North Westchester Times, Mt. Kisco, N: Y., April 2, 1959 New Castle, Tribune, Chappaqua, N. Y., April 2, 1959 School Bus, Cars Damaged On Route 22 Four motor vehicles, one of them a Bedford Bus Co. bus transport­ ing Bedford Central Dist. 2 school children, were damaged, and one person v a s reported, injured in traffic accidents that occurred on busy Route 22, Bedford Village, on March 24. Nobody was hurt in the school bus collision though it was carry­ ing pupils at the time, Bedford Police report. The bus driver, Al­ ton Woodcock of Ridgefield, Conn., said his attention was focused else­ where when a coupe he was fol­ lowing stooped near the Vinton Ave. intersection. He said he only applied his brakes lightly to avoid any possible injury to the children and the bus crashed into the rear of the southbound car operated by Bruce Wellons of Bedford Village. At 8:40 p.m. the same day, Charles Desiato, twenty-eight, of Lincoln Ave., Bedford Village, suf­ fered lacerations of the head when his southbound sedan went out of control on Route 22 and struck a utility pole south of Mathews Mill Rd. About an hour later, a jaywalk­ ing deer had to be destroyed by police when it was badly^hurt aft­ er leaping In front of a car driven by Michael Sinistora, twenty, of Armonk. The accident occurred south of Rou,te 172 where deer are frequently spotted along the road­ side. Ptl. Andrew Anderson report­ ed that the animal was hurt so badly he had to shoot it at the scene. 3 - Day Rummage Sale Scheduled at Center Mrs. Jack Deitch and Mrs. Jerry Smilkstein will co - chairman the annual three-day rummage sale being sponsored by the Sisterhood of the Jewish Community Center on April 7, 8 and 9. Being arranged in the Center, the doors will open on April 7 and 8 at 10 A.M. and close at 5 P.M. On the 9th, the doors open at 10 A.M. and close at 12 noon. All types of clothing, china, glass, brie - a-brac, costume jewelry, small pieces of household furni­ ture, linens and miscellaneous items will provide something for anyone who attends the sale. Shih Hsiung, born in Nanking, China, translated the Chinese ver­ sion of Benjamin Franklin's auto­ biography. It was a best-seller in China. 8 Adult Class In Driver Education Set wiL be shown and discussed. All 1registered with Mr. Burden report new Vehicle and Traffic laws will' to class oh April 8 at 7:30 in the be explained. j evening at the Fox Lane School The class will be given psycho­ Room D 2. physical test. These are reaction time, steadiness, visual acuity, night vision & glare recovery and distance, judgment. On the road behind-the-wheel in­ R E M O V E S structions will be given how to RUST & STAINS drive the car and prepare the stu­ dent for tr • New York State road from BATHTUBS * SINKS EASTER BUN#Y BARBED examination. bottoms of COPPER POTS NORTH PELHAM - The North All who wish Jo enroll in this TILE FLOOR**METALS Pelham Village Board has put the class are asked to call or write AUTO BUMPERS kibosh on plans of a local super­ C. W. "Doc" Burden at 34 West ALUMINUM market to play E a s t c Bunny. The Hyatt Ave. Mt. Kisco. Phone STORM WINDOWS market has planned to hide plas­ MO 6-5580. tic Easter eggs in the community . The registration fee is $10.00 F R E E S A M P L E 2UD IS SOLO. with each finder entitled to a half- which will give the student nine ChnnaaMsoTyeurifodm. AT GROCERS, dozen real "eggs at the store. The lessons on the road and 6 lessons RUSTAIN PRODUCTS HARDWARE, DEPT. village Board saw it as no yoking in the classroom. Each lesson is matter. for two hours. Those who have FA1RLAWN, NEW JERSEY 10 CENT STORES The next adult class in driver education will steut on April 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fox Lane Schqol. The class will be for beginners and those who have a license and still need more instruction. There are two phases to driver education, classroom and behind the wheel. In the class room movies and film strips of driving SAFEWAY BROTHERS AND sister of one family as they walked down the steps of Antioch Baptist Church on Easter Sunday pic­ tured, are Miss Virginia Jenkins and Charles and Ronald Jenkins. *Bottom Round The Easter festival service was the first major ceremony since the renovation and redecorating of the Bedford Hills edificePhoto by D. B. Kirchhoff. * T o p Round Area Spots Included in New Edition of State Guidebook Tourist attractions and vacation and the Dinosaur Museum near opportunities of the Hudson-Tacon- Brewster, John Jay House at Ka­ ic region are featured in the latest tonah, and the Van Cortlandt Man­ edition of "New York State Va- or restoration at Croton-on-Hudcationlands," 311st published by son. Color photographs and short ar­ the State Commerce Dpartment. ticles describe the U. S. Mili­ Copies of the free 196-page tary Academy at West Point, the guidebook, which mentions areas in Northern Westchester and Put­ Hawk's Nest Drive along the Del­ nam County, may be obtained by aware River, Bear Mt. State Park writing directly to the Department and the.Westchester County park­ at 112 State Street, Albany 7, ways Hudson-Taconic communities list­ N. Y. ed include Copake, Hillsdale, Hud­ Dividing the state into sixteen son, and Kinderhook in Columbia vacation regions, the guide de­ County: Beacon, Hughsonville, scribes each, listing' attractions Hyde Park, Poughkeepsie, Red and communities, of interest to Hook, Rhinebeck and Wappingers tourists. In addition, chambers of commerce and agencies to which Falls in Dutchess County; Bullthe prospective holiday seeker ville, Goshen, Greenwood Lake, may write for further details are Highland Mills, Central Valley, Middletown, Monroe, Mountaingiven. ville, Newburgh, Port Jervis, WalInformation on state parks, his­ den, and Warwick in Orange Coun­ toric shrines, dude ranches, indus­ ty; Brewster, Carmel, Lake Car­ trial plant tours, camping, hiking, mel, Cold Spring, Lake Mahopac, boating and filling is listed as and Patterson in Putnam County: well as bus, railroad and ferry lines serving the areas, admission Haverstraw, Spring Valley, and charges to tourist attractions and Monsey in Rockland County. Un­ bridge tolls. For each community der Westchester County are Ka­ the principal highways serving it tonah, Lake Mohegan, Mount Ver­ and the nearest Thruway inter­ non, New Rochelle, Peekskill. Port Chester, Rye, Tarrytown, North change are listed. Tarrytown, Irvington, White Plains Hudson-Taconic attractions high­ and Yonkers. lighted art Birch Hill Game Park near Brewster; Clinton House at The guidebook, illustrated with Poughkeepsie; DeWindt Mansion more than 100 color pictures and at Tappan; F . D. Roosevelt Na-' drawings, retains its convenient tional .historic site and Vand'erbilt 7V2" x 5%" pocket size. Mansion a t Hyde Park: the trot­ ADVERISEMENT ting track and Hall of Fame of the; Trotter at Goshen: Graymoor near Peekskill; Hammond House at Eastview; House of History at Kinderhook; Incline Railway and Madam Brett Homestead at Bea­ con; Katonah Gallery at Katonah; Knox Headquarters and Temple Hill at Vails Gate; Lost Village near Carmel: Mills Museum at Staatsburg; the Ward-Pound Ridge Nature Museum near Katonah; Old Museum Village at Smith's Clove at Monroe; Paine Memor­ ials at New Rochelle; Philipsburg Manor Upper Mills at North Tarrytown; Philipse Manor at Yonkers; Playland at Rye; St. Paul's Church at Mt. Vernon; Shaker Museum at Old Chatham; Shingle House and Warwick Valley Mu­ seum at Warwick, "Sunnyside," between Irvington and Tarrytown Washington's Headquarters at White Plains and at Newburgh; Wood Crag on Constitution Island; the Brotherhood Corporation wine­ ry tour at Washingtonville, and the Yonkers Raceway. 1 Appearing for the first time are the American Museum of firefighting at Hudson, "Boot Hill" TO CHOOSE OFFICIERS" The nominating committee to recommend a new slate of officers to be elected by the John Jay PTA, to serve during the 1959-60 term, has been selected. The com­ mittee will be headed by Mrs. George Green, of Goldens Bridge, and will have the following mem­ bers: the Rev. Wesley Megaw, of South Salem: Charles Lantry, of Lewisboro; and Mrs. Charles Swei gart, of Katonah. Mrs. Daniel Di Pace, of Lake Katonah, will rep­ resent the present executive board on the committee. * Sirloin Tip US.D.A. Choice lb. Beef U.S.D.A, Inspected and Graded Choice By United States Department of Agriculture Grading Experts: Frozen Pastries Pepperidge Farms Apple, Blueberry or Raspberry Turnovers; Apple Dumplings or Apple Rolls For The Finest PRODUCE ...All ( You Need Remember Sirloin Tip Steak 'U.S. No. 1 Size A 10 Fresh Green Popular Favorite c 39 'fa. 8' Skylark Bakery Special of the 1 Ib. W e e k - R e g . 25c SAVE 6c loaf 1 Airway e . r.. complete. Volume No. 4 on sale this week. Perch r Fillets ** C rrUlT C a P t a Capta z r h 0 , C e ^ozen - Orange&Grapetruit qt. / Q OeCTlOnS Cypress Gardens jarOV M on 9 r 3 Noodles PENN DUTCH Med. or Fine pkg. O / Q r e e D n p f -79c 2 Vh 2 Z Frosting hcfcoiateo7vlniiia2^g°s .33 C Lima 9rands C 29 P Bel-Air Frozen K 39 sai. 95 s c z < o1°oz.rr ( JUY CREAMY-SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PLANTERS PEANUT BUTTER] - 2 9 ' 51' »>-79' 0 a C n h 9 e ° ^ J Scotch Treat O © © - OQc u , c e -7 , 12 o i , . cans IB. ... A o u S e M r s k i n , , e c . « $ pkg.* 6 9 ' ib. 8 9 t e d , 35c 0 0 z, ?a r 29 Cocoa Marsh 38c White Toilet T4ssue 40 4 29' 3 29 10 14 oz. can Whole Onions ^ Hankies Assorted Colors Scotkins Na Xjo" Hud n 11 XallOpS Star-Kist Tuna p . 1 ^ " 32 ack 2 0 f o p ° 28' g 4 7 a , o t n 37< 5 r\ 12 f c f <">' 27 ol ^ine j H :;:. * l pk b g : 33c 14; 4 9 (S.E. Corner of E. Main St.) (a regular 5 0 c Value) Advertised prices effective thru Sat., April 4th. 39' 53c Oakite Spic & Span FOR HOUSEHOLD C L E A N I N G THE O N C E - O V E R CLEANER ' pkg.4 1 Kaiser Foil POPULAR DETERGENT FOR BROILING; 14" pkg. C 49C Tide 32c £ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT SAFEWAY 1 0 S O . BEDFORD ROAD MT. KISCO, N.Y. get both for only Frying, Baking or Salads 19 oz. c i cuMme Keebler Cookies c c ^ i^i n"79 S u c g y 1 0 A pk !°27 Me t co°n' Hi-Ho Crackers 1 can Ellis Great Northern White Beans FREE with p u r chaseof 1 can of Ellis Corned Beef Hash. pk 2 <"-49< Hudson Pink Instant Coffee Waxed Paper Buy 1 • Get 1 FREE 19' r c e r e o i ' 8 oz. pkg. 3 9 "-35< |ar pkg». French Fried Red-L, Frozen 7 oz. pkg. 5 3 Facial Tissues 2 P Napkins i: o«uL . r 2 D 4 o: " ajar? " 5 9 , Cream of Rice i r WessohOil HormelSpam] quart can ( Safeway READY-TO-EAT «»4JC r l n 9 1 31 , b Maple Syrup ,100% S t tPure. Lbot. T 55 83' K m Fancy Shrimp T R « <>• Nuts Hershey's Cocoa DETERGENT 1 l b . 1 3 oz. cans * Roast 18 o z . i a r 4 9 ' z • n Ivory Li quid FOR AUTOMATIC WASHERS 1 P c g *. b Assorted Fiavors % PeanUt Butter Real 4>A oz. jars* / so .r«ne 2 C r con Dash ' Marshmall-o Tenn°ant pkgs! 2 9 ' pk r 75< ^ oz. C Hi Meat Dinner For Babies C pkg.Z I C r A PuYeTo'rk 5 g Swift's Medium or Extra F^'ne 6 z a e 1^45 +* Orange Drink & — G r a d e A Eggs . r i S K . f S T . . Grade AA Butter s c^. 6 Beef Steaks BManor u ^ ; T House o z e n 1214 " ^ ° oz. ."69 c Hb.pkg.49c hoice 2 69c coidbrook Ice Cream k Fr dzen £ White Magic Cleans and Polishes economical 1 Ib. pkg. ] ^ Margarine S e t a "Boolc-a-Week" at 99c each until your set is 8 > Empress Apricot Pure Fruit 12 oz. jar PreSe^eS • 2 p °g s:69 1 M-MrVro 2 p i g " 49'" rozen Mama Rosa __ Frozen 10 o z . p k g . 39' Print Lard o i c e 3 Baby Pure 1.17 2.b. ba g Bel-Air Frozen Heat and Serve Waffles flVCYCLOPEWk n - bag a c PlZZa Pie t oz^ -5~9 c lb Check This List n C a p 89 it. Delicious Flavors h vacuum p k BrOCCOli ; bag- 2 A i r w a y Instant % ^ 3 5 c This is the second piece of our 7 piece Superware Stainless Cutlery offer. Add a piece a week until your set is complete. Reference-: . lb L! -6 3 c bag V Edwards ONLY Fish SticKS Cod FilletS o i c e f Coffee b N o b Hill 19c n !•• 5 0 Fresh Paring Knife For Brighter Taste, Lighter Texture... h e ell-0 cottissue lb. 49. bag ' " " S ^ i " * °< 59' Honeydews For the first 3 minutes, Station to Station, every night after 6 and all day Sunday. Plus 10% tax. 100% PURE PEANUT OIL J u i c y F , o r i d a s Grapefruit Protein Bread Standard c B e Try All Ten Ib. bag Make Safeway your Garden Headquarters. See the large selection of Shrubs, Shade .& Fruit Trees, Grass Seed, Fertilizer and Peat Moss at money-saving prices. MOUNT KISCO TO CHICAGO $1.20 s - - Cherub Seedless Cabbage ,l Pet or Carnation Evaporated fresh 'n crisp by the stalk Potatoes u Pork Ways 89< SoUSQge Links lb. Feature Burs At Fancy; Mcintosh fcMng Crisp All Purpose Fruit It costs so little . . . near or far. For example: This premium-quality liquid shortening will make your baking famous for fine, tender lightness and extra-good taste. Easy to pour, measure, m i x . . needs no refrigeration... has no peanut taste. LeJn^FWu. B TELEPHONE TODAY Cooking & Salad Oil Round Steak is Safeway! Delicious Fresh Serve It In Many Cube Steakjiffy''Min ut! s?eak'Mb.l.05 Frankfurters Surprise someone far away Planters ork Picnics , . Package or 4 ' i t Lipton s T e a x 240" 43c 29c VA l b . p k g , 43c 4 8 tea bags