Lesson 2: Constructing Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Selected Content Standards Benchmarks Addressed: D-1-M Systematically collecting, organizing, describing, and displaying data in charts, tables, plots, graphs, and/or spreadsheets D-2-M Analyzing, interpreting, evaluating, drawing inferences, and making estimations, predictions, decisions, and convincing arguments based on organized data (e.g., analyze data using concepts of mean, median, mode, range, random samples, sample size, bias, and data extremes) GLEs Addressed: Grade 5 28. Use various types of charts and graphs, including double bar graphs, to organize, display, and interpret data and discuss patterns verbally and in writing (D-1-M) (D-2-M) (P-3-M) (A-4-M) 29. Compare and contrast different scales and labels for bar and line graphs (D-1-M) Grade 6 29. Collect, organize, label, display, and interpret data in frequency tables, stem-and-leaf plots, and scatter plots and discuss patterns in the data verbally and in writing (D-1-M) (D-2-M) (A-3-M) 30. Describe and analyze trends and patterns observed in graphic displays (D-2-M) Lesson Focus This lesson continues instruction on how to construct the various types of graphs. In this lesson, students learn to construct line graphs and bar graphs from tables. They will be expected to analyze various types of graphs given to them in a contextual form. GEE 21 Connection Students will be required to: • Organize data in a frequency table • Construct, label, and scale line graphs and bar graphs. • Interpret and summarize a set of experimental data presented in a table, line graph, or bar graph in context. • Draw conclusions from a variety of graphs, charts, and tables. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 15 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Translating Content Standards into Instruction This lesson will teach a student how to choose the best display for data and how to set up a graph that displays the data clearly. Two types of graphs will be covered in this lesson – the line graph and the bar graph. In addition, we will look at frequency tables. This is another method of organizing data. They can be used to draw frequency polygons, a type of line graph. In order for the students to understand each type of display, the lesson should be activity based. Clear and concise instructions for constructing each graph will be available, and students should have a chance to construct their own. Once students have learned each construction they should be presented with some different types of data and asked how that data could best be displayed. Students should be given a chance to see data displayed in a table and on the resulting graph. The teacher should talk about the various aspects of the graph used. Students should also get a chance to generate a graph of the their own. A. Frequency Tables and Line Graphs Line graphs are sometimes called broken-line graphs. A line graph usually displays data that are measured rather than counted. A graph of this sort uses line segments to show changes and relationships between quantities. A small amount of data can be graphed individually. A large amount of data can be organized in a frequency table and shown in a line graph called a frequency polygon. Both are shown below. This is an example of a table with a small amount of data and its accompanying graph. The table below gives the lows over a seven-day period in South Louisiana as a cold front moved through the state. (This is also available on Teacher Blackline #1 for lesson #2.) Day Temperature October October October October October October October (Degrees Fahrenheit) 73o 71o 71o 60o 42o 35o 41o 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 How to Construct a Line Graph 1. On a sheet of graph paper draw a horizontal and vertical axis. 2. Make a decision as to what to put on the horizontal and vertical axis. The measurement data is usually put on the vertical axis. Time usually goes on the horizontal axis. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 16 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math 3. Decide how you will scale and label each axis. a. The scales will probably be different on each axis. The tic marks should be equally spaced on each axis. Normally, each axis begins with zero. However, if the measurement data is large and we want to show the details of that data, we need to mark the lower part of the vertical axis with a jagged line to show that numbers lower than the numbers we are interested in are being omitted. For instance, we might be showing dollar value of sales from $50,000 to $100,000. We would draw a jagged piece from the origin with our first number being 50,000. b. Each axis should be labeled so that the viewer knows what information is being represented. 4. Plot each point and then connect the points in order with line segments. 5. Select an appropriate title and write it above the graph. Once you have gone over the information above and shown the students how to draw a line graph, hand out Student Worksheet #1. The price of the gasoline is in dollars and cents. They should understand that the scaling on the vertical axis does not have to be to the nearest penny. They can scale by $.10 or $.20 without loss of accuracy. B. Making a frequency table Statisticians use a frequency table to organize large amounts of data. To make such a table 1. List the classes of data. 2. Tally the data. Each number should fall into a single class. This may be a single number or it may be a range of numbers. 3. Count the tally marks to list the frequency of each class. In the example for this lesson, the class will be a single number. Example: Mrs. Johnson took a poll of her class as to their favorite sandwich. Once the choices were tallied, the four favorite sandwiches were listed and students were asked to pick which one they liked the best. The results were as follows: Type of sandwich Tally Number Tuna fish |||| | 6 Ham and cheese |||| |||| | 11 Toasted cheese |||| 5 Roast Beef |||| |||| 9 Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 17 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Information such as that on page 17 is better shown as a bar graph. Instructions for such a graph are given below. Students can learn to construct a frequency table and a bar graph by using the same exercise in the example above. Ask the students to list their favorite sandwich, list the 4 favorites, and then have the students pick their favorite from the four. Count the votes by setting up a frequency table as shown on page 17. After the students have learned to construct a bar graph with the example below, they can construct a bar graph with the four favorite sandwiches above. You could use favorite ice creams, favorite desserts, or favorite snacks in place of sandwiches, if you prefer. Student Worksheet #2 has a table that the students should use to build a bar graph using the data provided on total salaries paid by the NBA teams in the midwest division of the Western Conference. C. Bar Graphs Bar graphs display categorical data clearly. Categorical data are data that can be grouped or categorized such as favorite colors, makes of cars, or students’ favorite pets. A bar graph uses horizontal or vertical bars to compare the number of items in each category. How to Construct a Bar Graph 1. Begin by drawing a vertical and horizontal axis. Select a convenient scale for measuring the numbers in each category. Round large numbers. Use tic marks to indicate points on a scale. This will go on the vertical axis, if the bars are vertical and on the horizontal axis, if the bars are horizontal. 2. Label the remaining axis with the names of the categories. There will be one bar for each category measured. Each bar should be of the same width and equally spaced. Draw each bar marking each length or height with the number in the category. 3. Label each axis. 4. Select an appropriate title and put it at the top of the page. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 18 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math The table below is on Teacher Blackline #2. Use it to show the students how to construct a bar graph. Stress the importance of correct scaling on the frequency axis. Be sure students understand that the graph is not complete until the vertical and horizontal axes are labeled with the correct information and the graph is given a title. Favorite Student After School Activity Use Computers Activity Earn Money Play Sports Series1 Talk on Phone Visit with friends 0 50 100 150 200 Number Activity Number Visit with 175 friends Talk on phone 168 Play sports 120 Earn money 120 Use Computers 65 The students at a local high school were polled concerning their favorite activity. Their choices are listed above. Sources of Evidence of Student Learning Evidence that the student has a grasp of the material will be through teacher observation of their work as they construct each of the graphs. It is important that they understand how to construct each of these graphs. The open-ended problems on the GEE 21 could very well be the type of problem that asks students to organize and display data in one of the required graphs. GEE 21 Connection These benchmarks may be assessed either by multiple-choice questions or a free response question. Below are examples of what students might see in a multiple-choice question. These were taken from the Illinois and Texas state tests, either of which can be accessed on the Louisiana Department of Education web site. An (*) indicates the correct answer. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 19 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math 1. During which 10-year period did automobile sales increase the most? A. B. C. D. E. Vehicles Sold 1940-1950 1950-1960* 1960-1970 1970-1980 1980-1990 Year Illinois Standards Achievement Test 2. The emergency room staff at a hospital sees more patients on Friday and Saturday nights than on other nights. The following graph shows the average number of patients seen by the emergency-room staff on each night of the week for the past year. Texas Assessment of Academic Skills Which is the best estimate of the average number of patients seen per night from Sunday through Thursday? A. 60 B. 70 * Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics C. 80 20 D. 90 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math 3. The graph shows the gasoline efficiency of several cars. Which statement is supported by the data? A. Car 1 can travel only half the distance of Car 4 on the same amount of gas. B. The median value for efficiency of all the cars is 30 miles per gallon. C. All the cars meet the federal guideline for fuel efficiency of at least 21 miles per gallon. D. Each car can travel a minimum of 350 miles on a tank of gas. E. The difference in gas mileage between the most efficient car and the least efficient car is more than 15 miles per gallon.* Texas Assessment of Academic Skills Attributes of Student Work at the “Got-It” level For the line graph• Students should be able to work independently with few questions for classmates or teacher • The scaling is displayed at equal intervals on both axes. Using graph paper is so helpful. • The graph is appropriately named. • Both axes are labeled correctly. • The data displayed is accurate. For the bar graph• Students should be able to work independently with few questions for classmates or teacher. • There is one bar for each category and they are of equal width. Each bar should be appropriately named. • The scaling is displayed at equal intervals on both axes. Using graph paper is also helpful. • The graph is appropriately named. • Both axes are labeled correctly. • The data displayed is accurate. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 21 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Finally, students should be able to look at data and tell which of the two graphs would be appropriate. The bar graphs make comparisons among several items in a given category. The line graphs are used to show the behavior of a variable. Ask the students which graph should be used to display: 1. The number of points scored by the teams in the NBA in the last series of games. (bar) 2. Manuel’s weight over a period of years. (line) 3. An automobile’s value as the gas mileage increases. (line) 4. Sales of different types of pizzas. (bar) Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 22 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Lesson 2: Constructing Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Teacher Blackline #1 Making a line graph – Day October October October October October October October 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit) 73o 71o 71o 60o 42o 35o 41o Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 23 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Lesson 2: Constructing Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Teacher Blackline #2 Making a bar graph – Activity Number Visit with friends Talk on phone Play sports Earn money Use Computers 175 168 120 120 65 The students at a local high school were polled concerning their favorite activity. Their choices are listed above. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 24 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Lesson 2: Constructing Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Student Worksheet #1 The table below shows the average price of gasoline over a twelve year period. Gasoline Prices for Unleaded Regular Year 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 Price $.69 $.94 $1.27 $1.41 $1.32 $1.22 $1.21 $1.19 $0.96 $0.93 $0.91 $0.99 $1.14 1. Make a line graph of the data. 2. Answer the following questions concerning the data. a) What is the year with the highest annual cost? With the lowest annual cost? b) What is the greatest difference when comparing consecutive years? Why might it be different each month? c) What is the overall pattern? Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 25 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Lesson 2: Constructing Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Student Worksheet #2 Below is a table showing the total salaries paid for each of the NBA teams in the Pacific division in the Western Conference of the NBA. Use this to construct a bar graph showing this information. Sacramento LA Lakers Portland Seattle Phoenix LA Clippers Golden State $46.3 $58.8 $86.5 $50.6 $53.5 $29.6 $41.8 million million million million million million million Will your bars be horizontal or vertical? • Vertical bars: Categories go on the horizontal axis • Horizontal bars: Categories go on the vertical axis Select a convenient scale for measuring the salaries. Use tic marks to indicate points on the scale. Label the remaining axis with the names of the teams. There will be one bar for each team. Each bar should be of equal width. The bars should be equally spaced. Label each axis. Be sure that an observer knows what the numbers represent. Select an appropriate title and put it at the top of the page. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 26 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math Lesson 2: Constructing Line Graphs and Bar Graphs Answer Keys Answers to problems on Teacher Blacklines are provided in the notes to the teacher. Student Worksheet 2: The bar graph is shown below. 100 80 60 Series1 40 20 0 Sa cr am LA ent La o ke Po r s rtl an Se d at Ph tle LA oe C nix G lip ol p d e ers n St at e Team Salary (millions of dollars) NBA Teams and Their Salaries Western Conference Pacific Division Student Worksheet 1: The line graph is shown below. Price of Gasoline $1.60 $1.40 $1.20 Price $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 $0.40 $0.20 $0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Year Beginning in 1978 2. a) 1981 b) A difference of $0.33 between 1979-80. The values are yearly averages so the monthly values can be higher or lower than those shown. c) The values fluctuate, but over time the prices increase. Focused Learning Lessons for Mathematics 27 Data Analysis, Probability and Discrete Math