Scott Sternberg, Vaisala Inc. - University Corporation for

UCAR Trustee-at-Large Candidate
Scott J. Sternberg
We are pleased to present Scott Sternberg as a
candidate for the UCAR Board of Trustees. Mr.
Sternberg has hands-on knowledge of atmospheric
research and observations, as well as substantial
business experience. His business and financial
experience would be especially valuable to the
UCAR Board of Trustees as the UCAR business
affairs grow in complexity. Mr. Sternberg will also
be a great help in our technology transfer efforts.
Personal Statement
I am honored to be considered as a UCAR Board of Trustee member. I feel my
background brings an excellent match to the role. I have an advanced degree
from a member university, currently lead a company dedicated to innovations in
atmospheric observation and have been at the heart of growing and evolving
international organizations throughout my career. At no time in our history has
the conversation regarding our atmosphere been more relevant than it is today.
UCAR is uniquely positioned to lead both the scientific and educational efforts
towards a better understanding of our environment. I hope to bring my business
management experience to organizational matters and a private sector
perspective on the increasingly important public, private and academic
partnerships required for the advancement of the atmospheric sciences.
Biographical Information
Professional Profile
Strategic business development leader with an extensive background in
technology. Proven business professional with nearly 20 years of experience
building and managing product development projects, distribution channels and
promotional campaigns. Seasoned P&L manager with a passion for both top and
bottom-line growth.
Highlights of Qualifications
Deep understanding of technical sales and marketing
Product and Services value positioning & development
Familiarity with both vertical and matrix management structures
Extensive knowledge of change management
Formally educated in science and technology
Professional Experience
President, Vaisala Inc. (1/09-present)
Vaisala, Oyj
Responsible for the Vaisala US subsidiary operations which represents roughly
1/3 of global revenue.
• Facilitate strategy implementation and organizational development
• Guide business development activities
• Lead government relations activities
• Oversee approximately 350 professionals in 7 facilities
Director, Vaisala Services (6/07-present)
Vaisala, Oyj
Created global Vaisala Services Business Area and managed for growth.
Converted product centric organization to service-based philosophy.
• Consolidated global service entities (over 200 employees in 12 locations)
• Drive growth strategies for both product and observation services
• Senior management group member
• Executed global changes as expatriate in Finland from 6/2007-5/2009
Business Unit Manager (11/04-5/07)
Vaisala, Inc.
Managed Thunderstorm Data Strategic Business Unit. Developed strategies for
Lightning Data and Information Services. Developed subscription-based
business model and implemented strategic initiatives.
• Grew revenue at 7% CAGR
• Optimized Profit to level commensurate with data business
• Stabilized threat of new competitors to monopoly business
• Infused “parent company” philosophies and practices to newly acquired unit
Business Development Manager (5/01-9/04)
Roper Scientific,
Targeted existing or developing technologies, companies and applications for
potential strategic growth. Presented business plans for partnerships, alliances
and acquisitions. Focused on operational elements to increase productivity.
• Increased revenue by 5% and operating profit by 25% on $62 million
• Concentrated on techniques for optimal cash flow and profit
• Defined and implemented websites, extranets and CRM systems to increase
operational efficiency
• Managed Product Management and Marketing Communications groups in a
matrix organizational structure
• Established patents, registered trademarks and built brand awareness
Life Sciences Marketing Manager (5/99-4/01)
Roper Scientific,
Managed the worldwide marketing activities for the placement of digital CCD
cameras into life science markets.
• Managed all efforts relating to a $30 million business unit
• Identified market trends and generated new product definitions
• Directed and monitored R&D efforts and participated in ISO 9001 process
• Tracked P&L performance throughout product life cycles
Large Account Manager (5/98-5/99)
Roper Scientific,
Acted as the internal advocate for OEM and system integrator accounts who
required digital imaging components within their analytical instruments.
• Achieved 10% growth on $8 million of revenue
• Developed purchase/shipment agreements
• Tracked product quality, on-time performance and vendor audit techniques
• Worked as a technical liaison for next-generation product development.
Product Manager (1/96-5/98)
Photometrics, Ltd.
Conceptualized and defined a standard product line of digital imaging systems
used in biological microscopy applications.
• Established product line from concept to $5 million in sales at 20% operating
• Developed marketing campaigns for product introductions
• Monitored production metrics as a mechanism for continual improvement
• Supervised ISO 9001 documentation
Sales Manager (1/95-5/98)
Photometrics, Ltd.
Managed sales through direct, value added reseller (VAR) and system integrator
distribution channels.
• Carried $2 million direct sales responsibilities in the western United States
• Grew annual North American VAR sales from $1 million to $5 million
Applications Specialist (10/92-1/95)
Photometrics, Ltd.
Supported worldwide sales and marketing efforts for biological applications.
• Authored promotional materials and feature-length articles
• Performed on-site customer demonstrations as needed
• Lectured at numerous topical symposia, training courses and workshops
• Extensively traveled the globe
Faculty Research Associate (9/90-10/92)
Colorado State Univ., Dept. of
Established and managed a core facility for the development of advanced optical
microscopy techniques.
• Transitioned empty room into operational biological laboratory in three
• Supported the research efforts of faculty, visiting scientists and graduate
• Educated users on advanced imaging techniques
Research Assistant (9/86-5/90)
Colorado State Univ., Dept. of
Verified the predictions of the Special Theory of Relativity to previously
unattained precision using advanced techniques in continuous-wave laser
• Designed and manufactured apparatuses exploiting techniques in nonlinear
laser spectroscopy, high-resolution interferometry, gas, metal vapor and dye
laser operation
• Taught both laboratory and recitation courses at all levels of undergraduate
• Collaborated with Danish research group
M.S., Physics & Spectroscopy – Colorado State University
B.S., Physics – State University of New York, College at Cortland
Affiliations (past and current)
Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, American Meteorological
Society, SPIE, OPIA, Greater Tucson Economic Council, Leukemia and
Lymphoma Society, Outward Bound.