Belong, believe, behave…

Belong, believe, behave…
Tuggeranong 20JUN10 Matthew 16: 13 – 20
We have had a pretty busy morning this morning.
We welcomed a new baby into the fellowship of
the church.
We enrolled two young people as Junior Soldiers
in our Salvation Army…
What does membership of the Church look like to
The reading we have just heard is an interesting
insight into what Jesus had in mind for His
When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked
his disciples
His disciples…?
A band of 12 young men who walked and talked
with Jesus for 3 years…
He loved them dearly and he taught them and
showed them so many things about the Kingdom
of God.
If you were a disciple, I am SURE that you would
feel like you BELONG to Jesus and belong to His
team of apprentices.
Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”[c]
There are some pretty important questions we
have to face in our lifetime…
Did you do your homework? Consequences?
Have you put the garbage out? Consequences?
Do you take this woman to be your lawfully
wedded wife? (Now think about that one!)
Life – changing consequences!
You know the most important question you will
ever have to answer is…
SLIDE Who is Jesus?
“Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say
Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets
When the disciples were asked this question,
they told Jesus that the people were thinking that
He was John the Baptist – a preacher or Elijah,
Jeremiah – a prophet…
…and then Jesus personalizes the question…
Who do you say I am?
The moment of truth for the band of brothers…
The question at the pointy end of their training…
Who are you Jesus?
Then Peter speaks up…
“You are the Messiah,[d] the Son of the living God.”
And Peter scores the goal…
He slam dunks it in!
Peter GOT IT!
Jesus is far more than a preacher or prophet…
He is a part of God Himself.
He is the promised rescuer of humankind.
 This declaration of Peter is not just saying
that Jesus exists – that’s a no-brainer…!
 Please put up your hand if you believe that
this is the year 2010 AD…
 Well, if you believe that, you believe Jesus
What Peter was saying was far more than
believing in the existence of Jesus.
Peter believed WHO Jesus was.
The Messiah, the Son of the living God!
SLIDE Belonging becomes believing…
The consequences of the answer to this question
for Peter were quite astonishing…
SLIDE V.17 – 19 Volunteer to read…
Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John,[e]
because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you. You did
not learn this from any human being. 18 Now I say to you that
you are Peter (which means „rock‟),[f] and upon this rock I will
build my church, and all the powers of hell[g] will not conquer
it. 19 And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Whatever you forbid[h] on earth will be forbidden in heaven,
and whatever you permit[i] on earth will be permitted in
Peter , the Rock was given a new role…
The rock and his role – rock and roll??
Peter’s new role was the head of the Church!
SLIDE What is the Church?
 A community of people joined by their faith in
Jesus Christ as their Saviour and built on the
foundation of the apostles and the prophets with
Jesus as their cornerstone.
Then Jesus promised Peter the keys to the
Kingdom of Heaven…
We are still not sure exactly what Jesus meant
by this…
But, whether these keys symbolized authority or
forgiveness or salvation…
Peter’s NEW role and responsibilities
meant a new beginning for his behaviour.
Belonging becomes believing becomes behaving
So let’s go back to my first question this
What does membership of the Church look like to
As one of the leaders of this church, I would
hope that anyone and everyone who comes
through those doors feels like they belong…
SLIDE Belong
Even the people outside these walls that we
befriend, or minister to, or talk about God with,
should be able to sense that they belong to
something bigger that themselves.
Belonging is so important to human beings.
Belonging to a church is a blessing that needs to
be experienced.
SLIDE Belonging becomes believing
Belonging is good, but believing is so much
Have you declared Jesus Lord of your life?
With a sincere heart, you can do that right now in
3 sentences…sorry, thank you, please…
I’m sorry…for what I have done to hurt you God
Thank you…for sending Jesus to pay my penalty
Please…take over my life & be my Lord
Those 3 sentences are the most important
statements you can ever make.
Do you believe that Jesus is Lord of your life?
If you do, it doesn’t stop there…
Belonging becomes believing becomes behaving
Jesus accepts me as I am, but He loves me too
much to leave me this way…
The decision to follow Jesus Christ is the
BEGINNING of a new life.
It is a journey that grows us into a new creation.
God’s spirit partners with us to develop the
characteristics of God Himself.
SLIDE My new behaviour flows from the new
If my mum and dad were a little more careful – I
probably wouldn’t be here today.
I am what is commonly referred to as a ‘mistake’.
They were happy with a boy and a girl but 6
years later – I arrived to rock their world…
And funnily enough, 10 years after I arrived, my
sister was born – and things changed again.
(you would think they would have worked out
how it happened by then!?)
Anyway, when I was born, my mum & dad were
into their third year as SA officers.
So I was born into the culture of this part of the
church, and from that day 48 years ago, I have
belonged to TSA.
At the age of 11 at the Parramatta corps, I
declared my belief in Jesus as Lord of my life.
And from that day, God has been working with
me to change my behaviour and develop the
characteristics He longs to share with me.
Membership of the church for you, might mean
membership of TSA.
 If God has placed you here and you feel
that you belong – that’s great –we love
having you here.
 If you believe that Jesus is your Lord and
you would like to join our church in a more
‘formal’ way, you might like to sign a
declaration and become what we call an
adherent member.
 If you are being called to go deeper with
your association with this church and
declare your intensions to let God impact
your behaviour, maybe becoming a soldier
of TSA is what God has in mind for you.
 You don’t have to wear a uniform – but if
you do – that’s great!
On the table, there are copies of the adherent
member certificate and the soldier’s covenant.
Take one now or later on, pray about it and then
let’s talk!
Being a part of the church is so important to
He gave His life that we might exist.
 What is God saying to you?
 Do you want to believe in Jesus as your
 Do you want to serve God in a deeper way
through the SA?
Whatever he says to you – do it!
Think on these things, the place of prayer is
With all I am
into your hand
i commit again
all I am
for you lord
you hold my world
in the palm of your hand
and I'm yours forever
Jesus I believe in you
Jesus I belong to you
you're the reason that I live
the reason that I sing
with all I am
I'll walk with you
wherever you go
through tears and joy
I'll trust in you
and I will live
in all of your ways and
your promises forever
I will worship I will worship you forever