Judo Assessment - Camp Abilities

Judo Assessment
Vocabulary (Checking for Knowledge and Understanding) N/A
Judo (Gentle Way)
"Onagai Shimasu" (Please Help Me)
"Arigato Gozaimashita" (Formal Thank You)
"Hajime" (Begin)
"Matte" (Stop)
Judo Exercises
"Kiai" Judo Yell
Ushiro Ukemi-- Back Break-Fall
Yoko Ukemi-- Side Break-Fall
O Soto Gari-- Big outer Reap, Backwards Throw
~Face Partner, Hold R wrist with L hand
~L hand on collar, Raise Arm
~Step around leg, HUG
~Slide R leg between partners, hold arm as they fall
Tai Otoshi-- Body Drop, Forward Throw
~ Face Partner hold R wrist with L hand
~L hand on collar, Raise Arm
~Turn around in front of partner, face the same direction
~Lean forward, bend knees
~block partners right leg with yours, knees pointed forward
~HUG, twist to left
~No bending, Hold onto partners wrist
Kesa Gatami-- Scarf Hold Down
~Sit next to partner face to face
~Pull arm tight across belt hold sleeve
~Scoop up head, hold tightly
Yoko Shiho Gatame-- Side Hold Down
~Lie face down, with chin on your partners lower ribs
~Cradle partners head
~Scoop up far leg
Additonal Comments:
Physical Assistance (TA, PA, Independent)
Verbal Cue
Date Met/ Comments
Physical Assistance(TA, PA, Independent)
Verbal Cue
Physical Assistance(TA, PA, Independent)
Verbal Cue
Physical Assistance(TA, PA, Independent)
Verbal Cue
Physical Assistance(TA, PA, Independent)
Verbal Cue