\ COMMERCIAL ABTERTISEK. An Independent Fafrily Journal.. JPTTBI/XSBJSX* XVXHtY TJMUMBDAY , BniintM C«<la bffivel&ke^r'or I&one jMr,$6:00;i ilxmontlii $J,00.. ETeryhidcUtiowd Bni,-TS ,c«riti! •rXoM^SaOeM irMbe oh»rg&1it theriit* bf UAi NOR^obrj,'N. Y.; HALL & i THAOEY. T E R M 8 - $ 1 . 5 0 P E R ANNUM, PRICE-SI,SO PER ANNUM, Payable itaAdTjtfice. „' '"' tfOKWOOD, K. Y., THTOSPlY,! JITLY 22, 1 8 ^ .. : •• i ' i SINGLE COPIES, IN WBAPPERS 8UTTABLI ton MAZLING, nrras CENTS, j I' . • * * ' ' • a . I. ' • < I NUMBEE 13. oenta per Une for theflrfetilnwrtion, snd<flv« benta perUnefor:e»cTi*uTw«quentiInBertlon. I ' . Tr«naient,»dvfrtUemen^ipiy»bte Jn KlTimce. : ! All homeibuslnesa »dTerti«emonis -will be inserted in the Madrid iFeeklu. JXewi without kddliional charge. I •H • I- " , " " • M»rri«gej»nnounc«mttitli, fifty oenti. ' Detth tnnounoementi, free. I , "I ; '- Obitu»rie«, five cento perHue. 1 ,.~ i AdTerttaemenU forw»rde4 to n* by recta«r customem without specific instructions, will be inserted' nntil forbidjind charged accordingly. ' ..-••?'.. ^ l . ' - f . ' . . . ' I -. I ..'. i .. lABIgfSni EHMBLt TOPICS. Baces of Ken in the Pacific. Items of i pnterest. How One Jfa» Defied a Mob. of the water, leaving a track of silvery The <«Fever Tree." * ,**. " I bubbles bebiufd theih. I t is a lovely Austrian found'eries are counter| i Some newspaper hasTately unearthed , "Baltimore \Al : The The eucalyptus, or blue-gum tree of Steady, boys;! steady ! keep j|our Iu n y ready! A correspondent of the London Times, can says that evening. The) misty shadows of twilight a story of mob law 'in Henry county, considerable co: Australia, was discovered b y a French foiting Krupp's canridh; ; Postal, cards are becoming popular. who accompanied t h e government exhete-^ f God ouly knows srha we may] meet ] on exists a t are gathering! i n the east and i n t h e Kentucky, in 1859, a story which will present among t h e Dou't let me be taken i! I'd rather awaken residing in The department reports the sale of about pedition to explore t h e islands i n t h e j 'There- are indications of a serious qatk'', w e s t ; the clouds, blood-red and purple, scientist, liahilli rdiere, who visited Van bear condensation and which should go . a-, I To-morrow in—no matter wi ere, are casting d rosy light all, over the D i e m a n ' s l a n d in 1792. The great size down t o posterity, describing an example the" vicinity <)i Hi pnngs, on t h e18,000,(X^ more, this yaar than last, j vicinity of Australia, thus describes a break in China againstlforeigners. race" of people of whom b u t Uttle 'is Quite a - paradoxicallremajrk that from | 4^. Than to lie in that, foul pris< nhole over there. brofid river; a fresh Jbreeze isi blowing and beauty of the tree soon gave i t a to be imitated and a scene to b e immor- ^arford road, about two] miles from Bal Of jthe 255,000 headstones that mark known : place in the bota aical gardens of Europe. tunoiej owing to fstprieri 'about t h e a p l round their feces ; and wares splash a young lady justo'ffia sleeping car :^i, JStep slo'vrly!° speak lowly !. talized. I n 1859. there resided i n t h e We anchored near Admiralty island, " M y berth was.near|y(the.death-.pf iae.' <'.. against the sidjes of thejjj little boat like I t s medicinal qualities, however^ for county named, several brothers bearing peararioe of arvery' large snake i n t h e'the resting places; of Union soldiers i n • These rocks may have life! , low monotonous music. Charles is talk- which it is now £0 famous, do not seem the name of Henry, one of. whom* was rieigaborhood. '• Those ^rho think they national- cemeteries, 195,000 a r e forand very shortly a number of very fine . T h e Prince Hall] Grand Lojdge pf: ; Lay me'dowii in this hollow: 1 canoes thirty feet t o forty feet long, colored Masons of Boston has received \i ing about his j city home, telling. Doro- to have become ] mown until about thirty charged with murden H e was acquitted hav^seenhi$ B n w ^ 1h r p ' s a y that h e is graves of th'eimknown.' We are out of the strife. and with crews of from ten to. sixteen, thy about the 'aunt' and cousins she has years ago. The colonists of Tasnjania upon trial, b u t the mob was dissatisfied fully fifteen feet long , about eight inches byr* in. cuanlefer, i and , v#6 feet i n circum- Japan has coins of BO small a value fcame off to' the ship. T h e canOes were official .notification of tere^gnitibh : l5y heavens t the foemart may track me in not" seen for a-j long time, and amusing used it for a g r e i t variety of purposes, '; with the verdict and demanded that n o t ference. H a was seen, i t is said, on the that i t takes a thousand of them to make much on the came plan as those we had the Grand Lod^e of Germany. ' ' but were ignorant of its power as an her. with stories of hijr college days, and blood, A foreign company, with a capital W antiseptic. Tlds was apparently dis- only the man charged with the] crime b u t playe of; Mr!. J . ? t Lee, 'tjhe owner of the a dollar. Nowadays people' i n this fa- seen in New Guinea, b u t more than his efforts to inake his way in im proFor this hole in ray breaa| is outpouring a all his brothers should leave th^ country. $20,000,000; has been Organized for t h e fession, whichjat "firitfwfere so unsuccessr covered in Spain I n 1860 the neighbor- One of t h e , brothers thusf unjustly Olive mQL T h e snake passed through vored land are in very m u c h t h e sam< double the sine. The body of the canoe purpose of investing : ii Louisiana laad^ \ flood; | hood of the city of Valentia was planted the garden, an'4. came within a hundred i s cut out of a single tree, very sym"j . ' No! no surgoon forme—1•In- can give mono fill. Neither of them ;notices that) t h e with the eucalyptus.. A ..marked im- banned'was slow t o leave, * n d i i i conse- feet of the stabje,,. I t s tract, was ^after- condition. metrically formed, a n d really, in a cer- a n d p u r s u i h g a g r i o u l t u . e a s ^science, i t breeze grows ! every moment stronger aid ;• . | quence was assailed, being shot a t and * a r d iueasju-ed byiMrl Lee, who states provement in t i e healthfulness of the Messrs. Moody : and \ Sankpy's foui tain sense, a work of art, and one of The Mekhodist is-(authorjity fori the-.\ and fresher, and that the dark cloud in' The surgeon t want is ai picki x<ce and spade; narrowly escaping with his life' H i s ite dimensions to b e eleven and a half months' work in London figures u p thi great patience and labor. T h e natives* statement, that. Gomhipdorei; Yauderbilt . locality folowed. The Spaniards forthsouth has Spread over the horizon, What! Morris, a tear ? Wly,7, shame of thee, the with dubbed i t the " fever jxee," I t wife and children were afterward, taken inches i a width i n t h e . natrrowest place, astonishing total of two hundred a n d aire Papuan Melanesians, but, as ^ t h e has given, t $600,000 tc the^educatipnal and is covering it with darkness. was soon afterward introduced' into to him b y » y o u n g man fltoied Hunly. and about fiffeen inches in t h e widest. --man ; i Admiralty islands "form New Hanover, institiBtidfiih' Tennesieje whmh bears\his ; Presently af low muttering growl of. Algeria, tike ,te of which seemed Then t h e mob demanded' that Hunly Mr. Lee's place i s a. 'short distance be- eighty-five meetings, witib an aggregate New .Ireland, a n d New -Britain, i t ip. ia^mW «.*"•' I thought j o a a hero ; but e inoe you've began y \ -; attendance of 2,170,000 persons. 1 thunder startles them from t h e dream d t o i t . » I t m a y b e should leave the region. Hunly went to yond Hall Springs, aiid i s located on To whimper and ctf, like a girl in her teens, probable that they partake more of t h e especially adap The seven-cent^ pOf t a g e ' stamp has* ! into which they have fallen. naturalized there, at' his house and told his aged parents of the east bank dt Herring Bun. On t h ei T h e Mormons have, established character of the inhabitants of these By George ! 3 don't know nhat :in thnndor it fairly sq*d1 to b " Turn back, Charles, turn back I " Hope, in the L a Plata the situation. They decided not to obey wjest bank, opposite the^dam, there is a islands than of those of New, Guinea been abolished^ and t h e ten cent stamp screams Dorotjhy. " T h e storm is on the-Cape of Gooi '.merica, and in-i Cali- the mob and barricaded the-house. On large rook, with a sort of cave under- polony and branch of their Church a t proper. They are a trifle-over five feet will b e printed in vermilion; that i t may ; States of South the next day the; mob came, twenty nea'th. This i s , f o u g h t to ^ T > 7 d e n F ^ ^ ^ Z 6 ! ^ 8 ? 1 1 1 ' T b e y a l s o in height, %h& their color is qraite dusky, be distinguished i n eft or* from- the two- • Well, well, I am cragh—fU a very rough us!" r *'.;.'; • / ';•'• j men and numbers of respectable citizens of the mon$ter snake, who h a s been have ^. weekly newspaper. T h e number but that may possibly b e due to their cent stamp!; | school, ! But there is, ; no turning back. They fornia. After a tirialfor paany years in southern who dare'not resisti T h e mob rode u p noticed on several occasions in the woods pf Mormons in West Virginia is said t o making general use of black pigment, I t would be impossib le, nOttosay im- ' This life of a trooper; but y< t I'm no fool;! have been rowing with the tide. T h e . for we found on better acquaintance thai polite, to' tell what "be comes of till t h e | - J^bitow a I^rave man,- and a fj lend from a foe ; river is very wide, and t h e increasing France, it. has ft lied, as a .tale, to be- to the house and demanded the body of nctfurby. . T h e miller i n the' employof be considerable and increasing. force of the waves; and the wind togeth- come hardy, or t i suck u p and destroy young Hunly. The old moTherappeared Mtr. Lee says that a f e ^ days before no i S o far this year there 'have been two some of their color was apt t o come off Americans, b u t it's nO; harm t o m e n t | p n And boys thatt you love me, I very well know. on the clothes or hands. Their hair &s. that seventy;-five thoust n d of them go1» | er is so strongjthat when they attempt the poisonous va pors of the swamps in at a window a n d replied that her son apticed t h e snalje Jying, apparently i But wasn't it grand! The few doaen had oommitted no Offehsej'he h a d sim- Mjleep, under t h e breast of t h e dam.. and a quarter Bullion tons less of coal black and frizzled j and they wear i t short Europe eveiry year, | •; to turn about ^he water rushes .into t h e which it was plan ied. When they oame down the hjll, over -sloughing tiny boat. Both faces grow pale in t h e specimens planted within t h e wajls of ply aided a n innocent woman and her He apprised.Mr.' Lee, oh the latter's re- mined ahd marketed in the United States and rarely pleach or dye it. They a r e ° " I f Jones undertinkes to pull my 1 Rome are nearly»11 alive, b u t very few children; h e wouldi not b e driven out of turn-from t h e city,' ©rV t h e fact, wlfo jbhan in 1,874. I t is not k pleasant thing quite naked, with the exception of a ears," said a loud-mouthed fellow 011 a \; I and-sand 2 murky light asl they see their danger. Within a year or the county like a .criminal; she and h e r Scarcely beKeved |the - Btory. T h e visit {to contemplate on the part of those .who very narrow loin-cloth, a n * often, in street teor!ner, " he. 4ill jufrt have bis .; Bat we stood, did we not| like immovable " I t is impossible; you cannot do i t . " of them are gigorx ins. rook ? " Tell me, Dbrothyi what is that dark' two the iSiappist monks at the Tre 3Pbn- husband were prepared to die with him. of'the snake.to his place, however, thor- have ho spare money, yet must have coal. lieu of this, they wear a single shell, hands fuUi, now." fjjje crowd looked at ': T h e mob oughly- convinced Mr'... L e e that thej > tane convaht hav 3 set out large planta- Then she bowed and retired. plain or elaborately ornamented^ olE the the.man's ears and thQi ight sotoo. . . , Unheeding their ballsj anc: repelling their object just ahead 1" crowded forward, bnt thora was. a man ihake in reality e x | s t e d i w 4 was. one; of tions of the trees, land are tending them white egg cowry. The hair is sometimes, J " I t is a ledge of rooks, but when the Chicken pie is a very |>oor diet when shock ? j ' ' I " Does giant farniin.g p a y V asks t h e with t h e utmost care. This may b e among the spectators to b e heard. As tied in a knot at the top of t h e head by Did you mind that krad o r i ; when, as turning tide comes in {from the sea it will b e fairly looked upoi as a decisive Experi- the old mother ceased talking, h e came unusual proportions. This gentleman the 'chickens composing i t have been a band of tajipa, and a favorite ornament Chicago jFnbune. If me Tribune really, i avers that a shake of theUize described covered;" and ^ i t h a low moan Dorothy to fly, :, • <*lfment. The place known as the Tre'Fon- forward with tears on his.ft^ce, and said: has the capacity of-swallowing a calf four feeding on potato bugs. t This fact was for the front of the top-knot 'is a disk, wants information, i t jought t o go and , Our men sprang upon trrem, determined to: sinks down from her seat and covers her tane—the Three 'Fountains—lies tSb'me k " Of" all fortunes i n life there is nothing or five weeks old, and that a boy or girl thoroughly established b y a Grand three inches Or so across, c u t o u t of t h e talk to the giants thehiselveri. The a^ri^ , face with her handsr * miles south of B o n e , and is the seat of a like its fortunate ending. *A man should inner substance of the shell of t h e cultural- papers can't know everything, j die? j " We will try arid land there. T h e magnificeBt moha itery. Yet its climate, be esteemed fortunate who[nhds an an- ten or twelveyears of ^ge would b e a Rapids- (Mich.) family, t e n i n number, white ^ h e y will have theM little jokes. A.-• i pearl oyster, which is polished and then Oh ! wasn't it. grand ? j mere mouthful. Mr. L e a states that ho who 4anjowly escaped d^ath from eating tide will not tuin for an hour." is so deadly that t tie splendid buildings, swer to the old Methodist prayer, *Lord is wflling to give $500 for the capture of overlaid with another disk of very thin Pennsylvaniapaper says : Boston, popuGod help the poor wretches who fell in that The effort is successful. The ledge is rich i n mosaics, narbles and frescoes, give u s a good 'time t o get out of t h e such chicken pie. ' , ' • ' . _ tortoise-shell, often cut out into a very lous Boston], may propierly be described " snake ' - alive, •" ' J o: i n lipu thereof $25 fight; . j reached, and Charles carries Dorothy to are wholly deserted during the summer. world.' I may live a hundred years the i The Cornell boat crew took the hint elegant pattern. A similar disk of larger as the town * in whieh hjiindreds of; thonp kill it. Several afrNo time was there; given for prayer or for,the highest rook, and lays her gently Trying to live in- them then would b e without finding another opportunity t o to any one who wi niade to. kill t h e for their paper shell from t h e West, size is worn suspended from the neck as sand daily " live. mOvei and have their down. flight. .j " j !pf t h e blue-gum tree so happily end my life. I a m blessed I tjempts have bee| '. [ ' \ ' "My love, idyi little love,!' he cries, certain death. 'here hbuBes are made of paper that a breast-plate. The nose ornaments are beans." ' "- ' They fell by' the score, in |he crash hand to kissing her helpless hands, " h a v e I makes the Tire Fcntane healthy, i t can My prayer is.answered I I will die with snake and have fi t led, for t h e simple long pieces of bone, hung from a short A Grand Trunk freight train was d&r tand! t h e prairie', storms admirably. ieason that the parties making t h e atthesepeople I " Then drawing his pistol, be relied on to dc the same work anycross-piecei which passes through t h e hand, ., j „ killed you?" man (his name iaras ifojlard) placed tempts, on coming' across i t and noticing oth crews used the paper boats* a n d septum of t h e n o s e ; and the earrings taihednear Rockwbodi Canada, for half And. they mingled their blaocj with the slough " S t o p ! " she cries. " L i s t e n ! There where else,, I t s i e c o r d a s a n antiseptic the an hour iby grasshoppers. • The|r were Its huge proportions', inodntinently fled. back to the door and his face to t h e I t is fair to presume that and the bracelets, which they -wear on over an iiieh' thick ion the 'rail, tod iug ami sailed. ,) is a boaVj I t incoming to u s . " Doro- and disinfectant is already a good his The Buperintendeint ofj t h e turnpike e t h w o n . mob. The effect was grand. Hesitating one. the upper arm, are rings of-shell, cut J papei; boats will b e all the rage now. thy is upqn hei) knees, and a wild c r y rtnzza 1 ! ^ j . The districts i n which it is indigenous citizens, lacking b u ttinenerve to oppose Company was walking ija t h e woods a from a large turbo. I t is singular that caused the iwheels to -Islip a^i if rhnning . ] . \' The triumph of ihe youngest of the the arms "and implements of the Admiral- ongrease;, lt . few days ago when h e {met t h e snake. ffood.l.tkVCLtj, I. this buliet-nolo gaps "like the of thanksgiving! comes from her lips. ruffianism, rushed to Pollard's support. are healthy, and those into which i t has Ephraim Ford has folowed them. H e rushed from ,the fpotj and never universities in the college races a t Saragrave,, j ' The mob fled for their lives before t h e There are, in Berlin ,1,906 mannfactuty islanders differ completely from The heavy-boatiwith its single occupant been transplanted and in which-it has desperate resolve of t h e ' m e n before slackened h i s speed n r t i l h e reuched A curt-o on the aim of a traitprojie kn^ve! toga was ; a p a t t e r of genuine surprise to those of the Hapuans whom we pre- ries, of which 777 are, worked b y steam A, few is strong enough to.resist the waves, and thriven have become healthy. the door of his dojnioile , H i s nervous, Is there neyec a one of,ye khswa' how to prajj ? as he nears they go. dpwp to meet him. miles from the oitj; of Algiers there was them, and Hunly a n d hja t family were; the majority- of outsider!. Harvard had viously visited at one of the neighboring power,, twenty-eight ihy gas engines* a farm which was noted for its deadly saved. Pollard'sname is still a synonym system was so terribly, s locked that h e islands. ' I n Admiralty island" bows'are Pray ! £ray!-, "Our Father, our father J' " B a c k ! " he lories; " I w i l l not take fevers. Life on it i n July was almost for brave manhood i n jjenry county, has not yet entirely recc vered. Several theprestjigeof age and experience, and unknown. The canoes all carried large seven, b y air engines;, and the biotive Why don't you proceed? power Of the remahdng is supplied b y Yale wasi warmed u p to t le work b y her but pne of you.I I t is not safe." impossible,, I n t h e spring of 1867and his glorious .example bos done not a. Other persons have) seen, t h e snake, and. ^sheaves of spears, with heavy heads pf Cau'c you see I am dying ?Jgreafc God how I *' . j, The grini Quaker, with his stern, thirteen hundred e icalyptus were planted little good. Could a grander speech be the stories that arel a&oi t about i t have defeat•"• of last year. I iut the strength obsidian and light shafts, six t o seven handpower. % ' bleed.. 'i •:. [ There was * gold mine in Cherokee,emotionless faeje, wrenches away t h e there. They Were I nine feet high b y the conceived than this brief one of six clean been productive of a great deal of ex-and skill of the crews frc m Cayuga lake feet l o n g ; they throw these (with great Cfa.,;-a fewdays ago.; After* h-ttte pf Ebbing away, .ebbing aw^y— slender hands that cling to Charles, aud next July, and n e t a case of fever a p sentences ? And is not thfe story one to citement and comment i I the neighborand t h e ne^r m e n are t h e force and accuraoy, taking hold of t h e t h e excitement subsidfed.somebody die- prevailec, hood of P a l l Springs. I t is understood Tho light of the day is turnic g to gray! clasping Dorothy .tightly in his arms, peared. • Nor haf one appeared suide. become immortal? „ shaft just below t h e head, where t h e cpvered that t h e deposit consisted of that ah effortoral pe majde in a few days center of the ovation the WollowS. .Pray! gray! i < lays tier at Ms own feet ia the bottom of .Near 'Constantino, Algeria, there yiote wtight of the spear was balanced. They igold foil stuck around o n the rocks with ; ; to capture the snake. If is proposed t o his boat. No wprd is spoken, until they vast swamps, neve: • dry even in the hot! Mojre than a thousand enterprising also use lofig, sharp knives or daggers of mucilage.' - > - ' . - , Our Father in|b.Bavehr-AoyB bell me the rest, !;_-'• fasten a strong chain, wjtri a sharp hook', persons obsidian, which they stick into art ornatame t o grief un ler the common \Vliila I acattoch. the hot blood from this hole reach the opposite shore. Then he takes test stfrnmerSj'and productive of violent I t is estimatea'iriat.jiTiring the months * her u p again and carries her to the near- periodic fevers. A.boutwjfourteen thou- A Scene in the New T o r t Police Court. attached, to a tree i n t h e neighborhood; delusion that they could edit news- mental bracelet of plaited grasses which in my .breast« -; (• * Of the den. On t h e hocjk will b e placed of Jiily.and August there will be* every est fisher hut upjon the beach. sand eucalyptus ir'ees "dried u p every they wear on the left upper arm. Alpapers i p t h e United I States last year,, There ia something about a forgiveness of " J o h n s o n , t h e officer Bays that you a live ehicken. lljhe snake, i t i s con-i .day from 2,000 to 3,000 Ameriea|is scatAs they stand within theBrielter of the square foot of si ramp and killed t h e but, at t i e same time, i t must bej under- most every man had Over his shoulder a tered along Ahe water from Niagara Palls sin— were drunk, and that you haven't drawn little cabin, Dorothy looks at him with fidentiy ejected, will go for the chicken j fever, Maison Cnrree, near Hanasoli, ! Put that in—put that i&^ahcLtlioii 1 The Joying Trooper, wild eyes, and al- cry of torture issues a sober breath for a "week. How is that. and take in thei pharpi hook as well, stooi M a thousan?: other ,peop!_ neatly mounted little adze, :made of ai to phicohtiflie, the: head of navigation of vim once a great market for quinine. Johnson 1" the jiistice aslned- of the next from her white lips. | t ivhich> i t is thought, will insure i t s wanted to learnandembaskjrd intfiesame small piece of hoop-iron, or frequently the Sagujfenay river:. ' The demand i o r that drug has ceased prisoner. " G o bacld go back! You will go enterprise, ;and it is fair 1 r presume that of hetter and thicker iron than ordinary : W h o can refrain: from smiling at t h e Here, Horris^old fdHoV; get hold of my hand' capture. ' j ' -'_._ since t h e blue-giim tree was planted " Y e r honor," said Johnson, a s h e And Wilson,' niy comrade, oh. watffl't it grand ! back for h i m ? " a thousand others will follow the same hoop, with a bent hard wood handle ; a story "of t h e y o u n g ladiy wlio„ after-delivThe Cathedral a t Cologne. " G o back.for jyour elegant-city lover, there. Mercantile books a r e said to dropped one arm ;over t h e rail and few still carried what must %ave precede ering a lecture in, Spilihgfield the| other When they came down the nfll'like a thunder- whose ignorant cfar,elessness had cost you show a similar dec line in t h e amount of leaned back heavily on the policeman, I Of all Gothic buildings, t h e plan of course as i each year-rolls ay. ed the iron adze-^-an implement of t h e evening' o n ' ' ' Dress Reform," went t o quinine consumed n Mexico and Cuba of charged clortd, your life but for fme J" The legal profession in New York once same form, b u t with t h e cutting part sit down, "and couldn't get within sixlate, a n d a similar aause is given for it. who supported him b y t h e shoulder, the cathedral a t .Cologne is t h e most And were scattered like mist by that brave litDorothy falls <j>n her knees a n d ^ r a s p s A very unhealthy ikilroad station n} the " it's true. I ' v e been drunk for a week, .stupendous; even ruin jas i t is, i t can- (this>ai| a,great msiny years ago) con- made pf a piece of a thick Spiral, shell inches of;the chair?, j ^ ; -\ his cold hand hitonagony of entreaty. tle crow^'/ ; • . ! department of V t r , southern France, as you say, an' I haven't got a word t o not fail to excite surprise a n d adipira- sisted of one lawyer, but his request t o ground down in a particular way. Turkish authorities have called \ the atsay to defend myself. I've been in this Where's Wilson? ' my comrade—hera stoop " G o back! g d b a c k ! " , has been made healthy b y a grove of tiion. T h e legend concerning i t s plan t e n t i o n of the English embassy. jto thtf here court, I guess, p hjmdjted times be- may not b e known t o every one. I t i s the Ams ;eridam authoriti ss for leave to down your head ; j "Promise me first that you will not forty of these rem* rkable trees. , The Perfection of Diet. practice in the courte wa i granted only i a w of t K Otterman empire, proidbitihg j; fore an* every time I'vie asked your Can't you say a short prayer jforthe dying and marry him, Swear it as the world's pe6 related of the investor df it, that Si de- to the 53 tent of allowing him to give adto let me off light. B u t this time spair of finding a plan sufficiently gjreat, If all the boarding house keepers could "the introduction of fire arms. 1 I t is pie do." Then lie takes h e r hand and dead V , Up i n t h i Mountains. < j honor rather hardfon travelers, who ar.e t h u s at I don'thavenofear* I Youpan fiend me u p holds it u p to heaven, and waits for the He was walking ott^o day b y the river, vice. With a strict Dutch sense of jus- -be successful in getting such patrons as " Christ, God ! who died for-Binnera1 all, The highest poi it in the world where for ten days or you ] can send" me u p for sketching with his stick) upon thousand tice, h e •rasforbidden t o plead, on t h e a man living at Onthbert, Ga., there'd the mercy 01 the numerpUsbrigandswho oath. • Here Thou this suppliant wan oferer'a1 cry; ."',-' Dorothy's lip i move, b u t n o sound arrangements are made for scientific ten years, i t ' s all ;one now." As h e when h e finally ' h i t upon one Vhieh ground t hat as there was no other law- be more money i n the boarding hoUse infest the.country. Lot not e'en this poor sparrow; fall, business than in. cutting off coupons observations is the summit of Pike's spoke h e brushed iway a 'feat with his pleased him so mubh that h e exclaimed Whflea.mtowasetan.ding in >a drug eomes. She ha£ fainted. yer ijn th e colo*y tlmre would Be no one from some railroad bonds; The charac- ;sto)ce i n Providence, .3$. I . , t h e otherUnheeded by Ihy graceous ej5a., The fisher-vri.1} takes the unconscious jpeak. There, 14366 feet above; t h e hat; and when h e paused h e coughed a " That shall b e tihe p i Throw wide Thy gates to let ilm in, | ter of" this C u t h b e r t m a n cahie to light day, a bottle containing soda waiter, exchild and lays htfr on her' own bed, and level of the sea, is a rudely constructed1 dry, racking cough* and drew his tat- i " I will show yon one better rthah to oppos 3 him.. And.takehim,'pl&idingt to Tirjiarmsi recently through an,advertisement i a ploded'j andafracmentiof theglassstruck Ephraim F o r d $oes upon his errend of stone house, whera live three "men^ the tered" coat closer *> about h i s throat. t h a t l " said a voice.behfiid him, aud a Harveit hands are: (sorely needed Forgive, O Lord f hiB life-Ion 5 Bin, the newspapers,^where it was proposed his throat cutting a small artery., T h e observing sergeant and his two assist- " W h e n I went u p before," h e conmercy with murder in h i s heart. throughc u t t h e country'just now, and certain black gentleman who figures in And quiet all hia fierae alarmi.", to furnish,-for five dollars, a recipe bleeding was so profuse that a ^erious The storm has lulled for a moment. ants. During sev m months of the year tinued, „ " I always counted the days an' many German Wgendf, stood b y him there is i. chance for men1 who are. out of teaching one how tojlive on thirty-seven result, was at first anticipated. "'. these men are sh it off from all inter- the hours till I ' d come off. This time I t comes on so gradually, stopping every : God bless you, my comrade^ for singing that now and then as if to make the earth be-,, course with qther ] luman beings. Early, I'll count the blocks $o the Potter's Field. and pulled from h i s p o iket a roll con- work, an< I who mean what they say when cents a week. The Cuthbert man, now This is t h e aeason When t h e careful , taining the present plan >f the cathedral. they a n n m n c e that they want work.. On sixty-four years old, read the advertise* hymn ; , ; lieve that it were doubtful of its powers. i a November they house themselves, I'm almost gone, judge." [housewife-cUts lastr week's paper into ; The af chitecti amafced t t its grandeur, It is light to; my paf£, whjeh my sight has The tempest kncjws its strength and can aud live o n the provisions they have ment and became indignant, asserting it He paused again, and looked down to asked an ex^lanatiloja of every part- A s every corner and about every grocery i n to b e sheer extravagance for One to strips, mounts/fliem o n top of aibroom grgwnjdim •,.'. stored u p and the i leats they have buried his almost shoeless feet. affoid to waft. i> • han/lle, tod goes through thedarkened I am dying—bend down 'till I touch you once " W h e n I was a little country boy," h e knew his t soul yma t o p e the price of every city, town and village are daily spend so much a week, and making pub- dining room like the* desfcoying angei, Ephraim looks at the sky. I t is still in t h e snow. When the atmosphere is 0 to b e fot n d loungers and b y t h e score, it, h e occupied himself, while t i e devil lic the fact that h i # o w n provisions cost i n a proper condi ion for the telegraph h e went on, " my mother used to say t o more, ^! f A _ s red in the west, the waves are rising murmuring; *' sh-sh-sh," and waging Don't forget me old fellow—JGod prosper this steadily, bxit hid strongly bnilt boat, di- to work, some scraps of news are ob- me: ' Charlie, if you want' to b e a man, was explaining, in I oomnjiitti^g its pro- •vt'hpse dejlicate hands would not be in the him not t o exceed ten dollars a year. death and desolation to flies> portions carefully t o memory. Having •His ^process is simple, and is-published least injured b y a litjble.wOrk i n the har-" rected b y his powerful strength, can yet tained, b u t they cinnot reach the world never touch liquor;' aU' I ' d answer: war ; j • . _ • • ,j ( The-Connfecticut House has passed a If I ' d kept done this, h e remarked i t did not please Vest field. B u t they will n o t go^—not for the benefit of civilized humanity. Confusion ; to| enemies—fieep hold of my make its way through them. There is below nor the world get to tftiem. T h e ',No, mother, I never w i l t ' him, and h e would n o t take i t . T h e H e has not taken a drink of liquor for bill' providing, .that all theaters, jpublie: observations mace from ;this lofty that promise, you an' me, wouldn't have yet plenty, of tirAe; the tide will not turn hand— . ' . 1 • first. ' over a quarter of a century ; 1 h e n e v e r halls, chiisehes, school buildings, faor point are sent t o almost every enlighten- been so well acquainted, judge. If I devil, seeing throhgh t h e cheat* ex- they—th jy will starve • And floiit oiuvdear ijag o'ei1 aforosperous land. for half an hour! drank a cup of coffee in his lifk or ate a tories, etc., where I f t y or niore persphs ed European nation.. T h e station was cfiimed i n his r a g e : could only b e a boy again, for half a day. Ephraim fights his batjrte wifh temppound of meat of any kind. H e has np congregate, shall have, all .of-their exit . tation, and wins the victory, for twenty established here • in August, 1873,; the If I could go into t h e old schoolhouBe i " You may build y o u : cathedral ac- .: JFlte,,Fate of a SKowmau's Family. recollection of ever taking at .dose of doors .Open; outward;' A similar laW .: A W0i«i?r A F T M ALL. minutes later the sturdy boat plows its special objiaot being to learn something just ohce more, a h ' see the boys a n ' cording to'this plani b n t you shall never ' " " ' • < i1 medicine or consulting a physician. H e should be" passed i n every State. ; about the upper i surrents of the atmos- girls as I used t o see them i n t h e old finishit. • ! ' • way back to thb shore, and two silent The French papers are filled mth in- can Walk fifteen or twenty | mfl.es as . Animportant decisionvwasrecently ren"Take-off .that eousl bonnet, Dorophere. The principal instruments used _thy. '1 want to see you ^weet little face men struggle dgainst the wind u p the aire the barometer,! hermometer,hygrome- days, I could lay right down an' dio This prediction Seems hkelytobe'yeri- cidents of the late flood of t h e Garonne, j quiokly as any young man in, the coun- dered b y the supreme court on-theimporhappy. 7 B u t it's toi? late. Send me u p , beach to the fisherman's h u t . fied, for t h o u g h iti was commenced i n 'without i t . " ' j ahd among others is one t o the effect | Dorothy i» waiting for them. H e r ter, anemometer, a n d t h e rain-gauge. judge. "Make it fo^ton days, or make it 1248 and continued two' hundred and that- on <£he survivors searching amongj try ; is a man of family, and * model-of tant. question---What constitutes public ' ' Thou shouldst not sp^ak so, Charles. One of thei most lemarkable phenomena for Ufef I t don't jnake n o difference. fifty years, onb/thb navel and choir-and the \debris for bodies, they came upon) moral and physical health. The secret waters in the United States ? , I t was ~ outstretched arfns would wind themI t is very wrong." . I selves jabout both, b u t the sternj fixed seen on Pike's peak is t h e electric One way would b e as short as the other. one tower to half 'it s proper height are the van of a traveling showman, which' of his diet is that it is plain corn bread held that navigability was the t r u e test " W h y , M e DorotHy? TeU me look in Ephraim's eyes restrains her, and storm. A correspondent of the "New All I ask now is to die alone. I've been and water, a diet which h e asserts a man : finished. ! had been carried down [by t h e current "becomes accustomed to and will bo thor- All navigable streams' a r e | therefore, why?"' ! • ." "' [ • 1 t; subject to gipvernmental regulations. ' Charles turns from h e r and fixes h i s York Tribune rec aitly visited the sum- in crowded tenements for years. I f I . r-» 1—r-i—£ barely, injured. T h e company inhabit" Thou knowest favor is deceitful and glance upon thef ground.' oughly satisfied with. Such ]ja man is The rules of t h e NJew York publlct mit signal station, a n d t o him M r . can b e alone a, little while before I go, The Black Hills p n n t r y . ing, i t had not time to escape from their j beauty is vain. Tye ought, to bear- our , A correspondent of t h » New York itinerant dwelling.. Ail unfortunate\ this Georgia model, and such his advice. baths permit b u t one bath a day, and / I t is a terrible moment"for Dorothy. Brown, the observing sergeant, thus de- I'll drop off contented." , testimony against the vanity of personal scribes these ston as: JBerald, who' gives the rfesult of his ob- watchdog,-<chained to the axle, was bat- Undoubtedly he i s wise, too, b u t i t is that of b n | twenty minutes' duration, She knows' that! they both love her, and The shoulder of t h e / m u d d y coat looks." j difficult imagining a pleasant sound in a servations in a lette&froni Camp Harney, tered almost into a pjulp. she shivers at the suffering she sees in slipped from the policeman's hand, and Ali t h edinner horn repeating day after day tod and consequently the | street boys are They generally begin with hail, and " Ought; -v^e? ,$hen ;ellme why, it presenta a Uvely picture of the Black both faces. TlleU she remembers t h e V t r a p s " were stowed away in baskets, hard' pressed for deyiees to deceive the last from half anj hour t o four hours. the used-up man fell in a- heap t o thef , pleased Providence to ma ce you so beauHill" region, and makes! it too evident covered with tarpaulin,, -\yhich served as y e a r after year t h e same old^-story of; sharp-eyed t supermtendents., T h e most tiful, my small cousin?'.' * -, ' oath she did not speak, and a wild sort The whole atmoa] ihere is full of electri- floor. H e was carried to the little room that corn bread and water. . • * the.gold hunters whb are thronging beds: to the drowned players, and came terror takes possession of her soul. city f Sheets of fire, a r e everywhere. behind t h e rail, i H i s temples were common- " d o d g e " i s t o wipe the hair . " ^ u s h , Charles. I -n ill' not permit of thither are the dupes of their too sanShe speaks at I last, a n d tries t o thank perfectly, dry and daub m u d on the face, thee to speak t» !me in this manne>." Ephraim for tike, service h e has done Sparks crackle a l o u t your clothes jand bathed, a n d h i s wrists were chafed. guine expectations^ That there is a gold out fresh** and gaudy in the midst- of t h e wrecked objects. A little girl, supposed makhig them uWecogn^zabie. ' • 'v . in your hair, a n d fill t h e buffalo robes B u t ft was no use. Though his heart And Dorothy Hicj5S,.the "Jittle, Quaker- them. Beware of Them. 1 ,. ' ' ( ( and the bedding. The electricitai«s3mes still beat, h e was fast going to join his traot there is quite: true, p u t though ex- to have been a dancer, had not washed ess, p u t Qn her gravelSfc 4tiir^ and strugA hew. WislsjhasbeehJ devised for t he tensive h i area, i t i s so deficient in yield her face on going "to bed, and'the verOpium i n one of i t s fornis enters " S p a r e me t h y gratitude, D | r o t h y , " through tho roof, through the mndpws, schoolmates who have crossed the flood. gled valiantly to tni'h- thejCorners of her The shutters were bowed,- the door was that the driveir of a horse) car or a laborer million was bright as if baked in fast largely into the composition of many of advertisnient Of patent.mo'-jrang and reap- _ he commands, Jn the slowi solemn tone and Up from thi> "floor. I t stems a s ing^ iUachines. !Afl- the»agents pi »> ceri mouth down, when- they '. wanted to turn peculiar to his pjeople. " I know I have though youi are in •'ffbattery. If y o u go closed. H e might die contented, for h e on our public woiiksat jthe present re- colors upon her ghastjly cheek. T h e t h e pain-killers and patent medicines £0 tahi* "range .tof territory club-together,up. •:•',. i duced wages is in' receipt of a better inwas left alone. • *' . , female giant, with a pair of artificiallegs,, freely advertised for domestic use in the "thee a service. I would not hear out doors, a cloud! of electricity rests on " D o n ' t look so sericfos, little girl. done come than the moist fortunate of those to which her feet wpre atrapped, [was in present day, and for this reason t h e after a good day-of sales,, give a grand* oMt again. I tried to make thee swear the whole peak, j I t comes from \ the You positively alatem me.'? . And Charles an who have gone so! far andlrisked so much her jfcinsel' crown and dress of cojmmon greatest care i s needed in having re- dinner, to the ^buyers, tod arrange a.pro- oath, Dorothy; l a m glad it was not rocks; tho clouds are full of it. T h e Maynard burst into a mejrry laugh that spoken. in quest of gold aniong fpe Black Hills. cotton.velvet. She and h e r husband course to any of them. Taken', perhaps, cession through the principal streets of The Delta of t h e Mississippi. me now, though, dost thou lightning plays b>low i n fearful intena large town, m which the sold machines echoed through the poplar trees in the love thisTell The wild and wonderful accounts, b y man ? Wilt thou for- sity * * * Oi;e's hair literally stands Captain Bades has h a d compiled for which multitudes Of sanguine adventur- had probably sat u p late,land were only in the first instance, to alleviate the tor- play an important part. 1 I n places .old garden. \ " N o w , teU] me, Dorothy swear -thy"yovmk thinking of divesting themselves-of their ments of neuralgia or toothache, what reUgfpn, forsake tho faith of on end. ! • Where it ha« been triedi t h e p l t o iq said his especial use t h e following interest- ers were set crazy, lhave been proved an —I insist upon ki(brwing,1and, as a memforefathers! and become one of t h e Mr. Brown also stated that h e had ing and scientific data concerning t h e Utter delusion, a n d i t is to be regretted finery wl en a wave swept over the plain, proves to b e a remedy Soon' becomes a to attract;as great a crowd as.a,eircus. ber of yoiirf^miiy,J]I consider that I have thy and in itf 1 recoil drew tne|n into the cen-,| source of gratification, which the wretchseen the frosts a JoQt deep a l t over| the Mississippi river, t h e work a t whose the right-talj>e infarmed^--are you going World's people?]' they aie paying ep dear for this ex- tral iurrc nt, That was a funny Snsttoce of the, edness that follows on abstinence, renDorothy's eyes looked toward Charles summit, on windc ws, doors, rocks, and mouth he can be said truthfully to have that to marry BroadbrijiSiI" perience. They afe still led on from absence of mind on jthe part of t h e ders increasingly difficult t o lay aside. with mute.appeal. particularly o n metals. -Sometimes i t already b e g u n : 1. Quantity of water place to place, b u t (the " b a y streak" is " F r i e n d Ephia&o. is. an esthnabjle The New Postal Card. The same must be said of narcotics, such Toledo^editor quoting from a rival paper " H e has saved both our lives, dear," gathers OH t h e falegraph wires to t h e discharged b y t h e river annually, 1 4 - always "over y o n d e r / ' and, like on ignis man, Charles. Tjgoii m u it not speak pf 'The post-office department has adopt- as bromide of potassium and hydrate of One Of "hfii own articles, and heading it liimthus." ; ',,,&' j i <answers the yoilnger man, in, reply to depth of eight inches, a n d frequently 883,360,639,880 cubic feet; 2 . Quantity fatuus, i t is never reached b y t h e delud- *ed a new design for postal cards, pre- chloral,frequently resorted t o a i a r e m e d y " Wretched Attempt >at W i t " Suchher glance, " a n a he is worthy of your breaks tho wire i n d Btops communicaof sediment discharged annually, 28,"Look, Dorotljilrs There h e is. , 1 ed pursuers. There is no gold to be had pared at the printing department of t h e for sleeplessness;'the system qjaickly be- instances of'ab'sence of mind4re not nnwill quote nq p r o W b s , out the rim of. love." Then,his eyes seek the ground tion. Suolfct are s nnp of the features of 188,083,892 cubio feet; ,S«pirea of t h e by mere washing or sifting that is worth treasury. On the upper left-hand corner comes habituated to their use,,and they commoh. Only a few days ago a Johns-again. H e has receivedJuis l&fe from life on Pike's peal:. delta ;of t h e liver, aocoroSig t o Prof. the labor of collecting, and whether the his hat turned the^prner just as I spoke. Lyell, ; 13,000 squaremilep; &. Depth of amount imbedded |uv quartz rock is suf- is the monogram U . S.,(across which,i can then be xelinquisjiedonly at. the cost town editor was in N e f Yotk., and preNow don't look af -if! you/antended to go this man's hands, and now he will speak Indeed,, t h e last sented a check at the bankiiig house of the delta, according tojPrqf. Bidden, ficilpt to justify a Iheavti outlay for ma- in a scroll, are the words ['postal card."* of much Suffering. back to the Houseffor yori are not gping^. no word to r c b h i m of, his dearest Depth of the Great Lakes, j 1,056 feet; 5. The delta, therefore, con- chinery can b e dete|rminea.onlybyscien- On ^he upper right-hand! corner is the mentioned of these two drugs obtains Drexel & Co, and upon tihe__^ashier f I'll te.ll you a, secrft. Wh[en I wair dpwfi treasure. "Ht)W>i*31' , SKimp, nearly square, instead of elipti- over the mind a power whic 1 may be putting tiie-usual question, by the river t h i s morning I found 1 a " Speak, Dorothy," Ephraim repeats. 1 There is a mysto >ry about the Ameri- tains 400,378,429,440^000 cubic feet, or tifio.explora'tions. cal, t h e sides of t h e stariip being com- compared to that of opimn> anc is, more- y o u h a v e . i t ? " replied: "OOldj without 2,720 cubio miles; 6, I t would require " It-is for you t o choose." boat with-a tfemptipg pairlof oars lying can lakes. Lake Erie is only sixty or \ >A-;\ -ii posed of fasces and thejtojp and bottom over, liable* t o occasion! t h v disease sugar." . ' Dorothy's voi 3e is choked with tears, seventy feet deep ; b u t L i k e Ontario, for the formation of one cubic j n u e of , in i t , and t I malle u p my mind that of the band scrolls, the top one having known as chloralism, b y which the sysA rather good story lis told' of Miss The Unfortunate Potato. Dorothy Hicu£S«.u|| her wricked, worldly and her breast shaken with sobs, as she which is 500 feet c eep, is 230 feet below the delta, five years a n d eighty-one the legend " U . S. i>osta£e," the lower tem ultimately becomes a complete Annie Louise CaTy by ii Portland paper> cousin from ihe iniquitous city; of Ne/W'- "answers: the tide-level of tlie ocean, or as low as days; 7. F o r the formation of one square The potato .is an, unf wtunate tuber. wreck. During a recent Stay 'jjp. t h e city Miss York were' going nor a row in that ve(y •»" I t is very, i ery wickec( of me, Eph- most parts of the 13ulf of St. Lawrence ; mile of t h e depth of 1,056 feet, I n 1845 it was the subject of t h e most one " one cent." t h th^ center of the I stamp is the profile of the Goddess of j one year and 16i daysj 8. Jfor the forGary was induced to enter a church-fehpir raim, b u t I ldve| him so .1" t boat this eveninglf'. . I ' • and the bottom of Lakes Huron, Michi-' destructive disease that t ever attacked Railroad Accidents. for a single evening and assume t h e -so" I f is Neighboi Hancock's boat." , 0 Then she stretches, out her helpless gan and Superior, although the surface mation of the whole delta i t would r e - the vegetable "food of . oaan. ' - T o this l i b e r t y . I t will b e printed in black | hands, and t h p sweet-lips w h i s p e r : is much higher, a re all from their vast quite 14,568 4-5 years; 9 . The valley of daythe! cause of; t h f .potapo rot is almost upon card-board of 'eau' de nile color, j The Railroad Gazette givei a list of prano part. When the congregation " He will let u l have ife?" ^the railroad accidents i n tiei United passed out, eomnienting on the voice of depths on a level' vith the bottom of On- the Mississippi from Cape Girardeau t o as muoh a nrysteryi, as when i t caused and will soon b e ready fot issue. " Y-e^s. But,, | h a r l e s , J fear that lit " C h a r l e s . " Only a single word, b u t it decides her tario. Now as t i e discharge through the delta is estimated to contain 16,000 the; Irish famine. „• Thej health of t h e States during the year ending yiiih May^ the unknown singer, a tody who prided , is m y ' d u t y " i - j ' . i i square miles ol 150 feet 'depth. I t herself o n ^ r ^ m u s i c a i taste said^ i n ' to, Their Cupboards; which is as follows : " No, it isn't. jjYou know you, don't life. I n a mom snt she is in her lover's the Detroit $iver, after following all the therefore contains 66,980,160,000,000 plant has n o t y e t , been fully irestored A'o. »f Accidenll. Kil ed. Injured* swer to t h e ^question of a friend 1: " I everywhere,-the r q t still prevailing i n want to spen'd thi^lovely jevening'in the arms, and for th e second time that night probable portion c arried off b y evappra- cubio feet, or 454 cubic miles. When Vassar College was built and jjhink it is one of, that -^—^streeticliok^. parts of Great Britain., ,JBut i n this filled atonpe by about fotpr hundred in- J a n e . . . . . . . 83 ( tion, does not app< !ar b y any means equal house entertaining Broadbrim, and y<i>u unconscious. 22 .55 She has a. pretty good voice, b u t ijtlacke The nobler mjin of t h e two goes unJ,o the quantity of 'water which the three countrxthe potato was id general pretty habitants, none of them jpould find one July do want 'to go ann, vi/atoh the sunset <j>n 20 104 cultivation&dly>" . J.- - V . | > ? , ; heeded out intojthe storm to conquer his upper lakes receive. I t has been consound, especially a*t the West* There closet in the whole immense building. August».... the river with m e | " "~ •' ; ; ',11 -15' nected that a subterranean river may rah L i liiSf jSarmbn Johes, with fifteen An Economical Mourner. its new enemy has overtaken iti and I ^ t t h e r Vassar was astounded a t being September . Dorothy lboksidoubtfully, toward the heartache alonel 106 1« from Lake Superior, b y the Huron, t o within a few years past we halve heard told that t h e girls wanted closets. October — o r - t w e n t y !-«itizens <ti New Orleans, house ami wishfdjly towai d the river. 60 A gentleman dressed i n all-black pre18 November.. Lake Ontario. This conjeoture is not " ' Femme qUf hesite est perdue,' 12 ' 69 started foi California i n sear jh of 1 gefld. BENDING HE[&.V7. I R O N . — I t is n o | r sented himself, one day, at the box.office terrible stories of t h e Colorado potato « i W h y , " h e s a i d , " they,can have two December,. 10 Dorothy, which mdansif we don'thurrk, possible, b y ihB aid of hydraulic ma- impossible,, and ac counts for the singular of t h e Theater Comique, i n Paris. bug. T h i s insect, h a s , been steadily nails i n t h e wall, "one for their pchool January.... 49 The vessel fhey sailed'hi has Ineyet'been 11 Becentlys laoviieirei," MrSj <"irnyi':iat will corns out a a d catch u s i " chinery, t o bend iron shafts of twelve tact that salmon t n d herring are caught " M a d a m , " said h e to t h e ticket agent, 'traveling on i t s devastating /path, cross- dress-and one'for thieir best dres»—and February... • 96 heard from. 17 in all the lakes cc mmunicating with t h e . 73 Jones' attention was calledtotart aooouat Charlies, takks D&rothy's 'hand i n his, inches in diameter to any desired shape. with tears in his eyes, "X wish a box jm ing the Mississippi and the 'Alleghanies, what do they want m o t e ? " .But i n March...... 9 . 67. irrattEnglish paper of' the discovery of and in a momeut tihej are! on their" way Inoredible as this statement may seem St. Lawrence, b u t n o others. As the ordor to place therein the body of my tillndtr^e'^aveJlt'in'WoBtcheBter and spite of the unreasonable aess of the de April... 6 : [ <ih!uultiiotf island in Jthe SkbMcl 'M to ihe shore.; *' , !' ,' ' to some, crank shafts are now so made, falls of Niagara mi jst havealwaysexisled, wife at the moment when the «Eeqniem' Kings' 'counties. * Hot] ig b u t paria mand, t h e closets h a d to b e built after May 1W' . .1,124 ToUla.. tiie list bf/Jpersons found there, wa^'iflie " But, Charles, See that cloud in the instead of by tb4 alow, laborious and ex- ij; would puzzle t h e naturalist to say of M . Verdi is/played." *' Why,'*" cried green seems to interfe: with its exiB- all. •984? nameVof- H 1a r m o n ' J b H e f r f r p n i ^ ^ ' ^ pensive method of forging. The bent how these fish g o ; into tho upper lake- the stupefied taoket agent, " i s y o u r wife tenceencoepsfully.. pouth. , If tliero ^|ere to b& a storm •" 11 things h a r e As E A S T E I V B B BBIDGE.—-The total' ex- leans. The nieh' refused" to' leave <he A Canadian, can lend y o u his newsare als»]said to be. much better \ without some subterranean river : more- .dead?" " Y e s ; I lost her yesterday, " But there wHltait. Come, jump i n . " shafts 'BBIOU,of this paper b y mail to- the States for ode cent penditures thus far on the East river i s l t o a , : s a ^ g ^ f ^ ! t h * ' o l d f j ^ f l y tie* than forged one*, from the fact that the over, any periodical observation of t h e and I thought that a requiem would cost their uses, perhaps, the The oars are lifted into 'the rowlocks, fiber of the metal runs i n one direction river would furnish a n o t improbable' insect pest if topjombi cleanliness in postage, b k t it will cost the States four] bridge between New York and Brobfclyn wpre probably brok^y.-tod they a i d not me less here than a t t h e c h u r c h ; a n d Porothy takes the management of t h e continuously, whereas in forged ones it solution of the my iterious flux andreflux then would permit me to hear the work, the kitchen. .Prudent,hOuseTteekera will oente.to return it to hini over the same' are $5,445,445.19, "The NewYork pier propose'tofulrnishafsirholeboat' ; ^ad of is not yet completed. new Enoch A r dens. rudder into her little bauds, and s o t o is often aovosa the line strain, nowadays'insist upon the washing of route. ! •f the lake*. cooked. ofM.VijrcbV' they ar;« gliding over the'iinrootb. surface potatoea before tLte^ a r e 1 — , " J " I I'll follow yout words, 'rfnd- aav an " Amen." -1 t I* If' < * • ' ^ L_: \ :M ' *' -- __:,__; u I „.! 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