49 EXPERIMENT 7 Isolation and Identification of DNA Objective To

Isolation and Identification of DNA
To demonstrate the separation of DNA molecules from other cell constituents and to prove their identity.
Hereditary traits are transmitted by genes. Genes are parts of giant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules.
In lower organisms, such as bacteria and yeast, both DNA and RNA (ribonucleic acid) occur in the cytoplasm
while in higher organisms, most of the DNA is inside the nucleus and the RNA is outside the nucleus, in
other organelles and in the cytoplasm.
In this experiment we will isolate DNA molecules from banana cells. The first task is to break up the cells.
This is achieved by a combination of different techniques and agents. Grinding up the cells in a blender
disrupts them and the cytoplasm of many cells is spilled out. However, this is not a complete process. The
addition of a detergent, sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), accomplishes two functions: 1) it helps to solubilize
cell membranes and thereby further weakens the cell structure and 2) it helps to inactivate the nucleic acid
degrading enzymes, nucleases, that are present. The addition of a chelating agent, ethylenediamine
tetraacetate, EDTA, also inactivates these enzymes. EDTA removes the di- and tri-valent cations that are
necessary for the activity of nucleases. Without this inhibition the nucleases would degrade the nucleic acids
to their constituent nucleotides. The final assault on the banana cells is the osmotic shock. This is provided
by a hypotonic saline-EDTA solution. The already weakened cells (by grinding and treatment with SDS) will
burst in the hypotonic medium and spill their contents, nucleic acids among them. Once the nucleic acids are
in solution they must be separated from the other constituents of the cell. First the protein molecules must be
removed. Many of the proteins of the cell are strongly associated with nucleic acids. The addition of sodium
perchlorate (NaClO4) dissociates the proteins from nucleic acids. When the mixture is shaken with the
organic solvent (chloroform-isoamyl alcohol) the proteins are denatured and they precipitate at the interface.
At the same time the lipid components of the cells are dissolved in the organic solvent. Thus the aqueous
layer will contain nucleic acids, small water-soluble molecules and even some proteins as contaminants. The
addition of ethanol precipitates the large molecules and leaves the small molecules in solution. DNA, being
the largest fibrous molecule, forms thread-like precipitates that can be spooled off on a rod. Thus the
spooling separates DNA from RNA and other small molecules.
After the isolation of DNA we will probe its identity by the diphenylamine test. The blue color of this test is
specific for deoxyribose and the appearance of blue color can be used to identify the deoxyribose containing
DNA molecule.
Flow Diagram of the Isolation
nucleic acids
small molecules
broken and weakened cells
SDS 60 oC water bath
spilled cytoplasm
chloroform centrifuge
organic phase:
aqueous phase:
nucleic acids, small molecules
95% ethanol
DNA (spool off)
1. The instructor will chop 3 bananas and add 250 mL of cold 0.15 M NaCl, 0.1 M EDTA, pH 7.5. This
mixture is blended in the Waring blender for ~1 minute. The resultant mixture is filtered through three
layers of cheesecloth. Each pair of students is given 20 mL of the filtrate.
2. Put your 20 mL of the banana filtrate in a 125-mL Erlenmeyer flask, add 2 mL of 20% SDS, and swirl to
mix fully. Incubate in a 60 oC water bath for 10 minutes, swirling every few minutes.
3. Cool the solution to room temperature in an ice bath for five minutes.
4. Add 5 mL of 6 M NaCl04 solution and mix well. Add 20 mL chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (50:1) into the
flask. [CAUTION: Make sure to wear gloves when handling chloroform and make the addition in
the hood.] Stopper the flask with a cork. Shake it for 5 minutes. A frothy emulsion will form. Place
your emulsion into a polypropylene centrifuge tube and cap with a lid.
5. Separate the emulsion by centrifuging at 1600 x g for 5 minutes. Make sure the tubes are balanced as you
fill the rotor. Remove a sufficient amount (~20 mL) of the top aqueous layer with a pipet and transfer it
to 250-mL beaker. Be careful that none of the white precipitate is transferred.
6. To the viscous, DNA containing aqueous solution, add slowly, 40 mL of ice-cold 95% ethanol, taking
care that the alcohol flows along the side of the beaker settling on top of the aqueous solution. With a
clean, flame sterilized glass rod gently mix the DNA/ethanol solution. This procedure is critical. The
DNA will form a thread-like precipitate. Rotating the glass rod while gently stirring the solution spools
all the DNA precipitate onto the glass rod. As the DNA is wound on the rod, squeeze out the excess liquid
by pressing the rod against the wall of the beaker. Transfer the spooled DNA on the rod into a test tube
containing 95 % ethanol.
7. Discard the alcohol solution left in the beaker and the chloroform-isoamyl alcohol solution left in the
centrifuge tubes into specially labeled waste jars found in the hood. Do not pour them down the sink!
8. Remove the rod and the spooled DNA from the test tube. Dry the DNA with a clean filter paper. Note
its appearance on the data sheet. Dissolve the isolated crude DNA in 1 mL DNA buffer (15 mM Tris,
10 mM EDTA, pH 7.5). This requires patience.
9. Perform a diphenylamine assay on your sample. Set up five clean and dry test tubes. Into the test tubes
add 1 mL each of the following:
Test tube
0.025% ribose
0.025% deoxyribose
0.025% standard DNA solution
crude DNA solution from step 8
Add 1 mL diphenylamine reagent to each of the 5 test tubes. Mix the contents of the test tubes. Heat the
test tubes in boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Note the color. Blue indicates a positive test for
deoxyribose or DNA.
CAUTION: Diphenylamine reagent contains glacial acetic acid and concentrated sulfuric acid.
Handle with care.
Chemicals and Equipment
3 bananas per lab section
Blender (bowl should be in freezer)
saline-EDTA buffer
20% SDS
60 oC water bath
6 M NaClO4
chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (50:1)
95% ethanol (ice-cold)
DNA buffer (15 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM EDTA, pH 7.5)
0.025% ribose solution
0.025% deoxyribose solution
0.025% DNA solution
diphenylamine reagent
polypropylene centrifuge tubes with lids
filter paper
125 mL Erlenmeyer flasks with glass stoppers
DATA SHEET Experiment 7: Isolation and Identification of DNA from Banana
1. Describe the appearance of the crude DNA preparation.
2. Diphenylamine test.
0.1% ribose
0.1% deoxyribose
0.025% standard DNA
your crude DNA
Did the diphenylamine test confirm the identity of DNA?_________________
3. Describe the procedures you used to separate the DNA from proteins?
4. After mixing the aqueous extract with the chloroform-isoamyl alcohol mixture and centrifuging, which
layer contained the RNA (aqueous or organic)?
5. What compounds were left behind in the ethanol solution after spooling the DNA?
1. Can the diphenylamine, reagent distinguish between DNA and RNA? Explain.
2. If you forgot to add the NaClO4 solution to your extract how would the omission effect the purity of your
DNA preparation?
3. Why can we isolate DNA from the alcohol solution, which also contains RNA and other small molecules,
by the simple "spooling" procedure?
4. Draw the structures of the purine and pyrimidine bases that are part of the DNA molecule.
5. Draw the structures of ribose and deoxyribose.
6. Why must you handle the diphenylamine reagent with great care?