résistances et
Séance 3
2. Cần Vương ou sauver le roi!
3. La résistance
Phan Dinh Phung4. Phan Dinh Phung et
Hoang Cao Khai
5. Hoang Cao Khai à Phan Dinh
Phung 1885
« But the situation has changed and even those
without intelligence or education have concluded that
nothing remains to be saved. How is it that you, a
man of vast understanding, do not realize this? But I
seem to perceive your reasoning. You are determined
to do whatever you deem rightheous … The subjectI
should now like to introduce is the suffering imposed
upon our country … I have always been taught that
superior men should consider the care of the people
as fundamental.
6. La réponse de Phan Dinh
Phung à Hoang Cao Khai
« Our rivers and our mountains have been annexed
by them at a stroke and turned into a foreign
territory. These events affected the whole country,
the entire population. It is not any particular region
or any particular family alone that has suffered this
trial. … You must realize that wherever the Frnch
go, there flock around them groups of petty men
who offer plans and tricks to gain the enemy’s
confidence. … That is how hudnred of misdeeds,
thousands of offensses have been perpetrated.
7. Phan Boi Chau
8. Phan Chu
9. Révoltes
10. Effort de guerre: envoi de troupes
11. Effort de guerre: envoi de travailleurs
12. Albert Sarraut
• …
13. Nguyen Ai Quoc en France
14. Congrès de
15. Nouvelle génération
16. Révolte de Yen Bai
17. Bao Dai
18. Sihanouk
19. Collaborer ou réformer?
20. Révolte du Nghe Tinh
21. Radicalisation
22. Révolution
d’août 1945
• Clip
23. Images de l’Indochine
• Relever les clichés de la
mission civilisatrice des
deux narrateurs
• Voir la séléctivité des
sujets traités, des
événements ignorés
• Clip
• Clip 2