AGENDA LIBRARY BOARD MEETING – September 16, 2014 I. Call to Order II. Salute to the Flag III. First Public Participation IV. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Board Meeting August 25, 2014 V. Approval of the Treasurer’s report VI. Approval of the Bills VII. Report of the Director & Departmental Reports VIII. Report of Committees Finance – Tom Arangio Public Relations – Laurie Rozakis Personnel – Laura Ulric Buildings and Grounds – Rosemary Trudden School Board Liaison – Brendan Mahoney Long Range Planning – Laura Ulric IX. Unfinished Business Approve the attached tender agreement between Travelers Casualty and Surety, Farmingdale Public Library and Laser Industries for construction of the parking lot. X. Communications XI. New Business Accept the resignation of Kiernan Coughlan, PT Page, at $8.00 per hour. Approve the appointment of Sara McMonagle, PT Page at $8.00 per hour. XII. Other New Business Approve the purchase and implementation of a separate children’s library card. Approve new insurance company Utica Mutual Insurance property and liability premium $28,178. Switched from Philadelphia Insurance Inc. at $34,422 the savings amount is $6,244. XIII. Second Public Participation XIV. Executive Session as Needed XV. Adjournment XVI. Date of Next Board Meeting – October 21 at 7 PM. UNAPPROVED MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES FARMINGDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY SPECIAL MEETING August 25, 2014 Present: Laura Ulric, President Thomas Arangio, Vice President Brendan Mahoney, Trustee Debbie Podolski, Director Excused: Rosemary Trudden, Secretary, Laurie Rozakis, Trustee, Christa Lucarelli, Assistant Director President Laura Ulric called the meeting to order at 2:30 P.M. Salute to the flag. First Public Participation Oath of office was administered to Brendan Mahoney. ON A MOTION BY Tom Arangio SECOND BY Brendan Mahoney, the Board approved the hiring of Joseph Tafuro, CPA as treasurer. The board discussed the sudden passing of previous treasurer Kathleen Carosella and commented on her hard work and dedication to the library. APPROVAL OF THE BILLS ON A MOTION BY Tom Arangio SECOND BY Brendan Mahoney, the Board approved the schedule of bills. The vote was unanimous. REPORT OF THE LIBRARY DIRECTOR Ms. Podolski gave a brief update regarding the parking lot. Mr. Cullen is working closely with the surety company to obtain a contractor. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEES Finance – Tom Arangio – No report Buildings and Grounds – Rosemary Trudden – No report. Long Range Planning – Laura Ulric – No report. Personnel – Laura Ulric – No report. Public Relations – Laurie Rozakis – No report. School Board Liaison – Brendan Mahoney – No report UNFINISHED BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS - None SECOND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - None EXECUTIVE SESSION President Laura Ulric adjourned the meeting at 2:35 PM. FARMINGDALE PUBLIC LIBRARY TREASURER'S REPORT August 31, 2014 CASH IN CITIBANK MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT $1,215,563.78 CASH IN TD BANK M/M ACCOUNT 289,357.08 CASH IN HSBC MONEY MARKET 316,027.38 CASH IN HSBC CHECKING ACCOUNT 0.00 CASH IN CITIBANK CHECKING ACCOUNT 38,841.53 CASH IN PAYROLL CHECKING ACCOUNT (18.30) TOTAL FUNDS RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED ______________________________ Joseph P. Tafuro CPA Treasurer AUGUST BOARD MEETING $1,859,771.47 Farmingdale Public Library Union Free School District #22 Farmingdale, NY Treasurer's Report August 31, 2014 Money Market at: Citibank At the end of the preceding month: 1,184,573.30 Receipts during month: Source Tax Levy Interest Fund Transfer Total Receipts Account Balance Rate - 0.050% Amount 310,088.92 56.98 310,145.90 1,494,719.20 Disbursement made during month: Transfer to M/M Account Transfer to Checking Account Transfer to Payroll Account 100,000.00 179,155.42 Cash Balance per records: 1,215,563.78 Reconciliation with Bank Statement: Balance as given on Bank Statement end of month 1,215,563.78 Reconciled Bank Balance 1,215,563.78 This is to certify that the above is in agreement with the bank statement. Treasurer Received by the Board of Trustees and entered as part of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on: Farmingdale Public Library Union Free School District #22 Farmingdale, NY Treasurer's Report August 31, 2014 Money Market at: TD BANK At the end of the preceding month: $289,334.11 Receipts during month: Source Deposit Interest Amount 22.97 Total Receipts Account Balance 22.97 289,357.08 Disbursement made during month: Transfer to Checking Account Cash Balance per records: 289,357.08 Reconciliation with Bank Statement: Balance as given on Bank Statement end of month 289,357.08 Reconciled Bank Balance 289,357.08 This is to certify that the above is in agreement with the bank statement. Treasurer Received by the Board of Trustees and entered as part of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on: Farmingdale Public Library Union Free School District #22 Farmingdale, NY Treasurer's Report August 31, 2014 Money Market at: HSBC At the end of the preceding month: $319,505.66 Receipts during month: Source DEPOSIT DEPOSIT INTEREST Amount 13.47 Total Receipts Account Balance 13.47 319,519.13 Disbursement made during month: Transfer to HSBC Disbursements Cash Balance per records: 3,491.75 316,027.38 Reconciliation with Bank Statement: Balance as given on Bank Statement end of month 316,027.38 Reconciled Bank Balance 316,027.38 This is to certify that the above is in agreement with the bank statement. Treasurer Received by the Board of Trustees and entered as part of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on: Farmingdale Public Library Union Free School District #22 Farmingdale, NY Treasurer's Report August 31, 2014 Checking HSBC At the end of the preceding month: $0.00 Receipts during month: Source Amount 3,491.75 DEPOSIT Total Receipts Account Balance Disbursement made during month: Transfer to HSBC Disbursements Cash Balance per records: 3,491.75 3,491.75 1185 - 1186 3,491.75 3,491.75 0.00 Reconciliation with Bank Statement: Balance as given on Bank Statement end of month Less Outstanding Checks Reconciled Bank Balance This is to certify that the above is in agreement with the bank statement. Treasurer Received by the Board of Trustees and entered as part of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on: 3,491.75 3,491.75 0.00 HSBC Checking Account Summary of Outstanding Checks as of: Check # 1185 1186 Amount 2,613.00 878.75 3,491.75 Farmingdale Public Library Union Free School District #22 Farmingdale, NY Treasurer's Report August 31, 2014 Treasurer's Report for Citibank Checking Account, month of Balance reported at the end of the preceding month: Aug-14 ($528.18) Receipts during month: Source Deposits Amount 149,574.48 Total Receipts Account Balance 149,574.48 149,046.30 Disbursement made during month: From check no. 55658 - 55752 Bank Charges 110,015.00 189.77 Cash Balance per records: 38,841.53 Reconciliation with Bank Statement: Balance as given on Bank Statement end of month 98,891.50 Less Outstanding checks (list attached) Reconciled Bank Balance 60,049.97 38,841.53 This is to certify that the above is in agreement with the bank statement. Treasurer Received by the Board of Trustees and entered as part of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on: Citibank Checking Account Summary of Outstanding Checks as of: Check # 55470 55477 55622 55650 55653 55658 55659 55660 55661 55662 55664 55665 55666 55667 55669 55673 55674 55675 55676 55679 55680 55682 55683 55684 55685 55688 55689 55691 55693 55694 55695 55697 55700 55702 55706 55707 55709 55710 Amount 500.00 50.00 209.80 100.00 325.00 9.04 1,911.60 31.15 212.80 500.00 56.00 1,928.56 1,757.22 900.00 24.80 1,150.00 750.00 62.21 180.34 226.00 985.00 24.90 950.00 305.83 171.69 100.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 150.00 55.00 250.00 100.00 50.00 400.00 375.00 190.00 250.00 55569 72.45 55712 55713 55715 55721 55722 55723 55724 55726 55727 55728 55729 55731 55732 55733 55735 55736 55749 55750 55751 55752 560.00 175.00 3,650.00 23.45 275.00 1,571.43 1,571.43 8.00 358.18 108.01 30.00 744.48 249.99 24,517.80 107.33 75.23 8,496.94 70.82 926.57 838.37 60,049.97 Farmingdale Public Library Union Free School District #22 Farmingdale, NY Treasurer's Report August 31, 2014 Treasurer's Report for Citibank Payroll Checking Account, month of Balance reported at the end of the preceding month: August-14 $554.39 Receipts during month: Source Deposits Deposits Deposits Deposits Total Receipts Account Balance Amount 69,230.75 69,924.67 139,155.42 139,709.81 Disbursement made during month: From check no. 75066 51517 - 51523 ADP and other debits Service charge Cash Balance per records: 239.23 12,836.72 126,538.50 113.66 (18.30) Reconciliation with Bank Statement: Balance as given on Bank Statement end of month Less Outstanding checks (list attached) Less # 37235 Less LESS Elec tsf to be deducted Reconciled Bank Balance This is to certify that the above is in agreement with the bank statement. Treasurer Received by the Board of Trustees and entered as part of the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on: 10,964.00 10,982.30 (18.30) Citibank Payroll Checking Account Check # 51517 51519 51520 51521 51522 51523 ACH Amount 510.45 3,702.52 510.45 3,011.72 1,838.32 236.72 1,172.12 10,982.30 August-14 REPORTOFTHEDIRECTOR DebbiePodoski—September16,2014 BusinessOffice ArepresentativefromtheNewYorkInsuranceFundcamefortheyearlyaudit.Weshouldbereceivingthe resultswithinafewweeks. ThereseRuddenandConnieKunkelwillbeattendingtheyearlyNYSHIPconferenceinOctober.Thiswillgive themagoodestimateoffuturemedicalpremiumcosts. TheyearlyCivilServiceCertificationandSalaryPlanwassubmittedtoDeborahBoydatNassauCountyCivil ServiceCommission. ThereseRuddencontactedourthreebankstoaddJosephTafuro’snametotheresolutions. BuildingsandGrounds Pyramidhasreplacedairconditioningunit3andrepairshavebeenmadetounit4.Bothproposalswere reviewedbyEVMMechanicalCompany.TheyhavecommentedonhowknowledgeableSilviaisonthe workingsofthebuildinganditssystems. Librarycounsel,BillCullen,hasbeenworkingwithSuretyCompanyontheparkinglotandatthistimewe anticipateLaserIndustries’beingthecontractor. NassauLibrarySystem TheCapiramobileappismovingforward.SyntaxCommunications,contractedbyNLS,provideddesignsfor thelaunchlogosandPRinformation.EllenFirerwillbetheleadpersononthisprojectinmyabsence. Misc. Iwouldliketothanktheboardfortheirsupportduringthisdifficulttime.Ilookforwardtoreturningtowork assoonaspossible.Iwouldalsoliketothankthestafffortheirsupportandcooperation.Specialthanksto AssistantDirector,ChristaLucarelli,forfillinginduringmyabsenceandkeepinglibraryoperationsrunning smoothly.Thelibraryisingoodhandswhichgivesmepeaceofmind. Report of Assistant Director September 16, 2014 Submitted by Christa Lucarelli, Assistant Director As the summer nears to an end, I have begun to think about the fall programs. I recently saw that United Skates of America has character breakfasts in conjunction with their skating sessions. I asked Natalie Korsavidis to contact them and ask if they would send Doc McStuffins, a popular Disney character for preschoolers, to visit the library. United Skates was eager to coordinate with us and Doc McStuffins Morning will be Saturday, November 22, 2014. A librarian will share Doc McStuffins books and activities before allowing the children to have their picture taken with Doc McStuffins. I have been working with Children’s Librarian, Victoria Shimmons, to create a new program for preschoolers with special needs. Our Monday night group currently consists of many children from our original start up program. These “children” have now become teenagers, however, they still enjoy the variety of the Monday night program. There are also elementary school children in this group. The Thursday night video game club run by librarian, Joe McDonald, is strictly for teenagers and has attracted some teens that have not attended any of our other programs. What we now lack is a program for the children just being diagnosed and in preschool. Victoria will lead a monthly play group for these children. We will be following the Parent Child Workshop model and will incorporate a circle time at the end of the program. We will also have a Special Education Therapist on hand for some of the sessions to answer any questions the parents may have. Victoria will introduce the parents to the many resources we have available for them such as games for children with special needs, the Special Needs Collection, and various magazines we subscribe to as well as free publications we receive. I am constantly looking for new programs and services to offer the community. Several years ago, we offered family programs on Sundays. We ceased doing these programs as the turnout didn’t warrant the expense. We have decided to try doing Sunday programs again on a monthly basis. These programs will be led by a librarian and be hands on activities for the entire family. The first few programs will be “Exploration Stations” featuring hands on activities and experiments, “Pumpkin Decorating”, and “Little Builders” where blocks and assorted manipulatives will be available for the children to create with. We have additional programs planned for the winter months and will see if the attendance warrants continuing the programs in the spring. This summer has been chock full of fun displays in the Children’s Department. I have partnered once again with Allied Promotions, and the community had received goodies for the movies “When the Game Stands Tall”, “If I Stay”, and “Dolphin Tale 2”. We have also done displays to coordinate with the release of sequels for popular children’s movies: “Planes: Fire & Rescue”, “Transformers: Age of Extinction”, and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”. We have a vast collection of books, videos, and book and cd kits for each of these movies and the displays helped to boost our circulation. In an effort to make collection development more time efficient, I have spoken to a representative from Baker & Taylor and have set up a standing order account for the children’s department. This will insure that we receive all new releases of popular titles and authors. Baker & Taylor will create custom carts for my approval each month which will allow me to increase or decrease titles and quantities as necessary. The first cart arrived a few weeks ago and I found the process to be effortless. I recently saw that NYPL was having a Sesame Street Exhibit and asked Natalie Korsavidis to contact Sesame Workshop to find out more details. We are awaiting a response from them. I have been in contact with Jo Kaeding, the Australian librarian, that will be visiting our library, and at this time, she is planning on arriving in Farmingdale on October 30, 2014. As the date approaches, we will work out the details of her arrival and departure, but I anticipate her remaining here throughout the day. In 1996, Farmingdale Library became a Family Place library. Family Place Libraries redesign the library environment to be welcoming and appropriate for children beginning at birth. They connect parents with the resources, programs and services offered at the library and other family service agencies and reach out to non-traditional library users. The core components of a Family Place Library include Parent/Child Workshop, collections of books, toys, music, and multimedia materials for babies, toddlers, parents, and service providers. The Family Place Library provides a specially designed, welcoming space, coalition-building with community agencies, and developmentally appropriate programming for the very young child and their parent. I was recently informed by the local Family Place coordinators that a staff member needs to attend a three-day training workshop as much has changed since our initial training. With board approval, I will attend the three-day training to be held on Long Island in April. A Family Place grant will cover half of the cost of the workshop. If we do not participate in the training workshop, we will no longer be in compliance with Family Place requirements. In the next several weeks, I will be representing the library at various meetings. On September 17, 2014, I will attend the Member Library Directors’ meeting at NLS. The Legislative Breakfast will be held on September 19, 2014 at Freeport Library, and I will be attending with Laura Ulric. Lastly, at the end of October, I will be attending Long Island Library Resource Council’s annual conference on libraries and the future at the request of Debbie Podolski, Library Director. Respectfully Submitted, Christa Lucarelli Reference Department Report September 16th, 2014 Submitted by Stuart Schaeffer, Head of Reference This Adult Reference Department Board Report includes project and job highlights of Reference Librarians during the months of July and August 2014. It has been a busy summer for the Reference Department! We’ve held meetings, helped patrons, had staff development/training and much more. Specifics follow! During the summer months, Stuart Schaeffer was busy creating wholly new content for the Adult Reference Blog, Reference and You. During this period, Stuart Schaeffer generated 23 posts on a wide variety of topics. Below is a list of the blog titles and the subject that each blog post covered. July 2014 blog posts Online Trends – What’s Hot and What’s Hotter (Internet/Computers/Technology) Reading…(Reading/Education) Optical Illusions – How Fun is That!!! (Fun) Chocolate Chip Cookies (Food) How Well Did You Sleep Last Night? (Health) Monuments Men (History/Entertainment) Don’t Forget – Memory Program! (Psychology/Success) Parenting Books – Titles of Books in No Particular Order…(Parenting) A Better Bird Feeder (Birding) The Number Ten (Fun) August 2014 blog posts City Travel Planner - (Travel) Microsoft Help (Technology/Computers) Brief History of the Internet (Technology) AppSmart and other App Sites (Technology/Computers) Urban Legends – Did It Really Happen? (Entertainment) On That Date – dMarie Time Capsule (Entertainment) Fun Entry – Generac Commercial Series Liquid Generator (Fun) Quilting – Farmingdale Style (Home Economics) Magnificent Old Theatres (History) Success!!! (Career and Employment) Reference Department Report September 16th, 2014 Submitted by Stuart Schaeffer, Head of Reference Laura Lorusso has been diligently working with the periodical collection during the summer months as well. Laura Lorusso has continued to update the LILRC and OCLC entries for the journal, magazine, and newspaper collection online. She also received the EBSCO update Renewal List from Amy McGucken (EBSCO magazine representative). The EBSCO update Renewal List was approved by Debbie Podolski in the amount of $4,255.97. Increasing the subscription period for a certain magazines from one to two years or from two to three years will save the library $98.17. Laura Lorusso is also looking into ordering The Poetry Magazine - a magazine patrons have asked for and which is extremely popular in the poetry genre. Pat Farrell, former employee and now Homebound Service volunteer, requested several books for one of our new homebound patrons. The patron was extremely happy with the selection of books that was made by Laura Lorusso. Reference Department Report September 16th, 2014 Submitted by Stuart Schaeffer, Head of Reference A new set of the World Language Collection (WLC) materials has arrived from Hempstead Public Library which will be in our library from June to December 2014. Included in the collection are materials in Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. Laura Lorusso is generating the circulation statistics for the collection. We have added donations to our World Language Collection: six Italian books from one Farmingdale patron who was glad we had a WLC area. We also changed over several books that were in our ESL collection to the WLC area On a wholly different note, several staff training sessions were held during the summer. Specifically, on Wednesday morning, July 16th, Stuart Schaeffer conducted a training session for Reference Librarians covering ‘Consumer Reports’ - our online database dedicated to product reviews by Consumer Union – an independent third party organization. On Wednesday morning, August 13th, Stuart Schaeffer conducted a training session for Reference Librarians covering ‘Lexis-Nexis’ – our online database that covers business, legal, consumer and company information. Both presentations were favorable and Reference Librarians learned a lot about the various features of the databases. Finally, the Reference department continues to answer all of our patron’s questions in a timely, accurate manner. Questions come to us in a variety of ways (via email, telephone, regular mail, and inperson) and on a wide variety of topics (business, health, career, travel, exercise, home repair, taxes and more) from students, seniors, parents and more. Reference Librarians utilize our print and online resources to assist our patrons in their research. Respectfully submitted, Stuart A. Schaeffer Head of Reference September 7th, 2014 Reference Department Report July 15th, 2014 Submitted by Stuart Schaeffer, Head of Reference Reference Blog Hits Month 2014 2015 1386 1550 July 1623 1930 Aug 1483 Sep 1382 Oct 1743 Nov 2037 Dec 1398 Jan 1359 Feb 2140 Mar 1707 Apr 1974 May 1130 June 19362 3480 Total CERC Usage – Maureen Dillon Month 2014 2015 16 12 July 12 12 Aug 11 Sep 22 Oct 6 Nov 6 Dec 12 Jan 21 Feb 17 Mar 20 Apr 12 May 10 June 165 24 Total Senior Connections Statistics Month 2014 2015 7 11 July 14 6 Aug 13 Sep 14 Oct 12 Nov 8 Dec 4 Jan 6 Feb Mar 7 Apr 4 May 7 June 4 100 17 Total Adult Programming Board Report Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Submitted by Caryn Emde, Adult Programming Coordinator Our July and August educational lectures included an Elder Law/Asset Protection seminar, How to Buy & Sell on EBay and Craig’s List, an All About Forgetfulness lecture, a Sleep Disturbances lecture, a Gastrointestinal Wellness lecture, and a lecture titled Mosquitoes Be Gone. All of our educational lectures were well attended this summer, but especially the How to Buy & Sell on EBay and Craig’s List and the Sleep Disturbances lectures. The Long Island Alzheimer’s Foundation gave the informative lecture, All About Forgetfulness, which was not only well attended but appreciated by our patrons. The Artistry of Gene Kelly lecture at the end of August brought in an enthusiastic group of patrons who enjoyed speaker Richard Knox’s comprehensive and fascinating talk about the talented actor. I will have to bring Richard back in the future because I had more than one patron comment on how much they enjoyed the program. Carrie Malandrino was here in August for the program Around the World Skincare, during which she showed patrons how to make homemade soaps, lotions and other skincare products. My personal favorite was the coffee soap, which not only smells great but gets rid of that pesky garlic smell on your hands that you get after you handle and chop garlic. Since she gave out copies of the recipes I’m sure I’ll have to make some in the future. Our exercise classes this summer were Senior Balance, Strength & Tone, the ever popular Pilates and, something that we haven’t had here before, Falun Dafa. I had wonderful feedback from the patrons who took the Senior Balance, Strength & Tone class, they loved instructor Mindy Vasta and want me to run the class again. It’s always great to hear such positive feedback from our patrons. I’m looking forward to the fall and winter; I have scheduled some great concerts and lectures for the upcoming months! Adult Services Program Statistics Date 7/8 7/22 7/15 7/29 7/31 7/7 7/24 7/14 7/3 7/10 7/17 7/24 7/31 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 7/10 7/15 7/17 7/29 7/31 7/23 Jul-14 Program Name Cost Farmingdale Cinema Farmingdale Cinema Tuesday Matinee Tuesday Matinee Library Book Club AARP Defensive Driving AARP Defensive Driving All Ages Defensive Driving Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Writer's Group Writer's Group Writer's Group Writer's Group Writer's Group Elder Law/Asset Protection Seminar How to Buy & Sell on Ebay & Craig's List All About Forgetfulness Sleep Disturbances Gastrointestinal Wellness Bus Trip Date Program Yoga - 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23 - (patrons paid $25 7/2 in June) Body Sculpt - 7/3, 7/10 - (patrons paid $25 in 7/3 June) Senior Balance, Strength & Tone - 7/14, 7/21 7/14 patrons pay $25 7/24 Falun Dafa - 7/24, 7/31 7/30 Pilates - 7/30 - patrons pay $25 Total Total Attendance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $0 $150 $75 $0 $0 Total: $1,125 Cost Attendance 120 101 19 40 6 18 17 24 55 62 54 45 53 14 13 12 13 21 8 42 12 22 7 Total: 778 Attendance Category Movie Movie Movie Movie Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Musical Concert Musical Concert Musical Concert Musical Concert Musical Concert Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Bus Trip Category $200 23 Exercise $100 28 Exercise $200 $0 $55 11 15 26 Exercise Exercise Exercise $555 103 881 Adult Services Program Statistics Date 8/12 8/26 8/5 8/19 8/28 8/8 8/25 8/12 8/7 8/14 8/21 8/28 8/6 8/13 8/20 8/27 8/13 8/19 8/28 8/20 Program Name Farmingdale Cinema Farmingdale Cinema Tuesday Matinee Tuesday Matinee Library Book Club AARP Defensive Driving AARP Defensive Driving All Ages Defensive Driving Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Paul Gatto - Library Jazz Lounge Writer's Group Writer's Group Writer's Group Writer's Group Around the World Skincare Mosquitoes Be Gone The Artistry of Gene Kelly Lucky Lobster/Mohegan Sun Bus Trip Date Program Senior Balance, Strength & Tone - 8/4, 8/11 8/4 (patrons paid $25 in July) 8/6 Pilates - 8/6, 8/13, 8/20 (patrons paid $25 in July) 8/7 Falun Dafa - 8/7, 8/14, 8/21, 8/28 Total Total Attendance Aug14 Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $150 $150 $150 $150 $30 $30 $30 $30 $235 $0 $150 Total: $1,105 Cost Attendance 97 76 22 26 6 22 34 20 39 51 53 59 15 13 15 18 11 11 17 Total: 605 Attendance $100 $150 $0 11 26 16 $250 53 658 Category Movie Movie Movie Movie Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Musical Concert Musical Concert Musical Concert Musical Concert Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Artistic/Creative Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Ed/Lecture Bus Trip Category Exercise Exercise Exercise Readers’ Advisory Board Report September 16, 2014 Submitted by Readers’ Advisory Librarians: Rachel Taub, Dana Castillo, Ying Xing, Caryn Emde Our “game night to go” service has had a positive response. The first patron who took out the bin (games for 2-4 players), mentioned that while it is a great idea for the winter months, her grandson was very excited about taking it out now. Remarks have been coming in from out of district individuals, expressing the wish that their libraries provide the same service. Rachel Taub created a display focusing on travel across the US. In preparation for this display, Rachel contacted Chamber of Commerce Offices & Tourism divisions of well known cities requesting tourist guides. Approximately 15 cities responded and their publications were integrated into the display. Patrons were able to take these home to assist with their vacation plans. Rachel Taub also did a display in Memory of the Life of Actress, Lauren Bacall. Ms Bacall passed away on Tuesday, August 12th. The Farmingdale Public Library has supplied Farmingdale Village with the movies for their program “On the Green” Movie Nights. Rachel Taub continues to order the movies for this successful outdoor movie program. Dana Castillo has started a series of displays on The History behind Stories. The displays put up so far are non-fiction books on British History, True Crime, World War 1 & II and Religion. Patrons have enjoyed learning more about historical events and figures. Dana also did a display in July on Beach Reads. This display is always very popular with patrons and needs constant refilling. Patrons also took home a handy bookmark of recent beach read releases. Ying Xing has created several displays. Romance Is in the Air on romance books, Leading a Better Life displayed books on nutrition, fitness, fashion ideas, travel, starting a hobby, etc., In Memory of Robin Williams, and Look Who Is Talking on authors or entertainers who were or will be interviewed in the major media. Caryn Emde also created a couple of displays including a Labor Day display and a “Chilly Reads” display; “Too Hot Out? Try One of These Chilly Reads!” The “Chilly Reads” display was such a hit on our weekly display that it was moved it to a pyramid after its weekly time was up. July/August Young Adult Board Report September 16, 2014 Natalie Korsavidis, Head of Young Adult Summer reading was a big success for the Young Adult Department. One hundred and ten teens signed up for the program and those that logged using the book category read 2,539 books and those that logged in using the minutes category read 23,138 minutes. I had challenged the teens to read 26,000 minutes to dye my hair purple. They were close enough that I added some purple to my hair and used temporary purple hairspray for the two weeks to applaud their wonderful accomplishment. I hired a few new people to run programs and they were a success. In fact, Marion Dodson who ran a stuffed bread program sent me an e-mail remarking that each teen that signed up actually showed up; something that doesn’t even happen in her home library. Local author Katie McNight ran a two week Writer’s Workshop for my teens. The teens really enjoyed it and I hope to bring her back to run another workshop again. I also brought back some popular people for the teens. 2Xtreme brought kits for the teens to make their very own solar powered robotic car. This was a complex program and when I run it again, I may split it into two parts. Ceil Hearn, of Sharper Training, taught the teens how to do computer animations. I spoke to the teens who attended it, they told me they really enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. I was very pleased at the total turnout for the entire summer reading program and I am excited for the upcoming programs for the fall. Lastly, on a personal note, I am officially on the ballot to become the Vice-President/President-Elect of the Young Adult Services Department of the Nassau County Library Association. July 2014 Children’s Board Report Submitted by Elena Jannello, Children’s Librarian The summer had a spectacular start as we headed into this year’s New York State summer reading program called Fizz, Boom, Read. The Children’s Department began months ago planning 8 weeks of fun and educational programming centered on the science based theme. We divided the 8 weeks up into mini themes; for July the themes were Space, Animals/Plants, Weather, and Light/Sound/Color. Space week was filled with 2 fun storytimes, Outrageous Aliens and Awesome Astronauts, Man in the Moon, in which the children recreated phases of the moon with Oreos, Roaring Rockets, in which the children built rocket ships from soda bottles, and a visit from StarLab, an exciting teaching aid that introduces children to the beauty and wonders of the night sky. Some of the topics taught using the StarLab system include astronomy, earth science, physical science, geology, geography, oceanography, weather patterns, navigation, mathematics, art, literature and mythology. It is a valuable tool that Nassau Boces provides to schools and libraries as it enables an entire group to view demonstrations of the night sky, stars, and planets together and we were happy to provide that experience to our patrons. Animal/Plant week introduced the children to different types of birds, jellyfish, the Pet Lovers Club, gardens, and sunflowers. We also offered a 2 week session of Stories Under the Stars that was held in our beautiful reading garden in which Dana Castillo, Adult Reference Librarian and Victoria Curran, Children’s Librarian, read summer-themed stories, and led the children in songs and finger plays. Weather week was a blast as we had the children actually make rain, snow, clouds, and rainbows throughout the week. The “snow” was particularly fun to make. Children’s Librarian Elena Jannello had the children mix baking soda and shaving cream to a consistency of which they could form “snowballs”. They loved manipulating it with their hands; the mixture felt cool to the touch and smelled so good! Children and Young Adult Librarian Natalie Korsavidis had the 3rd-5th graders making snow globes with corn syrup and glitter. They came out really cool, no pun intended. During Light/Sound/Color week we played with colors in Paint Party, Colors of Your World, and Crazy Colors, made oxygen, hydrogen, and other gas molecules in Colorful Molecules, played with our shadows in Shadow Play and made our own musical instruments in DIY Musical Instruments. We’re half-way through the summer reading club and have lots more fun and educational activities in store for all ages. We’ll be exploring electricity and magnetism, the human body, our five senses and movement, and time, measurement, shapes, and numbers. The children have been reading a ton of books/minutes and are so excited to collect their prizes, participate in contests, and play Plinko. They are proud of their reading accomplishments and we are confident they are maintaining and/or improving their reading skills over the summer. August 2014 Children’s Board Report September 16, 2014 Submitted by Elena Jannello, Children’s Librarian Summer fun continued as we finished up weeks six (Body Senses and Movement), seven (Time, Measurement, Shape, and Numbers) and eight (Super Science) of the Fizz, Boom, Read summer reading program. Children’s librarian Natalie Korsavidis led the 3rd- 5th graders in Illusionology, a program where the children explored optical illusions and learned things are not always as they appear. The 2-4 year olds boogied in Mini Movers, using egg shakers, scarves, and bells to move and shake to their favorite songs. Weeks six and seven included wonderful programs such as Funny Feet, Minute to Win It, Shape Your Art, DIY Sundial, and Measurement Art. All of these programs offered an opportunity for learning about measurement in some form. We collaborated with Charlotte’s of Farmingdale on Main Street and held various storytimes there throughout week six led by Children’s Librarian, Victoria Curran. The children enjoyed delicious frozen yogurt with their families while listening to cool stories and enjoying rhymes and songs. We offered a new program for kindergarteners this month called Kindergarten Readiness which was very successful. Two certified teachers conducted this program just for those children attending kindergarten in fall. Our program room was converted into a mock classroom; one similar to what they will encounter when they go to elementary school for the first time. They worked on social and motor skills and readings skills. Our patrons were very happy and excited that we offered this program and the children loved it. In our Super Science week we had a mixed bag of awesome programs, some done in house and others hired. The older children made volcanoes in Awesome Eruptions, a program led by artist, Joyce Raimondo. The K-2 group made a beautiful little garden with clothespins, a tuna can, and some soil in Mini Gardens, and painted robot ceramic banks in another program, both led by Children’s Librarian Elena Jannello. We explored Under the Sea, Got Buggy making a bug catcher, were Crazy for Constellations, creating our very own and made Pretty Planets orbiting around the sun. The wonderful Jim McLenehan returned, providing family entertainment with high levels of energy and excitement. To celebrate the end of this year’s summer reading club, were happy to have Darlene Graham and her Shades of Green Band back for some singing, dancing, and lots of fun. We are now offering our patrons free access to, thanks to Children’s Librarian, Lauren Florez who set it up on 3 of our desktops. Through online books, games, songs, and puzzles, children are able to learn about a variety of subjects. The over 2,000 individual learning activities span a host of topics, including science, social studies, art and music. Our Storytime to Go bags continue to fly off the shelf. A total of 84 have been checked out to date. Current themes are back-to-school and autumn. September is here, school is in session, and our great programs are ready to go. YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 SESAME STREET eBooks YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 ZINIO YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 FREEGAL YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 OVERDRIVE - Kindle YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 OVERDRIVE - Disney YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 OVERDRIVE - Audio books YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 OVERDRIVE - eBooks YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 OVERDRIVE - New Patrons JULY 75 81 JULY 153 125 JULY 358 531 JULY 521 696 JULY 4 0 JULY 276 264 JULY 824 751 JULY 64 47 AUG 88 75 AUG 151 213 AUG 313 365 AUG 673 810 AUG 0 0 AUG 211 292 AUG 854 762 AUG 57 51 SEPT 78 0 SEPT 144 0 SEPT 338 0 SEPT 514 0 SEPT 4 0 SEPT 228 0 SEPT 779 0 SEPT 35 0 OCT 76 0 OCT 133 0 OCT 259 0 OCT 525 0 OCT 0 0 OCT 226 0 OCT 764 0 OCT 33 0 NOV 77 0 NOV 103 0 NOV 288 0 NOV 265 0 NOV 0 0 NOV 227 0 NOV 1264 0 NOV 29 0 DEC 79 0 DEC 86 0 DEC 247 0 DEC 480 0 DEC 2 0 DEC 212 0 DEC 640 0 DEC 53 0 JAN 80 0 JAN 242 0 JAN 240 0 JAN 687 0 JAN 3 0 JAN 236 0 JAN 786 0 JAN 60 0 FEB 114 0 FEB 83 0 FEB 329 0 FEB 558 0 FEB 0 0 FEB 258 0 FEB 699 0 FEB 42 0 CIRCULATION STATISTICS - DIGITAL COLLECTIONS MAR 91 0 MAR 125 0 MAR 539 0 MAR 574 0 MAR 2 0 MAR 277 0 MAR 829 0 MAR 40 0 APR 75 0 APR 80 0 APR 474 0 APR 561 0 APR 0 0 APR 244 0 APR 666 0 APR 30 0 MAY 80 0 MAY 107 0 MAY 299 0 MAY 680 0 MAY 4 0 MAY 231 0 MAY 722 0 MAY 38 0 JUNE 84 0 JUNE 100 0 JUNE 402 0 JUNE 632 0 JUNE 0 0 JUNE 310 0 JUNE 673 0 JUNE 29 0 TOTAL 997 156 TOTAL 1507 338 TOTAL 4086 896 TOTAL 6670 1506 TOTAL 19 0 TOTAL 2936 556 TOTAL 9500 1513 TOTAL 510 98 YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 SELF CHECK - CHILDREN'S CIRCULATION YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 SELF-CHECK - ADULT CIRCULATION 2013-14 2014-15 YEAR TRANSPARENT LANGUAGE YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 GALE VIRTUAL REFERENCE LIBRARY YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 TUMBLE BOOKS JULY 1670 895 JULY 1191 710 3 8 JULY JULY 0 1 JULY 0 105 AUG 1603 979 AUG 27 680 21 3 AUG AUG 1 2 AUG 0 147 SEPT 776 0 SEPT 0 0 7 0 SEPT SEPT 0 0 SEPT 18 0 OCT 1247 0 OCT 226 0 9 0 OCT OCT 1 0 OCT 89 0 NOV 972 0 NOV 250 0 2 0 NOV NOV 9 0 NOV 52 0 DEC 761 0 DEC 20 0 8 0 DEC DEC 5 0 DEC 37 0 JAN 1020 0 JAN 450 0 15 0 JAN JAN 10 0 JAN 180 0 FEB 1177 0 FEB 420 0 5 0 FEB FEB 6 0 FEB 70 0 CIRCULATION STATISTICS - DIGITAL COLLECTIONS MAR 332 0 MAR 331 0 6 0 MAR MAR 34 0 MAR 93 0 APR 1210 0 APR 604 0 4 0 APR APR 8 0 APR 84 0 MAY 30 0 MAY 206 0 1 0 MAY MAY 0 0 MAY 28 0 JUNE 812 0 JUNE 416 0 4 0 JUNE JUNE 7 0 JUNE 92 0 TOTAL 11610 1874 TOTAL 4141 1390 85 11 TOTAL TOTAL 81 3 TOTAL 743 252 JULY 5101 4767 4504 JULY 137 142 194 AUG 145 130 104 AUG 5075 4762 4397 JULY 6457 7637 8907 AUG 6578 7759 9016 SEPT 6693 7887 SEPT 147 154 SEPT 4754 4671 OCT 6780 8026 OCT 114 167 OCT 4088 4327 NOV 6882 8098 NOV 107 98 NOV 3343 4233 JULY 962 922 914 JULY 1172 1021 1029 RENEWALS YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 HOLDS YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 AUG 1116 1150 963 AUG 980 789 940 SEPT 1365 1040 SEPT 834 792 OCT 1147 1100 OCT 998 1011 NOV 883 952 NOV 739 879 PATRON SELF-SERVICE FROM HOME YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 PATRONS WITH EMAIL YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 PATRONS ADDED YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 ACTIVE PATRONS PATRON STATISTICS DEC 985 844 DEC 752 792 DEC 6952 8159 DEC 67 67 DEC 2487 3362 JAN 1253 1158 JAN 739 757 JAN 7063 8279 JAN 194 139 JAN 2813 4036 FEB 1011 987 FEB 841 842 FEB 7142 8390 FEB 121 104 FEB 4365 4121 MAR 966 1059 MAR 764 990 MAR 7227 N/A MAR 144 132 MAR 3874 N/A APR 1189 836 APR 781 673 APR 7320 N/A APR 102 N/A APR 4571 N/A MAY 1035 830 MAY 687 732 MAY 7395 N/A MAY 62 N/A MAY 4355 N/A JUNE 1106 854 JUNE 671 587 JUNE 7509 N/A JUNE 116 N/A JUNE 4395 N/A TOTAL 13228 11831 1992 TOTAL 9748 9766 1854 TOTAL 83998 64235 17923 TOTAL 1456 1133 298 TOTAL 49221 34279 8901 JULY 1309 1267 1177 JULY 677 715 421 RECEIVED YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 PROVIDED YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 AUG 858 608 485 AUG 1323 1208 1233 INTERLIBRARY LOAN SEPT 720 517 SEPT 1293 1094 OCT 604 550 OCT 1163 1043 PATRON STATISTICS NOV 382 474 NOV 831 961 DEC 614 417 DEC 908 911 JAN 836 440 JAN 1363 1233 FEB 582 302 FEB 1024 1089 MAR 526 570 MAR 994 1176 APR 483 623 APR 1197 1094 MAY 552 531 MAY 1117 1023 JUNE 617 509 JUNE 1125 954 TOTAL 7451 6256 906 TOTAL 13647 13053 2410 JULY n/a 131 JULY 103 74 JULY N/A 182 AUG N/A 170 AUG 124 0 AUG 205 209 SEPT N/A 0 SEPT 126 0 SEPT 124 0 OCT N/A 0 OCT 88 0 OCT 143 0 OCT 4925 0 YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 JULY 143 71 AUG 241 88 SEPT 190 0 OCT 195 0 Childrens Computer Games YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 Childrens iPad YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 Childrens YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 Young Adult SEPT 4582 0 NOV 98 0 NOV 201 0 NOV 48 0 NOV 132 0 NOV 4809 0 DEC 84 0 DEC 265 0 DEC 69 0 DEC 119 0 DEC 4111 0 JAN 131 0 JAN 323 0 JAN 122 0 JAN 106 0 JAN 2758 0 AUG 4349 4427 YEAR 2013-14 2014-15 JULY 4395 4149 Computer Room Usage Fiscal Year Adult FEB 139 0 FEB 304 0 FEB 103 0 FEB 87 0 FEB 3613 0 MAR 141 0 MAR 341 0 MAR 103 0 MAR 119 0 MAR 5071 0 APR 138 0 APR 372 0 APR 118 0 APR 122 0 APR 5068 0 MAY 69 0 MAY 251 0 MAY 53 0 MAY 109 0 MAY 4400 0 JUNE 96 0 JUNE 221 0 JUNE 92 0 JUNE 120 0 JUNE 4018 0 TOTAL 1665 159 TOTAL 2278 352 TOTAL 1149 74 TOTAL 1386 340 TOTAL 52099 8576 SEPT 868 919 AUG 1176 849 AUG 692 522 INFORMATION YEAR JULY 2012-13 882 2013-14 1110 DIRECTIONAL YEAR JULY 2012-13 451 2013-14 641 JULY 613 219 AUG 546 189 SEPT 450 187 OCT 311 185 OCT 524 715 OCT 1033 1476 OCT 1384 1729 YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 JULY 894 248 AUG 515 180 SEPT 477 203 OCT 353 106 Youth Services Reference Books YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 Youth Services Questions SEPT 496 473 SEPT 1349 1362 REFERENCE BOOKS YEAR JULY AUG 2012-13 1305 1713 2013-14 1589 1272 Questions Adult Service Questions NOV 469 70 NOV 450 161 NOV 541 622 NOV 1093 1056 NOV 1574 1420 DEC 403 65 DEC 318 131 DEC 481 503 DEC 878 897 DEC 1151 1286 JAN 478 162 JAN 399 284 JAN 710 479 JAN 1297 1023 JAN 1723 1334 FEB 356 220 FEB 257 329 FEB 428 383 FEB 1023 841 FEB 1435 1229 MAR 285 268 MAR 267 311 MAR 547 593 MAR 965 937 MAR 1465 1294 APR 232 185 APR 238 319 APR 533 492 APR 1292 942 APR 1975 1594 MAY 257 139 MAY 238 174 MAY 440 459 MAY 1023 797 MAY 1248 1088 JUNE JUNE JUNE 437 JUNE 773 JUNE 1239 TOTAL 4719 1846 TOTAL 4087 2489 TOTAL 6280 5882 TOTAL 12303 10847 TOTAL 17561 15197 JULY 1182 1265 1055 AUG 1060 1150 1045 SEPT 2745 2025 OCT 2935 3830 NOV 2640 2745 DEC 2100 2355 JAN 2980 3015 JULY 48 49 44 AUG 48 45 46 JULY 66450 41868 36481 AUG 54576 65929 38345 SEPT 49530 50118 SEPT 75 76 OCT 39394 45414 OCT 82 100 NOV 43054 34900 NOV 70 80 DEC N/A 32597 DEC 68 80 JAN N/A 58066 JAN 90 96 JULY 13625 13028 15956 28849 25209 20991 19587 AUG 13625 14909 11625 16910 28785 20035 17481 SEPT 13625 13733 10120 21582 22293 18021 OCT 13712 10932 10666 13490 39399 20118 NOV 9513 9800 10523 17756 22718 17104 DEC 2775 10201 10584 17162 21003 17971 YEAR 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 JULY 0 5234 6139 5919 AUG 0 5243 6115 5904 SEPT 0 5227 6091 OCT 0 5224 6077 NOV 0 5223 6042 DEC 0 5214 6023 FEB 91 94 FEB 2926 2860 JAN 13922 10493 9934 17832 16621 36409 FEB 30173 41630 JAN 0 5207 6013 Email Newsletter Subscribers Statistics YEAR 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Website Statistics for the Fiscal Year YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 PEOPLE COUNTER YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 MEETING ROOM USE BY COMMUNITY GROUPS YEAR 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 ATTENDANCE AT COMMUNITY GROUPS FEB 62 6366 5996 FEB 12922 10515 15925 18570 21381 16161 MAR 50039 36380 MAR 96 119 MAR 2572 3503 MAR 5185 6321 5992 MAR 15623 12313 11407 19385 20365 18376 APR N/A 29665 APR 95 101 APR 3212 3285 APR 5205 6249 5964 APR 14744 10307 13541 15761 19044 38641 MAY N/A 26719 MAY 64 88 MAY 3415 3195 LIBRARY PROGRAM ATTENDANCE AND PEOPLE COUNTER MAY 5209 6207 5950 MAY 12055 10368 13023 14101 19706 16118 JUNE 22200 27378 JUNE 96 77 JUNE 2470 1810 JUNE 5229 6164 5926 JUNE 13982 10553 17529 23835 18559 17032 TOTAL 355416 490664 74826 TOTAL 923 1005 90 TOTAL 30237 31038 2100 TOTAL 5229 6164 5926 5904 TOTAL 150123 137152 150833 225233 275083 256977 37068 27% 30% 4% 6% 33% CIRCULATION STATISTICS BY COLLECTION AUGUST 2014 ADULT AV CHILDREN'S AV ADULT CHILDREN'S YA