Name Dissection Guide for the Clam (Mussel) 07.0s.15 Partner Date Hour Theyhavea muscular Mollusksaresoft-bodiedinvertebrates. a hard foot anda mantle.In mostmollusks,the mantlesecretes you external and shell.In this investigation will observethe mollusk--theclamor internalstructuresof a representative pelecypods, are or bivalves,and fresh-watermussel.Clams havea two-parthingedshell.Clamsarefoundin freshwaterin streams,ponds,andlakes.Theyalsoarevery common burrowedinto the mud of oceanmud flats. Clamsareoftenusedfor food. Clamsbelongto thephylumMollusca. Molluscs(Latin molluscus,"soft"), asthe origin of the namesuggests, aresoft-bodiedanimalshavingan internalor externalshell.Includedin the phylumaresnails,oysters,slugs, clams,octopuses, andsquids.Most molluscsarebilaterallysymmetrical(havea left andright side)andhave shell well-developedrespiratory,excretory,circulatory,anddigestivesystems.Somemay havea calcareous surroundingthe bodymass. Molluscsaresimilarto annelidsin their development. Both havetrochophorelarvae.Molluscsdiffer from annelids,however,in the absence of segmentation. Further,the coelom,soprominentin the annelids,is greatly generally reducedin the molluscsandis restrictedto an areasurroundingthe heart. Most molluscsareslow moving,but the bodiesof severalspecieshavebeenhighly modifiedfor rapid locomotion.Althoughprimarily marineorganisms,somemolluscsarefoundin freshwater(clamsandsnails) andon land(snailsandslugs). The molluscsarecharacterized by havingthreemainbodyregions:a head-foot,which is the sensoryand locomotivepart of thebody; a visceralmaFscontainingthe excretory,digestive,andcirculatoryofgans;andthe mantle,which secretes the shell.The gills, which functionin respiration,arelocatedinsidethe mantle. To what phylumdoesthe clambelong? Whatdoesthe nameof the phylum translate(from the Latin language)to mean? List six commonmembersof thephylumMollusca: Whatdoesit meanwhenan organismis bilaterallysymmetrical? shell? Whatelement(from the PeriodicTable)is a majorcomponentof a calcareous Namethe threemainbodyregionsof a mollusk: (whichmeans"hatchetfoot"). Membersof the classpelecypodaprovide Clamsbelongto the classPelecypoda jewelers, delightfor epicureans, andartisanstheworld over,becausetheyprovidefood,pearls,and mother-of-pearl, which canbe fashionedinto hundredsof forms.Anothernamefor this groupis "bivalves,"as they possess two shellsor valves.Includedin the Soup areclams,oysters,mussels,scallops,andshipworms. They vary in sizefrom onecentimeteracrossup to well overonemeter(theGiantClamof the SouthPacific). Sinceclamsandmusselsarefoundboth in saltandfreshwater,they arecommonthroughouttheUnitedStates andthe entireworld. To what class doesthe clam belons? the Latin language)to mean? -- What doesthe name of the classtranslate(from What does it mean if an animal is called a bivalve? An epicureanwould be interestedin List five common membersof the classPelecypoda: External Anatomyof the Clam Obtaina preservedclamandrinseit thoroughlyto removeexcesspreservative. Placethe clamin a dissecting tray. Observethe bivalveshell.Noticethehingeligament The small,pointedareanearthe hingeligamentis calledthe umbo.It is the oldestpan of the chin.The umbois situated dorsallytowardthe anteriorendof the clamandis surrounded by concentricgrowthlines.The linesrepresentalternating periodsof slow andrapidgrowth. /4//ll Z)2,.t =,/l >z Beforeyou continuewith this investigation,it is importantto know the orientationof the clamshell.Recallthattheumbois neartheanteriorend.Theposteriorof the clam shellis at the oppositeend.In referenceto the clamshell,dorsalis the side,or edge,with theumbo.Ventralis the side,or edge,oppositetheumbo.Locatethe posterior,anterior,dorsal,andventralsurfacesof your clam shell.Hold the clamshellwith the anteriorendup andthe hingefacingtowardyou. Locatetheposterior,right valve,andleft valveof theclamshell. Describethe locationof the hingein relationto the two shell-halves. Whatis the nameof the oldestpart of the clamshell? ATTEMPT (sometimes this is difficult) to countthe numberof concentricgrowthlines(think abouttreerings) on the shell. What is vour bestestimate? On the following drawingsof the clamshell,labelthe following: dorsal,ventral,anterior,posterior,right valve, left valve,andhinge. Thetermscanbe usedmorethanonceif necessary. Tagthe following: (Note: Do not try to pin the shell. Makeyour tagsand"stick" themto the partswith moisturefrom the shell.) Dorsal Ventral Anterior Posterior Right valve Left valve Umbo Verified Hold the clam in the dissectingtray as shown in the figure at the right. With a scalpelcarefully scrape,away some of the horny outer layer of the shell. Scrapeuntil you seethe "white part" (prismatic layer) of the shell-it doesnot needto be a very large area. CAUTION: Scrape in a direction away from your hand to avoid cutting yourself. Completed The shellof a clamis madeup of threelayers:the homy outer layer,the thick, middlelayercalledthe prismaticlayer,and the innermostlayercalledthe pearlylayer. Haveyour instructorplaceonedropof acidon the exposedprismatic layer.CAUTION: Do not let any acid contactyour skin to avoid acid burns. The bubblingof the acidindicatesthat calciumcarbonate(CaCOl)ispresent.Carefullyrinsethe shellwith wateronceyou havemadeyour observations. Flg. '$'2 Describewhat happenedwhen acid was placed on the exposedprismatic layer: Describea situationwherewhatyou observedmight actuallybe appliedto the clamin its naturalenvironment: Give the chemical Name the material (chemical) that makesup the clam shell: formula of the material: Here is some extra information on the make-up of the clam shtill: How many layers make up the "shell" of the clam? How manylayersmakeup the "mantle"of the clam? Which part of the clamshellforms Periostracum pearls? layer Prismatic Shell Nacr€ouslayer ( 'ir.,.,i ir.*'-' ,,i....,lti i.", ^\/.- ;'i; . Foreignbody (sand or a Parasite) belweenshell and mantle - Nacre-secretingcells .- Conneclivetissue betweenthe shell and mantle. white part of the clam shell (you I uantre The applied the acid to in the exercise I I C i l i a t e de p i t h e l i u m Pearl lormed bY secretion o{ nacre around loreign bodY A pearlis formedasa reactionto a I ) above) is the Epitheliumis betterknownasby its commonname: **Put on a pair of safetyglassesduring the processof opening the muSsel. Internal Anatomyof the Clam: Your clamshouldbe slightly gappedopen. Theremight evenbe a pieceof woodwedgedbetweenthe valvesthis guarantees getsinsidethe shellhalves. thepreservative Gills Try first to pry it openwith your hands.If this will not work, usea screwdriverto very gentlypry the valvesapart. Your clamshould look like the oneshownto the right. Look at thepartiallyopenedshell.Observethe anterioradductor muscle,posterioradductormuscle,mantle,andfoot. The opening betweenthetwo shellsis calledthe gape.Carefullyinsertthe scalpelbetweenthe mantleandthe left valveof the shell.Cut the anterioradductormuscleascloseto the shellaspossible. CAUTION: The scalpelis a sharp instrument.Alwaysbe very carefulwhen handlingit and cut awayfrom your hand and body. Repeatthis procedureto cut the posterioradduitor muscle.Openthe shell.If necessary, carefullyrun your fingersor scalpelbetweenthe shellandthe mantleto separate the mantlefrom the shell.The LINE OF OROWIH R ADDUCIOI gts ferio r ADDUCTORMUSCLE il;;:fa' spbcebetweenthe two halves of the mantle is the mantlecaviw. sCAI.^PET SLADE Openthe left valveasfar aspossible.Whendone, your specimenshouldlook like the diagrambelow. M a n t l el i n e Anltrior' a d d u c t o rs c a r Completed(thetwo shellhalvesareopenasshownto theright). Verified Observethehinge.Noticethe interlockingteeththat hold the two valvesof the shelltogether.Locatethe "scars"from the anteriorandposterioradductormuscleson the innersurfaceof the left valve.Thesescarsindicatewheretheposteriorand anterioradductormuscleswereattached. What is the gape? What formsthe "scars"on the valves? Describe the inner layer of the shell. hjeril. r adductor muscle .l Lets stop for just a moment on this page and look at some of the living clam's anatomy. The diagramsbelow show how he looks when healthy and alive. The foot and siphonsare extended. Yours will not-look exactly like this becauseit is deadand theseappendageshave beenretractedinto the shell. UMSO VALVE(SHELL) Herearesometermsyou will needto becomefamiliarwith to continuewith the dissection.Spenda few minute studyingthem-it will help! Stnrcture Anterioradductormuscle Posterioradductormuscle Mantle Description/l,ocation Anterioredgeinsideshell Posterioredseinsideshell Membranous tissuethatcovers entirebody;yellowor cream- Function Holdstwo halvesof shelltogether Holdstwo halvesof shelltosether Secretes shell eolored Foot Gills hcurrent srpnon Fxcurrentsiphon Palps Mouth Stomach Intestine Digestivegland(liver) Anus Reproductiveorgan Pericardialcavity Heart Kidneys Hatchet-shaped; hard;anteriorand ventralto sills Folded,ridgedtissuewith microscopiccilia t old ln mantle;posteriorendventral to excunentsiohon Foldin mantle;posteriorend;dorsalto incurrentsiphon leatlike structuresanteriorto gills and posteriorto anterioradductor muscle Slit betweenpalps Saclikestructurenearmouth Coiledtubulefrom stomach throushbodvto anus Light greenmasssurrounding stomach End of intestinenearexcunent siohon Spong reddishmassventralto oalos fuea betweenvisceralmassand hinge:dorsalto foot Insideoericardialcavitv flBf,p brownish organs found pericardial cavity Locomotion. movement gasorchange Respiration, Regulates flow of waterinto clam Regulates llow of waterout of clam Directswatercarryingfood into mouth Passage of food into dicestivesvstem Disestionof food Absorptionof digestedlood Secretesenzymesinto digestivesystem to disestfood Removalof undigestedfood Productionof eggsand sperm Protectsand housesheart Pumosbloodthroushoutbodv Wasteremoval Locate the mantle, a thin layer of tissuethat coversthe visceral massand foot. The visceral massis a soft mass of tissue located dorsal to the foot. The mantle is usually cream or yellow in color with a brownish edgein a preservedclam. Locate the incurrent siphon and excurrent siphon. The siphonsare folds in the mantle at the posterior of the clam. The incurrent siphon is ventral to the excurrent siphon. The incurrent siphon takes in water that containsoxygen and microscopic food particles. Water and waste materials are removed from the mantle cavity through the excurrent siphon. Examine thesestructureswith a hand lens. STOMACH INTESTINE BUTBUS ARTERIOSUS POSTERIOR FOOT RETRACTOR POsTERIOR ADDUCTOR ANUS VISCERAL GANGTION EXCURRENT SIPHON ANTERIOR ADOUCIOR INCURRENISIPHON CTENIDIUM(CUI) PEDATGANGLION Labelthe drawingto the right with the following structures: anterioradductormuscle, posterioradductormuscle, incurrentsiphon,excurrentsiphon,mantle, right valve Tag eachof the following on your specimen: Anterior adductormuscle, posterioradductormuscle, incurrentsiphon,excurrentsiphon,mantle Verified The diagram below showsthe path of water through the body of the clam. SUPRAERANCHIAL CAVITY MANTLE POSTERIOR RTIRACTORMUSCLE POSIERIORAODUCIOR ANI!RION FOOI REIRACION INCURRENT SIPHON ANI ADDUCIOR MUSCI,I < _ _ - - o t R E c T t o No F FOOOMOVEMENT With a pair of scissors,carefullycut awaya portionof the mantleasshownin the pictureto the right. (You might have alreadyperformedthis stepwhenyou openedthe clamand "tore" awaythe mantle.) With the mantleremovedyou cannow observethe gills, folds of tissuecoveredwith microscopic cilia.Gills arefoundin pairs,oneon eachsideof the visceralmass.Usea probeanda handlensto examinethe gills. Observethe muscular,hatchetshapedfoot locatedanteriorandventralto the gills. Locatethe palps,a pair of leaflikestructuresventralto the anterior adductormuscleandanteriorto the gills. Themouthis a slit locatedbetweenthepalps,Waterfrom the incurrentsiphonpassesoverthe gills towardthe palps.Mucusandcilia on the palpstrap food anddirectit towardthe mouth.Waterthencirculatesout of the mantlecavitythroughthe excurrentsiphon. What arethe two functionsof the eills? 1. 2. Tag on your specimen: gill, foot Verified I Locatethe visceralmass.In orderto studvthevisceralmassin detail,removethe gills andsetthemasidein your dissectingtray. Thenusea pair of scissorsto cut offthe ventralportionof the foot asshownin the diagramto the right. With a scalpel,carefullycut theremainingportionof the foot into right andleft sides.Now it is time to explore. Someof the organsbelowwill be easyto find on your specimen andsomeof themwill be very difficult. It dependson the quality of your specimenandthe skill you impart. See whatyou canfind.....Thediagramat thebottomof the pagemight provehelpful. A. With the foot removed,locatethe following structures: --reproductiveorgans,a spongyreddishmass; --thesaclikestomachnearthe mouth; --thedigestivegland,a light greenmasssurroundingthe stomach; --thecoiledintestineleadingfrom the stomachto the anus nearthe excurrentsiphon; --thepericardialcavity,an areabetweenthe visceralmass andthe hinge; --theheartcontainedwithin the pericardialcavity; --thekidneys,spongybrownishorgansbelowthe pericardialcavity. Pericardialsac Ant€rioraorta Ventrlcfe(i) Aurtctes (a Digesflve gtands(2) Stomach Anterior adductor muscle Excurrent siphon Anus Mouth Labial palps Intestine Manile t On the diagram below, label each of theseparts: visceral mass,reproductive organ, stomach,anus,digestive gland, intestine, anus,pericardial cavity, heart, and kidneys. Follow your teacher'sdirectionsfor storingthe clamfor furtheruseor properlydisposingof the clamandits parts.Thoroughlywash,dry, andput awayyour dissectingtray, scalpel,probe,scissors,andanyother equipmentyou may haveused.Washyour handswith soapandwater. Namethe threebasictypesof mollusksandgive an exampleof each(useyour textbook). 1, n L, a 1 How aremollusksclassified(whichphylum)? Whatstructureshold thetwo shellstogetherin a bivalvemollusk? Whattype of feederis the clam? As watergoesthroughthe clam'sbody,whatdoesit bring in? and As the water goesthrough the clam's body, what does it take out? 1 Reproduction Most musselsand clams are male or female; a few speciesare hermaphroditic.The reproductive cycle in theseorganismsis quite interestingin that the juvenile stageis parasitic on fish. The eggsare releasedinto the cavity of the gills where fertilization takes place. Each zygote then developsinto alarva, called a glochidium. The larvae stay within the gill through the winter and are releasedinto the water the following spring. If they come into contactwith a fish, a contact stimulus causes them to close their valves and thus becomeattachedto the gills or the fins of the fish host. Fertilizedeggs develoP into glochidiain gill of clam or mussel. ra o a a a a What is the advantageof their being attachedto the gills Glochidiaare releasedfrom fish. or fins? The tissueof the fish reactsby growingaroundthe larva. After severalweeks,the parasiticlarval form is released andbeginsa free-livingexistence. Glochidia are released throughexcurrentsiPhon (-, q P 69 Ad Larva become attachecl to gillsand fins of fish and become encysted. .1. a a a a a V^V t. FlG.34.f Lifecycl€of a clamor mussel. 1 0 GLAmfiEE)ffiERNALSTRUGTURE. VALVELAVER^ G)UTER ftA@THER.OF.PEARL p, LAVEFIB PALLilALL[NE, HilNGELIGAftfiENT. ANT,ADDUGT@R'/RETRAGT@R'' / SGAR'' POST"ADDUGT@R,I RHFRAGT@R'' / SGAR" SfiANTLE'' F@OT. VISGERALftfiASSo' GILL FA[R" GILL FAIR*, ftfiANTLE" INGURRENT SIPH@N EXGURRENT SilFH@N, Nfi@UTH" LABIALFALF* AfiANTLEGAV[Tilfo ll GLASfiS INTERNALSTRUGTURE. nnourm^ LABIALFALF' ES@PHAGUS. ST@ftflAGH' SflfLE SAG. DIGESTilVE GLAND' INTESflNEo RE@TfUftfl' ANUS ANTERIOR ASPECT INCURRENT SIPHON A 8 PERIGARDIAL SAG, NEPHR[D[Uftfi* [*n A[n)filEfA LP)lHi1\t!)L!) L.=|.rUL oUTEFGILLPA|R-jINNERGILLPAIR.;- VENTFALASPECT EXGURRENT S[FH@N* GANGLIAGEREtsRAL. V[S@ERAL, FEDALo NERVETRUNK' NERVE' SENS@RV SENSORVREGEFT'@R' NN@T@R NERVE, MUSCLE.i l2_