Are stewardship and decision usefulness complementary of conflicting objectives of financial accounting? Tagung des SFB 649 “Ökonomisches Risiko” - Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen Institute of Accounting and Auditing Center for Applied Statistics and Economics School of Business and Economics Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Walkthrough • Idea and motivation • Background – What is decision usefulness? – What is stewardship? • Research design and results – Empirical metrics for decision usefulness and stewardship – Data – Test design – Results • Limitations and conclusions Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 1 3 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Idea and motivation • Since Beaver/Demski (1979) accounting theory tends to agree on the information content perspective of accounting • Two objectives of accounting – Providing valuation relevant and – contracting relevant information to market participants • These objectives are conflicting in theory • But: In their current joint conceptual framework project FASB and IASB state: “Thus, the objective of financial reporting stated in paragraph OB2 [decision usefulness] encompasses providing information useful in assessing management’s stewardship“ SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 4 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship What is the role of accounting information? Two overlapping views Valuation view (aka decision usefulness) manager (agent) accounting info other info market participants expected return expected risk Contracting view (aka stewardship) manager (agent) accounting info contract space shareholder (principal) Joachim Gassen market participants expected return expected risk other info SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 2 5 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship So... what was the research question again? Are stewardship and decision usefulness complementary of conflicting objectives of financial accounting? Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 6 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Empirical measures for decision usefulness • • • • • • • No normative model predicting the decision usefulness of accounting items Instead measure actual decisions which are related to arrival of accounting information with sufficiently high probability Being decision useful for valuation means having information content from a valuation perspective Focus on quarterly earnings announcements (3-day window) Firm-specific undirectional measures – Average abnormal turnover (ATOVER) – Average change in closing bid-ask spread (ΔBAS) Firm-specific directional measures – Coefficient of a regression of 3-day CARs on change in earnings (ERC) – Coefficient of a regression of 3-day CARs on earnings surprise (FCERC) Combined metric based on ranks of the above (DUSCORE) Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 3 7 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Measure for stewardship: asymmetric earnings timeliness • Economic news translate in accounting earnings over time, gaining verifiability as uncertainty unravels • Accounting earnings have to be verifiable in order to be a suitable contracting device • Prior: Managers are reluctant to disclose bad news • Because of that, recognizing bad news as a loss needs a lower verifiability level than recognizing good news as a gain • Thus, asymmetric timeliness of accounting earnings are an overall measure for the supply of contracting efficient accounting information Asymmetric Timeliness Good News Bad News Earnings(gain) Earnings (loss) t Joachim Gassen t SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 8 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Demand side measures for stewardship • Stewardship-related control risk can be expected to be in part diversifiable • Thus it should matter more to stakeholders with high transaction costs (debt holders: DEBT, lenders: ACC_PAY, lessors: RENTEXP, employees: EMPL) • In equilibrium the contracting relevance of accounting can be expected to increase with the relative importance of these stakeholder groups. Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 4 9 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Operationalized research questions 1. Do firms with more pronounced capital market reactions around quarterly earnings announcements have more or less asymmetric timely earnings? 2. In a determinant model controlling for the information environment and other earnings attributes: - Do firms with more asymmetric timely earnings experience more or less pronounced capital market reactions around quarterly earnings announcements? - Do firms with more high transaction cost stakeholders experience more or less pronounced capital market reactions around quarterly earnings announcements? 3. In a determinant model controlling for the information environment: Do the intensity of capital market reactions around quarterly earnings announcements and/or asymmetric earnings timeliness have an impact on the value relevance of accounting earnings, measured by the relative return to a hedge portfolio based on perfect accounting foresight? Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 10 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Data • • • • • • • Firm-specific sample based on firm time-series data Cross-section of quarterly Compustat, IBES and daily CRSP data 1990-2005 Requiring quarterly IBES forecasts biases the sample towards big and more visible firms ERC and FCERC are estimated based on firm-specific time-series regressions, requiring a minimum of 10 quarterly observations CONS is estimated based on firm-specific time-series regressions, requiring a minimum of 10 quarterly observations with at least 5 observations with negative returns Only firms with non-missing metrics are included in the analysis: Cross-sectional sample consists of 3,425 firms, based on 119,861 firm-quarter observations (panel sample). Stability checks on full sample of quarterly Compustat data (1990-2006): Up to 311,907 observations Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 5 11 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Some descriptives for the cross-sectional sample (n=3,425) Variable First Quartile Median Third Quartile Mean ATOVERi 0.840 2.699 5.940 4.207 4.742 ΔBASi -15.615 -4.484 4.298 -5.664 25.533 ERCi -0.044 0.201 0.661 0.443 1.309 FCERCi 0.239 1.969 6.840 6.522 14.025 CONSi -1.318 0.706 4.082 2.396 8.609 Variable ATOVERi ATOVERi Std. Dev. ΔBASi ERCi FCERCi DUSCOREi CONSi -0.021 -0.012 0.250 0.461 0.032 0.007 -0.421 0.041 0.156 0.437 -0.060 0.455 -0.076 ΔBASi -0.063 ERCi -0.033 -0.013 FCERCi 0.173 -0.014 DUSCOREi 0.531 -0.488 0.522 0.627 CONSi 0.062 0.017 -0.085 -0.080 0.003 0.209 -0.081 -0.057 SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 12 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Results RQ 1 NIt ,i = 2005 10 ∑ γ YEAR + ∑δ FFINDUSTRY t =1990 t t j =1 j t ,i + β1 NEGt ,i + β 2 DUSCOREi + β3 NEGt ,i * DUSCOREi + β 4 RETt ,i + β5 RETt ,i * DUSCOREi + β6 RETt ,i * NEGt ,i + β 7 RETt ,i * NEGt ,i * DUSCOREi + ε t Panel Sample Joachim Gassen Estimate Prob. NEGt,i -0.004 0.048 DUSCOREi 0.008 0.001 NEGt,i*DUSCOREi 0.005 0.101 RETt,i -0.078 0.000 RETt,i*DUSCOREi 0.095 0.000 RETt,i*NEGt,i 0.260 0.000 RETt,i*NEGt,i*DUSCOREi -0.253 0.000 R2 0.079 n 119,861 SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 6 13 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Results RQ 2: CONS as supply-side stewardship metric 10 DUVARi = ∑ δ i FFINDUSTRYi + β1SIZEi + β 2 log( NUMESTi ) + β 3 MTBi + i =1 β 4 PREDi + β 5 PERSi + β 6 ZRETURNi + β 7CONSi + ε i DUVARi = ATOVERi DUVARi = ΔBASi DUVARi = ERCi DUVARi = FCERCi DUVARi = DUSCOREi Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate SIZEi -0.658 2.742 0.035 2.217 -0.007 log(NUMESTi) 0.614 0.088 -0.019 0.550 0.008 MTBi 0.236 0.571 0.033 0.705 0.002 PREDi -0.550 4.096 0.638 -1.368 -0.012 PERSi -0.526 -0.866 0.196 0.920 0.038 ZRETURNi -15.335 58.288 1.402 -2.683 -0.445 CONSi 0.397 6.571 -0.408 -4.720 -0.089 R2 0.404 0.026 0.026 0.167 0.152 n 3,425 3,425 3,425 3,425 3,425 SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 14 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Results RQ 2: Demand-side stewardship metrics, DUSCORE Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate Estimate SIZEi 0.000 -0.002 -0.007 -0.004 -0.004 log(NUMESTi) 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.007 MTBi 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.003 PREDi -0.007 -0.008 0.006 -0.002 0.008 PERSi 0.031 0.033 0.033 0.035 0.032 ZRETURNi -0.354 -0.403 -0.472 -0.420 -0.404 DEBTi -0.108 ACC_PAYi -0.100 -0.056 RENTEXPi -0.067 -0.250 EMPLi -0.208 -1.398 CONSi -0.425 -0.082 R2 0.133 0.125 0.146 0.138 0.166 n 2,978 2,978 2,978 2,978 2,978 Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 7 15 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Results RQ 3: Impact on value relevance Dep. Var = RHRET Estimate Prob. Dep. Var = RHRET Estimate Prob. SIZEi -0.026 0.000 -0.030 0.000 log(NUMESTi) -0.003 0.023 -0.001 0.294 ZRETURNi 0.155 0.002 0.132 0.005 0.084 0.000 CONSi 0.072 0.000 ATOVERi 0.005 0.000 ΔBASi 0.000 0.098 ERCi 0.010 0.000 FCERCi -0.001 0.002 DUSCOREi 0.133 0.000 R2 0.120 0.116 n 3,425 3,425 Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 16 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Some limitations • Robustness: Checked for sensitivity to – Outliers – Required length of the firm-specific time-series – Alternative specifications of the earnings change variable – Additional control variables aiming at the operational environment of the firm included in the determinant models • Internal Validity – Measures: Do they capture the underlying economic concept of decision usefulness and stewardship? – Potentially omitted variables in determinant models – Functional form: determinants of value relevance, decision usefulness and value relevance constitute a simultaneous equation problem • External Validity: Non IBES firms? Outside U.S.? Other time periods? Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 8 17 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Conclusions • Stressing the importance of the limitations discussed above: – Like predicted by theory, stewardship and decision usefulness seem to be conflicting objectives of financial accounting – Both have a positive impact on value relevance – The valuation relevance of accounting appears to be more pronounced for firms from poor information environments – For firms from richer information environments, accounting appears to play primary a confirmatory role • What do we learn from this about risk? – Information about risky assets is used by two different channels • contracting • valuation – As they both at least partly conflict, information design needs to address both – Link between information and cost of capital might be driven by both as well SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 18 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Do both views produce the same ranking of accounting systems? Simple state dependent investment and incentive problem state of nature bad so so good discomfort m provides low effort 0.6 0.3 0.1 3 m provides high effort 0.1 0.4 0.5 5 -100 10 50 pay-off to investor • Two possible accounting systems – Disclose the state of nature – Disclose the effort of the manager • The contracting view would favor the latter, while the valuation view would favor the former, assuming that early uncertainty unraveling is preferred by the investor Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 9 19 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Decision usefulness metrics ATOVERi Cumulative daily turnover from the day prior to the day after the Compustat quarterly earnings announcement date minus the average daily turnover of a combined pre and post window, the pre window beginning 30 days and ending 5 days prior and the post window beginning 5 days and ending 30 days post the earnings announcement date. Averaged over all available observations of firm i, requiring a minimum of ten observations. ΔBASi Difference between the average BASd,i from a window beginning 2 days and ending 5 days post the quarterly earnings announcement date and the average BASd,i from a window beginning 5 days and ending 2 days prior the earnings announcement date. Averaged over all available observations of firm i, requiring a minimum of ten observations. ERCi Coefficient α1,i from the regression: CARt ,i = α 0,i + α1,i ΔNI t ,i + ε t ,i over the time series of quarterly observations of firm i, requiring a minimum of ten observations. FCERCi Coefficient α1,i from the regression: CARt ,i = α 0,i + α1,i FCEt ,i + ε t ,i over the time series of quarterly observations of firm i, requiring a minimum of ten observations. DUSCOREi Sum of the decile ranks of ATOVERi, - ΔBASi, ERCi, and FCERCi, [0,1] distributed. SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 20 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Stewardship metrics CONSi Kink in the regression line of the regression , NI t ,i = β 0,i + β1,i NEGt ,i + β 2,i RETt ,i + β 3,i NEGt ,i * RETt ,i + ε t ,i calculated in degrees as CONSi = arctan(β 2,i + β 3,i ) − arctan(β 2,i ) for each firm i, requiring a minimum of ten observations and a minimum of five observations with NEG equal to one. DEBTi Average of total debt divided by total assets for firm i. ACC_PAYi Average of accounts payable divided by total assets for firm i. RENTEXPi Average of rental expenses divided by net sales for firm i. EMPLi Average of employees in thousands divided by net sales in million USD for firm i. Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 10 21 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship The CONS-metric NI Kink α in the regression line of the regression: NI t ,i = β 0 ,i + β1,i NEGt ,i + β 2,i RETt ,i + β 3,i NEGt ,i * RETt ,i + ε t ,i 1 Calculated in degrees as γ β2 δ α RET CONSi = arctan(β 2,i + β 3,i ) − arctan(β 2,i ) for each firm i, requiring a minimum of ten observations and a minimum of five observations with NEG equal to one. β3 α = δ −γ γ = arctan β 2 δ = arctan(β 2 + β 3 ) ⇒ α = arctan(β 2 + β 3 ) − arctan β 2 SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 22 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Results RQ2: ERC estimated on positive earnings changes only 10 POSERC i = ∑ δ i FFINDUSTRYi + β1 SIZE i + β 2 log( NUMESTi ) + β 3 MTBi + i =1 β 4 PREDi + β 5 PERS i + β 6 ZRETURN i + β 7 CONS i + ε i Dep. Var. = POSERC Joachim Gassen Estimate Prob. SIZEi 0.032 0.584 log(NUMESTi) 0.006 0.760 MTBi 0.017 0.468 PREDi 1.195 0.000 PERSi 0.287 0.107 ZRETURNi 1.516 0.066 CONSi -0.678 0.010 R2 0.022 n 2,798 SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 11 23 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Some related literature • Analytical models comparing stewardship and decision usefulness: Gjesdal (JAR, 1981), Liang (CAR, 2000), Arya/Glover/Mittendorf/Zhang (RAS, 2004), Christensen/Demski (SBR, 2004) • Management compensation role and valuation role of earnings: Bushman/Engel/Smith (JAR, 2006) • Decision usefulness and its determinants: Landsman/Maydew (JAR, 2002), Francis/Schipper/Vincent (TAR, 2002), DeFond/Hung/Trezevant (JAE, 2007) • Financial accounting and complementary/competing information sources: Francis/Schipper/Vincent (JAE, 2002), Chen/Cheng/Lo (WP, 2006) • Earnings attributes: Lo/Lys (WP, 2000), Schipper/Vincent (AH, 2003), Francis/LaFond/Ohlson/Schipper (TAR, 2004) SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 Joachim Gassen 24 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship FASB/IASB definition of decision usefulness in OB2 “information that is useful to present and potential investors and creditors and others in making investment, credit, and similar resource allocation decisions” ⇔ information that is useful in making investment, credit, and similar resource allocation decisions ⇔ information that is useful in making resource allocation decisions ⇔ information that is useful in making decisions ⇔ information Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 12 25 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Narrower definition (OB3) „financial reporting should provide information to help present and potential investors and creditors and others to assess the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of the entity’s future cash inflows and outflows” • Lending from Christensen/Demski (2003, pp. 147 ff.): E [PVt θ t ] = • ∑ E [CF θ ](1 + r ) T j =t +1 j t− j t Information content in a valuation setting (valuation relevance of information) exist for any change in θ if and only if value varies systematically with the information change ⎧⎪ δE [CF j θ t ] ⎫⎪ δE [PVt θ t ] ≠0⇒⎨j ≠ 0⎬ ≠ ∅ δθ t δθ t ⎪⎭ ⎪⎩ Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 26 Decision Usefulness vs. Stewardship Definition of stewardship • FASB/IASB explain the stewardship role as follows: “Management of an entity is accountable to owners (shareholders) for the custody and safekeeping of the entity’s economic resources and for their efficient and profitable use” (OB 27) • Stewardship related information provides users with information about how management discharged its stewardship role • Thus, stewardship related information contains information about management’s actions for controlling purposes (Gjesdal (1981), Bushman et al. (2006)) • Conceptual definition of stewardship is closely related to information content in a contracting setting (contracting relevance) as defined by Christensen/Demski (2003, pp. 229 f.) Joachim Gassen SFB 649 – Motzen 15 June 2007 13