SAP First Guidance
SAP BW 7.x
SAP Realtime Database Platform
SAP First Guidance - SAP BW on HANA:
Upgrade BW/SEM Configuration in SAP Solution
Manager 7.1
Applicable Releases:
SAP BW 7.00 SP17
SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP08
and higher
External Use
Defining the NetWeaver BW System 7.0x including the SEM add-on for the Solution Manager
7.1 is a prerequisite for using the Software Update Manager (SUM) and for the new database
migration option (DMO). Defining this product is complex and it is not always possible to define
the correct settings for SAP Solution Manager 7.1.
This SAP First Guidance document is intended to replace any customer-specific
documentation you might have created. It is the complementary documentation to the existing
SAP Notes and installation guides.
This document is a work in progress and is, therefore, not yet comprehensive, but it does
contain the information you need to successfully define your existing SAP Business
Warehouse/Strategic Enterprise Management System Release 7.0x running on any database
and to upgrade to release 7.31 or higher using the Software Update Manager (SUM) provided
by the SL toolset.
For more information, contact
SAP First Guidance
SAP BW 7.x
SAP Realtime Database Platform
Version 1.25
September 2015
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Document History
Document Version
First release
Updated Version, added SLD – LMDB synchronization, additions
Updates for hostcrtl and CISI option for SEM Add-On
Correction for CISI option
Updates for RZ70, Corrections/Additions
SolMan 7.1 SP12/13 Updates, Corrections/Additions
Adding SAP Gateway Options RZ70/SM59
Repair SLD-LMDB Synchronization, RZ70 HTTP(S) support
Typographic Conventions
Type Style
Example Text
Words or characters quoted
from the screen. These
include field names, screen
titles, pushbuttons labels,
menu names, menu paths,
and menu options.
Cross-references to other
Example text
Emphasized words or
phrases in body text, graphic
titles, and table titles
Example text
File and directory names and
their paths, messages,
names of variables and
parameters, source text, and
names of installation,
upgrade and database tools.
Example text
User entry texts. These are
words or characters that you
enter in the system exactly
as they appear in the
Variable user entry. Angle
brackets indicate that you
replace these words and
characters with appropriate
entries to make entries in the
Keys on the keyboard, for
example, F2 or ENTER.
Note or Important
Recommendation or Tip
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
Table of Contents
BW/SEM Definition in SAP Solution Manager 7.1................................................................ 3
Connecting Systems to SLD/SolMan (LMDB)............................................................. 5
Changes within Solution Manager 7.1 ........................................................................... 6
Update SLD and connected LMDB ............................................................................... 7
1.3.1 Tasks in the connected ABAP System............................................................. 7
Update to the latest SAPHOSTAGENT Version ......... 7
Run Transaction SLDAPICUST ....................................9
Run Transaction SLDCHECK ..................................... 10
Run Transaction RZ70 ................................................ 11
Additional hints for the SAP Gateway Service .......... 15
Checks for the LMDB.................................................. 16
Repair SLD-LMDB Synchronization ............................................................... 17
Tasks in the Solution Manger System .......................................................... 20
Resynchronize Technical System from SLD ........... 20
Manual Synchronization of a technical System ....... 21
Correct Assignment in the LMDB ............................. 22
Change Add-On Product Version for SEM (CISI) .... 24
Create the stack.xml File for BW/SEM-Based Systems .......................................... 28
Actions in the ASU Toolbox with the SUM Procedure ...............................................35
1.5.1 BW Upgrade Task List with the SUM Procedure.......................................... 36
1.5.2 Report UMG_ADD_PREP_STEP ..................................................................... 37
The SUM/DMO Process in Detail ............................................................................... 38
1.6.1 Phase Extraction (1) ....................................................................................... 38
List of Manual Actions in the SUM Procedure ............................................................ 41
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1. BW/SEM Definition in SAP Solution Manager 7.1
SAP Solution Manager: Specifics in Installation and Upgrade
The following figure shows the different options you have for upgrading NetWeaver. You have a variety of
options depending on which versions of SAP Business Warehouse (BW) and SAP Strategic Enterprise
Management (SEM) you are currently running with NetWeaver 7.0 and 7.01. You can find more detailed
background information at:
Additional Notes for the 7.31/7.4 Upgrade:
You can upgrade to NetWeaver 7.31 and higher from any NetWeaver 7.0x release, including any
associated add-ons, such as SEM, PBC and RPC. You don’t have to upgrade to version 7.03 first and then
to version 7.31 anymore. The new procedure is described in this Document and also in
Note 1816146 - Correction of installed software information (CISI)
Note 1326576 - SAP NetWeaver Systems Containing SAP ERP Software Components
Note 1681435 - Upgrade NW703 to NW731 (SAP SEM 736, ERECRUIT, LSOFE)
Other Related Notes
Note 1651309 - Install Add-On SAP Management of Change 100 on NW 731
Note 1704901 - Installing or Updating CPMBPC 801 to SAP NetWeaver 7.31
Note 1536525 - GRC Access / Process Control - Upgrade add-on handling
Note 1731988 - Upgrade to NetWeaver 7.00 Enh.Pack 3 with GRCPINW V1000_731
Note 1603103 - SMSY: NetWeaver 7.3 upgrade
Upgrade and Update Paths
Maintenance Optimizer (MOPZ)
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
These are the basic steps to distribute technical system information in the system landscape and in SAP
Solution Manager:
1. You set up data suppliers that will automatically register technical systems in the System Landscape
Directory (SLD). The setup can be done for ABAP systems with transaction RZ70, for Java systems
with the Visual Administrator or NetWeaver Administrator, for third-party systems with the sldreg
executable, or other clients to transfer information.
2. In a full, automatic synchronization, the landscape description, CIM model, and SAP Software Catalog
(CR Content) are copied to the Landscape Management Database (LMDB).
3. Technical system descriptions are continuously replicated from LMDB to the Solution Manager System
Landscape tool (SMSY) to keep SMSY updated. Note that during the following SAP Solution Manager
versions, more and more SMSY functionalities will be merged to LMDB.
3* optionally, you can migrate technical system descriptions that were created in SMSY manually to
LMDB. This is a one-time activity. Afterwards, you must create information in LMDB only.
4. Different SAP Solution Manager applications access the landscape descriptions of LMDB and SMSY,
for example, the Maintenance Optimizer, Monitoring and Alerting, and Root Cause Analysis.
5. Based on the landscape descriptions, the applications monitor, maintain, and enhance technical
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.1 Connecting Systems to SLD/SolMan (LMDB)
This picture illustrates the architectural overview of the used Solution manager components. If you have a
separate J2EE instance defined as the SLD be aware that the UME which the system is connected, is not
related to the Solution Manager UME.
To prevent any connectivity problems make sure that the mentioned ports are open and you identified
the SLD/SolMan Connection Ports beforehand.
The user SLD_CS_USER (former SLDDSUSER) exists only in the SLD UME, which can also be the SolMan
UME, if you are using the SolMan SLD as the main SLD.
Note 1893581 - Error "Application Error Unexpected error: Web service invocation problem on host
'hostname'" occurs in the step 'Connect Diagnostics Agent'
Make also sure, that the RFC connection LMDB_SyncDest works properly from the SLD UME where the
LMDB server resides.
Note 1960482 - CIM error message: HTTP status: 401 Unauthorized - User logon data is invalid or user
has no authorization
It is suitable to replace the user J2EE_ADMIN on the Solution Manager UME with J2EE_ADM_<SID> on
SAP J2EE system based on 7.30 or higher to prevent constant locking of the J2EE_ADMIN through the
user SAPJSF. Furthermore this user should not be used as communication User. Therefore the user
SAPJSF is provided.
Note 1858176 - User is locked
An overview of the mentioned user´s and the minimum permissions can be found on Page 18 of the
following SCN Document -
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.2 Changes within Solution Manager 7.1
Note 1842630 - Reconciliation of HANA and ABAP/Java SLD Data Supplier
Note 1962333 – Res. of individual steps in transaction SOLMAN_SETUP and helpful notes or KBAs
Note 2144941 - Notes and KBAs for SAP Solution Manager Managed Systems Configuration
Note 2013578 - SMDAgent cannot connect to the SolMan using certificate based method - SolMan 7.10
Note 1933506 - SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP11 - Basic functions
Note 2053937 - Common issues after upgrade to SP12 - SAP Solution Manager 7.1
Note 2106807 - Solution Manager 7.1 SP Stack 13: recommended corrections
Note 2048315 - SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP13 - Basic functions
Note 062948 - Dumps with DELTA_NO_RFC_HANDLE, "1 is no valid RFC-Connection".
Note 731062 - "Could not read the rfcexec.sec file."
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.3 Update SLD and connected LMDB
1.3.1 Tasks in the connected ABAP System Update to the latest SAPHOSTAGENT Version
To ensure the correct synchronization between the ABAP System and the connected SLD System you
must have your local SAPHOSTAGENT updated to its latest Version (curr. Patch 175).
Especially when the usage of BW on HANA 7.31 and 7.40 with the latest Version of HANA 1.0 available
with SP07 this will lead to inconsistencies, when sending data to the SLD and LMDB from the ABAP
System. As a result a wrong MOPZ XML file is created in the Solution Manager.
This will lead to further Problems in Upgrades and Maintenance Tasks of your ABAP System.
Note 1890035 - Error "Host 'hostname' must have at least one installed Technical system" during the
step 'Check Prerequisites'
Note 1894112 - Error in step MAIN_SHDRUN/RUN_RADTBUCAC during Upgrade: Batchjob …
Change to the exe Directory of your local SAPHOSTAGENT and run the following command
(the Example refers to Win64):
C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe>saphostexec.exe -upgrade -archive
D:\_install\patches\DMO\ SAPHOSTAGENT207_207-20005735.SAR
For a fresh Installation run saphostexec.exe -install from the extracted SAP Agent 7.20 source
directory. Don’t forget to add the following parameter to the file
C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe\host_profile
service/admin_users = <server>\SAPServiceDAS <server>\SAPService<SID>
Check the correct Start and Patch Level on the Solution Manger with the following URL:
See also the following Notes:
Note 1031096 - Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT
Note 1365123 - Installation of Diagnostics Agents
Note 1483508 - Solution Manager 7.1: Root Cause Analysis pre-requisites
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
Apply the latest Version of the SAP Diagnostic Agent from Service Market Place for your OS.
SAPCAR –xvf <download directory>/<path>/DIAGAGT73SP03_<XX>.SAR -R <unpack
Run the following commands after the fresh Diagnostic Installation to ensure the correct connection to
the SLD server and the Solution Manager (Example for Win64 as OS for the Backend System)
cd D:\usr\sap\DAS\SMDA97\script
smdsetup sldconf hostname:"<sld-server>.<domain>.<ext>" port:"50100"
user:"SLD_CS_USER" pwd:"password"
smdsetup managingconf hostname:"sapms://<SolMan-server>.<domain>.<ext>"
port:"8102" user:"SMD_ADMIN" pwd:"password"
Please Note:
In most of the cases a fresh reinstall of the Diagnostic Agent solves unexplained connection or
synchronization errors quickly and it is not critical for the running SAP System at all.
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1 Run Transaction SLDAPICUST
With Transaction SLDAPICUST you can setup the default connection between the ABAP System and the
corresponding SLD system.
Note 1853322 - Setup Local SLD: Verify if User is locked
Note 1893581 - Error "Application Error Unexpected error: Web service invocation problem on host
'hostname'" occurs in the step 'Connect Diagnostics Agent'
Make sure the latest content is applied in the sld/active Namespace
Note 669669 - Updating the SAP Component Repository in the SLD
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1 Run Transaction SLDCHECK
If the correct SLD parameters used, the Transaction SLDCHECK will automatically detect the correct
settings to check the access to the corresponding SLD system.
On NetWeaver 7.0x based Systems you might see also this additional error message which isn´t
important to the SLD basis check.
In Addition the RFC Destination SAPSLDAPI is also needed (identical to the SLD_UC Destination)
Note 1792250 - RFC destination SAPSLDAPI does not exist
Note 1727745 - RFC connection error while executing transaction RZ70
Note 1057720 - Missing configuration for JCO/RFC destinations of the SLD
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1 Run Transaction RZ70
Note 1977240 - Extension of the AS ABAP SLD Data Supplier (RZ70)
Note 2073816 - RZ70 hangs in endless loop
Note 2094461 - Fix SLDAG_GET_SYSTEM_NAME for FQDN
Note 2171661 - Central Application Server Check in RZ70
With this Step the correct Systems settings is sending to the SLD server, e.g. Patch Level, etc.
After applying the following SAP Nots or the correspond Support Packages, there is now an additional
option available for synchronizing the system data via RZ70 to the connected SLD server.
Note 2188401 - Enabling HTTP(S) in RZ70
If you have applied the correction instruction of this SAP Note, run report RSLDHTTPCONF in transaction
SA38 to configure the new HTTP(S) option. This automatically creates the (fixed) destination
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
After adding the created HTTP(S) connection no additional configuration is necessary.
Crosscheck the created connection with the settings in the section datasupplier of the SLD server.
Please Note:
Crosscheck the corresponding RFC connection (Type T) with Transaction SM59, especially Gateway Host
and service MUST be identical with the settings in RZ70 and the SLD server.
The SLD_UC and SLD_NUC RFC destinations must not be created manually in the SM59 transaction.
The Transaction RZ70 automatically generates the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC RFC destinations.
To be sure not to run into problems, remove the SM59 Destinations for the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC and
recreate them via transaction RZ70 again.
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
In addition stop and start the SLD Service before you enter Transaction RZ70.
Note 1731348 - RFC call failed: JCO. Server could not find server function 'SET_SLD_DATA'
Note 2075799 - ERROR: Error (Msg EGW 748 not found)
When executing RFC Connection SLD_UC and you get the following error the Problem is related to the
permission settings of the SAP Gateway Service.:
Error when opening an RFC connection
ERROR: Error (Msg EGW
748 not found)
LOCATION: SAP-Server <server name> on host <hostname> (wp <nr>)
The return code 748 stands for "Access to registered server denied". That means the program has been
registered, but it cannot be accessed from specified server in "LOCATION: SAP-Server <server name> on
host <hostname>". See also for Keyword TP_REG_ACCESS_DENIED
The tricky thing is that always the SAP Gateway Service locally is mentioned where the error or the
permission Problem is resided. In Fact is the target SAP Gateway Service. The SAP Notes for the SAP
Gateway Service can be quite complex.
The best approach is to create the files according SAP Note with the Transaction SMGW.
Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info
The files are located by default in the following directory specified by the two parameters
gw/reg_info = $(DIR_DATA)$(DIR_SEP)$(FN_REG_INFO)
gw/sec_info = $(DIR_DATA)$(DIR_SEP)$(FN_SEC_INFO), e.g.
/usr/sap/<SID>/DVEBMGS<nr>/data/reginfo.DAT (on Win64 based system should have *.DAT)
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
Furthermore the two Parameters ensure the usage of the files and the permission settings
gw/acl_mode = 1
gw/reg_no_conn_info = 1
After you created the file (also valid for, you can Display the Reg. info file and modify the
template according to the next screen shot. Make sure the first entries are active as shown.
By setting them to the Value “0” you would deactivate the SAP Gateway Service Permission. The
Parameters are dynamic, which means for testing you can set them temporary to “0” and restart the local
SAP Gateway Service out of Transaction SMGW
The SAP Gateway Service is automatically restarted, similar to the ICM Service.
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
Please Note:
Do not manipulate the System settings in the LMDB; otherwise you produce inconsistencies between the
SLD and LMDB synchronization.
If you want to change or delete a system, update the data via RZ70 to the SLD system and later
synchronize in the LMDB via the Product definition. For additional Information about the Program ID
“SLD_UC” you can also see the following Note:
Note 1057720 - Missing configuration for JCO/RFC destinations of the SLD
Note 1971027 - PI Komponenten Monitoring: Fehler "RFC-Destination SAPSLDAPI existiert nicht"
Note 1052122 - Host names in SLD and LMDB Additional hints for the SAP Gateway Service
Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info
Note 1408081 - Basic settings for reg_info and sec_info
# the following line should be the LAST line in the reginfo, see Note 1592493!
P TP=* HOST=internal CANCEL=internal ACCESS=internal
# the following lines should be the LAST line in the secinfo, see Note 1592493!
P USER=* USER-HOST=internal
Note 1581595 - rfcexec or startrfc fail after upgrade
Note 1592493 - GW: Problems in "reginfo" configuration
Note 1843782 - GW: Installation changes default from gw/acl_mode to 1
Note 1425765 - Generating sec_info reg_info
Note 1581595 - rfcexec or startrfc fail after upgrade
Note 1850230 - GW: "Registration of tp <program ID> not allowed"
Note 1913011 - "Timeout during allocate" error after upgr. the RFC SDK Library to SAP NW RFC SDK Lib.
Note 2104408 - Checklist for "program <program ID> not registered" errors
Note 1757655 - RFC failure - Cannot register TREX/BIA Registered Server Program with Gateway
Note 1998384 - Troubleshooting RFC Connection to TREX Engine
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
In case of any error mentioned before, not only the local SAP Gateway has to be checked, also the target
Service has to be checked. This might be confusing in the various error messages, e.g. SM59, etc. Checks for the LMDB
Note 1939864 - Check if SAP CR Content is corrupt in LMDB or SLD
Note 1891566 - Repair of LMDB CR Content
Note 1093168 - Repair of SLD CR content
Additional SAP Notes in case of SLD and LMDB inconsistencies (in order of consideration and usage):
Note 669669 - Updating the SAP Component Repository in the SLD
Note 1093168 - Repair of SLD CR content
Note 1751175 - CR content anomalies in SLD or LMDB
Note 1625376 - SAP CR CONTENT update in SAP Solution Manager
Note 1891566 - Repair of LMDB CR Content
Note 1881516 - No associations between landscape data and CR content
Note 1916052 - Automation in landscape management
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.3.2 Repair SLD-LMDB Synchronization
In case some of the components like the SLD Server, e.g. you upgraded either the SLD Server or the
Solution Manager Server, or you replaced the SLD Server with a newer Server, you have to re synchronize
the SLD-LMDB connection.
So go to Transaction SOLMAN_SETUP and follow the instructions
Setup the connection, but don´t activate this at this time before you checked the consistency of the SLD
CR content. Check first that the Version of the Common Information Model (CIM) model of the Landscape
Management Database (LMDB) is correct. If not, sync this Information first.
Note 1677210 - Program to correct the CIM model of the LMDB
The next Step is to repair/synch the SLD content with LMDB
Note 1891566 - Repair of LMDB CR Content
Note 1881516 - No associations between landscape data and CR content
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
If this fails (what typically happens … ;-)) proceed with the following SAP Note and create a reference SLD
Namespace of the SLD Server. This might take a while …
Note 1967298 - Error "The exception 'CX_LMDB_CR_CORRUPT_DATA' was raised, but it was not caught"
in Solution Manager
Note 1093168 - Repair of SLD CR content
To repair the CR data delivered by SAP, two different CIM namespaces are used in the SLD:
 A productive namespace (usually "sld/active"), which can contain other data in addition to the CR
data to be corrected, such as information about the system landscape.
 A reference namespace (e.g. sld/repair), which contains only the SLD data model and CR data.
The contents of this namespace are not changed during the repair.
Otherwise you can follow the following SAP Note
Note 1962139 - Importing a specific version of SAP CR content in SLD
Following a successful repair, the SAP CR content is identical in the SLD and LMDB. You can now activate
the synchronization connection that you created in step 6.2 from the SOLMAN_SETUP
To import into an empty CIM namespace, you first need to carry out a full export. Each installation of an
Application Server (AS) Java provides a full export function. You can then import the full export using the
import function of the SLD. If the version of the SAP CR content delivered here is clearly too old, you can
use a different installation for the full export, too. In each AS Java installation, the ZIP file
"" is located in the directory "/usr/sap/<SID>/global/sld/model" (UNIX) or
"<drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\global\sld\model" (Windows). When you import the file, you get the
version of the SAP CR content described as the latest version in the provided "manifest" file.
Next, you update the SAP CR content version that you now have to the required version. To do so, follow
the instructions in SAP Note 669669 but, contrary to the description there, unpack the last ZIP archive,
"", to your local file system. The unpacked files contain the individual
delta packages, for example, eleven ZIP archives for the versions 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, ..., 9.11.
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
You can import the individual delta packages consecutively in the proper sequence. If, therefore, the full
export took you to version 9.0 and you want to get to version 9.5, then import delta package 9.1 first,
followed by 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, and finally delta package 9.5.
If you also want to check the transferred SAP CR content in the LMDB for damage, you can do so using
Note 1939864 - Check if SAP CR Content is corrupt in LMDB or SLD
Now you can continue with the Solution Manager configuration.
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.3.3 Tasks in the Solution Manger System Resynchronize Technical System from SLD
Note 1990269 - Extension of SLD Bridge
Note 1960482 - CIM error message: HTTP status: 401 Unauthorized - User logon data is invalid or user
has no authorization
In the Solution Manger switch to the Maintenance of the technical system and resynchronize the
technical system from the SLD system.
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1 Manual Synchronization of a technical System
If you want to synchronize a single system from SLD to LMDB without waiting for the regularly sync
process, delete the affected System in the Solution Manager first and create a new System in the Solution
Manager (e.g. Transaction LMDB)
Then you can use the Report RLMDB_SYNC_TECHNICAL_SYSTEM
Note 1887515 - Managed system is not sync. from SLD to LMDB after manual deletion from LMDB
Note 2047053 - The Software Component Versions in LMDB is incorrect, missing, or supplied manually
October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1 Correct Assignment in the LMDB
The following figure shows the Maintenance Optimizer procedure and the interaction with the Landscape
Management Database (LMDB):
The product system within LMDB describes the installed products. If you run your BW-System with the
Add-Ons SEM-BW and FINBASIS the following has to be taken for notice:
Please Note:
SEM-BW and FINBASIS are Add-Ons modeled within SAP ERP but are also installable standalone on SAP
So far was necessary to model the product system within LMDB as an ERP system (Note 1326576 - SAP
NetWeaver Systems Containing SAP ERP Software Components).
But to make the maintenance for SAP BW systems easier new Add-On product versions for SEM-BW has
been created. For SAP BW customers it is recommended to use the new product versions for SEM-BW.
Please read Note 1927083 - SAP NetWeaver Systems with SEM-BW.
Customers which have already configured the product system as an ERP system should change the
LMDB configuration using the CISI process. Detailed documentation could be found on SMP: => Specifics in Installation and Upgrade => Chapter 4.4.5
Customers setting up a new SAP BW system should use also the new Add-On product versions for SEMBW: => Specifics in Installation and Upgrade => Chapter 4.4.2
Special Cases in Installation and Upgrade -
The product system should look like this in LMDB:
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If you have ERP components installed, for example, the SEM add-on, see
Note 1326576 - SAP NetWeaver Systems Containing SAP ERP Software Components
From NetWeaver 7.02/SEM 6.05, you must define the system as ERP EhP5 and select FINBASIS and
From NetWeaver 7.03/SEM 6.36 to 7.31/SEM 6.36, perform the steps described in SAP Note
1681435. This is only a maintenance transaction and does not affect the application.
Note 1752914 - LMDB/LVSM: ERECRUIT, LSOFE, SEM-BW, FINBASIS Installation
Note 1681435 - Upgrade NW703 to NW731 (SAP SEM 736, ERECRUIT, LSOFE)
Note 1766111 - The Installation/Upgrade Package for Add-on FI-CA rel. 600 is not available
Note 1943583 - Wily Agent Directory files are missing after Network loss - Solution manager 7.1
For NetWeaver 7.01/SEM 6.04, you cannot add ERP components using NetWeaver. Instead, follow the
manual procedure described in the following SAP Notes:
Note 1365670 - SAINT: Enhancement Package 4 components on NW 7.01
import the Attachment to EPS/in
Note 1256600 - Using transaction SAINT to install SAP ERP 6.0 EHP4
This SAP Note also contains the passwords you need to import the components using transaction
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Please Note:
In the meantime a new Option is available to model the SEM Add-On, see the Blog: Change Add-On Product Version for SEM (CISI)
With the new Option is possible now to model the SEM Add-On as a NetWeaver Add-On, so it is much
easier to define the SEM Add-On correctly.
Note 1816146 - Correction of installed software information (CISI)
Note 1927083 - SAP NetWeaver Systems with SEM-BW
Step by step description => Specifics in Installation and Upgrade => Chapter 4.4.5
In the Product System Assignment you can execute an additional verification check to fine-tune the
software modeling in your relation between technical and product system.
When you specify the Product System in the Solution Manager Landscape Definition, use the following
Product Version’s for the SEM Add-On based on your NetWeaver Release.
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The following Example illustrates a NetWeaver 7.01 BW System with the SEM Add-On Installed.
Product Version:
Details: Note 1927083
To enable the functionality with the program RLMDB_DOWNLOAD_INST_SOFT_INFO, you have to apply
the following Notes to your Solution Manager 7.1 ≥ SP05
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Note 1940410 - Enable download of CISI information required by SAP Note 1816146
Note 1953546 - Allow CISI with corrupt CR content
With the XML output created by the program RLMDB_DOWNLOAD_INST_SOFT_INFO, you can correct
your existing model directly in the ABAP system to avoid inconsistencies either in the SLD server or/and
the LMDB of the Solution Manager. You can also use the program AI_LMDB_EASY_SUPPORT.
Now you can use the SUM tool to apply the created XML to the Backend system
Note 2136279 - Error in SUM phase APPLY_SYSINFO_CHK during CISI
At least SUM 1.0 SP12.10 or higher is needed.
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1.4 Create the stack.xml File for BW/SEM-Based Systems
In the Solution Manger Landscape Management switch to the Product System view and select the
Product Version SAP EHPx FOR NETWEAVER 7.0
With SolMan 7.1 SP12 and higher you can use the new MOPZ 3.0 Backend.
See also the Blog - What is MOPZ 3.0?
Note 1940845 - MOpz: enhancement to support new backend services (check the Attachment)
You can click on the Entry which is assigned for SAP EHPx FOR NETWEAVER 7.0 and in the next step
select “Create new Maintenance Optimizer Transaction”.
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It might happen with the Start release of SAP BW 7.30 you will be asked for an additional Add-On, even
you neither worked with the functionality at all nor installed any Add-On for it.
The Add-On is called SAP Mobile 7.31 (Sybase unwired Platform - Data Orch. Engine)
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If you are running the DMO option, select the SAPEXEDB for the source and the target. In the example
above, the source is MS SQL as source database. Select also the target database which is the SAP HANA
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
Please Note that the MOPz process is not reflecting the latest Version of the ST-A/PI Add-On (01R_731)
when the stack.xml is created. Update to the latest Version first, before you create the stack.xml and
start DMO. (Use the Installation instead of Exchange-Upgrade package)
Full Update
Exchange Update
(until 7.30)
(until 7.40)
Note 1083365 - Upgrade behavior of Addon ST-A/PI
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October 2015
SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.5 Actions in the ASU Toolbox with the SUM Procedure
To save time, you can already start working with the Application-Specific Upgrade (ASU) toolbox in the
original system. Check for the latest XML file in SAP Note 1000009 - ASU Toolbox 2008
To use the ASU toolbox, download the latest XML file from the attachment section of the SAP Note. The
reminder for the ASU toolbox appears in the extraction phase.
Start transaction /ASU/START and opload the XML file and create a new task list.
Create a new Task List and Jump to Task List 0-ASU000xx
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
Check and execute the tasks before the technical DMO procedure starts.
1.5.1 BW Upgrade Task List with the SUM Procedure
In addition to the BW Housekeeping task list, there are also tasks lists available to simplify the preparation
of the application-specific part. Implement the following SAP Note to use the task list
SAP_BW_BEFORE_UPGRADE in transaction STC01
Note 1734333 - BW Pre and Post Upgrade and Migration Tasks
(contains manual report ZNOTE_1734333_PRE_70x, and NO automated steps applied with SNOTE)
You might now find overlapping tasks in the ASU toolbox and in the SAP_BW_BEFORE_UPGRADE task list.
These overlapping tasks are due to the new task list created as part of the BW Housekeeping tasks lists.
You can use one interface for all the steps required before and after an upgrade.
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The list of used tasks lists is mandatory before, during, and after the technical DMO procedure, including
the BW-PCA procedure:
1.5.2 Report UMG_ADD_PREP_STEP
This additional report is originally used with UC migrations but is also valid for the DMO process. This
report executes additional checks and fixes errors to ensure consistency prior to the Upgrade.
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SAP First Guidance … BW/SEM Definition in SolMan 7.1
1.6 The SUM/DMO Process in Detail
1.6.1 Phase Extraction (1)
After you start the Software Update Manager (SUM), specify the correct stack.xml file.
Please note: the following directories are selected by default.
- SUM root directory: \\sapmnt\<SID>\SUM
- Download directory: \\sapmnt\<SID>\download
If you want to use a different location for the SUM directory, you must specify this in the Instance
Parameter DIR_PUT and restart the server. Otherwise the Parameter will be set automatically.
The Download Directory is the location where the stack.xml is resided including all additional needed
files during the SUM/DMO process. On Win64 based systems remain to the default download directory to
avoid ACL errors in the phase EHP_INCLUSION.
Unpack the SUM 1.0 SP13 or higher file as follows:
/usr/sap/<SID>/SAPCAR -xvf SUM10SP13_0-20006676.SAR
Start the SUM/DMO UI with the following URL:
Location of the stack.xml file
(path valid also for Win64)
By selecting the stack.xml you define the download directory, where all necessary files, support
packages, updates, etc. can be found for the following phases. The stack.xml cannot be loaded from a
local destination.
In addition provide any updated files here as well, e.g. SAPCryptoLib, ST-A/PI, Kernel etc. which are not
collected by the stack.xml.
If you already have executed several SUM/DMO runs you can place the existing UPGANA.xml files into
the download directory as well. This allows the DMO process to calculate the different Phases more
precisely, especially the comparison between long and short runtimes Phases (e.g. TABIM_UPG vs. xyz)
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Please Note that the MOPZ process is not reflecting the existence of the ST-A/PI Add-On when the
stack.xml is created. Copy the necessary file to the download directory.
D:\usr\sap\<SID>\download\KITAB9J.SAR (Installation instead of Exchange-Upgrade)
Furthermore also the current SAPCryptoLib package SAPCRYPTOLIBP_8xxx-200xxxxx.SAR must be
added to the download directory (where the stack.xml is provided) manually.
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Depending on the BI_CONT Add-On you have to enter the necessary password from the Note as well.
Note 1083365 - Upgrade behavior of Addon ST-A/PI
Password Vendor Key KEEP (SUM/DMO): 2902571
Note 1678780 - Installation or upgrade of BI_CONT/BI_CONT_XT 7x7
Password (SUM/DMO): 3668936
Note 1943931 - Installation/Upgrade for the ABAP Add-On BI_CONT / BI_CONT_XT 757
Password (SUM/DMO): 3821837, 5156796
Note 1577503 - Upgrade to DMIS 2011_1 in the system switch upgrade
Password (SUM/DMO): 4690407
Note 1577441 - Installation and delta upgrade of DMIS 2011_1_1_731
Password (SUM/DMO): 4690407
Note 1577504 - Upgrade to DMIS_CNT 2011_1 in the system switch upgrade
Password (SUM/DMO): 6855059
1.7 List of Manual Actions in the SUM Procedure
- STACK CONFIGURATION FILE....................................................................................................................... 38
- PREP_EXTENSIONS/IS_SELECT................................................................................................................... 39
- PREP_EXTENSIONS/IS_SELECT - 2 ............................................................................................................. 39
- PREP_EXTENSIONS/IS_SELECT - 3 ............................................................................................................. 40
- PREP_EXTENSIONS/BIND_PATCH .............................................................................................................. 40
- PREP_EXTENSION/ADDONKEY_CHECK ...................................................................................................... 41
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