Council of School Attorneys - Missouri School Boards Association

Membership Dues: $275.00
Reduced Dues
In-House School District Counsel: $205
Member of Another State COSA Chapter: $50
Deadline: June 30, 2015
$225.00 of the $275.00 dues amount ($155 for
In-House Counsel) represents payment for
integrated membership in the National School
Boards Association Council of School Attorneys.
of School
Make checks payable to:
MSBA Council of School Attorneys
Please provide all of the following information as you
would like it to appear in MSBA publications.
Name _____________________________________
Firm Name ________________________________
Address ___________________________________
City/State/Zip ______________________________
Phone ____________________________________
Fax _______________________________________
Email Address _____________________________
District(s) Represented _____________________
For more information contact
Scott Summers in the MSBA School
Law Department at 800-221-6722 or
(MSBA will distribute your e-mail address to school
board members, superintendents and members of
the public, unless you notify us otherwise.)
❑ Yes! I am willing to present at MSBA sponsored
workshops for school board members and
administrators on the following subjects:
2100 I-70 Drive Southwest
Columbia, Missouri 65203
Phone 573-445-9920 Fax 573-445-9981
of School
The Missouri School Boards’ Association’s Council of School
Attorneys (COSA) is the only professional development
association in Missouri created exclusively for attorneys
representing public school districts.
Over 100 attorneys belong to the Missouri COSA
chapter and the organization continues to grow as
federal and state laws governing school district
Membership in the National School
operations increase.
Boards Association COSA
By establishing and maintaining COSA,
With your membership in the Missouri COSA
MSBA serves its member school
chapter you will receive all of the national COSA
districts by providing them access to
membership benefits including:
knowledgeable attorneys familiar
• NSBA Connect – a professional listserve with
with school law.
attorneys representing school districts across
To be a member of COSA,
the country
you must represent at
• Legal Research – a convenient searchable
least one Missouri
database including Case notes, featured
public school
articles, NSBA amicus briefs and other helpful
COSA members will receive
the resources to develop their
practices locally and stay current
on national issues.
• Inquiry and Analysis – an e-newsletter
published ten times a year
• Federal Regulations & Resources – a monthly
e-newsletter about federal regulations and
guidance affecting school districts
• “School Law Primer” – 12 school law topical
outlines with PowerPoint presentations you can
use to train new associates and educators
• School Law Seminar & School Law Practice
Seminar - access to papers published in
these publications
• Legal Clips – weekly news about legal issues
in the news
• Targeted CLE Programs with more than 20
hours offered each year
• Subscription to School Board News Today
You will be listed in the COSA directory,
which will be posted on MSBA’s website and
distributed to Missouri school board members
and school administrators. To be listed in the
printed directory, MSBA must receive your
registration by June 30, 2015.
Professional Development
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual
Missouri COSA Meeting Friday, October 2,
2015, at the Tan-Tar-A Resort at the Lake of
the Ozarks. Attendees will enjoy presentations
on education law topics and have an
opportunity to discuss hot legal issues with
attorneys representing school districts across
the state for approximately 4 CLE credits. Only
member attorneys may attend this meeting.