Curriculum Vitae Name: VO, Quoc Tuan Date of birth: 28.February

Curriculum Vitae
Name: VO, Quoc Tuan
Date of birth: 28.February.1978
Nationality: Vietnamese
Address: Can Tho University
Land Resource Department
3.2 Street, Can Tho City, Vietnam
Tel: 0084 (0) 7103 831 005
Cell: 0084 (0) 913 604 111
Professional Work experience
08/2009 – Present
German Remote Sensing Data Center, DLR, Germany, PhD
researcher. Research in the field of economic evaluation of
mangrove ecosystem services using combined approaches of
remote sensing data and socio-economic data. Getting
involved in the development of remote sensing products
within WISDOM project-(work package 6000); data processing
for mangrove mapping; development of mangrove
classification schemes for mangrove forest classification.
03/2008 - 07/2008
Can Tho University, Vietnam, College of Agriculture and Applied
Biology, Department of Soil Science and Land Management,
Researcher in the field of remote sensing and cadastral
mapping; Supervision of undergraduate students in the field of
remote sensing applications, GIS, land management,
environment assessment and cadastral mapping.
02/2006 – 02/2008
Seoul National University, South Korea, Department of
Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Regional
Information Major; Master of Art in Economics; participation in
Remote Sensing of Environment, Geographic Information
Systems, Data Mining, Management Information System with
high grades.
10/2001 – 02/2006
Can Tho University, Vietnam, College of Agriculture and Applied
Biology, Department of Soil Science and Land Management,
Researcher and Teaching assistance in the field of GIS and
Remote Sensing. Supervision of undergraduate students in the
field of remote sensing applications, GIS, land management,
environment assessment and cadastral mapping.
09/1997 – 09/2001
Can Tho University, Vietnam, College of Agriculture and Applied
Biology, Department of Soil Science and Land Management,
Bachelor of Land Management (with good ranking).
Computer Skills
Good skills
Good skills in Remote Sensing Software Tools: Erdas Imagine,
eCognition, ENVI+ GIS application in spatial analysis (ArcGIS).
SPSS. Mapinfo
Familiar with
Data mining, R.
Good at speaking and writing, daily communication in English,
used to present and negotiate.
Mother tongue
ESA Earth Observation Summer School on Earth System
Monitoring and Modelling (in English, ESA, Rome, Italy)
Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Services: From Theory to
Practice (in English, in Amsterdam and Wagenigen, the
Radar Remote Sensing (in English, U.S. Geological Survey, Can
Tho University, Vietnam)
Advanced Remote Sensing for Mapping, Monitoring &
Management the Environment. (in English, ISPRS, Vietnam)
Soil and Water Assessment Tool – SWAT (in English, Nong Lam
University, Vietnam)
Geographic Information System (in English, AIT, Vietnam)
Remote Sensing (in English, AIT, Vietnam)
GIS Application in Land Resource and Land Use Studies (in
English, Can Tho University)
Computer-Based Analysis of Agricultural Polices (in English,
University of Economics, HCMC)
C. Kuenzer, Huadong Guo, Inga Schlegel, Vo QT, Xinwu Li, and
Stefan Dech, 2013. Varying Scale and Capability of Envisat
ASAR-WSM, TerraSAR-X Scansar and TerraSAR-X Stripmap Data
to Assess Urban Flood Situations: A Case Study of the Mekong
Delta in Can Tho Province Remote Sensing 5(10), 5122-5142
Vo QT, C. Kuenzer, N. Oppelt, 2013. How remote sensing
supports mangrove ecosystem services valuation – case study
Ca Mau province, Vietnam. Ecosystem Services (in review)
C. Kuenzer and Vo QT. 2013. What are Can Gio's Mangroves
worth? Assessing Ecosystem Service Values of Can Gio
Mangrove Biosphere Reserve: combining Earth Observation
and Household Survey based Analyses. Applied Geography 45,
Vo QT., Oppelt, N., and C. Kuenzer, 2013: Remote Sensing in
Mapping Mangrove Ecosystems - An Object-based Approach
Remote Sensing 5(1), 183-201
Vo QT, C Kuenzer, QM Vo, F Moder, N Oppelt, 2012: Review of
valuation methods for mangrove ecosystem services.
Ecological Indicators 23, 431-446
Kuenzer, C., Campbell, I., Roch, M., Leinenkugel, P., Vo, QT.,
and S. Dech, 2012: Understanding the Impacts of Hydropower
Development in the context of Upstream-Downstream
Relations in the Mekong River Basin. Accepted for publication
in Sustainability Science
J Huth, C Kuenzer, T Wehrmann, S Gebhardt, Vo QT, S Dech,
2012: Land cover and land use classification with TWOPAC:
towards automated processing for pixel-and object-based
image classification. Remote Sensing 4 (9), 2530-2553
Claudia Kuenzer, Andrea Bluemel, Steffen Gebhardt, Vo QT
and S. Dech, 2011: Remote Sensing of Mangrove EcosystemsA review. Remote Sensing 3 (5), 878-928
Yoo, Chul Woo; Kim, Misuk; Choe, Young Chan; and Vo QT
2008 : Factors Motivating Software Piracy in Vietnam. AMCIS
Vo, QT., Vo Quang Minh. 2008. A methodology framework for
soil peat volume simulation overtime at Vo Doi-Camau. Soil
Vo, QT., Vo Quang Minh, 2003. Application of Geo-statistics
and GIS in spatial distribution monitoring of soil pH and
Organic in Cai Lay District, Tien giang province. Scientific
Journal of Cantho University.
Conference Contributions
Vo Quoc Tuan, Nguyen Nhu Do, Cao Quoc Dat, Vo Quang Minh,
2013: The Potential of Landsat-8 data for Mapping Mangrove
Ecosystem. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference
on Geoinformation for Disaster Management, 9-11 December,
2013. Ha Noi, Vietnam
Vo, QT., N. Oppelt., C, Kuenzer 2013. Quantifying Mangrove
Ecosystem Services based on Remote Sensing and Household
Surveys. Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on
Remote Sensing of Environment, 22-26 April, 2013, Beijing,
Vo, QT., Kuenzer, C., Vo, QM., and N. Oppelt, 2012: Mangrove
Ecosystem Services in the Mekong Delta: Combining SocioEconomic Household Surveying with Remote Sensing based
Analyses. Proceedings of the 32dn International Geographical
Congress, 26-30 August, Cologne, Germany
Vo, QT. and C. Kuenzer, 2011: Assessment of Mangrove
Ecosystem Services in the Mekong delta, Vietnam, based on
Remote Sensing and Household Surveying. Proceedings of the
32nd Asian Remote Sensing Conference, ARSC, 03-07 October,
Taipei, Taiwan
Vo, QT., Gebhardt, S., Vo, QM., Huth, J., and C. Kuenzer, 2010:
How remote sensing supports economic evaluation of
mangrove ecosystems, Proceedings of the 31st Asian Remote
Sensing Conference, 01-05 November, Hanoi, Vietnam