University of Economics of Prague (Department of the Environment)

International Symposium
The Global Crisis
The Opening of a New Paradigm
22-23 November 2013
First Part
Organizers’ Joint Meeting in Celebration of 100 years since the
first Romanian Economists’ Congress and 170 years of
Romanian Higher Education in Economics
Ședința festivă a AGER, AFER și SRS dedicată aniversării a 100
de ani de la inițiativa convocării primului Congres al
Economiștilor Români și a 170 de ani de Învățământ Economic
în România
ASE, AULA MAGNA, 22 noiembrie 2013
9:30 -10:00 Înregistrarea participanților
o Expoziție de carte economică
o Lansare de carte: Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Anghelache
10:00 - Deschiderea Ședinței Festive
- Cuvântul de salut al Rectorului ASE,
Prof.univ.dr. Pavel Năstase
- Mesajul Președintelui AGER
Prof.univ.dr. Gheorghe Zaman
Membru corespondent al Academiei Române
- Mesajul Președintelui Comitetului Director al AFER
Prof.univ.dr. Nicolae Istudor
- Mesajul Președintelui SRS
Prof.univ.dr. Constantin Mitruţ
- Mesajul reprezentantului CECCAR
Ec. Daniela Vulcan
Director general
11,00 – Prezentarea emisiunii numismatice de argint a BNR dedicate
aniversării a 100 de ani de la inițiativa convocării primului Congres al
Economiștilor Români ;
-Lect.univ.dr. Anca Gherman
11,15 – Prezentarea volumului omagial editat de AFER „170 de ani de
învățământ economic românesc”
-Prof.univ.dr. Mihaela Luţaş
11,30 Conferirea de către AGER, AFER și SRS a distincțiilor și a
monedei jubiliare
-Prof.univ.dr. Marin Dinu
12,15 – Lansarea apelului comun al AGER, AFER și SRS pentru
convocarea primului Congres National al Economiștilor din România
-Prof.univ.dr. Cristian Socol
13:00 Cocktail – Restaurantul ASE (Cihoschi)
15:00–19:00 Desfășurarea pe secțiuni a lucrărilor simpozionului
Second Part
International Symposium
The Global Crisis & the Opening of a New Paradigm
Presentations of Scientific Papers
1. A Different Economics? The Issue of Fundamentals.
2. The Non-Assimilated Lessons of the Crisis. The Issue of Signalling.
3. Post-Crisis Economics. The Issue of Solutions.
4. Models of the Global Economy. The Issue of Identity.
Section 1. A Different Economics? The Issue of Fundamentals.
Room 0318, time: 15:00
Chairpersons: Professor Angela ROGOJANU, PhD
Assistant Professor Daniela Vîrjan, PhD
Assistant: Lecturer, Claudia Paicu, PhD
Reviewers: Professor Gheorghe ZAMAN, PhD
Professor Ion POHOAŢĂ, PhD
Professor Coralia ANGELESCU, PhD
1. The Issue of Competing Currencies. Case Study - Bitcoin
Professor Angela ROGOJANU, PhD
Associate Professor Liana BADEA, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
2. The Economic Sciences Between the Problems of Practice and the
Theoretical Self-Constraints
Professor Gheorghe ZAMAN, PhD
Romanian Institute of National Economy
3. Prolegomenon to a Theory of Economic Crises. On the Disruptive
Force of the Invisible Hand
Professor Marin DINU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
4. Some Economic and Social Evolutions of Romania by the End of
June 2013
Professor Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, “Artifex” University, Bucharest
Professor Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Associate Professor Alexandru MANOLE, PhD
“Artifex” University, Bucharest
5. The Population and the Labour Force Market in Romania
Professor Constantin ANGHELACHE, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, “Artifex” University, Bucharest
Professor Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Lecturer Alexandru MANOLE, PhD
“Artifex” University, Bucharest
6. Analysis of the Models of Measures to Overcome the Crisis
Associate Professor Mariana LUPAN, PhD
Professor Gabriela PRELIPCEAN, PhD
“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
7. The Social Economy - a Step Toward Creativity
Associate Professor Daniela VÎRJAN, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
8. Economic Development and Indifference Towards Paradigm
Associate Professor Dragoş HURU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
9. New Theoretical Foundations for Economic Policy
Associate Professor Monica DOBRESCU, PhD
Assistant Silvia Elena IACOB, PhD
10. The Challenges of Higher Education in the New Era
Associate Professor Gabriel Ilie STAICU, PhD
Lecturer Liviu Cătălin MORARU, PhD
Associate Professor Marius PANĂ, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
11. The Economic Agent Rationality as a Flaw Theoretical Fundamental
Lecturer Andrei HREBENCIUC, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
12. The Global Crisis and the New Paradigm of Sustainable Development
Andreea Elena MOTOC, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
13. The Impact of the Current Financial and Economic Crisis on the
European Labour Market - an Approach Based on a New Paradigm in
the Labour Field
Bogdan JIANU, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
14. Successful Recruiting: Using Behavioural Economics to
Understand Identity Challenges in International Work Force
Alina NEAȚU, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
15. Distribution of Welfare Through Generosity in the Economy of
Communion Model
Iustin Emanuel ALEXANDRU, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
16. The Influence of Interest Rates on Saving Process
Adrian SIMION, PhD Candidate
Alexandru BODISLAV, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
17. Taxation and Economic Growth. An Econometric Analysis on
Camelia MORARU, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Lecturer Roxana IONITĂ, PhD
"Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University, Bucharest
Section 2. The Non-Assimilated Lessons of the Crisis. The Issue
of Signalling.
Room 0301, time: 15.00
Chairpersons: Professor Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU, PhD
Associate Professor Diana Andreia Hristache, PhD
Assistant: Lecturer Amalia CRISTESCU, PhD
Reviewers: Professor Gheorghe OPRESCU, PhD
Professor Nicoleta JULA, PhD
Professor Luminiţa CONSTANTIN, PhD
1. Opportunities and Risks of Banking Sector Regulation in the
European Union
Professor Cătălin Emilian HUIDUMAC PETRESCU, PhD
Alina POP, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
2. Higher Economic Education Crisis – a View Over the Inputs
Professor Dorel AILENEI, PhD
Lecturer Amalia CRISTESCU, PhD,
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Graţiela ŞĂRBAN, teacher
Mihail Kogălniceanu Economic High School, Focşani
3. Is National Unitary Regulation of Financial Markets a Lesson of the
2008 Crisis in Europe?
Lecturer Laura Elly NAGHI, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
4. Synchronization of Business Cycles - Necessary Condition for
Joining the Euro Area
Cristina VIŞAN, PhD Candidate
Professor Dorel AILENEI, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
5. Incentives and Education. A Qualitative Research on Romanian
Teachers from the Field of Social and Economic Sciences
Associate Professor Grigore PIROŞCĂ, PhD
Associate Professor George Laurenţiu ŞERBAN-OPRESCU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
6. The Potential Relationship between Private Pensions, GDP and
Budget Deficit: Comparative Study Romania vs. Poland vs. Hungary
Editor in chief Financial Market
7. The Impact Analysis of the Organization's Image in Terms of Online
Communication Paradigm
Associate Professor Diana Andreia HRISTACHE, PhD
Lecturer Claudia Elena PAICU, PhD
Lecturer Nilgun ISMAIL, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
8. Betraying the Covering of the Social Costs under the
Decentralization Rush
Lecturer Teodora I. DINU, PhD
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration
9. Earnings Analysis at Industry Level
Lecturer Amalia CRISTESCU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies,
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
Larisa STANILA, PhD candidate
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
Maria Denisa VASILESCU, PhD candidate
National Scientific Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
10. The Cost of Short, Medium and Long-Term Mismatch between the
Fundamental Principles of Economics and Some Solutions of the
Courts of Romania
Associate Professor BĂLUȚĂ Aurelian Virgil, PhD
Spiru Haret University, Bucharest
11. The Crisis and the Decreasing Trend of FDI in Romania
Associate Professor Alexandru TRIFU, PhD
University “Petre Andrei” of Iasi
Principal Researcher II Teodor PADURARU, PhD
“Gh. Zane” Institute, Iasi
12. The Effects of Bureaucracy over the Business Environment from
Lecturer Laurenţiu Gabriel FRÂNCU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
13. Sustainable Development of Tourism in Alba County, Romania
Andreea MUNTEAN, PhD
“1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania
14. The Main Legal and Procedural Obstacles Encountered in
Research and Development Transfer.
Daniela BIRO (VAILE), PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
15. The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Innovation in Romania
Alexandru RUSEI, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
16. Controversy Regarding the Real Estate Investing Stimulation - the
Case of Romania
Mădălina CHEPTEA, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
17. Supporting Entrepreneurial and Regional Competitiveness - the
Issue of Solutions
"Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
18. Early Career Patterns Among Higher Education Graduates In
Eliza-Olivia LUNGU, PhD
Ana-Maria ZAMFIR, PhD
Cristina MOCANU, PhD Candidate
National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
19. Entrepreneurship Investigation through Classification Techniques
Monica Mihaela MAER MATEI, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Eliza - Olivia LUNGU, PhD
National Research Institute for Labour and Social Protection
20. Analysing The Matching Process On The Romanian Labour
Market - An Empirical Approach
Ioana BILBIE, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
21. Romanian Banking Activity Spatial Distribution Between 2009 and
Alina LUCA (BRĂTUCU), PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
22. Public-Private Partnership in the Context of Regional Development
– A Solution for Renewable Energy Projects?
Monica-Gabriela GHERMAN, PhD Candidate
Alina-Mihaela BABONEA, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
23. Costs Generated By Fiscal Legislation – Administrative Burden
For Business
Cristina COJOCARU, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Section 3. Post-Crisis Economics. The Issue of Solutions.
Room 0319, time: 15:00
Chairpersons: Professor Marta-Christina SUCIU
Associate Professor Maria LĂCĂTUŞ
Assistant: Assistant Alexandra ADAM
Reviewers: Professor Dorin JULA
Professor Liviu BEGU
Professor. Zizi GOSCHIN
1. Sustainability of Public Co-Financing of Investment Projects with
EU Financial Assistance in Romania
Professor Anca DACHIN, PhD
Monica Gabriela GHERMAN, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
2. The Impact of Demographic Crisis on Romanian Higher Education
Professor Marta-Christina SUCIU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
3. The Link between Economic Recovery and Rule of Law
Professor Basarab GOGONEAȚĂ, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
4. The Role of Small and Medium Enterprises in Improving Employment
and in the Post-Crisis Resumption of Economic Growth in Romania
Associate Professor Mirela Ionela ACELEANU, PhD
Lecturer Daniela Livia TRAŞCĂ, PhD
Lecturer Andreea Claudia ŞERBAN, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
5. Fiscal Consolidation through Fiscal Rules?
Lecturer Alexandra ADAM, PhD
Assistant Silvia Elena IACOB, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
6. Internal and External Challenges on Labour Market
Lecturer Anca Maria GHERMAN, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
7. Creativity and Skills - Components of Success in Innovative Enterprises
Nina ALEXEVICI - Director
Maria PREDONU - superior expert
Rodica DUMITRIU - expert
National Institute of Statistics
8. Dual Control – a Requirement of the Current Bank Management in
Crisis Conditions
Cosmin MATIŞ, PhD Candidate
Alina MATIŞ, PhD Candidate
“Babeş – Bolyai” University, Cluj
9. The Green Certificates Market in Romania - Continuity or Dead End?
Alina-Mihaela BABONEA, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
10. Natural Capital – Analysis During Global Crisis
Constantin CONSTANTINESCU, PhD Candidate
Doctoral School of Economics
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
11. The Sovereign Debt Crisis. Implications for the Romanian Economy
Associate Professor Aura Gabriela SOCOL, PhD
Raluca Elena MOISESCU (DUICAN), PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
12. Economic Disparities between Urban and Rural Romanian
Regarding Human Capital
Associate Professor Mihaela Roberta STANEF, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
13. Concepts Regarding the Analysis of Financial Instruments Portfolios
Professor Gabriela Victoria ANGHELACHE, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Lecturer Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
Associate Professor Alexandru MANOLE, PhD
“Artifex” University, Bucharest
14. Exports – Dynamics and Impact on Economic Growth
George STEFAN, PhD Candidate
Lecturer Anca Maria GHERMAN, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
15. Migration Effects on the Romanian Labour Market
Associate Professor Mihaela MOSORA, PhD
Lecturer Cosmin MOSORA, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
16. Choosing Career Path - Unemployment Enhancer Factor
Ortansa FLOREA (MOISE), PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
17. Models Used in Portfolio Management
Lecturer Mădălina Gabriela ANGHEL, PhD
“Artifex” University, Bucharest
18. Investment in Economic Education and the Economic Education
Associate Professor Maria LĂCĂTUŞ, PhD
Professor Marta-Christina SUCIU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
19. Consumers’ Opinions and Attitudes in the Market of Mobile Phone
Services During Crises in Romania
Lecturer Lavinia TOTAN, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
20. Macroeconomic Analysis of Fiscal Policy
Oana Camelia IACOB, PhD Candidate
Ana-Maria VOLINTIRU, PhD Candidate
Aurel MARIN, PhD Candidate
Valahia University, Târgovişte
Lecturer Andrei Mihai CRISTEA, PhD Candidate
Hyperion University, Bucharest
21. Adaptability and Competitiveness of Romanian Aeronautical
Industry in the European Context
Daniela MOCENCO, PhD Candidate
National Institute for Research Aerospace „Elie Carafoli”
22. Integrated Reporting – a Solution for the Sustainable Development
of the Corporate Sector
Cosmin Ionuţ IMBRIŞCĂ, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
RNR AG, Leverkusen, Germany
Luciana NAGEL-PICIORUŞ, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
23. Evolutions and Prospects in Romania’s Economy
Mihaela Daniela NICULESCU, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Miron DUMITRESCU, PhD Candidate
National Institute of Economic Research - Romanian Academy
Andrei Mihai CRISTEA, PhD Candidate
Hyperion University, Bucharest
Assistant Oana Camelia IACOB, PhD Candidate
Valahia University, Târgoviște
24. Demo-Economic Restructuring In South Muntenia Development
Region. Causes And Effects On The Regional Economy
Ionuț BUSEGA, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Section 4. Models of the Global Economy. The Issue of Identity.
Room 0302, Time: 15:00
Chairpersons: Associate Professor Marius Cristian PANĂ, PhD
Associate Professor Alina CREŢU
Assistant: Assistant Gavril (Moldovan) Ioana
Reviewers: Professor Ion BUCUR
Professor Valentina VASILE
Professor Cornel IONESCU
1. The Interrelationships between Economic, Political and Social
Professor Dorin JULA, PhD
Ecological University of Bucharest
Lecturer Nicolae-Marius JULA, PhD
University „Nicolae Titulescu”
2. Economic Policies Coordination in EU - Reforms and Perspectives
Professor Cristian SOCOL, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
3. Sovereign Debt during Crisis: the Concept and the Determinants
Professor Monica DUDIAN, PhD
Mădălina RADU, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
4. Structural Convergence Analysis of the Foreign Trade with the
European Union
Associate Professor Marius-Corneliu MARINAŞ, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
5. The Role of the Land Market in the Foundation of the National
Strategy of Modernity and Modernization of Romanian Agriculture
Associate Professor Anca Gabriela MOLĂNESCU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
6. Perspectives on Foreign Direct Investments in Economic Crisis
Assistant Raluca Andreea POPA, PhD
Assistant Ioana GAVRIL (MOLDOVAN), PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
7. The IMF Struggle for Profit and Macroeconomic Order in
Developing Countries
Andrei JOSAN, PhD
Cristina (COVACI) VOICU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
8. Theoretical Implications of the Financial Crisis on the Relevance of
Taylor's Rule. Case Study: European Union
Alexandru Cătălin POPA, PhD Candidate
Professor Cătălin-Emilian HUIDUMAC-PETRESCU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
9. The Implications of the Economic Crisis on Old Age Pensions in
some European Countries
Ileana TEODORESCU, Ph.D. Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
10. The Dimensions of the Global Economic Crisis
Associate Professor Liliana CRĂCIUN, PhD
Manuela Violeta OCHEA, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
11. Ways of Improving FDI Inflows through Public Policy Instruments
in the Central and Eastern European Countries
Oana Cristina POPOVICI, PhD
Adrian Cantemir CĂLIN, PhD
Institute for Economic Forecasting
12. Who Is Leading the World Economy
Andreea BURDUF, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
13. Global European Economic Model
Associate Professor Cristina BURGHELEA, PhD
Hyperion University, Bucharest
Associate Professor Anda GHEORGHIU, PhD
Hyperion University, Bucharest
Associate Professor Cristiana TINDECHE, PhD
USAMVB Bucharest
Professor Anca GHEORGHIU, PhD
Hyperion University, Bucharest
14. Global Crisis’ Impact on the European Priorities in the Social
Cohesion Policy
Assistant Alina Magdalena MANOLE, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
15. Demographic Aging in the Context of the Global Financial and
Economic Crisis - a Challenge in the European Employment Policies in
the 21st Century
Associate Professor Alina Ștefania CHENIC (CREȚU), PhD
Petronela Evelina BĂLU, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
16. Economic Order, Catallactics and Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor CREŢU Alina, PhD
Lecturer MIHAI Roxana Lucia, PhD
Assistant BĂJAN Irina Florentina, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
17. Models of the Global Economy. The Issue of Identity in Romania
Andreea Cristina FLOREA, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
18. Regional Implications of EU Labour Wage
Andreea – Monica PREDONU, PhD Candidate
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
19. The Public Debt Management and the Political Marketing in the
Context of Negative Economic Fluctuations on a Global Level
Cosmin Mihai LEFTER, PhD Candidate
Daniel PETREA, PhD Candidate
Alexandru BODISLAV, PhD
Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Important note:
Papers selected by the Scientific Committee will be published in the listed
journal Theoretical and Applied Economics. Papers should be submitted
in both English and Romanian, each accompanied by an abstract of up to
100 words together with a list of 5 keywords and the institutional e-mail
addresses of all the authors. The classification of the article either by
system or by database will be inserted after the abstract (see REL System
available on or the JEL system, available
on www.aea.web).
Working standards and rules for editing are available on the journal’s
Revised papers should be sent by December 8th, 2013, at the contacts used
for abstract submission:
1. A Different Economics? The Issue of Fundamentals.
2. The Non-Assimilated Lessons of the Crisis. The Issue of Signalling.
3. Post-Crisis Economics. The Issue of Solutions.
4. Models of the Global Economy. The Issue of Identity.