NCSU ST512 QUIZ 4 Sum2 2011 Q 1. We have the resuls of an experiment conducted to compare two sweet potato cultivars (Hawaii, NG7570) for drought tolerance1 and two levels of water regimes: control (maintained by regular watering at or close to field capacity) and Stress (water stressed plants : soil was saturated then allowed to dry progressively to permanent wilting point). Experimental design: CRD with four repetitions for each treatment combination. Response is SLA = Specific leaf area (cm2 g-1) a) Identify the effect. Please fill the blank with one of the following : Main, Interaction, Simple effect. o __Main_____ Mean Difference between Hawaii and NG7570 on average water stress level o __Interaction Mean difference between Hawaii and NG7570 when water stress is high stress compared to the mean difference between Hawaii and NG7570 when water stress is at control level . o __ Simple _ Differences between Water stress at high level and control level for cultivar NG7570 b) The following graph present the means for the four treatment combinations Explain graphically the interaction effect. 346 350 344 340 Control 340 330 320 310 300 290 value S L A 280 270 260 250 240 Stress 230 220 215 210 Hawaii NG7570 cultivar Hawaii treat Control Stress NG7550 For cultivar Hawaii the difference between SLA under Control and Stress conditions is 129 cm2/g (344-215), while for cultivar NG7550 this difference is 4 cm2/g (346-340), which show the interaction between Cultivar and Water Stress Treatment: some cultivars respond better to strees than others, with NG7550 having a miminal decrease in SLA when subjected to water stress conditions, and Hawaii showing a large decrease in SLA when subjected to the same water stress conditions. 1 Identification of drought tolerant sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) cultivars Prabawardani Saraswati, Mark Johnston, Ross Coventry and Joseph Holtum. Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress Brisbane, Australia, 26 Sep – 1 Oct 2004 | 1 July 28, 2011 NCSU ST512 QUIZ 4 Sum2 2011 c) Calculate a. the simple effect of Water Stress (A) when cultivar is Hawaii, 215-344= -129 b. the simple effect of Water Stress (A) when cultivar is N7550. 340-346 = -6 c. How do you interpret their difference? Difference between (-129) and (-4) is due to cultivar NG7550 better responding to conditions of water stress than cultivar Hawaii, which reflects the interaction between CULTIVAR and WATER STRESS: no all cultivar respond the same to Conditions of water stress. d) Calculate a. main effect for Water Stress (A) : -67.5 : 63.5 b. main effect for Cultivar (B) c. interaction effect Water Stress*Cultivar (A*B) : 61.5 SLA Water Stress Control Cultivar Hawaii NG7570 344 346 Mean 345.0 Simple Effects for Cultivar (346-344) = 2 (340-215) = 125 Stress 215 340 277.5 Mean 279.5 343.0 311.25 (215-344) = 129 (340-346) = -6 Simple effect for Water Stress Main Effect Water Stress = -67.5 = ((-129)+(-6))/2 = 343-279.5 Main Effect Cultivar = 63.5 = (2+125)/2 = 343-279.5 Interaction effect Cultivar*WaterStress = 61.5 = 123/2 = (125 – 2)/2 = ((-6) – (-129))/2 = e) Fill the blanks in the analysis of variance table Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F Model 3 49483.00 16494.33 10.77 0.001 Water Stress 1 18225 18225 11.90 * Cultivar 1 16129 16129 10.53 * Water Stress*Cultivar 1 15129 15129 9.88 * Error 12 18375.00 1531.25 Corrected Total 15 67858 SS(Water Stress) = SS(Cultivars) = SS(Treatment) = 2 24 345.0311.252 277.5311.25 2 18225 24 279.5311.25 2 343.0311.25 2 16129 24 345.0311.252 277.5311.252 279.5311.252 343.0311.252 49483 July 28, 2011 NCSU ST512 QUIZ 4 Sum2 2011 SS(Water Stress * Cultivar) = 49483 – 18225 – 16129 = 15129 Use information in table below a. Calculate the SS for the main effect of Water Stress Q 1 1376 1 1384 1 860 1 1360 540 Divisor 4*( 1 1 1 1 ) 16 2 2 SS Water Stress 2 2 540 18225 Q2 divisor 16 2 b. Calculate the SS for the interaction effect of Water Stress*Cultivar Q 1 1376 1 1384 1 860 1 1360 492 c. Divisor 4*( 1 1 1 1 ) 16 2 2 2 2 492 15129 Q2 SS Water Stress * Culti var divisor 16 2 d. Test the hypothesis of no interaction effect. Use tabular value t(df, 0.05/2) = 2.18 or F(df1, df2, 0.05) = 4.75. H o : 11 12 21 22 0 H1 : at least one ij 0 Fcalc i 1, 2 for j 1, 2 MSE Water Stress * Culti var 15129 9.88 MSE 1531.25 Fcalc =9.88 > 4.74 thus, reject null hypothesis at a 0.05 significance level, there is statistical evidence that the interaction effects are not all equal to 0. Water Stress Cultivar Total Control Hawaii Control NG7570 Stress Hawaii Stress NG7570 1376 1384 860 1360 Water Stress Cultivar -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 1 Water Stress*Cultivar 1 -1 -1 1 r= 4 Q -540 508 492 r cij2 ij 4*4=16 4*4=16 4*4=16 Sum Q2 r cij2 18225 16129 15129 49483 Q2. A experiment was conducted to study the influence of time of bleeding and diethylstilbestrol (an estrogenic compound) on plasma phospholipid in lambs. Five lambs were assigned at random to each 3 July 28, 2011 NCSU ST512 QUIZ 4 Sum2 2011 of the four treatments groups: treatment combinations are for morning and afternoon times of bleeding with and without diethylstilbestrol treatment. a) Identify the design of the study : Completely Randomized Design (CRD) b) Identify the factors and their levels : Factor A= Time of Bleeding (morning, afternoon) and Factor B = Diethylstilbestrol Treatment (With diethylstilbestrol, without diethylstilbestrol) c) Write the linear model to be used in the analysis of the data. Indicate the assumption of the model i=1,2 j=1,2 k= 1,2,3,4 Yijk i j ij eijk , eij ~iidN 0, e2 4 i 0 , j 0 , ij 0 i i, j j ij 0 ij 0 j i July 28, 2011