Course Title: AP Psychology


Course Title : AP Psychology Instructor's Name : Brian Bakanec


Office Hours : Prep period is 5 and 8 in the social studies office, or by appointment.

Course Description :

A course in AP Psychology offers a systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals.

Students will be empirically exposed to psychological facts, research findings, terminology, associated phenomenon, major figures, psychological experiments, and major psychological perspectives within each of the content areas of the course. The course will cover most full year freshman college level psychology classes. With that notion in mind students are expected to take the national AP Psychology exam offered at the end of the year. This course will also emphasize reading, note taking, and upper level thinking strategies. See the course outline below for a full description of the content and unit test schedule.

Class Text (Required)

Psychology, by David Meyers, 8th ed.

Class Text (Optional, will be provided to students in packet form)

Psychology, by Zimbardo

Psychology, by Plotnik

Psychology, by Weiten

Forty Studies that Changed Psychology, by Roger Hock, 5th ed.

Barrons Review Guide for AP Pscyhology

Course Outline: Semester 1 (Day #'s will apply to both A and B day)

Topic Day








Introduction to Psychology and getting to know each other

History of Psychology and Approaches, Unit Test

Research Methods and Testing (3 days R, 1 day T)

Biological Bases of Behavior, Unit Test

Sensation and Perception, Unit Test

Life Span Developmental Psychology, Unit Test

Learning, Unit Test

Course Outline: Semester 1 Continued

41-43 Review and Final Exams

Course Outline: Semester 2






Personality, Unit Test

Abnormal Psyche, Unit Test

Therapy, Unit Test

Social Psyche, Unit Test




Cognition, Unit Test

Consciousness/Dream Analysis, Final Project

Review for final exams

Final Exams

***AP Test will be day 28 of 2 nd Semester (which is Monday May 2 th ), so students should read the following material before the test, as there is not enough time in the course to cover everything on the test.

***Read before the AP Test: Chapters 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.


This class will be graded on a straight percentage scale. Upon calculating grades I will take the total points divided by the total points actually received. I will then take this result, multiply it by 100 and consequently match it up to the percentages below, which will indicate the student's grade. Excellent participation in class can also result in a student's grade being raised by as much as 2% during report cards. At the same time, participation in class will never be held against a student's grade in a negative way.

Each semester the students will earn a separate grade. Students will also be offered one extra credit project each semester that could boost their grade by as much as 3%.

Below you will see how students will be graded in the following areas, with approximate percentages of total grade weight.

Unit tests (40%)

These tests will cover the entire unit of content and will be modeled after the AP Psychology test. 55 to 60 multiple choice questions in 40 to 44 minutes, and a Free Response Question worth between 8-12 points, graded in AP fashion.

Students will be able to make up to 33% of their incorrect answers up on the multiple choice questions by completing test corrections, which will be due no later than three days after the test has been returned.

Quizzes (20%)

These reading quizzes will test your knowledge of the previous night's reading and will occur at least twice a week and possibly up to four times a week. The reading quizzes will be random and will not be announced.

Reading/Note Taking Journal (20%)

Using notebook paper or a spiral notebook you will take notes in class each day and reading notes each night. The right hand pages will be used for class notes while the left side will be notes from that night of reading.

Projects (10%)

These projects will encompass upper level thinking skills in the realms of experimentation, long-term class assignments, observation projects, etc. Real life skills and applicability will be emphasized. The students will also be required to complete an Extended Application Project for Career Pathways on the topic of either

Abnormal Psychology and Psychological Therapy, or Social Psychology

Final (10%)

This will be a final that will encompass the whole semester's learning goals. This test will closely resemble the AP test in content and format, with 100 multiple choice questions in 70 minutes, and two free response questions in 50 minutes, which will range in point values from 8-12 points, and again, will be graded in AP fashion.

Class Grade Scale:

(A = 100%-90%) (B = 89%-80%), (C = 79%-70%),

(D = 69%-60%), (F = 59%-0%)

The AP Exam:

The AP Psychology exam will be offered in the spring. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions in 70 minutes and two free response questions ranging from 8-12 points in 50 minutes. All students who sign up for AP

Psychology are expected to take the national exam in the spring.

Late Work and Absences:

If you have a verifiable excused absence you will have no more than two weeks to make up your work with no point deductions. If you do not turn in a project or assignment on time it is the policy of the Aloha social studies department that you will receive no credit for the work. Thus, it's imperative to turn your work in on time. If you have an unexcused absence you will be given the day's work, however, you will not receive any points towards your grade for completing it.

Students will only be able to make up tests with an excused absence for the day of the test. The students will also be expected to complete the missing excused test the day they return from their absence. For any absence, on the day you return you must request the absent work to receive your missed work. After I have verified if your absence is excused or not I will give you the missing work and you will have the appropriate number of days listed above to finish the project/assignment.

Honor Code:

In this class I expect you to have a high standard for academic integrity. This is especially important to ensure test security and to ensure prompt and immediate feedback on your assessments. The student should read the honor code below and sign their name indicating they agree with it.

"Any form of academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or the deliberate misrepresentation of fact, is dealt with severely. In particular, discussing exam questions with students who have not yet take the exam is considered cheating. Such behavior is counter to the goals of Aloha High School and is unfair to the other class members; hence it is not tolerated in any form. Academic dishonesty results in a failing grade for the particular assignment with no makeup work available. Each student is responsible for his or her own behavior; ignorance is not an excuse!"

Student Signature_______________________________________________________

I have read, fully understand, and will respect the policies and nature of the course entitled AP Psychology at Aloha High School.

Student Signature_______________________________________________________
