INDEX School calendar………………………… Athletic calendar……………………… Timetables………………………..…….. Alberta High School Diploma Requirements…………………………... School Vision Statement………………. Bishop Vital Grandin………………..… Statement of Philosophy……………… School Objectives……………………… Expectations…………………………… School Organization…………………… Accident Insurance……………………. Activities Eligibility……………………. Advanced Placement………………….. Apprenticeship Technical Program…… Attendance…………………………….. Awards………………………………… Bus Passes……………………………… Food Services…………………...……… Career Center………………………….. Chaplaincy……………………………... Computer/Internet Policy………………. Conduct of Students Expectations…………………………. Regulations…………………………... Progressive School Discipline Procedures…………………………….. Cell phones……………………………. Cheating/Plagiarism…………………. Dress Code…………………………… Drugs and Alcohol…………………… Environment………………………..... Food……………..…………………... Hallways…………………………….. Language……………………………. Leaving During the School Day……. Neighbours………………………….. Respect………………………………. Bishop Grandin High School STUDENT HANDBOOK 2014-2015 Something For Every Student! An Advanced Placement and Extended French School 111 Haddon Road S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2V 2Y2 Phone: 403-500-2047 Fax: 403-500-2247 Home Page: @BGrandinCCSD 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 Skateboards……………… Smoking………………… Trespassers…….……..….. Valuables………..………. Vandalism…….…………. Vehicles……….………… Counseling Services……… Elevators………………….. Extended French………….. Exams …………….………. Fees ……………………….. Graduation………………… Homework………………… Knowledge & Employability Courses……………………. Learning Centre…………… Library…………………….. Locks & Lockers………….. Mark Appeals………….…... Refund Policies……………. Registration………………… Progress Reports…………. Scholarships………………... School Resource Officer…… School Nurse………….……. Student Visible ID….……… School Video Security System……………………… Teacher Advisor……………. Tutorials…………………… St. Anne’s Academic Centre Rewriting Diploma Exams…. Floor plans……………… 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13-15 2014-2015 Bishop Grandin High School Calendar Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June 2 25 28 10 13 23 31 10 11 19 5 12 30 2 5 12&13 16 2 20 26 2 13 17 15 18 22 23 9 11 24 26 Semester 1 Schedule First day of classes (revised schedule) Grade 12 Parent & Student Graduation Meeting 7 pm In-Province Post-Secondary Fair PD Day (no classes) Thanksgiving Day (no classes) Parent Conferences (evening only) 4 pm to 7:30 pm Faith Day (no classes) Parent Conferences (no classes) 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Remembrance Day (no classes) Christmas break (classes finish at 11:40 am) School re-opens Last day of regular classes Semester 2 starts AP & French Immersion Night Open House Teacher’s Convention (no classes) Family Day (no classes) PD Day (no classes) PD Day (no classes) Parent Conferences (evening only) 4 pm to 7:30 pm Easter break (classes finish at 11:40 am) School re-opens Parent Conferences (no classes) 8:30 am to 12:30 pm PD Day (no classes) Victoria Day (no classes) Grad Mass & Ceremonies (no classes) Grad Dinner & Dance Meet the TA @ 5 pm & 6:30 pm for next yr. grade 10 students Last day of regular classes Gr. 12 Awards Night 7:00 pm Last exam & school office closes at noon Period Period Interval Period Length Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sem. 1 1 9 :00 -10:25 85 min 1 1 1 1 9:00 - 10:04 1 64 min TA 10:28-10:38 10 min TA TA TA TA NO TA 2 10:41-12:06 85 min 2 2 2 2 10:07 – 11:11 2 64 min L 12:06-12:32 31 min LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 3 12:37-2:02 85 min 3 3 3 3 4 2:05-3:30 85 min 4 4 4 4 11:11 - 11:34 LUNCH 28 min 11:39 - 12:43 3 64 min 12:46 - 1:50 4 64 min Semester 2 Schedule ATHLETIC CALENDAR Cross-Country...........September – October Soccer (girls)……….September – October Football…………….September – November Volleyball…………. September - November Basketball…………. November - March Badminton………….February - March Swimming………….February - March Field Hockey……….March - June Rugby………………March - June Soccer (boys)……….March - June Track & Field………March – June Period Period Interval Period Length Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sem. 2 1 9 :00 -10:26 86 min 1 1 1 1 9:00 - 10:10 1 70 min TA 10:29-10:39 10 min TA TA TA TA NO TA 2 10:42-12:08 86 min 2 2 2 2 10:13 – 11:23 2 70 min L 12:08-12:34 31 min LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 11:23 - 11:46 LUNCH 28 min 3 12:39-2:05 86 min 3 3 3 3 4 2:08-3:34 86 min 4 4 4 4 11:51 - 1:01 3 70 min 1:04 - 2:14 4 70 min Tutorials are offered Monday to Friday before school, at noon or after school. 2 Because of his empathy and love for the First Nation Peoples, Bishop Grandin often drew the anger of the traders of the Hudson Bay Company demanding fair trading practices in the fur industry. It was because of this friendship that he earned the title ‘Indian Bishop’. Alberta High School Diploma Requirements Programs o English (30-1 or 30-2) o Social Studies (30-1 or 30-2) o Mathematics (any Math 20 level course) o Science (any Science 20 level course) o Physical Education o Career and Life Management Subtotal o 10 credits in any combination from: Career & Technology Studies OR Fine Arts OR International Languages OR Physical Education 20 and/or 30 level courses OR Locally Developed Courses OR K & E Occupational Courses OR RAP o 10 credits in any 30-level course in addition to English 30-1 or 30-2 and Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2 o Religious Studies 15, 25, 35 o Other Credits (minimum) Total Credits 15 15 10 10 3 3 56 10 Bishop Grandin was a great man in his own time who became a legend throughout the west and northlands. His life is an outstanding role model for today because of his courage, tenacity and faith. We are indeed honoured to have Bishop Grandin as our patron. We pray that his cause will continue to progress in Rome and that the Vatican will someday recognize the sainthood of this holy man. STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY The role of the school is to share with the students the invitation of Jesus to be engaged in a lifelong relationship with Him and to be a member of His kingdom. The school’s special contribution is to give the student information about Jesus and His kingdom and how that kingdom relates to the world of the student. In its many teachable moments, the school helps students understand themselves and their relationships with others. Students and teachers are in the process of discovering their humanity and their relation to their Creator as person - Father, Son and Spirit. The love spoken of in Scripture must be visible in the schools as well as the larger Christian community. Rules and structures must be servant to that love, and in love, servant to the student. 10 9 15 100 SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT The Bishop Grandin Catholic Community is committed to lifelong learning by fostering positive relationships, promoting high standards, and striving for academic excellence within a climate of collaboration and open communication. SCHOOL OBJECTIVES Our objective as a Catholic school is to assist you in the development of your full potential as a student - intellectually, spiritually, socially, aesthetically, emotionally and physically. We expect that you will continue to learn to accept responsibility for your development in these areas by seeking opportunities to engage yourself in worthwhile endeavours. We encourage you to choose your courses carefully and to participate actively in a variety of activities in the cocurricular and extra-curricular programs. In doing so you will gain maximum benefit from your high school experience. BISHOP VITAL GRANDIN 1829 – 1902 Bishop Vital Grandin was born on February 8, 1829, in Mayenne, France, and was ordained a priest in the order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 1854. Shortly after his ordination, he devoted himself entirely to the conversion of the Indian peoples and to the aid of the prairie settlers. Your initial success at Bishop Grandin High School will depend on your understanding of the expectations we have for all students entering our school. Read this handbook carefully, refer to it often, and use it to organize your way through an enjoyable and successful school year. He was only 42 years old when he was appointed Bishop of St. Albert (Alberta) in 1871. His motto was: “Infirma mundi elegit Deus” (God chooses the weak of the world). For his coat of arms he chose a bent reed and a cross. For the next thirty years the first Bishop of St. Albert faced a sometimes hostile environment and thousands of square miles of uncharted wilderness, travelling and serving with unceasing dedication. EXPECTATIONS You are expected to assume a great deal of responsibility and demonstrate a high standard of academic performance, behaviour and caring while attending high school. This includes regular attendance which is a requirement of enrolment. It also includes making wise program choices. When Bishop Grandin arrived in Alberta, there were only five Catholic missionaries serving the entire northwest. When he died in 1902, there were 65 missions, 50 schools, three hospitals and two seminaries. 3 SCHOOL ORGANIZATION Returning Grade 12 Students Consistent with its authority under Section 45(4) of the School Act, the Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD) identifies St. Anne Academic Centre as the designated high school to which students requesting a fourth year of high school in the district are directed. Inquiries as to coverage or claims can be directed to Industrial Alliance Pacific Life Insurance Company. St. Anne Academic Centre provides direct instruction classes, self-directed studies, on-line learning opportunities, work experience and apprenticeship programming, and home schooling options for students. Students must be under the age of 20 by September 1st of the year they seek enrolment at St. Anne. Recognizing individual differences, St. Anne strives to meet the needs of students with flexibility and innovation in a safe and nurturing environment that provides individualized support for each student. No student shall participate in any competitive sport (including training, practice and/or game situations) under the jurisdiction of the Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association unless the parent signs the Parental Authorization to Participate in Competitive Sports consent form; authorizing the student to participate in the competitive sport activity, and acknowledging the District’s recommendation for additional insurance coverage (over and above the basic package provided by the District) for participation in competitive sport activities. All fourth year high school students are expected to attend St. Anne Academic Centre if they wish to enroll in an additional year. However, when a returning Grade 12 student has been involved in and can benefit from the continuation of specialized programming, a student’s local school, in consultation with Calgary Catholic’s Instructional Services Department, may develop an alternative plan to meet the student’s needs through continuation at their local high school. ACTIVITIES ELIGIBILITY Activities Eligibility: Information for Students and Parents/Guardians Bishop Grandin High School is a member of the Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association and the Alberta Schools Athletic Association and as such is bound by the rules and regulations of these Associations. A student shall be eligible for three consecutive years commencing in September of their Grade 10 year. The student must be a student of the school which he/she represents, which is interpreted to mean that: Student accident claims are filed by the parents, not the school or District. Inquiries as to coverage or claims can be directed to Industrial Alliance Pacific Life Insurance Company. Parents can access the claim forms by going to the IAP website: The option to remain for a fourth year at a student’s local high school is only available in specific circumstances. The opportunity to remain at the local high school is granted at the sole discretion of the Calgary Catholic School District. Students access this option through an application process determined at the local school level. The development of a plan for student success during a fourth year may involve: continuation of specialized programming; the use of a contract or specific instructional plan; the development of a collaborative Individual Program Plan (IPP); articulation of clear expectations, including processes for direction to other district programs, including St. Anne when necessary. Applications to remain at Bishop Grandin High School for a fourth year of high school are available in March. ACCIDENT INSURANCE The District has purchased limited accident insurance for all students. The insurance covers students while they are on school premises or involved in travel to and from the school, or in any school activity approved and supervised by proper school authority. All approved field trips within North America are covered. The District’s coverage is basic, and includes benefits such as ambulance service coverage, limited dental damage coverage, and limited accidental death and disability coverage. 4 The student is registered at a Bishop Grandin and in regular attendance. The student must be registered in a minimum of 10 credits per semester and a total of 30 credits per year in order to be eligible. The student must not have turned 19 years of age on or prior to September 1st of the school year. Students MUST be in attendance at school on the day of ANY activity in order to participate that evening. Grade 10 students are considered juniors. Grade 11 students can be senior or junior. Grade 12 students are seniors. Athletes’ Responsibilities: Members of Bishop Grandin teams are expected to: Represent the school in a manner which will make the school community proud of its athletes. Be humble in victory. Be gracious in defeat. Exhibit good sportsmanship before, during and after a game or competition. Remember that you are “guests” when playing in other schools. Accept the decision of officials. Demonstrate qualities of courtesy and good sportsmanship by showing proper respect for opposing athletes, as well as for teammates. form of awarding students a standing of Incentive Achiever. To qualify, students must have three or fewer absences and three or fewer lates in each course, per semester (including T.A. block). This is to accommodate unforeseen absences due to appointments, illness, etc. School-related absences do not count against a student for incentive status. Non school-related absences do count against incentives, ie. medical and dental appointments, illness, community sports competitions, community fine arts events. Applications for incentive are available on the website and D2L in late December for Semester I and early June for Semester II. Represent behavior that is exemplary at all times. You are representing the entire school when wearing a school uniform or school jacket. Refrain from the use of drugs, alcohol, or involvement in initiation/ hazing or any other activities that may reflect poorly on you and the school. ADVANCED PLACEMENT Please see more information on the school website: APPRENTICESHIP TECHNICAL PROGRAM Please follow link to: Rewards of an Incentive Achiever may include: 1) Exemption from ONE final exam, (excluding Diploma Exams) OR 2) The lowest mark (equivalent to a unit exam, or quiz at the teacher’s discretion) in a course is deleted. 3) Please note that a student cannot be exempt or drop the lowest mark from the same subject more than once during the three years at the school. Students must have at least a 50% average in the exempt course. ATTENDANCE Regular and punctual attendance in class is one of the most important contributing factors to student learning and academic success. Students are expected to attend all their classes on time. Late Policy: Arriving late for classes is unacceptable. Be on time. This means that students are in class before the second bell rings, which starts the class. There is a 3 minute break between classes. Lates will be excused if they are for medical reasons or extraordinary circumstances to be determined by the classroom teacher when the late occurs. A parent or guardian should provide the reason for the late prior to the event. This can be done 24 hours a day on the absentee phone line. Withdrawals from courses: Student withdrawals from courses are handled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the student’s parent, teacher, counselor, and teacher advisor and subject to approval by an administrator. The following are general guidelines: Grade 10 Students may not withdraw from courses. Grade 11 Withdrawals are handled on a case-by-case basis. Students who drop courses are strongly encouraged to register for summer school. Grade 12 Students who drop courses are strongly encouraged to register for summer school. A student wishing to withdraw from a course during the first semester and retake it during the second semester will only be accommodated if space permits once all other requests have been met. Grade 12 students may attend on a half-time basis as long as all requirements for graduation and a high school diploma have been met. The Bishop Grandin automated phone system notifies the home in the event of a student being absent. The automated phone system is also used to make important general announcements. Responsibility for regular attendance rests with the student and parents. Parents must phone the school (403-500-2047 – open 24 hours) to report absences or lates. Telephone calls from students are not acceptable. Parents are requested to phone in advance on the day of the absence, if possible and no later than the day after the absence. Absences will not be excused without a valid reason. AWARDS Awards are presented to students for outstanding contributions during their years in high school. These awards are presented in the Fall to Grade 10 and 11 students and in the Spring to Grade 12 students. Legitimate reasons for reporting absences are illness, medical and dental appointments, death in the family, and medical emergencies. Students away on approved school activities will automatically be recorded as excused. All other absences are unexcused including those absences for which no phone call has been received by 12:00 p.m. the day following an absence. It must be noted that absences due to family holidays during the academic school year cannot be reported as an excused school absence. Honour Roll Honour Roll Status will be achieved when a student attains an 80% average or better, and with no mark below 60%, in the required courses necessary for a Bishop Grandin Diploma. The Honour Roll will be compiled twice a year: first semester final and second semester final. At any time, students must have enrolled in courses that add up to a minimum of 11 credits per semester. The Attendance Incentive Rewards Program recognizes students who have made extraordinary efforts to attend class and to be on time. Recognition takes the 5 Honour Roll Awards: Grade 10 and 11students will be presented their honour roll certificates in T.A. in September of the following year. Grade 12 students will receive certificates in the mail in June of the same year. CAREER CENTER The Career Centre (Room B 115) is available to all students to help with the transition from high school to life after high school. Here you can obtain support in making career choices including career interest testing, career exploration, resume writing, interview skills, job shadowing and internships as well as post-secondary planning. Assistance can be obtained to determine admission requirements, application procedures and programs choices at post-secondary institutions throughout Canada. For further information go to and click on the Careers link. Honour Society: Students who have achieved Honour Roll Status in each reporting period throughout their three years of high school at Bishop Grandin High School (with the exception of the June reporting period of the graduating year) will be enrolled into the Honour Society and receive a medallion at the June Awards Ceremony. CHAPLAINCY Bishop Grandin High School has a full time teacher/chaplain who is assigned to the school. The chaplain fosters a Christian atmosphere through youth events, liturgies and community service. The chapel is a place where students may go for a period of quiet reflection. Scholastic Awards: The student achieving the top academic average at each grade level is honoured at the Awards Ceremony. For Grade 10, the courses used are English, Science, Social Studies and Mathematics. If the student has a second language course, it may be used instead of any of the other four, except English. For Grade 11 and Grade 12 five academic courses are used in the calculation. English must be one of these courses. A second language course at the appropriate 20 or 30 level may be used as an academic course. COMPUTER/INTERNET POLICY Students are provided access to electronic media. Use of computer workstations and the Internet will provide users with up-to-date research. The school has wireless internet capabilities and a student internet network. Citizenship Awards: These are annual awards selected by the faculty. They are presented to one graduating boy and girl. These students should demonstrate: Achievement consistent with ability Positive leadership qualities and cooperation with positive endeavours in school and out of school Acceptance by peers Courteous, well-mannered and self-disciplined behaviour A willingness to generously give time and talent in the service of others A mature Christian attitude in our Catholic School We have taken precautions to limit, if not eliminate, student access to less than desirable information. Installation of a software ‘blocking’ program at the District level enables the District to filter non-desirable sites. Each student is required to sign a school district agreement that the Internet and email system will be used appropriately. Those who do not return the form will have their account de-activated. In exceptional circumstances, students can make application for access to our visitor network. BUS PASSES/TRANSPORTATION Monthly youth Calgary Transit passes are available for purchase by students at the regular student rate, from retail outlets throughout the city or online through Calgary Transit at their convenience. In order to receive a rebate on the purchase of monthly youth Calgary Transit passes for the school year, students must meet the eligibility criteria. Senior high students in the City of Calgary, residing 2.4 kilometers or more from the school they are directed to attend by the District, are eligible for a rebate. Please see our school website for more information. There are specialized routes available for students living in the following communities: Auburn Bay, Copperfield, Cranston, Douglasdale, Douglasglen, Mahogany, McKenzie Lake, McKenzie Towne, Mountain Park, and New Brighton. Please see our website under: About – Transportation for more information. CONDUCT OF STUDENTS Expectations: A student shall conduct himself or herself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of conduct as outlined in Section 12 of the School Act: (i) be diligent in pursuing his/her studies; (ii) attend school regularly and punctually; (iii) co-operate fully with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services; (iv) comply with the rules of the school; (v) account to the student’s teachers for the student’s conduct; (vi) respect the rights of others. FOOD SERVICE FOR STUDENTS Food service for students is available before school in the morning and at lunch in our cafeteria. Food is prepared by our Culinary Arts program. 6 requirements. Mobile devices offer applications that may enhance classroom learning by engaging students to use tools they are consistently using for a variety of purposes. These devices can offer educational opportunities for media creation, project collaboration, data collection and sharing, publication of student work, and other alternatives to traditional approaches to learning. Along with the potential benefits, there is a potential for abuse. There are times when these devices may not be the appropriate tool and should be set aside. Mobile devices can draw students’ attention away from their academic tasks and may be a distraction in the classroom. Regulations: Expectations for student conduct are outlined in the Calgary Catholic School District regulations, which may be amended from time to time, and includes the following: JIC Student Conduct (Bullying, Cyber-Bullying, Harassment, Hazing, Gang Activities, Weapons, Drugs and Alcohol, Student Dress Code, Use of Mobile Devices, and Conduct on Buses). Progressive School Discipline Procedures: 1. Minor Offences – The use of positive corrective measures such as warnings, informal/formal talks (between student, teacher, counselor, parents and principal) restitution and loss of school privileges. (When Offence Occurs) 2. Habitual Minor Offences – The use of consequential corrective measures such as in-school and out of school suspensions of one to three full days. Parents contacted/interview to discuss the suspension. Counseling services are encouraged as follow-up. 3. Major or Repeat Offences –Suspension of 1 to 5 days. Parents and Superintendent notified in writing. Parent conference to discuss reinstatement and corrective measures. Counseling and alternate education opportunities (i.e. another program, another school, home schooling, therapeutic setting) may also be explored. (When Offence Occurs) The seriousness of the offence may be such that the student is moved directly to formal suspension or expulsion. The principal (or designate) in accordance with the School Act section 24(7), (a) or (b) may recommend expulsion. Serious offences include, but are not limited to the following: (a) use, possession of, or active contact with weapons; (b) threats, which in the judgment of the principal, endanger others; (c) serious acts of violence; (d) hazing; (e) vandalism; (f) use of, possession of, distribution of, or association with drugs or alcohol; (g) personal or sexual harassment; (h) extortion; (i) theft; (j) participation in or association with criminal gang activity, including wearing, carrying or displaying gang paraphernalia, or exhibiting behaviour or gestures that symbolize gang membership; (k) conduct that threatens the safety and well being of the student, or of others in a school; (l) conduct that adversely affects or disrupts the orderly functioning of a school; (m) physical harming of a student, or of others in a school; and, (n) other activities of a serious nature. Cheating/Plagiarism - All students need to assume responsibility for their own work. Academic integrity must be preserved not only for its own sake but also in fairness to the objective evaluation of all. Cheating or plagiarism in any form is not permitted. Plagiarism is the using, as one’s own, of the writings or ideas of another. The following actions will be taken in any cases which involve cheating or plagiarism: - That assessment will not be graded. The student will still be expected to demonstrate their learning while receiving consequences for their behaviour. - If more than one person is involved, or one student allows another to copy his/her work, the same consequence will apply to all students involved. Dress Code – Students are expected to support standards of dress reflecting the school’s purpose as a place of learning and work as well as the values and expectations of our Catholic School community. Dress so that you will not be asked to change or asked to go home and change. Headwear of any kind is not to be worn in the school and must be stored in the student’s locker. When in question, a referral will be made to the school administration. Standards of grooming and dress are determined from the perspectives of health and safety in all activities, cleanliness and neatness, and decency and respect. Students may be asked to change into more appropriate apparel if they have: • pictures or words on clothing that are indecent or disrespectful to others, • visible undergarments, • torn or ripped clothing, • very short skirts or shorts, • hats/caps or sunglasses inside buildings. Students must wear appropriate footwear and clothing for indoor activities and physical education. Drugs and Alcohol - Students under the influence of or in association with drugs or alcohol at school or at any school related activity will be suspended. Environment – Students must respect the rights of others to have a clean and attractive environment in which to work. Please be careful not to litter in the hallways or outside the building. In particular, it means that you must clean up your trash after lunch. Cell Phones - Classroom teachers will establish procedures regarding the use of mobile devices in their classrooms. What is appropriate in one classroom may not be appropriate for another. Teachers have flexibility based on the curriculum 7 emphasized in all aspects of school life. Within our schools we build inclusive communities where respect for one another and our diversity is celebrated. When inappropriate or disrespectful events (such as hazing, froshing, intimidation, bullying, or harassment) occur, we address these issues within the framework of Catholic values and appropriate decision making. Food - In order to provide a clean safe environment it is necessary to confine the consumption of food and drink to certain areas of the school. Food or drink is not to be brought into the theatre at any time, including during extra-curricular activities. Students purchasing food or drink in the cafeteria must eat or drink these in the cafeteria. Students with bag lunches may eat their lunches in the school. Students are responsible for disposing of their own garbage after eating and leaving the area clean for the use of others. Food can be brought into T.A. class. However food is not to be consumed during instructional class times without teacher approval. Water bottles are allowed in all classes except computer and science labs. Skateboards - Skateboards are discouraged. However if they are brought to school, they should be placed in your locker for safe keeping until the end of the school day. Smoking – It is illegal for students under the age of 18 to use or possess tobacco products. The use of any tobacco related products including such items as electronic cigarettes are not allowed anywhere in the school, or on the school property. Bishop Grandin follows and enforces the School District policy on smoking. Hallways - Students not in class are to be in the library or cafeteria. They are not to be in the hallways during class time as this may disturb classes. Loitering at any of the outside doors or in the parking lots is not permitted. Language - Respect each other. Please use appropriate language for the school. Obscene or demeaning language is not acceptable. Students who leave the grounds to smoke are expected to behave in an exemplary fashion. Leaving the school grounds to smoke will not constitute an excuse for absence or lateness to a scheduled class. Leaving During the School Day - Students who have to leave during the school day due to illness or appointments must check out at the main office before they leave. Students who leave will be asked to contact their parents to get permission to leave the school prior to their departure unless the parent has already phoned in their absence. Trespassers - The school and school property are for the exclusive use of Bishop Grandin students. All visitors on school property must report to the school office. Do not invite your friends to visit you at Bishop Grandin. Former students of Bishop Grandin and visitors are expected to report to the office. This same rule applies at other schools. This rule will be strictly enforced and all High Schools are prepared to lay charges under the School Act. This section of the School Act provides for fines of up to one thousand dollars. Neighbours – We are fortunate to be located in a quiet, residential area. The responsibility that comes with that is one of being a good neighbour and community member. Students are asked to use the available receptacles for all litter, especially when eating lunch outside during good weather. Our neighbours take pride in their property and each of us can help make the area attractive by making sure we don’t leave any garbage behind us. This applies especially to the homes on 86th Avenue (North Side). Out of respect for our neighbours, students are asked to refrain from loitering on the sidewalks and in the alleyways surrounding the school. Valuables - Do not bring expensive jewelry, personal music devices, large amounts of money, etc., to school. Do not share your locker combination with anyone. A second lock is part of the Phys Ed program fee for use in the Phys. Ed. change rooms. It is imperative that lockers be locked at all times as the school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items. Leave valuables in a secure place and look after your bus pass - it will not be replaced for any reason. Respect - Respect for fellow students, staff and visitors is essential. Treat others and their property as you would like you and your property to be treated. There is a polite atmosphere at Bishop Grandin. Be sure to contribute to it. Students involved in fights or hazing activities at any time during the school day, whether on or off school property, may be subject to disciplinary measures including suspension or expulsion from Bishop Grandin High School. Please behave in a mature way with respect to members of the opposite sex. School is a public place as well as your place of business. Vandalism - Vandalism will not be tolerated. Cost of repairs or replacement will be charged to any student who causes damage. Suspension may result. Vehicles and Parking - In early September, parking passes will be sold to interested grade 12 students. Students must show vehicle registration and sign a contract regarding parking privileges. If there are any remaining parking passes available, students in grade 11 may enter their names for a random draw. Once all passes are sold in September, no more passes will be issued. The Calgary Catholic School District supports schools to create a stronger sense of community based in our shared Catholic faith. Through the Catholic Community of Caring program, the values of respect, responsibility, caring, trust and family are Students who drive to school must use west entrance to the lower parking lot or the upper parking lot. Avoid parking anywhere in the surrounding community or in front 8 of the school. After parking, students should come directly into the school. Students are not allowed in cars or in the parking lot during the school day. All vehicles must be registered with the school and display a valid parking tag. Students must not park in the staff parking area or visitors parking. Those who do otherwise will have their vehicles ticketed and/or towed. A nominal yearly parking fee is in effect. This fee is used for snow removal in the winter months and regular maintenance. further information on the rules, procedures and expectations regarding final exams, please visit our school website. Services & Communication - Parents are invited and encouraged to call or e-mail your son or daughter’s teacher advisor should you have any question about what is happening at school. Voicemail and e-mail information is posted on our school website. COUNSELING SERVICES The Counseling Department has four full-time counselors and a half time career practitioner. They provide a variety of services to students and parents including educational, personal and career counseling. Parking Fee: $10.00 – This fee helps provide an identity tag, maintenance and enhancements to the parking area. Students and parents are encouraged to make use of the services provided by the Counseling Department. GRADUATION Students intending to apply for participation in the GRADUATION CEREMONIES must have successfully completed, or be passing at mid-term of their last semester, all courses deemed compulsory for the Bishop Grandin Graduation Diploma. i.e. 100 credits minimum, Alberta Education requirements and 3 Religious Studies credits per year for each year they attend a catholic high school. FEES For information about school fees see the school website under: About – Fees. Information on school fees is also included with the August mailout to parents. Graduation Fee: There is also a fee charged at graduation to cover costs of gown rental, reception, scrolls, etc. Cost will be advised in news updates to graduates. Athletic Teams also charge a fee for participation in the various sports. ELEVATORS The elevator in the school is not primarily for student use. However, it may be used by disabled or injured students. An elevator key may be signed out at the business office for students who must use the elevator. Grade 12 students should examine their schedules most carefully in order to ensure that graduation requirements are met. Candidates for graduation must achieve a minimum mark of 50% in 100 or more credits by the final grad list posting. Students failing a required course at mid-term report of the Spring Semester will not participate in the graduation ceremony. EXTENDED FRENCH Please see more information on the school website: EXAMINATIONS - STUDENTS WHO MISS FINAL EXAMS Final exams are scheduled during the last two weeks of each semester. Parents and students are asked to avoid planning holidays that overlap the exam period. All cases of students missing final exams will be treated on an individual basis. Students who are absent from school during exams must communicate with teachers to develop a plan for assessment. Teachers will use professional judgment in determining assessment of the student’s completion of the course outcomes. In core subjects, the expectation is that all students will write a final exam unless the teacher decides otherwise. In non-core subjects, the teacher determines whether a final exam will be written or alternate assessment will be used. HOMEWORK Bishop Grandin High School Homework Policy The Calgary Catholic School District Regulation defines homework as “any task assigned by teachers intended for the students to carry out during non-instructive hours”. This includes work intended as study or practice. Homework assigned by teachers must have a direct correlation to daily instruction. Students struggling with homework, and requiring assistance beyond the regular class time, are strongly encouraged to see their subject teacher during tutorial time. Respecting the importance of family time, teachers have been encouraged to refrain from assigning homework over the holidays and long weekends. This applies to specific assignments only as students may need to study or practice for tests during these times. All information on about our school fees is posted on our school website under: About - Fees. Students missing Diploma Exams may register to write at the next sitting. Diploma Exam sittings take place in January and June. In certain cases, upon recommendation of the School, the Special Cases Committee (Edmonton) will grant a term mark to a student missing the Diploma Exam. This is a rare procedure and only applies in the case of an accident, bereavement, etc. For Teachers may use homework to support classroom instruction and student learning in a variety of ways. In designing homework for students, teachers must apply the following guiding principles: 9 resources for class work but also to visit for recreational reading, homework and computer use. ensure homework is purposeful and meaningful; plan and differentiate assignments in order to ensure students are able to complete homework independently or with minimal support; recognize that students require different types or amounts of homework to learn materials; seek student input into the structure of homework that best supports their learning and success; work collaboratively with students and parents to ensure homework assignments are completed rather than deducting marks for incomplete homework; evaluation of homework is not required. If a teacher chooses to evaluate homework, it must be based on the outcomes of the Program of Studies. LOCKS & LOCKERS Your Teacher Advisor will assign your locker to you. Lockers are provided for security reasons and are the property of the school. The Calgary Catholic School District, its employees, and agents have the express right to search the locker at any and all times during the school year without notice or permission of the student’s parents or guardians. School locks only are allowed on school lockers; all others will be removed. Do NOT share your lock combination with anyone. The school is not responsible for loss or theft of any goods or articles stored in the student’s locker. MARK APPEALS Exam results may be appealed in writing to the principal. If a student has determined that there was an error in the evaluation process, the following procedure must be followed: The staff at Bishop Grandin High School recognizes that students are often heavily involved in school activities, sports teams, clubs and school trips as well as community activities. If students become overloaded with common due dates for homework and/or tests, they are strongly encouraged to discuss this with their subject teachers for consideration of alternatives. Teachers should communicate with students and other teachers to adjust their timelines, test dates or assignment due dates when needed. a) b) Parents should refrain from taking their children away from school for family holidays or other events during the regularly scheduled school year. When absent from school the student is responsible for coursework by accessing D2L and attending tutorials upon their return. c) the student must discuss the problem with the teacher if the problem is still unresolved after the student-teacher meeting, the student may appeal to the principal the appeal must be made to the principal within two weeks of the writing, or in the case of semester final examinations, the appeal must be made prior to the last day of the semester. REFUND POLICIES General Fee – Fixed portion of $15.00 is non-refundable – the balance is calculated based on the date the student officially withdraws and is pro-rated for the number of months remaining in the school year, less any amounts owing. KNOWLEDGE AND EMPLOYABILITY (K&E) COURSES These courses are available for students who require extra support in core subject areas. Entry into or exit from K&E courses are not grade specific. K&E courses provide students with practical and applied opportunities to develop competencies necessary to meet or exceed the following goals: - earn senior high credits - enter the workplace upon leaving school - make successful transitions to other courses offered at the school - become responsible and contributing members of society - provides students with an alternate path to achieving a high school diploma Textbook Rental Fee – refund is prorated on the basis of 10% per each full month remaining in the school year. A refund will be issued only when all textbooks have been returned or payment has been received for lost or damaged books. Extended Course Fees – no refund for fixed portion of fee. The balance is prorated for the time remaining in the course and the supplies/resources issued to and consumed by the student. LEARNING CENTRE Bishop Grandin High School offers a Learning Center on a drop-in basis for students who may want additional help to succeed in their coursework. Any student is encouraged to visit the Learning Centre to be assisted by teachers and support staff. No refund will be processed for withdrawals after the event nor for amounts of less than $10.00. REGISTRATION Grade 10 students must plan a full schedule and will not be permitted to drop a course (unless approved by administration). LIBRARY The services that the library provides are meant to complement the learning that takes place in the classroom. Students are encouraged not only to use the library 10 Grade 11 students must plan to register in a minimum of 35 credits and will not be permitted to drop a course if it puts them below a potential 70 credits at the end of their grade 11 year. SCHOOL NURSE A school nurse is in attendance once a week. The nurse is able to give advice concerning matters of health and gives classroom presentations on a variety of topics. Grade 12 students must plan a full credit load or sufficient credits to graduate at the end of their grade 12 year. They may not drop a course if it takes them below graduation requirements. No student may be taking less than 13 credits unless they are in their last semester of high school and require less than 13 credits to achieve graduation requirements. STUDENT ID In order to further enhance student safety and security in our school, all students will be expected to carry Bishop Grandin ID at all times while in the school. Students with a spare are required to have a student sticker on their visual ID. If the above conditions are all met and a student still feels he/she would like to drop a course, then he/she MUST see a counselor to initiate the process and MUST have administration and parental approval. SCHOOL VIDEO SECURITY SYSTEM Bishop Grandin High School has a video security system. Video cameras are located in public areas in the school including hallways and entrances. The intent of the system is to enhance student safety and security. PROGRESS REPORTS Reports to parents are mailed home twice during each semester. The mid-term mark in quarter courses is given directly to the student. Parents are encouraged to call the school at any time for academic progress information. Parent/teacher interviews are scheduled each semester. Our school also uses a “Desire to Learn” program (D2L) in which students and parents can log onto the internet and view their child’s course marks at any time. This program is updated by the teacher and contains various information that is useful in following the student’s grades attendance and progress. D2L: This is the primary ongoing communication method for students and parents. - Online - Students have password (parents) - Check current marks - Check current and past assignments - Find additional course content and links TEACHER ADVISOR The Teacher Advisory role is one that is integral to the Bishop Grandin community. In a large school it is particularly important that each student is known well by at least one adult who becomes an advocate for that student. The T.A. period provides an opportunity for students to communicate with each other and with their Advisor, to celebrate each other’s successes, to discuss matters of relevance to the whole school and to develop a sense of community. You will be assigned a specific Teacher Advisor who will monitor and discuss with you your progress, attendance and conduct during your time at Bishop Grandin. Along with other students assigned to the same T.A., you will make up a T.A. group which will meet for 10 minutes in the morning Monday to Thursday. Daily announcements will be read and most school management tasks will be handled during this T.A. period. Your T.A. is your parents’ first line of communication with the school regarding attendance, general concerns, and future goals. SCHOLARSHIPS There are many scholarships available to high school students. Information regarding scholarships is available in the Counseling Department and students are encouraged to drop in and talk with the counselors regarding post-secondary awards or bursaries. The majority of assistance available is dependent upon financial need as well as participation in extra-curricular activities. Therefore, it is advantageous for students to be well-informed early in their high school career, and to plan accordingly for these scholarships. A daily bulletin, the “Grandin Grapevine” is distributed in the T.A. period where it is read to the class. It is also posted in several locations in the school. A newsletter is sent in August to each registered student, giving information about the school and school opening procedures. Regular newsletters to parents are emailed four times throughout the year with information about activities and important dates for exams, holidays, interviews, etc. Parents are asked to advise the school should their e-mail address change during the year. Special bulletins are distributed as needed. Graduates and parents of graduates will receive information in a series of Grad Bulletins which are distributed to Grade 12 students in the spring. SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER The School Resource Officer is a member of the City of Calgary Police Service, and is a valuable resource for students. The constable, who is here half time, is able to give students advice concerning matters of law. 11 TUTORIALS Bishop Grandin teachers offer tutorials before school, at noon and after school for those students wanting additional assistance with their school work. Students can check with their class teacher, Teacher Advisor (TA), or the school website for information on tutorial schedules. REWRITING DIPLOMA EXAMS Any student choosing to rewrite a diploma exam needs to pay a rewrite fee, regardless of whether they are taking the course. Forms are available on line or from school administration. Students wishing to rewrite a diploma exam must also complete a registration form by the end of Q1 or Q3 for the semester in which they will rewrite the exam. ST. ANNE’S ACADEMIC CENTRE St. Anne’s Academic Centre provides students with the opportunity to: ▪ upgrade courses after three years of high school ▪ take an online course due to scheduling limitations ▪ take diploma prep courses ▪ register for summer school courses Website for St. Anne’s Academic Centre is: Diploma Test Accommodations: Students responsible for requesting and tracking accommodations with their teachers. Accommodations forms are available from the student’s ELL teacher or from the Learning Centre. 12 13 14 15