Rich Stedman, Associate Professor, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University Link to website: I am deeply honored to have been nominated for vice president of the Rural Sociological Society, having been a member since 1993, when I was first beginning my PhD work, and a lifetime member since 2005. I am convinced that-­‐-­‐even as traditional Rural Sociology departments in Land Grant Universities face multiple challenges-­‐-­‐there is as much good rural sociological work happening as ever, and the need for such work becomes ever more urgent. Rural places, people, and issues are increasingly diverse, and increasingly interconnected via local, regional, and global relationships of trade, governance, communication, and environment. As such, the full scope of what ‘counts’ as rural sociological issues (and ways to engage them) needs to be recognized. The Rural Sociological Society will need to continue to enhance linkages with scholars from related societies to inform such work and ensure relevance. Doing so is one of the primary tasks of the Vice President of the Society, and it is one that—if elected—I would enthusiastically embrace. I received my PhD in Sociology/Rural Sociology from the University of Wisconsin in 2000, and my MS in Natural Resource Policy from Cornell University in 1993. I am currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources and a member of the Graduate Field of Development Sociology at Cornell University. Prior to my time at Cornell, I was a faculty member (from 2001 to 2006) in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at the Pennsylvania State University. Before that (1999-­‐2001), I was the senior sociologist in the Canadian Forest Service in Edmonton, Alberta. My previous service to the RSS includes serving on the Membership Committee between 2003 and 2005 (and chairing the committee in 2005), co-­‐chairing the Natural Resources Research Group in 2011, chairing the group in 2012, and serving on the program committee for the 2012 annual meetings in this capacity. I served as Associate Editor for the journal Rural Sociology between 2003 and 2005. I have also been active in the International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR), serving on the Executive Council of this group between 2006 and 2009, and accepting two tours of duty as Associate Editor for the journal Society and Natural Resources (2003 to 2008 in total). I’ve received a couple of honors and awards relevant to the position: in 2011, I received the Cornell University David J. Allee and Paul R. Eberts Community and Economic Vitality (CEV) Award for work I’ve conducted about community response/impacts to rapid energy development around the Marcellus Shale deposit in the northeast United States; way back in 2001, I was a co-­‐recipient with Tom Beckley of the Rural Sociological Society Innovation Award for a project we developed using photographic methods to understand sense of place and its relationship to land use patterns. Selected Publications Jacquet, J., and R.C. Stedman. Perceived impacts from wind and natural gas development in Northern Pennsylvania. Manuscript forthcoming at Rural Sociology. Armstrong, A., and R.C. Stedman. 2013. Culture clash and seasonal homeownership in the U.S. Northern Forest. Manuscript forthcoming at Rural Sociology. Stedman, R.C., J.B. Jacquet, M.R. Filteau, F.K. Willits, K.J. Brasier, and D.K. McLaughlin. 2012. Marcellus Shale Gas Development and New Boomtown Research: Views of New York and Pennsylvania Residents. Environmental Practice. 14 (4): 382-­‐393. Stedman, R.C., M. Patriquin, and J. Parkins. 2012. Dependence, diversity, and the well-­‐being of rural community: Building on the Freudenburg legacy. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. 2:28-­‐38. Wellstead, A.M. and R.C. Stedman. 2012. The Role of Climate Change Policy Work in Canada. Canadian Review of Political Science 6(1):117-­‐124. Stedman, R.C., M. Patriquin, and J. Parkins. 2011. Forest dependence and community well-­‐being in rural Canada: A Longitudinal Analysis. Forestry 84(4):375-­‐384. Jacquet, J., and R.C. Stedman. 2011. Emergence of landowner coalitions in Marcellus Shale. Rural Social Studies 26(1): 62–91. Stedman, R.C., B. Lee, K. Brasier, and J. Weigle. 2009. Cleaning up water? Or building rural community? Community watershed organizations in Pennsylvania. Rural Sociology 74(2): 178-­‐200. Stedman, R.C., W. White, M. Patriquin, D. Watson. 2007. Measuring community forest sector dependence: Does method matter? Society and Natural Resources 20:629-­‐646. Stedman, R.C. 2006. Understanding place attachment among second home owners. American Behavioral Scientist 50(2): 1-­‐19. Stedman, R.C., J. Parkins, and T.M. Beckley. 2004. Resource dependence and community well being in rural Canada. Rural Sociology 69(2):213-­‐234. Stedman, R.C., and T.A. Heberlein. 2001. Hunting and rural socialization. Rural Sociology 66(4): 599-­‐ 617. Link to CV: