Communication 2D1380 Artificial Intelligence: Lecture 9 Communication Patric Jensfelt I Communication: Intentional exchange of information using signs from a shared system of conventional symbols. I Can for example help agents to get information from others without having to directly observe themselves Ex: Don’t have to get out of bed, can ask about the weather I Can be seen as an action for the agent September 30 July 2005 Examples of communication: Human speech Examples of communication: Body language Examples of communication: Gestures I Examples of communication: Gestures I Depends on situation, country, etc I Check out Depends on situation Examples of communication: Signs Examples of communication: Animals I I Example: STOP I Example: warning for mothers with lunch bags? Animals with sound, gestures, acts, etc Examples of communication: Bees I Bees communicating way home, direction to nectar, etc Speech act I Communication action for agent: speech act I Many forms of communication as we have seen I To change state of other agents and their future actions The speech act I Animals I I I Speaker Utterance Hearer I Animals typically uses isolated symbols for sentences I Restricted set of communication propositions I No generative capability Speech acts I Different objectives for speaker Inform “Dani will give the next lecture” Query “Am I speaking loud enough?” Command “Don’t fall asleep!” Promise “We will not fall asleep” Acknowledgement “OK, message received”, ACK/NACK Language Speech act I Speaker must determine I I I When to use a speech act Which speech act to use Hearer must I I Understand Speech is planned action ⇒ Recognize plan increases understanding of speech I Formal languages I I I For example first-order logic, java, etc Have strict definitions Natural languages I I For example English, Swedish, etc No strict definitions Formal language Semantics I Semantics - meaning to each valid string I Defined as a set of strings I “X + Y ” sum of X and Y in arithmetic I Each string is a concatenation of terminal symbols (words) I Ex: P and ∧ terminal symbols of first-order logic “P ∧ Q” a typical valid string “PQ∧” is an invalid string I warning survey workers on the road Phrase structure Grammar I Grammar is a finite set of rules that specifies a language I Each string in the language can be analyzed/generated by the grammar I Formal languages have official grammars e.g. first-order logic, ANSI-C I Natural languages have no official grammar (some foreign language teacher may disagree) English phrase structure I Strings are composed of substring or phrases Nonterminal symbols I Noun phrase (NP) such as “Patric” I Verb phrase (VP) such is “is hungry” I NP, VP and S are nonterminal symbols I Sentence (S) I Nonterminals are defined by rewrite rules I NP and VB help describe the allowable strings “Patric hungry” and not “hungry Patric is” | {z } is | {z } I S can consist of any NP followed by any VP NP VP Backus-Naur Form (BNF) I I Using BNF Using Backus-Naur form (BNF) notation for rewrite rules BNF has four components I I I I A set of terminal symbols Symbols or words that make up the strings in English letters (a,b, . . . ) or words (apple,banana,. . . ) A set of nonterminal symbols Categorize substrings of the language in English “is hungry” is a Verb phrase A start symbol Nonterminal symbols that denotes a complete string In English it is a sentence A set of rewrite rules Sentence → NounPhrase VerbPhrase BNF Ex: Rewrite rule of simple arithmetics Expr Number Digit Operator → → → → Expr Operator Expr | (Expr) | Number Digit | Number Digit 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 +|-|÷|× I S can consist of any NP followed by any VP I BNF: S → NP VP Generative capacity of grammar I Grammar can be classified according to their generative capacity: the set of languages they can represent I Chomsky suggested a hierarchy with four classes of grammars I Grammar higher up in hierarchy more expressive, but I Algorithms for these are less efficient Chomsky’s grammar hierarchy (most powerful first) I I I I Recursively enumerable grammars Unrestricted rules, any number of symbols on left and right side Stages in communication I I I Context-sensitive grammars Right hand side of rules at least as many as left Ex: A S B → A X B Context-free grammars (CFG) Left hand side a single nonterminal symbol Ex: S → NP VP Can rewrite left hand side as right hand side in any context I I I I I Three main parts I Syntactic interpretation (build a parse tree) I Semantic interpretation (what does it means) I Pragmatic interpretation (what does it mean in this context) Ex: “I am looking at the diamond” Jeweler: the diamond Baseball player: the baseball field Perception H perceives W’ in context C’ Analysis H infers possible meanings P1 , P2 , . . . , Pn Disambiguation H infers intended meaning Pi Incorporation H incorporates Pi into KB Ex: Wumpus world I I Intention S wants to inform H that P Generation S selects words W to express P in context C Synthesis S utters words W Hearer: I Regular grammars Each rule has one left hand side nonterminal Right hand side terminal optionally followed by nonterminal Analysis Speaker: Paul wants to tell Frank that the wumpus is dead Ex: Wumpus world Small grammar for English What could go wrong I Insincerity (S is lying) I Ambiguous utterance (“I am dead” dead or just tired?) I Different understanding of current context (C 6= C 0 ) Lexicon for E0 Noun Verb I Formal grammar for English in wumpus world I We will call the language E0 I Cannot make full grammar for English I People have different ideas of what is proper/valid English Adjective Adverb Pronoun Name Article Preposition Conjunction Digit → stench | breeze | glitter | nothing | wumpus | pit | pits | gold | east | . . . → is | see | smell | shoot | feel | stinks | go | grab | carry | kill | turn | . . . → right | left | east | south | back | smelly | . . . → here | there | nearby | ahead | right | left | east | south | back | . . . → me | you | I | it | . . . → John | Mary | Boston | UCB | PAJC | . . . → the | a | an | . . . → to | in | on | near | . . . → and | or | but | . . . → 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9 Divided into closed and open classes Grammar for E0 S NP VP PP RelClause Problems with this grammar → NP VP | S Conjunction S → | | | | | → | | | | → → Pronoun Noun Article Noun Digit Digit NP PP NP RelClause Verb VP NP VP Adjective VP PP VP Adverb Preposition NP that VP I + feel a breeze I feel a breeze + and + I smell a wumpus I pits the + wumpus 34 the wumpus + to the east the wumpus + that is smelly stinks feel + a breeze is + smelly turn + to the east go + ahead to + the east that + is smelly Augmented grammar I Overgenerates Generates sentences that are not correct “Me go Boston” or “I smell pit gold wumpus nothing east” I Undergenerates Rejects many correct sentences “I think the wumpus is smelly” Augmented grammar: Agreement Want to get rid of non-English sentences “Me is tired” I Still not enough I “Me” is objective case and “I” is subjective case I Ex: “I eats” not OK, but “He eats” OK I Cannot use objective case as subject! I Three forms “I am”, “You are” and “He is” I Introduce new categorizes for pronouns PronounS → I | you | he | she | it | . . . PronounO → me | you | him | her | it | . . . I For each subject and object form there are three of these agreement distinctions I Many more distinctions to be made I Now we can split NP NPS → PronounS | Name | Noun | . . . NPO → PronounO | Name | Noun | . . . I Results in exponential increase in rules! I Augment existing grammar I Don’t enumerate all possible cases I Parameterize existing grammar instead Ex: NP(case) → Pronoun(case) | Name | Noun | . . . I Parsing I Parsing aims at finding a parse tree I The leafs in the tree are the words in the string Called definite clause grammar (DCG) Parsing cont’d I Two extremes I Top-down parsing Start with S and search for tree with leafs being the words I Bottom-up parsing Start with words and look for tree with root S Top-down parsing I Initial state root S and unknown children [S:?] I Successor function Replace ? with list of right hand side from grammar for a certain parent node Ex: 1. [S :?] 2. [S : [S :?][Conjunction :?][S :?]] [S : [NP :?][VP :?]] 3. . . . I Goal test Leafs corresponds exactly to words in string Bottom-up parsing I Initial state Each word its own parse tree I Successor function Look for matches from right side of grammar and replace with new tree where the category is the left hand side and the subsequences are the children I Goal test Checks single tree with root S Ex: Bottom-up parsing Ex: Bottom-up parsing Ex: Bottom-up parsing Ex: Bottom-up parsing Ex: Bottom-up parsing Improvements needed Semantics I I Both top-down and bottom-up can be very inefficient Huge amount of different parses for different phrases I Some sentences have exponentially many parse trees I See book for suggested improvements I For example store intermediate results of substrings I Ex: “John loves Mary” I How to get to the logical sentence Loves(John, Mary )? I “John Mary” | {z } loves | {z } NP VP I NP “John” corresponds to logical term John I VP “loves Mary” is trickier Predicate Parse tree for “John loves Mary” I We call “loves Mary” a predicate I Combined with person it gives a logical sentence I Can use λ-notation λx Loves(x, Mary ) I Can make predicates out of verbs as well “loves” ⇒ λy λx Loves(x, y ) I “loves Mary” ⇒ λx Loves(x, Mary ) Semantics I Also need to account for I I Time and tense, e.g. “Loves” and “Loved” Quantification, e.g. “Everyone loves someone” Do we love the same person or do we each have our own love? Parsing real languages I Ambiguity I Anaphora I Indexicality I Vagueness I Metonymy I Metaphor I Noncompositionality Example: Ambiguity I Example of ambiguity: I I I I I Squad helps dog bite victim Helicopter powered by human flies American pushes bottle up Germans I ate spaghetti with meatballs salad a fork a friend I I I Indexical sentences refer to utterance situations (place, time, S/H, etc) Examples: I I I am over here Why did you do that? Using pronouns to refer back to entities already introduced in the text Examples: I I I Ambiguity can be lexical (polysemy), syntactic, semantic, referential Indexicality I Anaphora I After Mary proposed to John, they found a preacher and got married. For the honeymoon, they went to Hawaii Mary saw a ring through the window and asked John for it Mary threw a rock at the window and broke it Metonymy I I Use one noun to stand for another Examples: I I I dropped Russell and Norvig on the floor The ham sandwich on table 4 wants another beer Metaphor Examples: Noncompositionality I Example noncompositionality I I I I “Non-literal” usage of words and phrases, often systematic Examples: I I I I I Men are pigs You are my sunshine I’ve tried killing the process but it won’t die. Its parents keeps it alive I I I I I I Example: Not keeping the words together I English influence large in Swedish language I Swedes have a tendency to not keep the words together I Can change the meaning completely I I I En brunhårig sjuksköterska ⇒ A nurse with brown hair En brun hårig sjuk sköterska ⇒ A brown hairy sick nurse I I I I I KYCKLING LEVER - “Chicken is alive” instead of “chicken liver” BAD SHORTS - “asked the shorts” instead of “swimming shorts” HUGG ORM - “stabbed the snake” instead of “viper” SKUM TOMTE - “weird santa” instead soft candy in the shape of santa RÖK FRITT - “smoke freely” instead of “free from smoking” red book red pen red hair red herring small moon large molecule Disambiguation I Disambiguation requires knowledge of different kind I I More examples: I basketball shoes baby shoes alligator shoes designer shoes I I World model Likelihood that it occurs in the world Mental model (of the speaker) Would the speaker communicate this if it occurs? Language model Likelihood to choose certain string of words given what to communicate Acoustic model Likelihood that a particular sound will be generated given the string of words Probabilistic Language Processing Probabilistic language model I Idea: Instead of building up very complicated grammars for natural language, learn from text written by humans I I So called corpus-based approach I I Building probabilistic model I The WWW provides enormous amount of training data I Roughly: Count occurrences to get estimate of probability I Can handle any string I Can handle many views on what is correct Examples of models I I I I I Examples with AI-book as corpus unigram logical are as are confusion a may right tries agent goal the was diesel more object then information-gathering search is bigram planning purely diagnostic expert systems are very similar computational approach would be represented compactly using tic tac toe a predicate trigram planning and scheduling are integrated the success of naive bayes model is just a possible prior source by that time Trigram model clearly best and so say the models I I I trigram P(S) = 10−10 bigram P(S) = 10−29 unigram P(S) = 10−59 Defines the probability distribution over a set of strings (Can be infinite set of strings) Examples: I I I unigram model Assign probability to each word Q Each words treated independently, P(S) = i P(wi ) bigram model Assign probabilities P(wi |wi−1 ) to a word wi n-gram model Assign probabilities P(wi |wi−1 , wi−2 , . . . , wi−n ) AI-book as corpus I Approximately 500,000 words I 15,000 different words I ⇒ bigram model has 225 million word pairs in model I Most of these pairs will never occur I However, cannot assign the to zero I Would make it impossible to generate then Smoothing I I Need to smooth our model Simplest strategy: add-one smoothing I I I every bigram gets at least count 1 Results often not so good Better strategy: line interpolation smoothing I I Combine unigram, bigram and trigrams PĚ‚(wi |wi−1 , wi−2 ) = c1 P(wi ) + c2 P(wi |wi−1 ) + c3 P(wi |wi−1 , wi−2 ) Evaluation I I I I Example: System that can automatically generate a paper on computer science I Full length paper with figures, references, etc I Examples of using corpus based approach Split corpus in two parts I I SCIgen - An Automatic CS Paper Generator training data validation data Learn model on training data I Information retrieval Calculate probability that the model assigns to the validation data (that we assume is correct) I Information extraction I Machine translation I The higher score the better I Problems with long strings see for example perplexity in the book (2−log2 (P(words))/N ) Information retrieval (IR) I Find information in corpus of interest to use I Compare google Characterized by I I I I I I Document collection (corpus) Query language (how to ask for information) Result set (relevant documents) Presentation of results (ranking?) Typically rather simple language models (huge amount of data!) Information extraction Evaluating IR systems I Recall How many of the relevant document are in the result set? (Return all documents give 100% recall) I Precision How many documents in result set are relevant? (Return all documents give ≈0% precision) I Recall and precision typically presented in ROC curve false negatives on y (good recall gives few false neg) false positives on x (good precision gives few false pos) I Time to answer I Average reciprocal rank 1 average rank of first relevant Machine translation I I Translate text from one natural language to another Some example tasks: I I Create database entries by searching for information automatically I For example pricerunner I Do not have to analyze everything in a document I I I I Rough translation To get an idea of what a piece text is about Restricted-source information Accurate translation of material in limited area (weather reports) Preedited translation Human preedits the text to a subset of the original language Ex: Instruction manual Literary translation Preserve all nuances in the translation Not possible today!