Title: Nov 612:04 PM (1 of 58)
Do Now: Get out Reebop Lab packet!!
Agenda: Reebop packetscheck and go over!
Fashion Showhow do they differ??
Ticket Check
Clean out notebook
Road Maps
Title: Jan 308:20 AM (2 of 58)
1.) A Red flower and White Flower mix to give you a
Pink Flower. This is an example of ________________
2.) A purple bug mixes with a pink bug and you get a purple and pink polka dot bug. This is an example of______________.
3.) Brown is dominant over blondeIf a person is homozygous dominant, what is their genotype and phenotype?
Title: Jan 308:55 AM (3 of 58)
Road Map
**Must have at least 15 questions and an answer sheet
**Creatively make a road map with road sign to show your questions!
Title: Jan 309:04 AM (4 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:37 AM (5 of 58)
The Skeletal System Outline
The Skeletal System
Fun Facts:
We have 206 bones as an adult
We have an Endoskeleton (an internal skeleton)
Functions of the Skeletal System:
Gives us support and structure
Produces blood cells through bone marrow
Protects our internal organs
Stores minerals (calcium & phosphorus) and fats
Movement muscles are attached to bones for movement
Title: Jan 58:38 AM (6 of 58)
Name 3 functions of the skeletal system
Title: Jan 111:26 PM (7 of 58)
Diagram of a Bone http://www.kidshealth.org/misc/movie/bodybasics/bone.html
Title: Nov 612:02 PM (8 of 58)
Title: Jan 229:14 AM (9 of 58)
Title: Jan 229:14 AM (10 of 58)
Bone Structure
Genetics Link: Bone shape is inherited
Periostium: tough membrane around the outside layer of the bone contains blood vessels and nerves
In the spongy bone and makes blood cells
Haversian Canal: Tiny channels that the blood vessels and nerves travel through
Compact Bone: hard, strong layer inside the periostium that gives the bone strength
Spongy Bone: contains the bone marrow and is the inner part of the bone
Cartilage: connective tissue that is between bones
absorbs shock
Title: Jan 58:39 AM (11 of 58)
bones of the cranium, vertebrae, and ribs
The center or core of the skeletal system
the other bones of the body that attach to the axial skeleton
arms and legs
Title: Jan 58:38 AM (12 of 58)
Title: Bone structure (13 of 58)
Title: Jan 1011:57 AM (14 of 58)
Title: Jan 177:37 AM (15 of 58)
How a Bone Forms
Ossification: the process when bone cells are made from cartilage
happens during development and growth
Bone forming cells
How many bones were we born with?
Why do we have less now?
Over 300
The cartilage turns to bone over time Ossification
(bones fuse together)
Growth of our bones-
*Open: shows room for growth
Complete growth shown
Title: Jan 58:44 AM (16 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:29 AM (17 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:29 AM (18 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:33 AM (19 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:33 AM (20 of 58)
Title: Nov 610:27 AM (21 of 58)
Bone Identification
Lobes of the Cranium:
1. Frontal forehead
2. Occipital lower, back of cranium
3. Parietal Top of cranium 2 that fused together
4. Temporal On the side, above the ears
5. Sphenoid eye sockets
Ear: 3 parts hammer, anvil, stirrup
Mandible: lower jaw
Maxilla: upper jaw
Mastoid process: notch behind the ear on the temporal lobe
Title: Jan 58:57 AM (22 of 58)
Title: Jan 102:31 PM (23 of 58)
Title: Jan 102:33 PM (24 of 58)
Title: Jan 1011:56 AM (25 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:46 AM (26 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:23 AM (27 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:23 AM (28 of 58)
Mastoid process
Title: Jan 310:45 AM (29 of 58)
Mastoid process
Title: Jan 310:46 AM (30 of 58)
Spinal Column -- 33 vertebrae
**Between each vertebrae you have a cartilage disc so the bones do not rub together
Cervical (1-7) bones of the neck (smallest vertebrae)
Thoracic (8-19) middle of the back attached to ribs
Lumbar (20-24) lower back support the weight of your upper body
largest vertebrae
Sacrum (25-29) one large piece now because they fused together after birth
lowlower back
Coccyx (30-33) fused together on one piece now
Title: Jan 58:57 AM (31 of 58)
Thoracic lumbar sacrum coccyx
Title: Jan 310:55 AM (32 of 58)
Title: Jan 248:01 AM (33 of 58)
Rib Cage -- 12 pairs
True Ribs Top 7 ribs attach to the sternum
False Ribs next 3 ribs not attached to the sternum directly but through the cartilage of the last true rib
Floating Ribs last 2 ribs not attached to the sternum at all
no cartilage on them
Sternum chest bone that the cartilage from the ribs attach
Xiphoid Process bottom tip of the sternum (adds protection to the heart and lungs)
Title: Jan 58:57 AM (34 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:54 AM (35 of 58)
Title: Jan 267:52 AM (36 of 58)
1. Humerous
Upper arm (large bone)
2. Radius lower arm bone on the thumb side
(flat top)
3. Ulna lower arm bone on the pinky side (makes the elbow joint)
4. Carpals wrist bones (8 small bones)
5. Metacarpals middle of the hand (bones of the hand)
6. Phalanges fingers made up of 3 bones, except thumb
7. Clavicle collar bone
8. Scapula shoulder blade
Title: Jan 58:59 AM (37 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:47 AM (38 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:59 AM (39 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:49 AM (40 of 58)
Identify the bones of the leg
Label parts
Skeleton Man
Leg -
1. Femur top of leg (largest bone of the body)
2. Tibia lower leg (larger bone makes the knee joint)
3. Fibula lower leg (outside of the leg)
4. Patella knee cap
5. Calcaneous heel bone
6. Tarsals ankle bones (6 small bones)
7. Metatarsals foot bones
8. Phalanges toes
9. Pelvis hipbone (supports most of your body weight)
2 bones that connect to the sacrum
Title: Jan 59:00 AM (41 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:50 AM (42 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:25 AM (43 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:24 AM (44 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:33 AM (45 of 58)
A human cranium and several bones from a skeleton were found yesterday in a shallow grave close to the school. Apparently, they were exposed to recent heavy rains, said Sheila Hollingsworth (lead custodian at LMS). Sheila immediately called the police after a fellow custodian found the cranium.
Upon the arrival of the police, they taped off the area to prevent vandalism of the crime scene. Sargent C. Moushey stated he did not know the identity of the person whose remains were discovered, nor did he know if the person had died under suspicious circumstances. When asked if he thought the bones could have come from 6'4" basketball player, Duane Wade, he declined to comment.
He said that they would have the forensic lab look at the bones and then they would comment.
Your job:
Go from station to station to identify the bones, descibe the bones, and measure each bone. Could the bones be from Duane Wade???
Title: Feb 51:54 PM (46 of 58)
Title: Feb 52:08 PM (47 of 58)
Title: Feb 52:08 PM (48 of 58)
Title: Feb 17:51 AM (49 of 58)
Title: Jan 58:46 AM (50 of 58)
Joint: place where 2 bones come together
Immovable joint: allows no movement or little (ex. pelvis, cranium)
Movable joint: allows movement
*ball & socket: shoulder, hip, jaw bone in a cuplike cavity
allows movement in all directions (circle)
*pivot: neck (1st 2 vertebrae) allows movement from side to side & up and down elbow, knee
*hinge: movement back and forth in 1 direction
*gliding: small bones that work together to allow movement in all directions ankle, wrist, vertebrae
Title: Jan 58:44 AM (51 of 58)
Title: Knee joint (52 of 58)
Title: Jan 310:52 AM (53 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:30 AM (54 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:30 AM (55 of 58)
Title: Jan 229:40 AM (56 of 58)
Title: Nov 69:27 AM (57 of 58)
Title: Jan 92:45 PM (58 of 58)