1972, Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors 6, 263—278. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam MOMENTS, SOURCE DIMENSIONS AND STRESS DROPS OF SHALLOW-FOCUS EARTHQUAKES IN THE TONIA-KERMADEC ARC* PETER MOLNAR Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, Calif 92073. U.S.A. and MAX WYSS La,nont—Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Palisades, N.Y. 10964, U.S.A. Estimates of moments, source dimensions and stress drops were made for 34 shallow-focus earthquakes in the Tonga arc between 1963 and 1969. Moments were determined from mantle wave spectra and from long period P and S wave spectra. Source dimensions were estimated from the corner frequency of the P and S wave spectra using BRUNE’s (1970) theory. From the moment and the source dimension, the stress drop was approximately determined. Source dimensions and the stress drops increase with moment, and stress drops are typically between a few bars and a few tens of bars for earthquakes with body wave magni- 1. Introduction tudes of about 5~to 7. In addition, the data suggest regional variations in stress drops. The earthquakes with relatively large stress drops did not occur along the main underthrusting zone of the arc that defines the boundary between the Pacific and Australian plates. These earthquakes, instead, reflect deformation within one plate of lithosphere, and not movement along preexisting faults that separate two distinct plates. Thus, some of these earthquakes may result from the creation of new faults. High stresses might be expected for such earthquakes because of the high strength of unfaulted rock. shallow dipping fault planes (IsAcKs et at., 1969; and MOLNAR, 1972). Abundant evidence from seismicity (SYKES, 1966), from fault plane solutions (ISAcK5 et at, 1969), and from relative velocities and attenuation of seismic waves (e.g., BARAZANGI and IsAcks, 1971; MITRONOVAS and ISACKS, 1971; OLIVER and ISACKS, 1967) indicates that a slab of lithosphere descends beneath the arc and is defined by the seismic zone. SYKES (1966) noted, however, that at the northern end of the arc, the belt of shallow activity bends westward. The fault plane solutions for shallow earthquakes there are different from those along the main arc and reflect primarily dip—slip motion on nearly vertical, easterly striking faults with the south side moving down (ISAcKS et a!., 1969; JOHNSON and MOLNAR, 1972). Therefore these events do not represent movement of one plate past another, but the formation of a hinge fault within the Pacific plate. ISACKS et at. (1969) predicted that higher stresses might exist in this region because new faults are being created there. This movement would not always result from slip on preexisting zones of weakness as in the case of earthquakes on plate boundaries. JOHNSON and MOLNAR (1972) determined fault plane solutions for five other earthquakes that were different JOHNSON Using body and surface wave spectra, we estimated moments, source dimensions, average dislocations and stress drops of 34 shallow-focus earthquakes in the Tonga—Kermadec arc (fig. I). The purpose was to evaluate these parameters for earthquakes with magnitudes between about 5-i- and 7, to investigate the variation of these parameters for earthquakes in different portions of the arc where tectonic conditions are different, and to compare shallow earthquakes occurring on a lithospheric plate boundary with those occurring within the plates themselves. The Tonga—Kermadec arc is a particularly good region for such a study, because it is a very active region for shallow earthquakes (SYKES, 1966), and because the tectonics of the region are relatively simple and well understood (ISACKS et at., 1969; JOHNSON and MOLNAR, 1972). Most of the shallow focus seismicity is confined to the region between the trench axis and the volcanoes, This belt of activity defines the common boundary of the Pacific and Australian plates. Focal mechanisms of nearly all of these earthquakes indicate that the Pacific Ocean floor underthrusts the arc to the west along * Lamont—Doherty Contribution no. 1892. 263 264 P. MOLNAR AND M. WYSS 150’ the trench within the Pacific plate. They show that 175’A/ I the principal compressive stress is approximately horizontal and perpendicular to the arc. All five of these events also could have occurred in unfaulted rock and, SAMOA IS 35 - 26 therefore, not on preexisting zones of weakness. Thus 15 23 the Tonga arc offers an excellent opportunity to compare earthquakes occurring on a plate boundary with ~I1 FIJL ISLANDS - • A e B others occurring within one plate, and therefore possibly not on pre-existing faults. 20’ 2 28. S E ample, TsuJIuRA (1969), (1970a)of and WYSSbody and BRUNE (1971) showed thatWvss the spectra seismic o waves vary notably as a function of depth and from one region to another. This variation reflects differences c22 •23 25’ ~ 34• 5.8••12 8 2—%• 35 Several recent studies indicate that one parameter, such as magnitude is insufficient to describe and cornpare earthquakes except in a very general way. For ex- in the physical parameters that describe the earthquake source such as rupture area, average displacement, stress drop, etc. Several investigations indicate that at long periods the body wave spectrum asymptotically approaches a constant value, so that over a large portion the spec52 ~ ,~ 31. 9 I Fig. I. Map showing the earthquakes studied. The contour of the Tonga—Kermadec Trench is at 6000 m. The symbols indicate different types offault plane solution: A — shallow dipping underthrusts of the Pacific sea floor beneath the Tonga arc; B — the hinge faulting of the Pacific plate; C — normal faulting beneath the trench axis; D — thrust faulting east of the Tonga trench; E — strike—slip faulting within the Australian plate (see ISACKS et al., 1969; JOHNSON and MOLNAR, 1972). The stress drops in bars are written next to the location of each event, from either of the types mentioned above. One event, west of the volcanoes showed strike—slip motion. This event probably reflects internal deformation of the overlying Australian plate. Solutions for two events near the trench axis are normal faults with the principal axis of extension nearly horizontal and perpendicular to the trench. These events result from the bending down of the Pacific plate as it underthrusts the arc and indicate a stretching of the top of the bent plate (STAUDER, 1968). Two unusual events occurred east of trum is essentially flat (e.g., BERCKHEMER and JACOB, 1968; BRUNE and TUCKER, 1970). At high frequencies, the spectrum appears to decrease at some power y of frequency, usually y = 2. The corner frequency .f~is defined as that frequency where the low frequency trend of the spectrum, when extrapolated to higher frequency, intersects the trend of the high frequency portion, when extrapolated to lower frequency. Thus, at least three independent parameters, the long period level, f~and y, must be used to describe the spectrum or time signal (see also HANKS and THATCHER, 1972). Abundant evidence exists to show that events with . similar long period levels can have different corner frequencies and vice versa. Recent advances in seismic source theory show that certain physical parameters (seismic moment and source dimensions) describing an earthquake may be determined from the spectra of seismic waves. AK1 (1966, 1967) demonstrated that the moment M0 is proportional to the flat, long period portion of spectrum, and that M A~ — ° — I) ~ where jt is the shear modulus, A is the fault area, and ~i is the average displacement on the fault. Numerous SHALLOW-FOCUS EARTHQUAKES IN TABLE THE 265 TONGA—KERMADEC ARC I Pertinent data for the earthquakes studied. Data for events with Q of quality A were considered more reliable than those with quality B; either more data were used or the individual spectra agreed better with one another for those with quality A than with B DATE LAT Os LONG DEPTH °w MO M E N T (x 1025 dyne-cm) SURFACE 26 Mar 63 31 Mar 63 (05) 31 Mar 63 (19) 20 May t~ 30 Jul 63 8 Oct 63 31 Oct 63 18 Dec 63 29.7 29.9 177.8 177.7 20 48 1’40. (1) 7.5(2) 30.2 177.6 40 1.5(2) 30.8 29.8 15.0 21.8 24.7 178.2 177.2 173.2 174.8 176.7 39 50 25 32 44 P 93. ii. S AV, (5) (5) 106. 9.6 3.5(4) 14.5(3) 20.2(8) 8.0(2) 7.7(7) 2.0(2) 4.7(3) 3.9(3) 4.6(4) 370. (1) 180. (2) f 0(11xlO) P S r (km) P S A A’!. ~2 U Ac Quality cm bars 31. 10. 14,3 A A 0.77(5) 1.4(5) 38.9 21.4 38.9 21.4 4750. 1370. 2.5 2.0(4) 15.0 15.0 706. 5.1 3.2 B 18. 7.8 1.9(2) 2.9 1.8(2) 3.7 270. 1.6(6) 1.6(7) 2.0(3) 1.6(4) 0.8(1) 18.7 18.7 1.1(2) 15.0 1.2(2) 18.7 37.4 18.7 18.7 15.3 18.0 37.4 1100. 1100 735. 1020. 4390. 23. 10. 5,L+ 5.2 89. 12. 5.2 3.5 2.8 23. A A B A B 11. A 15.8 16.6 9 Jul 64 23.3 175.6 48 7.2(3) 5.7(3) 7.4(4) 6.9 1.9(3) 1.3(4) 15.7 13.4 14.2 6314. 15. 22 Mar 65 15.1 173.4 0 6.4(2) 9.8(5) 6.8(7) 7.6 1.8(5) 1.2(7) 16.6 14.5 15.’4 7145. 15. 11 Jul 66 20 Aug 66 19.3 23.6 173.4 176.0 51 ‘40 1.0(1) 2.1(2) 1.4(3) 1.8(3) 0.8(2) 2.1(3) 1.1 2.0 2.0(3) 2.0(3) 1.3(2) 15.0 1.5(2) 15.0 13.4 11.6 14.4 13.6 651. 581. 1 17 5 14 22 12 27 29 Jan Feb Jun Jun Jul Nov Dec Dec 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 15.2 23.7 21.3 15.2 33.5 17.2 22.3 22.8 173.8 175.2 174.5 173.6 179.0 172.0 174.8 175.3 0 19 33 11 39 3’s 33 3D 12. (2) 7.5(5) 2.7(4) 2.6(5) 3.0(1) 4.6(3) 7.9(3) 0.8(3) ‘4.8(5) 7.3(5) 1.6(2) 2.0(3) 1.9(6) 3.9(5) 8.6(5) 1.1(6) 2.4(4) 2.4(2) 1.7(4) 2.6(5) 2.6(5) 1.7(2) 2.3(3) 1.7(5) 1.7(5) 1.4(10) 1.7(6) 2.0(4) 11.5 1.7(2) 11.5 1.1(4) 17.6 13.0 1.2(2) 17.6 1.3(4) 17.6 1.0(5) 21.14 1.5(1) 17.6 8.7 10.2 15.8 1.2(1) 4.7(4) 14.1(4) 1.2(1) 6.2 6.8 2.3 2.4 2.0 4.14 7.1 1.0 10.3 11.1 17.0 13.0 16.7 15.2 20.1 16.7 19 20 25 26 15 20 30 25 29 26 11 29 30 29 Mar Apr Apr Apr May May May Jul Jul Sep Jan Jan May Jun 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 17.14 15.7 15.2 15.3 29.7 30.7 30.9 30.7 22.4 30.5 28.4 17.2 32.2 30.5 172.8 172.6 173.1 173.1 179.0 178.3 177.6 178.3 174.9 178.1 176.8 171.5 178.1 178.2 33 30 33 33 33 45 41 60 33 33 68 33 34 43 1.5(4) 4.2(5) 1.5(1) 3.2(1) 18. (2) 27. (3) 4.8(4) 1.8(2) 1.7(3) 2.7(5) 4.8(3) 2.3(4) 1.7(2) 3.0(3) 1.6(1) 8.9(2) 23. (3) 40.(l4) 39. (3) 4.4(5) 7.6(2) 98.(1O) 2.6(5) 1.7(3) 53(10) 93. (3) 2.1(5) 2.4(3) 1.9(2) 2.2(5) 2.3(1) 2.1(4) 3.0(2) 1.6 3.9 1.9 2.8 18. 36. 5.0 98. 3.1 63. 2.0 1.3 2.1 1.5 2.1(2) 2.0(5) 1.7(4) 3.2(3) 2.1(2) 1.0(13) 1.5(6) 0.8(9) 1.9(5) 1.0(9) 1.6(5) 4.0(3) 2.1(4) 2.8(5) 1.2(3) 1.5(3) 2.0(2) 2.1(1) 2.1(2) 0.9(3) 1.2(2) 14.5 11.6 8.8 8.3 8.3 19.4 14.5 l’4J+ 13.7 14.7 9.2 11.3 27.9 18.5 37.4 15.2 28.4 18.7 7.7 14.3 10.4 4.3(3) 65. (2) 1.8(1) 1.7(5) 1.6(1) 1.1(7) studies show that M0 may be reliably determined from spectra of surface waves (e.g., AK!, 1966; T5AI and AKI, 1969) and of body waves (e.g., HANKS and WYSS, 1972, W~ssand HANKS, 1972a, b). BRUNE (1970) proposed that, for S waves, the source dimensions are proportional to the corner frequency and in the case of complete stress drop that y = 2. He considered a circular fault and obtained for the radius r of the fault 114.5 23.8 7.9 14.5 8.7 9.1 A 2.5 5.0 1.6 3.5 B A 333. 386. 908. 531. 887. 726. 1270. 887. 27. 25. 3.6 6.6 3.3 8.6 7.9 1.6 25. 22. 2.0 ‘4.9 1.9 5.5 3.8 1.0 A A B B A A A A 651. 589. 678. 266. 1400. 2440. 1070. ‘+390. 726. 2530. 1100. 186. 642. 3413. 3.5 9.5 14.0 15. 64. 21. 6.7 32. 6.1 35. 2.5 14. 4.6 63 2.3 6.6 2.6 15. 52. 7.3 3.5 8.2 3.9 12. 1.3 17. 3.1 58 B A B B B A A A B A B B B A as many of those considered here, show that Brune’s theory extended to include P waves is reliable (HANKS and Wyss, 1972; W~ssand HANKS, 1972a, b). 2. Analysis For all events considered, the radiation pattern was known from published fault plane solutions (ISACKs et a!., 1969; JOHNSON and MOLNAR, 1972). We analyzed both body and surface waves using data (2) from the World-Wide Standardized Seismograph Network (WWSSN). Recordings with clear Love or Rayleigh waves were digitized. From the spectral density at where /3 is the shear wave velocity andf0 is the corner frequency. For P waves, W~sset at. (1971) replaced /3 with the P wave velocity. Experimental data for four earthquakes, with approximately the same magnitude 100 or 150 s, the fault plane solution and the depth of focus we determined moments (table 1) using the tables given by BEN-MENAHEM et at. (1970). Our analysis of body waves was essentially the same ‘. ~, = 22 3/3_~ itfo 14.2 15.0 17.6 9.5 14.2 28.9 19.9 37.4 1.2(3) 15.7 0.73(3)29.9 18.7 2.2(2) 7.5 1.2(1) 114.2 2.0(1) 10.7 14.5 13.14 17.4 11.6 7.9 266 P. MOLNAR AND M. WYSS procedure as that of HANKS and WY55 (1972) and WYSS and HANKS (1972a, b). For each earthquake, we digitized P and S waves recorded by both short period and long period instruments from the WWSSN. By using both short period and long period seismograms we increase the band width or the spectrum, and thereby gain an advantage over studies conducted in the time domain from either short or long periods alone. The is the value of the flat portion of the displacement spectral density at low frequency, corrected for attenuation and divided by 2.5 to correct the crustal transfer function. Moments were estimated for each signal. Because only the low frequency portion of the spectrum is used in this calculation, the correction for attenuation did not significantly alter the estimates of the moment. For small values of R04 (< 0.1), small uncertainties in the digitized signals were interpolated to give uniform sample spacing. These signals were plotted and cornpared with the original records to insure that no errors in digitization were made. Although exclusion of pP and sP was impossible, window lengths were chosen to avoid contamination by prominent later phases. Using the fast Fourier transform algorithm, the spectrum was determined. A correction was then made for the effect of the instrument response to obtain the spectrum of the ground motion at the recording site. Two spectra were then plotted on a log—log scale: me is the spectrum of the ground motion and the fault plane solution (a few degrees) lead to uncertainties in R04, and therefore in M0, as large as an order of magnitude. Therefore, in such cases we did not use these values of the moment. An average moment from P waves and from S waves was determined for each event by weighting each estimate equally (table 1). The average moment for each other is the spectrum corrected for the effect of attenua- a horizontal straight line was drawn by eye through the tion from source to receiver using the average Q values of JULIAN and ANDERSON (1968) and assuming that Q is independent of frequency. These spectra comprise the basic data used. No attempt was made to remove the effect of the individual crustal transfer function beneath each recording site. BERCKHEMER and JACOB (1968), however, showed a few examples indicating that its effect is not large. For all earthquakes, the records of several stations were used. In this way, irregularities in the mdividual spectra caused by the local crustal structure were reduced. In thebycalculations of for moments, the spectrum was divided 2.5 to account the average effect of the crustal transfer function (BEN-MENAHEM et a!., 1965). The determination of the moment from body waves follows from long period portion of the spectrum. Another straight line was fit by eye through the high frequency portion of the spectrum, and the intersection of these lines gives the corner frequency. No attempt was made to constrain the fall-off at high frequencies, y, to be equal to two. Corner frequencies for P and S were averaged independently, and using eq. (2), radii of equivalent circular faults, r, were determined from each average corner frequency. An average radius was then obtained by weighting those derived from P and from S proportionally to the number of2, signals usedthefor each. The and using moment and area was assumed to be itr eq. (1) the average displacement was estimated. Manipulation of equations derived by KEILIS-BOROK (1959) shows that the stress drop can be estimated from the moment and the radius, = 3RQ(0) 4itpvR (3) 04 (e.g., KEILiS-B0R0K, 1960), where p and v are the density and velocity (~ or /3) of the material at the source. event was calculated by weighting each estimate from body waves equally but by weighting estimates from surface waves twice as much, because these were considered to be more reliable. Todeterminethecornerfrequencyfromthespectrum, 7 Aa=- 3 1--~M0/r . (4) These results are given in table I. Since there is a certain amount of subjectivity involved in determining corner frequencies and moments, it is necessary to show the spectra used. Showing each R 04 is the radiation pattern obtained from equations in et a!. (1965) and from the fault plane solution. R is the correction for geometrical spreading and is taken from JULIAN and ANDERSON (1968). 2(0) BEN-MENAHEM spectrum individually, however, would require too much space. Instead, in the Appendix we present average spectra (average of all available stations) for P and for S from each event studied. Brune’s theory con- SHALLOW-FOCUS EARTHQUAKES IN THE TONGA—KERMADEC ARC I I • I I IILL~ I I I 11111 I I I PWAVES I 267 - A S WAVES 1027 • A - I uJ > 60 • >- 60 A C I— 26 . LU A C . . . A A A 1025 , iii io~ Fig. 2. A I ;~26 I I iiiil I 1027 MOMENT (SURFACE WAVES) Moments determined from body waves as a function of the moment determined from surface waves. The straight line represents the idealized case of equality of these determinations. siders a root mean square average spectrum that is radiated by the source. To calculate such an average spectrum it is necessary to correct each observed spectrum for the effects of radiation pattern and geometrical spreading. This is accomplished by multiplying each spectrum by the weighting factor M0/Q(0) appropriate for each. The spectra Q (j) in the Appendix are / N I = ~ M’ (~Q ~— j \2]+ ( ) 1(J)) (5) where N is the number of stations used. These spectra are thus given in units of dyne cm, and the values of ~(f) at low frequencies determine the average moment. Thus the reader may estimate the moment as well as the corner frequency directly from the figures. Our choices are shown by the dot in each plot. It is necessary to discuss the uncertainties of the calculations as they are not small. We think that the moment can be reliably determined within a factor of about two both from body and from surface waves, The individual moments determined from each wave type usually agree within a factor of two and the aver- age values for each wave type are generally within a factor of two of each other. Fig. 2 shows the moments determined from P and S waves as a function of the moment determined from surface waves. The agreement between them is good. Moreover, previous studies (e.g., HANKS and W~ss,1972; Wvss and HANKS, l972a, b) indicate agreement within a factor of two between the moments determined from seismic spectra and those from We determined assumed that all field of thedata. hypocenters were in the mantle, rather than in the crust. If this is incorrect, because of the smaller ~t in the crust, the moments should be reduced by about a factor of 2. The stress drops, however, are essentially unchanged, because the smaller velocity in the crust reduces the values of radii (eq. 2). Uncertainties of f~and y are more difficult to estimate. We assumed that Q is independent of frequency and used the average Q of JULIAN and ANDERSON (1968), which is based on surface wave data with longer periods than generally considered here. The assumption that Q is independent of frequency has been questioned (JACKSON and ANDERSON, 1970) and some evidence sug- 268 P. MOLNAR AND M. WYSS gests that Q increases with frequency at least over the bands studies (ARCHAMBEAUet al., 1969; FEDOTOV and BOLDYREV, 1969; SOLOMON, 1971). Thus the correction for attenuation is probably a maximum estimate. The value of y depends strongly on the attenuation correction as may be seen by comparing Q corrected and uncorrected spectra in the Appendix. The uncertainty in the Q model makes it impossible to estimate y accurately, however. In the spectra corrected for attenuation, y is usually approximately two, and therefore these spectra are used in the calculation of source parameters. It is important to note, however, that in most cases the corner frequencies determined from the Q corrected and uncorrected spectra agreed with one another within about 20”/,. Thus, the attenuation correction does not, in general, affect the determination of the corner frequency. We think that the corner frequency for an individual spectrum can be estimated within a factor of about ,/2. Usually, corner frequencies from different signals for a single earthquake are within this factor of one another. Because recordings at teleseismic distances sample only a small portion of the focal sphere, it is not possible to average the spectra over the entire radiation pattern as specified in Brune’s theory. Rupture propagation can focus energy in different directions. On the other hand, estimates of rupture velocities and analysis of spectra suggest that the effect on the corner frequency of focusing due to rupture propagation is not very important for P waves, and probably is not usually important for S waves (BERCKHEMERand JACOB, 1968 ; FUKAO, 1970; MIKUMO, 1969, 1971a, b). More importantly, HANKS and WYSS (1972) and WYSS and HANKS (1972a, b) found agreement within a factor of ,/2 between the fault dimension determined from corner frequencies and from field observations for four well-studied events. These results offer strong support for the application of BRUNE’S (1970) theory to events recorded at teleseismic distances. The stress drop depends upon the geometry of the fault plane, so that sources with the same moment and the same fault area can have different stress drops (e.g., CHINNERY, 1969a). The assumption that the fault plane is essentially circular would of course be invalid for very large earthquakes or for moderate size earthquakes on long thin faults such as the San Andreas fault. In an island arc, however, where the fault zone between two plates is more than 100 km wide, it is reasonable to assume that rupture areas are essentially circular. In fact, SYKES (1971) showed that in the Aleutians, earthquakes with magnitudes less than 7+ usually had rupture zones that were approximately square (or circular) and not rectangular as for much larger events. The assumption of a circular fault is probably reasonable. Hence with an uncertainty of a factor of two in the moment and of ,/2 in the corner frequency, from eq. (4) the products of these uncertainties implies that the maximum error in the stress drop should be a factor of about six. In one sense, this uncertainty is conservative; T. C. Hanks (personal communication) pointed out that for a given spectrum the determinations of corner frequency and moment are not independent. An underestimate in the moment by a factor of 2 leads to an overestimate in the corner frequency by a factor of 42. If the only uncertainties in the analysis were in determining the corner frequency and the flat portion of a reliably measured average spectrum radiated from the source, the uncertainty in the stress drop would be only 42. A more realistic estimate of this uncertainty is probably a factor of 3 for the better determination of stress drop and larger for the poorer determination. 3. Results Table 1 lists the events studied and the estimated moments, corner frequencies, radii of equivalent sources, average displacements and stress drops. In fig. 3, radii, average displacements, and stress drops are plotted as a function of moment. Different symbols are used for earthquakes with different types of faulting, following the pattern in fig. 1. Let us first consider the events that occur on the plate boundary, those indicated by solid symbols. The radii (or source dimensions) increase as the moment increases, a phenomenon observed in all previous studies (e.g. TOCHER, 1958; LIEBERMANN and POMEROY, 1970). Moreover, these values of radii and therefore of fault areas agree well with other studies of fault dimension of earthquakes with the same magnitude or moment (e.g., CHINNERY, 1969b). Similarly the average displacement increases with moment, as noted by CHINNERY (1969b), KING and KNOPOFF (1968) and others, and the values of displacement also agree well with those tabulated by the authors for events of about 269 SHALLOW-FOCUS EARTHQUAkES IN THE TONGA—KERMADEC ARC moment, however, do not describe well the trends in 100 • ~l0 fig. 3. Although this difference could reflect errors in either the analysis or the theory, for earthquakes in the magnitude range, 5~-to 7, all studies show a considerable variation in fault dimensions (e.g., LIEBERMANN and POMEROY, 1970). In fact, the relationships of fault dimension and moment are very different for events less than about 5+ compared with events larger than about 7. Moreover, the data used in these earlier studies is primarily from long thin rectangular faults for • - 1 I ,, 10 100 I , 00 ~°°° • - o ~ e ~ •• , - • , ~&~‘• • 1 10 ~o ‘ ~do ‘‘ 100 0 10 • - __—‘‘ • ~ • e ~‘• ~ S •. • 1 I 10 25dyne-coU 00 i MOMENT lxlO Fig. 3. Radii ofequivalent sources (top), average displacements (middle) and stress drops (bottom) as a function of moment. The symbols are the same as in fig. 1. The dotted line is from WYSS (l970b). the same size. These results give us confidence that such parameters were reliably determined, CHINNERY (1 969b) gave empirical relationships between magnitudes and moment, fault area, average displacement, etc. These expressions when combined to give fault areas versus moment or displacement versus which theofrelationship source a function magnitude between is different fromparameters that for a as circular fault. Hence, we do not consider the different trends between the data in fig. 3 and those given by CHINNERY (1969b) to be significant. The stress drops of earthquakes on the plate boundary also increase with magnitude, a result suggested previously by BERCKHEMER and JACOB (1968); KING and KNOPOFF (1968) and WYSS (l970b). Shown in fig. 3 is the line given by WYSS (1970b) that approximately relates stress drop to moment. This line is parallel to the trend of the data but gives stress drops about a factor of three higher than the observed values. This difference may indicate a systematic difference in the stress drops in the Tonga—Kermadec arc from those considered by Wyss. More likely, however, the difference is due partly to the different methods of calculation of stress drop and to the different fault geometries of the events considered here from the primarily long thin rectangular slip faults considered by Wyss. Because of the uncertainty in the stress drops, the deviations from his data are not considered significant. AK! (1972) has challenged the idea that stress drop increases with magnitude, and if all events in fig. 3 are considered, the data do not clearly indicate such an increase. Onedrop possible these data the stress doesinterpretation increase withofmoment, butis that also has strong regional variations. W~ssand BRUNE (1971) and THATCHER (1972) interpreted spectral differences . . . as evidence for possible regional variations in apparent stresses or stress drops in western North America. When earthquakes only on the San Andreas fault are considered, however, the stress drops appear to increase with moment (KING and KNOPOFF, 1968; WYSS, l970b). Thus it is important to compare earthquakes from the same region and in such cases the stress drop does appear to increase with the moment. 270 P. MOLNAR AND M. WYSS The five events with the smallest source dimension but not smallest moments occurred not on the plate boundary, where a well developed zone of weakness exists, but within one of the plates. Two of these events occurred at the north end of the arc where plate tec- tonics requires that a new fault is forming (ISACKS et at., 1969). The other three events appear to result from a stress within one of the plates (JOHNSON and MOLNAR, 1972) and could also reflect the creation of new faults, The stresses required to break unfaulted rock are generally much larger than those necessary only to overcome friction on a preexisting zone of weakness. Thus, if large stress drops imply high strength, the large stress sphere is important because of the greater potential destruction of high stress drop earthquakes. In fact, from the much larger area over which the 1886 Charleston earthquake was felt compared with the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, REID (1910) suggested that higher stresses existed in the eastern United States than in the west. Much of the damage caused by earthquakes is from shaking with frequencies near about 1 Hz. A large event rich in the high frequency portion of the spectrum (a high stress drop earthquake) will therefore be more destructive than a low stress drop event. More- ing. Although the uncertainties in the stress drops are nearly as large as the differences in stress drops between these two groups, we conclude from the consistent pattern that these differences are real. Not all of the events occurring within plates (partially open symbols in fig. 3) had large stress drops. This is also reasonable, however, as many of these events probably did occur on preexisting faults, For instance, surely some of the events showing hinge faulting result from the movement of one piece of the Pacific plate past another without actually extending the fault zone. over, because attenuation appears to be lower within the plates than at their margins (e.g., MOLNAR and OLIVER, 1969), the higher frequencies will persist for longer periods of time in the more stable regions. Thus, although infrequent, earthquakes within plates of lithosphere should not be ignored in a consideration of earthquake risk. Also, because the principal seismic criterion for identifying underground nuclear explosions is by a comparison of the long period and short period portions of the spectrum, high stress drop earthquakes are the most likely events to be misidentified. It is important to recognize that such events may often occur within plates of lithosphere and are perhaps less likely along well defined plate boundaries. 4. Discussion Acknowledgments Moments, source dimensions, average dislocations and stress drops were determined from the analysis of body and surface wave spectra for 34 shallow earthquakes in the Tonga—Kermadec arc with magnitudes between about 5+ and 7. Stress drops range from a few bars to a few tens of bars, and for events along the boundary between the Pacific and Australian plates they increase with increasing moment. Also, as found in western North America (THATCHER, 1972; W~ssand BRUNE, 1971), a significant regional variation in stress drop is indicated. Some events that occur within either the Pacific or Australian plates have higher stress drops than events with the same moment that occur on the boundary of these two plates. The events within the plates may result partly from the creation of new faults and thus require higher stresses than other events that result simply from movement on preexisting zones of weaknesses. That high stresses may exist within plates of litho- We thank K. H. Jacob for useful discussions, and he, T. Mikumo and P. Richards offered many valuable suggestions for improvement of the manuscript. This research was supported primarily by the National Science Foundation Grant GA-22709 at Lamont—Doherty Geological Observatory. P. Molnar’s support at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, San Diego, was from NSF-GA-l9355. drops associated with these five events are not surpris- References AKi, K. (1966), Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. Tokyo Univ. 44, 73—88. AKI, K. (1967), J. Geophys. Res. 72, 1217—1231. AK!, K. (1972), Tectonophys., to appear. ARCHAMBEAU, C. B., E. A. FLINN and D. G. LAMBERT (1969), J. Geophys. Res. 84, 5825—5866. BARAZANG!, M. 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