ECE 600: ECE GRADUATE ORIENTATION DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING NC STATE UNIVERSITY Fall 2015 Instructor: Huaiyu Dai (EBII2108; 513-0299; TA: Srinjoy Chattopadhyay (EBII3034, Classroom: Hunt Auditorium, Room # 1103 Time: Wednesday, 3:50-5:05 pm Introduction This is a required course designed to introduce incoming graduate students to two important topic areas: 1. Information about the graduate program, the department, and the university, relevant to all incoming graduate students 2. A description of the ongoing research and curriculum for technical areas in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Students will acquire useful information about the graduate program in electrical and computer engineering department, the computer facilities, the university library system as well as reviewing databases specific for science and engineering, professional conduct, and intellectual property issues. Students will also meet people responsible for managing these resources. Some lectures involve presentations by department faculty associated with specific research areas. Each faculty member will introduce the technical areas and courses they are associated with, discuss their research interests, and describe one or more research projects they are conducting. This is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about ongoing work in the department in preparation for choosing graduate courses, areas of interest, thesis or independent topics, or supervisors. Web Page Email and class web page will be used to make announcements. The course web page is accessed through by clicking “My Wolfware” in the main part of the page. You will need to login with your unity ID and password. If you are registered for the class, you are automatically given access to the web page using your unity ID. Updating Your Email Address: For all students, your Unity email address is your official university address. You are responsible for monitoring email sent to this address. In particular, course-related email messages are automatically sent to your Unity email account. All messages and announcements will be sent by the course or posted on the course web page. Usually postings are immediately sent out if there is any change in schedule or if there is university announcement. Attendance and Grading The course is a Pass or Fail (S/U) course and is MANDATORY for incoming graduate students to the ECE Department. Attendance will be taken either by student signing attendance list or through a summary sheet, where students are asked to fill in short, simple facts/comments about each week's presentation. Note: Attending less than 80% of one lecture will not be counted as "fully attending the lecture." Because of this, we will provide attendance lists or summary sheets up to 10 minutes after a lecture begins. Emergency Absences: Students should report as soon as possible to the instructor personally but no more than one week after returning to class. Examples of emergency absences consist of illness certified by an attending physician, injury, or death/serious illness in the family (with appropriated documentation): Not justified absences may include projects/homework for other disciplines, or not waking up for lecture. Academic Integrity All students at the university are expected to understand and agree to This document explains the various types of behavior that are not allowed, including cheating, plagiarism, aiding and abetting, disorderly conduct, and so on. On assignments: “the words you hand in must be your own. Duplicate answers constitute a violation of the Code of Student Conduct”. For ECE 600, common examples of academic integrity violations include (but are not limited to): • • • Claiming attendance for a class that a student did not fully attend Knowingly assisting another student to claim attendance for a class he/she did not fully attend Being disruptive during a lecture in a way that impacts the lecturer's ability to present material, or that impacts other students' ability to follow the lecture. The instructor or the DGP reserves the right to remove any student(s) from the classroom in this case. If you need to be absent or have any issues related to inability to attend a lecture, please let the instructor know the earliest you can. However, apart from university-allowed exceptions, we normally will not waive the attendance requirement. For confirmed cases of academic integrity violations, in addition to any university-mandated sanctions, students may also have their registration in ECE 600 restricted or cancelled. Classroom Rules • • No laptops, tablets or similar computing devices are allowed to be used during the lectures: students will be told when to bring them for use. Cell phones should be put in the silent mode during the lectures. Remember that the room has been designed so all sounds are carried to the front, so be courteous to the speakers and peers! For Students with Disabilities Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at the Student Health Center. Students must register with Disability Services for Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 5157653. For more information on NC State’s policy on working with students with disabilities, please see ECE Graduate Student Association If you would like to participate or learn more about the ECE department Graduate Student Association, check the web page ( ) with information about current and future graduate student events. Instructional Objectives This course aims to introduce students to the ECE Department in general, and specifically to the ECE Graduate courses, resources that are available for graduate students from computer and library services, courses materials, laboratories, and administration. As most electrical and computer engineering students have minimal exposure to the technical research groups and ECE graduate courses correlation before entering graduate school, this course will provide the necessary background with department overview, how to identify courses divided by technical areas, and apply the procedures of the NC State University Graduate School and in particular the ECE Graduate Handbook for completion of the plan of work studies. Schedule for ECE600 Fall 2015 Hunt Auditorium, Room # 1103 Wednesday, 3:50-5:05 1st Week Dr. Huaiyu Dai, Introduction Dr. Daniel Stancil (ECE Dept. Head), Dr. Jason Rhode (CEO of Cirrus Logic), Department Overview and Welcome Aug. 19 2nd Week Dr. Mike Devetsikiotis and Dr. Ginger Yu, (DGP) Graduate Program Information Aug. 26 3rd Week Dr. Wes Snyder IEEE Ethics Sept. 2 4th Week Mr. Greg Tourino Library resources Sept. 9 th Mr. Dan Green Introduction to Computing Facilities Sept. 16 th Dr. Dinesh Divakaran Intellectual Property and Patent Issues Sept. 23 th Dr. Mike Devetsikiotis (DGP): POWs and procedures Sept. 30 th Dr. Omer Oralkan/Dr. Alper Bozkurt Bioelectronics Engineering, Oct. 7 th Dr. Rhett Davis Electronic Circuits and Systems Oct. 14 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10th Week Dr. Alex Dean Computer Architecture and Systems Oct. 21 11th Week Dr. Mo-Yuen Chow Control Systems Oct. 28 12th Week Dr. Do-Young Eun Networking Systems Nov. 4 13th Week Dr. Mike Kudenov Nanoelectronics and Photonics Nov. 11 14th Week Dr. Edgar Lobaton Communications and Signal Processing Nov. 18 15th Week Thanksgiving 16th Week Dr. Subhashish Bhattacharya Power Electronics and Systems Dec. 2