Hyacinthus orientalis L. Simplified standard protocol: NL/HCN/1

Hyacinthus orientalis L.
Simplified standard protocol: NL/HCN/1
Botanical taxon:
Hyacinthus orientalis L.
Common Name (when known):
Hyacinth…. ……………………………….
Date of preparation of TP:
25 March 2011……
TP data prepared by:
W.A Wietsma………………….
Sample to be examined
Number of foreseen growing cycles: 1 year………………..
Closing date for applications:
Submission date/period:
01/10 – 31/10
Seed/Plant quantity/quality
30 bulbs, being able to show all their
characteristics in the first year of examination
Special conditions sample:
Test station address:
Name/Email/Tel./Contact person
List of grouping characteristics
Minimum number of plants in trial
able to flower..……….………………………….
Naktuinbouw, Varieties and Trials, Sotaweg 22,
2371 AA, Roelofarendsveen
C. Grashoff, 071-332 63 02,
vegetative: 25
Minimum number of plants observed
by measuring or counting:
vegetative: 1
Give description of when observations on the flower should take place: during
flowering - spring
Give description of when/where observations on the leaf should take place: during
flowering – spring
Give description of when/where the other observations should take place:
during flowering – spring
Test will take place IN THE OPEN under conditions ensuring normal growth
Uniformity: Population Standard used: 1%
Table of characteristics:
PRESENT (see annex)
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Table of characteristics Hyacinthus
Plant: length
Leaf: length
Leaf: width
Leaf: attitude
Leaf: shape
Leaf: shape in cross-section
Leaf: colour
Leaf: anthocyanin coloration (absent/present)
Leaf: intensity of anthocyanin coloration
Stem: number of stems
Stem: shape in transverse section
Stem: length
Stem: anthocyanin coloration (absent/present)
Stem: intensity of anthocyanin coloration
Inflorescence: shape
Inflorescence: length
Inflorescence: width
Inflorescence: number of flowers
Flowers: single/double
Flowers: bracts: size
Flowers: bracts: colour
Pedicel: length
Pedicel: colour
Pedicel: anthocyanin coloration (absent/present)
Pedicel: intensity of anthocyanin coloration
Pedicel: angle with main axis
Perianth: number of lobes
Perianth: diameter
Perianth: length
Perianth: outer lobes: shape
Perianth: outer lobes: shape apex
Perianth: outer lobes: shape in cross-section
Perianth: outer lobes: shape longitidial axis
Perianth: inner lobes: shape
Perianth: inner lobes: shape apex
Perianth: inner lobes: shape in cross-section
Perianth: inner lobes: shape longitidial axis
Perianth: colour (RHS)
Anthers: position
Anthers: colour
Pollen: colour
Style: colour
Stigma: colour
Ovary: colour
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