Purdue University Department of Agronomy AGRY 598 Advanced Topics in Hydrology, Spring 2010 LILY 3-409, TTh 10:30 - 11:45 am Course Description: This course is designed to serve as an advanced graduate course in the statistical analysis of hydrologic data, including time series analysis and modeling, frequency analysis and uncertainty. Prerequisites include an undergraduate class in hydrology, water conservation or water resources (e.g. AGRY 337, CE 542), and STAT 511 or an equivalent. This class should be of interest to graduate students in a variety of water-related disciplines, including Agronomy; Forestry and Natural Resources; Civil Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; and Agricultural and Biological Engineering. Course Objectives: Become familiar with statistical methods used for hydrologic design, standard time-series methods applied to the modeling of hydrologic variables and uncertainty techniques. Relate observed statistical properties of hydrologic data to physical generation processes. Develop a suite of research tools to analyze hydrologic change in response to environmental changes. Instructor Information: Instructor: Dr. Laura Bowling Office: LILY 3-337 Phone: 494-8051 (office) E-mail: bowling@purdue.edu Availability: I have an "open door" policy: if my office door is open, feel free to stop by with any questions about the course, homework or readings. However, I am often not in my office and email is often the best way of contacting me. Text: There is no assigned text book for this class. Readings from a variety of sources (book chapters and journal articles) will be distributed in class and via Blackboard Vista. The following books provide good general reference for many of the topics to be covered in class.Book chapters will be taken from the following references: Box, G.E.P and G.M. Jenkins, Time Series Analysis, Forecasting and Control, HoldenDay, San Francisco, 553 p., 1970. Bras, R.L. and I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, Random Functions and Hydrology, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA, 559 p., 1985. Maidment, D.R., 1993, Handbook of Hydrology, McGraw-Hill Inc, New York. Slas, J.D., J.W. Delleur, V. Yevjevich and W.L. Lane, Applied Modelling of Hydrologic Time Series, Water Resources Publications, Littleton, CO, 484 p., 1980. 1/3 Class Website: AGRY 59800-0027 has a website on Blackboard Vista. Point your browser to https://blackboard.purdue.edu; log on using your Purdue University Career Account username and password. The website will primarily be used to provide copies of class lecture notes, assignments and supplemental readings. Grades will also be posted on the site. Changes to the syllabus and other announcements will also be posted on the site, so in particular if you miss class, be sure to check the site for any announcements. Homework Policy: Honesty Policy: Students may consult with one another regarding completion of the assignments; however each student is expected to turn in his or her own work. Any outside sources used must be properly referenced in the style used by major journals in your field of study. Academic dishonesty (i.e. plagiarism) will result in a zero grade for the assignment, possible failure of the course, and reporting of the incident to the Dean of Students for further action. Reading Assignments and Class Participation: Reading assignments will either be handed out in class or posted on the class website. The assignments should be read prior to class and you should come to class prepared to discuss the readings. Grading, Testing, and Student Evaluation Procedures: There will be no formal examinations for this class. There will be six assignments to illustrate the analysis methods learned in class, not all assignments have equal weight. The total number of points is subject to change, but should not be substantially different than follows: AGRY 598 Grading System Assignments 1, 4 Assignments 2, 3, 5, 6 Total (Approximate Point Distribution) 50 points 100 points 500 points Assignments 1-5 can be re-submitted following corrections. Course grades will be assigned according to the percent of the total points earned following re-submission. Students who earn 90% of the total points in the course will be guaranteed to receive an A-, 80% a B-, 70% a C-, 60% a D-, and less than 60% an F. The instructor reserves the right to lower the cut off percentages for grades. In the event of a major campus emergency, course requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Information regarding changes in this course will be available via the Blackboard Vista web page, email (bowling@purdue.edu), and my office phone: 494-8051. 2/3 Date Jan 12 14 19 21 26 28 Feb 2 4 9 11 16 18 23 25 Mar 2 4 9 11 16 18 23 25 30 Apr 1 6 8 13 15 20 22 27 29 Preliminary Class Schedule Topic Assignment due dates Introduction Statistical representation of hydrologic data Flood Frequency Analysis Assignment 1 Spectral Analysis Assignment 2 Structure of hydrologic time series Assignment 3 Time series modeling Spring Break; No Class Time series modeling, cont. Assignment 4 Monte Carlo analysis and uncertainty Assignment 5 Hydrologic forecasting Assignment 6 3/3