Career Success

Career Success
Certificate Program
Welcome to the Career Success Certificate Program! Please print this document and track your progress through the
certificate program. You have through your last semester/ graduation to complete the eight requirements.
Below you will find the offerings for the current semester. You can attend the info sessions in any order that is
convenient for you. Please be certain to sign in at all sessions to ensure you receive credit for attendance. While you
will attend and complete the requirements on your own at your convenience, you will receive periodic emails,
reminders, and encouragement from the Career Development Center as you proceed.
Questions? Contact the Career Development Center at 610-683-4067 or
1 - GETTING STARTED (Choose and attend one info session) ___________________________________________
_____ Introduction to Career Development Learn how to gather information about career options, develop an understanding
of how to access the latest career resources, and discover the value of career exploration in making informed career decisions during
your years at KU and beyond. Thu Jan 28 11-11:50 Stratton 116, Thu Feb 25 11-11:50 Stratton 116, and Tue Mar 15 11-
11:50 MSU 223
_____ Senior Kick-off Receive the information and support you need to successfully find employment &/or admission to graduate
school. Walk away with the knowledge, resources, and enthusiasm to finish strong at KU! Tue Jan 26 11-11:50 MSU 218, Wed Jan 27 33:50 MSU 218, and Tue Feb 2 11-11:50 MSU 218
2 - LEARNING about the INTERNSHIP/JOB SEARCH or GRADUATE SCHOOL (Choose and attend two) _________
_____ Finding Internships How can you be sure what you want to do is really what you want to do?
How do you find out what it
is really like to be a ___? How can you get someone to hire you if you don't have experience? How can you get experience if no one will
hire you? Internships and related summer or part-time jobs are the answers! Discover the ways to “find” those internships and
differentiate yourself from other candidates/the competition! Thu Feb 4 11-11:50 MSU 223, Thu Mar 3 11-11:50 MSU 250, Thu Mar 31
11-11:50 MSU 250, and Thu Apr 14 11-11:50 MSU 250
_____ Job Search Strategies Find out why a good resume isn’t all you need to land that job.
This workshop will cover the Six
Sure Steps to Success, the art of networking, and tips to locating those “hidden jobs” (it’s more than Monster or CareerBuilder!)
Beginning the job search process can seem overwhelming…we’ll show you how to break it down into manageable tasks so you meet your
goal….your career! Thu Feb 11 11-11:50 MSU 250, Thu Feb 24 11-11:50 MSU 250, and Thu Apr 21 11-11:50 MSU 250
_____ KU Internship & Job Fair
Internships and jobs for students and recent graduates! Over 60 employers attending!
Professional attire and resumes required. For a list of ALL registered organizations log-in to KU Career Network
Wed mar 30 12-3 MSU 218
_____ Thinking About Graduate School? Is graduate school for you? Where should you go? Full or part-time? What
should you study? When should you apply? How will you pay for it? You’ll find out the answers to these and other grad school
questions. Tue Feb 16 11-11:50 MSU 250 and Thu Apr 7 11-11:50 MSU 250
_____ Free Practice Tests for GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, OAT, PCAT, or DAT Take a practice test for FREE and
receive a detailed score report to assist you in preparing for the real exam. Tests are taken online from your personal computer!
Pre-registration required! Visit for dates, times, and preregistration info.
_____ Graduate School Fair If graduate school is in your future, make sure to attend this informational fair.
from area college and university graduate programs will be visiting to share information regarding their programs, schools and
application procedures. This is a wonderful opportunity to have your questions answered in order to make the best decision for you.
Wednesday February 17 12-3pm MSU 218)
3 - DOCUMENTING your EXPERIENCE (Complete both) ____________________________________________
_____ Writing Your Resume and Cover Letter What is the best way to arrange your resume and cover letter?
topics should appear…and which ones should not appear? Find out the key parts of a well-written cover letter, including the “grabtheir-attention” middle paragraph. These presentations discuss length, kinds of paper, general do’s and don’ts, and the different types
and styles. Learn when and how to send these key marketing materials to obtain that interview! Wed Feb 3 1-1:50 Stratton 116,
Tue Mar 1 11-11:50 MSU 250, Wed Mar 23 1-1:50 Stratton 116, and Tue Apr 19 11-11:50 MSU 250
_____ Create/Update your resume in MS Word and submit for review. Review basic resume content and
format recommendations and resources at Carefully read through your resume draft ensuring that it is
clear (raises no questions), concise (to the point), and consistent (font, spacing, format). The CDC will review your resume and provide
recommendations for improvement. Either stop by Quick Question/Walk-In Hours (Mon-Fri 2-4pm) to have it reviewed in person, or,
drop off or email your resume for feedback ( – this process may take up to 7-10 business days.
_____ Successful Interviewing Jobs are WON in interviews; those who interview the best, fare the best.
Find out what you
must do before, during, and after your interview. Learn what to bring with you, including your questions for the employer. Discover how
to eliminate surprises, reduce anxiety, and to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. Give yourself the advantage over the competition!
Tue Feb 23 11-11:50 MSU 250, Thu Mar 17 11-11:50 MSU 223, and Thu Apr 28 11-11:50 MSU 250
and either
_____ Register and complete a Mock Interview during Mania Interview Week No matter how qualified you
are ON PAPER for a position, it is the IN PERSON interview that can secure your job offer. Good interviewing is a skill and practice makes
perfect! Sign up for a mock interview with our friendly and experienced employer volunteers. We guarantee the suggestions and
feedback they offer will boost your confidence and help you to develop strong (& rewarding) interviewing skills. This is a great
opportunity to practice for the ‘real’ on-campus interviewing program! (Pre-registration Required) Mon-Fri Feb 15-19 Sign-up at as soon as possible. This event typically fills early. Space is limited. Register early! Professional attire
(preferably a business suit) and a resume required.
Complete an online mock interview using the KU Career Network ( Record your mock
interview and submit it for feedback from the CDC. Specific instructions for completing an online interview are available at
5- MARKETING YOURSELF through SOCIAL MEDIA (Attend info session) ______________________________
_____ Using Social Media in Your Job Search Social networks such as LinkedIn are great places to get job search advice,
network and connect with career experts, and find organizations that are hiring. Learn the elements of a professional profile and how to
use this free resource to boost your career prospects. Thu Feb 25 11-11:50 MSU 250, Tue Apr 5 11-11:50 MSU 250, and Tue Apr 26 1111:50 MSU 250
Attend 6 Sessions/Events
1. Choose ONE: Introduction to Career Development OR Senior
Kick-off *This requirement is waived for students who completed
the Freshmen/Sophomore level Career Exploration Certificate.*
2. Writing Your Resume and Cover Letter *This requirement is
waived for students who completed the Freshmen/Sophomore
level Career Exploration Certificate.*
Complete 2 Activities
1. Create your resume in MS Word and
submit it to the CDC for review
2. Register and complete a mock interview
during Mock Interview Mania or Complete
an online mock interview using the KU
Career Network
3. Choose TWO: Finding Internships, Job Search Strategies,
LVCCE Internship & Job Fair, KU Internship & Job Fair, Thinking
about Graduate School, Grad School Fair, Free Practice Tests
4. Using Social Media in Your Job Search
5. Successful Interviewing
(Please note: The Career Development Certificate program is not reflected on your official KU transcript. This certificate is created by the Career Development
Center and is not part of any academic program nor guarantees your success in finding a job/admission into a graduate school program)