FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35 (2001) 11^17 www.fems-microbiology.org Feasibility of using GFP-expressing Escherichia coli, coupled with £uorimetry, to determine protozoan ingestion rates Jacqueline D. Parry b a; *, Karen Heaton a , Janice Drinkall a , Harriet L.J. Jones b;1 a Division of Biological Sciences, I.E.N.S., Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College at Silwood Park, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7PU, UK Received 23 March 2000 ; received in revised form 5 October 2000; accepted 5 October 2000 The feasibility of using a live Escherichia coli population, which had been engineered to express the green fluorescent protein (GFP), coupled with fluorimetry, was tested as a means for determining protozoan ingestion rates. Its potential use was based on evidence that once cells are acidified, e.g. in a food vacuole, the fluorescence is lost. Of the 29 protozoa tested, over 85% ingested the GFP-expressing E. coli and a detailed experiment with the ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis was carried out, principally to assess the performance of the live bacterium against two commonly used surrogate prey, i.e. fluorescently labelled bacteria (FLB) and fluorescently labelled microspheres (FLMs). A decrease in GFP-expressing E. coli fluorescence and, hence, concentration, was recorded by fluorimetry and epifluorescence microscopy, with calculated ingestion rates being equivalent. A higher ingestion rate was determined by counting the number of fluorescent E. coli within the ciliate over 120 s, but this was equivalent to that obtained for the stained E. coli using the same direct method of analysis. However, the ciliate was shown to process the stained and unstained E. coli cells differently, with only the latter resulting in an increase in ciliate abundance. ß 2001 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords : Protozoan ingestion ; GFP-expressing Escherichia coli; Fluorescently labelled microsphere; Fluorescently labelled bacteria ; Fluorimetry 1. Introduction In recent years, the interest in determining global carbon budgets has been increasing [1]. At the very base of aquatic food-webs, photosynthetic by-products from algae [2] and humic substances [3] provide a carbon source for bacteria and, for this carbon to enter the metazoan food chain, the bacteria must be consumed. Protozoa, particularly heterotrophic £agellates and ciliates, are the major consumers of bacteria and are considered to form an important trophic link between the bacteria and metazoa [4,5]. It is therefore important to determine the rates at which bacteria are processed, to aid estimates of overall carbon dynamics in aquatic systems. To date, the majority of studies on protozoan prey-processing have been directed at the ¢rst stage, i.e. ingestion/ grazing rates, and a number of methods have been derived * Corresponding author. Tel. : +44 (1524) 593489; Fax: +44 (1524) 843854; E-mail : j.parry@lancaster.ac.uk 1 Present address: Division of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ, UK. (e.g. [6^10]). The use of £uorescently labelled bacteria (FLB) [8], coupled with epi£uorescence microscopy, has undoubtedly been the most widely used to date, however, criticisms of this method include the fact that the prey cells are not live and that microscopy counts are time consuming. Thus, the feasibility of a new method for determining protozoan ingestion/grazing rates was tested here, and employed an Escherichia coli population which had been genetically engineered to express the green £uorescent protein (GFP), i.e. it was a live-£uorescing prey particle. GFP originates from the jelly¢sh Aequorea victoria and in vivo it emits green light (509 nm) upon excitation with the blue light (395 nm). GFP was ¢rst characterised by Shimomura [11] and in 1992, Prasher et al. [12] cloned the gfp gene, which can be expressed by both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and is non-toxic [13]. GFP remains the only protein in which the £uorochrome is directly encoded in the amino acid sequence and hence, no cofactors or substrates (except for oxygen) are required for £uorescence [14], unlike those required for the analysis of luminescence in luxAB-expressing bacteria [15]. The potential use of GFP-expressing bacterial cells was based on evidence that once cells are subjected to acidi¢cation, the 0168-6496 / 01 / $20.00 ß 2001 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 6 4 9 6 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 1 0 6 - 9 FEMSEC 1198 27-2-01 Downloaded from http://femsec.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on March 5, 2016 Abstract 12 J.D. Parry et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35 (2001) 11^17 £uorescence decreases [16]. Acidi¢cation occurs within the food vacuoles of protozoa [17,18], thus each prey cell ingested should lose its £uorescence within the ¢rst passage through the protist, whether or not it is digested. Hence, the rate at which prey £uorescence is lost will equate to the rate at which the prey are processed/ingested. The performance of this prey against the two most popular surrogate prey states used to date, £uorescently labelled microspheres (FLMs) and FLB, was tested using three methods of analysis, i.e. direct and indirect counts using epi£uorescence microscopy and £uorimetry. 2. Materials and methods ature before use. All prey suspensions were sonicated for at least 10 min (Camlab, Frequency, 50/60 Hz), visually checked for the presence of aggregates and then enumerated. 2.3. Maintenance of protozoa Twenty-nine protists were employed in this study (Table 1) and each was subcultured every 2 weeks by transferring ca. 5 ml of the stationary-phase culture into fresh medium (Table 1). Each culture was then supplemented with a mixed bacterial community, which had been previously isolated from that particular protozoan culture. 2.4. Enumeration of organisms Subcloning E¤ciency1 E. coli HB101 (FP mcrB mrr hsdS20 recA13 supE44 ara14 galK2 lacY1 proA2 rpsL20 xyl5 leu mtl1) (Life Technologies) was transformed with the vector pBAD-GFPuv (Clontech) following the procedure provided by Life Technologies. GFPuv is a mutant of the original pGFP with the construct placed under the pBAD promoter of the arabinose operon and its regulatory gene, araC [19]. The pBAD promoter is induced by arabinose and repressed by glucose. An ampicillin resistance gene is also present. Excitation and emission wavelengths are the same as the wild-type (395 and 509 nm, respectively). The GFP produced is expressed in a soluble form and therefore much brighter (U18) than the wildtype GFP [19]. 2.2. Preparation and maintenance of prey particles Suspensions of yellow/green (YG) FLMs (0.49-Wm diameter) (Polysciences, via Park Scienti¢c Ltd., Northampton, UK) were prepared in sterile distilled water and stored at 4³C. Live-£uorescing E. coli cells were cultured at 35³C on Luria^Bertani (LB) agar plates [20] supplemented with ampicillin (0.006% w/v) and arabinose (0.2% w/v). Spread plates (ca. s 500 colonies plate31 ) were incubated for 48 h before a suspension was prepared in the desired experimental medium which was then stored at 20³C for 16^24 h. Preliminary experiments showed that this method yielded 100% £uorescent cells with the highest level of £uorescence per cell (10 times brighter than a 0.49Wm YG FLM), while the storage period reduced variation in bacterial cell size (0.75U2.6 Wm). Heat-killed £uorescently stained E. coli cells were prepared following the method of Sherr et al. [8]. A cell suspension, prepared as described above, was stained with 5-([4,6-dichlorotiazin2-YL]amino). Fluorescein (DTAF) in Chalkley's medium [21]; the recommended bu¡ered saline solution was found to be detrimental to this particular strain. Stained cells were stored at 320³C and were thawed at room temper- All prey types were ¢xed before enumeration with icecold glutaraldehyde at a ¢nal concentration of 0.05% (v/v) which was the lowest concentration found to be lethal while allowing minimal reduction (17%) in the E. coli £uorescence. A known volume of ¢xed suspension was ¢ltered onto a 0.2-Wm black polycarbonate track etch screen membrane (Poretics) and viewed under blue light (BP350-460/ LP515 ¢lter block) at a ¢nal magni¢cation of U1250, using a Leitz Laborlux epi£uorescence microscope illuminated by a 100-W mercury bulb. More than 400 prey particles were counted on each of three membranes, before conversion to particles ml31 . Samples were also stained with 4,6-diamidinophenylindole (DAPI) at 0.0001% (w/v) concentration (following Porter and Feig [22]) to determine the total concentration of E. coli cells and the number of protozoa. These membranes were viewed under UV light (BP340-380/LP430 ¢lter block) with more than 400 E. coli cells membrane31 being counted, or 20 ¢elds of view membrane31 for protozoa, before conversion to cells ml31 . The proportion of live E. coli cells £uorescing was then determined and only those E. coli suspensions which contained 100% £uorescing cells were used in experiments. 2.5. Quantifying £uorescence Fixed samples (4 ml) were analysed with a Perkin Elmer 203 £uorimeter, illuminated with a xenon lamp and set at excitor and emission wavelengths 395 and 509 nm, respectively. YG FLMs (0.49-Wm diameter) were employed as standard £uorescent particles to which the £uorescence of test samples could be compared. The zero and 100 £uorescence units of the machine (ca. y-axis) were set against a distilled water blank and a known concentration of microspheres (M100 ), respectively (ca. x-axis). The £uorescence value of the test sample (FLt ) should then fall between 0 and 100 in order to equate the £uorescence emitted to a concentration of microspheres (EM) using: EM FLt UM 100 =100 taking into account the £uorescence of the controls, e.g. FEMSEC 1198 27-2-01 Downloaded from http://femsec.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on March 5, 2016 2.1. Transformation of E. coli HB101 with the pBAD-GFPuv plasmid J.D. Parry et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35 (2001) 11^17 medium alone. An arbitrary £uorescence value of 2U1037 was assigned to a single microsphere (reasons not discussed) and multiplication of EM by 2U1037 yielded a relative £uorescence (RF) ml31 value for each sample. Even though E. coli preparations consistently gave RF cell31 values of 1^2U1036 , this parameter was still checked before use in experiments. 2.6. The e¡ect of pH on E. coli £uorescence 2.7. Preliminary screening of protozoa for the ingestion of live-£uorescing E. coli Each protozoan culture, in late exponential phase, was incubated with live-£uorescing E. coli cells (ca. 107 cells ml31 ) at either 15 or 20³C (Table 1) for up to 2 h. Every 3 min, samples (ca. 20^50 Wl) were viewed as slide preparations with visible light (to locate a protozoan cell) and blue light (to detect E. coli cells inside the protozoan cell) at a ¢nal magni¢cation of U500. More than 20 protozoan cells were examined per sample. Those species which did not contain £uorescing prey in their food vacuoles during the 2-h period were incubated with non-transformed E. coli cells (ca. 108 cells ml31 ) and evidence of any increase in protozoan abundance was noted. 2.8. Grazing of Tetrahymena pyriformis on the three prey particles Three types of prey, live-£uorescing E. coli, DTAFstained E. coli and FLMs, were employed in a more de- Table 1 Source of protozoa, and culture media, used in a preliminary experiment to determine the number of species capable of ingesting E. coli HB101 transformed with the vector pBAD-GFPuv Protozoan species Flagellates: Anthophysa vegetans Bodo designis Bodo saltans Cercomonas sp. Diaphanoeca grandis Dinobryon cylindricum Dinobryon divergens Dinobryon setularia Entosyphon sulcatum Jakoba libera Ochromonas danica Ochromonas tuberculata Paraphysomonas imperforata Paraphysomonas vestita Petalomonas cantuscygni Poteriochromonas malhamensis Rhabdospira spiralis Spumella elongata Stephanoeca diplocostata Ciliates : Colpoda in£ata Cyclidium glaucoma Euplotes daidaleos Paramecium aurelia Stentor coeruleus Tetrahymena pyriformis Vorticella similis Amoebae: Sacchamoeba limax Valkamp¢a avara Vexillifera bacillipedes Source Culture medium Ingestion of E. coli CCAP 905/1 DJ Patterson CCAP 1907/2 HLJ Jones BSC Leadbeater HLJ Jones CCAP 917/1 CCAP 917/2 CCAP 1220/1B DJ Patterson CCAP 933/2B CCAP 933/27 BSC Leadbeater CCAP 935/14 CCAP 1259/1 CCAP 933/1C CCAP 1271/5 CCAP 955/1 BSC Leadbeater SPL ASW CH CH ASW (15³C) DM (15³C) DM (15³C) DM (15³C) CH ASW DM (15³C) DM (15³C) ASW CH ASW DM (15³C) S/W (15³C) SPL (15³C) ASW yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no yes yes CCAP CCAP CCAP CCAP CCAP CCAP CCAP 1615/2 1616/1 1624/15 1660/3A 1682/1 1630/1W 1690/2 CH CH S/W S/W S/W CH CH yes yes no yes yes yes yes CCAP 1527/3 CCAP 1588/1A CCAP 1590/1 NN NN NN yes yes yes ASW: arti¢cial seawater medium; CH: Chalkley's medium; DM: diatom medium; SPL: Sigma Cereal Leaf-Prescott liquid; S/W: soil/water biphasic medium ; NN: non-nutrient (amoeba saline) medium; CCAP: Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa, CEH Windermere, Far Sawrey, Ambleside, Cumbria, UK (see www.ceh.ac.uk/ccap/ for further information and media recipes). Unless otherwise stated, the incubation temperature was 20³C. FEMSEC 1198 27-2-01 Downloaded from http://femsec.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on March 5, 2016 Distilled water was adjusted with 1 M NaOH or 1 M HCl to yield a range of pH values from 2 to 11. Volumes (10 ml) at each pH were inoculated with live-£uorescing E. coli and the change in RF ml31 over a 60-s period was recorded. This was repeated ¢ve times. Those cells within water at pH values 6 7 were left for 15 min before the medium was adjusted to pH 7 using a predetermined volume of 1 M NaOH. Any change in the RF ml31 was recorded, to determine whether regeneration of £uorescence occurred. DTAF-stained E. coli cells were subjected to pH values 6 7 and monitored for 2 h. 13 14 J.D. Parry et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35 (2001) 11^17 3. Results and discussion More than 85% of the protozoan species tested ingested the live-£uorescing E. coli (Table 1). Those that did not, showed no increase in abundance when fed with nontransformed E. coli cells, suggesting that it was the prey species itself, rather than the fact that it had been transformed, which resulted in selection. Non-consumption of E. coli in this study could have been due to the experimental conditions. For example, Euplotes daidaleos contained a number of photosynthetic endosymbionts and may not have been feeding heterotrophically under the light regime used (80 WE m32 s31 ). Alternatively, E. coli cells may have been too large for ingestion. For example, Diaphanoeca grandis only consumes very small bacteria (personal observation). Prey-size selection, particularly by heterotrophic £agellates [25,26], has been thought to limit the use of a single marker species for determination of protozoan ingestion rates in situ as ideally, the prey particle used should be consumed by all protozoa. However, Monger and Landry [27] concluded that prey size dependency by direct interception feeding £agellates is modest and the use of a prey particle which is equivalent to the average size of the picoplankton should be reasonably representative of the dynamics of the community. This has been substantiated with the use of E. coli as a single species prey, yielding protozoan generation times equivalent to those recorded with natural bacteria [7,9]. In addition, Pelegari et al. [28] considered E. coli HB10B to be a useful prey for studies involving protozoa because it does not grow in seawater and the use of osmotically shocked E. coli, as opposed to heat-killed bacteria, avoids the denaturation of organic compounds that may a¡ect POC and/or DOC egestion rates, or digestibility. Thus, GFP-expressing E. coli could be a useful marker prey for both freshwater and marine studies, particularly since it is a live prey which retains any motility, as motility may overshadow the in£uence of size on the selective feeding of planktonic protists, under some circumstances [27,29]. During preliminary screening (see Section 2.7) there was some di¤culty in deciding whether or not the protozoa were ingesting the GFP-expressing E. coli. In some cases the prey cells were clearly visible inside the protozoan cell for the full 2-h period whereas in others, they were only visible within the ¢rst few minutes of the experiment. This di¤culty could have stemmed from inter-species variation with regards to the timing of food vacuole acidi¢cation within the di¡erent protozoa, on which, there is little information. Acidic conditions a¡ected the stability of the GFP, causing a rapid decrease in E. coli £uorescence. For example, 99% loss of £uorescence occurred after 15 s at pH 2 (Fig. 1), agreeing with Casey and Nguyen [16], also working with E. coli HB101. Signi¢cant loss of £uorescence may have occurred earlier, but sampling could not be obtained before 15 s. There was also concern that £uorescence might be regenerated when the pH of the food vacuole returned to pH 7 (usually by 11 and 120 min in Paramecium and Tetrahymena, respectively [17,18]), as studies on the isolated protein had shown that, under some conditions, 90% of the original £uorescence could be regenerated following acidi¢cation [30]. Those cells which had been subjected to pH values 6 7 for 15 min FEMSEC 1198 27-2-01 Downloaded from http://femsec.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on March 5, 2016 tailed grazing experiment with the ciliate T. pyriformis. Each prey type was inoculated into six £asks containing 60 ml Chalkley's medium, to give an initial concentration of 5U107 particles ml31 , in excess of indigenous bacteria (1.25U106 cells ml31 ). All £asks were incubated at 20³C and the RF ml31 and prey concentration in each £ask were determined over a 2-h period to con¢rm that the £uorescence of the prey types was stable in the absence of a predator. Three of the six £asks were then inoculated with 5 ml of a late exponential culture of T. pyriformis (ca. 47U16 Wm in size) to give an initial concentration of 560 cells ml31 (test £asks). The three remaining £asks were inoculated with 5 ml Chalkley's medium to allow for any reduction in RF ml31 and prey particle concentration due to dilution (control £asks). These £asks were sampled hourly for 8 h, then at 16, 20 and 24 h to determine the fate of the prey via the two indirect methods. The ¢rst involved monitoring the decrease in `free' prey over time via epi£uorescence microscopy (see Section 2.4). Samples were also stained with DAPI to determine any change in ciliate concentration over time and whether the prey had aggregated. The ingestion rate was determined by dividing the decrease in prey concentration over the 24-h period by the concentration of ciliate present. When live-£uorescing E. coli was employed as the prey, its digestion ultimately led to an increase in ciliate abundance. Ingestion rate was thus calculated by using the equations of Frost [23] as modi¢ed by Heinbokel [24]. The second indirect method monitored RF ml31 values over time by £uorimetry and equated these values to an E. coli concentration, in order to determine the grazing rate in a similar manner to that used for the previous indirect method. However, for the ¢rst 5 h of the experiment, no discernible decrease in RF ml31 was recorded in the test £asks and data from the last 19 h of the experiment were used to determine ingestion rate. Both indirect methods took account of changes recorded in the control £asks, which were minimal, i.e. no loss of cells or £uorescence in the absence of the ciliate. To determine the grazing rate by the direct method, each £ask system was miniaturised to 0.2 ml within wells of a 96-well microtitre plate. This was required since the experimental period was extremely short (120 s) and the use of multi-tip pipettors allowed the three replicates to be ¢xed at exactly the same time. Fixed samples were viewed as slide preparations and the number of prey particles within at least 30 ciliate cells was recorded. The ingestion rate was then determined from the increase in the average number of prey ciliate31 over time. J.D. Parry et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35 (2001) 11^17 Fig. 1. The change in £uorescence of a population of E. coli HB101, transformed with the vector pBAD-GFPuv, after being subjected to a range of pH values in distilled water. Values for pH 8 and 9 are not shown, for reasons of clarity. ing this direct method, even though a short incubation time of 2 min was employed. Some skill was also required to distinguish ingested particles from those resting on the surface of the protozoan, e.g. trapped in cilia. In addition, automation of this method has so far proved unsuccessful [33]. Neither of the two indirect methods could be used to determine ingestion rates with FLM. This was not unexpected, as FLM are inert particles which are not digested, or a¡ected by acidi¢cation, and are thus continuously recycled by the protozoan. Because of this property, they have been successfully used to determine the inherent vacuole passage times of protozoa [29,34^37]. Both indirect methods showed a linear decrease in £uorescing E. coli concentration over time (R2 0.96) due to the use of such a high initial prey concentration (5U107 E. coli ml31 ). Estimated ingestion rates were equivalent but signi¢cantly lower than that calculated by the direct method (Table 2) (P 6 0.05). After the addition of a high concentration of £uorescent prey particles to a grazing system, ingestion rates will be increased until limited by the vacuole passage time. It is thus probable that the indirect methods yielded an average ingestion rate over the 24-h period whereas the direct method yielded the elevated, instantaneous ingestion rate over the ¢rst 2 min of the experiment. At present, it is not known whether it was the low pH of the food vacuole and/or digestion which caused prey £uorescence loss within T. pyriformis. However, as for this particular ciliate, (i) the vacuolar pH decreases to 6.0^ 5.5 and the action of acid phosphatases begins 10 min after food vacuole formation [18], (ii) only 10% of ingested E. coli are digested within the ¢rst passage through the ciliate [38] which takes 1.5^2 h [18] and (iii) the vacuolar pH reduces to pH 4.0^3.5 1 h after formation [18], it seems reasonable to assume that a combination of both occurred. This may not be the case for all protozoa. For example, Paramecium food vacuoles acidify to pH 2 within Table 2 Ingestion rates ( þ S.E.M.) of T. pyriformis feeding on three prey particles, determined by (i) the increase in prey abundance within the ciliate over 120 s (direct method), (ii) the decrease in prey concentration within the medium over 24 h (`free' cells) and (iii) the decrease in £uorescence over a 19-h period (£uorimetry) Prey particle and method used Direct method : FLM DTAF-E. coli Live GFP-E. coli `Free' cells: FLM DTAF-E. coli Live GFP-E. coli Fluorimetry : FLM DTAF-E. coli Live GFP-E. coli Ingestion rate (prey ciliate31 h31 ) 207 þ 32 1048 þ 85 964 þ 126 ND 1440 þ 120 537 þ 138 ND ND 693 þ 39 ND: Could not be determined using this method. FEMSEC 1198 27-2-01 Downloaded from http://femsec.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on March 5, 2016 showed no regeneration of £uorescence after the pH was returned to 7. Therefore, upon ingestion into the food vacuole and exposure to subsequent pH changes, loss of £uorescence should be irrecoverable. The £uorescence of DTAF-stained E. coli cells was stable over the pH range tested, yielding no discernible change in RF ml31 even after 2 h. The only noticeable feature was that the cells tended to form small aggregates at pH values less than 4. Acidi¢cation within food vacuoles of T. pyriformis is known to occur 1 h after food vacuole formation [18] thus direct counts within 2 min allowed comparison of the extent to which the three £uorescent particles were consumed by this ciliate. YG FLMs were ingested at a signi¢cantly lower rate (207 þ 32 FLM ciliate31 h31 ) than live and DTAF-stained E. coli (964 þ 126 and 1048 þ 85 prey ciliate31 h31 , respectively) (Table 2). The reason for the lower ingestion rate might have been due to the FLMs being smaller than E. coli cells. No signi¢cant di¡erence in the calculated ingestion rates was recorded for T. pyriformis feeding on either heat-killed stained or live unstained E. coli (two-tailed t-test, P s 0.5) which agrees with other workers using other FLB [29]. However, heat-killing bacterial cells, used in the production of FLB, has often raised concerns, particularly since it can prevent digestion of some species [31]. It is not possible to produce live DTAF-stained cells, and this investigation did not succeed in producing heat-killed GFP-expressing E. coli, as the proportion of £uorescing cells after various heattreatments was unacceptably low. This is despite the fact that GFP has previously been shown to retain its £uorescence up to temperatures of 60³C [30] and no di¡erence in the £uorescence intensity of E. coli V850 (transformed with a variety of vectors) was recorded after heating at 70³C for 30 min [32]. In this study, heat-killing of the E. coli cells did not appear to a¡ect calculated values of instantaneous ingestion rate and all prey particles were easily visualised within the ciliate food vacuoles. However, as the experiment progressed, it became increasingly di¤cult to count accurately prey in packed food vacuoles us- 15 16 J.D. Parry et al. / FEMS Microbiology Ecology 35 (2001) 11^17 were equivalent to those using current surrogate prey particles. The use of £uorimetry reduced the potential for operator error but led to an initial `lag' period of 5 h before any discernible decrease in £uorescence could be detected. It was considered as tedious as microscopic counts, thus the development of an automated method of analysis, using a £uorescence microtitre plate reader is currently underway. Acknowledgements This study was funded by a NERC grant (GR9/3804) awarded to J.D.P. However, it is acknowledged that the initial idea of employing GFP-expressing E. coli as a surrogate prey originated from H.L.J.J. Extensive pumppriming experiments carried out by H.L.J.J. (Silwood Park), J.D.P. and J.D. (Lancaster University, Leverhulme grant F/185/X), formed the basis of the NERC grant. All authors would like to thank the following researchers (PG and UG) for their help in developing the method and providing valuable feedback : Stephanie Hodge and Harashran Ghotra (Silwood Park), and Dr. Amelia Hunt, Katie Harper, Joanna English, Ruth Baldry, Clare Boam, Kerstin Boese, Kate Dodge, Lisa Goodall and Joe Latimer (Lancaster University). The authors would also like to thank the useful comments made by the anonymous referees. References [1] Francey, R.J. (1998) The global carbon budget; recent advances. Environ. Conserv. 25, 81^82. [2] Nakano, S. (1996) Bacterial response to extracellular dissolved organic carbon released from healthy and senescent Fragilaria crotonensis (Bacillariophyceae) in experimental systems. Hydrobiologia 339, 47^ 55. [3] Hunt, A.P., Parry, J. and Hamilton-Taylor, J. (2000) Further evidence of elemental composition as an indicator of the bioavailability of humic substances to bacteria. Limnol. Oceanogr. 45, 237^241. [4] Azam, F., Fenchel, T., Field, J.G., Gray, J.S., Meyer-Reil, L.A. and Thingstad, T.F. (1983) The ecological role of water column microbes in the sea. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 10, 257^263. [5] Sherr, E.B. and Sherr, B.F. (1987) High rates of consumption of bacteria by pelagic ciliates. Nature 325, 710^711. [6] McManus, G.B. and Fuhrman, J.A. (1986) Bacterivory in seawater studied with the use of inert £uorescent particles. Limnol. Oceanogr. 31, 420^426. [7] Wilkner, J., Andersson, A., Normark, S. and Hagstrom, A. (1986) Use of genetically marked minicells as a probe in measurement of predation of bacteria in aquatic environments. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 52, 4^8. [8] Sherr, B.F., Sherr, E.B. and Fallon, R.D. (1987) Use of monodispersed, £uorescently labelled bacteria to estimate in situ protozoan bacterivory. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 53, 958^965. [9] Landry, M.R., Lehner-Fournier, J.M., Sunderstrom, J.A., Fagerness, V.L. and Selph, K.E. (1991) Discrimination between living and heatkilled prey by a marine zoo£agellate, Paraphysomonas vestita (Stokes). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 146, 139^151. FEMSEC 1198 27-2-01 Downloaded from http://femsec.oxfordjournals.org/ by guest on March 5, 2016 5 min of formation and £uorescence loss could be solely due to this acidi¢cation [17]. Monitoring the concentration of `free' DTAF-stained E. coli over time via epi£uorescence microscopy showed a linear decrease enabling calculation of ingestion rate (Table 2). There was no signi¢cant di¡erence between the ingestion rate values obtained by this and the direct method (P s 0.05). This indirect method may have overestimated ingestion rate since it assumed that any loss of FLB £uorescence in the presence of a protozoan was solely due to ingestion, if the processing of FLB was equivalent to that of unstained bacteria [8,29,39]. However, the method does not consider that the processing of stained and unstained prey might not be equivalent in some species of protozoa and that some losses could be due to attachment of the prey to container walls [33] or even to the protozoan cells themselves. With regards to GFP-expressing E. coli cells, the loss of £uorescence (and hence reduction in prey concentration) can only be due to enclosure of the prey-cell within a protozoan food vacuole as loss through attachment would not be associated with acidi¢cation. This was con¢rmed by a lack of discernible change in RF ml31 within the live E. coli control systems. Acidi¢cation was shown to have no e¡ect on the RF ml31 of DTAF-stained E. coli but the RF ml31 of the test cultures (prey in the presence of the ciliate) unexpectedly increased over time. The majority of this increased £uorescence (75%) was associated with the solution (data not shown) and appeared to be due to the ciliate excreting the stain, as it did not accumulate within the cytoplasm. This could have only been due to damage/digestion of the prey within food vacuoles as this loss of stain has not been observed with FLB in the absence of a predator ([8], this study) or at pH 6 7 (this study). Interestingly, the T. pyriformis population did not increase in abundance when fed with this prey state, as it had with the live-£uorescing E. coli, which yielded a speci¢c growth rate of 0.10 h31 and a gross growth e¤ciency of 68%. It is thought that the process of re-ingestion was, for some yet undetermined reason, blocked in this experiment. Although this does not occur in all experiments using this combination of predator and prey state, here, faecal pellets (ca. 5 Wm in diameter) comprising faded DTAF-stained prey and DAPI-stained indigenous prey were abundant in the medium surrounding the protozoan. These pellets amassed to form aggregates (ca. 20 Wm in diameter) which may have been too large for the ciliate to re-ingest. No such pellets/ aggregates were detected with DTAF-stained E. coli in the absence of the ciliate (control) or in those systems containing live unstained E. coli, after DAPI staining. Thus, this experiment inadvertently supported that of Schlimme et al. [38] who found that as much as 90% of ingested bacteria prey may require a second passage through a T. pyriformis cell, before complete digestion occurs. In conclusion, the use of a live GFP-expressing E. coli yielded estimates of ingestion rate for T. pyriformis which J.D. 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