PRESS RELEASE Tuesday October 20, 2015

Swyddfa Hywel Williams AS | Office of Hywel Williams MP
Aelod Seneddol ARFON Member of Parliament
Arweinydd Grŵp San Steffan | Westminster Group Leader
Tuesday October 20, 2015 | Immediate Release.
Plaid Cymru Westminster Leader & Member of Parliament for Arfon, Hywel Williams, will tomorrow (Wednesday
21.10.15) call on the Prime Minister to take a personal interest in the scandal of inappropriately installed cavity wall
insulation & the widespread practice of miss-selling in the insulation industry.
During Wednesday’s session of Prime Minister’s Questions, Hywel Williams MP is expected to ask the Prime
Minister David Cameron to give a firm commitment to redress the scandal of botched insulation work, which has
left thousands of householders with damaged homes.
Hywel Williams MP is expected to say,
“Thousands of people installed cavity wall insulation, misled that this was a government scheme. Now the
insulation is failing, letting in driving rain and leaving them with damp, mouldy homes, high heating bills,
and an industry guarantee scheme under great pressure as large insulation companies go to the wall.
Will the Prime Minister take a personal interest in this matter and make sure that older and disabled people
in particular are not left to carry the burden of government and industry failures.”
Hywel Williams MP added,
“As far as I’m concerned, the consumer redress process has so far been ineffective, with a ‘closed shop’
mentality whereby vulnerable people are left in damp and damaged homes.
Ultimately, it is the government which is responsible for this mess. They pushed energy companies to meet
targets but failed to set up proper regulation. No wonder there seems to have been wide spread abuse.”
Mr Williams is working alongside the Cavity Insulation Victims Alliance group, which is run by unpaid volunteers,
who found evidence of apparent miss-selling in the insulation industry which has led customers to believe that CWI
was suitable for their homes, for their locations and for the weather conditions locally. They were also given the
impression that this was a Government scheme.
Last month Hywel Williams MP joined campaigners for justice for victims of cavity wall insulation (CWI) problems
and took their fight to Whitehall for a meeting with the Department for Energy & Climate Change. DECC have now
launched the Bonfield Energy Review into the scandal.