Spirit THE IN AGGIELAND Fall 2013 Director of Campus Ministry Fr. David Konderla dkonderla@aggiecatholic.org Associate Pastors Fr. Barry Cuba Fr. Jonathan Raia For a complete list of St. Mary’s staff and their ministries: www.aggiecatholic.org St. Mary’s Catholic Center College Station, Texas St. Mary’s Looks Forward to Growth and Change in the Neighborhood! This fall, St. Mary’s welcomed approximately 800 new students into our neighborhood! The Stack and the Rise, privately developed student housing, opened multi-story apartment buildings adjacent to our parking lot. The growth in numbers of students and our more effective outreach mean that it is time for us to grow in facilities and staff to continue our mission: to form Apostles for the Church and World. Garage (phase 1) JP II Center (phase 1) Aggie Knights Recognized. The Aggie Knights of Columbus Council 10624 received the Family Activity Award at the Knights of Columbus College Council Conference in New Haven, Connecticut, September 28-30. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson presented Grand Knight Michael Alonso the award for the Hoedown fundraiser, co-sponsored by the Aggie Knights and Kappa Theta Beta Catholic sorority, benefitting the Good Samaritan Gabriel Project Life Center in Bryan, Texas. Church, Student and Activity Centers (today) New Church (phase 1) In 2006, we began developing a master plan vision for our Catholic Center campus, and now it is time to begin phase 1: a parking garage, a second ministry building, and a new church. Because the new church will be on what is now the St. Mary’s parking lot, phase 1 begins with a 1,000-car, seven-story parking garage. Working through a long-term land lease, we will partner with a private developer to build the garage so that it also becomes a revenue source for our ministry to students. The ministry building is called the John Paul II Vocation and Family Life Center because the ministries that go on in the building will be largely related to vocational preparation and discernment for marriage, priesthood, and religious life. The JP II Center will add much-needed classroom and meeting space, a rectory for priests with rooms for visiting priests and male religious, as well as housing for the young men of our Saint Mary’s Discernment Community, who are actively discerning whether God is calling them to the priesthood. Story Continued on pg 2 From the desk of Fr. David Fall is a time of excitement and promise at St. Mary’s! New students come; upperclassmen return; and we miss those students whose graduation and careers have taken them to other places. As you know, life DOES go on, and our Catholic faith is a constant reminder of God’s sustaining love and care. As I write this, it’s almost All Saints and All Souls Day. Recently, I’ve attended a couple of funerals of Old Ags. They came to A&M a long time ago, living their faith then, and continuing to be formed by this faith after college. They supported St. Mary’s because they wanted to share what was most precious to them with today’s students. I’m glad our Church has these feast days to honor and remember them. As I think about their lives, and those of their children and grandchildren, I’m also grateful that your support makes our ministry possible. St. Mary’s is here so that all of our students can become and remain “good Catholics,” continuing to pass on this faith to their children, grandchildren, and so on, for generations to come. Once again, for I don’t know how many years in a row, Texas A&M is experiencing record enrollment. Less than 10 years ago, we estimated that there were 11,000 Catholic students on campus. Now, there are nearly 14,000. Can you imagine what the world would be like if all of these Aggies became “good Catholics,” like those Old Ags? We have a lot of work to do! Thank YOU for allowing St. Mary’s to continue to form Apostles for the Church and World. Please know that you are in our prayers. May God richly bless you, your families, and friends during this Advent and Christmas Season. Master Plan Vision (continued from pg 1) The keystone of what The Battalion, A&M’s student newspaper, called a “spiritual oasis” will be a new church, seating over 1,700, which more than doubles the capacity of the present church. This beautiful structure will speak the language of the ages in stone and glass, and evangelize the neighborhood and the campus with its majestic and sacred presence. It will truly be a “domus Dei” a house for God. (1 Timothy 3:15) Students and visitors, many of whom are crowded in the narthex and aisles for weekend Mass, are excited about this growth. Although present students will have graduated by the time all of the phases of the project will be completed, they want future generations of Aggie Catholics to be spiritually blessed by the new church and facilities, just as they have been blessed by the present ones. The plan is for the present church to be used for daily Mass and other liturgical celebrations that do not require the larger seating capacity. The current rectory is expected to become a convent for the Apostles of the Interior Life Sisters. Students and friends created a Lego® rendition of the project for display at the St. Mary’s Tailgate (see pg. 6). This exciting and ambitious project will be life-changing for those who help build it and for those who use it. Would you prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to use his blessings to help us grow this ministry that we all love so much? St. Mary’s is actively soliciting funding for this project from former students, benefactors, and friends of the ministry. For more information, please contact Frank Shannon, e-mail fshannon@aggiecatholic.org or phone (979) 846-5717. Thank you! The Spirit in Aggieland 2www.aggiecatholic.org Stewardship † a way of life Aggie Catholic Ambassadors Therefore, we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. (2 Corinthians 5:20) The Aggie Catholic Ambassadors is a group of bright, well-rounded, and highly motivated students who are selected to serve as the representative leadership of St. Mary’s Catholic Center. Their purpose is to serve God through stewardship and outreach to benefactors, former students, and their peers. We thank them for their dedication and service to St. Mary’s, and for promoting the Aggie Catholic message on and off campus. Featured Benefactor Howdy to Amy Perkins ‘02 Amy Perkins ’02 recently joined St. Mary’s staff as the director of annual giving. She comes to us from Houston Methodist Hospital Foundation as a lead annual giving officer. Prior to Methodist, Amy was employed by Scott & White Healthcare Foundation in Temple, Texas, where she last served as vice president for development services, providing strategic direction for the annual giving, alumni, and development marketing services. Amy received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech Communications from Texas A&M University in 2002, and began her fundraising career at The Association of Former Students at Texas A&M University. Amy enjoys volunteering through the Junior League and is a past president of the Junior League of Bell County. She and her husband, Justin ‘02, also enjoy spending time with family, traveling, and attending Aggie sporting events. Leaving a Legacy Being a good steward means that we make plans for the material goods God has entrusted to our care. As you make these decisions, would you prayerfully consider remembering St. Mary’s Catholic Center (tax ID 74-1616577) or the Aggieland Catholic Foundation Inc. (a permanent endowment benefiting St. Mary’s, tax ID 74-3007634) in your will, as a life insurance beneficiary, or in your estate plans? For more information about these and other giving options, please contact Eileen Kuvlesky, (979) 8465717; (ekuvlesky@aggiecatholic.org). IT’S NOT TOO LATE! You still have time to use your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your retirement accounts to make a charitable gift to St. Mary’s Catholic Center. You can use your RMD to make a charitable gift, reduce your income, and get a tax deduction for your gift. If you have any questions, please contact Eileen Kuvlesky, (979) 846-5717; (ekuvlesky@aggiecatholic.org). The Spirit in Aggieland Anthony Guzman ’16 Aggie Catholic Ambassador (1st row, 5th from the left) Member of the Living Faith Society “I’m just a poor college student,” to me, is an overused excuse. I am a first generation college student on scholarship to one of the best universities in the world. Where has most of my joy come from since my stay at Texas A&M? My joy comes from my faith that is enriched by St. Mary’s with all of the organizations, events, and more importantly, the people. I attend and serve the retreats, Mass, and events here at St. Mary’s, and I’m constantly reaping the benefits of this amazing laboratory of disciples. Tithing is an exercise we need to start now as college students, no matter how insignificant we think our gifts are. The fact is, students want to donate, but we don’t carry cash. The Living Faith Society is the most convenient and effortless way to make a difference.” The Living Faith Society (LFS) is St. Mary’s electronic giving program in which a fixed amount is drafted from a bank account or credit card each month. LFS members allow St. Mary’s to make prudent decisions about programs, staffing, and ministries—knowing that there is a predictable cash flow. In addition, membership in the LFS also allows you to budget a gift over time and reduces St. Mary’s fundraising expenses. For more information about joining the Living Faith Society, please contact Johanna Hackemack at (979) 846-5717 or email jhackemack@aggiecatholic. org. 3www.aggiecatholic.org Aggie Catholics Serve Others The Catholic life is one of service. Thanks to our benefactors, St. Mary’s is able to offer classes, seminars, and discussion groups for students to learn about the beautiful social justice teachings of the Catholic Church. Through these educational opportunities, students come to understand that charity requires a personal commitment from them. Also, in the last year, St. Mary’s provided over 100 opportunities for students to put these teachings into practice. These included working in a soup kitchen, spending time with the elderly in a nursing home, domestic and foreign mission trips to minister to the disadvantaged, and disaster aid and clean-up. For example, Aggie Catholics made two trips to West, Texas to help the citizens there deal with the aftermath of the fertilizer plant explosion. Vocation Station A Religious Calling Sister Cynthia Salas ’98 professed her perpetual vows as a Salesian Sister of St. John Bosco on August 5, 2012 at the St. Augustine Cathedral in Laredo. Presently, Sister Cynthia serves as the director of religious education at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Austin. Freshman Connection - Dinner Connection. Texas A&M is experiencing record enrollment, which means there are nearly 14,000 Catholic students on campus—and St. Mary’s wants to make sure that each of them feels welcome! Thanks to our benefactors, we were able to send postcards to the new students, inviting them to orientation events. These events included: the CONNECT Retreat for incoming freshmen and transfer students, Freshman Connection dinners, and the Fall Ministry Kickoff. The Spirit in Aggieland Pescadores Brings Faith to Latin American Students. Catholic students come to Texas A&M from all over the world. Pescadores, which means “fishermen,” is a ministry of St. Mary’s that serves students from Spanishspeaking countries. Also participating are students who want to improve their Spanish language skills. Junior agronomy major Ana Sofia Corona is a coordinator for Pescadores. She explained that the ministry tries to be a family for students far away from home and “provides a place for Spanishspeaking students to encounter Jesus by learning about the faith and serving the community.” Approximately 70 students participate in Pescadores, with 40-50 attending weekly meetings. The meetings include prayer, social time, study of the Catholic faith, and small group discussion. In mid-October, over 60 students made or staffed a retreat with the theme Necesito de Ti (I need You), which focused on our need for God, and God’s need for us to be his light in the world. Military Archbishop Visits Aggieland. On Sunday, September 20, Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services celebrated three Masses at St. Mary’s Catholic Center at Texas A&M University. He was welcomed not only by the students, but also by active duty, reservists, members of the National Guard, the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, and veterans in the community. “To speak with so many students who are enthusiastic about their faith was a great boost for me. It was also encouraging to talk with many of those in the Corps, who will be leaders in the Armed Forces. Of course, the Texas hospitality was beyond compare,” said Archbishop Broglio. The Archdiocese for the Military Services provides the Catholic Church’s full range of pastoral ministries and spiritual services to the United States Armed Forces. Those speaking with the archbishop assured him that the Aggie Catholics’ proud tradition of supporting the troops also includes supporting the military chaplains. 4www.aggiecatholic.org St. Mary’s Welcomes Distinguished Speaker: Father Tad Pacholczyk On October 17, Father Tad Pacholczyk, a leading bioethicist, spoke to a capacity crowd of 250 in the Activity Center. Father Tad is the director of education for the National Catholic Bioethics Center, and holds a PhD in neuroscience from Yale. His visit was sponsored by the St. Mary’s Distinguished Speaker Series, which is funded by our benefactors to bring the riches of our Catholic faith into the university environment to further the discussion of contemporary issues. His presentation focused on the ethical concerns of infertility treatments, particularly in vitro fertilization (IVF). Although the culture does not accept the Catholic Church’s teachings about God’s plan for marriage and family life, Father Tad showed that respect for life, compassion, and reason support these teachings. He encouraged the audience to work toward making respect for all human life the cultural norm. KTB Looks Toward 10th Anniversary It’s hard to believe, but Kappa Theta Beta (KTB), an inclusive Catholic sorority founded at St. Mary’s, will be ten years old this spring! If you are currently or have been a member, please join KTB for their anniversary celebration! For more information, please email KTBformermember@ gmail.com. After a successful pledge drive, KTB now has 126 members. They have been busy raising funds and helping the Good Samaritan Gabriel Project Life Center. On October 4-5, KTB held their fall retreat, which focused on Hebrews 6:19, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” Adopted Aggies and Families Enjoy Ice Cream Social What’s better than an ice cream sundae on a Sunday afternoon? John and Mary Jo Ufema hosted an ice cream social on September 29 for Adoptan-Aggie students and their “families.” Through the Adopt-an-Aggie program, St. Mary’s matches students with local families, who provide friendship and some of the comforts of home. In addition to ice cream, several students shared their musical talents in an informal setting. Thank you to the Ufemas for a wonderful Sunday break! The Spirit in Aggieland Students Listen to God’s Voice Thanks to our benefactors, in 2008 the Apostles of the Interior Life Sisters came to St. Mary’s. One of their ministries is the Samuel Group, named after God’s call to the prophet Samuel. Members of the group strive to learn how to hear the quiet counsel of the Holy Spirit over the noise, confusion, and busyness of college life. One Sunday a month, the Samuel Group members attend an afternoon-long meeting that includes: scripture study; adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; a presentation on various spiritual and psychological obstacles in understanding God’s will; an opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation; and small group discussion. As the students become better at hearing God’s voice, some begin to discern their true vocation beyond college— whether God is calling them to marriage, the priesthood, or religious life. The wisdom and experience of the sisters is an invaluable source of help for these students. KACB Produces Local Hit Program! White Collar Workers is a radio show produced by KACB 96.9 FM (Aggie Catholic Broadcasting), featuring St. Mary’s associate pastors, Fathers Jonathan Raia (left) and Barry Cuba (right). The show airs live on Fridays at 12:30 p.m. CST. See the 96.9 KACB -Aggie Catholic Radio Facebook page for streaming information. The show is also archived on youtube.com. Pictured with the hosts are producer Caleb De La Rosa ‘15 and station director Cici Stevenson ‘14. 5www.aggiecatholic.org Tailgating with the Aggie Catholics Faith and football were a fun combination for the Aggie Catholics at two tailgates this season! On Saturday, October 19, St. Mary’s hosted the biggest tailgate in the Kyle Field neighborhood. 350 dropped by before the Texas A&M vs. Auburn game to renew friendships, meet students, and join in pregame fun. Although the Aggie football team did not have its best day, the Aggie Catholics had a great time! The Catholic Students Association (CSA) is a university-recognized organization for all Catholic students on campus. Due to the early kickoff, CSA hosted a breakfast tailgate before the Texas A&M vs. Vanderbilt game on October 26. The students also used their sports passes to get tickets to stand together in the spirit of the 12th Man to cheer the Aggies on to a win! Profile in Faith If you’ve EVER been an Awakening retreater, you don’t want to miss the reunion celebrating AA #100 beginning Saturday, March 1! It’s not too late to register! For more information visit aa100.aggiecatholic.org or scan the QR code. Alex Ward ‘14 Aerospace Engineering My faith as a Christian is everything! It is my identity as a human being; the reason I exist. St. Mary’s is a community that stands and rejoices in that faith—a community that constantly challenges me to live it out. Although, at times, I may turn away from Christ’s call to holiness, he always leads me back into communion with himself and his body, the Church. The love that has been shown to me by everyone at St. Mary’s led me to become involved and give back the gifts I have received. Right now, I serve on the leadership team for TheREVOLUTION, an organization that focuses on Blessed John Paul II’s Theology of the Body teachings. It has been such a joy to witness the life-changing fruits of this ministry. Words cannot express the gratitude that I feel toward the benefactors of St. Mary’s. You have allowed me and countless other students to become members of the Aggie Catholic family of faith. The pastoral staff, students, programs, and ministries demonstrate true Christian love and teach me what it means to be a disciple of Christ. St. Mary’s is where I’ve made some of my best friends and memories, and will always be my home away from home.