Physiological Noise in fMRI A Signal Processing Perspective Simo Särkkä Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science (BECS) Aalto University, Espoo, Finland September, 2013 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 1 / 34 Contents 1 What is Physiological Noise? 2 Characteristics of Physiological Noise 3 Elimination of Physiological Noise 4 Summary and References Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 2 / 34 Noise Sources in fMRI 1 Physical/scanner noise: Thermal noise Scanner drift ,→ Improve the hardware ,→ Low/high pass filtering 2 Body movement: Head motion Movement related changes in magnetic field ,→ Scan again with better luck ,→ Align with a template image Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 4 / 34 Noise Sources in fMRI (cont.) 3 Physiological noise: ,→ ,→ ,→ ,→ Cardiac Respiration Vascular oscillations (not considered on this lecture) Amplified with better hardware Aligning with template not possible In 3 T, causes 30% of noise! In 7 T, it is much over 50%! Can be eliminated via statistical signal processing. For a good Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR) we must eliminate the physiological noise. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 5 / 34 Signal-to-Noise-Ratios (SNR) Definition of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR): SNR = standard deviation of signal σs standard deviation of noise σn Signal and noise can be defined in different ways: In SNR0 (image/raw SNR) only physical noise is included in σn . In TSNR (temporal/functional SNR) the physical and physiological noises are in σn . We can improve TSNR by eliminating the physiological noise. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 6 / 34 Origins of Physiological Noise in fMRI Origins of cardiac noise: Blood moves and oxygenation along with it. Blood vessels dilate and constrict Tissues move Origins of respiration noise: Lungs move, which changes static magnetic field B0 . Head parts (cavities) move Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 7 / 34 What Does Cardiac Signal Look Like? Cardiac signal is a nice (almost) periodic signal: 300 Pulse sensor signal 200 100 0 −100 −200 0 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) 5 10 Time [s] Physiological Noise in fMRI 15 20 September, 2013 9 / 34 What Does Respiration Signal Look Like? Respiration signal is a nice (almost) periodic signal: Respiration belt signal 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 0 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) 5 10 Time [s] Physiological Noise in fMRI 15 20 September, 2013 10 / 34 What Do They Look Like in fMRI Data? In fMRI data we see (can you see the signals...?): 60 fMRI voxel signal 55 50 45 40 35 30 0 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) 5 10 Time [s] Physiological Noise in fMRI 15 20 September, 2013 11 / 34 Fourier Series Any periodic signal x(t) can be represented as a sum of sines and cosines: x(t) = 200 0 −200 a1 cos(2π · 1 · f0 ) + b1 sin(2π · 1 · f0 ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 100 0 −100 +a2 cos(2π · 2 · f0 ) + b2 sin(2π · 2 · f0 ) 100 0 −100 50 +a3 cos(2π · 3 · f0 ) + b3 sin(2π · 3 · f0 ) 0 −50 p 2 + b 2 is the amplitude of frequency m · f . am 0 m Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 12 / 34 Fourier Series and Fourier Transform We can also plot the amplitudes of each frequency: 100 200 80 Amplitude Signal 100 0 60 40 −100 20 −200 0 ⇒ If we encode the phases as complex valued amplitudes, we get the Fourier transform (FT). The discrete-time version is called discrete Fourier transform (DFT). Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm for computing DFT. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time [s] Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI 0 2 4 6 Frequency [Hz] 8 10 September, 2013 13 / 34 Power Spectral Density Power spectral density (PSD) gives the amount of power (≈ amplitude2 ) at each frequency. PSDs of the cardiac and respiration: 6 4 8 PSD of Cardiac x 10 3 3.5 PSD of Respiration x 10 2.5 3 2 Power Power 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 1 1 0.5 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 Frequency 8 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Frequency 0.8 1 Typically some kind of weighted and smoothed FFT – also called periodogram in this context. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 14 / 34 Power Spectral Density of fMRI Data PSD of fMRI data (can you identify the peaks...?): 140 120 Power 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) 1 2 3 Frequency Physiological Noise in fMRI 4 5 September, 2013 15 / 34 Spectrogram Spectrogram is a plot of evolution of power spectral density over time. Spectrograms of cardiac and respiration: 5 3 2.5 Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz] 4 3 2 1 0 2 1.5 1 0.5 20 40 60 Time [s] 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 Time [s] 80 100 120 Typically computed using some form of short time Fourier Transform. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 16 / 34 Spectrogram of fMRI Data Spectrogram of fMRI data (now we can see the signals!): 5 Frequency [Hz] 4 3 2 1 0 20 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) 40 60 Time [s] Physiological Noise in fMRI 80 100 September, 2013 17 / 34 Amplitude map Amplitudes of cardiac and respiration vary in brain: Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 18 / 34 Phase/delay map Phases of cardiac and respiration also vary in brain: Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 19 / 34 Methods to Eliminate Physiological Noise Here we only consider retrospective methods for post-processing fMRI data. ,→ Band-stop filtering removes the frequency bands of cardiac and respiration. ,→ RETROICOR fits cardiac and respiration Fourier series to fMRI data, and subtracts them away. ,→ DRIFTER builds stochastic resonator models for cardiac and respiration, and uses Kalman filter for separating them. The physiological noise elimination can also be combined with GLM analysis. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 21 / 34 Band-stop filtering: Idea Band-stop filter eliminates certain frequency range from signal: 6 4 1.2 3.5 1 Before filtering After filtering 2.5 0.8 0.6 2 1.5 0.4 1 0.2 0 0.5 0 ⇒ The above result in time domain: 0 2 4 6 Frequency [Hz] 8 10 0 Cardiac signal before filtering 300 200 200 100 0 −100 −200 0 5 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) 10 Time [s] 15 2 4 6 Frequency 8 10 Cardiac signal after filtering 300 Cardiac signal Cardiac signal PSD of Cardiac x 10 3 Power Magnitude response Magnitude response of band−stop filter 1.4 20 ⇒ 100 0 −100 −200 Physiological Noise in fMRI 0 5 10 Time [s] 15 20 September, 2013 22 / 34 Band-stop filtering: Practice How to do it in practice: 1 Find the cardiac/respiration peaks from (a) PSD of fMRI signal itself (b) PSDs of reference signals (pulse sensor, respiration belt) 2 Run band-stop filters with those centers on fMRI data. Ways to implement a band-stop filter: Finite impulse response (FIR) filter Infinite impulse response (IIR) filter State space (SS) filter Fast Fourier transform (FFT) Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 23 / 34 Band-stop filtering: Pros and Cons + + – – – – Simple to implement and fast Works well when TR is short Aliasing with long TRs Time-varying frequency is a problem The peaks are not that sharp in practice Completely ignores the phase Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 24 / 34 RETROICOR: Idea RETROICOR fits (generalized) Fourier series to cardiac xc (t) and respiration signals xr (t): xc (t) ≈ xr (t) ≈ M X m=1 M X c c sin(m φc (t)) cos(m φc (t)) + bm am r r am cos(m φr (t)) + bm sin(m φr (t)). m=1 Above, phases are defined as integrals of frequency: Z t φc (t) = 2π fc (t) dt 0 Z φr (t) = 2π t fr (t) dt 0 Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 25 / 34 RETROICOR: Computation Phases φc (t) and φr (t) are estimated from the reference signals. c c r r Coefficients am , bm , am , bm are determined via Fourier summation over fMRI data y (tn ): x am PN = x bm = n=1 [y (tn ) − y ] cos(m φc (tn )) PN 2 n=1 cos (m φx (tn )) PN n=1 [y (tn ) − y ] sin(m φc (tn )) , PN 2 n=1 sin (m φx (tn )) where x ∈ {c, r } and y is the average of y . Finally, we subtract these fits from fMRI data. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 26 / 34 RETROICOR: Pros and Cons + + + + – – No problems with aliasing Works well with long TRs Works well with time-varying frequency Can be embedded into GLM analysis. Quick frequency changes are a problem Cannot cope with amplitude changes Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 27 / 34 DRIFTER: Idea Cardiac and respiration are modeled as superposition of stochastic resonators, e.g.: d 2 xc,n (t) = −(2π m fc (t))2 xc,n (t) + noise. 2 dt The brain activation is modeled as a smooth signal. The rest of the signal is modeled as white noise. The full model can be written as a multivariate state-space model: dx(t)/dt = A(fc (t), fr (t)) x(t) + L w(t) y (tk ) = H x(tk ) + (tk ). Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 28 / 34 DRIFTER: Computation The frequency trajectories fc (t) and fr (t) from reference signals or selected voxel areas. Frequency estimation uses IMM algorithm – an adaptive Kalman filter. Kalman filter and RTS-smoother used for separating fMRI data into cardiac, respiration, brain activation and white noise parts. The result is the brain activation part of the separation. Alternatively, we can subtract the cardiac and respiration parts from fMRI data. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 29 / 34 DRIFTER: Pros and Cons + + + + – – – No problems with aliasing Works well with long TRs Works well with time-varying frequency Works well with amplitude changes Computationally heavier than the other methods More parameters to tune Embedding into GLM analysis harder. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 30 / 34 Limitations in All Methods All the methods need reference signals to work properly. If cardiac/respiration is synchronized with task, we will eliminate some of the activation. Any other signal with an overlapping spectrum will also be partly eliminated. Very long TRs are a problem to all the methods. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 31 / 34 Summary Physiological noise in fMRI refers to cardiac and respiration showing in data. Dominating noise source in high field fMRI. Characteristics of physiological noise: Almost periodic signals – sums of sinusoids. Can be studied via power spectral density (PSD) plots and spectrograms. Spatially varying amplitude and phase structure. Methods for eliminating physiological noise: Band-stop filtering RETROICOR (Fourier series) DRIFTER (Kalman filter) Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 33 / 34 The End Questions? DRIFTER Toolbox for SPM References Biswal, B., DeYoe, E., Hyde, J., 1996. Reduction of physiological fluctuations in fMRI using digital filters. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 35, 107–113 Glover, G.H., Li, T.Q., Ress, D., 2000. Image-based method for retrospective correction of physiological motion effects in fMRI: RETROICOR. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 44, 162–167. Krüger, G., Glover, G.H., 2001. Physiological noise in oxygenation-sensitive magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 46, 631–637. Huettel, S.A., Song, A.W., McCarthy, G., 2004. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Sinauer Associates. Hutton, C., Josephs, O., Stadler, J., Featherstone, E., Reid, A., Speck, O., Bernarding, J., Weiskopf, N., 2011. The impact of physiological noise correction on fMRI at 7 T. NeuroImage 57, 101–112 Särkkä, S., Solin, A., Nummenmaa, A., Vehtari, A., Auranen, T., Vanni, S., Lin, F.-H., 2012. Dynamic Retrospective Filtering of Physiological Noise in BOLD fMRI: DRIFTER. NeuroImage 60(2), 1517–1527. Simo Särkkä (BECS / Aalto University) Physiological Noise in fMRI September, 2013 34 / 34