
Biology 3201 – Evolution Workbook (Due May 17th, 2013)
Name: ___________________
1. Define the following:
2. Draw a timeline showing the order in which the following evolved: marine
worms, single cells, fish, clams, small mammals, modern mammals,
3. Explain in your own words:
a. Natural selection
b. Artificial selection
4. Briefly describe the contributions of the following to evolutionary
a. Charles Lyell
b. Thomas Malthus
c. Alfred Wallace
d. Charles Darwin
e. Jean baptiste Lamarck
Georges cuvier
5. Describe the two main points of Lamark’s theory of evolution.
6. Draw a picture illustrating the relationship between relative age of
sediments and the fossils within them.
7. What is the difference between relative dating and absolute dating?
8. Define the following:
a. Population genetics
b. Gene pool
c. Allele frequency
9. What are the evolutionary mechanisms that disrupt the Hardy-Weinberg
10. What is meant by genetic drift? There are two types: bottleneck effect and
the founder effect, give and example of each.
11. Define speciation
12. What is the difference between transformation and divergence? Draw a
picture to illustrate this.
13. What are the different pre-zygotic barriers that may contribute to speciation?
14. What are the post-zygotic barriers that may contribute to speciation?
15. What is meant by adaptive radiation. Draw a picture to illustrate adaptive
16. What is the difference between convergent and divergent evolution? Draw a
picture to illustrate the difference.
17. What is meant by co-evolution? Give an example.
18. What two individuals came up with the theory of punctuated equilibrium?
What is the difference between gradualism and punctuated equilibrium?
19. Briefly describe the following theories of the origin of the earth and its
a. Chemical evolution
i. Oparin-haldane theory
ii. Miller-urey theory
b. Heterotroph hypothesis
c. Symbiogenesis
d. Panspermia theory
e. GAIA theory
Intelligent Design theory
20. What is the difference between homologous, analogous, and vestigial structrues.
Give an example of each.