Portstewart Parish 6th Oct 2013 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Sunday Cycle C Psalter: Week 3 Fr. Austin McGirr PP 7083 2534 / 07739 223295 amcgirr1947@gmail.com St Colum’s Primary School, Principal: Sinead McCullagh 7083 3010 St Colum’s Pre-School Centre, Leader: Margaret McKinley 7083 5737 Parish Pastoral Council, Chairperson: Terry Butcher 7035 6578 Parish Finance Committee, Chairperson: Colm Diamond 7083 2227 Parish Safeguarding Committee, Chairperson: Michelle Shaw 7083 2606 Family Minister, Sally Andrew 7083 4789 Stella Maris, Editor: Patricia Farren 7083 3042 St Vincent de Paul: 0750 854 9572 Parish Secretary: Ruth McGuckian 7083 2534 Office email: secretary@portstewartparish.co.uk Website: www.portstewartparish.co.uk MASSES THIS WEEK Monday to Saturday 9.30am. Sunday Vigil Mass 6.00pm. Sunday: 9.00am, 11.00am and 8.00pm REST IN PEACE Recently: Kathleen Quigg and Ian Travers (Funereal Mass today 2.00pm) One month ago: John Campbell, Eddie Butcher Anniversaries: Michael Kerr (2), Mary Cunning, Thomas Duffy (5), Bridget Sweeney (6), Paddy Bannon (7), Dermot Canning (8), Patsy Clarke (9), Mary Leslie, Rose McLaughlin (10). PRAYER INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER That those who feel weary from the heaviness of life, and even long for its end, may sense the closeness of God’s love. COLLECTIONS Last weekend’s parish collection came to £1195. Thank you for your generosity and support. PARISH CENTRE 6 – 12 October Sun: Car Boot Sale 1000 – 1500 Innova Irish Dance 1530 – 1900 Mon: Pilates 1000 – 1200 Spanish 1000 – 1100[PS1][PP2] Weightwatchers 1730 – 1830 Karate Juniors 1845 – 1930 Karate Seniors 1930 – 2045 Tues: Little Stars Parent & Toddlers 1030 – 1200 Art Class 1330 – 1530 U3A French 1400 – 1700 U3A Whist 1430 – 1645 Bowling Club Legion of Mary Wed: Rosemary Conley Club U3A Italian U3A Bridge Innova Irish Dance Art Class Portstewart Bridge Thurs: Pilates Innova Irish Dance Bowling Club Fri: Zumba Gold Seated Tai Chi U3A Bridge Innova Irish Dance Sat: Innova Irish Dance Speech and Drama 1900 – 2200 1930 1000 – 1130 1030 – 1230 1415 – 1700 1700 – 1900 1930 – 2130 1930 – 2230 1600 – 1700 1700 – 1900 1900 – 2200 1030 – 1130 1130 – 1230 1415 – 1700 1700 – 2000 1030 – 1600 1600 – 1700 EOGHAN RUA GAC Lotto Sun 29th Sept: no jackpot winner. £25 winner: Geraldine Doherty (Portstewart). Nos: 3,13,21,23. Jackpot Sun 6th Oct: £500. Annual Golf Classic Friday 18th Oct, Strand Course, Portstewart. Entry fees: £30 per PGC member, £60 per visitor. (max cost £200 per four ball) includes dinner & prize giving at the golf club. Tee times allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Please reserve your team ASAP. Email mulhollande@btinternet.com or tel 07801 838151 for entry form. If you are unable to enter, please consider sponsoring a hole for £100. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION From October to March, adoration is in the Marian Hall from 10am to 9pm on Thursdays only. If you would like to commit to an hour, or go on a backup list for someone who cannot make their agreed hour, please contact 7083 3733 or 7083 3236. SILVER SUNDAY BLUEBIRD CARE is inviting local older people to join in a FREE event to be held at Flowerfield Arts Centre this Sunday 6th October from 2pm – 4pm. Silver Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate older people and their contribution to the community. It aims to help them try new things, keep active, meet new people and overcome loneliness. There will be a display of Irish Dancing by the Banshees with an opportunity for everyone to try a few steps or just come and watch and enjoy the fun! There will also be demonstrations by Bluebird Care Staff, crocheting, knitting, craft making and cupcake icing. Refreshments will be provided. No booking required. Carers, friends and family are welcome. For further information please call Karen 7035 6224. COLERAINE 400 EXHIBITION Coleraine Town Hall until 2nd November Monday – Saturday, 11am – 4pm This exhibition showcases the projects which have taken place in 2013, with a focus on the schools workshops and the heritage trail. 17thcentury Coleraine will be explored through archaeology, objects, images and records alongside vibrant children’s artworks. PASTORAL AREA INITIATIVE Mystics/Visionaries of the Church - Fr Brendan Comerford SJ, will present the 5th talk from his series of 6: Wednesday 9th October, 7pm in Dunloy Parish Hall. During this week's presentation, Fr Comerford will cover various aspects of the life of Dorothy Day. Well worth coming to hear! Please pick up the Pastoral Area Bulletin out this Sunday in all PA parishes. LIVING YOUTH - Habitat for Humanity Ethiopia Team 2014: We are excited to announce the launch of recruitment for this year’s Youth Team who will travel to Ethiopia in July 2014. Applicants should be 18 years or over and team members will be expected to contribute to the cost of the trip as well as engage in an extensive fundraising campaign. For more information and application form please contact: Claire Smylie: Tel 9023 2432 or email info@livingyouthni.org Closing Date for Applications: Friday 1st November LORETO COLLEGE MUSICAL “The Phantom of the Opera” will run at 7.30 pm from Tuesday 15 – Friday 18 October 2013. It is a wonderful show. Bookings may be made by contacting the College on 7034 3611. Adults: £8. Concession: £5. Family Ticket (2 adults+ 2 children or 1 adult + 3 children): £20. PORTSTEWART CHURCHES FRIENDSHIP GROUP Monday 21st October: Tony McAuley, author of ‘Paper Boy’ and ‘Bread Boy’ will address the PCFG at 7.30pm in Agherton Parish Centre. All welcome. AFTER THE CONGRESS Those who attended last Saturday’s Living Church Congress are invited to come together to share insights from the workshops and impressions of the Congress on Thursday night 17th Oct in the Conference Room Anchorage Hotel at 7.30pm. 'STRICTLY FIT’ Bootcamp and kettlebells - 4 week challenge - get the ‘X’(mas) Factor!! Starts Saturday 9th Nov 9.15am – 10.15am in the Parish Centre. Cost: £20 payable in advance. All welcome. Suits all levels. Please ring, text or email to book: barbara.allison@rosemaryconley.com 07736963223 Nothing tastes as good as slim feels. LIVING CHURCH ON FACEBOOK Access all Living Church news and events on the North Connor Pastoral Area Team Facebook page. HOPE AND HISTORY - website Over 1500 people have signed up to hopeandhistory.com including our bishop and people from every background. Imagine the impact if every person at Mass today signed up! Please read it and let your voice be heard. STAR OF THE SEA ART GROUP Donations of £800 have been made to the St Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army Christmas Appeal following the July Art Exhibition. Grateful thanks to all the artists and contributors and to those who came to support the event. The Art Group has now started a new term on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Parish Centre – new members would be very welcome. RELIC OF ST ANTHONY OF PADUA A relic of St Anthony of Padua will be brought to St Peter’s Cathedral on 24th Oct to mark the 750th anniversary of the discovery of the saint’s remains by St Bonaventure in 1263. The relic will arrive at the Cathedral at 12 noon and veneration will be held from 1 pm to 5.45 pm. Mass will be celebrated at 6 pm, followed by further Veneration at 7 pm and Benediction at 9pm 6 OCT – DAY FOR LIFE Day for Life is celebrated annually by the Catholic Church in Ireland, Scotland and England and Wales. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the dignity of life from conception to natural death. Day for Life 2013 will place particular focus on: Care for unborn children and their mothers Care for people who are elderly Care for those who are suicidal and their families Please read the flier issued by the Catholic Bishops of Ireland, available today and be informed on the issues. ONE OF US CAMPAIGN One of Us is a European grassroots initiative supported by prolife groups from 28 different countries. The movement is seeking to gain 1.5 million petition signatures by 1st November 2013, requesting the European Parliament to recognize that life begins at conception. This campaign aims to stop EU funding for activities which result in the destruction of human embryos. Precious Life is promoting One of Us in Northern Ireland. N I needs 20,000 signatures to fulfil the UK’s quota. Pope Francis gave his blessing to the One of Us Campaign: “I invite everyone to stay focused on the important issue of respect for human life, from the moment of conception … I am pleased to recall the petition to support the ‘One of Us’ initiative to ensure legal protection to the embryo, protecting every human being from the first moment of its existence.” The One of Us petition can be signed online at: www.oneofus.eu STELLA MARIS Copies of the new Stella Maris are now in the Parish Office for collection by the magazine distributers. Please collect them as soon as possible. If any parishioners do not receive a copy, please let us know so that we can add your name to the distribution list.