Skin Sensitisation Test: KeratinoSens™ (OECD Test Guideline 442d): Adaptation to Animal-Free Culture Conditions Nathalie Belota, Bushra Sima, Matthew Fielda, Carol Barker-Treasurea a XCellR8, Daresbury UK Results Introduction Skin sensitisation is defined as an allergic response following skin contact with the tested chemical, as defined by the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS). CONTACT SENSITISER 1 KEY EVENTS IN SKIN SENSITISATION and RELATED TESTS: 1) As described in the guideline, a basic experiment for ensuring optimal luminescence measurements in the KeratinoSensTMassay was performed to ensure reliable results with the luminometer Results obtained showed that all acceptance criteria were met, with results even better when using Human Serum as compared to Foetal Calf Serum (variability was lower). 2) In accordance with the OECD Test Guideline 442D, ten specified proficiency chemicals were then assessed for their skin sensitisation potential in animal-free adapted conditions. 1) CONTACT (DPRA) 2 KERATINOCYTES 2) RELEASE OF PRO-INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES BY KERATINOCYTES (KERATINOSENSTM) 3 3) DENDRITIC CELL ACTIVATION/MATURATION (hCLAT) INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES LANGERHANS CELLS 4) MIGRATION 5) T-CELL PROLIFERATION (LLNA) 4 MIGRATION TO LOCAL LYMPH NODE 5 LYMPHOCYTE PROLIFERATION T-CELL Example of results obtained for 2 proficiency chemicals: Isopropanol, non-sensitiser on the left, no luciferase induction; EGDMA on the right (weak sensitiser) showing a dose-dependent increase of luciferase induction, at non cytotoxic concentrations. Threshold of cytotoxicity is defined as 70% viability while threshold of sensitisation (dashed line) is defined as 1.5 of the negative control set to 1. Results obtained after application of the 10 proficiency chemicals in 3 independent experiments. Results were calculated on the 9 values obtained The KeratinoSensTM method addresses the second key event of the skin sensitization adverse outcome pathway (AOP) which takes place in the keratinocytes. It induces an inflammatory response as well as gene expression associated with specific cell signalling pathways. The KeratinoSens™ cell line is a human keratinocyte cell line (HaCat), containing a luciferase substrate gene that is under control of a constitutive promoter fused with an Antioxidant Response Element (ARE) from a gene that is known to be up-regulated by contact sensitisers. Therefore, the luciferase signal reflects the activation by sensitisers of endogenous Nrf2 dependent genes. The standard KeratinoSens™ test described in the guideline included the use of animalderived components in the test system, such as bovine serum in the cell culture medium. XCellR8, aiming to provide a total animal-free test, has adapted the cell culture to animal product-free conditions, within the parameters allowed under OECD Test Guideline 442d. REFERENCE COMPOUNDS ISOPROPANOL SALICYLIC ACID LACTIC ACID GLYCEROL CINNAMYL ALCOHOL 2MERCAPTOBENZOTHIAZOLE METHYLDIBROMO GLUTARONITRILE 4METHYLAMINOPHENOL SULFATE 2,4-DINITROCHLOROBENZENE EGDMA Method Proficiency chemicals described in the OECD guideline TG 442d were evaluated in the KeratinoSensTM test adapted to animal-free conditions. The proficiency chemicals covered a range of sensitisation potentials. In brief, 12 test concentrations of each test item were evaluated in the assay, and incubated at 37°C/5% CO2 for 48h. After 48 hours, Luminescence was assessed. For each test item, 3 independent runs (n=3) of the test were performed. A range of acceptance criteria must be satisfied in order for each of the 3 independent experimental runs, and the overall test, to be considered valid. Cinnamic aldehyde was used as the positive reference of the assay. To ensure that the prediction of sensitisation potential is made at subcytotoxic concentrations, a cytotoxicity test (MTT) is performed in parallel plates. Viability of the negative control was set to 100%. Data analysis provide the following parameters: The EC1.5 value is the lowest concentration of test item that causes a luciferase induction greater than 1.5-fold above the negative control. If any of the test concentrations exceed the 1.5 threshold, the test item is classified as Positive (Sensitiser). The IMAX value is the maximum induction achieved at any of the test concentrations. KeratinoSensTM cell line in animalproduct free culture medium Non sensitizer Non sensitizer Non sensitizer Non sensitizer Sensitizer (weak) XCELLR8 EC1.5 (µM) XCELLR8 Prediction IC50 XCellR8 >1000 >1000 1.324 >2000 N/A N/A N/A Non sensitizer >2000 >1000 >1000 1.723 >2000 N/A N/A N/A Non sensitizer >2000 >1000 >1000 1.705 >2000 N/A N/A N/A Non sensitizer >2000 >1000 >1000 1.650 >2000 N/A N/A N/A Non sensitizer >2000 25-175 >1000 12.25 62.5 yes yes yes Sensitizer 895.48 >500 15.04 62.5 yes yes yes Sensitizer >2000 20-100 3.2 15.63 yes yes yes Sensitizer 96.500 <12.5 20-100 24.3 2.74 yes yes yes Sensitizer 89.333 <12.5 5-20 26.1 2.74 yes yes N/A Sensitizer 15.394 5-125 >500 8.98 24.7 yes yes yes Sensitizer >2000 Sensitizer (Moderate) 25-250 Sensitizer (Strong) <20 Sensitizer (Strong) Sensitizer (Extreme) Sensitizer (weak) Imax from 6 -9 values for each chemical, with a maximum of 3 outliers removed. Imax: Maximum induction value obtained, EC1.5 (µM): Minimum concentration at which an induction of at least 1.5 is obtained; IC50: Concentration at which 50% viability is observed. Acceptance Criteria as per OECD Test Guideline 442D: Acceptance Criteria TM The KeratinoSens cell line was adapted to animal product free culture conditions and an in-house cell bank created under the new culture conditions. EC 1.5 IC50 reIn vivo clas- refeference sification rence range range EC1.5 value below At EC1.5 dose1000 µM in value, viresat least 2 ability is ponse of 3 repeti>70% tions Acceptance Criteria 1 Acceptance Criteria 2 Acceptance Criteria 3 Cinnamic aldehyde (positive control) induction above 1.5 in at least one concentration -Positive control EC1.5 between 7 and 30 µM - At 64 µM, induction value between 2 and 8 CV of Blanks <20% Pass/Fail/See Notes Pass See Note Pass Note Acceptance Criteria 2: In this study, the FCS was replaced by Human Serum. Positive control showed a luciferase induction around 1.5 at the highest tested concentration of 64 µM. To respect the acceptance criteria point 2, the top concentration was adapted to 128 µM, i.e at 128 µM, the induction value of the positive control is above 2. These deviations from the acceptance criteria were considered not to have affected the integrity or outcome of the study, especially as no border-line classifications were obtained. Conclusion The correct classification of all 10 reference chemicals in Proficiency Testing exercise demonstrated that the KeratinoSensTM test can be successfully performed in animal productfree conditions, providing a fully human replacement for animal tests for skin sensitisation. It also confirms that the use of Human Serum in place of FCS does not adversely affect the classification of any of the Proficiency Chemicals. The KeratinoSensTM test is fully accepted at a regulatory level for the hazard identification of skin sensitisers and non-sensitisers in accordance with the UN GHS (OECD TG 442d, February 2015). It is expected to be incorporated into REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals) legislation by 2016. XCellR8 now offers this test from its GLP accredited lab in the UK, as an ethical testing option for compliance with a range of legislation. This work was performed with the kind support of Lush Ltd. References: Emter et al, Toxicol. in vitro,2013; Natsch et al, Toxicol. in vitro , 2011; Natsch et al, Toxicol.Sci. 8676; Emter et al, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol., 8676