Semester 1 Study Guide 1. Why would Africans be better slaves than

Semester 1 Study Guide
1. Why would Africans be better slaves than Native Americans, according to Las Casas? 2.
3. For holders of certain econiendas, what could happen if gold and silver
mining was not profitable?
4. List Spanish rulers; Spaniards, Criollo, Mestizo, Mulatto, in order from
least powerful to most powerful.
5. How are the 16th century Spanish Empire and Aztec Empire alike?
6. Goals of Christopher Columbus during 1492 expedition
7. Hernan Cortes was the embodiment as which messianic character?
8. Why was human sacrifice important to the Aztecs?
9. Why did Spain look westward when trying to reach the Indies?
10. What did the Spanish do that plummeted the Native American
population? By what percent?
11. What motivated the conquistadores?
12. What states were never Spanish territories?
13. What united Spain?
14. Who called the people of the new world Indians? And why?
Semester 1 Study Guide
15. What did European explorers introduce to the new world?
16. What resulted of Pope's rebellion in 1680?
17. The introduction of American plants resulted in...
18. What was the Armada for?
19. What declined Spain? 20.Lord De La Ware did what to Jamestown? 21. Largest disrupter of Native American life 22. What issues did the north and south colonist agree on? 23.Why did King James I oppose separatists? 24. What were puritans beliefs toward Church and State? 25.Anne Hutchinson viewed a dissenter in Massachusetts Bay as an ... 26.Rhode Island was known for what? 27. What did Philip's war lead to? 28. What made Quakers unpopular? 29.Describe Indian policy in Pennsylvania 30.What did Wahunsunacock want by capturing John Smith? 31. What are indentured servants? 32.How was Jamestown mainly characterized? 33.What is a cash crop? Semester 1 Study Guide
34.Why would southerners use enslaved Africans?
35.Why did England colonize? Who funded it?
36.What did England possess on the night before leaving? 37.1588- English defeat of the Spanish Armada 38.First attempt of English colonization 39.After _ _ Spain's empire began to fade. 4O.How did England treat Ireland?
41. Who supported Bacon's rebellion?
42.What is the "middle passage- to slaves?
43.Know facts about New England and Virginia, What did they believe
separate and together?
44. Why did France win the early battles in French and Indian war?
45. What British party was sympathetic toward America?
46.What advantages did Britain have over America?
47. Mercantilism
48. Why were British troops that caused the Boston Massacre sent?
49. Why did the Iroquois fight America
50. Who brought about the British defeat at Yorktown?
51. In the peace negotiations at Paris, France wanted what?
52. What is Tomas Paine's Common Sense
Semester 1 Study Guide
53. Why was the battle of Saratoga a turning point?
54. Why did France help America
55. What military strategy failed in December, In5?
56. Why did France and Native Americans get along?
57.What did the Americans possess of France before the end of the
French and Indian War?
58. The Proclamation of 1763 said what?
59. What were the intolerable Acts of In4?
60. Why was the Stamp Act significant?
61. Benjamin Franklin believed in what movement?
62. Know neo-classicalism
63. What is the Colonial Comities of Correspondence?
64. Consequences of the Boston Tea Party
65.Know the Declatory Act of 1766
66. Why was the Declaration of Independence written?
67.What was George's Washington's main gool as commander-in-chief?
68.Why did George III make the Proclamation of 1763?
69. What was protested at Boston Teo Party?
70. Federalist Party
71. American heroes during the War of 1812
Semester 1 Study Guide
72. Consequences of Louisiana Purchase
73.Embargo Act of 1803
74. Judicial Review
75. Know Alien and Sedition acts and who over looked them?
76. Who inhabited the colonial south?
77. What was explored by the Marquette and Jolliet expedition in
78. Why did Amerinds struggle with alcoholism?
79. Key addition to constitution before passed
80. What did Washington develop that was not in the Constitution?
81. How were the political parties created?
82. Washington's foreign policy
83. Anti- federalist supporters
84. Most influential figures at the constitutional convention
85. Shay's Rebellion
86.Articles of confederation Weakness
87.Township system why was it important?
88. "popular sovereignty"
a). Mossasoit b). Tisquantum c). John Calvin d). Nathaniel Bacon
e). Opechancanough f). Lord Baltimore g). William Penn
h). Walter Raleigh i). Roger Williams j). John Rolfe k). John Winthrop
I). John Smith m). Bartolome de Las Casas n). Christopher Columbus
0). Amerigo Vespucci pl. Estebenico q). Cabeaza de Vaca r). Juan Ponce
de Leon $). Pope t). Alexander VI u). Herman Cortes v). Ferdinand
Magellan w). Ferdinand of Aragon x). Charles Vy). William Pitt
z). John Locke A). George Greenville B). Thomas Jefferson
C). Samuel Adams D). Fried. Von Stueban E). John Adams
F). Marquis de Lafayette G). Anne Hutchinson
H). Samuel de Champlain
Other Terms:
I). Conquistador IT). Encominda lIT). San Salvador IV). Inquisition
V). Armada VI). Mission VII). Bunker Hill VIII). Boston
IX). Plains of Abraham X). Fort Necessity XI). Yorktown
XII). Concord North Bridge XIn). New York XIV). Saratoga
XV). Tobacco XVI). Republican XVII). Enlightenment
XVIIT). Ratification XIX). Absolutism XX). Calvinism
XXI). Laissez Faire XXII). Federalism