here - Faculty of Applied Sciences

HBU111 – Kesatria Negara 1
Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada pelajar mengenai tingkahlaku, sahsiah, kepimpinan dan dan adab
berkomunikasimelalui pelajaran komponendisiplin iaitu kawadkaki pasukan beruniform. Pelajar seterusnya diberi
input kenegaraan dan kerohanianbagi menerapkan sifat patriotism dan pembentukan akhlak. Aspek kecergasan
fisikal diberi melalui latihan jasmani.
CTU551 – Islamic and Asian Civilisation
Kursus ini membincangkan sejarah dan ilmu ketemadunanmerangkumi Tamadun Islam, Tamadun Melayu,
Tamadun Cina, Tamadun India dan isu-isu semasa ketamadunan serta kepentingan dialog peradaban.
BEL462 – Reading and Critical Thinking
This course is designed to develop student’s ability to read and think critically. It focuses on the relationship
between reading and critical thinking and provides students with a structural method for interpreting content of
written texts. Tasks and activities suggested are discipline –based.
MAT438 – Foundation of Applied Mathematics
This subject is a course which consists of calculus and ordinary differential equation. Students will learn calculus
dealing mainly with differentiation and integration involving inverse trigonometric functions, hyperbolic and
inverse and inverse hyperbolic functions. It also covers the topics on the first and second order differential
QMT405 – Statistics for Technology II
This is an elementary course in statistics covering basic topics in descriptive, inferential statistics and probability
theory. This course is designed to equip students with the necessary statistical knowledge and tools in
pursuance of their studies in technology. The topics covered are descriptive statistics including frequency
distribution, box plot, histograms, cumulative frequency curve, measurement of central tendency and dispersion;
basic probability theory, probability distributions-elementary sampling theory; estimation and hypothesis testing
and basic analysis of variance.
CHM420 – General Chemistry
This is an introductory chemistry course providing a firm foundation in chemical concepts and principles. This
course covers chemical equations and calculations, the mole concept, acids and bases, the periodic table,
oxidation-reduction reactions, electronic structure of atoms, chemical bonds and gases
CHM431 - Physical Chemistry
This course will interactively engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas thermochemistry,
thermodynamic, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, phase equilibrium, colloids and
surface chemistry. Students will define concepts, state and explain laws and theories, make predictions as to the
possible outcome of an event, perform investigations via simulations and laboratory exercises and verbally and
in writing, discuss the results and relationships with peers and facilitators. The designated lecture session is
used to discuss results of investigations leading to its relation to the existing laws, principles or theories. Lecture
sessions employ a mixture of lectures and class discussions. The outcomes will be assessed through paper
examination, tests and quizzes, laboratory exercises and written laboratory reports.
PHY406 – Physics 1
This course will interactively engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of mechanics, matter and
thermodynamics. Students will define concepts, state and explain laws and theories, make predictions as to the
possible outcome of an event, perform investigations via laboratory exercises and verbally and in writing, discuss
the results and relationships with peers and lecturer. The designated lecture session is used to discuss results of
investigations leading to its relation to the existing laws, principles or theories. Lecture sessions employ a mixture
of lectures and active learning (self and peer discussions). The outcomes shall be accessed through a variety of
tools which include the traditional paper examination, informal interviews and classroom engagement.
HBU121-Kesatria Negara II
Kursus ini merangkumi empat komponen iaitu discipline, seni mempertahankan diri (Tempur Tanpa Setuju),
patriotism, kerohanian, dan rekreasi. Kursus ini juga memperkenalkan pelajar kepada asas ikhtiar hidup.
CTU553 – Ethnic Relations
Kursus ini menjelaskan konsep-konsep asas hubungan ethnic , budaya dan masyarakat, plurality, masyarakat
Alam Melayu dan keperluan mewujudkan masyarakat mengikut acuan Malaysia.Kursus ini turut membincangkan
peruntukan perlembagan berkaitan dengan hubungan etnik. Selain dari itu kursus ini turut membincangkan
pembangunan politik dan ekonomi, pelan tindakan dan dan strategi kea rah masyarakat berintegrasi.cabaran
serta peranan Islam dalam konteks hubungan etnik di Malaysia.
BEL422 – Report Writing
This course introduces students to the practical aspects of preparing and presenting reports both orally and in
written forms. Students are taught to employ the language skills and strategies necessary to write a report
based on a combination of primary and secondary research. Students will also be taught the skills of adapting
written report for oral presentation.
BMD401 – Bahasa Ketiga 1- Mandarin language
This course is the first stage of the Mandarin language programme. Students taking this course are exposed to
the vocabulary, grammar and Mandarin phrases as well as basic conversational Mandarin in daily situational
contexts. Cultural elements are also incorporated in the course. Emphasis is given to consolidating the four
communication skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course aims at equipping students
with the ability to communicate using simple Mandarin phrases relevant to foundation level.
CSC425 – Introduction to Computer Programming.
The course is intended to introduce students to the steps in problem solving. Students will study the basic
concepts of structured programming (preferably using C++ programming language and compiler) to understand
the software development and programming process. The aim is to produce students who understand the
fundamental ideas of computer programming and algorithms and able to implement the problem solution using
C++ programming language.
MAT538 – Applied Mathematics
This course consists of topic required in engineering and science disciplines. The topics covered include solving
of system of linear equations, vectors, partial differentiation, double integral and its applications, numerical
methods and Fourier series.
PHY407 – Physics II
This course will interactively engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of electrostatics, electricity,
magnetism, atomic physics and modern physics. Students will define concepts, state and explain laws and
theories, make predictions as to the possible outcome of an event, perform investigations via simulations and
laboratory exercises and verbally and in writing, discuss the results and relationships with peers and facilitators
The designated lecture session is used to discuss results of investigations leading to its relation to the existing
laws, principles or theories. Lecture sessions employ a mixture of lectures and active learning (self and peer
discussions). The outcomes shall be assessed through a variety of tools which include the traditional paper
examination, concept maps, inventories (CSEM), informal interviews and classroom engagement.
MST451 – Introduction to Materials Science
This subject has been compiled for students majoring in Material Technology field. This course will interactively
engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of atomic arrangements and bonding in solid materials.
This course intends to define concepts, state and explain theories of crystallographic arrangement,
crystallographic defects and their influence on mechanical, chemical and physical properties of solid materials.
Emphasis will be given to relate structure property relationships with the selection of materials for the industrial
application. Lecture sessions employ a mixture of lectures and active learning (self and peer discussions). The
outcomes shall be accessed through a variety of tools which include the traditional paper examination, concept
maps, informal interviews and classroom engagement.
MST410 – Technical Drawing
This introductory course deals with the use of drawing instruments, which is normally used in conventional
drawing techniques. The assignments and exercises for this course cover the basic technical drawing techniques
such as technical lettering and numbering, line types, dimensioning, principles of orthographic projection,
sectioning, isometric drawing, and the development of surfaces.
HBU131 – Kesatria Negara III
Kursus ini memperkenalkan kepada pelajar tentang kawad tongkat. Turut dihuraikan ialah ilmu asas kepada
peta dan kompas. Selain itu pelajar diterapkan juga dengan kemahiran berkomunikasi, berfikir secara kreatif
dan semangat kerja berpasukan.
BMD451 – Bahasa Ketiga II – Mandarin Language II
This course is the second stage of the Mandarin language programme. Students taking this course are exposed
to the vocabulary, grammar and Mandarin phrases as well as intermediate level conversational Mandarin in daily
situational contexts. Cultural elements are also incorporated in the course. Emphasis is given to consolidate the
four communication skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course aims at equipping
students with the ability to communicate using simple Mandarin phrases relevant to intermediate level.
MST511 – Metals and Alloys
This course will interactively engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of Structural details of metallic
materials, solidification of metallic materials, equilibrium phase diagrams, ferrous and nonferrous materials,
mechanical processing and testing of metallic materials. Students will define concepts, state and explain laws
and theories of solidification kinetics and phase equilibrium of metallic materials. Students will analyse phase
equilibrium quantitatively and discuss the age hardening of non-ferrous alloys with respect to the equilibrium
phase diagram. Lecture sessions employ a mixture of lectures and active learning (self and peer discussions).
The outcomes shall be accessed through a variety of tools which include the traditional paper examination,
concept maps, informal interviews and classroom engagement.
MST512 – Ceramic Materials
This is an introduction to ceramic materials module that aimed to provide students with some fundamental
science of ceramics. The course starts with introducing the various classes of ceramic materials and their
applications. This shall be followed by detailed explanation on crystal structures of simple and common ceramics
and how these structures relate to properties such as strengths and conductivities. Discussion on defects in
ceramics such as Schottky and Frenkel follows, to better understand ceramics, how these defects occur and how
they could be used to change the properties of ceramics. Mechanisms of how defects are created and formed
are also discussed. Phase diagrams are then discussed interactively for students to apply and find out how
compositions and temperatures of ceramics could be manipulated to obtain certain phases, crystal structures
and microstructures to achieve certain targeted properties. The course ends with presentations from students on
selected topics related to ceramics and ceramic industry. Lecture sessions employ a mixture of lectures and
active learning (self and peer discussions). The outcomes shall be assessed through a variety of tools which
include the traditional paper tests and examination, informal and formal classroom interviews and presentations.
MST513 – Polymeric Materials
This course provide an understanding of chemistry and physics of polymers, the relation between structural
features and their general and specific properties which include mechanical, thermal, chemical, optical and
electrical properties of polymers. Crystallisation and other structural and molecular phenomenon will be taught.
Polymerisation techniques available will be explored with an understanding on their advantages and
disadvantages of each technique. Emphasis will be given to common polymers such as thermoplastics
polyolefin, polyesters, nylon, acrylates and thermosets which include epoxy, unsaturated polyesters, phenolics
and amino plastics. Some industrial manufacturing of resin will be explored. Applications of each polymeric
material in packaging, engineering, composites and other specialized application for each polymeric material will
be covered.
MST515 – Basic Materials Analysis and Characterisation
This course introduces to students the theory and practical aspects of atomic and molecular optical
spectroscopic methods, thermal methods and chromatographic methods of analysis of compounds/materials.
The basic concepts of absorption and emission of radiation and Beer-Lambert’s Law will be introduced. The
principles, and applications of instruments such as Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer (UV-VIS), Fourier
Transform Infrared spectrophotometer (FTIR), Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR)-Fourier Transform Infrared
spectrophotometer, Fluorescence spectrophotometer, Inductive Coupled Plasma (ICP), Differential Scanning
Calorimetry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA,), Gas Chromatograph (GC), High Performance Liquid
Chromatograph (HPLC) and Gel Permeation Chromatograph (GPC) will be described, The instrumental
components and their functions will also be highlighted. Students will be working in groups on qualitative and
quantitative analysis of materials using these instruments and they will have hands-on experience on these
instruments. They will have to submit laboratory reports for each of the experiments conducted.
MST541 –Biomaterials
This subject module provides the student with an overview of various types of biomaterials with some selected
examples. Topic such as biodegradable polymeric materials and their relation to the tissue engineering, biologic
materials and biomaterials application in soft and hard tissue will be discussed. Interaction and surface
modification of biomaterials with surrounding tissue will be covered. A wide range of medical and dental
applications such as implants metal, dental implants, therapeutics devices, drug delivery system, clinical
diagnostic assays, biotechnological and pharmaceutical bioprocess in using immobilized enzymes and cells will
also be included.
MKT420 – Principles and Practice of Marketing
This course introduce the principles and practice of marketing which include market segmentation, market
targeting and market positioning as well as the marketing mix. It also covers the area of consumer behavior,
marketing research and marketing environment.
BMD501 – Bahasa Ketiga III – Mandarin language III
This course is the second stage of the Mandarin language programme. Students taking this course are exposed
to the vocabulary, grammar and Mandarin phrases as well as intermediate level conversational Mandarin in daily
situational contexts. Cultural elements are also incorporated in the course. Emphasis is given to consolidate the
four communication skills namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. The course aims at equipping
students with the ability to communicate using simple Mandarin phrases relevant to advance level.
ENT600 – Basic in Entrepreneurship
Behind every successful technology company is a visionary, effective and efficient entrepreneur. In this course,
students will be exposed to entreneurship and apply their entrepreneural skills in developing an advanced
technology that could be a basis to the creation and development of a technology venture.
MST553 – Materials Processing I
This subject has been compiled for students majoring in Material Technology field. This course will interactively
engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of processing of materials. This course intends to define
concepts, state and explain theories under the topic of industrial processing of metallic, ceramic and polymer
materials and effect of these processing on the performance of materials. . Emphasis will be given to materials
response to the various conditions like mechanical and chemical; during the processing. Lecture sessions
employ a mixture of lectures and active learning (self and peer discussions). The outcomes shall be accessed
through a variety of tools which include the traditional paper examination, concept maps, informal interviews and
classroom engagement. Practical aspects of materials processing will be taught through laboratory experiments.
MST555 – Composite Materials and fabrication
This course will introduce to students the commercially available reinforcement and matrix system in terms of
their forms properties, mechanical behaviour and fabrication methods of composite materials. Curing technique
for the preparation of composites will also be covered. It begins by the introduction and classification of the
composites system. The implementation of the reinforcement into the matrix system with interfacial bonding
formation are probed and discussed. The properties influenced by different types of composition, structure and
orientation of the reinforcement are stressed out. The principles of the different matrix composites of metal,
polymer, ceramic, carbon are introduced. Then the concepts of sandwich structures involved wood and foam are
discussed followed by an explanations of laminates composites system consisting a different layers of materials.
Finally, the rules of mixture are used to determine the density, strength, modulus elasticity, thermal and electrical
conductivity of micromechanical properties of the composites are discussed. Macro-mechanical properties are
discussed by the stress-strain behavior of lamina and load deformation of laminates. In addition, the students are
exposed to the laboratory work of composite fabrication and testing to develop their science skills.
CMT555 – Electrochemistry and Corrosion Science
The course is aimed at giving the student a wide overall spectrum on the industrial aspects of corrosion science,
including corrosion behavior and corrosion protection of metals.
MST644 – Magnetic Materials
This course will interactively engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of electrostatics, electricity,
magnetism, atomic physics and modern physics. Students will define concepts, state and explain laws and
theories, make predictions as to the possible outcome of an event, perform investigations via simulations and
verbally and in writing, discuss the results and relationships with peers and facilitators The designated lecture
session is used to discuss results of investigations leading to its relation to the existing laws, principles or
theories. Lecture sessions employ a mixture of lectures and active learning (self and peer discussions). The
outcomes shall be accessed through a variety of tools which include the traditional paper examination, concept
maps, inventories (CSEM), informal interviews and classroom engagement.
MST 557 – Electronic and Semi-conductor Materials
The subject introduces the concept of semiconducting materials, the operation of various semiconductor devices
and their circuit applications. Discussions on logic operations are also included to reflect their importance in the
electronic industry. The laboratory work provides students with practical hands-on experience following the
theories and concepts taught in class. Experiments will be conducted in areas of electronic and electrical
FSG610 – Project 1
Students are required to carry out an approved research project under the supervision of of one or more
lecturers in the faculty. They are required to present their proposals and submit a bound written report to the
programme research coordinator. Both presentation and the written proposal shall be assessed and graded.
MST 612– Advanced Materials Analysis and Characterization
This is an advanced module that aimed to provide students with additional knowledge on instrumental
techniques used in materials testing and characterisation. Instruments such as XRD XRF, SEM, NMR, Mass
Spectrometer DMTA are among the instruments covered in the course. Structural elucidation of materials
especially for polymers is through interpretation of spectra from mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Principles, instrumentation and sample preparation are also covered. Basic
phenomena like chemical shifts, spin spin coupling for NMR and splitting of molecular ion from parent ion are
discussed. Thermal analysis using DMTA were also taught which emphasised the effect of transition
temperatures for various polymer filled and unfilled system. Instrumental concepts, set up and analysis of data
plus applications in materials testing are covered in the laboratories and supported by related experiments to
enhance the students’ understanding of the underlying principles and to develop hands on skill on operation of
various instruments to characterise materials. Lecture sessions employ a mixture of formal lectures and active
learning (self and peer discussions). The outcomes shall be accessed through a variety of tools which include
the traditional paper tests and examination, informal and formal classroom interviews and presentations.
MST656– Mechanical Testing and Strength of Materials
This subject has been compiled for students majoring in Material Technology field. This course will interactively
engage students cognitively and scientifically in areas of mechanical behaviour and testing. This course intends
to define concepts, state and explain theories under the topic of strength of material, mechanical testing and life
cycle of material such as concept of stress and strain, deformation and mechanical testing. Emphasis will be
given to materials/component’s response to the mechanical loading conditions and performance of the material.
Lecture sessions employ a mixture of lectures and active learning (self and peer discussions). The outcomes
shall be accessed through a variety of tools which include the traditional paper examination, concept maps,
informal interviews and classroom engagement.
PHY501– Non Destructive Testing
This subject has been compiled for students majoring in Material Technology field. This course covers the basic
physics and practical knowledge in non-destructive testing techniques (NDT). The syllabus includes ultrasonic,
eddy current testing, radiography (x-ray and gamma ray), liquid penetrant and magnetic particles testing.
MST651– CAD/CAM for Technology
This course provides the students an understanding on the concepts of CAD/CAM/CAE practices. It begins with
the technology and the systems of CAD/CAM, followed by the application of AutoCAD software and finally on the
application of CAM software in manufacturing. Upon completion the students are provided the skills to apply the
basic tools necessary to implement CAD/CAM in the course of their work. It also deals with practical and
computer programming on the use of computers for designing polymers products specifications and processes
and finite element analysis.
CMT651– Quality Control and Assurance
This course covers both control and quality assurance. Topics covered will be quality cost, quality circles,
statistical tools for quality control, quality assurance, companywide planning for quality and introduction to quality
management systems and MS ISO9001:2008 requirements.
FSG660 – Project II
This is an extension of project I. Students are required to carry out an approved research project under
supervision of one or more lecturers in the faculty. They are required to submit a written research thesis and
upon completion of a research project, a bound thesis is to be submitted to the faculty and the research outcome
will be orally presented. The thesis together with an oral presentation will be assessed and graded.
FSG601-Industrial Training
The module provides opportunity to the students to have first hand exposure on the materials industry. Student
will be exposed more on hands on training in industrial materials work. Students are also expected to be able to
record, evaluate and analyze their work for presentation purpose.
MST695 – Selected topics in Materials Science and technology
This course exposes students to the current trends in materials science and technology. In this course students
are required to attend and actively participate in invited lectures presented by industrialists and academics on the
current development of materials science and technology. Students have to submit reports on the lectures
presented. Students are also required to work in groups on special topics and have frequent group discussion
on scientific papers relevant to the chosen topics. At the end of the semester, students are required to present
the special topic orally and in written form and students are also encouraged to participate actively in the oral