遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 銷售促銷和品牌資產 SALES PROMOTION AND BRAND EQUITY 周美利 李分明 蔣丞哲 遠東科技大學應用外語系 遠東科技大學應用外語系 遠東科技大學企業管理系 摘 要 很多研究顯示,銷售促銷此角色對於品牌資產有其爭議性的影響力。因此, 本文回顧有關兩者間的關係之文獻,且對其理論性文獻及觀察性文獻亦作批 評性分析,以作為未來研究方向之基礎。 關鍵詞:銷售促銷,品牌資產,品牌聯想,認知品質,品牌形像,品牌忠誠 度 Mei-Li Chou, Dept. of Applied Foreign Language, Far East University Fen-Ming Lee, Dept. of Applied Foreign Language, Far East University Cheng-Che Chiang, Dept. of Business Administration, Far East University ABSTRACT Curious about brand perceptions of consumers who are stimulated by various sales promotional incentives, this paper aims at critically analyzing theoretical and empirical literature about the impacts of sales promotion on brand equity, and about areas of future scholarly inquiry. Many studies found that sales promotion had a positive impact on short-term increase in sale, but it still played a controversial role to build, maintain, or raise brand equity that was cumulated in consumer’s minds for a long run. Hence, it is interesting to critically review literature investigating the relationship between brand equity and sales promotion to ground the basis of future exploration direction about the issue. Keyword:sales promotion, brand equity, brand association, perceived quality, brand image, brand loyalty I-165 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 INTRODUCTION TO THE LITERATURE The Relationship between Sales Promotion and Brand Equity: An Overview and Purpose increase brand equity. One of the strategies used by companies is devote to developing sales promotion for their brand, and lead consumers through the process of generating brand awarenesses, brand associations, positive attitudes and positive behaviors. In America, business consulting corporate or Expecting to gain positive consumer brand business magazines annually announce valuable associations and positive consumer attitudes about the brands. According to a Business Week survey about brand, these sales promotions, the communication brand value in 2004, Coca Cola got the first prize in tools between the corporation and consumers, aim at the world. The brands close to it were Microsoft, expressing brand positions and brand attributes, as IBM, GE, and Intel. In 2000, the news that AOL well as leveraging brand awareness. However, sales announced to merge with Time Warner shocked promotions result in positive, negative, or no Internet and media industries; in 2001, technique influence on a brand. Yoo (2000) found that price giant HP Corporation also announced a merge with promotion had a negative impact on negatively famous computer great Campbell corp. The perceived quality and brand association; Lee’s (2002) implication of these corporate mergers identified the study found that consumers’ long-term brand value importance of brand value. Brand equity, additional may be created by non-price-related sales promotion. brand value, covers the scopes of corporate future Critical analysis of the literature review cash flow, the position of the corporation in consumer originated with curiosity about the effects of sales minds, as well as consumer perceptions, attitudes and promotion on brand equity. behaviors about a corporation. Hence, when a growing consumer concern; therefore a critical company’s value is measured, concept and position of analysis of the literature review could be helpful to its brand equity are importantly identified. business Researchers and consulting companies developed equations to measure brand value. The decision-makers. Sales promotion is a The review may enlighten businesses with the importance of sales promotion in acquiring long-term brand equity in degree of brand value relies on brand awareness, consumer minds. brand attraction, consumer brand loyalty, brand significance between sales promotion and brand perceived quality, brand communication information, equity, then companies might focus efforts on the as well as protective factors such as trademarks or internal organization dynamics such as on employees patents. rather than on customer or the general public, or Generally speaking, the higher the brand awareness and brand loyalty enable the generating of might a better brand image, which also evokes a better brand communication tactics to consumers. association. analysis When the brand that has possessed center of on If the review identifies little other literature Marketing review mix as This critical concludes with brand awareness, brand loyalty and brand association, summaries, recommendations for theoretical and owns the protection, e.g., trademarks or patents, it empirical, as well as addressed will result in high consumer brand value (Aaker, for future scholarly inquiry into the relationship 1996). between brand equity and sales promotion. Recognizing the value of brand equity, companies must be concerned about how to build and I-166 recommendations 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 REVIEW OF THE LITERAURE ABOUT SALES PROMOTION AND BRAND EQUITY Sales Promotion Definition of Sales Promotion 中華民國九十五年九月出版 noted that sales promotions that mostly last for a short term is composed of a diverse collection of incentive tools whose aim was to stimulate a greater or quicker purchase, as well as a trial. Categories of Sales Promotion Paley (1989) regarded sales promotions as According to Engle & Blackwell (2001), three activities of corporate sales Promotion Mix which are main sales promotion tools motivating purchases on not able to be generalized to the activities such as new products include sampling and trial offers, advertising, member sales, or packaging. The coupons, as well as rebates while three primary sales purpose of sale promotion is to motivate salespeople, promotion tools driving consumption purchases on retailers, and end consumers to match corporate's existing products include price-offs, premiums, and plans through temporary incentives. contests. O’Guinn (2000) listed several tools for Blattberg and Neslin (1990) defined sale consumer-market sales promotion, including price-off promotions as a marketing events relevant to the deals, contests and sweepstakes, brand(product) concentration of sales activities, which aim at placements, resulting in direct strike on consumer behaviors that sponsorships, rebates, frequency, and premiums as are related to the corporate. Kotler (1994) stated that well. sales promotions were composed of various incentive promotion tools which included samples, coupons, tools that were utilized to motivate consumers or rebates, price packs, premiums, frequency programs, retailers to make large amounts of purchase on the prizes, certain product in advance and with rapidity. warranties, Shimp (1997) suggested that sales promotion sampling Kotler (2003) patronage tie-in and trial offers, displayed awards, free promotion, event thirteen trials, sale product cross-promotion, point-of-purchase displays and demonstrations. In was an incentive which induced distributive traders addition to these sales promotion tools, several tools, and consumers to purchase products, or encouraged e.g., bonus pack (Ong, 1999), specialty advertising salespersons to actively increase sales promotion. (Lee, 2002), and continuity programs (Ong, 1999), O’Giunn et al., (2000) defined sales promotion as the are utilized to encourage large purchases or repeat utilization of incentive techniques creating a concept purchases. of greater brand values among consumers and distributors. The main purpose is to generate Many researchers grouped the characteristics of sales promotion tools into several categories. short-term increase in sales by the means of Based on timing offered by sales promotion encouragement of larger purchases or motivation of incentives and incentive types, Quelch (1989) temporary use. grouped sales promotion tools into two categories: Eagel and Blackwell (2001) noted that sales instant and postponed sales promotions. Both sales promotion, a set of repaid marketing activities, promotions primarily focus on lowering prices and involves stimulating consumers and distributive adding values. members. It centers on objects (groups) via Based on analyzing the characteristics of sales incentives and motivations which are relevant to the promotion incentives, Dommermuth (1989) suggested economy (Eagel & Blackwell, 2001). Kotler (2003) two kinds of sales promotion: one was sales I-167 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 promotion from economic incentive, e.g., discounts, (p. 320) and those that were not. coupons, and rebates; another was sales promotion Consumer-franchise building, aims at reinforcing from psychological incentives, e.g., premium, and brand understanding for consumers, e.g., coupon sweepstakes. including a selling message (Kotler, 2003). Brand Equity Definition of Brand Equity Shimp’s (1990) categories of sales promotion, similar to Quelch’s (1989), were in the basis of timing given by sale incentives, including instant sales Brand equity is the combination of two nouns, promotion and postponed sales promotion. Instant brand and equity. sales promotion tools include discounts, premiums, Marketing Association, a brand is a noun, logo, mark, and bonus packs while postponed sales promotion design or a combination of the above items, whose tools include coupons in packs, sweepstakes, and purpose is to identify products or services from those rebates (Shimp, 1990). of other different firms, and accordingly differentiate According to The America Campbell and Diamond (1990), on the basis of products and services from those of other varied firms. the concept that sales promotion incentives affected Usually, people are easily confused about the reference prices, grouped two varieties of sales concepts of “product” and “brand”. promotion which were monetary sales promotion and substantial identity or a substantial service offered to nonmonetary to be utilized; a brand is an abstract, intangible Campbell and Diamond (1990), the incentive for substance without functional characteristics; a brand monetary sales promotion, e.g., discounts or rebates, is one kind of psychological interpretation on a enables influencing reference price. substantial object; a brand, in a form of abstract sales promotion. According The incentive for nonmonetary sales promotion, e.g., premium, or identity, exists with a product (Kim, 1990). trial offers, is regarded as an extra benefit and is not able to influence reference price. A product is a The term “equity” originates from the items of asset-liability list. When brand and equity are Investigating the influence of sales promotion combined into one term, the views on brand equity on long-term consumption brand choices, Mela, from finance and marketing are relatively different. Gupta, and Lehmann (1997) categorized promotion Various tools as two kinds of sales promotion, which were dimensions of brand equity are distinguished into price-oriented sales promotion and non-price-oriented three directions which are in terms of financial view, sales promotion. marketing view, and synthesized view of finance and While studying the relationship between views of researchers, measuring the marketing. promotion effect and promotion value, Chandon, Dimensions of Brand Equity Wansink, and Laurent (2000), corresponding to Measuring brand equity from approach of Campbell and Diamond (1990), categorized sales consumer perception, Martin & Brown (1990) promotion tools into two groups which were suggested monetary sales promotion and nonmonetary sales dimensions which were perceived quality, perceived promotion. value, brand image, trustworthiness, and commitment. Kotler (2003) distinguished between sale promotions that were “consumer-franchise building” that brand equity comprised five The central conclusions of their research were: perceived I-168 quality is linked with consumer 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 consciousness about the function of a brand product; Blackston (1995) further suggested that the perceived value is related to consumer perception origins of brand equity were brand association, brand about his/her obtained value and relative cost; brand personality, and brand significance which were an image is a consumer brand concept which is built on extended definition of brand awareness. consumer brand belief; trustworthiness refers to the Cobb-Walgren, Ruble, & Donthu (1995), same identification about practical brand performance referring to Aaker’s (1991) suggestion, categorized and expected brand performance; and commitment is brand equity as being composed of two parts which regarded as consumer’s strong attachment to a were associated with consumer perception and specific brand. consumer behavior. Brand perception includes three brand awareness, brand association, and perceived components which built a strong brand were quality; consumer behavior includes brand loyalty and contributed to positive brand value. purchase intention. Farquhar (1990) proposed that These three In their study, they measured components were perceived quality, accessible brand perception dimension and found that origins of attitude, and consistent brand image. perception dimension of brand equity influenced Aaker (1991; 1996) noted that the elements which composed brand equity were brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand consumer The five components are able to create values for the brand. reflects Most significantly, brand loyalty consumer purchase behavior, and the and purchase intention. Consequently, factors of perception dimension can affect consumer behavior. Examining the five perception dimensions of loyalty and other proprietary brand assets (see Figure 2). preference brand equity by Martin and Brown in 1990, Lasser, Mittal, & Sharma (1995) made several changes and proposed five dimensions of brand equity: components associated with perception dimension, performance, social image, value, trustworthiness, e.g., brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand and identification. association, can strengthen consumer brand loyalty situation in which consumers regard a brand flawless via leverage of consumer satisfaction. and consistently utilized; social image is perception Blackston (1992) emphasized the part of stemming from Performance refers to the brand respect of consumer consumer attitude that was one of the origins of brand communities; value is perception of brand effect equity. He suggested that a brand was comprised of compared to consumer given cost; trustworthiness is two categories which were an objective brand and a created when a consumer is confident with a company subjective brand. An objective brand is a collection and its communicative information, and its activities of brand association, brand image, and brand which take consumer benefit into consideration; and personality; a subjective brand refers to brand attitude. identification/attachment refers to relative feeling Objective brand relates to consumer brand perception; strength to positive brand consciousness. subjective brand is associated with what the brand is The core dimensions of brand equity are in consumer minds, and what kind of consumer uses perceived quality and brand association (Aaker, 1991). the brand. A subjective brand is reflected by The four dimensions (brand awareness, brand consumer brand attitude, which depicts personal association, perceived quality, and other brand perception and consciousness about a brand. proprietary assets) are helpful to establish the I-169 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 dimension of brand loyalty (Aaker, 1991). Aaker relative price, and brand loyalty. While all of the (1996) further grouped brand equity into five parts are the components contributed to a competitive categories to measure brand equity. The five brand, each part has the diluted effect on the others. categories of brand equity respectively are loyalty, For example, a price increase may generate a decrease perceived of market share. quality/leadership, Aaker’s associations/differentiation, brand awareness, and (1991; 1996) preposition about market behavior. Aaker (1996) further developed a set dimensions of brand equity contains both the of measures to measure these five sub dimensions of perception dimensions and behavior dimensions brand equity. suggested by above various researchers. Feldwick (1996) stated that the establishment of Synthesized from above various propositions about brand equity was generated by the formation of brand dimensions of brand equity, five dimensions (brand value, brand strength, and brand description. Brand awareness, perceived quality, brand association, brand value refers to the concept regarding overall value of loyalty, and other brand proprietary assets) suggested a brand as an independent asset; brand strength is the by Aaker (1991; 1996) and one additional dimension degree of consumer’s feeling on a brand; brand (brand image) are specifically reviewed as follows. description is consumer’s related association and a Brand Awareness consumer’s belief of description which are attached to a brand. Brand awareness is the ability of a potential consumer to recognize or recall a brand attached to Keller (1993; 1998) suggested that brand equity certain product category (Aaker, 1991; Aaker, 1996). was a differential effect of brand knowledge which Brand awareness comprises four levels which, from came from consumer reaction to market brand. the basic level to the highest level, respectively are: Hence, brand knowledge is the origin of brand equity brand unrecognition, brand recognition, brand recall, whose dimensions are composed of brand awareness and the ideal brand in mind (Aaker, 1991). and brand image. awareness consumer brand Brand awareness is a collection of recall and consumer brand combination was of defined by Keller brand recall and Brand (1998) as recognition recognition. Brand recall refers to consumer ability performance for consumers. generating recall when facing category types of (1998), as well as Percy Rossiter (1992), noted that products. Brand recognition is the consumer ability brand awareness is the concept of brand recognition which directly identifies heard or seen products. and brand recall. In Additionally, Keller Brand recall is the ability to pick terms of brand image, it is one kind of brand out the brand from consumer memory when provided perception reflected by brand association in consumer with the product category (Keller, 1998); brand memory. Three types of brand association are recognition is built when a consumer is able to attributes association, and confirm his/her prior exposure to the brand in the attitudes association. Additionally, three dimensions situation where the brand as a cure is given (Aaker, of brand association, which are favorability, strength, 1991; Aaker; 1998). Aaker (1996) and Keller(1998) and uniqueness, can be utilized as brand knowledge. both indicated that brand awareness was devoted to benefits association, Moran (2002) noted that recognizing brand invoking brand association, transferring consumer equity needs to consider three parts: market share, familiarity to consumer favorability, providing the I-170 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 signal of substance and commitment, as well as encoded and stored information bring about higher influencing set. recall probabilities existed in consumer minds. Evaluation of brand awareness can demonstrate brand Uniqueness of brand associations makes the extension situation in consumer groups (Aaker, 1996; brand in the competitive advantage because the Aaker, 1996). characteristics may not be shared with the other brand the consumer’s consideration To extend the market, increasing brand awareness is an essential schema because it and may give identifiability to consumers. In terms of associations, many different forms influences consumer recognition and consumer attitude (Aaker, 1996). existed on the basis of their level of abstraction which Brand Association stems from how much information is summarized or Association is a common term that is identified included in the association. Three main types of as a link between any two nodes (Krishnan, 1996). brand associations are suggested by Keller (1998): Brand association is anything--e.g., informative attributes (including product-related attributes and communication experience, exposure of information, non-product-related attributes), benefits (including or network association with others--connected in the functional consumer's memory to a brand (Aaker, 1996). symbolic benefits), as well as attitudes. Functional Brand association is the core asset to establish brand benefits, equity (Chen, 2001). Corresponding to Aaker attributes, refer to more substantial and intrinsic (1996), Keller’s (1998) associative network memory advantages of service or product consumption. model also suggested that brand association was the These benefits involve desires to satisfy problem linkage of information nodes and brand nodes. Four avoidance or removal, and usually are linked with dimensions of brand association reflecting brand basic motivation like physiological and safety needs image suggested by Keller (1998) are respectively: as well (Percy & Rossiter, 1992; Keller, 1998). types of brand associations, favorability of brand Symbolic benefits, which usually correspond to associations, strength of brand associations, and non-product-related attributes, are more extrinsic uniqueness of brand associations. advantage of service or product consumption. The four benefits, which experiential correspond to benefits, and product-related These dimensions of brand association are described as benefits are associated with personal expression, follows. outer-directed self-esteem, and social approval. (1) Types of brand associations are basic contents of When consumers center on their self-concepts, they brand images, including attributes, benefits, and may value symbolic benefits such as fashionability, attitudes. exclusivity, or prestige of a brand. (2) The level of favorability of brand associations benefits are especially relevant for social badge can reflect the success of a marketing mix. When products the marketing mix satisfies consumer needs, the information about themselves to others. Experiential positive brand attitudes leverage the whole brand benefits, values and create brand favorability. product-related attributes and non-product-related (3) Strength of brand associations is related to how attributes as well, refer to the consumer feelings from information is encoded and stored in consumers’ the product or service consumption. brains. The products with a higher strength of I-171 that which consumers usually think Symbolic convey correspond to some both Experiential 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 benefits meet experiential needs such as variety, order to achieve optimal buying decisions and actions, cognitive stimulation, and sensory pleasure. consumers will exhaust their time and ability Brand Image collecting information, making comparisons among Brand image is the group of beliefs held about a particular brand (Kotler, 2003). Variously defined, competing products, as well as evaluating product characteristic and attributes. brand image is a set of associations that are usually Another school argues against the rational view organized in some meaningful way (Aaker, 1996). because of the theory’s insufficient capture of Aaker (1996) divided brand associations into eleven consumers’ complex buying motivation. types, including: product attribute characteristics, contend that the rational view does not consider consumer benefit, product level, intangible attribute, emotional consumption reasons. relative price, usage situation, user, member, living consumption which depends on an individual’s type/personality, competitor, and country. Owing emotional motives, subjective criteria, or intangible to different strengths and traits, different associations product benefits as hedonic (symbolic) consumption, result in varied influential effects on brand images. in contrast to the rational (utilitarian) view (Schiffman Brand images are perceptions about a brand that & Kanuk, 1994). They They propose The two different views of are reflected by the brand associations existed in motivation are that consumption behaviors are driven consumer memory (Keller, 1998). Based on Keller by function (utilitarian) or by symbolic (hedonic) (1998), brand associations are the collection of the brand image. informational nodes connected with the brand node in In spite of these two viewpoints of brand image, consumer memory, and consist of meaning of a brand some evidence supports the idea that symbolism and for consumers. functionality types, and characteristics Brand associations come from all possibly or some product categories are product-related distinguished concepts, rather than two ends of a non-product-related brand concept continuum (Bhat & Reddy, 1998). reflect external in The idea suggests that functional brand image and characteristics. According to Biel (1992), there are three symbolic brand image can exist simultaneously. elements of brand image: manufacture image When existing in different product categories, (corporate image), product image, and competitor different degrees of the two elements are still brand image. inevitable (Bhat & Reddy, 1998). These three components influence The synthesized Aaker (1996) suggested that a firm should effect of three elements of brand image also result in consider its brand as a product, an organization, a the influence on user image. person, and a symbol to ensure the texture and depth consumer image on the brand. In most literatures, brand images are generally of brand identity. When the created concepts from distinguished by two categories, functional or the four dimensions of brand identity are transmitted symbolic, on the basis of consumption behavior to consumers, the consumers interpret these concepts motivation. as brand image (Aaker, 1996). The rational school suggests that Additionally, consumers are rational as well, attempting to according to Aaker (1996), brand image is created by maximize overall effects of products or services. the interactions among one product itself, country of According to the rational school’s perspective, in origin, I-172 brand personality, organization, and 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 accessorial brand product. These connective 中華民國九十五年九月出版 that could generate switching behaviors (Oliver, elements not only influence the creation of brand 1999). image, but also affect one another simultaneously. different levels of brand loyalty: consumers with no According to Aaker’s (1996) view, there are five loyalty, consumers with habitual purchase, consumers varieties of values stemming from the creation of with satisfaction of transfer cost, consumers with brand image : 1) brand image is able to facilitate product favorability, as well as consumers with deep consumers acquisition and transfer of commitment (Aaker, 1991). information There are five kinds of consumers with again from the beginning; 2) brand image provides The advantages of acquiring consumer brand the base of product differentiation and position; 3) loyalty include the need for the corporate to lessen brand and information providence, and a decrease of inherent consumer benefits, which is the main reason why risk in consumer purchase (Teas & Grapentine, 1996). consumers purchase and use the brand; 4) brand According to Aaker (1996), the values of brand image creates brand association whose positive effect loyalty contain reduction of marketing costs, balance results in a positive brand attitude and transference of trade leverage, attraction of new customers, and into a brand value; and, 5) brand image provides the acquisition of time responding to competitive threats. basis of product extension. The congruence of brand Three advantages of owning brand loyal customers image and new products offers consumers the reasons are also identified by Chaudhuri (1999), which are the to purchase new products. requirements of less advertising, acquisition of the image embodies product attributes Keller (1998) proposed that brand equity comes greatest level of repeat purchases, and the generation from the effects of brand marketing which was of consumers’ acceptance to pay a premium for the regarded as consumer brand knowledge. He showed service or product. Loyal can be interpreted in the that brand knowledge is one kind of memory mode of ranges from affective loyalty to behavioral loyalty associative networks which are composed of brand (Morgan, 2000). awareness and brand image. Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001; Havitz, 2000; Pritchard, He suggested that & Similarly, some researchers (e.g., brand images are reflected by types of brand Havitz, Howard, 1999) suggest that the associations, favorability of brand associations, measurement of brand loyalty comprises consumer strength of brand associations, and uniqueness of brand attitudes and consumer buying habits. brand associations. The four dimensions of brand aspects of brand loyalty associated with the association have been described in the previous behavioral and attitudinal concepts are emphasized by section. some researchers. Dick and Basu (1994) agreed that Brand Loyalty attitude/behavior relationship is a logical orientation Two Brand loyalty is the core of brand equity for brand loyalty research. They suggested that the because loyal consumption can be expected to result relationship be causal and simultaneous. Baldinger in a predictable sales and profit stream (Aaker, 1996). & Rubinson’s (1996) findings suggested that when Brand loyalty can be regarded as a concept of attitude consumers held their behavioral brand loyalty, it was or behavior because consumers still hold a deep the degree of their attitudinal brand loyalty which commitment to repatronize a preferred service or decided whether they would consistently repurchase product consistently, in spite of the potential causes the products in the future. Datta (2003) also noted I-173 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 that if measures of loyalty were only focused on the Dickson and Sawyar’s (1990) study found that as repurchase aspect, they would be invalid to evaluate consumers perceived purchased products as promoted overall loyalty. ones, the value of consumer brand image would be Still, some researchers, however, (e.g., Reynolds & Arnold, 2000; Chaudhuri, 1999) decreased. viewed both attitudinal brand loyalty and behavioral and Cox (1990), Grewal, Baker, and Borin (1998), brand loyalty as a single construct to measure brand studied the influential effect of store name, brand loyalty. name, and price discount on consumer brand value as The Relationship between Sales Promotion and Brand Equity Among the empirical studies about Corresponding to the findings of Cox well as consumer purchase intention. They found that discount depth was negatively related to the perceived quality. That means, the more discount relationship between sales promotion and brand depth, the less perceived quality. equity, many investigated the linkage of sales inferred that information of price promotion would promotion not absolutely result in positive purchase intention and consumer brand repurchase attitudes/behaviors, or did the related analysis The finding and might damage brand value. Garretson and Clow (1999) utilized dental between sales promotion and a single dimension of It seems that empirical studies seldom service as an experimental product to measure the investigated the correlative analysis between sales influence of coupon promotion on service quality, promotion and overall brand equity. perceived risk, and purchase intention. brand equity. Many empirical more discount generated less They found studies showed the negative influence of sales that value on promotion on brand equity. professionalism of dental services. The researchers In Neslin and Shoemaker’s (1989) study, two concluded that the negative perception would hurt or thousand families were studied; coffee was the offset positive economic incentive which discount studied product category. The finding was that, after coupons attempted to bring. promotion, the personal repurchase ratio remained Raghubir and Corfman (1999), taking service unchanged while the overall repurchase ratio was products (dental services, health club, and mutual reduced by impact of sales promotion. funds) This study as products of their empirical study, inferred that the reduction of overall repurchase investigated the relationship of price promotion on resulted from the fact that most of the subjects in this brand value before using products. They suggested study were new brand buyers and brand switchers that if consumers who never had purchase experience whose incentives for the purchase were sales on a promoted brand or a new promoted brand, they promotion. Relatively, the repurchase ratio would would regard the promoted brand as one with lower decrease after the promotion period, which also quality. The study found that price promotion had a brought about the decease of overall repurchase. negative impact on consumer brand value before However, this reason did not absolutely contribute to consumers began using a new product. Yoo (2000) creating a reduction of individual repurchases. also found that price promotion generated negative Cox and Cox (1990) found that promotion in effects on perceived quality and brand association advertising effectively led to consumer association which were dimensions of brand equity. Owing to that products from this store were low-price. price consumer I-174 variability which increases 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 uncertainty about brand quality, the decrease of responding to the finding that sales promotion quality perception and increase of considered negatively impacted consumer’s product evaluation, perceived risk may happen (Yoo et al., 2000). suggested that marketers should be aware of the Exploring the effects of advertising (long-term utilization of the sales promotion with involvement of brand-building activity) and sales promotion (a pricing when they are concerned about brand short-term sales incentive) on consumer attitudes, credibility. brand equity, and market share from a bounded Even though many studies stated the negative rationality view. Low and Mohr (2000) conducted a impacts of sales promotion on brand equity, some study. researchers still contended that brand equity was not In their study, senior marketing managers were interviewed to process the survey either in negatively influenced by sales promotion. pretests or in real survey. They found that brands Inman, and McAlister (1992) hypothesized that sales with higher budget allocations for advertising have promotion has a negative impact on brand value. more advantages than brands with those to sales They directly measure the effect of price promotion promotion in terms of influencing consumer attitude, on brand value on three brands and four product brand equity, and market share. The short-term categories (microwavable popcorn, saline solution, advantage perspective (sales promotion) has been cereal, mouthwash), with college students as study criticized for the past decade. subjects and the grocery stores on campus as the Hence, the study’s Davis, researchers suggested that marketers should invest experimental environment. budgets in advertising instead of sales promotion if evaluations contained three elements which were they attempt to deliver positive brand image to affective, cognitive, and behavior intention. Their consumers to get the promise of a powerful brand study found that sales promotion leveraged the ratio franchise. Low and Mohr (2000) implied that sales of consumption, but it did not create a negative promotions, a lazy approach to marketing, did not impact on brand value. Davis et al. (1992) inferred create a more consistent result as some of the that consumption type in grocery stores was of marketing mix techniques. low-involvement consumption type; therefore sales Swait & Erdem (2002), investigating temporal The measures of brand promotion enabled creating instant and positive consistency in sales promotion on consumer product effects. evaluations and choices, found that price variability low-involvement consumption would be forgotten by may result in the decrease of consumer utilities and consumers, and accordingly, negative effects of sale thus choices. promotion on brand equity would not be generated. study in The study, corresponding to their 1998, showed that marketing However, the promotion content with Curious mix about whether frequent, shallow sales promotion or infrequent, deep promotion was more promotion, decreased perceived quality and eroded powerful to keep brand profitability than infrequent, consumer’s value on perceived quality. One reason deep promotion was, Jedidi, Mela, & Gupta (1999) is that it is difficult for consumers to predict developed a joint probity choice and regression opportunities for promotion savings, and thus quantity model to test consumers’ attitudes to these systematic utility may be decreased, which eventually marketing activities. generates product-choice switch. deep promotion kept consumer brand loyalty, but a inconsistency, e.g., price variability in These researchers, I-175 They found that infrequent, 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 price cut could induce consumer to make changes in equity of the product or the company. To investigate consumer response to the four brand choice decisions in the short term; with respect to long-term promotion, consumers were shown to different favor changes in regular price over promotional coupons, discount. that, “buy-one-get-one-free,” Gilbert and Jackaria (2002) exposure, conducted a study to analyze the associated consumers learned to wait for good deals and relationships between the four consumer promotional stockpile when they valued the deals. Accordingly, tools and consumption behaviors of 160 respondents consumers adjust the reference price of products consisting of 42 percent male, 58 percent female. lower to increase their sensitivity to the regular price. They found that only the price discount promotional Hence, it is unnecessary for consumers to switch tool was statistically significant. According to these brands, and brand loyalty is maintained. However, two researchers’ inference, coupon promotion may be this study also found that there was a negative perceived by consumers as a nuisance that cost time perception of long-term promotion. and responding These to researchers frequent inferred promotion It is possible promotional price efforts to techniques discounts, redeem, and; that includes samples, based on and the that consumers believe that deeper discounts in the self-perception theory, sample promotion generates long run stand for lower quality (Jedidi et al., 1999). prevention of future purchasing. Among these four O’Guinn et al. (2000) categorized sponsorship sales promotional approaches, price discount as one of sales promotional tools. Sponsorship has promotions were found to have the effect of inducing transformed itself into a significant element of an households to switch brands and of creating an earlier integrated communications strategy (Cornwell, Roy, buy & Steinard, 2001). significantly resulted in brand switching behavior and Investigating how managers behavior, and; “buy-one-get-one-free” viewed combination of their marketing programs and purchase acceleration. the their several sales promotions have been noticeable, thus sponsorship over time, Cornwell, Roy, & Steinard facilitating brand recognition and brand recall for (2001) designed a two-phase survey to request future purchases, without a significantly negative manages to report on the impact of sponsorship on influence on brands. brand-equity-building capabilities of The study showed that The findings showed that sponsorship Sivaramakrishnan and Manchanda’s (2003) supported by marketing programs (advertising and study hypothesized consumers who were cognitively promotion) could be a role to contribute to busy would be likely to assess the value of price perceptions of differentiating the brand from its discount offers because they got a great deal of competitors, and subsequently add financial value to information, e.g., product attributes—color, shapes, or the company or the brand. The researchers implied sizes. that which pretest were asked to assess the importance of various sponsorship-linked marketing strategy was the focus attributes of a TV as the indices of their consumption of the marketing communications platform, which attitudes/behaviors. In the study, nine added recall could activate linkage of the consumer’s accepted questions were addressed to measure whether the information and brand node in the consumer’s mind, respondents had been concerned about the product and subsequently be helpful of increasing brand and price information in the advertisement or brand equity. sales promotional programs in I-176 Thirty-seven undergraduate students in a 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 Cronbach-alpha assessing reliability of incentive on consumers’ perceptions and purchase value items achieved at 0.94. The study found that, attitudes, found that, in the coupon promotion, corresponding to their hypotheses, cognitively busy consumers with no coupons still had to pay money consumers would perceive less on the magnitude of corresponding to the original price to buy the product; the discount and the actual savings than those who therefore, the original price was still an effectual price were cognitively less busy. and consumers did not downvalue the quality of the promotion. It implied that when consumers who were cognitively less busy acquired promoted product. enough coupon product information and completely The study also found that, in promotion, consumers would have processed it, they evaluated the products and value by perceptions of advantageous price inequity which attribution information, e.g., brand name, rather than resulted in leverage of perceived value. Moreover, price, to make a good purchase decision. Based on some consumers, in coupon promotion, believed that the finding, from a managerial standpoint, price some people purchased the same products with the discount offer would not make cognitively busy original price. consumers influence their perceptions about brand internal reference prices. These researchers inferred image or perceived brand equity. However, the that coupon promotion remained overall a perceived authors stated that limitation was that the results were value of promoted products much more than a direct only for one product category and for a particular price-off deal did. Hence, most consumers did not lower Hypothesizing price range. Although a large amount of studies demonstrate influenced brand consumer image attitudes and positively behavioral that sales promotion do not facilitate acquirement and intention on brands, Rio, Vazquez, and Iglesias (2001) maintenance of brand equity, sales promotions are conducted a study to test the effects of groups of still widely utilized in marketing practice. Currently, brand various tools for sales promotions constantly are identification, social identification, and status) on increased, not only focusing on price promotion. consumer responses. Many tools for nonmonetary sales promotion, sports shoes that were suitable for sport and casual centering on psychological dimension and preventing wear were used as a reference; two focus groups with from damaging brand equity, are utilized more often. sports shoes uses were measured, and; various Martin and Monroe (1994) in their study, found that, distributions in the sector were requested to conduct in the promotion situation, the consumer perception of in-depth interviews. Among these four categories of price fairability was based not only on comparison brand image functions, guarantee function was between internal reference price and price in associated positively with all three dependent discounting, but also the comparative difference of variables (consumer’s willingness to recommend the prices paid by him/her and others. Martin and brand , consumer willingness to pay price premium Monroe inferred that consumer favorability on for it, and consumer willingness to accept brand different sales promotion was differentiated by extensions) consumer perception of price fairability. identification and status only partially influenced Chen, Monroe, and Lou (1998), in their study investigating the influence of price promotion image function (guarantee, personal In this study, non-specialized whereas personal identification, either one or two dependent variables. From the study’s results, the implication for managing and I-177 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 marketing brand image can be drawn. Guarantee of appreciation quality is the appraisal that the brand is reliabe, and techniques and some independent variables, including the brand efficiently fulfills its performance qualities. a high direct degree of premium, positive consumer For marketers attempting to focus on managing brand brand attitude, great interest in the premium, high image can make good use of product guantee deal-prone consumer traits, and high compulsive promotion consumption prepositions. to generate positive communication of premium-based promotional However, the study’s researchers suggested that the study only revealed towards the brand. Lee (2002) chose managers from 26 consumer behavioral intention and consumer reactions. In convenience product categories to assess brand terms of brand equity, the researchers suggested to manager’s evaluations of sales promotions. In his test how well the premium is integrated with the study, coupons and lucky draws were utilized to brand’s positioning and brand’s extending in the estimate the model explaining how managers used future study. a Guerreiro, Santos, SilveiraGisbrecht, and Ong price-oriented, incentive-based promotion while lucky (2004), evaluating questionnaires returned from draws non-price-oriented, marketing managers who were familiar with their communication-based promotion. This study found companies’ product promotion, and attempting in that promotional tactics. represented Coupon a represented heavily favored acquiring marketing managers’ perceptions relating to promotion over bonus pack promotion, found that current managerial non-price-oriented one. The outcome stemmed from perception of costs favor bonus over price discount the influence of competition and short-term pressures. because most of the respondents agreed that bonus However, the study also found that managers packs may facilitate negotiation with the clients. appeared non-price-oriented Also, the study found that respondents believed that promotion than consumers’ expectation. Hence, the most clients, without recognizing the production cost study sales of the bonus units, appreciated the economic benefit short-term of bonus units that were regarded as the selling price subjects (managers) price-oriented to sales under-utilize suggested promotion may inferred facilitate price-oriented to meet objectives while non-price-oriented sales promotions of the purchased units. Brand value may not be may be helpful for strengthening consumer brand negatively impacted on non-price sales promotions equity and achieving long-term objective. through consumer’s price perception; however, the To acquire a better recognition of consumer respondents of the study believed that objectives for responses to premium-based promotional offers, offering bonus packs were concerned less about d’Astous and Jacob (2002) conducted a three-study aspects of client loyalty and brand loyalty. research program to evaluate what kinds of situations Even though the aforementioned nonmonetary can gain consumer appreciation of premium-based sales promotions are appealing for not eroding promotional offers. long-tem consumer brand values, there are still The development of the study’s procedure was made up of a tested typology of contradictory premium-based promotions, a qualitative study, and a nonmonetary sales promotions have negative effects survey of adult consumers. on consumer brand franchise and brand equity. The results showed that there were positive relationships between consumer exploratory studies showing In Siebert’s (1996) study, over two-thirds of the I-178 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 respondents perceived that the extra amount given in that the generic products were effective for patients, bonus packs was either directly or indirectly paid by they stuck to the usage of that brand product, without consumers. switching to another brand. The researcher inferred that price Not corresponding to discount sales promotions did not have an absolute what Daly (1993) reported that promotional gifts negative value. (nonmonetary sales promotion) could facilitate in Compared with bonus packs (non-price-oriented sales creating a positive perception, reinforcing a buying promotion), price-oriented sales promotion may result decision, strengthening relationships and stimulating in a more effective marketing advantage because of interest, the study’s finding showed sales promotion savings in warehousing, shipping, inventory, package appeared not to achieve its goal to strengthening design and size changes. brand relationship with consumers. impact on consumer brand Ong, Ho, and Tripp CONCLUSION (1997) also found that bonus packs did not absolutely guarantee to get positive consumer attitudes. Studying Measuring the dimensions of brand equity, whether bonus packs incentive is regarded as an researchers have generated various approaches from a aggressive offer and brings about brand incredibility, financial view, a marketing view, and a synthesized Ong et al. (1997) found that industry perceived that view of finance and marketing. bonus pack offers attracted current users of the approach defines brand equity from the dimensions of products more than new users, whereas consumers cash flow, revenue, or cost, and quantifies brand perceived that bonus pack offers appeared not to have equity with financial indices; the marketing approach much credence about the concepts of “no price proposes that brand equity is able to create profits for increase” and extra quantity. both corporate and consumers through consumer The financial In Parker and Pettijohn’s (2003) study, the issue perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors; the synthesized about the argument for /against promotional gifts or approach of finance and marketing perceives that free samples was especially to be investigated. The sources of brand equity are able to establish brand researchers selected physicians in a mid-western advantages in consumer minds, and accordingly, regional health center as the subjects who responded create financial brand values for the corporation. to the questionnaires which centered on the topics Measuring the dimensions of brand equity is about whether promotional gifts or free samples from one important and valued issue for current researchers. pharmaceutical representatives would influence their However, the brand itself holds both intangible and decisions to prescribe, and whether pharmaceutical abstract characteristics, and there are no fixed and direct-to-consumer advertising would increase the universal brand equity measures that are suitable for request possibilities of both drug brand choices and all industries. Synthesized from Aaker’s (1991;1996) drug that and related research, brand equity has been measured direct-to-consumer advertising made the rates of both from various marketing aspects, e.g., brand extension, drug category and drug brand choices higher, and the premium price, brand awareness, brand association, rates of physicians’ prescriptions on those drugs also brand image, brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand increased. However, most respondents (physicians) attitude, and other proprietary brand assets, etc. reported that the acceptance of gifts or samples did Each determinant has a significant impact on building not affect their prescription. brand equity. category. The findings showed When they believed I-179 Four dimensions of brand equity are 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 reviewed specifically in previous sections, which are can be cumulated for a long term by temporary sales brand awareness, brand association, brand image, and promotions. Based on various incentives (e.g., economic brand loyalty, Brand awareness is the concept of brand recognition and brand recall (Keller, 1998). Three incentive, psychological incentive, or communicative incentive), some researchers categorized sales types of brand association which are basic to the promotion tools into varied groups varieties, e.g., concept of brand image are attribute, benefit, and monetary/nonmonetary attitude (Keller, 1998). Brand image, providing price-oriented/ non-price-oriented sales promotions, consumers information to presume product quality or instant/ postponed sales promotions. In terms or and producing the purchase behavior (Bhat & Reddy, monetary sales promotions (price-oriented sales 1998), is linked with three grouped concepts: promotions), some researcher found monetary sales functional brand concept, symbolic brand concept, or promotions experiential brand concept (Parke et al, 1986; Keller, perceived quality that is one element of brand equity 1998). Brand loyalty, the concept enabling (e.g., Swait & Erdem, 2002); some found monetary consumers to hold a deep commitment to rebuy a sales promotions enabled inducing households to preferred service or product consistently, is usually switch brands (e.g., Gilbert & Jackaria, 2002). measured by two categorized groups: attitudinal brand the past two decades, not only is monetary sales loyalty and behavioral brand loyalty. Other promotions widely launched, but also a great deal of proprietary brand assets, e.g., patents and channel nonmonetary sales promotions are increasingly being relationship, aim at keeping competitors out of the utilized for the purpose of psychological and marketing share and maintaining consumer brand communicative incentives. Some studies found that loyalty. nonmonetary may sales erode sales promotions, consumers’ promotions values could on For prevent Among market competitors, corporations try to association about product price from directly hurting design varied sales promotions to increase sales. brand equity (e. g., d’Astous and Jacob, 2002), and Sales promotions are impressive for having brought could gain consumers’ acceptance of brand extensions temporary and larger sales for corporation (Kotler, (e.g., Rio et al., 2001); some studies showed that 2003). However, different conclusions are generated nonmonetary sales promotions brought about negative from the research studying the relationship between effects on consumer brand franchise and brand equity sales promotions and brand equity. Some show (e.g., Siebert, 1997), or did not influence consumer sales promotions damage brand equity (e.g., Swait & brand loyalty on another brand (e.g., Parker & Erdem, 2002) while some show sales promotions do Pettijohn, 2003). RECOMMENDATIONS Theoretical Reformulations not influence brand values (e.g., d’Astous & Jacob, 2002; Guerreiro et al, 2004). That means, sales promotions directly impact the sales, accompanied by Brand equity has been a popular and potential changes of consumer brand attitudes on brand equity. marketing concept since the 1980s. The high valued During the changed period, consumer brand loyalty, concept, however, has not developed a universal brand association, or brand image may even be definition and measures because the views on brand influenced because brand equity in consumer minds equity from finance and marketing are relatively I-180 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 Financial value, e.g., sales, cost, and cash theory is integrated into an accommodating theory. flow, is only of short-term figures while establishment This will lead to better studies which probe the of brand equity is a long-term investment. It does validity of various theories, and result in the not appear adequate to utilize short-term financial development of more sound measurement procedures. value to define brand equity because establishment of Hence, future studies need brand equity can not get cost return in a short period models or theories (e.g., psychological approach, (Aaker, 1996). This lack of an accepted definition utilitarian approach, price perception approach, or obstructs the development of theoretical frameworks communicative approach) on which sales promotion on which significant brand equity research might be is based based. order to get reasonable consistency of the results. different. cores Additionally, Trevor (1998) identified two to measure brand equity, which consumer-based equity and market presence. to decide beforehand to test the influence of brand equity in Critical or Analytic Reviews are Hence Analytic reviews, an area of future scholarly the optimal definition of brand equity should not be inquiry based on financial value only. Synthesizing Aaker’s experimental results in terms of sales promotion and (1996) and Trevor’s (1998) propositions, brand equity brand equity, are needed. Analytic reviews should should be defined on the basis of establishment not only focus on the linkage of sales promotion and relevant to consumers so as to eventually acquire brand equity, but also expand to the scope of effects of financial value. psychology, For this reason, future to find descriptive, communication correlative research, and consumer research of this paper may base this definition of attitude/behavior research, and consumer brand value brand equity as a theoretical definition for brand research for deep and broad investigation about the equity for future research to investigate managerial topic. and marketing implications of brand equity. analysis is to examine the relationship between sales Even though the purpose of this critical Expenditures and frequency of sales promotions promotion and brand equity, there is a need to review have been impressive internationally for the past two critically both theoretical literature and empirical decades. It is commonly agreed that sales promotion studies that provide support as to what categories of primarily generate short-term behavioral effects. sales promotion influence brand equity, and which However, much research finds sales promotions may categories of sales promotion have more influential have undesirable cumulative long-term effects on effects on brand equity. consumer attitudes and behaviors. Empirical Studies Marketers and researchers, based on utilitarian, psychological, or Empirical studies are an area of future scholarly communicative theories, develop various categories inquiry to examine the relationship of sales promotion of sales promotion to acquire short-term benefits and and brand equity. to simultaneously expect establishment of brand has studied the issue; however, controversial views equity. and perceptions are generated. for Such theories and models might be helpful corporation and consumers. Actually, some empirical research In future studies However, associated with this topic, the literature review should investigating the influential effect of sales promotions focus on not only sales promotion, but also business on brand equity, researchers should be aware of what marketing theory seems most useful to address and how each management associated with sales promotion. I-181 management and psychological The 遠東學報第二十三卷第三期 中華民國九十五年九月出版 mixed research design is recommended for getting experiential brand image, which are categories of more reliability of the study and more information brand image. For example, future Although some reviewed empirical studies research can choose various types of sales promotions show that, preventing price perception from damaging (e.g., discount vs. lucky draw) based on the utilitarian brand equity, nonmonetary sales promotions do approach and communicative approach to test acquire higher consumer brand value than monetary consumer brand values. sales promotion does, future empirical studies still explaining social phenomena. Reviewed literature has noted that some have to be clearly aware of experimental locations empirical studies only examine the influence of sales and times. promotion on a single dimension of brand equity, e.g., a economic recession or in countries of poor economy, brand loyalty or brand image. the It seems that If the respondents in future studies are in studies’ outcomes may be contradictory. empirical studies seldom investigate the correlative Additionally, the chosen products category tested in analysis between sales promotion and overall brand future studies should also be carefully considered. equity. There is, therefore, a need for future Brands with more amounts of advertising and research aiming at identifying and understanding all concreteness-oriented brand management may result dimensions of brand equity to get the deep from the original distinction in brand equity when recognition about the impact of sales promotions on compared to other brands. Moreover, the conclusion brand equity. of The investigation and explanation of future empirical studies which choose the influential effect on only one dimension of brand low-involvement products, e.g., convenience product equity do not seem enough to cover all aspects of categories, should only be generalized to the concept consumers’ long-term brand values. of sales promotion of low-involvement products. Hence, the overall brand equity, not only just individual aspects Hence, such as brand association and perceived quality, products, e.g., laptop computers, and products in should be served as the objective of measurement to specific sections will not be suitably covered in this test the effectiveness of sales promotions. Hence, scope of conclusion of this kind of empirical study. this paper suggests that at least four factors of brand Hence, some brand equity measures may only be equity which may be influenced by sales promotion appropriate for measuring frequently used product should be examined to test the effect of sales categories, rather than able to be applied to other promotion in order to achieve overall conclusive product categories. investigation on the influence of sales promotion on studying the relationship between sales promotion and brand equity. Additionally, to deeply test short-run brand equity should be aware of these limitations and when they design the developments of measure long-run communication effects of sales promotion, future research may further center on For promotions on high-involvement Researchers interested in procedures in their future studies. 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