R Red Cross Hometow wn Heroes s Luncheo on N November 2013 N Northern Quest Q Res sort & Casiino EV EVENT OVE ERVIEW Each year, thee American Red R Cross uncovers storries of local iindividuals aand orrganizationss whose acco omplishmentts have made a positive iimpact on th he lives of otthers - wheth her through a lifesaving action or tirreless work tto benefit ou ur co ommunity. From F this ex xceptional grroup of storiees, we selectt ‘hometown n heroes’ th hat will be reecognized an nd honored during d the lu uncheon. A ATTENDAN NCE DEMO OGRAPHIC CS 55 50+ guests - Majority arre governmen nt officials; community c leaders; bussiness prrofessionals; police, fire,, and militarry leadership p. SP PONSORSHIP BENE EFITS Al All sponsors receive r a logo on their ta able sign as well w as recoggnition in thee event prog gram, on thee local Red Crross webpag ge, in social media m postin ngs (Faceboo ok, Twitter),, on pre and post-event sscreens, and d by the evvent emcees. Presenting Sponsor S (llimited to 3) 3 - $10,00 00 gnition on alll pre and posst-event pro omotion/colllateral pieces (save the d dates, invitess, TV Recog spots, etc.) gnition in pree and post-eevent media releases r and d pitch storiees Recog s of one hero category - in ncludes tablee of ten hostting hero and d guests Title sponsorship rtunity for re epresentativ ve to present hero award d during the l luncheon Oppor Promiinent signage at event veenue f guests on n tables Opporrtunity to supply items for C Community y partner Sponsor S (lim mited to 4)) - $6,000 s of one highllighted eventt item such aas video or p program Title sponsorship sponsorship s of one hero category in ncludes table e for ten hos sting hero an nd guests Title ve to present hero award d during the lluncheon Opporrtunity for reepresentativ Promiinent signage at event veenue gnition in pree and post-eevent media releases r and d pitch storiees Recog H Hero Spons sor (limited d to 10) - $3,500 sponsorship s of one hero category - in ncludes tablee for ten hossting hero an nd guests. Title ve to present hero award d during the lluncheon. Opporrtunity for reepresentativ Table Spons sor (unlim mited) - $1,5 500 ne table for up u to ten gueests with logo o recognitio on on table siign. Sponssorship of on To learn morre about this event and available a opp portunities:: K Kris Pitcher, Chief C Develo opment Officcer (5 509) 326-333 30 x 215 krris.pitcher@ @redcross.org g