Andrew M. Silverstone DVM, Adjunct Professor of Biology
Office Phone: 340-6996, email Office Hours: By appointment.
Reprints of lab handouts and syllabus:
Required Materials:
Exploring Biology in the Laboratory (custom edition), Pendarvis & Crawley.
Scientific Calculator and Digital Watch with a timer.
Note: Mobile phones, iPods, tablets, etc. are not permitted as calculators or timers.
Quizzes: There will be a quiz at the start of each lab. The quiz will cover the previous week’s material,
but realize we build on concepts each week. There will also be questions from the lab you will be doing
that day. Questions may consist of multiple choices, matching, and fill in the blank. Correct spelling is
required for full credit. If you leave lab prior to the completion of all the experiments and the class
discussion of results, you will receive a grade of zero for that week’s quiz.
Lab Report: You are required to turn in a 3 to 5 page, summary of the previous week’s laboratory
exercise. In this report you need to discuss your group’s findings. If your results vary from the expected
results, you need to discuss possible reasons as to why. Lab groups are not penalized for not obtaining the
expected results. You must turn in a hard copy. I do NOT accept lab reports by email. Lab reports are due
the following week’s lab. Late reports receive ½ credit (2.5 points) at best. No assignments will be
accepted after the start of your final exam.
Midterm and Final Examination: There will be midterm and final examinations. These are practical
exams with multiple stations. The stations are in a short answer format. The exams consist of
approximately 100 questions. Correct spelling is required for full credit.
Final Grade Calculation: Quizzes and Lab Reports
Mid-Term Practical
Final Practical
Your final lab grade will count as 40% of your total Biology 101 grade.
There are no make up quizzes or examinations! If you do miss a lab or have a schedule conflict with the
practical examination, it is your responsibility to arrange to complete it with another lab session. You are
responsible for contacting that section’s course instructor for permission to complete your quiz or exam in
their section. A full instructors schedule is posted at the lab entrance. Other instructors are not required to
allow you to attend their section, so you must request permission advance.
If you are not able to attend a lab, you can download the lab notes from the webpage above. You are
responsible to be prepared for the next lab session’s quiz.
Remember to put your name and date on all quizzes. In the event that two students forget to put their
names on their quiz, both will receive a grade of zero. You are not penalized for guessing on quizzes. For
multiple-choice questions, you must make clear your choice. If you change your mind, you need to draw a
line through the answer you do not want to select.
It is important that you learn the correct information. Students who wish to earn a ¼ point for each
incorrect quiz answer may do the following. At the next week’s lab you need to turn in a typed correct
explanation of your incorrect answers. You must correct all the wrong answers on your quiz to receive any
additional credit.
Grade records: You are responsible for keeping all graded materials for the duration of the course. In the
event you believe there is an error in your grade, it is important that you have your own graded papers
available for verification.
Attendance: You are expected to attend all lab sections and to be on time for the start of the session. If
you are late, you will have to obtain help from your classmates with what you missed. It is university
policy that any student who misses three labs will receive a grade of zero for the lab. There will be a sign
in sheet for the beginning of the lab and a sign out sheet at the end.
Dress Code: This is a biology laboratory. A lab coat or smock is recommended. You may be handling
reagents that will stain your clothes or burn your skin. Closed shoes, not sandals are the appropriate
Safety: No food or drink is permitted in the lab. Repeat violators will be asked to leave and will receive a
grade of zero for the session.
Registration: You must be actively registered for the lab to attend. No exceptions.
Withdrawal Policy: It is the student’s responsibility to comply with university policy to withdrawal from
this class. If you feel you are struggling, I am available to help you with the lab material.
“A grade of W is awarded to students who withdraw or are withdrawn from a course after the Add/Drop
period, but prior to completion of 60% of the session. After that time, the student will receive a grade of F,
except under mitigating circumstances which must be documented. A copy of the documentation must be
placed in the student’s academic file.”
Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices: You must turn off and put away all mobile phones and electronic
devices. If your phone rings, you are wearing ear buds, are texting, etc, you will receive a grade of zero for
the lab or examination session. The only permitted electronic device is a scientific calculator.
Emergency Procedures: In the event of a bomb threat, tornado, fire, etc, students or staff may be required
to leave the building or move to a secure location within the building. Evacuation routes are posted at the
front of the room. It is your responsibility to review these routes. If you have a disability that may require
you to need assistance in such an emergency, you need to let me know at the end of today’s class.
Cheating: Academic dishonesty is not tolerated. You will receive an F for the course if you are caught
cheating. Plagiarism is cheating. You may refer to your student handbook for details.
Students with Disabilities: It is your responsibility to advise your instructor and document any special
needs or accommodations. We will do your best to accommodate you in accordance with university policy.
Office Hours: Office hours are arranged by appointment. I am typically here 15-30 minutes prior to the
start of the lab. My phone and work number are for scheduling appointments. I cannot discuss questions
over the phone or email. I do not take office hours on the day of examinations and I am not available to
answer questions regarding quiz material on the same day of the lab.
“Students are responsible for being aware of the polices, procedures, and student responsibilities
contained within the current edition of the “Tidewater Community College Catalog” and Student
Soldiers must provide a copy of their orders, if they will miss a lab. Reservists can provide a letter from
their commanding officer stating the dates they were present at AT, RST, Drill, etc. Soldiers (with orders)
who miss a lab will need to take their missed quiz at the next week’s lab. Military spouses will need to
bring copies of their partner’s orders, should they miss a lab.