A Selection of Poetry by Dorothy Miles ( 1931 – 1993) Dorothy Miles was a sign language poet and playwright who worked in both the UK and USA. Her work is written and performed in both BSL and English. She was also a researcher and tutor of American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL). Dorothy Miles’ vision was of deaf and hearing people learning, developing and working together. Cloud Magic Upon a windy hill I lie. And watch the clouds go sailing by; And, as they drift, they change and seem, Like weird creations of a dream. A long-eared pig, a three-legged cow Pass slowly overhead - - and now They waver, blur, and in their stead A parrot, and an old man’s head Appear, and drift, and change again, Now one’s a ship, and one a hen. Though grief at times may trouble me, I will not know monotony While I can watch a changeful sky As on a windy hill I lie. (1949) Seasons (an exercise in Haiku) Spring Sunshine, borne on breeze, among singing trees, to dance on rippled water. Summer Green depths and green heights, clouds, the hours quiet - - slow, hot, heavy on the hands. Autumn Scattered leaves, a-whirl in playful winds, turn to watch people hurry by. Winter Contrast: black and white bare trees, covered ground: hard ice, soft snow; birth in death. (1976) Christmas List When I was just a little girl with Christmas coming near, Mother called us children to sit around the table, And write a list of things we hoped to see on Christmas Day For Santa Claus to bring if he were able. The lists were done, we circled where the fire was burning bright, And put them up the chimney to be sucked into the night. But we of course were children, so we asked for drums and balls, All kinds of sweets and chocolates, and candy cigarettes And cannon, and tin soldiers, and cut-out dolls, and swords. And games like Snakes and Ladders, and games you play with words. The adults gave us shoes and clothes – perhaps a golden chain. Then we squabbled over what was whose – till Christmas came again. I gave a lot of thought this year to my own Christmas list. I think these should be given to all, and no-one should be missed; The first and most important is that we should learn to Love… Ourselves – then each other as we will in “heaven above”. And after that Intelligence., growing like a seed; And then a little Discipline, a scolding when we need! And last of all, when all these three are working as they should. The right amount of Humour to make life good. (1989) Trio Morning Sunrise The rain stops – and the wind dies Stillness See, in the pool Twin trees Afternoon I eat and sit, replete, My dog does too A sparrow pecks and perches – The tree of us doz-z-ze! Evening Like a flower the sun folds itself up. Darkness, like a bat, flies close, And closer – Deaf-blinds me! (1989) The Hidden Nation We are the hidden nation – as individuals we move among you unnoticed. We look and walk like you, we have friendly faces or not as the case may be. (1990?) Bright Memory. Ed. D.E. Read. 1998 Se også Teachers’ notes: Dorothy Miles biography. Diktene bør ses på BSL hvis elevene skal oppleve diktenes full effekt.