Current List of Parish Nurse Churches

Churches currently served by the EAMC Parish Nurse Program:
Auburn United Methodist Church
Julie Hare, Congregational Care Minister
Judy Guin, RN
Nancy Teel, RN
Auburn First Baptist Church
Rev. Tripp Martin
Pat Randle, RN
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Rev. Geoff Evans
Peggy Hansen, RN
Sally Hudson, RN
St. Luke CME Church
Rev. Frank Nesbitt
Sheila Harris, RN
Trinity Lutheran Church
Pastor Allan Hudspith
Patty Baggett, RN
True Deliverance Holiness Church
Bishop Nolan Torbert
Sutricia Johnson, RN
Central Baptist Church
Rev. Scott Ferguson
Lisa Norton, RN
First Baptist Church of Opelika
Rev. Mike King
Cindy Spain, RN
Greater Peace Baptist Church
Rev. Clifford Jones
Nancy Haynes, RN
Alveta Reese, RN
Opelika First United Methodist Church
Rev. Randy Woodham
Chona Lane, RN
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Rev. G.C. McCulloh
Marianne Baker, CRNP
Trinity United Methodist Church
Melinda Jackson
Donna McBurney, RN
Providence Baptist Church
Rev. Rusty Sowell
Joyce Terrell, RN
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Rev. Chris Duncan
Gail Lien, RN
Wesley Memorial UMC
Pastor Paul Ferrell
Caroline Garner, RN
Other area faith communities:
Fairview Baptist Church, Valley
Rev. Tim J. Bass
Somer Bass, RN
House of Prayer, Notasulga
Pastor Arthur Robinson, Sr.
Cathy Mitchell, RN
Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Lafayette
Rev. Melvin Owens
Chandra Darden, RN
Oak Bowery United Methodist Church, Valley
Rev. William Parker
Linda Parker, RN
Pine Grove United Methodist, Lafayette
Cecelia Broome
St. Paul United Methodist Church, Five Points
Cecelia Broome
Sardis Missionary Baptist, Lafayette
Rev. Clyde W. Fielder
Annette Broome, RN
Pleasant View Baptist Church, Loachapoka
Marilynn Waldon, RN
Shiloh AME Zion, Tuskegee
Rev. Charles Adams
Janet Deutsch, RN
First United Methodist Church, Tallassee
Rev. Dric Williford
Mina Jeffers, RN
* Manna Fellowship, WestPoint, Ga
Pastor Danny Smith Updated 1-2015/MH
Allison Richards, RN