JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 BEST PRACTICE DOI: 10.5301/JN.2013.11637 Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane Vincenzo La Milia1 Reviewers: Giovambattista Virga2, Giampaolo Amici3, Silvio Bertoli4, Giovanni Cancarini5 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1. Introduction 2. When should the PET be performed? 3. Which PET to use? 4. Which PET parameters to assess? 5.How should patients be classified according to the results of the 3.86%-PET? 6. How to use the results of the PET to prescribe and optimize PD therapy 7. Other tests 8. Test standardization 9. Test protocols Key words: Pet, Ultrafiltration failure, Peritoneal trans- port, Classes of peritoneal transport, Sodium sieving, mini-pet S120 Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, A. Manzoni Hospital, Lecco - Italy 2 Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Camposampiero Hospital, Camposampiero, Padua - Italy 3 Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, S. Maria dei Battuti Regional Hospital, Treviso - Italy 4 Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, IRCCS Multimedica, Sesto S. Giovanni, Milano - Italy 5 Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, A.O. Spedali Civili di Brescia, Brescia - Italy 1 The functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane is of paramount importance for the performance of peritoneal dialysis (PD) as: (i) it provides useful information on the correct prescription of the peritoneal dialysis regimen; and (ii) it makes it possible to monitor changes in peritoneal membrane function over time. The functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane involves the performance of a number of tests. The most important and best-known of these tests is the peritoneal equilibration test (PET), developed and described by Twardowski et al in 1987 (1). A number of other, more complex tests (2, 3) have been derived from the PET originally developed by Twardowski (classic PET), while others are based on the fundamental principles of the PET. The PET is based on the principle that the concentration of the solutes present in the blood, but not initially in the dialysis fluid, will tend to equilibrate with that of the dialysate, after a varying period of time. This equilibration rate can be used to classify patients into transporter categories, with clear dialysis prescription indications. 2. When should the PET be performed? A peritoneal membrane functional assessment test should be performed at the start of dialysis treatment (after 4-8 © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 weeks and within 3 months from the start of PD and repeated at least once a year and whenever a clinical issue (inadequate depuration or ultrafiltration [UF]) arises whose interpretation may benefit from the performance of the test. The test should not be performed during episodes of peritonitis (it increases the small solute transport rate and reduces UF), and it is recommended to wait at least 1 month after the complete resolution of the peritonitis before performing it (4-7). For the same reason, a similar interval should be considered after abdominal surgery (including laparoscopic procedures) or inflammations or infections involving the abdominal organs. The functional characteristics of the peritoneal membrane tend to stabilize shortly after the start of PD (8, 9). The first functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane should be conducted after about 4-8 weeks and no more than 3 months after the start of PD (10), to avoid treating the patient with an inadequate regimen for a prolonged period. The matter of repeating the PET at different time points in the same patient remains controversial. Some guidelines (10), given the substantial stability of peritoneal transport, for the majority of patients, recommend not repeating the PET at pre-set intervals, rather to repeat the test when clinical problems arise (sodium-water retention, inadequate dialysis etc.). Other guidelines (11) suggest performing the PET at least once a year and whenever clinically indicated. In some cases, repeating the PET at least once a year presented the advantage of anticipating the diagnosis of clinical problems. To conclude: 1. the first PET should be performed 4-8 weeks and no more than 3 months after starting PD; 2. the PET should be performed at least once a year and whenever clinically indicated; 3. the PET should not be performed during an episode of peritonitis and should be performed at least 1 month after its resolution. The PET must not be performed for 1 month after surgery, including laparoscopic procedures, or infections/inflammations of the abdominal organs. 3. Which PET to use? The peritoneal function test of choice should be that performed using 3.86% glucose solution over 4 hours (3.86%PET). This test must include the evaluation of sodium sieving in the dialysate 60 minutes after the start of the test (ΔNa at 60 minutes). Although the clinical evidence available is inadequate to allow us to claim that one test is superior to another, the 3.86%-PET provides more information than the classic PET performed using a 2.27% glucose solution. Significant emphasis is placed on the hydration status of patients in PD and on peritoneal UF capacity. This is due both to the demonstration that an increase in the already adequate total purification (Kt/V = 1.9, creatinine clearance [CrCl] = 60 L) of 20%-30% is not associated with a corresponding result in terms of better survival (12), and to the increasingly consistent evidence that the removal of fluids (and sodium) is very important for patient survival (13-16). This has been shown both in patients who, on account of their peritoneal membrane transport characteristics, have low peritoneal UF, such as fast (high) transporters (13) or reduced total water excretion (14) and, above all, in anuric patients (15, 16). It is probable that this high mortality can be attributed to greater water and sodium retention in fast (high) transporters due to the rapid dissipation of the osmotic gradient that occurs in these patients, with a consequent loss in UF capacity by the peritoneal membrane. To better study the peritoneal membrane’s UF capacity, it has been suggested that the classic PET using a 2.27% solution be replaced with the PET using a 3.86% solution (11). Indeed, with the 3.86%-PET, the peritoneal membrane’s UF capacity is easier to quantify, because of the higher quantity of UF that can be obtained: This also allows a better estimate of the number of patients with ultrafiltration failure (UFF). A patient is defined as having UFF when on the 2.27%-PET, he/she has a UF <100 mL or on the 3.86%-PET a UF <400 mL, with a test bag volume of 2 L (11). It therefore goes without saying that the 2.27%-PET is more likely to yield incorrect UF evaluations. Indeed, the coefficient of variation of UF has been quantified at approximately 50% for the 2.27%-PET (17) and <10% for the 3.86%-PET (18). In addition, 3.86%-PET also makes it possible to study sodium sieving during the first part of the test, by means of the dialysate to plasma (D/P) sodium concentration at 60 minutes, or better with the reduction in sodium concentration (∆Na) in the dialysate at 60 minutes (11). According to the 3-pore model (19), ∆Na at 60 minutes is an indirect expression of free water transport by the peritoneal membrane. Adequate free water transport indicates good peritoneal membrane function in terms of UF. For all these reasons, it is preferable to use the 3.86%-PET. In any case, there is a hypothetical possibility that the use of a 3.86% glucose solution for PET can make it impossible to compare data with previous results obtained using the classic 2.27%-PET. However, all of those experiences comparing 3.86%-PET with 1.36%-PET (20, 21) and with 2.27%PET (22, 23) have shown that there are no differences in © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S121 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane patient classification with the different types of PET solution, using D/PCreat. To conclude, it is preferable to perform 3.86%-PET, rather than 2.27%-PET, due to the greater accuracy in determining peritoneal UF and the possibility of evaluating free water transport by the peritoneal membrane, albeit indirectly. Lastly, due to its lower coefficient of variation, the 3.86%PET is a more reproducible test for the study of peritoneal UF in prospective studies. 4. Which PET parameters to assess? The most useful parameters for the functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane that can be obtained with the 3.86%-PET are the dialysate (D) to plasma (P) creatinine concentration ratio (D/PCreat) at the end of the test (240th minute), the UF obtained at the end of the test and sodium sieving expressed by the dip in the concentration of sodium in the dialysate 60 minutes from the start of the test (∆Na). Both the speed of small solute transport and the peritoneal membrane’s ability to generate UF are fundamental for the evaluation of peritoneal membrane function; however, individual variability is high, and it is therefore of paramount importance to determine these characteristics in the individual patient by performing the test for evaluating peritoneal membrane function. The PET is a semiquantitative evaluation of the peritoneal membrane’s transport capacity determined by means of the rate at which the concentrations of a solute reach equilibrium in the plasma and dialysate. The D/P of a given solute, after a given time, indicates the degree and rate of equilibration between concentrations; the higher the D/P for a solute, the faster equilibrium between dialysate and plasma will be reached and therefore the higher the peritoneal permeability for that solute. The D/P can be determined for any solute transported from the plasma to the PD solution. The D/P has been evaluated for creatinine, urea, some electrolytes, phosphorus and proteins. As glucose is present in high concentrations in the dialysate (up to 3,860 mg/dL) and is then absorbed by plasma through the peritoneal membrane and rapidly metabolized, it does not make sense to use the D/P for glucose (plasma glucose concentrations vary little during PET); instead it is possible to use the ratio between the glucose concentration in the dialysate after a given time (t) and the concentration of glucose present in the solution at the start of the test (D/D0). D/D0 is the glucose absorption rate. The original PET devised by Twardowski (1) is a test lasting 4 hours, performed using a 2.27% glucose solution, that evaluates the D/P of certain small solutes, particularly creatinine (D/PCreat), and the ratio between glucose concentraS122 tions (D/D0). By analyzing D/PCreat and D/D0 during the PET, we can plot the peritoneal membrane’s permeability (Fig. 1) and on the basis of the D/PCreat value (D/D0 is less commonly used) at the end of the PET, patients can be classified into 4 categories: high (H) transporters, average-high (H-A) transporters, low-average (L-A) transporters and low (L) transporters. The 4 transporter classes are obtained by adding/ subtracting standard deviation (SD) to/from the mean value of D/PCreat and D/D0. In practice, patients above mean D/ PCreat plus 1 SD are classified as H; patients with values for these parameters between the mean and mean plus 1 SD are classified as H-A, patients with values between the mean and mean minus 1 SD are classified as L-A and lastly, patients with values lower than mean minus 1 SD are classified as L. For D/D0, the situation is specular (the higher the value, the lower the transport class) (Fig. 1). The same classification into transport classes can be obtained using the same method with the 3.86%-PET. However, the parameter that is almost always used to classify patients is D/PCreat. The D/P of urea (D/PUrea) is used less frequently because, as urea has a higher diffusion rate than creatinine, there is less interindividual variability in this parameter and less capacity for classifying patients according to their small solute peritoneal transport rate characteristics. The ratio between the concentration of glucose in the dialysate between the end and start of the test (D/D0) is less commonly used than D/PCreat for several reasons: (i) when the concentration of glucose is very high (>800 mg/dL), a correct measurement is only possible with appropriate dilutions; (ii) D/PCreat and D/D0 do not always agree with regard to patient classification; (iii) unlike D/PCreat, D/D0 cannot be used to compare data when the PET is performed using solutions with a different glucose concentration. As mentioned previously, sodium sieving is an expression of free water transport during the first part of the exchange with hypertonic solution. Sodium sieving is usually expressed with D/PNa at 60 minutes or as a difference in the concentration of sodium in the dialysate at 60 minutes and the concentration of sodium in the liquid in the fresh bag (11). D/PNa at 60 minutes is used to correct this value for sodium diffusion; in practice, if blood sodium is higher, there should be a greater diffusion of Na from the plasma to the dialysate. In any case, it would be preferable to use the absolute variation of sodium concentration in the dialysate at 60 minutes over the concentration of sodium in the liquid in the fresh bag used for the PET (∆Na), for a number of reasons: (i) it is not necessary to assay the concentration of sodium in both the dialysate and the plasma (it also means not having to correct for the concentration in the plasmatic water); (ii) peri- © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 case of water-saline overload for the diagnosis of UFF. In short, once we have ruled out mechanical issues related to the catheter, which can be easily identified in a plain film X-ray of the abdomen, the PET must be performed with a 3.86% glucose solution. Peritoneal UF at the end of the test of lower than 400 mL is consistent with a diagnosis of UFF. To summarize, according to UF at the end of the 3.86%PET, patients are classified as follows: 1. patients with normal peritoneal UF, if UF ≥400 mL; 2. patients with UFF, if UF <400 mL. According to D/PCreat values in fast (high), high-average and low-average (average) and slow (low) transporters Fig. 1 - Calculating peritoneal membrane’s permeability based on glucose absorption rate as ratio of dialysis glucose after a period of time, to dialysis glucose at start of test (D/D0) and dialysate to plasma ratio (D/P) for creatinine. toneal diffusion of sodium in the first 60 minutes of the PET can be considered negligible (24); (iii) the ∆Na value is more intuitive and more straightforward (for example, a ∆Na value of 10 mmol/L indicates that the concentration of sodium in the dialysate at 60 minutes has dropped by 10 mmol/L in relation to the concentration of Na present in the liquid in the bag at the start of the PET. This value, for concentrations of Na in the plasmatic water of 145 mmol/L, corresponds to a D/PNa value at 60 minutes of 0.84, which is far more difficult to interpret than a ∆Na value of 10 mmol/L). To conclude, the most useful parameters for patient classification obtained with the 3.86%-PET are 1. D/PCreat at the end of the PET; 2. total UF at the end of the PET; 3. ∆Na at 60 minutes. 5. How should patients be classified according to the results of the 3.86%-PET? According to UF in patients with normal UF (≥400 mL) or with UFF (<400 mL) The use of the 3.86%-PET is required for the diagnosis of UFF. The guidelines issued by the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (11) accurately describe how to act in the Patients can be classified with regard to transport status according to their D/PCreat values. The term fast transporters is now preferred over high transporters, and slow transporters over low transporters. The PET is based on the different speeds of small solute transport and the term high transporter may deceptively suggest that solute removal is always high; whereas, in actual fact, when there are long pauses due to the rapid dissipation of the osmotic gradient in these patients, there is a low peritoneal drainage volume and a potential lower removal of solutes than the low transporters, as it coincides with the product of D/P x drain volume (25). The classic breakdown of patients into 4 transporter classes is not very useful from a clinical point of view, as averagefast (average-high) transporters have the same indications and the same prognosis as average-slow (average-low) transporters (26). It is therefore preferable, for simplicity, to classify patients into 3 classes of transporter: 1. fast (high) transporters; 2. average transporters; 3. slow (low) transporters. PET-based patient classification The data obtained from the PET should be interpreted and applied clinically. For many years, PET data referred to that published originally by Twardowski (27). It is important to remember that in that study the number of tests and patients studied was very small (103 PETs performed in 86 patients) and the PD treatment time varied greatly (0.1-84 months). For these reasons, it is preferable not to use Twardowski’s original data to classify patients, although they remain very useful for making comparisons between different populations. It would therefore be preferable to classify patients according to the results of the PETs performed in the same center © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S123 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane – i.e., to use the mean and SD of one’s own patients to perform the classification. This can, of course, be problematic when the center treats very few patients with PD; in which case, it would be preferable to compare the data with that available in the literature. A number of studies have attempted to establish reference values for the parameters obtained with the PET using a 3.86% glucose solution (28), whereas others (29) use national registries with large samples. Table I (32) compares the original results obtained by Twardowski (1, 27), those obtained with a large North American population (30), a Central American population (31), a European population (17) and the Australian-New Zealand Registry (29), all obtained with a PET using a 2.27% glucose solution, and the results obtained from a Dutch population (28) and an Italian population (18) both obtained from a PET using a 3.86% glucose solution. As you can see, despite the different populations, the D/PCreat values that should arouse our interest are those around 0.80 or higher and those around 0.60 or lower. Of course, it is always better to consider the peritoneal permeability values (expressed as D/PCreat) as a continuous entity rather than belonging to completely separate classes as when patients are classified according to transport status; however, the above limits are useful for identifying the categories of patient at risk. Indeed, patients with D/PCreat values close to or higher than 0.80 are exposed to all of the risks of fast (high) transporters (poor UF, prone to water-sodium retention). Whereas patients whose values are close to or lower than 0.60 may risk underdialysis if the prescription is inappropriate. Table I may represent a useful tool for making comparisons and classifying patients when numbers are limited. To conclude, D/PCreat can be used to classify patients as: 1. fast (high) transporters if D/PCreat >0.80; 2. slow (low) transporters if D/PCreat <0.60; 3. average transporters for D/PCreat values between 0.60 and 0.80. According to ∆Na values at 60 minutes in patients with preserved sodium sieving (∆Na ≥5 mmol/L) and in patients with reduced sodium sieving (∆Na <5 mmol/L) ∆Na is an expression, albeit merely qualitative, of free water transport across the peritoneal membrane. A reduction in, or loss of, Na sieving and therefore reduced, zero or even negative ∆Na, is symptomatic of a reduction in, or loss of, free water transport capacity (32). Reduced or absent free water transport may contribute to reduced UF capacity or UF failure (UFF), as it represents approximately 50% of peritoneal UF in the first part of an exchange with a hypertonic S124 solution. In addition, ∆Na alterations can be associated with severe peritoneal membrane damage (18). A ∆Na value ≥5 mmol/L can indicate patients with good free water transport in relation to those in whom it is reduced (18). To conclude, ∆Na at 60 minutes for a 3.86%-PET can be used to classify patients as: 1. patients with preserved free water transport if ∆Na ≥5 mmol/L; 2. patients with reduced free water transport if ∆Na <5 mmol/L (18). Table II shows the main characteristics of the 3 transporter classes. 6. How to use the results of the PET to prescribe and optimize PD therapy Due to the high interindividual variability of peritoneal membrane transport characteristics, test results must be used for the correct prescription and optimization of the PD regimen best suited to the individual patient. 1. For rapid (high) transporters, automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) is indicated, using icodextrin for the long dwell, if necessary. Since its appearance as part of a clinical scenario, the PET has been used to prescribe the PD regimen best suited to the individual patient (33). Initially, the aim was to prescribe the dialysis regimen able to obtain the greatest possible purification (in terms of Kt/V and/or creatinine clearance). Although it would seem logical for fast (high) transporters to obtain a better purification capacity, this high peritoneal transport of small solutes was increasingly associated with higher mortality and morbidity (34). The water-sodium retention experienced by these patients, particularly if on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), due to the rapid dissipation of the intraperitoneal osmotic gradient, is thought to be one of the causes of this higher mortality. The PET, with its simplicity, has made it possible to treat fast (high) transporters in the most appropriate manner. Indeed, knowledge of the rapid absorption of the glucose present in PD solutions has led to the prescription of very long dwells in these patients and the prescription of short dwells which are naturally most compatible with APD (33), even with daytime empty mode. More recently, the commercial availability of icodextrin (3536) and its capacity to generate adequate UF even in fast (high) transporters has proven useful for using the long daytime dwell, and also obtaining a considerable increase in © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 TABLE I D/PCreat AND TRANSPORTER CLASSES IN VARIOUS PERITONEAL DIALYSIS POPULATIONS Fast Average-fast Mean ± SD Average-slow Slow No. patients Twardowski (1, 27) TARGET (USA) (30) Mexico (31) UK (17) ANZA-DATA (29) NL (28) Italy (18) >0.80 >0.79 >0.80 >0.78 >0.81 >0.82 >0.80 0.65-0.80 0.67-0.79 0.68-0-80 0.65-0.78 0.69-0.81 0.72-0.82 0.71-0.80 0.65 ± 0.15 0.67 ± 0.12 0.68 ± 0.12 0.65 ± 0.13 0.69 ± 0.12 0.50-0.61 0.55-0.66 0.56-0.67 0.52-0.64 0.57-0.68 0.62-0.71 0.62-0.70 <0.50 <0.55 <0.56 <0.52 <0.57 <0.62 <0.62 86 1,229 86 574 3,702 81 95 0.72 ± 0.10 0.71 ± 0.09 D/PCreat = dialysate to plasma (D/P) creatinine concentration ratio. D/PCreat = ratio between the creatinine concentration in the dialysate and plasma; D/D0 = ratio between the concentration of glucose in the dialysate, at time t, and in the fresh solution; RV = residual peritoneal volume; UF = peritoneal ultrafiltration; UFF = ultrafiltration failure; FWT = free water transport; OCG = osmotic conductance to glucose of the peritoneal membrane; ∆Na = difference in the concentration of sodium in the fresh solution and in the dialysate after 60 minutes; PAR = peritoneal absorption rate. purification. The characteristics of peritoneal transport, revealed on the PET, therefore suggest that patients with fast (high) transport status (at the start of PD or developed later) should be treated by APD associated (in the long daytime dwell) with icodextrin, provided there are no contraindications (intolerance, allergy, hernia etc.). One recent meta-analysis (13) of a number of prospective observational studies confirmed a worse prognosis (particularly in terms of survival) for high transporters than for patients with lower or slower transport characteristics. The most interesting aspect of this study was the confirmation that treatment with APD, in a subgroup of patients, made the peritoneal transport characteristic noninfluential in terms of patient survival. This observation was recently confirmed (37), highlighting that survival for fast (high) transporters is better when treated with APD than with CAPD. In addition, some authors (38) have reported that with the advent of APD (and icodextrin) the mortality of fast (high) transporters, which in the past was much higher than for other transporter types, has become similar to that of patients belonging to other transporter categories. 2. For slow (low) transporters, manual CAPD is indicated, with high single exchange volumes (high-dose CAPD). If such volumes are not tolerated or in the event of dialysis and/or UF inadequacy, the switch to hemodialysis should be considered. As observed during early studies on PET (33), slow (low) transporters have lower purification capacities than other transporter categories and may be inadequately dialyzed when short exchanges, such as those in APD, are used. Furthermore, also in CAPD, particularly when weight and body surface area are high, these patients may not be adequately dialyzed using standard volumes of 2,000 mL per single exchange; in this case, the indication is to use higher volumes. Some recent studies have observed that slow (low) transporters obtain better survival with CAPD than with APD (37). 3. A considerable reduction in Na sieving at 60 minutes (∆Na <5 mmol/L) suggests a reduction in peritoneal free water transport, and often, an increase in osmolarity (concentration of glucose) of the solution does not correspond to an increase in UF. This can be confirmed by quantifying free © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S125 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane TABLE II MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE THREE PERITONEAL TRANSPORT CLASSES Type of transport Fast (high) Average Membrane characteristics Recommendations Fast small solute equilibration rate (D/PCreat >0.80) Good purification capacity with short dwells Rapid dissipation of the osmotic gradient due to glucose In some cases, UFF (UF < 400 mL) after 4 hours of 3.86%-PET. In some cases ∆Na <5 mmol/L APD with short dwells (1-2 hours) Avoid long dwells with solutions containing glucose. Use icodextrin for longer dwells Halfway between the fast and slow classes of transporters Slow small solute equilibration rate (D/PCreat <0.60) Slow (low) Long-term maintenance of the osmotic gradient for glucose. Good UF∆Na ≥5 mmol/L is common (often >10 mmol/L) Method (CAPD and CCPD) and solutions chosen according to the patient’s requirements and overall purification data CAPD (APD only in small built patients). High volumes (>2,000 mL) if purification is inadequate. Use less hypertonic glucose solutionsIcodextrin not essential ∆Na = difference in the concentration of sodium in the fresh solution and in the dialysate after 60 minutes; APD = automated peritoneal dialysis; CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; CCPD = continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis; D/PCreat = dialysate to plasma (D/P) creatinine concentration ratio; PET = peritoneal equilibration test; UF = ultrafiltration; UFF = ultrafiltration failure. water transport. In this case, icodextrin should be used to increase UF. The PET should be repeated at short intervals (3 months) and in the event of a further reduction in UF and/ or ∆Na, a switch to hemodialysis should be considered. A significant reduction in Na sieving (∆Na <5 mmol/L) at 60 minutes suggests a reduction in free water transport and, therefore a reduction in aquaporin-1 channel function (18). Free water transport depends on the osmotic gradient and therefore on the concentration of glucose. S126 Consequently, when it is reduced or absent, the increase in the concentration of glucose in the dialysis solutions will not cause an increase in UF. The reduction in peritoneal free water transport can be quantified, using appropriate tests, confirming that in such situations, increasing the concentration of glucose is futile. In such cases, icodextrin can be useful for increasing UF. In some patients, it may be useful to repeat the PET at short intervals and in the event of a further loss of peritoneal UF © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 capacity and/or a further reduction in ∆Na, the possibility of switching to hemodialysis should be considered. 4. The volume of dialysate drained at different time points during the test can be particularly useful when prescribing the dialysis mode, in order to obtain optimum UF. If the test is performed with a long nighttime dwell with a 1.36% glucose solution and the drainage volume obtained is lower than that infused, it is likely that the patient is not suited to long dwells with weak glucose solutions. It goes without saying that the above indications are categorical when the residual renal function, which buffers the effects of incorrect PD prescriptions, is reduced or eliminated altogether. Test results are useful for evaluating changes in peritoneal membrane function over time and for evaluating any functional “exhaustion” of the peritoneal membrane. In particular, special attention should be paid to those patients in whom the small solute transport rate increases, and who thus become fast (high) transporters, and in whom peritoneal UF capacity reduces to failure, during follow-up. The loss of free water transport and of the osmotic conductance to glucose should suggest severe alterations in peritoneal membrane function and may indicate a need to switch the patient to hemodialysis. The peritoneal membrane’s functional characteristics (small solute transport and UF) may vary with an increase in dialytic age, and these changes may require adjustments to the dialysis regime or a switch to hemodialysis (38-41). Typically, some patients experience an increase in the small solute transport rate and a reduction in UF capacity (17) which, on occasions, calls for the prescription of icodextrin and/or a switch to automated PD. The failure of these measures may constitute an indication for a switch to hemodialysis treatment. Paradoxically, the success of these measures could favor the onset of other clinical problems; indeed, in the past, when APD and icodextrin were not available, patients with UF capacity deficits were usually switched to hemodialysis; use of these new treatment options allows a considerable increase in the period for which these patients are treated with PD, concealing the clinical significance of UFF, which sometimes represents the first sign of severe future complications. It is therefore important to be aware that patients with a high dialytic age on PD must be closely monitored in terms of both clinical presentations and peritoneal function, for conditions such as peritoneal sclerosis and encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis, the frequency of which is directly related to dialytic age. This does not mean that these patients need to be switched to hemodialysis, but that they should be closely monitored with regular peritoneal permeability tests and instrumental procedures (such as abdominal CT scans), but also and above all, in frequent, regular clinical follow-ups, special attention must be dedicated to semeiotic aspects and questions concerning kinesthesis. 7. Other tests Other tests based on the same principles as the PET include the mini-PET (for quantifying peritoneal free water transport), the double mini-PET (for quantifying the osmotic conductance to glucose), the 3.86%-PET combined with the mini-PET (for quantifying the parameters of both tests) and the Uni-PET (3.86%-PET combined with the double miniPET for quantifying the parameters of both tests). The mini-PET The PET has made an enormous contribution to our knowledge of peritoneal membrane pathophysiology, with the advantage of being very simple to conduct and interpret. However, the results of the PET are cannot be used to analyze all of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in peritoneal membrane function. Even the changes made to the classic test, such as the use of a 3.86% solution, only allow a better assessment of peritoneal UF; they do not completely explain all of its characteristics. Analysis of the D/PNa at 60 minutes was the first, simple attempt to provide a rough estimate of the entity of free water production. The need to measure UF in its various components, and to understand its genesis, led to the development of other tests that are easy to perform in normal clinical settings and straightforward in terms of interpretation. The advent of the mini-PET (24) made it possible to quantify free water transport (UF across the ultrasmall transcellular pores or aquaporin-1 channels), separately from the other components of peritoneal UF. With the mini-PET, it is also possible to evaluate its variation over time, by repeating the test periodically, over just 1 hour, using a 3.86% solution. The reduction or loss of free water transport would appear to act as an indicator of severe peritoneal membrane damage or even a predictor of severe complications such as encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (42). The little data present in literature suggests that a patient has a free water transport deficit when it is lower than 100 mL (43). © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S127 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane The double mini-PET The double mini-PET (43) consists of performing 2 consecutive 1-hour mini-PETs, the first with a 1.36% solution and the second with a 3.86% solution. Based on complex presuppositions, the double mini-PET is performed with very simple methods and interpreted using simple mathematical calculations. The double mini-PET, the evolution of the miniPET, also makes it possible to measure the osmotic conductance to glucose – i.e., the capacity to generate UF with the osmotic stimulus of glucose that is more or less hypertonic. In actual fact, it indicates the amount of UF that can be obtained by increasing the concentration of glucose in the PD solution. A significant reduction in osmotic conductance (<1.5 μl/min per mm Hg) is the expression of a reduction in the capacity of the small and ultrasmall pores to respond to the osmotic stimulus of glucose (43). Indeed, osmotic conductance measures the capacity to generate UF by both pores, and therefore a reduction indicates a decrease in the peritoneum’s overall capacity to generate UF. Once again in this case, icodextrin is required to increase UF. In addition, for example, the 3.86%-PET does not provide any indication as to whether UFF is due to the peritoneal membrane’s incapacity to generate UF due to reduced or absent osmotic conductance to glucose, or whether the reduced UF is to be attributed to the rapid reabsorption of a quantity of ultrafiltrated fluid in the first part of the peritoneal exchange by means of the rapid dissipation of the osmotic gradient due to the reabsorption of glucose. As Figure 2 clearly shows, in relation to a normal curve (A) for the increase in intraperitoneal volume during an exchange with 3.86% glucose solution, the behavior of both curves B and C is compatible with a diagnosis of UFF (UF at 4 hours <400 mL). However, in the case of curve B, a good quantity of UF forms during the first part of the peritoneal exchange, and subsequently this UF is eliminated due to reabsorption of the liquid by the peritoneal membrane: In this case, the prescription of APD is correct and can be boosted by prescribing icodextrin for the long dwell. With curve C, the peritoneal membrane presents reduced or absent osmotic conductance to glucose, and the glucose is unable to generate adequate UF in any part of the exchange: In this case, APD would be destined to fail, as would increasing the osmolarity of the glucose solution. The only option is to attempt using icodextrin (both for patients on APD and those on CAPD), with the precaution of switching the patient to hemodialysis if icodextrin is unable to obtain adequate UF (it goes without saying that all of this only applies if the patient has no residual renal function) . UF measured by mini-PET or double miniPET or Uni-PET (see below) with a 3.86% glucose solution, S128 Fig. 2 - Changes in intraperitoneal volume during an exchange with 3.86% glucose solution. after 1 hour represents the “early” quantity of peritoneal UF and identifies those patients who could benefit from short peritoneal dwells. The dwell times of some of these tests are very similar to those used in APD. These tests make it therefore possible to evaluate how small solute transport and liquid transport take place in the peritoneum, using both the solution with lowest osmolarity (1.36% glucose solution) and that with the highest osmolarity (3.86% glucose solution), in the peritoneal dwell times typical of APD. In cases of UFF, the double mini-PET provides additional indications for the prescription of the most suitable PD mode and a switch to hemodialysis. The analysis of the few patients with UFF (43) using the double mini-PET showed that the reduction in the osmotic conductance of these patients appears to involve both the small pores and the ultrasmall pores or aquaporin-1 channels – i.e., the damage involves both pore systems needed to produce peritoneal UF. This test could, therefore, constitute an instrument for the early prediction of peritoneal membrane damage a long before UFF develops, or alternatively, it could be of help in the presence of a suspected evolution toward rare but severe complications such as encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis. The 3.86%-PET combined with the mini-PET The mini-PET and double mini-PET provide useful information on some peritoneal membrane functions but do not provide values for the D/P of the small solutes (in particular, © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 D/PCreat) comparable to those of a 4-hour PET, such as the 3.86%-PET (24, 44) used to classify patients into transporter classes. To obtain information on both the 3.86%-PET and the miniPET, it was suggested to combine both PETs using a temporary drain, after a 1-hour dwell, subsequent assessment of the drain volume (by weighing), collection of an aliquot of drained liquid, reinfusion of the effluent, a further 3-hour peritoneal dwell and a final drain (45). However, it is preferable to collect the temporary drain aliquot after it has been reinfused (leaving a small amount at the end of reinfusion) to reduce the risks of contamination-induced peritonitis. This combined PET provides D/PCreat values similar to those obtained with a 3.86%-PET without temporary drain, and free water transport can be quantified as with the mini-PET. The Uni-PET Whereas the previous PET (combined 3.86%-PET) is performed after a 1-hour 1.36%-PET, here the 3.86%-PET is combined with the double mini-PET. This Uni-PET (46) allows the quantification of all of the parameters of all the previous tests. The Unit-PET, which lasts 5 hours, is currently the most complete test for evaluating peritoneal membrane function. Other tests based on the PET principle are the dialysis adequacy and transport test (DATT) (47) and the accelerated peritoneal examination (APEX) test (48). The DATT calculates the D/PCreat on 24-hour dialysate in CAPD. The DATT was used in the Adequacy of Peritoneal Dialysis in Mexico (ADEMEX) (12, 49) study, and various other studies have shown a good correlation between DATT and PET data; however, this has only been validated in patients on CAPD, and not in those on APD. The APEX test (48) summarizes peritoneal permeability to solutes in a single number, using the glucose D/D0 and urea D/P curves: In actual fact, it calculates the time at which the glucose and urea equilibration curves (using the percentages) cross; the shorter the APEX time the higher or faster the peritoneal permeability, and conversely, the longer the APEX time, the lower or slower the peritoneal permeability. The APEX test has a limited use for dialysis purposes, and it is most commonly used in children (50). Of all the tests not based on the same principles as the PET, the most common is the personal dialysis capacity test (PDC) test (involving the calculation of the peritoneal area available for exchange, liquid reabsorption and peritoneal protein clearance). The PDC test lasts 24 hours and is performed in the patient’s home by performing 5 exchanges with different dwell times (2 short, 2 medium, 1 long) and different glucose concentrations, for CAPD, or by adding to a nighttime APD session, 2 daytime exchanges for patients on APD (51). The test uses the computerized mathematical model based on the 3-pore model (19) to evaluate the following parameters: (i) surface area over diffusion distance (A0/ΔX), which represents the actual surface area available for diffusion and is proportionate to the D/PCreat value of the PET; (ii) liquid reabsorption from the peritoneal cavity; (iii) the estimated flow across the large pores (JvL) over peritoneal albumin clearance. It has been postulated that the PDC test has superior completeness to the classic PET, and this is probably true (52, 53). However, the PDC test presents a series of drawbacks such as the risk of inaccuracy (the test is performed by patients in their homes) due to bag overfilling, the flush-beforefill maneuver, the collection by patients of dialysis aliquots or because of transportation of the bags to the center. In addition, the PDC test requires the use of a complex computerized mathematical model and does not take into account sodium kinetics, free water transport and the osmotic conductance to glucose in the same way the new tests do. Lastly, the PDC test has been validated on fewer patients than the PET. Most likely, the true advantage of the PDC test, over tests based on the PET principle, is that it measures the peritoneal clearance of protein or albumin, which could constitute an important morbidity and mortality factor in PD (54). One last test not based on PET principles is the peritoneal function test (PFT) (55, 56); this test also requires a computerized mathematical model to process the results and is based on PT50 – i.e., the time required for a solute to meet exactly half the equilibration between dialysate and plasma (D/P = 0.50 or 50%). To perform the test, 24-hour dialysate (and also urine) must be collected at different dwell times. The test after computerized processing provides information on membrane solute transport, total clearance, the fluid balance and nutritional parameters. There are no studies available in the literature performed using this test, other than those proposed by the author who devised it. Table III shows the main advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used tests, and Figure 3 shows an algorithm to be used according to the results of certain peritoneal function tests. 8. Test standardization Regardless of the test used, stringent standardization of test methods is required. The standardization of tests based on PET principles should involve the following points as described in the sections that follow: (i) duration of the © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S129 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane Fig. 3 - An algorithm for the monitoring of peritoneal transport. ∆Na = difference in the concentration of sodium in the fresh solution and in the dialysate after 60 minutes; APD = automated peritoneal dialysis; CAPD = continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; FWT = free water transport; HD = hemodialysis; OCG = osmotic conductance to glucose of the peritoneal membrane; PD = peritoneal dialysis; PET = peritoneal equilibration test; UF = ultrafiltration. exchange (usually at nighttime) preceding the PET, (ii) icodextrin not being used for the exchange (usually nocturnal) preceding the PET, (iii) infusion volume = 2,000 mL, (iv) patient position during infusion and drainage, (v) duration of the infusion and drainage, (vi) time points for blood and dialysate specimen collection, and (vii) laboratory methods. Duration of the exchange (usually at nighttime) preceding the PET If possible, perform an 8-hour exchange with a 1.36% glucose solution. If this is not possible, have the patient arrive with a peritoneal cavity that has been full for at least 45 minutes. In the original version of the PET, patients were required to have a nighttime exchange 8-12 hours before the PET (1, 57). This duration was justified by the fact that the classic PET was devised for patients on CAPD in which the duration of the nighttime dwell varies within this interval. Subsequently other PD modes were suggested, such as incremental PD, in which 1-2 exchanges a day are initially performed; daytime ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (DAPD) (58), in which there is no nighttime exchange and the patient’s peritoneal cavity remains empty during the night; and APD (58), in which the treatment is performed during the night with the aid of a cycler and in which the dwells are very short (1-2 hours or less). S130 It has been observed that D/PCreat values are higher and D/D0 values are lower when the PET is performed after a period of 9-13 hours in empty mode (59) than with a PET preceded by an 8-12 hour nighttime dwell, with a full peritoneal cavity. Other authors have shown that the D/PCreat and D/D0 values obtained with a PET preceded by an 8-hour vs. 3-hour dwell are very similar (60, 61). To conclude, it is of fundamental importance that just before the PET, the patient did not have an empty peritoneal cavity for any length of time. It is therefore advisable that when the patient arrives at the center to have the PET, their peritoneal cavity is full and that the dwell before the test (in the case of APD) lasts no less than 45 minutes. Other centers prefer for the PET to be preceded by an 8-12-hour nighttime dwell, even for APD (62). Having an 8-hour nighttime dwell, possibly with a 1.36% glucose solution, provides important information in addition to the PET itself and is required by certain PET data processing programs such as Adequest. Indeed, if the volume drained is lower than that infused (usually 2,000 mL), after the nocturnal dwell, this could suggest that it is inappropriate to prescribe very long dwells with solutions that are not very hypertonic to that particular patient. To conclude, where possible, have the patient perform one 8-hour exchange with 1.36% glucose solution. If this is not possible, have the patient arrive with a full peritoneal cavity and use an exchange duration of no less than 45 minutes. Do not use icodextrin for the exchange (usually nocturnal) preceding the PET In the standardization of the original PET, the authors (1) did not indicate the type of solution to be used for the dwell, usually at nighttime, prior to the PET. This problem emerged in particular with the marketing of icodextrin and its clinical use in PD (35, 36). Indeed it has been shown that D/PCreat values are higher and D/D0 values are lower when the dwell prior to the PET (nighttime) is performed using icodextrin than with a 1.36% or 2.27% glucose solution – i.e., there is an increase in the peritoneal membrane’s permeability to small solutes (63). In that study by Lilaj et al, the peritoneal UF values during PET did not appear to be influenced by the type of solution present in the peritoneal cavity in the exchange prior to the PET. This increase in peritoneal membrane permeability also persists even when 2 consecutive flushes are performed using 2.27% glucose solution before the PET, to remove the influence of the residual volume of icodextrin when performing the test as such (64). Conversely, D/PCreat and D/ © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 TABLE III - ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE MOST COMMON PERITONEAL FUNCTION TESTS Test Advantages Disadvantages D/PCreat and D/D0: patient categorization. Does not evaluate:1. Na sieving 2. FWT3. OCG D/PCreat and D/D0: patient categorization Diagnosis of UFF. Measures Na sieving (∆Na). FWT not quantifiable OCG not evaluable Mini-PET (3.86%) Measures Na sieving (∆Na). Measures FWT. Short duration (1 hour). D/PCreat and D/D0 at 60 minutes not standardized. UF not evaluable. OCG not evaluable. Double mini-PET (1.36%-3.86%) Measures Na sieving (∆Na). Measures FWT. Measures OCG. Short duration (2 hours). D/PCreat and D/D0 at 60 minutes not standardized. UF not evaluable. Combined PET (3.86%) with temporary drain D/PCreat and D/D0: patient categorization. Measures Na sieving (∆Na). Measures FWT. OCG not evaluable Uni-PET (3.86%-PET combined with double mini-PET) with temporary drain D/PCreat and D/D0: patient categorization. Measures Na sieving (∆Na). Measures FWT Measures OCG. Lasts 5 hours PDC® test Measures effective peritoneal surface area with patient categorization. Measures PAR. Measures peritoneal protein clearance. Na sieving not evaluable FWT not evaluable. OCG not evaluable. Special software required for interpretation. Classic PET (2.27%) Modified PET (3.86%) D/PCreat = ratio between the creatinine concentration in the dialysate and plasma; D/D0 = ratio between the concentration of glucose in the dialysate, at time t, and in the fresh solution; UF = peritoneal ultrafiltration; UFF = ultrafiltration failure; FWT = free water transport; OCG = osmotic conductance to glucose of the peritoneal membrane; ∆Na = difference in the concentration of sodium in the fresh solution and in the dialysate after 60 minutes; PAR = peritoneal absorption rate. D0 values were similar to baseline after a 12-week period of treatment with icodextrin, in the nighttime exchange, if the PET was preceded by an 8-hour exchange with a solution containing glucose and not icodextrin. It would therefore seem that icodextrin causes an acute increase in the permeability of the peritoneal membrane, with mechanisms that are still unclear (65). To conclude, even in patients using icodextrin on a chron- ic basis, it is necessary that the nighttime exchange immediately prior to the PET is performed with a 1.36% (or 2.27%) glucose solution. Infusion volume: 2,000 mL The classic PET is performed using 2,000 mL of 2.27% glucose solution. In one study, the PET performed with a © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S131 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane volume of 1,500 mL appeared to give results no different from the PET performed with 2,000 mL (66); however, in this study, the PET with different volumes was performed in different populations and not in the same group of patients. The test should, therefore, be performed with a volume of 2,000 mL in adult patients, and smaller volumes should be reserved for use in those patients, often of slight build, who do not tolerate such volumes (in this case, the results of the PET will be used to perform serial tests in the same patient, and caution is required when using this data for any comparison with the other patients). All PD solution bags (except those for APD) have a nominal volume of 2,000 mL; however, when this volume is quantified, the result is almost always higher (67). One recent study (68) showed that the bags used in 316 PETs contained a median volume of 2,096 mL, despite having a declared nominal value of 2,000 mL. Were the nominal volume of the solutions in the bags to be used to quantify peritoneal UF during the PET, peritoneal UF would be overestimated. In addition, even when conducting a PET, the flush-before-fill maneuver is usually performed, after the previous exchange has been drained, with an unknown quantity of fresh solution that ends up in the drain bag. The failure to quantify this volume used for the flush-beforefill, which is usually 100-200 mL (69), can lead to errors in the quantification of PET UF (67) and may also cause alterations in the classic PET equilibration parameters. Indeed, it is possible to obtain a dilution of the solutes (e.g., urea, creatinine etc.) contained in the drainage bag if the flush-before-fill volume is transferred into it, and therefore the D/P values obtained for such solutes are lower than the real values, whereas the D/D0 values will be higher. In both cases, there will be an underestimation of transporters belonging to the faster (higher) categories, which may cause the incorrect prescription of dialysis in patients on PD. The overestimation of UF that may occur in PD, due to the overfilling of the bags and the flush-before-fill maneuver, can assume considerable volumes when 24-hour UF is evaluated in CAPD (70), whereas it would appear to be less important in APD (71). Thanks to the formulae for calculating Kt/V and dialysis creatinine clearance, using the total removal of such solutes and not their concentration in the drain liquid, there are no consequences even when the volume used to flush the lines is mixed with that drained from the peritoneal cavity at the end of the exchange. Overestimation of UF, particularly in CAPD, can have clinically significant consequences (e.g., with an average overfill S132 of 100 mL per CAPD bag and with a mean volume of 200 mL for each flush-before-fill, a peritoneal UF of 1,200 mL/ day can be estimated for a CAPD patient, whereas, in actual fact, it is null). It cannot be ruled out that this “error” may have contributed to the water-sodium retention typical of many PD patients (70). To conclude, when performing the PET, it is necessary: (a) to use a volume of 2,000 mL; (b) to measure the actual volume of solution to be infused, which can be easily obtained by weighing the bag and subtracting the tare (empty bag at the end of the infusion); and (c) to quantify the volume used for the flush-before-fill, subtract this amount from the volume of the solution to be infused and remove the same amount of fluid without mixing it with the liquid drained at the end of the test. A simple way of doing this is to cut the transfer set at the connection with the infusion bag, transfer all of the nighttime dwell into a container, connect the transfer set to a 50-mL syringe, close the patient’s extension set, open the infusion set, draw off a known amount of fluid (e.g., 30 mL) for line flushing, and start solution infusion for the PET. Patient position during infusion and drainage The supine position is used during the infusion, and the seated position during the drainage. In the standardization of the classic PET, the patient drains the nighttime dwell fluid in an orthostatic position, to allow the best possible drainage. In an upright position, the peritoneal fluid tends to collect at the bottom of the pelvic cavity where the end of the peritoneal catheter should be positioned, thus obtaining the best conditions for drainage. During the infusion of the solution used for PET, the patient should be in a supine position and switch from one side to the other every 400 mL of infusion (every 2 minutes), to mix the residual volume with the infused solution. There is no scientific evidence that the patient has to switch sides; however, it is recommended to do so, at least before the first collection of dialysate. In the standardization of the classic PET, to collect the dialysate specimens, 200 mL of dialysate is drained into the drain bag, 10 mL is drawn off under sterile conditions (for the lab) and the remaining 190 mL is reinfused into the peritoneal cavity. Once the dialysate has been collected, the patient is able to get up and walk around freely; to do so, the patient has to be repeatedly disconnected from and reconnected to the peritoneal infusion-drain set. In addition, this method of collecting dialysate involves a risk of peritonitis due to the potential for contamination of the fluid that is then reinfused into the peritoneal cavity. © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 To avoid the above problems, it is preferable to cut the line where it connects with the drainage bag and connect it to a 50-mL syringe (with a conical tip) to be used to accurately measure the flush-before-fill volume and perform dialysate collection (see below). In this way, the patient remains connected to the peritoneal infusion-drain system and, therefore, remains lying down or sitting for the duration of the test. The nighttime dwell dialysate and that of the PET can be collected in 2 different containers and quantified (by weighing or using a graduated flask). This of course requires the presence of the patient for the duration of the PET at the chosen site, but avoids the possible interference of the increase in intraabdominal pressure, due to the orthostatic position and deambulation, on the mechanisms of peritoneal transport and the genesis of peritoneal UF (72). To conclude, it is preferable to keep the patient supine or seated for the duration of the PET. It is not recommended to perform multiple connections and disconnections or the dialysate reinfusion maneuver after collecting an aliquot from the infusion bag, due to the risk of peritonitis. Cutting the line and connecting it to a 50-mL syringe appears to be the preferable way to collect dialysate. Of course, when performing the 3.86%-PET combined with a mini-PET or Uni-PET requiring a temporary drainage, the dialysate has to be reinfused after it has been weighed. However, the dialysate specimen should not be collected before reinfusion, even when collected under sterile conditions, and it is safer to leave a small aliquot of dialysate at the end of the reinfusion to be collected once reinfusion is complete. Duration of the infusion and drainage No more than 10 minutes for the infusion should be used and no less than 20 minutes for the drainage. The peritoneal cavity must be completely emptied before performing the PET. The drainage should be performed in an upright standing or sitting position and must last at least 20 minutes. The solution used for the PET must be infused as rapidly as possible, usually in no more than 10 minutes. Indeed, the test’s zero time is made to coincide with the end of the infusion of the solution. In any case, the exchanges between the blood and the solution across the peritoneal membrane commence during the infusion of the first few milliliters of solution. A longer infusion time would increase the total effective duration of the PET, with the possibility that the D/P of the solutes could be higher and the D/D0 lower than the actual values. For the same reason, the drainage time at the end of the test should be as short as possible but at the same time allow a complete emptying of the peritoneal cavity, and, again to standardize the PET, it should not last less than 20 minutes. Time points for blood and dialysate specimen collection The time points for blood and dialysate specimen collection depend on the test used. In the standardization of the classic PET, dialysate specimens are collected at time 0 (immediately after the end of the infusion of the solution chosen for the PET), 120 minutes from the start of the PET and after the complete drainage of the peritoneal cavity at the end of the test. In all cases, the aliquot collected is 10 mL, and it should be taken into consideration when calculating peritoneal UF. We have seen that the classic PET involves draining approximately 200 mL of dialysate at times 0 and 120 minutes, specimen collection and the reinfusion of the remainder into the peritoneal cavity. As mentioned previously, this maneuver involves a potential risk of peritonitis and should be avoided. One safer method, as indicated previously, is to cut the line at the connection with the drainage bag and connect to it a large syringe (50 mL) with a conical tip. This method makes it possible to (a) collect the specimen (10 mL) of the solution chosen for the PET (having drawn off and discarded 30 mL for line flushing); (b) quantify the exact volume used (e.g., 30 mL) for the flush-before-fill; (c) collect the dialysate specimens (10 mL each) at times 0, 60 (where applicable) and 120 minutes, preceded on each occasion by the aspiration of the 30 mL of dialysate needed to avoid taking the dialysate from the lines’ dead space (author’s note: personal measurement). The quantity of “fresh” solution used to wash the lines and for the lab tests (30 + 10 = 40 mL) should be added to the final UF. The amount of dialysate used to avoid the dead space effect (30 mL for each specimen) is not mixed with the final drainage fluid, but discarded and counted (added to the drainage amount) for the final calculation of the UF. The same applies for laboratory samples (10 mL) for each specimen, including that collected during the final emptying. These amounts may seem negligible; however, in actual fact, if 3 aliquots are collected from the dialysate (30+10+30+10+30+10) and 1 from the final emptying (10 mL), we will have 130 mL to add to the volume drained at the end of the test. The final dialysate specimen (time 240 minutes) must be taken after completely draining the peritoneal cavity. To conclude, it is preferable to collect dialysate aliquots using a large syringe connected to the line. © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S133 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane When calculating the D/D0, the classic PET (1) uses the concentration of glucose in the dialysate collected at time 0 and not the concentration of glucose in the “fresh” solution. The aim is to avoid influencing any residual volume present in the peritoneal cavity even once the previous exchange has been completely drained. However, even in the very first few minutes of the infusion, diffusion exchanges start to take place between blood and dialysate across the peritoneal membrane, and, without a doubt, part of the residual volume quantified using the classic methodology (1) is nothing more than the result of this solute transport. For this reason, it would be better to use the glucose concentration measured on the “fresh” solution to be infused. The classic test involved 2 blood draws, the first at the end of the drainage of the nighttime dwell, immediately before infusing the solution chosen for the PET, and the second at the end of the PET, immediately after the drainage, and the mean of the 2 was used to calculate the D/P values (1). The test was subsequently simplified by performing a single blood draw halfway through the PET (time 120 minutes) (27, 73, 74). As PD is a continuous treatment, it is unlikely that during the PET there will be any significant alterations in the plasma concentrations of the solutes considered (creatinine, urea, sodium etc.), with the exception of glucose, in some patients, when very hypertonic solutions are used. In addition, performing a single collection makes it possible to avoid potential errors between determinations, due to the coefficient of variation for the measurement method chosen. It is therefore possible to perform the blood draw at any point of the PET, although it is preferable to standardize it – e.g., by performing it halfway through the test (time 120 minutes). To conclude, in the classic PET, the performance of just 1 blood draw would appear to be the simplest and most suitable method. In the 3.86%-PET, the collection of the fresh solution used for the test and the dialysate must be performed using the above methods: cutting the line and connecting a 50-mL syringe, to be performed on the fresh solution, on the dialysate after 60 minutes (for the Na sieving calculation) and at the end of the PET (240 minutes). The blood draw is performed 60 minutes from the start of the test. In the 3.86%-PET, the procedure is identical to that of the classic PET, with the exception of the dialysate collection at 60 minutes, for the Na sieving calculation. As far as the collections required for the other tests are concerned, see the instructions for the performance of the individual tests. The specimens of the solution to be infused, the dialysate S134 and blood should be analyzed immediately, or alternatively frozen. Laboratory methods a) Use a correction factor when calculating the concentration of creatinine in the dialysis liquid and in the dialysate on account of the interference of glucose, if no enzyme-based assay is used. It is a well-known fact that high concentrations of glucose interfere with certain creatinine concentration assays (75), and it is therefore necessary to use a correction factor (CF), to be calculated for each individual laboratory. This CF can be obtained from the relationship existing between the concentrations of creatinine, determined using a nonenzymatic method, and increasing concentrations of glucose up to those present in the bags of PD solution (1). This CF can be obtained from the linear regression curve obtained from the concentrations of creatinine measured in solutions containing different concentrations of glucose, similar to those used in PD (76). A simpler method is to assay the concentration of creatinine (even when it is certainly absent) in the fresh PD bags at different concentrations of glucose (1.36%, 2.27% and 3.86%), preferably 2 or more determinations per bag, divide the concentration of creatinine by the concentration of glucose, (i.e., CF = 1.15/1,360 = 0.000846) and use the mean value as the correction – i.e., subtracting from the value of the creatinine assayed in the dialysate (i.e., 4.2 mg/dL), the value of glucose (i.e., 620 mg/ dL) multiplied by the CF: 4.2 (620 x 0.000846) = (4.2 mg/ dL − 0.525) = 3.675 mg/dL (concentration of creatinine corrected for the influence of glucose) (see corresponding calculator). It is precisely for the high glucose concentrations typical of PET specimens that it is relevant to correct the measurement of creatinine in the dialysis fluids for the nonspecific detection of chromogenic glucose with the Jaffé reaction. In connection with this last consideration, it is therefore important to measure the glucose in the liquids correctly, using suitable dilutions. The correction of the overestimation of creatinine and the underestimation of glucose are connected with one another for the calculation of D/P. The plasma concentration of creatinine (and other solutes) should also be corrected for plasmatic water (77) before calculating the D/P, to avoid obtaining D/P values for some solutes, such as urea in given situations, higher than the unit, which is, of course, an error. b) Perform adequate dilutions for the correct calculation of the concentration of glucose in the dialysate when higher than 800 mg/dL. Most laboratory instruments © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 JNEPHROL 2013; 26 ( Suppl 21): S120-S139 read the concentration of glucose correctly up to values of approximately 800 mg/dL. It is therefore necessary to perform dilutions on the dialysate specimens and, above all, on the fresh solutions used for the PET. Laboratory technicians should therefore be informed of the need to perform these dilutions. c. Use flame photometry or indirect potentiometry to assay the concentration of sodium in the dialysate. When calculating Na sieving at 60 minutes for a 3.86%-PET (78), while direct potentiometry should be avoided, it is possible to use indirect potentiometry (used in the majority of laboratories), which gives results similar to those of flame photometry, the best method for measuring sodium, particularly in the infusion fluid and dialysate. 9. Test protocols the corrected concentration of creatinine to be used when calculating D/PCreat, and CreatMeasured (measured in mg/ dL) is the creatinine concentration measured in the dialysate using the Jaffè method. The CF should be calculated using the linear regression equation obtained by measuring, with the Jaffé method, the concentration of creatinine in the fresh bags at different concentrations of glucose (1.36%, 2.27% and 3.86%) (76). In any case, a more simple method consists of measuring (at least in duplicate) the concentration of creatinine in fresh bags at different glucose concentrations (1.36%, 2.27% and 3.86%), dividing the concentration of creatinine (in mg/dL), falsely determined by the method in each fresh solution, by the concentration of glucose (in mg/dL) and using the mean of the 3 CFs as the CF to be included in the formulae. Residual volume Each test must have a dedicated protocol so that it can be performed using the same method in different centers. Detailed instructions on how the various tests are performed are available on the PD Study Group website (http://www. dialisiperitoneale.org; in Italian only). Tests to be performed on the blood, fresh solution and dialysate specimens collected during the various tests include 1. blood draw: glucose, creatinine, urea, sodium and total proteins; 2. fresh solution specimen: glucose and sodium; 3. dialysate specimen at various time points: creatinine, urea, glucose and sodium. Note: When measuring the creatinine concentration in the dialysate, use an enzymatic assay or perform suitable corrections if using the Jaffé method (75). When measuring the sodium concentration in blood, fresh solution and dialysate, use flame photometry or indirect potentiometry (not direct potentiometry) (78). Perform the appropriate dilutions when measuring the concentration of glucose in fresh solution and dialysate. The calculations for the various tests must be performed using standardized formulae, preferably using identical calculators in all centers. Formulae Correction factor The residual volume (RV; in liters) (79) is calculated as RV = [VInf × (S3-S2)]/(S1 − S3), where VInf = volume infused (in liters); S1 = concentration of the solute (mg/L or mmol/L) in the nighttime dwell dialysate; S2 = concentration of the solute (mg/L or mmol/L) in the fresh solution; S3 = concentration of the solute (mg/L or mmol/L) in the dialysate at time 0. The RV can be calculated with different solutes (urea, creatinine, glucose, potassium and protein). It is also possible to use the mean value when RV is calculated with the various solutes: Usually, the RV of urea and creatinine is calculated, and the mean value used. D/PCreat For D/PCreat, use the concentration of creatinine in the dialysate (mg/dL) at the end of the test (use the CF, if necessary); use the concentration of creatinine in plasmatic water (CreatininePW) (mg/dL) (77): CreatininePW (in mg/dL) = u × CreatinineP (in mg/dL), where: u = 1/(1 − Vlip − 0.00718 × TotProteinsP); Vlip = the fractional volume of plasma lipids = 0.016; TotProteinsP = total plasma protein concentration (g/dL). D/D0 The CF for the concentration of creatinine in the dialysate if using a nonenzymatic method (Jaffé) is calculated as CreatCorrected = CreatMeasured – (Gluc × CF), where CreatCorrected is measured in mg/dL and is For D/D0, use the concentration of glucose (mg/dL) in the dialysate at the end of the test and the concentration of glucose (mg/dL) in the ‘fresh’ solution. © 2013 Società Italiana di Nefrologia - ISSN 1121-8428 S135 Best Practice on: Functional assessment of the peritoneal membrane Na sieving For Na sieving, it is better to use the dip (∆DNa) in the concentration of Na in the dialysate, after 60 minutes of PET, instead of D/PNa at 60 minutes (18); ∆DNa is the difference between the concentration of sodium in the fresh solution (mmol/L; measured) and the concentration of Na in the dialysate (mmol/L) at 60 minutes. Free water transport Free water transport (FWT) is quantified using the miniPET and with the 1-hour 3.86% double mini-PET and UniPET. FWT is measured in milliliters and is equal to total UF (UFT; in mL), for the test, minus UF (mL) across the small pores (UFSP) (24, 43): FWT = UFT – UFSP. UFSP (in milliliters) can be quantified as Na clearance during the 1-hour 3.86% mini-PET, double mini-PET and Uni-PET: UFSP = (NaR×1,000)/Nap, where NaR (in mmol) is the Na clearance and is calculated as: NaR = [volume of dialysate drained (in liters) × concentration of Na (in mmol/L) in the drained dialysate] − [the volume of fresh solution infused (in liters) × the concentration of Na (in mmol/L) in the fresh solution infused]; and where NaP = plasma sodium in mmol/L. Osmotic conductance to glucose Osmotic conductance to glucose (OCG) is quantified using the data of the whole double mini-PET or some of the data of the Uni-PET (43): (V3.86 – V1.36) OCG = ----------------------------- × 1.7 19.3 × (G3.86 – G1.36) × t where OCG is in ml/min per mm Hg; V3.86 and V1.36 are the volumes (in milliliters) of dialysate drained at the end of the test, using a 3.86% and 1.36% glucose solution, respectively, during the double mini-PET, or the volumes References 1. Twardowski ZJ, Nolph KD, Khanna R, et al. Peritoneal equilibration test. Perit Dial Bull. 1987;7:138-147. 2. Ho-dac-Pannekeet M, Atasever B, Struijk D, Krediet R. Analysis of ultrafiltration failure in peritoneal dialysis patients by S136 (mL) of dialysate drained at 60 minutes, with the 3.86% and 1.36% glucose solutions, respectively, during UniPET; 19.3 (mm Hg/mmol/L) is the product of the absolute temperature for the gas constant at 37°C; G3.86 and G1.36 are the molar concentrations of glucose (mmol/L) in the fresh solutions used for the double mini-PET or Uni-PET and are calculated as follows: Glucose (mmol/L) = glucose (mg/dL) / 18; t is the mean peritoneal dwell time during the 2 tests of the double Mini-PET or the first part of the Uni-PET, which should be the same and equal to the 60-minute dwell time plus 50% of the time required for the infusion and drainage (in short, if the timing is observed correctly, t will be equal to 60+5+10 = 75 minutes); 1.7 is a CF (43). Calculators An Excel spreadsheet is attached to these Best Practice Guidelines to allow users to perform all of the calculations connected with the various tests analyzed (available for download from the PD Study Group website at http://www.dialisiperitoneale.org; in Italian only). Calculations are not provided for the PDC test, as it requires a copyright-protected software that is, however, readily available on demand. Financial support: No grants or funding have been received for this study. Conflict of interest: None of the authors has financial interest related to this study to disclose. Address for correspondence: Vincenzo La Milia Nephrology and Dialysis A. Manzoni Hospital Via Dell’Eremo 9/11 23900 Lecco, Italy v.lamilia@ospedale.lecco.it means of standard peritoneal permeability analysis. Perit Dial Int. 1997;17:144-150. 3. Heimbürger O, Waniewski J, Werynski A, Lindholm B. A quantitative description of solute and fluid transport during peritoneal dialysis. 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