2016 Penn State Variety Trial Submission Procedures: • Each cultivar is grown in full sun or shade for a fee of $70. If you desire to have plants grown in both sun and shade (suggested for all Impatiens, Begonias, Torenia, Coleus, and certain perennials) an additional $25 per cultivar will be assessed (total $95), to cover the cost of the second planting. For perennials that you wish to be trialed for hardiness, a 3-year overwintering (in ground) option is available. For 3-year overwintering, fee of $125 will be assessed in lieu of the $70 or $95 charge. • At this time, we are only able to receive plug material. If you wish to trial seed or unrooted cutting, please make arrangements to have them grown into plugs before shipping to PSU. If you have questions or need help making these arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact us. • Each entry should consist of 25 rooted cuttings for sun or 50 cuttings for sun and shade. Please make certain to properly label each cultivar with Registered or Trademark symbols and send a packing list. If it is a “NEW” variety this year, please indicate so that information can be added to the trial label. (Shipping Address: SEAREC Trial Director, Penn State Southeast Agricultural Research & Extension Center, 1446 Auction Road, Manheim, PA 17545.) Please help us showcase your plant materials at their best! Adhere to the following ship dates in order to ensure your varieties peak near Field Day: Variety Herbaceous Perennials Slow growing (ex. Geranium, Osteospermum, Caladium) Medium growing Fast growing (ex. Verbena, Petunias) Ship to PSU Week 10 Week 11 Week 14 Week 16