Marketing Executive Application Select a Quick Start Pack to Ship Today! Step 1: Join our Team! YES! I would like to become a Marketing Executive for FreeLife ! ($19.95 fee) ® Step 2: Get started with a Quick Start Pack (QSP) to launch your Business. Choose an option best for you! SILVER QSP GOOD GOLD QSP BETTER $399.95 Special AC Price 215 Points $749.00 Special AC Price 340 Points $856 Regular Price $571.36 Regular Price Step 3: BEST PLATINUM QSP $999.90 Special AC Price 500 Points $1,143 Regular Price Save $171.41! Save $107! Save $143! $75 Guarantee Eligibility $75 Guarantee + Fast Track + LUX Car Club Eligibility $75 Guarantee + Fast Track + LUX Car Club Eligibility Gold QSP with GoChi /Jule Platinum QSP with GoChi /Jule Select your Pack. Please also sign me up as an Advantage Customer. The Advantage Customer (AC) Program saves you 10-20% on your order and gives you the convenience of having your favourite products shipped to you around the 22nd of each month in the event you forget to place your order. Your AC Program order will not ship this month, but will ship in future months if you do not have 100 or more Personal Points by the 20th of each month. You can skip or cancel at any time. No thanks. I’ll pay Regular Price. B ODY MAINTAIN PACK ACTIVE LIFESTYLE PACK $259.95 AC Price 100 Points $379.50 AC Price 160 Points $379.50 AC Price 160 Points $379.50 AC Price 160 Points $298 Regular Price $434 Regular Price $434 Regular Price $434.00 Regular Price Step 4: QTY OMENTUM PACK M Additional Products. ITEM DESCRIPTION AC ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Step 5: B ODY BREAKTHROUGH PACK ONE TIME QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION AC ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ONE TIME Personal Information. Enroller’s Name:____________________________________________________________ Full Name on Credit Card:____________________________________________________ Enroller’s ID#:______________________________________________________________ Billing Address (street, city, state, zip code):_____________________________________________ Sponsor’s Name: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Sponsor’s ID#:_____________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Name:__________________________________________________________ Email:___________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: _______________________________________________________ Expiration Date:__________________________ CCV:_____________________________ Card Type: Visa MasterCard American Express Mailing Address (street, city, state, zip code):_____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _______________________ Evening Phone:__________________________ Date of Birth (month/day/year):____________________________________________________ ABN:____________________________________________________________________ Business Name:____________________________________________________________ Website Name:_____________________________________________________________ Preferred Language: English Yes, I would like to receive communication from FreeLife regarding special promotions and health tips. Cardholder’s Signature:__________________________________ Date:________________ If I have chosen the Advantage Customer Program, I authorise FreeLife to make a monthly withdrawal from my credit card listed above equal to the amount of the products, applicable sales tax, and shipping and handling for my Advantage Customer order. I acknowledge that I may cancel this authorisation for any reason at any time by submitting written notice to FreeLife (notice from your listed e-mail address will suffice). FreeLife must receive cancellations by the 20th of the month to avoid processing and charges for the Advantage Customer order in that month. By signing in the space provided above, I am applying to become a FreeLife Marketing Executive and have my credit card charged for the enrollment fee. I have carefully read and agree to terms and conditions printed on the reverse side of this application, the Policies and Procedures, Compensation Plan, Online Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy. I acknowledge that I have the right to cancel this Agreement at any time, for any reason. You, the buyer, may cancel this transaction at any time prior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. See the Notice of Cancellation form on the reverse side for an explanation of this right. ©2013 FreeLife International, Australia Pty Ltd. • 3/61 Southgate Avenue • Cannon Hill QLD 4170 1800 794 654 (AU) • 0800 694 654 (NZ) Please fax form to: 1800 284 849 (AU) | 0800 494 654 (NZ) Independent Marketing Executive Application and Agreement The Agreement, which includes the terms of the agreement with FreeLife, is between the Independent Marketing Executive (referred to as “Marketing Executive” or “I” or “me”) and FreeLife International, Inc., a Connecticut corporation, (referred to as “FreeLife”). 1. I acknowledge that as used throughout these terms and conditions, the term “Agreement” shall collectively refer to the FreeLife Marketing Executive Application and Agreement, Policies and Procedures, Marketing and Compensation Plan, Website Online Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy. These documents, in their current form and as amended by FreeLife at its sole discretion, are incorporated by reference into these terms and conditions, and constitute the entire agreement between me and FreeLife. 2. I understand that as a FreeLife Marketing Executive, I am an independent contractor, and not an employee, agent, partner, legal representative, or franchisee of FreeLife. I UNDERSTAND THAT I SHALL NOT BE TREATED AS AN EMPLOYEE OF FREELIFE FOR FEDERAL OR STATE TAX PURPOSES. FreeLife is not responsible for withholding, and shall not withhold or deduct any taxes from my bonuses and commissions, unless such withholding becomes legally required. 3. I shall present the FreeLife Marketing and Compensation Plan, products and services fairly and completely. I shall never represent that the purchase of any goods or services are required to participate at any level of the FreeLife program. 4. I understand that FreeLife does not guarantee or warrant that Marketing Executives will earn an income. Under no circumstances shall I represent that a FreeLife Marketing Executive is guaranteed an income. I understand that my income is dependent on the sale of FreeLife goods and services to end-users. Accordingly, I shall not represent that earnings or bonuses may be earned by the mere act of enrolling other Marketing Executives. 5. I acknowledge that FreeLife shall collect sales tax on the purchase price of all taxable items sold unless I submit a sales tax exemption or reseller’s certificate. I understand that if I submit a sales tax exemption or reseller’s certificate to FreeLife, I shall be solely responsible for collecting and remitting the appropriate sales tax to the tax authorities in the jurisdiction in which I retail products. 6. FreeLife, its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, assigns, and agents (collectively referred as “affiliates”), shall not be liable for, and I release FreeLife and its affiliates from, and waive all claims for, consequential and exemplary damages arising from or relating to FreeLife’s performance of its duties and obligations under the Agreement. I further agree to hold harmless and indemnify FreeLife and its affiliates from any claims and/or liability arising from or relating to the promotion or operation of my FreeLife Business and any activities related to it (e.g., the presentation of FreeLife products or Compensation and Marketing Plan, the operation of a motor vehicle, the lease of meeting or training facilities, etc.). 7. I may not assign any rights or delegate my duties under this Agreement without the prior written consent of FreeLife. I understand that any attempt to transfer or assign this Agreement without the express written consent of FreeLife renders this Agreement voidable at the option of FreeLife and may result in disciplinary action. 8. I understand that the Agreement may be amended at the sole discretion of FreeLife, and that all such amendments apply to me. With the exception of the Mediation, Arbitration, Governing Law, Venue and Jurisdiction policy (Policy 49D), amendments shall become effective upon publication of notice of the amendments and the amended policy as specified in the Policies and Procedures, except that any modification of the Mediation, Arbitration, Governing Law, Venue and Jurisdiction policy shall not apply retroactively to a dispute of which FreeLife had notice prior to or on the day of amendment. If FreeLife terminates the Mediation, Arbitration, Governing Law, Venue and Jurisdiction policy, such termination shall not be effective until 30 days after notice has been posted on FreeLife’s Internet websites or in the Marketing Executive’s FreeLife Office. The continuation of my FreeLife business or my acceptance of bonuses or commissions shall constitute my acceptance of any and all amendments. I agree that FreeLife’s interpretation of the Agreement will be final and binding. 9. The term of this Agreement is one year. I understand that my Agreement will be automatically renewed in the anniversary month of my enrolment when I place a product order. FreeLife will not make payments on the first 100 points of my order in my anniversary month, although all of those points will count toward all qualifications. All points above 100 points in the anniversary month will be paid through the normal Compensation Plan policies. I understand that if I do not order in my anniversary month, the above rules would apply to my next order. This renewal fee will be applied once each year. I acknowledge that FreeLife reserves the right to reject any renewal. 10. I understand that FreeLife reserves the right to take disciplinary action, as specified in the Policies and Procedures, if I violate the Agreement, or engage in any conduct that FreeLife determines in its sole discretion, damages FreeLife’s reputation, presents FreeLife in a negative light, or that is a violation of any law, regulation, or ordinance. 11. I understand that I may cancel this Agreement at any time, and for any reason. Cancellation must be submitted in writing to the Company at its principal business address. The written notice must include the Marketing Executive’s signature, printed name, address, and FreeLife ID number. 12. I acknowledge that if any provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable for whatever reason, such limited portions of the provision that are unenforceable shall be fully severable from this Agreement and the remaining terms shall remain in full force and effect and be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision never comprised a part hereof. Furthermore, in lieu of such invalid or unenforceable provision there shall be added in its place a provision as similar in its terms to the invalid or unenforceable provisions as may be possible and legal, valid, and enforceable. 13. If my Agreement is terminated at any time for any reason, I understand that I will permanently lose all rights as a Marketing Executive, including but not limited to rights to commissions, bonuses, and other compensation, and I waive all rights and claims to my prior marketing Organisation, including but not limited to any property rights that I may have. 14. I confirm I have read and understand the Marketing Executive Application and Agreement, Policies and Procedures, Marketing and Compensation Plan, Website Online Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy, and will at all times fully comply with all my legal and ethical obligations referred to therein as if the same forms part of this Agreement. 15. I acknowledge and authorise FreeLife to collect and use my personal information. For more information about how FreeLife collects and uses your personal information, review the Policies and Procedures or the online Privacy Policy. FreeLife will use this information to personalise your web experience and improve our Customer Care and product fulfillment process. I acknowledge that I can revoke my authorisation to collect and use my personal information at any time by emailing FreeLife’s Privacy Officer at or by calling FreeLife’s Customer Care department. FreeLife requires access to certain personal information to support your Business; therefore, I acknowledge that if I wish to continue operating my FreeLife Business, I may not be allowed to revoke FreeLife’s authorisation to use and collect certain personal information or to unsubscribe to certain transactional emails. 16. I acknowledge and understand that FreeLife and I would have had a right to litigate disputes through the courts, but have agreed to resolve disputes through arbitration, including an agreement that no claim shall be adjudicated, in arbitration or in any judicial proceeding, as a class action, and that no arbitration conducted pursuant to this Agreement shall allow class claims, or consolidation or joinder of claims or parties. If you do not wish to be bound by the arbitration provisions in section 49 D of the Policies and Procedures, you must notify FreeLife in writing 30 days from the date of your acceptance of the Agreement, or revision of the arbitration provisions in Section 49D, by email at or by mail to FreeLife at 4950 S. 48th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85040. By opting out, your account will be changed from a Marketing Executive to a Customer, which will still allow you to purchase FreeLife’s products at a discount over the suggested retail price. NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL Complete this section only if you want to cancel this agreement. You may CANCEL this transaction, without any penalty or obligation, within THREE BUSINESS DAYS from the date on which this agreement was signed. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the contract or sale, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within TEN BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be canceled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale, or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the seller regarding the return shipment of the goods at the seller’s expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your Notice of Cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the seller and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction, contact Customer Care at 1800 794 654 AU 0800 694 654 NZ, mail, fax, email; deliver a signed and dated written notice, or send a telegram to FreeLife International Australia Pty Ltd, 3/61 Southgate Avenue, Cannon Hill, QLD 4170 NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT of the third business day following the transaction date. I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. ____________________________________________________________________ Buyer’s Signature ____________________________________ Date