The Alchemist study guide - North Andover Public Schools

The Alchemist Study Guide Name: _________________________ 1. What mythological figure’s story does the Prologue recount? _________________________ 2. Why does the lake cry? ________________________________________________ 3. Santiago’s job at the start of the novel is a _______________________________. 4. Santiago knows how to read because: _______________________________________________. 5. Santiago is interested in going into town to sell wool because he looks forward to seeing ____________________________. 6. Sanitago visited the Gypsy woman because he wanted to have his _______________________ interpreted. 7. The Gypsy woman agreed to interpret in exchange for __________________________. 8. Santiago has been dreaming of this famous landmark ___________________________. 9. What is a Personal Legend? ___________________________________________________ 10. The old man Santiago meets claims to be a ________________________whose name is ___________________________. 11. The old man tells Santiago he’ll help him find his hidden _____________________ in exchange for __________________________________. 12. The old man gives Santiago ___________________________ to help him on his journey. 13. In order to follow his personal journey, Santiago travels to _______________________. 14. When Santiago arrives at his destination, he runs into bad luck when ______________________________. 15. Sanitago finds a job selling _______________________in order to make money to buy more_____________________. 16. How does Santiago help improve business? (three ways) ________________________________________________________________________________________ 17. How long does Santiago work for the crystal merchant? ___________________ 18. Why won’t the crystal merchant travel to Mecca? ____________________________________ 19. Maktub means: ____________________________________________ 20. In order to to get to the Pyramids, Santiago joins a ______________________________. 21. Along the way, Santiago meets an Englishman searching for _________________________. 22. The Englishman feels that knowledge can be best found in _____________________, while Santiago feels knowledge can be best found in ___________________________. 23. What does the Englishman teach Santiago about alchemy? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Santiago stayed at the oasis longer than usual because of the threat of ______________________ in the desert. 25. Santiago and the Englishman were told not to speak to women dressed in black at the oasis because that meant they were ___________________________. 26. Santiago fell in love with a woman named _____________________________. 27. Santiago had a vision while watching hawks that predicted ___________________. 28. What did Santiago do after having this vision? _________________________________. 29. What happened as a result of his vision? ______________________________________. 30. Santiago met a man dressed in black riding a white horse who was an_____________________. 31. Santiago decides to leave the oasis to search for ___________________________. 32. Santiago and the Alchemist are kidnapped by men who take________________________ from them. 33. What life does Santiago find in the desert, thus proving that he is capable of finding his treasure? ____________________________ 34. The Alchemist convinces the men to allow them to live and go free if Santiago can successfully ________________________. 35. Does Santiago know how to do this? ______________ 36. In order to save his own life, Santiago converses with the _____________________ , the ________________, and the ___________________. 37. After turning lead into gold at the monastery, the Alchemist gives a quarter to Santiago, a quarter to the monk, keeps a quarter for himself and leaves the final quarter at the monastery for what reason? _____________________________________ 38. Santiago learns that he when he gets to the Pyramids, he should dig for treasure in this spot: _______________________. 39. Santiago digs at the correct spot at the Pyramids and finds__________________________. 40. Santiago discovers he must return to ________________________ in order to find________________________. 41. What does Santiago’s treasure turn out to be? ________________________________________ 42. At the end of the story, who does Santiago plan to find? __________________________ 