, travels, and awards. Scapbooks XI, XII, XIII, and XV contain letters to Williams. Series X. Audio/Visual, 1952-1966, undated (3 linear feet) This series includes a 16mm film strip of Williams and master reel to reel tapes. Duplications of these tapes are found in Series II and V 8 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES INDEX TERMS Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Ambrose, Stephen E., b. 1936 Bozeman, Harley Carriere, Oliver P. Current, Richard N., Dufour, Charles L Freidel, Frank Hesseltine, William B., 1902-1963 Johnson, Lyndon B., 1908-1973 Jones, Warren L., Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963 Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935 Long, Huey Pierce, 1893-1935--Assassination. Long, Russell B., b.1918 Louisiana Bicentennial Commission Louisiana Civil War Centennial Commission Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Louisiana--Politics and government--1865-1950 National Book Award Oral history Organization of American Historian Pulitzer Prize Southern Historical Association Truman, Harry, 1884-1972 United State--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 United States--History Williams, Estelle Skolfield, 1908-1999 Williams, T. Harry (Thomas Harry), 1909-1979 9 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES CONTAINER LIST Location Range 34 Box 1 2 3 4 5 8 6 7 8 Folder Contents 1-46 1-58 1-37 1-31 1-24 33-34 Series I. Correspondence Subseries A. Personal and Professional 1927-1960 1961-1965 1966-1970 1971-1975 1976-1979, undated Family, 1950-1979, undated 1-34 1-12 Subseries B. Publications 1947-1965 1966-1975, 1978 13-16 17-21 22-26 27-31 32 33 34 Subseries C. Professional Organizations Louisiana Civil War Centennial, 1958-1965 Civil War Associations, 1954-1979, undated Southern Historical Association, 1955-1977, undated Organization of American Historians, 1970-1973 Ulysses S. Grant Association, 1963-1978 Louisiana Bicentennial Commission, 1971-1972, undated Friends of LSU Libraries, 1962-1975, undated 1 2 3-5 6 7 8 Subseries D. Awards Guggenheim, 1951-1954 Social Studies Research Council, 1955 Pulitzer Prize, 1970-1979, undated National Book Award, 1970-1971 National Endowment for Humanities, 1967-1977, undated Harmsworth Professor of American History, University of Oxford, 1965-1970 9 Subseries E. Miscellaneous University of Wisconsin, 1936 10-14 15-16 Subseries F. Huey P. Long Research General, 1861, 1926-1935, 1956, 1957-1970 Huey P. Long, 1920-1933, undated 10 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box 9 10 Folder Contents 17-19 20-21 Russell B. Long, 1955-1970 Harley B. Bozeman, 1961-1969 22-30 31 32 Subseries G. Estelle Williams Personal and Professional, 1955-1980 Knopf Publishing, 1970-1980 Time, 1962-1963, undated 1 2-5 6-32 33-44 45 46 47 48 1-11 12-44 45-50 51-67 10 11 11 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES 68-69 70-71 72-73 74-89 1-17 18 19 20-21 22 23 24 25 Series II. Writings M.A. Thesis: Benjamin F. Wade, 1932 High School and College term papers, 1924-1936 Articles, 1955-1976, undated (See appendix A) Reviews, 1923, 1955-1957, 1959-1978, undated Forwards and Introductions, undated Reports, 1969-1978, undated Critiques and Comments, undated Miscellaneous, undated Articles, 1962-1963, undated (See appendix A). Articles by various students and colleagues, 1904-1979, undated Speeches and Lectures on Huey P. Long, 1967, 1972-1973, undated Speeches and Lectures on the Civil War, 1961, 1965, 1974, 1976, undated Speeches and Lectures on Oral History, 1973, undated Speeches and Lectures on Lyndon Johnson, 1978, undated Speeches and Lectures on LSU, 1977, undated Speeches and Lectures on various topics, 1967-1978, undated Class Lectures and Notes, undated Speech by Stephen Ambrose: “T. Harry Williams Scholarship Fund, ” 1979 Series III. Records Southern Historical Association, 1957-1960 Organization of American Historians, 1972 Louisiana Civil War Centennial Commission, 1959-1964, undated Louisiana Bicentennial Commission, 1971 Pulitzer Prize, 1978-1979 National Endowment for the Humanities, 1972-1974 11 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box 12 13 14 15 38-44 16 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 26 Legal, Financial & Miscellaneous, 1944, 1952-1962 10 11 12 13 14 15 Series IV. Research Materials Beauregard Lincoln Lincoln Grant Hayes Romance & Realism Confederate States of America Civil War U.S. History U.S. History Military History Lyndon B. Johnson file cards Cora E. Watson diary, 1864-1865 (copies) W.P. Chamberlin diary, 1863 (copies) N.K. Nichols diary, 1862 (typescript) W.L. Cage, 1861-1863 (typescript) Z. Chandler, 1861-1863 (typescript) Grant, 1862-1865 (copies) Hayes, 1862-1870, undated (typescript); Capt. John Johnson, 1863 (typescript); Beauregard, 1864 (typescript) George Trent, 1869; Gen. B.F. Butler, 1862 Union Order, 1861; Civil War Poem, undated (typescript); Sheet Music, 1861 (copy); Grimes Document, June 29, 1890. Hayes Military History Confederate States of America Unification Romance & Realism Civil War 16-21 22 23-24 25-27 28-29 30 Series V. Research Materials. Huey P. Long Early years to 1929 & Winn Parish Salesman, Oklahoma, & Tulane Early years-Law Public Service Commission Election of 1924 & 1928 Governorship 1928-1932 & Impeachment 1-22 23-35 1-8 9-12 13-33 1-5 6-14 15-20 21-38 1-16 17-32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box 17 18 27 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 31 1 2 3-4 5 6-7 8 9 10-11 12 13 14-15 16 17-19 20-22 23 24 1-3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-28 29 35-36 Impeachment Impeachment Governorship 1930-1933 Election as Senator 1930 Arkansas Campaign (Aug. 1932). Overton Election & Hearing Democratic Convention 1932 1930-1933. Election 1932 Senator Hoover Share Our Wealth Allen, Leche, Parker, & Overton Every Man A King 1933 & New Orleans Election (1934) Special Session 1934 & 1934 Fournet Election 1934 Congress 1935 Congress 1935 & 1935 New Orleans Election (Sept. 1935) Special Session 1935 Surrender of O.R. 1935, Choice for 1936 Martial Law in Baton Rouge (Jan. 1935) Shusmann Plan for 1936 Assassination LSU Personal Habits Education & Literacy American Progress Political Techniques & Local Machine Demagogue Alice Lee Grojean Tharpe & Lucille May Grace Financial Interest Oratory Guards Politics Race Louisiana Programs Miscellaneous Longview Daily News (1935) Cardfile of informants 13 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box 27 19 MF:W Range 34 Folder Contents 37 38 39 40 41 HPL speech at Alexandria, undated (transcript) HPL speech at Shreveport, undated (transcript) “Poison to the Sick...”, undated (original handwritten) Legal Documents, 1923, 1934, 1936-1937 Records from University of Oklahoma and Tulane University, 1914, 1915 A-W list of interviewees and unidentified interviews, 19521966 (See Appendix B for list of names) Copies of manuscript collections from Duke University 1-167 Reel 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES 1-5 6 7 8-22 1 7-10 11-12 13 14-26 1 2-3 4-19 1-20 1-4 5 6-10 11 12 13-18 1-5 6 7 8-9 10 11-19 1-9 10-12 13 14 Series VI. Literary Productions “Lincoln & His Generals” (typescript) “Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray” (typescript) “With Beauregard in Mexico” (typescript) “History of the U. S. (Vol. I & II)” (typescript & page proof) “Americans at War” (typescript) “American History” (page proof & galley proof) “McClellan, Sherman, and Grant” (typescript & page proof) “Military Memoirs of a Confederate” (typescript) “Life History of the U.S.” (typescript) “Hayes The Diary…” (typescript & sample pages) “Hayes of the Twenty-Third” (typescript) “Huey P. Long” (typescript) “History of American Wars” (typescript & page proof) “History of American Wars” (page proof) “Lincoln and the Radicals” (manuscript) “P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray” (manuscript) “With Beauregard in Mexico” (typescript) “History of the U.S.” (manuscript) “Americans at War” (manuscript) “American History” (galley proof) “McClellan, Sherman, and Grant” (manuscript) “Military Memoirs of a Confederate” (manuscript) “Life History of the U.S.” (manuscript) “Hayes The Diary...” (manuscript) “Huey P. Long” (layout & manuscript) “Huey P. Long” (manuscript & galley proof) “The History of American Wars” (manuscript & page proof) “The History of American Wars” (Estelle William’s notes) “The Selected Essays of T. Harry Williams” (page proof) 14 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Box Folder Contents 36 1-5 6-8 9 10-12 13 14 15-18 “Lincoln and His Generals” (typescript) “Lincoln and His Generals” (galley proofs) “Lincoln and His Generals” (plate proof) “Romance and Realism” (manuscript) “The American Civil War” (typescript) “The American Civil War” (manuscript) “History of the U.S.” Chapter XXI-XL (manuscript) 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OS:W Range 34 2 27 OS:W 1 12 13 4 14 Series VII. Printed Material Programs; Civil War Organizations, 1957-1965 Programs; SHA, 1957-1959 Programs; OAH, 1973 Programs & Miscellaneous, 1941, 1960-62, 1970, 1976, 1979, undated Publications; Louisiana Civil War Centennial Commission, 1961, undated “The New Cambridge Modern History,” 1957, undated “T. Harry Williams, A Biographical Sketch,” 1970 “T. Harry Williams Memoir,” 1970 (Interview of Williams) “Influences on the Civil War,” undated (Interview of Williams) Pulitzer Prize, 1970, 1977, 1978 Commencement Programs (1889, 1892) and newspaper clippings relating to suspension from University of Wisconsin Prints; Civil War Uniforms & U.S. Grant Home, undated Prints; Civil War Officers, undated Prints: Civil War Officers, undated Battlefield of Cedar Creek, 1964 (5 items) Battlefield of Winchester, Virginia, 1964 (2 items) Battlefield of Fisher Hill, 1862 (2 items) Battle of Lynchburg, Virginia, 1964 Map of Gauley Bridge Region, undated Map of Situation in Latter Half of West Virginia, 1861 Map of Shenandoah Valley, by J. V. Glumer, undated The Battle of The Opequion, 1964 Photograph of Map of Virginia, undated Map of the Battlefield of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1963 (topographical/3 dimensional) Fairfield, Pennsylvania, 1950 (topographical/3 dimensional) Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 1950 (topographical/3 15 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box OS:W Folder OS:1 OS:2 OS:W OS:W OS:2 OS:3 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Contents dimensional) Lloyd’s Map of the Lower Mississippi River from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico, by J.T. Lloyd, 1862 New Map of Mobile Showing the Rebel Stronghold in the Gulf, by G.W. Tomlinson, 1863 Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania, 1951 (notes by Williams) Map of Manassas Junction of Roads to Forts on Bull Run & Occoquan River, Camp Pickens, Virginia, June 12, 1861 (photocopy) Area of Charleston, South Carolina, undated Economic Map of the South 1860, undated Floyd’s Battle with Tyler, undated (from Rutherford B. Hayes Library) Battle of Fisher Hill, Carnifix Ferry, Cedar Creek., Buffington Island, Battle of Lynchburg, Theater Map of West Virginia, Battle of Opequon, Cloyds Mountain, Theater Map of Kanawha Valley, Shenandoah Valley, 1861, 1864, undated Battlefield of Winchester, Virginia, 1864 Civil War in Louisiana, 1861-1865 (by Louisiana Civil War Centennial Commission) Campaigns of the Civil War in the Valley of History, by the Potomac Edison Co., undated Civil War Historical Sites, 1960 Civil War Centennial Map of Washington D.C., undated Official 1961 Alabama Highway Map, 1961 Commemorative Map Campaigns of the Civil War, 1961 Massachusetts Son, May 3, 1775 (facsimile) New York Tribune, May 27, 1861 The Portage County Democrat, June 17, 1863 Frank Leslie’s Pictorial History of the War of 1861 (no. 12 & 19), undated Awards & Citations, 1933-1970 Charcoal Sketch of Williams, undated Broadside: “An Evening with T. Harry & Huey,” undated Gettysburg Address (facsimile) Emancipation Proclamation (facsimile) Lincoln Letter, 1862 (facsimile) Broadside: “A History of the U.S. 2nd Revised Edition,” 1966 16 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box OS:W 2 Range 34 27 OS:W 2 Folder Contents 15-22 23-25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1 2 Broadside: Civil War Centennial, undated “The Year was 1856" (image of Lincoln) “Leaders of the Confederacy” Currier & Ives Engravings “Union & Confederate Commanders” “The Correspondents of Port Hudson” "The Railsplitters for the Presidential Campaign of 1860" “Battle of Baton Rouge” “Troop Movements at the Battle of Cold Harbor 1864" “Man for the Ages (Lincoln)” Articles relating to Long, 1932, 1933, 1935, 1948 Journals with articles relating to Long, 1932, 1934, 1935 Sheet Music, 1934-1935 Election Material, 1932 Programs and Brochures, 1932, 1935, 1936, 1939, undated Office letterhead, undated, and Christmas card, 1929 Cartoons and Drawings, 1923, 1933-1935, undated Inaugural Publication, 1936 “Louisiana Conservation Review,” 1935 Memorial Address, 1936 Coroner’s Inquest of Dr. Carl A. Weiss, 1935 Broadsides, 1923, 1927, 1932, 1933, 1935, undated Journals: Saturday Evening Post (Oct. 15, 1932), Today (Aug. 4, 1934), Collier’s (Jan. 19, 1935). The Kingdom of the Kingfish (Collection of articles compiled by C. Arthur Provost) undated Map of Louisiana, 1933 Map of Louisiana, 1930 Map of Winn Parish, Louisiana, 1948 “Declaration of Independence of the Minute Men of Louisiana,” 1935 Long Family Genealogical Chart, undated Articles on Long from University of Illinois 3 OS:W MF:W Range 34 OS:3 Reel 2 28 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES 1 Series VIII. Photographs Cartes de visites (numbered) 1. Uncle Gaudy 2. G.R. Bullock of Kentucky (with two cent orange stamp) 3. Robinson (with two cent orange stamp) 4. A. Pike. 17 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Folder Contents 1a. 2 4a. Robert E. Lee 5. Kirby Smith 6. Capt. Harry Gentles & Phillip Stephens (Lytle photo) 7. Polk 8. Gen. Hill 9. Jeff Davis 10. M. Price 11. J. Wilkes Booth 12. H.F. Lee 13. Stonewall Jackson 14. Illegible (New Orleans, La.) 15. Bragg 16. Semmes 17. Hardee 18. Sterling Price 19. Jeb Stuart 20-21. Unidentified (Keddy & Shepper photo) 22. Lew (Lytle photo) 23. Unidentified (Keddy & Shepper photo) 24. Unidentified (Bogel & Shepper photo) 25-31. Unidentified Book Illustrations Book Illustrations (Hayes) Home in Wisconsin, Harley Bozeman, Stephen Ambrose & Dwight Eisenhower, Williams & Joe Lipaey, Williams & group Items removed from correspondence & unidentified photos Photos of Civil War engravings & guns Huey P. Long Family, Misc., & Funeral (See appendix C for detailed list) Riverside Press Louisiana State Museum; Caraway, bridge, & funeral Louisiana State Museum; Individual & family Louisiana State Museum; Impeachment & Overton Hearings Louisiana State Museum; Miscellaneous Negatives [RESTRICTED] Long funeral/La. State Capitol (tinted) 3 4 5 6 29 OS:W 2 29 7-8 1-4 5-6 7 8 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15-16 OS:W 1 Range 34 30 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES 1 Series IX. Scrapbooks Scrapbook I (1951-1952); contains clippings, printed 18 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Folder 2-4 5 6 7 8 31 1-4 5 OS:W Range 34 3-4 32 1 2 3-5 OS:W 5 6 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Contents material, and letters to Williams regarding his book, Lincoln and His Generals. Scrapbook II (1955-1959); contains clippings, printed material, ephemera, and letters to Williams regarding his book, P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray Scrapbook III (1960); contains clippings, printed material, and memos to Williams regarding his book, Americans at War. Scrapbook IV (1962); contains photographs, clippings, and ephemera related to the Airforce Academy’s Harmon Memorial Lecture, Colorado Springs, Co. Scrapbook V (1960-1973); contains letters to Williams regarding two publications, Huey, Lyndon and Southern Radicalism and The Gentleman From Louisiana. Scrapbook VI (1972-1979); contains miscellaneous photographs, biographical data on Williams, clippings, and letters concerning speaking engagements. Scrapbook VII (1966-1967); contains travel documents, receipts, photographs, correspondence, printed material, ephemera related to Williams’ voyage on the RMS Queen Mary and his stay in Oxford, England as Harmsworth Professor. Scrapbook VIII (1973); contains correspondence, printed material, ephemera related to OAH Scrapbook IX (1950-1960); contains clippings, photographs, ephemera, and printed material regarding his book, Lincoln and His Generals and Americans At War. Also, contains materials relating to Phi Alpha Theta, speaking engagements, and historical organizations. Scrapbook X (1969-1970); contains congratulatory telegrams regarding Williams’ book, Huey Long. Scrapbook XI (1969-1970); contains clippings, printed material, and letters regarding his book, Huey Long. Scrapbook XII (1960-1973); contains letters to Williams regarding his Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and his book, Huey Long. Scrapbook XIII (1969-1970); contains clippings, printed material, ephemera, and letters to Williams regarding his book, Huey Long. Scrapbook XIV (undated); contains original newspapers, and 19 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Range 34 Box 32 33 34 35 37 45 Folder 6 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Contents clippings (1931-1935) and political broadsides relating to Huey Long, compiled by Williams. Scrapbook XV (1979); contains letters to Williams regarding his retirement. Series X. Audio/Visual 16mm film of Williams Williams Speeches & Long Speeches cassette tapes (User Copies) Oral History Interview cassette tapes (User Copies) Oral History Interview reel-to-reel tapes [RESTRICTED-use cassettes] Williams Speeches & Long Speeches cassette tapes (Remastered Originals) [RESTRICTED--use cassettes] Williams Speeches & Long Speeches reel-to-reel tapes [RESTRICTED--use cassettes] 20 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Appendix A Series II. Writings (Note: Unless otherwise indicated, the author is T. Harry Williams) Location Box Folder Content Range 34 9 6 7 “Freeman the Man,” 1955 Louisiana Civil War Centennial material, 1961 “The Civil War in Louisiana: A Chronology,” Williams and A. Otis Hebert “A Prospectus for A History of American Military Affairs,” Williams and Otis A. Singletary, 1961 Untitled article by Hessetine, 1963 “The American Civil War,” 1966 “Negroes in the Civil War,” 1973 Untitled article on Beauregard, 1975 “That Strange Sad War,” 1976 Untitled article on the Civil War, undated Untitled article on Grant, undated “P.G.T. Beauregard, undated “Beauregard at Shiloh, undated “Reconstruction,” undated “Lincoln, The Commander In Chief,” undated “Badger Colonels,” undated “The Civil War,” undated “H.H. Humphreys,” undated “The Bou Rubin,” undated “Military Leaders Tried by Fire in Kentucky,” undated “The Opening of the Kentucky Gate,: undated “Turmoil in Washington,” undated Untitled article on G. A. Custer, undated Untitled article on Lincoln, undated Untitled article on the Revolution, undated “Huey Long and the Politics of Realism,” undated Untitled article on Long, undated “America Goes to War,” undated 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 21 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box 10 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Content 32 1 2 3 4 5 “Politics of the Longs,” undated “Major Crisis in American History,” 1962 “Trends in Southern Politics,” 1963 Untitled article on Charles P. Stone, undated “Return of Jomini,” undated “Huey Long and the Problems of Our Time,” undated Untitled article on Long, undated Articles of Encyclopedia Americana & World Book “Two War Leaders; Lincoln and Davis,” undated “Grants Terms of Surrender,” undated “The Afterlife,” undated “Huey Long and the Politics of Realism,” undated “The Civil War Letters of William L. Cage,” undated “The Reluctant Warrior; The Diary of N. K. Nichols,” undated 6 7 8 9 10 11 22 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Appendix B Series IV. Research Materials. Huey P. Long Oral History Interview Transcripts (Note: The asterisk* indicates audio cassette of interview is available) Location Box Folder Contents Range 34 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Alexander, Will (1952) Alford, W.C. (4/1/1960) Anders, D.J. (1/19/1960) Angelle, Robert (4/27/1963) Appel, John G. (5/28/1958, 6/15/1963) Austin, Gene (11/14/1958) Bahan, L.P. (12/15/1956) Baker, Bonnie V. (11/3/1959) Baker, Guy (4/12/1960) Barham, C.C. (4/12/1960) Bauer, R. Norman (5/4/1962) Beckcom, George E. (8/7/1957) Bernard, Vivian (3/23/1960) Blackshear, David (6/27/1957 Blanche, Fred (519/1961) Bledsoe, Samuel B. (1954) Boone, William C. (6/3/1960) Bourg, E.J. (7/16/1963) Bowman, Sidney (2/20/1961) Bozeman, Harley (1/7/1959 & 2/9/1961) Brashears, John P. (undated) Bradford, B.W. (2/11/1961) Brooks, Overton (4/16/1960) Brothers, Robert (7/19/1958) Broussard, Alton (5/4/1960) Broussard, J.C. (10/3/1960) Buie, Jim (1/20/1960) *Burns, Francis (7/8/1957) Burns, James T. (6/1/1960) 23 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Burton, William T. (4/3/1961) Butler, W.E. (5/18/1960) Caraza, Castro (3/26/1961) Carriere, Ike (9/19/1961) Carriere, Oliver (5/29/1961) Carson, W.P. (10/30/1956) Cawthorn, Joe (5/5/1960) Christenberry, Earle J. (7/11/1957) Clements, Ernest (3/29/1960) Cleveland, William (12/18/1962) Cohn, Isidore (6/18/1963) Cole, David (4/4/1960) Cole, W. Clegg (4/11/1960) Coleman, Elliott (1/21/1960) Comiskey, James E. (7/1/1957) Cooper, W.A. (7/16/1963) Copeland, R.S. (6/27/1957) *Corbin, Carl (6/27/1957) Coverdale, Milton (1/8/1960) Craddock, Perry (2/20/1961) Dalfers, A. Wilmot (10/20/1962) David, Joseph B. (6/25/1957) Davidson, Charlie (3/23/1960) Davis, Harry (7/16/1957) Davis, Lottie (Mrs. R.W.) (4/11/1960) DeArmond, Johnny (10/1/1959) Delatte, Norbert (6/28/1962) Dent, Fred (9/7/1961) Deutsch, Herman (1/21/1961) *Digby, Fred (6/22/1957) Dillion, William (7/10/1960) Dodd, William J. (5/9/1960) Doles, John (12/31/1956) Domengeaux, James (6/18/1960) Doucet, D.J. (3/28/1960) Dugas, Bobbie (6/28/1962) 24 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Dugas, Felix (2/1/1961) Dugas, Pat (3/23/1960) Dugas, Waldo (5/4/1960) Dunbar, Charles E. (7/18/1957) Ellender, Allen J. (5/29/1966) Erskine, G.E. (2/12/1960) Everett, Mrs. George (3/23/1960) Favrot, St. Clair (2/11/1960) Fields, Harvey (1/18/1960) *Fisher, Joe (7/10/1957) (see also folder 19:62) *Fleming, Ray (6/25/1957) Fleury, John & Fisher, Joe (3/13/1961) Flowers, Paul (10/29/1956) Foshee, W.S. (4/19/1965) Fournet, Jack (5/5/1965) Foster, Richard (6/18/1963) *Fournet, John B. (7/4/1957) *Frampton, Chick (or Charles) (6/24/1957) Francis, Fred (4/21/1960) Frazar, Lether (10/22/1958) *Frey, Fred C. (2/2/1957) Fruge, J. Cleveland (4/1/1960) *Gamble, Harry (/12/1957) Gardiner, Lessley (6/10/1963) Gary, Leon (12/10/1960) Gilbert, Harry (1/19/1960) Ginsberg, George (10/13/1959) Gleason, Ira (12/26/1956) Gottlieb, Lewis (7/23/1963) Guerre, Louis F. (6/23/??) Guillory, Isom (3/28/1960) Haas, Dave (4/10/1963) Habans, Paul (10/24/1960) Haggerty, Edward A. (7/16/1957) Hamlin, Walter (7/2/1957) Hanks, Ruby (Mrs.) (2/10/1961) 25 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Hargrove, F. Leonard (3/15/1960) Hood, John T. (Judge) (4/3/1961) Howell, Roland B. (5/22/1965) Hughes, H. Lester (3/18/1960) Hunt, Lucille (Mrs. Stewart) (4/11/1960) Hunt, (Mrs.) (4/11/1960) Hunter, Robert A. (3/14/1960) Jones, Lawrence M. (12/281961) Jones, Louie, A. (3/2/1962) Jones, Robert D. (12/19/1960) Jones, Sam H. (4/3/1961) Jordan, Harrison (10/26/1959) Kavanaugh, M.J. (4/12/1960) Kidd, Shelby (10/27/1959) Kilpatrick, A.K. (1/8/1960) Knott, Mrs. W.M. (4/18/1960) Kohn, Marion (3/4/1966) Krock, Arthur (1950) Labbe, Donald (5/4/1960) *Landry, Theohile (7/10/1957) Lant, Norman (3/25/1966) Larcade, Henry (7/29/1958) Larcade, W.W. (7/29/1958) Lautenschlaeger, Lester (7/9/1957) Lawrence, Rolo C. (10/14/1959) *Leche, Richard W. (6/30/1957, 1/30/1960, 4/4/1960) Long, Earl L. (8/28/1960) Long, Julius (7/23/1959) Long, Otho (2/10/1961) Long, Rose McConnell (Mrs. Huey P.) (3/17/1960) *Long, Russell (11/26/1956) Lorio, Cecil (4/19/1965) Maines, George (11/14/1958) *Maloney, Paul (6/26/1957) Manetta, Manuel (7/1958) *Manning, Frank (7/1/??) 26 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 Marchand, Sidney (7/28/1962) McConnell (3/14/1960) McFarland, Rose Long (8/25/1961) McGuire, Dave (7/111957) McSween, John H. (10/14/1959) Mehaffey, James (11/2/1959 Mickal, Abe (7/18/1957) Middleton, Troy H. (9/28/1961) Milam, Matt (2/11/1961) Mitchell (undated) Mitchell, Harry Leland (1957) Montet, Numa (12/20/1960) Morgan, Cecil (3/12/1965) Morse, Sen. Wayne (3/4/1962) Mouton, Edgar (5/5/1960) Noe, James K. (12/31/1956) Nuckolls, John (12/31/1956) Nugent, Jess (1/25/1957) *Oakes, E.J. (6/25/1957) *O’Connor, James P. (6/28/1957) Odom, Fred (Judge) (1/7/1960) Odom, Frank (5/21/1958) Oglesby, R.W. (Judge) (2/10/1961) O’Neil, Robert (Judge) (3/15/1960) Overton, Ada Ruth (Mrs. John) (10/12/1959) Parrott, Mrs. Robert (10/13/1959) Peck, Wilson J. (5/5/1960) *Pegues, W.C. (1/29/1957) Pell, Herbert C. (1951) *Peltier, Harvey (3/3/1960) *Pereira, George E. (7/8/1957) Perez, Leander (5/28/1961) Peterman, Frank (10/13/1959) Petrie, James (3/23/1960) Peyton, Rupert (1/28/1958) Picciola, Marc (8/23/1961) 27 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Folder Contents 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 19 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Pierson, Mrs. Clarence (10/13/1959) Pierson, Robert H. (10/12/1959) Planche, Maurice (6/1/1960) Polmer, Irvin F. (11/20/1960) Ponder, Amos L. (Judge) (7/14/1958) Porterier, Gaston (10/13/1959) Prophit, Robert L. (1/7/1959) Provost, C. Arthur (5/6/1960) Quaw, Gene (6/27/1961) Rabby, Carlos (10/28/1959) Rabenhorst, Harry (7/3/1963) Racivitch, Herve (5/29/1961) Rappelet, A.O. (3/5/1963) Reggie, Edmund T. (5/6/1960) *Reyer, George (7/15/1957) *Rivet, Charles J. (6/7/1959) Roberts, Jesse (2/10/1961) Robertson, Edward S. (2/10/1965) Roden, Murphy (9/25/1961) Rodgers, Cleveland (1950) Rottbone, M.J. (2/11/1966) Roy, Col. E.P. (3/20/1961) Roy, J. Maxime (5/51960) *Sanders, J.Y. (11/6/1959) Savoy, Lennie (3/28/1960) *Sehrt, Clem (1957) Sevier, Andrew (6/21/1960) Sevier, H.C. (1/9/1960) Stich, Frank (Judge) (7/17/1957) Slack, Stewart (5/18/1963) Smith, Charles L. (2/10/1961) Smith, Prentice (7/14/1970) Smith, Charles, L. (2/10/1961) Spence, Mason (1/20/1960) Spinks, Leonard (5/18/1960) Stagg, George (3/28/1960) 28 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Stanley, Eugene (7/16/1957) Talbot, Edmund (5/18/1960) Talbot, W. Harry (6/26/1957) Taylor, Robert (5/10/1960) Terzia, Daisy Strong (Mrs. Theo.) (1/18/1960) Thomas, Orlean (10/13/1959) Thomas, Norman (1950) Thompson, O.B. (2/11/1961) Todd, Harvey (1/8/1960) Trent, James (10/14/1959) Truman, Harry S. (11/24/1959) Wall, Mary B. (2/20/1961) Wallace, A.M. (Judge) (7/21/1959) Wallace, George M. (12/3/1956) Watts, Kenneth (2/10/1961) *Weiss, Seymour (7/3/1957) White, A.P. (6/13/1960) Whitley, Robert S. (3/15/1960) Whittington, V.V. (1/25/1960) Wiegand, William (6/27/1957) Williams, E.H. (Lige) (3/17/1960) Williams, Hugh (6/19/1957) Williams, Louis (5/4/1957) Wimberly, Shirley G. (Judge) (7/9/1957) Wingrave, John J. (7/30/1957) Womack, Mrs. Frank (2/23/1960) *Unidentified interviews & list of interviewees 29 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Appendix C Series VIII. Photographs. Huey P. Long Family Location Box Folder Contents Range 34 29 9 10 11 12 Family, Miscellaneous & Funeral: Julis T. Long HPL & Russell Long. Mr. & Mrs. Huey P. Long, Sr. with children, 1890 Mr. Huey P. Long, Sr. with family at funeral of Mrs. Long, Sr., 1913 HPL family home in Winnfield, La. Lucille May Grace Dent Gov. Leche with football player HPL & James A. Noe HPL taking the oath of office LSU HPL funeral, capitol (2 items) HPL funeral, capitol lawn (2 items) HPL floral spray spelling Huey (2 items) HPL funeral procession Riverside Press: HPL and L.S.U. students HPL working in pajamas (2 items) HPL in veto protest parade HPL and O. K. Allen HPL and O. K. Allen, signing contract for bridge HPL and Mrs. Rose Long HPL and Hattie Caraway La. State Museum; Caraway, bridge, & funeral: HPL and Hattie Caraway HPL campaigning for Hattie Caraway (3 items) O.K. Allen signing bridge contract (3 items) HPL funeral (2 items) La. State Museum; Individual & family: HPL on radio (3 items) 30 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents 13 14 15-16 HPL signing “no cotton planting program” HPL minutes before assassination HPL outside of senate office HPL chopping wood HPL, Mrs. Long, & Fournet HPL & Mrs. Long HPL & Russell Long (2 items) La. State Museum; Impeachment & Overton hearing: HPL during impeachment trial (3 items). HPL & Weiss at Overton hearing (6 items). HPL at Overton hearing (2 items). HPL & Sen. Hugo Dore at Overton hearing. HPL, Christenberry, Hinder, Weiss, Overton, & Allen. HPL & Marguerite Clark. La. State Museum, Miscellaneous: HPL & committee on election hearings at New Orleans Custom House HPL & James Monroe Smith with group of children HPL with American Legion Champs (2 items) HPL speaking at inauguration HPL & O’Conner HPL & Dinwiddle HPL & Allen HPL sawing tree in Arkansas HPL with LSU students (3 items) HPL with National Guard, investigation of the city of New Orleans HPL & Noe, investigation of the city of New Orleans HPL & Messina, arriving from Washington D.C. HPL HPL voting HPL, Roden, & McQuiston, voting HPL, solders bonus (3 items) HPL, honorable member of Veterans of Foreign Wars (2 items) Negatives [RESTRICTED] 31 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box OS:W 1 Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Folder Contents Long funeral/Louisiana State Capitol (tinted) Appendix D Series X. Audio/Visual Reel-to-reel and Cassette Tapes Location Box Contents Range 34 37 Oral History Interview Reel-to-Reel Tapes [RESTRICTED] Note: The letter/number designation in parentheses reflects the labeling on the individual tapes listed below. Seymour Weiss (T1) Joe Fisher (T2) Paul Maloney (T3) J. Y. Sanders (T4 & T5) Clem Sehrt (T6) Ray Fleming (T7) Richard W. Leche (T8) John St. Paul and George E. Pereira (T9) Fred Digby (T11) Harvey Peltier (T12) Harry Gamble (T13) E. J. Oakes and Theophile Landry (T15) Charles Frampton (T16) Charles J. Rivet and James P. O’Connor (T17) Fournet, Frampton, O’Connor, and Weiss (T18) Pegues, Frey, Rivet, and Fisher (T19) Pegues, Manning and Burnes (T22) Frey, Gamble, and Reyer (T23) John B. Fournet (T24) Russell B. Long Unidentified 35 Oral History Interview Cassette Tapes (User Copies) Francis Burnes (T22A) Carl Corbin (T2A) 32 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Contents Fred Digby (T11) Joe Fisher (T2B & T19D) Ray Fleming (T7A & T7B) John B. Fournet (T24A & T24B) Fournet, Frampton, O’Connor, and Weiss (T18) Charles Frampton (T16A & T16B) Fred Frey (T19B & T23B) Harry Gamble (T13B & T23A) Theophile Landry (T15A & T15B) Richard W. Leche (T8A & T8B) Russell B. Long (C1 & C2) Paul Maloney (T3A & T3B) Frank Manning (T22C) E. J. Oakes (T15C) James P. O’Connor (T17B) W. C. Pegues (T19A & T22B) Harvey Peltier (T12A & T12B) George E. Pereira (T9B) George Reyer (T23C) Charles J. Rivet (T17A & T19C) John St. Paul (T9A) J. Y. Sanders (T4A, T4B & T5) Clem Sehrt (T6A & T6B) Seymour Weiss (T1) Unidentified (C1 & C2) 45 Williams Speeches & Long Speeches Reel-to-Reel Tapes [RESTRICTED] “Every Man A King” & Speech Excerpt Two Ten Second Cuts from KWKH Radio – “Share the Wealth” “Share Our Wealth Plan/Every Man A King” Long Speech (with 2 additional copies) Organization of American Historians Address Long Speech, Part 1 Huey Long TV October 18, 1962 Huey Long (Continued) 33 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Contents 2nd Installment of Huey Long Show Yank at Oxford “Use of Oral History in Local History” T. Harry Williams & Pie Dufour 1968 Conversation Huey Long Story, Part 1 “Battle of Gettysburg and the Iron Brigade” and “Civil War Generals Named Grant I Have Known” Williams Speeches & Long Speeches Cassette Tapes (Re-mastered Originals) T. Harry Williams & Pie Dufour 1968 Conversation “Use of Oral History in Local History” Organization of American Historians Address “Civil War Generals Named Grant I Have Known” “Battle of Gettysburg and the Iron Brigade” “Huey Long” (Television Program) “The Huey Long Show” (Second Installment) “Share Our Wealth Plan/Every Man a King” (3 tapes total) “Every Man a King” and Speech Excerpt The Huey Long Story, Part 1 (2 tapes total) Untitled Huey Long Speeches (3 tapes total) Two Ten Second Cuts from KWKH Radio – “Share the Wealth” 34 Williams Speeches & Long Speeches Cassette Tapes (User Copies) HPL radio documentary, parts I & II “Huey, LBJ, and the Art of Biography,” parts A & B “Influences on Civil War” lecture World War II lecture Civil War lecture, part A, B, & C Personal Recollections on View of Reconstruction, parts I & II Huey Long speech (T20 & T21) “Every Man a King” and excerpts from Huey Long speech Yank at Oxford T. Harry Williams & Pie Dufour 1968 Conversation “Use of Oral History in Local History” Organization of American Historians Address 34 T. HARRY WILLIAMS PAPERS 1775, 1861-1980 (1927-1977) Location Box Mss. 2489, 2510 SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, LSU LIBRARIES Contents “Civil War Generals Named Grant I Have Known” “Battle of Gettysburg and the Iron Brigade” “Huey Long” (Television Program) “The Huey Long Show” (Second Installment) “Share Our Wealth Plan/Every Man a King” (3 tapes total) “Every Man a King” and Speech Excerpt The Huey Long Story, Part 1 (2 tapes total) Untitled Huey Long Speeches (3 tapes total) Two Ten Second Cuts from KWKH Radio – “Share the Wealth” 35