An Index to Special Court Sessions in West's Federal

An Index to Special Court Sessions in West’s Federal
Barbara L. Fritschel**
Recognizing their value for researchers interested in information about federal court judges, Ms. Fritschel provides an index to over six hundred special
court sessions found in West’s Supreme Court Reporter, Federal Reporter, and
Federal Supplement. She also includes information on oral histories relating
to federal courts and judges from the Directory of Oral History Interviews.
¶1 Finding biographical information for federal judges no longer on the bench can
be difficult, especially if there is no published biography. Fortunately, the Federal
Judicial Center provides numerous resources relating to Article III judges. In
addition, many federal courts hold special sessions honoring significant judicial
milestones. These sessions are included in various reporters published by West
Group (formerly West Publishing Company) and provide not only a source of
basic biographical information, but also insight into a judge’s personality and
character. This article briefly reviews Federal Judicial Center materials, but its
major component is an index to the special court sessions published in the West
Resources of the Federal Judicial Center
¶2 On February 9, 2000, the Federal Judicial Center launched the History of the
Federal Judiciary Web site.1 This site contains the Federal Judge’s Biographical
Database, a comprehensive listing of biographical information for over 2,500 past
and current Article III judges.2 Each judge’s biography contained in the database
includes the date of birth, death, or both; place of birth, death, or both; period of
federal judicial service; education; professional career; race or ethnicity; and gender.
¶3 In addition to this basic information, an individual judge’s biography also
includes a link to the Federal Judicial Center’s directory of manuscript collections
* Barbara L. Fritschel, 2001.
** Librarian, U.S. Court of Appeals 5th Circuit Library, Beaumont, Texas.
1. Fed. Judicial Ctr., History of the Federal Judiciary, at (last
visited Oct. 18, 2000).
2. Fed. Judicial Ctr., Judges of the United States Courts, at
(last visited Oct. 18, 2000).
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related to federal judges when an entry exists in that directory for the judge.3 The
entry describes each of the judge’s manuscript collections and any other collections containing papers of the judge, and provides information about the locations
of the collections and their access policies.
¶4 The biographical database remains a work in progress. The biographical
information for judges serving in special courts, such as the Customs Court or
Court of International Trade, is found only under their particular court, available
in a separate section of the Federal Judicial Center’s Web site4 but not in the combined judges section of the biographical database. The plan is to eventually move
all life tenured judges over to the judges section. Also, this site does not include
information from the Federal Judicial Center’s publication, A Directory of Oral
History Interviews,5 which contains over 170 oral history interviews conducted
with federal judges. This resource includes contact information, the length of the
interview, and whether transcripts are available for purchase or interlibrary loan.
Again, plans have been made to incorporate this information into the site at a
future date, as well as adding new oral histories.6
Special Court Sessions
¶5 Special sessions of federal courts are occasionally held to honor a judge. There
are several types of these sessions, including presentations of portraits, memorials, tributes, investitures, retirements, and presentation of the Devitt Distinguished
Service to Justice Award. Documentation about the sessions is often published in
the various West reporters covering decisions rendered by Article III judges. The
information provided about the sessions varies greatly, ranging from short resolutions to speeches that are several pages long. Often a photo is included, something
lacking from other resources. Comments from colleagues, law clerks, and attorneys provide a perspective that basic biographical information cannot match.
¶6 Because of the importance of special court sessions as a source of otherwise unavailable and often very insightful biographical information for federal
judges, this article provides an index, arranged alphabetically by judge’s name, to
the special court sessions found in West’s Supreme Court Reporter, Federal
Reporter, and Federal Supplement. Since the oral history interviews listed in the
Directory of Oral History Interviews are not yet linked in the History of the
Federal Judiciary Web site, references to them are also included in this index.
FEDERAL JUDGES 1789–1997 (1998), available at
4. Fed. Judicial Ctr., Courts of the Federal Judiciary, at (last
visited Oct. 18, 2000) .
COURTS (1992), available at
6. E-mail from Bruce Ragsdale, Chief of the Federal Judicial History Office (Feb. 17, 2000) (on file
with the author).
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Using the Index to Special Court Sessions
¶7 The basic entry for each judge consists of:
birth and death dates
courts served and dates of service
type of special session
number of pages and availability of photographs
indication of whether the judge is listed in the Directory of Oral History
¶8 The notation “prefatory material” is provided in the citations listed for
some earlier volumes of the Federal Reporter and Federal Supplement. Use of this
notation indicates that the information is at the front of the book, before the table
of contents. Material placed in this location was paginated with arabic numerals.
This notation is needed to warn the user that the pages cited should be distinguished from the reported court opinions which also use the same arabic numerals but appear later in the volume. In the later volumes of these reporters, special
sessions were given roman numerals, eliminating any possible confusion. Some
entries in the index have citations to both the arabic and roman numerals. This is
used when special sessions material that was originally printed as prefatory material with arabic pagination was changed to roman pagination in later reprinting of
the volume. The volume numbers remain the same. In the Supreme Court
Reporter, all of the special sessions are listed in the prefatory material.
¶9 Entries also include notations as to whether the session honored more than
one judge. The page numbers provided in the citation reflect the total number of
pages for the session. No effort was made to separate the pages by judge when
more than one was honored. Also noted are those situations when there are relatively few pages of text. This usually occurs when several portraits are being presented at the same time.
¶10 Entries also indicate when the Devitt Distinguished Service to Justice
Award is presented to a judge. Named for Judge Edward J. Devitt, former chief
judge of the United States District Court for Minnesota, the award is given to a
judge for exemplary service to the federal judiciary. Started in 1982 by the West
Publishing Company and currently administered by the American Judicature
Society, the selection committee for the award is composed of three individuals—
a Supreme Court justice and a judge of the court of appeals and the district court.
Included in the proceedings which are published in the West reporters is a short
vitae of each committee member, which does not vary much from reporter to
reporter. When a person has served on the selection committee on several occasions, it is not necessary to view every such entry.
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¶11 Every effort was made to include all relevant dates for every entry. In the
few cases a date could not be found, the notation “n.d.” (no date) is used.
¶12 This index is current through volume 117B of the Supreme Court
Reporter, volume 212 of the Federal Reporter, Third Series, and volume 100 of
the Federal Supplement, Second Series. Dates of service and birth and death dates
are current through September 25, 2000. As of September 25, 2000, these special
court sessions were not available through Westlaw.
Index to Special Sessions in West’s Federal Reporters
[Current through 117B S. Ct., 212 F.3d, and 100 F. Supp. 2d]
Aguilar, Robert P., 1931–
N.D. Cal., 1980–1996
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Ainsworth, Robert Andrew, Jr., 1910–1981
E.D. La., 1961–1966
5th Cir., 1966–1981
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, done with seven
other judges
Alaimo, Anthony A., 1920–
S.D. Ga., 1971–
630 F. Supp. LXIX: dedication of courtroom, photo, 22 p.
752 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Aldisert, Ruggero J., 1919–
3d Cir., 1968–
88 F.3d LIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Aldrich, Bailey, 1907–
D. Mass., 1954–1959
1st Cir., 1959–1999
599 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Alger, Mary Donlon, 1893–1977
Customs Court, 1955–1977
428 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 4 p.
Allen, Charles M., 1916–2000
W.D. Ky., 1971–2000
759 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
Allen, Florence Ellinwood, 1884–1966
6th Cir., 1934–1966
278 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 36 p.
Alley, Wayne Edward, 1932–
W.D. Okla., 1985–1999
96 F.Supp. 2d XLI: presentation of portrait, retirement, photo, 23 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Allgood, Clarence W., 1902–1991
N.D. Ala., 1961–1991
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Almond, James Lindsay, Jr., 1898–1986
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1963–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–1986
796 F.2d LXXVII: in memoriam, 5 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Alsop, Donald D., 1927–
D. Minn., 1974–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Altimari, Frank X., 1928–1998
E.D.N.Y., 1982–1985
2d Cir., 1985–1998
212 F.3d XXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Anderson, Robert Palmer, 1906–1978
D. Conn., 1954–1964
2d Cir., 1964–1978
581 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
581 F.2d LIX: in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Arnold, Richard S., 1936–
E.D./W.D. Ark., 1978–1980
8th Cir., 1980–
909 F. Supp. LXXIX: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Arnold, Thurman Wesley, 1891–1969
D.C. Cir., 1943–1945
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Arnow, Winston E., 1911–1994
N.D. Fla., 1967–1994
518 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Aronovitz, Sidney Myer, 1920–1997
S.D. Fla., 1976–1997
751 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Arraj, Alfred A., 1906–1992
D. Colo., 1957–1992
431 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
855 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Atkins, Carl Clyde, 1914–1999
S.D. Fla., 1966–1999
695 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with Peter T. Fay
858 F.2d LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with Peter T. Fay
Law Library Journal
Augelli, Anthony T., 1902–1985
D.N.J., 1961–1974
379 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): tribute on resignation, photo, 12 p.
646 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Bailey, Thomas Jennings, 1867–1963
D.D.C., 1918–1963
215 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 5 p.
Ballantine, Thomas Austin, Jr., 1926–1992
W.D. Ky., 1977–1992
835 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Barker, Sarah Evans, 1943–
S.D. Ind., 1984–
868 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
909 F. Supp. LXXIX: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Barlow, George H., 1921–1979
D.N.J., 1970–1979
483 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Barnes, Stanley Nelson, 1900–1990
9th Cir., 1956–1990
928 F.2d XCI: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Barrett, James E., 1922–
10th Cir., 1971–2000
938 F.2d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Bartels, John Ries, 1897–1997
E.D.N.Y., 1959–1973
788 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 31 p.
977 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Bastian, Walter Maximillian, 1891–1975
D.D.C., 1950–1954
D.C. Cir., 1954–1975
689 F.2d LXI: in memoriam, photo, 23 p., done with Wilbur K. Miller
Battey, Richard Howard, 1929–
D.S.D., 1985–
98 F. Supp. 2d XLIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Bauer, William J., 1926–
N.D. Ill., 1971–1974
7th Cir., 1974–
870 F. Supp. LXXVII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
10 F.3d LXXIII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
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An Index to Special Court Sessions
Bazelon, David L., 1909–1993
D.C. Cir., 1949–1993
524 F.2d LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Beck, Axel J., 1894–1981
D.S.D., 1958–1981
457 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Becker, Edward R., 1933–
E.D. Pa., 1970–1981
3d Cir., 1981–
184 F.3d LV: presentation of portrait, photo, 32 p.
Becker, William Henry, 1909–1992
W.D. Mo., 1961–1992
807 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 28 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Beckworth, Lindley Garrison, Sr., 1913–1984
Customs Court, 1967–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1984
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Beeks, William Trulock, 1906–1988
W.D. Wash., 1961–1988
535 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Bell, J. Spencer, 1906–1967
4th Cir., 1961–1967
391 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Belloni, Robert C., 1919–1999
D. Or., 1967–1999
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Bennett, Marion Tinsley, 1914–2000
Court of Claims, 1972–1982
Fed.Cir., 1982–2000
965 F.2d LIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Bicks, Alexander, 1901–1963
S.D.N.Y., 1954–1963
218 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 10 p.
Biggs, John, Jr., 1895–1979
3d Cir., 1937–1979
355 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): retirement as chief judge, photo, 51 p., done with
the elevation of Harry E. Kalodner to chief judge
507 F.2d LXII: testimonial, photo, 22 p.
600 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
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Bissell, Jean Galloway, 1936–1990
Fed. Cir., 1984–1990
916 F.2d LXXIX: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Black, Hugo L., 1886–1971
S. Ct., 1937–1971
92 S. Ct. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 83 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Blair, C. Stanley, 1927–1980
D. Md., 1971–1980
556 F. Supp. LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Blumenfeld, M. Joseph, 1904–1988
D. Conn., 1961–1988
390 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
818 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Boe, Nils A., 1913–1992
Customs Court, 1971–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1984
801 F. Supp. LVII: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Bogue, Andrew W., 1919–
D.S.D., 1970–
613 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 7 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Bohanon, Luther, 1902–
W.D. Okla., 1961–
580 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with Fred
Daugherty and Stephen S. Chandler
Bone, Homer Truett, 1883–1970
9th Cir., 1944–1970
435 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Boochever, Robert, 1917–
9th Cir., 1980–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Bork, Robert Heron, 1927–
D.C. Cir., 1982–1988
98 F.3d LXXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Bowman, Pasco M., II, 1933–
8th Cir., 1983–
712 F.2d LXXIII: investiture, photo, 19 p.
Bownes, Hugh Henry, 1920–
D.N.H., 1968–1977
1st Cir., 1977–
899 F.2d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Boyle, Francis J., 1927–
D.R.I., 1977–
987 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Bramwell, Henry, 1919–
E.D.N.Y., 1975–1987
938 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p., 17 text p., done with five
other judges
Breitenstein, Jean Sala, 1900–1986
D. Colo., 1954–1957
10th Cir., 1957–1986
732 F.2d CV: testimonial, photo, 16 p.
832 F.2d LXXV: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Brennan, Stephen W., 1893–1968
N.D.N.Y., 1942–1968
283 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Brennan, William J., Jr., 1906–1997
S. Ct., 1956–1990
674 F. Supp. LXXXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
694 F. Supp. LXXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Brett, Thomas R., 1931–
N.D. Okla., 1979–
952 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 27 p., includes welcoming Terry
C. Kern
Breyer, Stephen G., 1938–
1st Cir., 1980–1994
S. Ct., 1994–
158 F.3d LIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Bright, Myron H., 1919–
8th Cir., 1968–
804 F.2d LXXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 27 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Brimmer, Clarence A., 1922–
D. Wyo., 1975–
942 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Britt, William Earl, 1932–
E.D.N.C., 1980–
91 F. Supp. 2d XXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Broderick, Vincent L., 1920–1995
S.D.N.Y., 1976–1995
889 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
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Brooks, Gene E., 1931–
S.D. Ind., 1979–1996
732 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p.
Brooks, Henry Luesing, 1905–1971
W.D. Ky., 1954–1969
6th Cir., 1969–1971
461 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
498 F.2d LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 10 p.
Brown, Bailey, 1917–
W.D. Tenn., 1961–1979
6th Cir., 1979–1997
657 F.2d LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
851 F.2d LXXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 10 p.
Brown, John Robert, 1909–1993
5th Cir., 1955–1993
743 F.2d LXIII: salute, photo, 11 p.
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, done with seven
other judges
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Brown, Paul, 1926–
E.D. Tex., 1985–
873 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Brown, Wesley E., 1907–
D. Kan., 1962–
506 F. Supp. LV: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Browning, James Robert, 1918–
9th Cir., 1961–
641 F. Supp. LXXIV: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
757 F.2d CIV: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
800 F.2d CXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
948 F.2d XCIX: Devitt Award, photo, 20 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Bruchhausen, Walter, 1892–1976
E.D.N.Y., 1953–1976
425 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Bryan, Albert Vickers, 1899–1984
E.D. Va., 1947–1961
4th Cir., 1961–1984
766 F.2d LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 12 p.
96 F.3d LXXIX: dedication of courthouse, photo, 17 p.
Bryan, Frederick van Pelt, 1904–1978
S.D.N.Y., 1956–1978
460 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Bryant, William B., 1911–
D.D.C., 1965–
490 F. Supp. LV: presentation of portrait, 15 p.
Bue, Carl Olaf, Jr., 1922–
S.D. Tex., 1970–
680 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Burciaga, Juan, 1929–1995
D.N.M., 1979–1995
902 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Burger, Warren Earl, 1909–1995
D.C. Cir., 1956–1969
S. Ct., 1969–1986
102 S. Ct. 53 (prefatory material): Devitt Award, photo, 10 p.
115 S. Ct. 425 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 37 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Burke, Harold P., 1895–1981
W.D.N.Y., 1937–1981
570 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Burns, James M., 1924–
D. Or., 1972–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Burton, Harold H., 1888–1964
S. Ct., 1945–1958
78 S. Ct. 9 (prefatory material): retirement, photo, 5 p.
Butler, Algernon Lee, 1905–1978
E.D.N.C., 1959–1978
404 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
479 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 11 p.
Byrne, William M., 1896–1974
S.D. Cal., 1950–1966
C.D. Cal., 1966–1974
401 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Byrnes, James Francis, 1879–1972
S. Ct., 1941–1942
93 S. Ct. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 51 p.
Caffrey, Andrew A., 1920–1993
D. Mass., 1960–1993
857 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Cameron, Benjamin Franklin, 1890–1964
5th Cir., 1955–1964
434 F.2d 8 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, 4 p., done with Edwin R.
Holmes and Claude F. Clayton
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Campbell, Levin H., 1927–
D. Mass., 1971–1972
1st Cir., 1972–
983 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Campbell, William Joseph, 1905–1988
N.D. Ill., 1940–1988
641 F. Supp. LXI: Devitt Award, photo, 14 p.
761 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Carr, Charles H., 1903–1976
S.D. Cal., 1962–1966
C.D. Cal., 1966–1976
429 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Carr, George C., 1929–1990
M.D. Fla., 1978–1990
758 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Carter, James M., 1904–1979
S.D. Cal., 1949–1967
9th Cir., 1967–1979
618 F.2d XCVIII: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Carter, Oliver Jesse, 1911–1976
N.D. Cal., 1950–1976
418 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Carter, Robert Lee, 1917–
S.D.N.Y., 1972–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Castagna, William J., 1924–
M.D. Fla., 1979–
822 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
Castle, Latham, 1900–1986
7th Cir., 1959–1986
814 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Cecil, Lester L., 1893–1982
S.D. Ohio, 1952–1959
6th Cir., 1959–1982
268 F.2d IX: letter of appointment from President Eisenhower, photo, 3 p.
801 F.2d LXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Celebrezze, Anthony Joseph, 1910–1998
6th Cir., 1965–1998
800 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Chambers, Richard H., 1906–1994
9th Cir., 1954–1994
990 F.2d XCI: naming of court of appeals building, photo, 16 p.
61 F.3d LXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 25 p.
Chandler, Stephen Sanders, Jr., 1899–1989
W.D. Okla., 1943–1989
580 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with Luther
Bohanon and Fred Daugherty
Chestnut, William Calvin, 1873–1962
D. Md., 1932–1962
212 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Chilson, Olin Hatfield, 1903–1991
D. Colo., 1960–1991
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Choate, Emett C., 1891–1974
S.D. Fla., 1954–1974
405 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, in memoriam, photo,
31 p.
Choy, Herbert Y.C., 1916–
9th Cir., 1971–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Christie, Sidney L., 1903–1974
N.D./S.D. W. Va., 1964–1974
378 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Cire, George E., 1922–1985
S.D. Tex., 1979–1985
662 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Clarie, Thomas Emmet, 1913–1997
D. Conn., 1961–1997
170 F.3d XLIX: in memoriam, 5 p.
73 F. Supp. 2d XLI, in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Clark, Charles, 1925–
5th Cir., 1969–1992
674 F. Supp. LXXXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
694 F. Supp. LXXII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
961 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Clark, Charles Edward, 1889–1963
2d Cir., 1939–1963
328 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
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Clark, Thomas A., 1920–
5th Cir., 1979–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
81 F.3d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Clark, Tom C., 1899–1977
S. Ct., 1949–1967
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Clarke, Thurmond, 1902–1971
S.D. Cal., 1955–1966
C.D. Cal., 1966–1971
349 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Clary, Thomas J., 1899–1977
E.D. Pa., 1950–1977
446 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 14 p., done with James
H. Gorbey
Clayton, Claude Feemster, 1909–1969
N.D. Miss., 1958–1967
5th Cir., 1967–1969
434 F.2d 12 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, 9 p., done with Ben F.
Cameron and Edwin R. Holmes
548 F.2d LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 35 p.
Cobb, Howell, 1922–
E.D. Tex., 1985–
12 F. Supp. 2d LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
Coffin, Frank Morey, 1919–
1st Cir.,1965–
892 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 41 p.
Cohen, Mitchell H., 1904–1991
D.N.J., 1962–1991
867 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Coleman, James Plemon, 1914–1991
5th Cir., 1965–1984
724 F.2d LXXV: salute, photo, 6 p.
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 text p., done with seven
other judges
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Collins, Linton M., 1903–1972
Court of Claims, 1964–1972
469 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Collinson, William R., 1912–1995
W.D. Mo., 1965–1991
949 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Combs, Betram Thomas, 1911–1991
6th Cir., 1967–1970
886 F.2d LXXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Connally, Ben Clarkson, 1909–1975
S.D. Tex., 1949–1975
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Connell, James C., 1897–1973
N.D. Ohio, 1954–1973
484 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Contie, Leroy J., Jr., 1920–
N.D. Ohio, 1971–1982
6th Cir., 1982–
856 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
Coolahan, James A., 1903–1986
D.N.J., 1962–1986
496 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Copple, William P., 1916–
D. Ariz., 1966–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Costantino, Mark A., 1920–1990
E.D.N.Y., 1971–1990
769 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Cox, Allen, 1887–1974
N.D. Miss. 1929–1968
399 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 25 p.
Crary, E. Avery, 1905–1978
C.D. Cal., 1962–1978
458 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Craven, James Braxton, Jr., 1918–1977
W.D.N.C., 1961–1966
4th Cir., 1966–1977
604 F.2d LXV: in memoriam, photo, 31 p.
Crow, Sam A., 1926–
D. Kan., 1981–
97 F. Supp. 2d XLI, presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Dalton, Theodore R., 1901–1989
W.D. Va.,. 1959–1989
753 F. Supp. LXXIII: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
850 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Daly, T. F. Gilroy, 1931–1996
D. Conn.,1977–1996
980 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Danaher, John Anthony, 1899–1990
D.C. Cir., 1954–1990
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Daronco, Richard J., 1931–1988
S.D.N.Y., 1987–1988
709 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Darr, Leslie R., 1886–1967
M.D. Tenn., 1939–1940
E.D. Tenn., 1940–1967
365 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Daugherty, Fred,1914–
W.D. Okla., 1962–
580 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with Stephen S.
Chandler and Luther Bohanon
Davies, Ronald Norwood, 1904–1996
D. N.D. 1955–1996
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Davis, Oscar, 1914–1988
Court of Claims, 1962–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–1988
866 F.2d LXXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Dawkins, Benjamin Cornwell, Sr., 1881–1966
W.D. La., 1924–1966
280 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Dawson, Archie Owen, 1898–1964
S.D.N.Y., 1954–1964
234 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Decker, Bernard Martin, 1904–1993
N.D. Ill.,1962–1993
856 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
DeMascio, Robert Edward, 1923–1999
E.D. Mich., 1971–1999
95 F. Supp. 2d XLI, in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Denman, William, 1872–1959
9th Cir., 1935–1959
262 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 12 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Denney, Robert Vernon, 1916–1981
D. Neb., 1971–1981
542 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Dennis, James L., 1936–
5th Cir., 1995–
104 F.3d LXXXIII: investiture, photo, 25 p.
Devitt, Edward J., 1911–1992
D. Minn., 1954–1992
661 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
The following entries are a vitae as a member of the Devitt Award Committee and
consist of one page without a photo unless otherwise noted:
588 F. Supp. XC
641 F. Supp. LXXIII
674 F. Supp. LXXX
694 F. Supp. LXXI
768 F. Supp. XC
805 F. Supp. LXXXV
870 F. Supp. LXXVIII (notes his death that year)
699 F.2d LXX
757 F.2d CIII
800 F.2d CX
888 F.2d CXXI: photo
948 F.2d CXVI
10 F.3d LXXIV (notes his death)
102 S. Ct. 60 (prefatory material)
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Dillin, Samuel Hugh, 1914–
S.D. Ind., 1961–
606 F. Supp. LXV: tribute dinner, photo, 48 p.
Dimock, Edward Jordan, 1890–1986
S.D.N.Y., 1951–1986
648 F. Supp. XLIX: in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
Dobie, Armistead Mason, 1881–1962
W.D. Va., 1939–1940
4th Cir., 1940–1962
311 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
Dooling, John Francis, Jr., 1908–1981
E.D.N.Y., 1961–1981
516 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 25 p.
Doty, David S., 1929–
D. Minn., 1987–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Law Library Journal
Douglas, William O., 1898–1980
S. Ct., 1939–1975
99A S. Ct. 14 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 51 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Doyle, William E., 1911–1986
D. Colo., 1961–1971
10th Cir., 1971–1986
833 F.2d CI: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Duhe, John Malcolm, Jr., 1933–
W.D. La., 1984–1988
5th Cir., 1988–
211 F.3d LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Duffy, Francis Ryan, 1888–1979
E.D. Wis., 1939–1949
7th Cir., 1949–1979
618 F.2d CXV: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Dumbauld, Edward D., 1905–1997
W.D. Pa., 1961–1997
5 F. Supp. 2d LXI: in memoriam, photo, 11 p.
Duncan, Richard Meloan, 1889–1974
E.D./W.D. Mo., 1943–1974
427 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 36 p.
Duniway, Benjamin Cushing, 1907–1986
9th Cir., 1961–1986
826 F.2d XCIII: tribute, photo, 30 p.
Dupree, Franklin Taylor, Jr., 1913–1995
E.D.N.C., 1970–1995
735 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
923 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
East, William G., 1908–1985
D. Or., 1955–1985
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Eaton, Joe, 1920–
S.D. Fla., 1967–
649 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Edenfield, Newell, 1911–1981
N.D. Ga., 1967–1981
569 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Edgerton, Henry White, 1888–1970
D.C. Cir., 1937–1970
426 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
[Vol. 93:1
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Edwards, George Clifton, Jr., 1914–1995
6th Cir., 1963–1995
803 F.2d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Eisele, Garnett Thomas, 1923–
E.D. Ark., 1970–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Ellison, James O., 1929–
N.D. Okla., 1979–
906 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Ely, Walter Raleigh, 1913–1984
9th Cir., 1964–1984
806 F.2d LXXXIII: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Erwin, Richard C., 1923–
M.D.N.C., 1980–
833 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Fahy, Charles, 1892–1979
D.C. Cir., 1949–1979
633 F.2d LXXXI: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Fay, Peter T., 1929–
S.D. Fla., 1970–1976
5th Cir., 1976–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
695 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with C. Clyde
858 F.2d LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with C. Clyde Atkins
Fee, James Alger, 1888–1959
D. Or., 1931–1954
9th Cir., 1954–1959
271 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 22 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews (with his widow, Alice Tomkins
Feikens, John, 1917–
E.D. Mich., 1960–1961; 1970–
70 F. Supp. 2d XLI, dedication of conference center, 12 p.
Feinberg, Wilfred, 1920–
S.D.N.Y., 1961–1966
2d Cir., 1966–
768 F. Supp. XCI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
888 F.2d CXXIII: Devitt Award committee member, photo, 1 p.
Ferguson, Warren J., 1920–
C.D. Cal., 1966–1979
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
9th Cir., 1979–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Finesilver, Sherman Glenn, 1927–
D. Colo., 1971–1994
871 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 39 p.,
Finnegan, Philip J., 1886–1959
7th Cir., 1949–1959
276 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo
Fisher, Joe J., 1910–2000
E.D. Tex., 1956–2000
494 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Fitzgerald, James M., 1920–
D. Alaska, 1974–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Flannery, Thomas A., 1918–
D.D.C., 1971–
644 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Foley, James Thomas, 1910–1990
N.D.N.Y., 1949–1990
768 F. Supp. XCIII: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Foley, Roger D., 1917–1996
D. Nev., 1962–1996
615 F. Supp. LXV: dedication of Foley Federal Building, 31 p.
975 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.,
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Foley, Roger T., 1886–1974
D. Nev., 1945–1974
384 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 35 p.
Follmer, Frederick V., 1885–1971
M.D. Pa., 1946–1971
741 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p., done with John W.
Fong, Harold M., 1938–1995
D. Haw., 1982–1995
900 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 10 p.
Ford, Francis J.W., 1882–1975
D. Mass., 1938–1972
440 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Ford, Hiram Church, 1884–1969
E.D. Ky., 1935–1968
309 F. Supp. 1, (prefatory material) in memoriam, photo, 30 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Ford, Morgan, 1911–1992
Customs Court, 1949–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1992
785 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Forman, Phillip, 1895–1978
D.N.J., 1932–1957
3d Cir., 1957–1978
585 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 32 p.
Fortas, Abe, 1910–1982
S. Ct., 1965–1969
102 S. Ct. 17 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 36 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Frank, Jerome New, 1889–1957
2d Cir., 1941–1957
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Frankfurter, Felix, 1882–1965
S. Ct., 1939–1962
82A S. Ct. 5 (prefatory material): retirement, photo, 8 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Freedman, Abraham Lincoln, 1904–1971
E.D. Pa., 1961–1964
3d Cir., 1964–1971
451 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p., comes after a memorial to David Stahl
50 F. Supp. 2d LI, presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Freedman, Frank H., 1924–
D. Mass., 1972–
950 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Freeman, Ralph M., 1902–1990
E.D. Mich.,1954–1990
779 F. Supp. LXXV: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Freeman, Richard Cameron, 1926–1999
N.D. Ga., 1971–1999
802 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Friedman, Daniel M., 1916–
Court of Claims, 1978–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–
963 F.2d LXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 7 p.
Friendly, Henry Jacob, 1903–1986
2d Cir., 1959–1986
805 F.2d LXXXI: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
887 F.2d XCI: unveiling of bust, photo, 14 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Fulton, Charles B., 1910–1996
S.D. Fla.,1963–1996
505 F. Supp. LIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Gagliardi, Lee Parsons, 1918–1998
29 F. Supp. 2d LV: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Galston, Clarence G., 1876–1964
E.D.N.Y., 1929–1956
238 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Ganey, J. Cullen, 1899–1972
E.D. Pa., 1940–1961
3d Cir., 1961–1972
470 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Gardner, Archibald K., 1867–1962
8th Cir., 1929–1961
313 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Garrity, W. Arthur, Jr., 1920–1999
D. Mass., 1966–1999
861 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Garth, Leonard I., 1921–
D.N.J., 1970–1973
3d Cir., 1973–
137 F.3d LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Garwood, William, 1931–
5th Cir., 1981–
140 F.3d LV: presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
Garza, Reynaldo G., 1915–
S.D. Tex., 1961–1979
5th Cir., 1979–
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, with seven other
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Gasch, Oliver, 1906–1999
D.D.C., 1965–1999
577 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
870 F. Supp. LXXVII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Gee, Thomas Gibbs, 1925–1991
5th Cir., 1973–1991
935 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p., 7 p. text, done with Thomas
Reavley and Jerre Williams
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Gerry, John Francis, 1925–1995
D.N.J., 1974–1995
963 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Gesell, Gerhard Alden, 1910–1993
D.D.C., 1967–1993
768 F. Supp. LXXV: Devitt Award, 17 p.
10 F.3d LXXIV: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Gibson, Floyd R., 1910–
W.D. Mo., 1961–1965
8th Cir., 1965–
642 F.2d LXXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Gignoux, Edward Thaxter, 1916–1988
D. Me., 1957–1988
562 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 32 p.
674 F. Supp. LXXI: Devitt Award, photo, 11 p.
701 F. Supp. LXVII: courthouse dedication, photo, 19 p.
Gilliam, Donnell, 1889–1960
E.D.N.C., 1945–1960
195 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Glasser, I. Leo, 1924–
E.D.N.Y., 1981–
938 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p., 17 p. text, done with five
other judges
Godbold, John Cooper, 1920–
5th Cir., 1966–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
26 F.3d LXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Goldberg, Arthur J., 1908–1990
S. Ct., 1962–1965
82A S. Ct. 17 (prefatory material): appointment, photo, 4 p.
110 S. Ct. 379 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 39 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Goldberg, Irving L., 1906–1995
5th Cir., 1966–1995
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, done with seven
other judges
Goodrich, Herbert Funk, 1889–1962
3d Cir., 1940–1962
317 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Goodwin, Alfred Theodore, 1923–
D. Or., 1969–1971
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
9th Cir., 1971–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Goodwin, William N., 1909–1975
W.D. Wash., 1965–1975
413 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Gorbey, James H., 1920–1977
E.D. Pa., 1970–1977
446 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 12 p., follows memorial to
Thomas Clary
Gordon, Eugene A., 1917–
M.D.N.C., 1964–
726 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Gordon, James Fleming, 1918–1990
W.D. Ky., 1965–1990
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Gordon, Myron L., 1918–
E.D. Wis., 1967–
789 F. Supp. CIII: tribute, photo, 14 p.
Gourley, Wallace S., 1904–1976
W.D. Pa., 1945–1976
422 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Grant, Robert Allen, 1905–1998
N.D. Ind., 1957–1998
803 F. Supp. LIX: 35th anniversary, photo, 23 p.
83 F. Supp. 2d XLIII: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Graven, Henry Norman, 1893–1970
N.D. Iowa, 1944–1970
316 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 37 p.
Greene, Harold H., 1923–2000
D.D.C., 1978–2000
967 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
Guinn, Ernest, 1905–1974
W.D. Tex., 1966–1974
398 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Gurfein, Murray Irwin, 1907–1979
S.D.N.Y., 1971–1974
2d Cir., 1974–1979
634 F.2d LXXXI: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Guy, Ralph B., Jr., 1929–
E.D. Mich., 1976–1985
6th Cir., 1985–
205 F.3d LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Halbert, Sherrill, 1901–1991
N.D. Cal., 1954–1966
E.D. Cal., 1966–1991
99 F. Supp. 2d XLIII: dedication of Sherrill Halbert Lincoln Collection, photo, 16
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hall, Peirson Mitchell, 1894–1979
S.D. Cal., 1942–1966
C.D. Cal., 1966–1979
488 F. Supp. LVII: in memoriam, photo, 46 p.
Hall, Robert H., 1921–1995
N.D. Ga., 1971–1995
766 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Hall, Sam Blakely, Jr., 1924–1994
E.D. Tex., 1985–1994
781 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 29 p.
Hamley, Frederick George, 1903–1975
9th Cir., 1956–1975
526 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Hamlin, Oliver D., Jr., 1892–1973
N.D. Cal., 1953–1958
9th Cir., 1958–1973
491 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 10 p.
Hand, Learned, 1872–1961
S.D.N.Y., 1909–1924
2d Cir., 1924–1961
264 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): commemoration of 50 years of judicial service,
photo, 38 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hanson, William Cook, 1909–1995
S.D. Iowa, 1962–1995
908 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hardy, Charles L., 1919–
D. Ariz., 1980–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hargrove, John R., 1923–1997
D. Md., 1984–1997
978 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Harlan, John Marshall, 1899–1971
2d Cir., 1954–1955
S. Ct., 1955–1971
92A S. Ct. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 47 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Harper, Roy Winfield, 1905–1994
E.D./W.D. Mo., 1947–1994
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Harris, George Bernard, 1901–1983
N.D. Cal., 1946–1983
686 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Harris, Oren, 1903–1997
E.D./W.D. Ark., 1966–1997
564 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hart, George L., Jr., 1905–1984
D.D.C., 1958–1984
589 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Hartshorne, Richard, 1888–1975
D.N.J., 1951–1975
400 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 16 p., done with Harry Lane Jr.
Harvey, R. James, 1922–
E.D. Mich., 1973–
997 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Hastie, William H., 1904–1976
D.V.I., 1937–1939
3d Cir., 1949–1976
535 F.2d LXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hastings, John Simpson, 1898–1977
7th Cir., 1957–1977
553 F.2d LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Hauk, A. Andrew, 1912–
C.D. Cal., 1966–
557 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 6 p.
676 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p.
Haynsworth, Clement Furman, Jr., 1912–1989
4th Cir., 1957–1989
665 F.2d LXXIII: tribute, photo, 28 p.
924 F.2d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Hays, Paul Raymond, 1903–1980
2d Cir., 1961–1980
635 F.2d LV: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Healy, William, 1881–1962
9th Cir., 1937–1962
308 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Heaney, Gerald William, 1918–
8th Cir., 1966–
883 F.2d LXXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p.
Hemphill, Robert Witherspoon, 1915–1983
E.D.S.C./W.D.S.C., 1964–1965
D.S.C., 1965–1983
592 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Henderson, Albert J., 1920–
N.D. Ga., 1968–1979
5th Cir., 1979–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Henley, J. Smith, 1917–1997
E.D./W.D. Ark., 1958–1975
8th Cir., 1975–1997
783 F.2d LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
168 F.3d LXXXI: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Herlands, William B., 1905–1969
S.D.N.Y., 1955–1969
306 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Herman, Robert Dixon, 1911–1990
M.D. Pa., 1969–1990
770 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Hickey, John Joseph, 1911–1970
10th Cir., 1966–1970
436 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Higginbotham, Aloyisus Leon, Jr., 1928–1998
E.D. Pa., 1964–1977
3d Cir., 1977–1993
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hill, Delmas C., 1906–1989
D. Kan., 1949–1961
10th Cir., 1961–1989
639 F.2d LXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 36 p.
896 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 7 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Hill, Irving, 1915–1998
C.D. Cal., 1965–1998
675 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
80 F. Supp. 2d XLI, in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Hill, James C., 1924–
N.D. Ga., 1974–1976
5th Cir., 1976–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
19 F.3d CXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p., done with Paul H. Roney
Hill, Robert Madden, 1928–1987
N.D. Tex., 1970–1984
5th Cir., 1984–1987
889 F.2d XCV: presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
Hincks, Carroll Clark, 1889–1964
D. Conn., 1931–1953
2d Cir., 1954–1964
342 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Hodge, Walter H., 1896–1975
D. Alaska, 1961–1975
255 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): retirement, photo, 21 p.
Hoffman, Walter Edward, 1907–1996
E.D.Va., 1954–1996
470 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
588 F. Supp. LXXXI: Devitt Award, photo, 11 p.
981 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 9 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hogan, Timothy Sylvester, 1909–1989
S.D. Ohio, 1966–1989
679 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Holder, Cale James, 1912–1983
S.D. Ind., 1954–1983
579 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 42 p.
Holloway, William J., Jr., 1928–
10th Cir., 1968–
805 F. Supp. LXXXVII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
51 F. Supp. 2d LI, 30 years of service, photo, 24 p.
947 F.2d XCV: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
948 F.2d CXVIII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
981 F.2d LXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Holmes, Edwin Ruthven, 1878–1961
N.D./S.D. Miss., 1918–1929
S.D. Miss., 1929–1936
An Index to Special Court Sessions
5th Cir., 1936–1961
434 F.2d 3 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, 5 p., done with Ben F.
Cameron and Claude F. Clayton
Holtzoff, Alexander, 1886–1969
D.D.C., 1945–1969
308 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hooper, Frank A., 1895–1985
N.D. Ga., 1950–1985
534 F. Supp. LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 12 p.
Horton, Odell, 1929–
W.D. Tenn., 1980–
957 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Howard, Alex T., Jr., 1924–
S.D. Ala., 1986–
974 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Howard, George, Jr., 1924–
E.D./W.D. Ark., 1980–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hughes, Sarah Tilghman, 1896–1985
N.D. Tex., 1962–1985
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hull, Thomas G., 1926–
E.D. Tenn., 1983–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hunter, Elmo B., 1915–
W.D. Mo., 1965–
694 F. Supp. LXI: Devitt Award, photo, 12 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Hunter, James, III, 1916–1989
3d Cir., 1971–1989
898 F.2d XCV: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Hutcheson, Charles Sterling, 1894–1969
E.D. Va., 1944–1969
406 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 5 p.
Hutchinson, William D., 1932–1995
3d Cir., 1987–1995
92 F.3d LXXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Huxman, Walter A., 1887–1972
10th Cir., 1939–1972
474 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Huyett, Daniel H., III, 1921–1998
E.D. Pa., 1970–1998
92 F. Supp. 2d XLI: in memoriam, 7 p.
Ingraham, Joe McDonald, 1903–1990
S.D. Tex., 1954–1969
5th Cir., 1969–1990
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, done with seven
other judges
919 F.2d XCV: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Ingram, William A., 1924–
N.D. Cal., 1976–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Jackson, Joseph R., 1880–1969
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1937–1958
D.D.C., 1958–1969
421 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Jackson, Robert, 1892–1954
S. Ct., 1941–1954
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Jameson, William J., 1898–1990
D. Mont., 1957–1990
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Jertberg, Gilbert, 1899–1973
S.D. Cal., 1955–1958
9th Cir., 1958–1973
493 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Johnsen, Harvey M., 1895–1975
8th Cir., 1940–1975
527 F.2d LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Johnson, Frank Minis, Jr., 1918–1999
M.D. Ala., 1955–1979
5th Cir., 1979–1981
11th Cir., 1981–1999
481 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
757 F.2d XCIII: Devitt Award, photo, 13 p.
989 F.2d LXXXIX: dedication of courthouse, 28 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Johnson, Jed Joseph, 1888–1963
Customs Court, 1947–1963
443 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Johnson, Sam D., Jr., 1920–
5th Cir., 1979–
937 F.2d LXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Johnstone, Edward H., 1922–
W.D. Ky., 1977–
961 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Joiner, Charles Wycliffe,1916–
E.D. Mich., 1972–
996 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Jones, John B., 1927–
D.S.D., 1981–
896 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Jones, John Marvin, 1882–1976
Court of Claims, 1940–1964
537 F.2d LVII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Jones, Nathaniel Raphael, 1926–
6th Cir., 1979–
207 F.3d XXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Jones, Paul J., 1880–1965
N.D. Ohio, 1923–1965
265 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
Jones, Warren L., 1895–1993
5th Cir., 1955–1981
11th Cir., 1981–1993
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Jones, William B., 1907–1979
D.D.C., 1962–1979
466 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
585 F. Supp. LXXIII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Jones, Woodrow Wilson, 1914–
W.D.N.C., 1967–1993
809 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Judd, Orrin Grimmell, 1906–1976
E.D.N.Y., 1968–1976
424 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Justice, William Wayne, 1920–
E.D. Tex., 1968–1998
S.D. Tex., 1998–
738 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Kalodner, Harry E., 1896–1977
E.D. Pa.,1938–1946
3d Cir., 1946–1977
355 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): elevation to chief judge, 51 p., done with the
retirement of John Biggs Jr.
567 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p., done before Gerald
49 F. Supp. 2d LI: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Kaufman, Irving Robert, 1910–1992
S.D.N.Y., 1949–1961
2d Cir., 1961–1992
508 F.2d LXV: tribute for 25 years of service, 27 p.
895 F.2d LXXXIII: tribute for 40 years of service, photo, 21 p.
972 F.2d CV: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Keady, William Colbert, 1913–1989
N.D. Miss., 1968–1989
571 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 36 p.
Keech, Richmond Bowling, 1896–1986
D.D.C., 1947–1986
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Kellam, Richard B., 1909–1997
E.D. Va., 1967–1997
964 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Kennedy, Anthony M., 1936–
9th Cir., 1975–1988
S. Ct., 1988–
909 F. Supp. LXXVIII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Kent, W. Wallace, 1916–1973
W.D. Mich., 1954–1971
6th Cir., 1971–1973
489 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Kern, Terry C., 1944–
N.D. Okla., 1994–
952 F. Supp. LXI: welcoming, 27 p., done with the presentation of portrait to
Thomas R. Brett
Kerr, Ewing Thomas, 1900–1992
D. Wyo., 1956–1992
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Kiley, Roger J., 1900–1974
7th Cir., 1961–1974
505 F.2d LXXII: in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Kilkenny, John F., 1901–1995
D. Or., 1959–1969
An Index to Special Court Sessions
9th Cir., 1969–1995
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
King, James Lawrence, 1927–
S.D. Fla., 1970–
885 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Kitchen, John J., 1911–1973
462 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Knoch, Winfred George, 1895–1983
N.D. Ill., 1953–1958
7th Cir., 1958–1983
728 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Knox, John Clark, 1881–1966
S.D.N.Y., 1918–1966
258 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Knox, William W., 1911–1981
W.D. Pa., 1970–1981
524 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Kraft, C. William, Jr., 1903–
E.D. Pa., 1956–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Krentzman, Ben, 1914–1998
M.D. Fla., 1967–1998
559 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Kunzel, Fred, 1901–1969
S.D. Cal., 1959–1969
353 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Kunzig, Robert L., 1918–1982
Court of Claims, 1972–1982
707 F.2d XCVII: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Landis, Frederick, 1912–1990
Customs Court, 1965–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1990
737 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 5 p.
Lane, Donald E., 1909–1979
Court of Claims, 1954–1969
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1969–1979
608 F.2d LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Lane, Harry, Jr., 1917–1975
D.N.J., 1972–1975 (U.S. Magistrate Judge)
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
400 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 16 p., done with Richard
Larkins, John D., Jr., 1909–1990
E.D.N.C., 1961–1990
471 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 35 p.
750 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Larson, Earl Richard, 1911–
D. Minn., 1961–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Lawrence, Alexander Atkinson, Jr., 1906–1979
S.D. Ga., 1968–1979
435 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
482 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 25 p.
Lay, Donald P., 1926–
8th Cir., 1966–
979 F.2d XCI: presentation of portrait, photo, 29 p.
Layton, Caleb Rodney, III, 1907–1988
D. Del., 1957–1988
765 F. Supp. LXXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Leahy, Paul Conway, 1904–1966
D. Del., 1942–1966
328 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Leddy, Bernard J., 1910–1972
D. Vt., 1966–1972
334 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
Lederle, Arthur F., 1887–1972
E.D. Mich., 1936–1972
342 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Leighton, George Neves, 1912–
N.D. Ill., 1976–1987
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Lemmon, Dal M., 1887–1958
N.D. Cal., 1947–1954
9th Cir., 1954–1958
257 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Letts, Fred Dickinson, 1875–1965
D.C., 1931–1936
D.D.C., 1936–1965
236 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 6 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Leventhal, Harold, 1915–1979
D.C. Cir., 1965–1979
615 F.2d LXXV: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
958 F.2d LXXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Levet, Richard H., 1894–1980
S.D.N.Y., 1956–1976
493 F. Supp. LVII: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Levin, Gerald S., 1906–1971
N.D. Cal., 1969–1971
360 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Levin, Theodore, 1897–1970
E.D. Mich., 1946–1970
348 F. Supp.1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
409 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): dedication of library, 16 p.
904 F. Supp. LXI: naming of courthouse, 17 p.
Lewis, David T., 1912–1983
10th Cir., 1956–1983
787 F.2d LXXXV: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Lieb, Joseph P., 1901–1971
M.D. Fla., 1955–1971
358 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Lindley, Walter C., 1880–1958
E.D. Ill., 1922–1949
7th Cir., 1949–1958
300 F.2d 13 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p., done with H. Nathan
Lively, Pierce, 1921–
6th Cir., 1972–1998
946 F.2d CXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
Logan, James K., 1929–
10th Cir., 1977–1998
102 F.3d LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 10 p.
Lord, Joseph S., III, 1912–1991
E.D. Pa., 1961–1991
526 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
777 F. Supp. LXXV: in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Lord, Miles Welton, 1919–
D. Minn., 1966–1985
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Lumbard, Joseph Edward, Jr., 1901–1999
2d Cir., 1955–1999
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Luongo, Alfred L., 1920–1986
E.D. Pa., 1961–1986
659 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Lydick, Lawrence T., 1916–1995
C.D. Cal., 1971–1995
924 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 25 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Lynne, Seybourn, 1907–2000
N.D. Ala., 1946–2000
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Machrowicz, Thaddeus, 1899–1970
E.D. Mich., 1961–1970
311 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
MacKinnon, George Edward, 1906–1995
D.C. Cir., 1969–1995
774 F.2d XCIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
MacLaughlin, Harry H., 1927–
D. Minn., 1977–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
MacMahon, Lloyd F., 1912–1989
S.D.N.Y., 1959–1989
725 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Madden, Joseph Warren, 1890–1972
Court of Claims, 1941–1961
465 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Madden, Thomas M., 1907–1976
D.N.J., 1945–1976
307 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Magnuson, Paul A., 1937–
D. Minn., 1981–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Magruder, Calvert, 1893–1968
1st Cir., 1939–1968
272 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
631 F.2d LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Mahoney, John Daniel, 1931–1996
2d Cir., 1986–1996
164 F.3d LXI: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Major, James Earl, 1887–1972
S.D. Ill., 1933–1937
7th Cir., 1937–1972
466 F.2d XXXIX: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Maletz, Herbert N., 1913–
Customs Court, 1967–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1982
886 F. Supp. LXVII: special session, photo, 36 p., done with James L. Watson
Mansfield, Walter Roe, 1911–1987
S.D.N.Y., 1966–1971
2d Cir., 1971–1987
827 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Maris, Albert Branson, 1893–1989
E.D. Pa., 1936–1938
3d Cir., 1938–1989
260 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): senior status proceeding, photo, 19 p.
494 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): tribute, photo, 20 p.
699 F.2d LXI: Devitt Award, photo, 11 p.
867 F.2d XCI: courtroom dedication, photo, 13 p.
894 F.2d XCI: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Markey, Howard Thomas, 1920–
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1972–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–1991
684 F.2d LXI: special session, panel photo, 14 p.
686 F.2d LVII: inaugural session of the Federal Circuit, panel photo, 12 p.
933 F.2d LXXXVII: salute, photo, 10 p.
Marsh, Rabe F., Jr., 1905–1993
W.D. Pa., 1950–1986
826 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Marshall, Thurgood, 1908–1993
2d Cir., 1961–1965
S. Ct., 1967–1991
995 F.2d LXXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
114 S. Ct. 58 (prefatory material): tribute, 16 p.
114 S. Ct. 553 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 31 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Martin, John Donelson, 1883–1962
W.D. Tenn., 1935–1940
6th Cir., 1940–1962
302 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 10 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Mathes, William C., 1899–1967
S.D. Cal., 1945–1967
273 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 32 p.
Mathews, Clifton, 1880–1962
9th Cir., 1935–1962
312 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Matthes, Marion C., 1906–1980
8th Cir., 1958–1980
822 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Matthews, Burnita Shelton, 1894–1988
D.D.C., 1949–1988
387 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Mazzone, A. David, 1928–
D. Mass., 1978–
926 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
McAllister, Thomas Francis, 1896–1976
6th Cir., 1941–1976
556 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 6 p.
556 F.2d XCI: in memoriam, 6 p.
609 F.2d LXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
McCree, Wade Hampton, Jr., 1920–1987
E.D. Mich., 1961–1966
6th Cir., 1966–1977
782 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, 12 p., done with Philip Pratt
725 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
McGarraghy, Joseph C., 1897–1975
D.D.C., 1954–1975
403 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 9 p.
McGowan, Carl E., 1911–1987
D.C. Cir., 1963–1987
761 F.2d LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
852 F.2d LXXXV: in memoriam, photo, 11 p.
McGranery, James Patrick, 1895–1962
E.D. Pa., 1946–1952
910 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
McKay, Monroe G., 1928–
10th Cir., 1977–
38 F.3d LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
McLaughlin, Charles Francis, 1887–1976
D.D.C., 1949–1976
408 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
McLaughlin, Gerald, 1893–1977
3d Cir., 1943–1977
567 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 25 p., presented after Harry
E. Kalodner
McManus, Edward Joseph, 1920–
N.D. Iowa, 1962–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
McMillan, James Bryan, 1916–1995
W.D.N.C., 1968–1995
808 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 33 p.
McNamee, Charles J., 1890–1964
D. Tenn., 1951–1964
574 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 2 p.
McWilliams, Robert H., Jr., 1916–
10th Cir., 1970–
918 F.2d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Meaney, Thomas F., 1888–1968
D.N.J., 1942–1968
288 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Medina, Harold Raymond, 1888–1990
S.D.N.Y., 1947–1951
2d Cir., 1951–1990
859 F.2d LXXXV: 100th birthday, photo, 23 p.
917 F.2d XCI: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Meekins, Isaac Melson, 1875–1946
E.D.N.C., 1925–1946
389 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Mehaffy, Pat, 1904–1981
8th Cir., 1963–1981
654 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Mehrtens, William O., 1905–1980
S.D. Fla., 1965–1980
512 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Melton, Howell W., 1923–
M.D. Fla., 1977–
778 F. Supp. LXXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Meredith, Ronald E., 1946–1994
W.D. Ky., 1985–1994
939 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Merrill, Charles Merton, 1907–1996
9th Cir., 1959–1996
778 F.2d LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
111 F.3d LXXXI: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Mickelson, George T., 1903–1965
D.S.D., 1954–1965
240 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Miller, Andrew, 1870–1960
D. N.D., 1922–1960
188 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo
Miller, John L., 1901–1978
W.D. Pa., 1954–1978
472 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 28 p., presented before
the memorial to Herbert P. Sorg
Miller, Shackelford, Jr., 1892–1965
W.D. Ky., 1939–1945
6th Cir., 1945–1965
390 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Miller, Wilbur Kingsbury, 1892–1976
D.C. Cir., 1945–1976
689 F.2d LXI: in memoriam, photo, 23 p., done with Walter M. Bastian
Miller, William Ernest, 1908–1976
M.D. Tenn., 1955–1970
6th Cir., 1970–1976
564 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
564 F.2d LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
Mishler, Jacob, 1911–
E.D.N.Y., 1960–
938 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p., 17p. text, done with five
other judges
Mitchell, George J., 1933–
D. Me., 1979–1980
730 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Moore, George H., 1878–1962
E.D. Mo., 1935–1962
216 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Moore, John H., II, 1929–
M.D. Fla., 1981–
953 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Moore, Leonard P., 1898–1983
2d Cir., 1957–1983
An Index to Special Court Sessions
710 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Morgan, Lewis Render, 1913–
N.D. Ga., 1961–1968
5th Cir., 1968–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
808 F.2d XCV: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Morton, Leland Clure, 1916–1998
M.D. Tenn., 1970–1998
616 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
Motley, Constance Baker, 1921–
S.D.N.Y., 1966–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Moye, Charles A., Jr., 1918–
N.D. Ga., 1970–
723 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 42 p.
Mulligan, William Hughes, 1918–1996
2d Cir., 1971–1981
165 F.3d LXXXV: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Murphy, Diana E., 1934–
D. Minn., 1980–1994
8th Cir., 1994–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Murphy, Frank, 1890–1949
S. Ct., 1940–1949
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Murphy, John W., 1902–1962
M.D. Pa., 1946–1962
741 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p., done with Frederick V.
Murrah, Alfred P., 1904–1975
D. Okla., 1937–1940
10th Cir., 1940–1970
574 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
574 F.2d LXI: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Murray, Frank J., 1904–1995
D. Mass., 1967–1995
762 F. Supp. XCIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 33 p.
Neese, Charles Gelbert, 1916–1989
E.D. Tenn., 1961–1989
670 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Nelson, David S., 1933–1998
D. Mass., 1979–1998
36 F. Supp. 2d LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Nelson, Dorothy W., 1928–
9th Cir., 1979–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Neville, Philip, 1909–1974
D. Minn., 1967–1974
374 F. Supp.1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Newman, Jon O., 1932–
D. Conn., 1971–1979
2d Cir., 1979–
175 F.3d LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Nichol, Fred J., 1912–1996
D.S.D., 1965–1996
543 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Nichols, Philip, Jr., 1907–1990
Customs Court, 1964–1966
Court of Claims, 1966–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–1990
910 F.2d LXV: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Nickerson, Eugene Hoffman, 1918–
E.D.N.Y., 1977–
938 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p., 17 p. text, done with five
other judges
Nies, Helen Wilson, 1925–1996
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–1996
684 F.2d LXI: special session of U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, panel
photo, 14 p.
50 F.3d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
138 F.3d LVII: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Noland, James Ellsworth, 1920–1992
S.D. Ind., 1966–1992
678 F. Supp. LXIX: recognition dinner, photo, 44 p.
816 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 44 p.
Noonan, Gregory F., 1906–1964
S.D.N.Y., 1949–1964
229 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Nordbye, Gunnar Hans, 1888–1977
D. Minn., 1931–1977
261 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): senior status, photo, 24 p.
452 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 9 p.
O’Brien, David V., 1932–1989
D.V.I., 1981–1989
744 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
O’Brien, Donald E., 1923–
N.D. Iowa, 1978–
922 F. Supp. LXIII: senior status, photo, 21 p.
O’Connor, Earl E., 1922–1998
D. Kan., 1971–1998
789 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 31 p.
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 1930–
S. Ct., 1981–
768 F. Supp. XC, Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
888 F.2d CXXII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
O’Kelley, William C., 1930–
N.D. Ga., 1970–
47 F. Supp. 2d LIII: presentation of portrait, senior status, photo, 17 p.
O’Sullivan, Clifford, 1897–1975
E.D. Mich., 1957–1960
6th Cir., 1960–1975
536 F.2d LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 12 p.
Oberdorfer, Louis Falk, 1919–
D.D.C., 1977–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Oliver, John Watkins, 1914–1990
W.D. Mo., 1962–1990
767 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Orr, William E., 1881–1965
9th Cir., 1945–1965
351 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Orrick, William Horsley, Jr., 1915–
N.D. Cal., 1974–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Overton, William R., 1939–1987
E.D. Ark., 1979–1987
711 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Law Library Journal
Owens, Wilbur D., Jr., 1930–
M.D. Ga., 1972–
882 F. Supp. LXIX: senior status, photo, 17 p.
Palmieri, Edmund L., 1907–1989
S.D.N.Y., 1954–1989
740 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 30 p.
Parker, Barrington D., Sr., 1915–1993
D.D.C., 1969–1993
663 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Parker, John Johnston, 1885–1958
4th Cir., 1925–1958
253 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 55 p.
Parker, Robert M., 1937–
E.D. Tex., 1979–1994
5th Cir.,1994–
764 F. Supp. LXXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Parkinson, W. Lynn, 1902–1959
N.D. Ind., 1954–1957
7th Cir., 1957–1959
283 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 12 p.
Parsons, James Benton, 1911–1993
N.D. Ill., 1961–1993
842 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
936 F. Supp. LXI: dedication of courtroom, photo, 25 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Paul, John, Jr., 1883–1964
W.D. Va., 1932–1962
233 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Peck, John Weld, 1913–1993
S.D. Ohio, 1961–1966
6th Cir., 1966–1993
646 F.2d LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
Peckham, Robert F., 1920–1993
N.D. Cal., 1966–1993
721 F. Supp. LXIII: tribute, photo, 8 p.
823 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Pesquera, Hernan G., 1924–1982
D.P.R., 1972–1982
568 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Pettine, Raymond James, 1912–
D.R.I., 1966–
[Vol. 93:1
An Index to Special Court Sessions
717 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
Phillips, Harry, 1909–1985
6th Cir., 1963–1985
702 F.2d LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
850 F.2d LXXI: dedication of library, 12 p.
Phillips, Orie Leon, 1885–1974
D.N.M., 1923–1929
10th Cir., 1929–1974
516 F.2d LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Picard, Frank Albert, 1889–1963
E.D. Mich., 1939–1963
214 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
Pickett, John C., 1896–1983
10th Cir., 1948–1983
775 F.2d LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Platt, Thomas C., Jr., 1925–
E.D.N.Y., 1974–
903 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
Plummer, Raymond Eugene, 1913–1987
D. Alaska, 1961–1987
700 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 9 p.
Politz, Henry A., 1932–
5th Cir.,1979–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Pollack, Milton, 1906–
909 F. Supp. LXV: Devitt Award, photo, 16 p.
Pope, Walter Lyndon, 1889–1969
9th Cir., 1949–1969
411 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Port, Edmund, 1906–1986
N.D.N.Y., 1964–1986
672 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Porter, Donald J., 1921–1993
D.S.D., 1979–1993
858 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Powell, Charles L., 1902–1975
E.D. Wash., 1959–1975
402 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Powell, Lewis F., 1907–1998
S. Ct., 1971–1987
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
641 F. Supp. LXXIII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
757 F.2d CIV: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
800 F.2d CXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
29 F.3d LXXVII: dedication of courthouse, photo, 16 p.
Pratt, George C., 1928–
E.D.N.Y., 1976–1982
2d Cir., 1982–1995
48 F.3d XCIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Pratt, John H., 1910–1995
D.D.C., 1968–1995
951 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Pratt, Philip, 1924–1989
E.D. Mich., 1970–1989
782 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, 12 p., done with Wade H. McCree Jr.
Prettyman, E. Barrett, 1891–1971
D.C. Cir., 1945–1971
463 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 31 p., done with
George T. Washington
Price, Edward Dean, 1919–1997
E.D. Cal., 1979–1997
754 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Ramirez, Raul Anthony, 1944–
E.D. Cal., 1980–1989
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Rao, Paul P., 1899–1988
Customs Court, 1948–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1988
708 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Re, Edward D., 1920–
Customs Court, 1969–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1991
439 F. Supp.1 (prefatory material), investiture as chief judge, photo, 32 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Reasoner, Stephen M., 1944–
E.D. Ariz., 1988–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Reavley, Thomas M., 1921–
5th Cir., 1979–
935 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p., 7 p. text, done with Thomas
Gee and Jerre Williams
Reed, Scott, 1921–1994
E.D. Ky., 1979–1994
An Index to Special Court Sessions
771 F. Supp. LXXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Reed, Stanley F., 1884–1980
S. Ct., 1938–1957
100 S. Ct. 14 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 41 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Regan, John Keating, 1911–1987
E.D. Mo., 1962–1987
684 F. Supp. LXXV: in memoriam, photo, 28 p.
Register, George Scott, 1901–1972
D.N.D., 1955–1972
356 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Renfrew, Charles B., 1928–
N.D. Cal., 1972–1980
489 F. Supp. LIX: retirement, 13 p.
Renner, Robert G., 1923–
D. Minn., 1979–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Revercomb, George Hughes, 1929–1993
D.D.C., 1985–1993
860 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 12 p.
Rice, Ben H., Jr., 1889–1964
W.D. Tex., 1945–1964
228 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 36 p.
Rice, Eugene, 1891–1967
E.D. Okla., 1937–1967
304 F. Supp. 7 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 5 p.
Rich, Giles Sutherland, 1904–1999
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1956–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–1999
684 F.2d LXI: special session, 14 p.
905 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Richardson, Scovel, 1912–1982
U.S. Customs Court, 1957–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1982
540 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, 5 p.
Richey, Charles Robert, 1923–1997
D.D.C., 1971–1997
875 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of the Case Western Reserve University Law
School Medal, photo, 24 p.
20 F. Supp. 2d LIX: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Ridge, Albert Alphonso, 1898–1967
W.D. Mo., 1945–1961
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
8th Cir., 1961–1967
381 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Rizley, Ross, 1892–1969
W.D. Okla., 1956–1969
304 F. Supp. 12 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 3 p.
Robb, Roger, 1907–1985
D.C. Cir., 1969–1985
773 F.2d LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
813 F.2d LXXXV: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Roberts, Jack, 1910–1988
W.D. Tex., 1966–1988
566 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Roberts, Ross T., 1938–1987
664 W.D. Mo., 1982–1987
F. Supp. LXXIII: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Robinson, Aubrey E., Jr., 1922–2000
D.D.C., 1966–2000
817 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Robinson, Spottswood W., III, 1916–1998
D.D.C., 1964–1966
D.C. Cir., 1966–1998
920 F.2d LXXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Robson, Edwin A., 1905–1986
N.D. Ill., 1958–1986
471 F. Supp. LV: statement of thanks for serving on the Multi–District Litigation
Panel, 1 p.
660 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 28 p.
Roche, Michael J., 1878–1964
N.D. Cal., 1935–1964
239 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Rodney, Richard Seymour, 1882–1963
D. Del., 1946–1963
327 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
Rogers, Richard D., 1921–
D. Kan., 1975–
755 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Roney, Paul H., 1921–
5th Cir., 1970–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
19 F.3d CXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p., done with James C. Hill
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Rosen, James, 1909–1972
3d Cir., 1971–1972
490 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Rosenbaum, James M., 1944–
D. Minn., 1985–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Rosenn, Max, 1910–
3d Cir., 1970–
703 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p., done with Michael
865 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p., done with Michael Sheridan
100 F.3d LXXIX: dedication of courthouse, photo, 19 p.
Rosling, George, 1900–1973
E.D.N.Y., 1961–1973
359 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Ross, Donald R., 1922–
8th Cir., 1980–
843 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Ross, John R., 1899–1963
D. Nev., 1954–1963
221 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 23 p.
Roth, Stephen, 1908–1974
E.D. Mich., 1962–1974
441 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Rovner, Ilana Diamond, 1938–
N.D. Ill., 1984–1992
7th Cir., 1992–
17 F.3d LXXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Roy, Elsijane T., 1916–
E.D. Ark., 1977–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Rubin, Alvin Benjamin, 1920–1991
E.D. La., 1966–1977
5th Cir., 1977–1991
900 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 10 p.
940 F.2d CXVII: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Rubin, Carl Bernard, 1920–1995
S.D. Ohio, 1971–1995
948 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Ruiz–Nazario, Clemente, n.d.–1969
D.P.R., 1952–1966
259 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): retirement, 6 p.
310 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Russell, David L., 1942–
W.D. Okla., 1981–
905 F. Supp. LXI: welcoming, 20 p., done with presentation of portrait of Lee R.
Russell, Donald S., 1906–1998
D.S.C., 1966–1971
4th Cir., 1971–1998
70 F.3d CVII: dedication of courthouse, 17 p.
169 F.3d XLIII: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Russell, Robert L., Sr., 1890–1955
N.D. Ga., 1940–1949
5th Cir., 1949–1955
597 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 17 p.
Ryan, Sylvester J., 1896–1981
S.D.N.Y., 1947–1981
523 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Saffels, Dale E., 1921–
D. Kan., 1979–
756 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 23 p.
Sanborn, John Benjamin, 1883–1964
D. Minn., 1925–1932
8th Cir., 1932–1964
338 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Sanders, Harold Barefoot, Jr., 1925–
N.D. Tex., 1979–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Scalia, Antonin, 1936–
D.C. Cir., 1982–1986
S. Ct., 1986–
870 F. Supp. LXXVII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
10 F.3d LXXIII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Scarlett, Francis Muir, 1891–1971
S.D. Ga., 1946–1971
339 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 11 p.
603 F. Supp. LXXIII: presentation of portrait, in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Schatz, Albert G., 1921–1985
D. Neb., 1973–1985
645 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Schwarzer, William W., 1925–
N.D. Cal., 1976–
747 F. Supp. LXIII: tribute, photo, 21 p.
Scott, Charles R., 1904–1983
M.D. Fla., 1966–1983
423 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 35 p.
578 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Seitz, Collins J., 1914–1998
3d Cir., 1966–1998
35 F.3d LXXIII: presentation of portrait, dedication of courtroom, photo, 19 p.
Seth, Oliver, 1915–1996
10th Cir., 1962–1996
897 F.2d LXXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 8 p.
109 F.3d LXI: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Sharp, Morell E., 1920–1980
W.D. Wash., 1971–1980
499 F. Supp. LVII: in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Sheehy, Joe W., 1910–1967
E.D. Tex., 1951–1967
282 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Sheridan, Michael H., 1912–1976
M.D. Pa., 1961–1976
419 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
703 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p., done with Max Rosenn
865 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p., done with Max Rosenn
Shoob, Marvin, 1923–
N.D. Ga., 1979–
783 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
Sibley, Samuel Hale, 1873–1958
N.D. Ga., 1919–1931
5th Cir., 1931–1958
274 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 39 p.
Simons, Charles C., 1876–1964
E.D. Mich., 1923–1939
6th Cir., 1939–1964
354 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 39 p.
Simons, Charles E., Jr., 1916–1999
D.S.C., 1964–1999
608 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
Simpson, John Milton Bryan, 1903–1987
S.D. Fla., 1950–1962
M.D. Fla., 1962–1966
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
5th Cir., 1966–1981
11th Cir., 1981–1987
881 F.2d LXXIX: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Singleton, John V., Jr., 1918–
S.D. Tex., 1966–1992
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Skelton, Byron G., 1905–
Court of Claims, 1966–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–
962 F.2d LXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 12 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Skinner, Walter Jay, 1927–
D. Mass., 1973–
839 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 14 p.
937 F. Supp. LXI: painted the portrait of Charles Edward Wyzanski, Jr. found here,
1 p.
Skopil, Otto R., Jr., 1919–
D. Or., 1972–1979
9th Cir., 1979–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Smith, Arthur M., 1903–1968
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1959–1968
422 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Smith, Edward Samuel, 1919–
U.S. Court of Claims, 1978–1982
Fed. Cir., 1982–
964 F.2d LV: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Smith, John Joseph, 1904–1980
D. Conn., 1941–1960
2d Cir., 1960–1971
637 F.2d LIII: in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Smith, John Lewis, Jr., 1912–1992
D.D.C., 1966–1992
811 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Smith, Orma R., 1904–1982
N.D. Miss. 1968–1982
507 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
Smith, Talbot, 1899–1978
E.D. Mich., 1962–1978
544 F. Supp. LVII: presentation of portrait, dedication of courtroom, photo, 17 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Smith, William F., 1903–1968
D.N.J., 1941–1961
3d Cir., 1961–1968
392 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Snyder, Daniel J., Jr., 1916–1980
W.D. Pa., 1973–1980
491 F. Supp. LVII: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Sobeloff, Simon E., 1893–1973
4th Cir., 1956–1973
523 F.2d LXV: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Solomon, Gus J., 1906–1987
D. Or., 1950–1987
749 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, courthouse dedication, photo, 27 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Soper, Morris Ames, 1873–1963
D. Md., 1923–1931
4th Cir., 1931–1963
326 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 28 p.
Sorg, Herbert P., 1911–1979
W.D. Pa., 1955–1979
472 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p., after memorial to
John L. Miller
Spears, Adrian A., 1910–1991
W.D. Tex., 1961–1982
503 F. Supp. LV: presentation of portrait, photo, 21 p.
567 F. Supp. LXV: retirement, photo, 27 p.
601 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Sprecher, Robert Arthur, 1917–1982
7th Cir., 1971–1982
700 F.2d LVII: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Stafford, William, 1931–
N.D. Fla., 1975–
8 F. Supp. 2d LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Stahl, David, 1920–1970
3d Cir., 1968–1970
451 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 16 p., done with Abraham L.
Staley, Austin L., 1902–1978
3d Cir., 1950–1978
586 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
586 F.2d LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Stanley, Arthur Jehu, Jr., 1901–
D. Kan., 1958–
514 F. Supp. LIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
Stanley, Edwin M., 1909–1971
M.D.N.C., 1957–1971
395 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material) presentation of portrait, in memoriam, 27 p.
Starr, Kenneth W., 1946–
D.C. Cir., 1983–1989
734 F.2d. XCIII: investiture, photo, 12 p.
Starr, Raymond Wesley, 1888–1968
W.D. Mich., 1946–1968
313 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
Steckler, William E., 1913–1995
S.D. Ind., 1950–1995
563 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p.
917 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 34 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Steel, Edwin D., Jr., 1904–1986
D. Del., 1958–1983
671 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Steger, William M., 1920–
E.D. Tex., 1970–
565 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Stephens, Albert Lee, Jr., 1913–
C.D. Cal., 1961–
590 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 27 p.
Stephens, Albert Lee, Sr., 1874–1965
S.D. Cal., 1935–1937
9th Cir., 1937–1965
345 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Stephenson, Roy Laverne, 1917–1982
S.D. Iowa, 1960–1971
8th Cir., 1971–1982
696 F.2d LXXXI: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Stevens, John Paul, 1920–
7th Cir., 1970–1975
S. Ct., 1975–
805 F. Supp. LXXXVI: Devitt Award committee member, no photo,1 p.
948 F.2d CXVII: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Stewart, Potter, 1915–1985
6th Cir., 1954–1958
S. Ct., 1958–1981
An Index to Special Court Sessions
723 F.2d XCIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
78 S. Ct. 15 (prefatory material): appointment, photo, 3 p.
105A S. Ct. 13 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 33 p.
Sutherland, George, 1862–1942
S. Ct., 1922–1938
786 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Swaim, Hardess Nathaniel, 1890–1957
7th Cir., 1949–1957
300 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 12 p., done with Walter C.
Sweeney, George C., 1895–1966
D. Mass., 1935–1966
281 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Sweigert, William Thomas, 1900–1983
N.D. Cal., 1959–1983
627 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Swinford, Mac, 1899–1975
E.D./W.D. Ky., 1937–1975
421 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Swygert, Luther Merritt, 1905–1988
N.D. Ind., 1943–1961
7th Cir., 1961–1988
882 F.2d LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Tamm, Edward Allen, 1906–1985
D.D.C., 1948–1965
D.C. Cir., 1965–1985
800 F.2d CI: Devitt Award, photo, 12 p.
860 F.2d LXXXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 13 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Tang, Thomas, 1922–1995
9th Cir., 1977–1995
91 F.3d CI: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Tate, Albert, Jr., 1920–1986
5th Cir., 1979–1986
798 F.2d LXXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Tauro, Joseph Louis, 1931–
D. Mass., 1972–
90 F. Supp. 2d XLI, presentation of portrait, photo, 26 p.
Law Library Journal
Taylor, Fred M., 1901–1988
D. Idaho, 1954–1988
688 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 9 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Taylor, Robert Love, 1899–1987
E.D. Tenn., 1949–1987
712 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Taylor, William McLaughlin, Jr., 1909–1985
N.D. Tex., 1966–1985
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Teitelbaum, Hubert I., 1915–1995
W.D. Pa., 1971–1995
876 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Templar, Henry George, 1904–1988
D. Kan., 1962–1998
510 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 28 p.
Thacher, Thomas Day, 1881–1950
S.D.N.Y., 1925–1930
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Theis, Frank G., 1911–1998
D. Kan., 1967–1998
555 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 32 p.
Thomas, Seth, 1873–1962
8th Cir., 1935–1962
314 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Thomason, Robert Ewing, 1879–1973
W.D. Tex., 1947–1973
372 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Thompson, Bruce R., 1911–1992
D. Nev., 1963–1992
461 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): retirement, photo, 36 p.
819 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 36 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Thompson, Ralph G., 1934–
W.D. Okla., 1975–
824 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Thompson, Roby Calvin, 1898–1960
W.D. Va., 1957–1960
198 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
[Vol. 93:1
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Thomsen, Roszel C., 1900–1992
D. Md., 1954–1992
795 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Thornberry, Homer, 1909–1995
W.D. Tex., 1963–1965
5th Cir., 1965–1995
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, done with seven
other judges
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Thornton, Thomas P., 1898–1985
E.D. Mich., 1949–1985
802 F.2d CV: in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
Timbers, William H., 1915–1994
D. Conn., 1960–1971
2d Cir., 1971–1994
68 F.3d LXXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Tjoflat, Gerald Bard, 1929–
M.D. Fla., 1970–1975
5th Cir., 1975–1981
11th Cir., 1981–
588 F. Supp. XCI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
699 F.2d LXXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
102 S. Ct. 61 (prefatory material): Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Toledo, Jose V., 1931–1980
D.P.R., 1970–1980
485 F. Supp. LV: in memoriam, photo, 21 p.
Trask, Ozell, M., 1909–1984
9th Cir., 1969–1984
757 F.2d LXXV: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Tuttle, Elbert Parr, 1897–1996
5th Cir., 1954–1981
11th Cir., 1981–1996
695 F.2d LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
888 F.2d XCIII: Devitt Award, photo, 20 p., shared with John Minor Wisdom
923 F.2d CXI: dedication of courthouse, 20 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Unthank, G. Wix, 1923–
E.D. Ky., 1980–
806 F. Supp. LXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 31 p.
Van Dusen, Francis L., 1912–1993
E.D. Pa., 1955–1967
3d Cir., 1967–1990
706 F.2d LXXV: presentation of portrait, photo
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
18 F.3d LV: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Van Oosterhout, Martin D., 1900–1979
8th Cir., 1954–1979
602 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 28 p.
Van Pelt, Robert, 1897–1988
D. Neb., 1958–1988
702 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
757 F. Supp. LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Van Sickle, Bruce M., 1917–
D.N.D., 1971–
958 F. Supp. LXI: 25 years of service, photo, 21 p.
Vance, Robert Smith, 1931–1989
5th Cir., 1977–1981
11th Cir., 1981–1989
907 F.2d XCV: in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Varner, Robert E., 1921–
M.D. Ala., 1971–
773 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Vernon, Earl, 1922–1990
W.D. La., 1977–1990
925 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 11 p.
Vogel, Charles J., 1898–1980
D.N.D., 1941–1954
8th Cir., 1954–1980
648 F.2d LIX: in memoriam, photo, 22 p.
von der Heydt, James A., 1919–
D. Alaska, 1966–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Walsh, James A., 1906–1991
D. Ariz., 1952–1991
642 F. Supp. LXV: dedication of courthouse, 21 p.
774 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Walsh, Leonard P., 1904–1980
D.D.C., 1959–1980
393 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): presentation of portrait, photo, 12 p.
Wangelin, Harris Kenneth, 1913–1987
E.D./W.D. Mo., 1970–1987
710 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Ward, Hiram Hamilton, 1923–
M.D.N.C., 1972–
780 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
Waring, Julius Waties, 1880–1968
E.D.S.C., 1942–1968
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Warlick, Wilson, 1892–1978
W.D.N.C., 1949–1978
450 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 10 p.
Warren, Earl, 1891–1974
S. Ct., 1953–1969
94A S. Ct. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 55 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Warringer, D. Dortch, 1929–1986
E.D. Va., 1974–1986
795 F.2d XCIX: in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
Washington, George Thomas, 1908–1971
D.C. Cir., 1949–1971
463 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, 31 p., done with E. Barrett
Waterman, Sterry Robinson, 1909–1984
2d Cir., 1955–1984
751 F.2d. XCV: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Waters, H. Franklin, 1932–
W.D. Ark., 1981–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Watkins, Harry E., 1898–1963
N.D./S.D. W. Va., 1937–1963
237 F. Supp. 25 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
Watkins, Robert Dorsey, 1900–1986
D. Md., 1955–1986
594 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 18 p.
640 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 16 p.
Watson, James L., 1922–
Customs Court, 1966–1980
Court of International Trade, 1980–1991
886 F. Supp. LXVII: special session, photo, 36 p., done with Herbert N. Maletz
Weber, Gerald J., 1914–1989
W.D. Pa., 1964–1989
729 F. Supp. LXXI: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Weber, Randolph Henry, 1909–1961
E.D. Mo., 1957–1961
211 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Weick, Paul C., 1899–1997
N.D. Ohio, 1956–1959
6th Cir., 1959–1997
799 F.2d LXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 10 p.
Weigel, Stanley A., 1905–1999
N.D. Cal., 1962–1997
471 F. Supp. LV: statement of thanks for serving on the Multi–district Litigation
Panel, 1 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Weinberger, Jacob, 1882–1974
S.D. Cal., 1946–1974
454 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Weinfeld, Edward, 1901–1988
S.D.N.Y., 1950–1988
693 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 27 p.
Weinman, Carl A., 1903–1979
S.D. Ohio, 1959–1979
473 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 20 p.
Weinstein, Jack B., 1921–
E.D.N.Y., 1967–
870 F. Supp. LXIX: Devitt Award, photo, 10 p.
938 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p., 17 p. text, done with five
other judges
Weis, Joseph F., Jr., 1923–
W.D. Pa., 1970–1973
3d Cir., 1973–
10 F.3d LVII: Devitt Award, photo, 19 p.
69 F.3d LXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 19 p.
Wellford, Harry W., 1924–
W.D. Tenn., 1970–1982
6th Cir., 1982–
106 F.3d CI: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Werker, Henry F., 1920–1984
S.D.N.Y., 1974–1984
588 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
West, Lee R., 1929–
W.D. Okla., 1979–
905 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p., done with welcoming of
David L. Russell
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Wexler, Leonard D., 1924–
E.D.N.Y., 1983–
938 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 30 p., 17 p. text, done with five
other judges
Whipple, Lawrence A., 1910–1983
D.N.J., 1967–1983
611 F. Supp. LXIV: in memoriam, photo, 18 p.
Whitaker, Samuel E., 1886–1967
Court of Claims, 1939–1967
374 F.2d. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
White, Byron Raymond, 1917–
S. Ct.,, 1962–1993
588 F. Supp. XC: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
722 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
699 F.2d LXXI: Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
33 F.3d LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
82 S. Ct. 3 (prefatory material): appointment, photo, 3 p.
102 S. Ct. 61 (prefatory material): Devitt Award committee member, 1 p.
Whittaker, Charles Evans, 1901–1973
W.D. Mo., 1954–1956
8th Cir., 1956–1957
S. Ct., 1957–1962
82 S. Ct. 5 (prefatory material): retirement, photo, 5 p.
94 S. Ct. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 39 p.
Wilkey, Malcolm R., 1918–
D.C. Cir., 1970–1985
992 F.2d LXXVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Wilkin, Robert N., 1886–1973
N.D. Ohio, 1939–1949
357 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
Will, Hubert L., 1914–1995
N.D. Ill., 1961–1995
805 F. Supp. LXV: Devitt Award, photo, 23 p.
931 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 19 p.
Williams, Glen M., 1920–
W.D. Va., 1976–
972 F. Supp. LIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 25 p.
Williams, Jerre S., 1916–1993
5th Cir., 1980–1993
935 F.2d CV: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p., 7 p. text, done with Thomas
Gee and Thomas Reavley
Law Library Journal
[Vol. 93:1
Williams, Spencer M., 1922–
N.D. Cal., 1971–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Willson, Joseph, 1902–1998
W.D. Pa.,1953–1991
48 F. Supp. 2d LV: in memoriam, photo, 14 p.
Wilson, David John, 1887–1976
Customs Court, 1954–1976
407 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 7 p.
Wilson, Frank Wiley, 1917–1982
E.D. Tenn., 1961–1982
614 F. Supp. LXVII: in memoriam, photo, 17 p.
Winter, Harrison Lee, 1921–1990
D. Md., 1961–1966
4th Cir., 1966–1990
922 F.2d LXXXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
Wisdom, John Minor, 1905–1999
5th Cir., 1957–1999
767 F.2d XCVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p., 6 p. text, done with seven
other judges
888 F.2d XCIII: Devitt Award, photo, 20 p., shared with Elbert Parr Tuttle
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Wise, Henry S., 1909–1982
E.D. Ill., 1966–1982
552 F. Supp. LXI: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
685 F.2d LXXXIX: in memoriam, photo, 6 p.
Wiseman, Thomas A., Jr., 1930–
M.D. Tenn.,1978–
973 F. Supp. LXIII: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Wollenberg, Albert Charles, Sr., 1900–1981
N.D. Cal., 1958–1981
620 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Wood, Diane P., 1950–
7th Cir., 1995–
72 F.3d LXXV: admission ceremony, photo, 15 p.
150 F.3d XLVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 10 p.
Wood, John H., Jr., 1916–1979
W.D. Tex., 1971–1979
492 F. Supp. LIX: in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
511 F. Supp. LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 9 p.
An Index to Special Court Sessions
Woodrough, Joseph W., 1873–1977
D. Neb., 1916–1933
8th Cir., 1933–1961
583 F.2d 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
583 F.2d LIX: in memoriam, photo, 29 p.
Woods, Henry, 1918–
E.D. Ark., 1980–
907 F. Supp. LXIX: presentation of portrait, photo, 16 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Worley, Francis Eugene, 1908–1974
Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, 1950–1972
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Wright, Eugene Allen, 1913–
9th Cir., 1969–
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Wright, James Skelly, 1911–1988
E.D. La., 1949–1962
D.C. Cir., 1962–1988
784 F.2d LXXV: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p.
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Wyatt, Inzer B., 1907–1990
S.D.N.Y., 1962–1990
743 F. Supp. LXIII: in memoriam, photo, 24 p.
Wyche, Charles Cecil, 1885–1966
W.D.S.C., 1937–1965
D.S.C., 1965–1966
305 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Wyzanski, Charles Edward, Jr., 1906–1986
D. Mass., 1941–1986
677 F. Supp. LXIX: in memoriam, photo, 23 p.
937 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 15 p., portrait painted by Judge
Walter J. Skinner
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
Yankwich, Leon Rene, 1885–1975
S.D. Cal., 1935–1966
C.D. Cal., 1966–1975
230 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): tribute, photo, 18 p.
438 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 26 p.
Young, Don John, 1910–1996
N.D. Ohio, 1965–1996
495 F. Supp. LVII: presentation of portrait, photo, 22 p.
Law Library Journal
Young, George C., 1916–
M.D. Fla., 1961–
530 F. Supp. LXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 24 p.
Young, Gordon E., 1907–1969
E.D. Ark., 1959–1969
312 F. Supp. 1 (prefatory material): in memoriam, photo, 31 p.
Young, Joseph H., 1922–
D. Md., 1971–
763 F. Supp. LXXI: presentation of portrait, photo, 20 p.
Young, Warren H., 1916–1980
D.C.V.I., 1971–1980
515 F. Supp. LVII: in memoriam, photo, 13 p.
Youngdahl, Luther Wallace, 1896–1978
D.D.C., 1951–1978
587 F. Supp. LXXVII: in memoriam, photo, 11 p.
Zavatt, Joseph C., 1900–1985
E.D.N.Y., 1957–1985
618 F. Supp. LXV: in memoriam, photo, 8 p.
Zirpoli, Alfonso J., 1905–1995
N.D. Cal., 1961–1995
Included in Directory of Oral History Interviews
[Vol. 93:1