Jamestown School Department 2013 – 2015 Technology Plan Jamestown School Technology Plan September 2011 1.0 Vision/Mission .......................................................................... 6 1.1 Vision Statement 1.2 Philosophy 6 6 2.0 Accomplishments ..................................................................... 6 3.0 Current Status .......................................................................... 7 3.1 Infrastructure 7 3.1.1 Equipment ......................................................................................................... 7 3.1.2 Software .......................................................................................................... 11 3.1.3 Network ........................................................................................................... 11 3.1.4 Policies ............................................................................................................ 12 3.1.5 Security and Disaster Recovery ........................................................................ 12 3.1.6 Telecommunications……………………………………………….…....……..14 3.2 Professional Development 14 3.3 Technology Support Personnel 15 3.4 Funding 15 3.5 School Web Site 15 3.5.1 Classroom Pages ................................................................. 15 4.0 Objectives................................................................................ 16 4.1 Teacher Support and Growth 4.2 Technology in the Curriculum 4.3 Hardware/Software availability 4.4 Community Service 4.6 Intranet 4.7 Plan Management 16 16 16 17 17 18 Appendices .................................................................................... 19 Appendix A: Timeline of Accomplishments Appendix B: Jamestown School Standard Software Suite and Hardware Purchasing Requirements Appendix C: Library Technology Plan Appendix D: Network Topology Appendix E: Network Policies Appendix F: 3 Year Tech Plan 19 22 23 31 32 36 7 . 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 2 1.0 Vision/Mission 1.1 Vision Statement Vision is the art of seeing things invisible -Swift The Jamestown School District seeks partnership with the community to provide a safe, nurturing learning environment in which each child is challenged to fulfill his/her unique potential. Technology within the Jamestown School will be utilized to enhance success by encouraging students to become active learners through critical thinking, problem solving and fostering personal decision making skills. In this manner all students will be better prepared for today’s world and the future that they will create. 1.2 Philosophy The goal of the Jamestown School Technology Plan is to provide current technology advancement in education for both the Melrose School and the Lawn Avenue School. Teachers, students, and administration will be empowered with the hardware, software, training, and support necessary to fully integrate computers and technological equipment into the curriculum. Age appropriate computer skills and technical direction will be provided to the students for further advancement in their educational careers. This Technology Plan is a living document, and will be reviewed periodically to incorporate new technology resources and interest. Goals and objectives will be reviewed annually by the Technology Committee and updated as needed. 2.0 Accomplishments Over the years the technology tools have continued to serve the teachers and students at the Jamestown Schools. Research, purchase, installation, and maintenance of all technology was originally accomplished by volunteer teachers and parents. A technology committee comprised of teachers, parents and community members continued to provide support to the teachers and students in their technology needs. Eventually a Technology Specialist was hired to support the teachers and school. Today a Technology Department consisting of a part time Technology Coordinator and Technician, and Teacher Tech Coaches support the schools, teachers and students with technology tools to assist and enhance their education. A Timeline of successes can be found in Appendix A. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 3 Today the current technology includes: Internet connections to all computers Faculty Email accounts through Google Apps Digital Cameras Computer Projectors Document Cameras in all classrooms Various educational software programs Microsoft Office on all computers Administrative computers Student classroom computers 3 fixed computer laboratories and 5 mobile computer lab 20 tablet computers Yamaha sponsored MIE program Library on line card catalog Web Based Student Information System Complete Wireless Coverage SmartBoard interactive whiteboards In house Backup/Disaster recovery system 3.0 Current Status 3.1 Infrastructure 3.1.1 Equipment Classrooms Each grade level classroom utilizes their classroom computers to serve their curriculum goals. All K-8 classrooms have at least 1 networked high-speed computer containing the school's standard software suite (Appendix B). These machines allow access to the internal school network and the Internet. Most classrooms have 1-3 additional computers for student use. These computers are also equipment with the standard software suite and have Internet access. In addition, all grades have access to networked laser printers. All core classrooms have ceiling mounted projectors. Library The library in the Melrose School has 5 computers for student/staff use and the library in the Lawn School has 6 independent computers. In total, both libraries serve approximately 550 students and staff and contain some 22,500 books, audio and videotapes, DVDs, CD-ROMs and periodicals. All computers offer access to the Internet, 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 4 the school’s intranet, and all connect to the OPAC. The computers have standard software programs such as Microsoft Office, and offer additional programs such as PaintShop Pro, Type to Learn, Microworlds and Yoiks. Both libraries have a scanner and a color inkjet printer attached. The librarian station in each school has access to the most current version of Follet Destiny. There are computer labs available for use at both schools, with 20 network-accessed computers in each space. The library is also a member of the RILINK (Rhode Island Library Information Network for Kids) network and LORI (Library Offices of Rhode Island) to share the resources of our libraries and libraries throughout the state of Rhode Island. The Library Technology Plan required by RILINK and LORI is attached as an Appendix C. Seelinger Lab The Seelinger Computer Lab is located in the Lawn School and consists of 20 thin client computers in a lab setting. All have access to the school's standard software suite and access to the school's network and Internet. An entire class can use the Seelinger Computer Lab at one time such that instructions can be giving to all students simultaneously. A ceiling mounted projector is installed to facilitate instruction. In addition, the Seelinger Computer Lab is used after school for training groups up to 20 people. 8th Grade Science lab The 8th Grade Science Lab contains 8 wireless notebook computers with the school's standard software suite, access to the school's network, and the Internet. Their primary use is for collection and analysis of lab data for science classes. Data probes that allow for the collection of lab data interface with these computers. The collected data can then be analyzed using specialized software on the science lab computers. Lawn Mobile Labs (4) Each Lawn Mobile Lab consists of 24 notebook computers with wireless network access housed within a cart. These computers are available to all Lawn Ave classes, one per grade. All computers have wireless access to the school network resources such as the laser printers, shared folders, and the Internet. Melrose Computer Lab The Melrose Computer Lab and consists of 20 AIO Desktop computers in a lab setting. This lab also has a SmartBoard system consisting of a ceiling mounted projector, an interactive whiteboard and a dedicated computer. Tech Education Lab The Lawn “Tech Ed” Lab consists of 7 Apple iMacs which are primarily used for multimedia projects and various after school programs, including robotics, animation and film. These machines are connected to the school network, Internet, and contain the standard software suite. Additional software related to robotics, animation and film editing have also been installed 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 5 Resource Rooms Resource classrooms are located in both Melrose and Lawn Schools. All Resource classrooms have at least 1 computer connected to the school's network, Internet, and have the school's standard software suite. These PCs are primarily used for special applications relating to specific educational programs. Neo keyboards are assigned to students as needed (see below) Administration The school administration personnel have computers with the school's standard software suite, access to the school's network and Internet. In addition they may have software applications specific to tasks required of the administration. Each of the administration computers has access to a networked laser printer. Network Resources Network resources include network data folders, software programs available through the network, and networked printers. There are many common network data folders that are made available to various groups to promote sharing of information. For example, each grade has a common folder that they can copy files to and from. The faculty also has a common folder set up specifically for them to be able to access shared data. Software programs that are resident only on the network servers are made available to the appropriate personnel (faculty, students, administrators, etc) through permission granting. Networked printers are those that are directly attached to the school network vice being connected to a dedicated computer. There are 7 networked black and white laser printers and 1 color laser printer located in the Lawn School and 5 black and white and 2 color laser printer located in the Melrose School. All computers connected to the school network have access to the majority of these printers. One of the printers in each school has been placed in a secure location to ensure confidentiality when they are used to print sensitive information such as IEP reports. Technology Equipment Available To All Staff The following technology is available for all faculty of the Jamestown school: Computer Projector: The computer projector connects to the video and audio connector of a computer. This projector will project everything that is normally seen on a computer's monitor onto any surface such as a wall or large screen. The purpose of this technology is for auditorium use, training, or full class instruction so that all may see the computer's video at the same time. The Jamestown school currently has 2 mobile projectors, one in each school and 6 mounted lab or classroom projectors Digital Cameras: The Jamestown School currently has 8 digital cameras, four in each building. These cameras store pictures on a memory card in JPEG format.These cameras may be signed out through the library. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 6 3.1.2 Software All computers in the Jamestown School District have, at a minimum, a standard software suite as specified in Appendix B. Additional software licenses have been purchased for specific purposes. Jamestown School computers may have one or more of the following software programs installed in addition to the standard software suite: Inspiration Type to Learn Macromedia Dreamweaver Paintshop Pro Yoiks! GIS – Geographic Information System Robolab Microworlds 3.1.3 Network The Jamestown School Network provides common network and Internet access to all school computers. All classroom computers are connected to the school’s servers via 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connections. The Melrose and Lawn schools are connected together via 2 pairs of fiber optic cables that provides up to 100 Mbps transmission between the schools. This network provides all users with the ability to save data onto the network folders (that are backed up daily) as well as access the Internet from any computer in the school. Rhode Island Network for Educational Technology (RINET) serves as the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to the Jamestown Schools. The RINET connection first enters the schools’ network through a firewall unit located in the Melrose Server Room. In addition, RINET provides Internet filtering to all computers. A filter override password is provided only to teachers and staff in the event that resource web sites are inadvertently blocked. To ensure smooth operation of the Jamestown School network, policies, use, and configuration must be understood. Map Topology The topology of the JSD Network is provided in Appendix D. Although the connection to the individual classroom computers is not shown, the classroom computers connect directly to the hubs and switches represented in the diagram. 3 Fiber Optic pairs connect the two school buildings, of which one pair is currently used for network traffic between the schools, one is a spare, and the other is being used for telephone traffic. All other connections are with Cat-5 & 6 wiring. Each school building has a switch stack in its server room. One switch in each building has a fiber optic module that is used to connect to the fiber optic cables between the buildings. Also attached to the switches are the network servers. The Primary Domain Controller (PDC) and Firewall unit are located in the Melrose school while the Lawn building holds a Print Server that manages the 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 7 functions of the network printers in the Lawn building, and a Backup Domain Controller that also serves as an application and file server. Internet Connection The current Internet Service Provider (ISP) is RINET (Rhode Island Network for Educational Technology). RINET currently provides a connection at 20 Mbps to the Internet. All computers in the school that are connected to the network also have access to the Internet through the RINET connection. Before going out to the Internet, all traffic is routed through the firewall that validates and grants access to the Internet. RINET provides Internet content filtering for all Internet access. Inappropriate material is blocked from being viewed on all computers. The Jamestown Technology Department can control which type of sites are blocked as well as specify a web site to be blocked 3.1.4 Policies All users of the Jamestown School network must use appropriate behavior, language, and respect when utilizing the technology in the school. Any person found mistreating the technology in any way will not be allowed to use these resources. All Staff and students are required to sign a Technology Use Policy. The following policies were revised and approved on the indicated dates: Technology Acceptable Use Policy, approved 1/24/03 Internet Acceptable Use Policy, approved 1/24/03 Web Content Policy, approved 1/24/03 Policies can be found in the Appendix E. 3.1.5 Security and Disaster Recovery Jamestown School currently has a significant investment in the physical hardware and software infrastructure to support the academic and administrative operations. As the school/faculty adopt more programs which rely on technology to meet their objectives, the need will increase exponentially for security and disaster recovery, specifically, the availability of the systems and the data stored on those systems. Security is addressed at the Jamestown School for both physical and software data storage. Access Security The Jamestown School consists of computers running Windows 7, Windows XP and Windows 2000, 2003 & 2008 Server all connected via a 10/100 MB Ethernet network. Each student above grade 3 and the faculty have their own username and password as well as a folder in which to save their data. These folders are located on the network 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 8 servers and are shared to the network with permissions appropriate to the owner of the folder. When logging onto the Jamestown School network each user has been granted permissions as listed below: Students have access to: Personal data folder Class folder Internet (through filtering software) Teachers and Teachers’ Aides have access to: Personal data folder All Class folders Common Teacher folder Internet (through filtering software) School Administrators have access to: Personal data folder All Class folders Common Teacher folder Office Related folders Internet (through filtering software) Network Administrators have access to: Personal data folder All Class folders Teacher folder Tech Folder Internet (through filtering software) Personal data folders are the home folders for each individual that has an account on the network. All students in grades 4-8, and the faculty have their own account (unique username and password) and a folder in their name in which to save their data. All students in grades Pre-School to 3 use a general account (username and password that is used by all students in the entire grade) for each grade. Logging on to the network (using a username and password) is required to gain access to the Internet and network resources. In addition to the personal folders, other folders are shared on the network that only certain users can access. Each grade has a shared folder for all students and teachers of that grade to access. The teachers also have a folder that only they can access. Additional folders with special access are set up on an as needs basis. Internet filtering software is used to protect the Jamestown Network from sites that download destructive software and to protect the students form inappropriate material. All students have access to the Internet through filtering software. In addition, all users are filtered from specific sites that may download damaging software to the network. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 9 This can be software that will modify a computer's configuration or load a protocol on the network that affects access speeds or modifies network files. Access from a location outside of the school is available on an as needed basis. Physical Security Physical Security of the School’s technology involves the protection from theft and damage through restricted access. Both the Melrose and Lawn schools are secured after school hours. In addition, the network servers are located in the Melrose front office and Lawn School server room that are locked outside of school hours even if there are after school or evening activities. Disaster Recovery To ensure that the data stored on the school’s network computers is not lost in the case of a disaster, computers are protected by either surge protection strips or Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS); virus protection software is required; and the data stored in the personal and shared folders of the network are backed up daily. The computers that are protected by using UPS systems include school office computers and all Network servers. All other computers are protected by surge protection. To protect against software viruses, the school has installed an enterprise version of virus protection software that protects all computers simultaneously. In case of the loss of a file or files we have setup up a Dell Appassure system to back up all data files. 3.1.6 Telecommunications The schools telecommunication systems are used to provide effective communication throughout the home/school/district/community. There are currently 3 incoming lines with 16 internal lines in the Melrose School and 9 internal lines in the Lawn School. All lines have voice mail. This system is used for outside communication and internal staff communication. There are also 5 Sprint Nextel phones which are used to communicate internally to and among the mobile staff such as the custodians and other maintenance staff. 3.2 Professional Development Many of our teachers have taken advantage of the Teachers and Technology grant program offered by the Rhode Island Foundation. (more than 30% of our teachers have had RITTI training) This training has provided introduction into web design, use of the Internet, email applications, and the basic use of Microsoft Word and Excel. With this introduction, the teachers not only learn how to use the software tools on the computers, but they bring the tools into their classrooms for the students to use as an enhancement to their learning. In addition to RITTI training, we often secure the services of outside trainers who are experts in their fields.. When formal training is not available the 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 10 members of the Tech Department will step in to provide training as needed. Currently we have a teacher on staff who has been certified as a SmartBoard trainer. Professional Development outside school is also encouraged and grant money is usually available for this purpose. In June of 2009 we administered a technology survey to our faculty. We are using the results of the survey to guide our future professional development. Our school district is a member of the Successful Practices Network. The Successful Practices Network, in partnership with the International Center for Leadership in Education, connects us with other schools around the country to address critical issues focused on teaching and learning. Teachers can access on online course called Collaborating Online for Rigor and Relevance. Teachers can access an extensive bank of gold-sealed lessons that address higher order thinking skills with relevant learning for students. The site hosts webinars, podcasts and EduTalk discussions with colleagues around the country. To assist with implementing professions development a .5 FTE Professional Development Facilitator was hired. The general duties of this person are to Facilitate and/or provide professional development and support teachers in planning and implementing rigorous and relevant instruction to improve the achievement of all students. 3.3 Technology Support Personnel The Jamestown School Technology Support Personnel is currently made up of the Technology Staff, Technology Coaches and the Technology Committee. Together these individuals and groups work at providing the Jamestown School with the technology it needs and desires to support the teachers in their tasks to educate the students of Jamestown. The Technology Staff is comprised of a full time Director of Technology and a part time Hardware Specialist. The Technology Coaches can be as many as four teachers within the school that assist the Technology Staff, help integrate the technology into the classroom, and assist fellow teachers with the school’s technology. The Technology Committee is a volunteer organization made up of the Technology Staff, Administrators, teachers, parents and community members. It is open to any interested persons who would like to help influence the use of technology at the Jamestown School. 3.4 Funding Technology at the Jamestown school is funded through a variety of sources including the town and state including a current Erate subsidy of 40% for our internet access and telecommunications services. Every effort is also made to procure money through grants and fundraising. The Town of Jamestown funds the majority of the tech budget. The latest funding initiative has been with the Jamestown Education Foundation, through Congressman Kennedy’s office, to secure an appropriation through NASA to work collaboratively with the school department on a science and mathematics initiative involving Renewable Energy. Lawn School will purchase a weather station for use in 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 11 observing and recording local weather patterns and analyzing data captured by the weather station as wind and solar energy is studied. The weather station will be linked to our server. The school will be working with the University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography and the students will be accessing data recorded from their extensive wind energy studies. 3.5 School Web Site The Jamestown Schools web site can be found at www.jamestownri.com/school. This web site is designed to provide school information to students, parents, and community members. General information is provided on the district page concerning both schools such as office hours, office phone, directions, monthly and annual calendars, as well as messages from the nurse, Principals, and Superintendent. School cancellations and delays are indicated on the front page when needed. Committees and clubs are welcome to post a web site under the school’s site. Currently the School Committee, Melrose School Improvement Team (SIT), Lawn SIT, and Special Education Local Advisory Committee (SELAC) have informative web links off the Jamestown School district home page. 3.5.1 Classroom Pages Specific classroom information provided to students and parents comes from the individual pages created and maintained by the teachers. These are accessed via the distinctive school pages, one each for the Melrose and Lawn schools. The content of a teacher’s web site is solely up to the teacher. However, if a teacher has a web site present it must adhere to the Web Site Policy (see Appendix E). Many teachers offer general information such as a monthly newsletter or pictures from a classroom activity, or student work. By 8th grade, the web sites are more specific and complex. The teachers are providing homework assignments and extra information for the students that may assist them in completing their homework. 4.0 Objectives 4.1 Teacher Support and Growth Support of the Teachers in their learning, understanding, and use of technology is essential if the students of Jamestown are to be literate in technology. Support is provided by the Technology Department to the Jamestown teachers and staff in many forms: 4/10 One on One Tech Support Assistance in the Classroom as requested Provide familiarization instruction in new technology Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 12 Computer Lab Training o Basic Computer Use o Microsoft Office products o Web Design Our approach is to be responsive. We occasionally poll teachers as a group to determine which courses would be most desired but our most reliable feedback comes from the tech coaches who as teachers have a better understanding of and ability to ascertain the needs of their coworkers. Once courses have been identified we attempt to offer those courses using resources from RINET, parents, other teachers and our technical staff. When the instructor is also a Jamestown teacher, rich examples are provided to show how the application is used in his class or as a management tool. Seeing great examples in use by their peers stimulates interest among other teachers. Technology classes will continue as needed. 4.2 Technology in the Curriculum Understanding that technology is only the tools that make everyday tasks more efficient, Jamestown Schools recognized the importance of familiarizing and instructing students in common technology tools. Teachers continue to use software programs such as Microsoft Office to assist the students in their subject areas. In addition, research and development of technology standards continues in the effort to include these standards in appropriate grade level curriculum. Discussions will continue with North Kingstown High School to understand the technological skills desired and required by entering freshmen. In addition to developing technology standards, any additional resources required to assist the teachers in the incorporation of technology in the curriculum will be provided. This may include tech support in the classroom, teacher training, or specific hardware or software equipment. 4.3 Hardware/Software availability In order to support teachers, appropriate technology will be made available. Computer labs which can support an entire class of students, 2-5 individual computers per classroom, wireless coverage in all rooms, and up-to-date hardware and software are the goals in providing technology support to the faculty. Continuing research into new software and hardware technologies will be conducted in order to identify tools to facilitate student learning. This includes taking full advantages of the technology of Cellular, PCS, tablet and other emerging technology for accessing the web and downloading data. All technology will be thoroughly investigated prior to purchasing the equipment or software. Below are some hardware/software technology goals: Computer Labs available in both buildings with up to date computers 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 13 2-5 computers in every classroom as requested by the teacher 4-5 computers in each resource room Wiring and furniture infrastructure to support the goals above. Laptops for teacher’s to support curriculum and professional development. Maintain state of the art media transfer hardware Standard web site development software (i.e. Dreamweaver) Maintain computers, refresh technology every 3-5 years 4.4 Community Service The Jamestown Schools wish to offer technology resources to the community. Use of the Seelinger or Melrose computer labs by the community may assist Scout troops in their earning of badges, may be used to teach computer classes, or may be used for administering certification tests. In the future we hope to open the labs to the public for general computer and internet access. Use of facilities is arranged through the submitting of a building use form. 4.5 Web Site The Jamestown School’s Web site was modified and expanded in 2004 by creating a Jamestown District home page and a separate home page for the Melrose and Lawn Schools. Prior to that there had been one page combining the district and school information. Currently a team of administrators, teachers and parents are looking into a second overhaul of the site to bring more unity to the pages and more information to the parents. The goals for the Jamestown School Web Site include the following: Continued maintenance of the existing site. 100% Teacher participation in providing a classroom web site. Update all pages so they are in compliance with the school’s Web Policy. Overhaul the site and expand content to meet additional needs of parents and students while simplifying the updating process for the staff. 4.6 Internet/Intranet 4/10 The Internet is a vital educational link for both students and staff. The districts commitment to taking full advantage of this resource may require periodic expansions of our Internet access. We now use a combination of Aspen and Google Apps locations to satisfy our in house communication and file sharing needs. Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 14 4.7 Plan Management The Technology Plan will be reviewed annually by the Tech Committee and updated as needed. At a minimum, this plan will be updated every 3 years. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 15 Appendices 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 16 Appendix A: Timeline of Accomplishments School yr 98-99 Tech Support All Volunteer: Tech committee, network install, computer repair Tech Support Part Time Tech Specialist, coaches, volunteers School yr 99-00 Accomplishments 170 computers Installed Firewall Standardized S/W Suite (Office 97, IE5.0, OE, Internet access Internet Filtering S/w installed (Surfwatch) ISP connection upgraded to T1 (1.54 Mbps) School Tech (Alphasmarts, Digital Cameras, Projectors) School yr 00-01 Tech Support Accomplishments Part time support, split between Tech Specialist and Tech Coordinator, also with a part time Technician 190 computers Network connection in all classrooms Computer classes for Staff Online Bulletin and Attendance Automated Library Card Catalog (Follet Software) Teacher participation in Web Site at 72% School wide antivirus S/W installed School yr 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 17 01-02 Tech Support Accomplishments Full time support, split between Tech Specialist, Tech Coordinator and Technician Seelinger Lab – New computers and configuration Robotics Curriculum in 3rd and 4th Grade Begin scheduled replacement of classroom computers School yr 02-03 Tech Support Accomplishments Full time support, split between Tech Specialist, Tech Coordinator, and Technician Expanded Network by adding 24 port switch. Added Network Laser Printer for Melrose 1st floor. Purchased Yoiks! Software Purchased Liberty’s Kids 26 New computers School yr 03-04 Tech Support Accomplishments Full time support, split between Tech Specialist, Tech Coordinator, and Technician Set up fixed Melrose Computer Lab Purchased 3 additional Laser printers Established Tech Mini Grants for teachers School yr 04-05 Tech Support Accomplishments Full time support, split between Tech Coordinator, and Technician. 4/10 Upgraded Network to Windows 2000 Set up 20 computer mobile lab for Lawn school. Set up 10 computer Robotics Lab Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 18 School yr 05-06 Tech Support Accomplishments Full time support, split between Tech Coordinator, and Technician. Contracted with NK for select services. Expanded Wireless Network Upgrade 20 Melrose Lab Computers Replaced Library Laser Printers Rewired network panels in both server rooms. School yr 06-07 Tech Support Accomplishments 07-08 Full time support, split between Tech Coordinator, and Technician. Contracted with NK for select services. Replaced primary switches in both schools Incorporated First Lego League competition into Tech Ed curriculum Purchased server and thin client machines for future lab. Introduced web based calendars for improved administration efficiency Tech Support Accomplishments 4/10 Full time support, split between Tech Coordinator, and Technician. Contracted with RINET for select services. Replaced batteries in Mobile lab laptops Installed a 1TB network backup server Intoduced the 1st SmartBoard system into the 7/8 math classroom. Replaced the mobile lab cart to facilitate use of the lab. Implemented a parent messenging service (Connect Ed) Purchased new cameras for each Library. Obtained classroom license for web based language instruction. Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 19 School yr 08-09 Tech Support Accomplishments Full time support, split between Tech Coordinator, and Technician. Outside consultants are used for select support Replaced the Business Server Purchased Color Printer for Lawn School Purchased and installed 5 SmartBoards Replaced Melrose PDC Server Continued replacement of W98 machines Purchased and installed SysAid Help Desk Software Upgraded the Lawn Library Computers Purchased Classlink lab managements software School yr 09-10 Tech Support Full time support, split between Tech Coordinator, and Technician. Outside consultants are used for select support Upgraded the Lawn Mobile Lab Replaced Melrose Lab computers with managed thin clients. Hardwired the Melrose Lab Hardwired the Tech-Ed Lab Installed Classroom Computer centers in Melrose Moved email to Google Apps Purchased additional Smart Boards for instructional rooms. Installed a new wireless system in Lawn for complete coverage. School yr 10-11 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 20 Tech Support Full time Director of Technology, part time Hardware Technician. Outside consultants are used for select support Replaced Special Ed Teacher desktop computers with laptops. Established complete wireless coverage in the Melrose School Installed Classroom Computer centers in several Lawn instructional rooms. Provided all teachers with document cameras Purchased second mobile lab for 6th grade Replaced Tech-Ed lab computers with 7 iMacs. Increased bandwidth to 7MB Moved to a new Student Information System School yr 11-12 Tech Support Full time Director of Technology, part time Hardware Technician. Outside consultants are used for select support Replaced 1/3 of Teacher desktop computers with laptops. Opened Parent Portal in Aspen Setup Cloud Based Backup System Replaced Domain Server Replaced several network printers School yr 12-13 Tech Support 4/10 Full time Director of Technology, part time Hardware Technician. Outside consultants are used for select support Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 21 Reconfigured Wireless to enhance security and support BYOD. Created Aspen Contact/Student Info Verification System Purchased 20 laptops for Melrose Mobile Lab Increased bandwidth to 20MB Replaced Melrose Lab Thin Clients with 20 AIO Desktops Provide 1/3 of teaching staff with laptops. Replaced Business Server School yr 13-14 Tech Support Full time Director of Technology, part time Hardware Technician. Outside consultants are used for select support 4/10 Purchased 20 tablet computers Reconfigured Terminal server and set up Dell Appassure Backup system Set up 2 iPad printers Purchased additional laptops to fill Lawn mobile labs to capacity (24) … Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 22 Appendix B: Jamestown School Standard Software Suite and Hardware Purchasing Requirements Jamestown Standard Software Suite Operating System Word Publishing, etc Internet Access S/W Microsoft XP or 7 Professional Microsoft Office 2007 FireFox 6 Virus Protection Sophos The configuration of each computer in the Jamestown school must be compatible with the school’s network infrastructure. The Technology Committee has decided on a standard software configuration that is to be available on all classroom, lab, and administrative computers. In order to accommodate this software standard, there is a minimal hardware configuration required. Below is a list of the software that is to be available on all computers as well as a table explaining the minimum and optimal requirements for a newly purchased computer. In addition, Jamestown has been very fortunate to receive computer donations. The minimal acceptable hardware configuration for a donation computer is also listed. Jamestown School Hardware Requirements CPU CPU Speed RAM Hard Drive Monitor Peripherals 4/10 New (min) New (Optimal) Pentium IV 2 GHz 512 M 20 G 17” USB CDRW or CDRW/DVD 10/100 bps Ethernet NIC Pentium Dual Core 2.5 GHz >2G >20 G 17” Flat Screen USB CDRW or CDRW/DVD 10/100 bps Ethernet NIC Jamestown School Technology Plan Donations (Min) Pentium IV 2GHz 128 M 6 Gig USB CD-ROM CD-RW or DVD 10/100 bps Ethernet NIC Page 23 Appendix C: Library Technology Plan Jamestown School Library Technology Plans 2011-2014 The mission of the Jamestown School Library Media Center is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.* This mission is accomplished: by providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats, and by integrating information technology into the library throughout the curriculum. by providing students with the intellectual and workplace skills demanded in the 21st Century by providing universal access to technology, including by not limited to the use of computers, online catalogs, desktop applications, scanners, computers and software and the recognition of intellectual property rights and through teaching information literacy skills. by providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing and using information and ideas by working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students. Goal 1 – To provide intellectual access to information through learning activities that are integrated into the curriculum and that help students achieve information literacy by developing effective cognitive strategies for selecting, retrieving, analyzing, evaluating, synthesizing, creating and communicating information in all formats and in all content areas of the curriculum. Objective A: – A variety of media formats will be available to students in as many curriculum related subject areas as possible. Instructional units will be created in collaboration with teachers that directly relate to the curriculum. Activities for Implementation: By completing a mapping of the curriculum, using teacher input, the LMS will work to create a collection that satisfies the needs of the instructional units. The students, through the Destiny/RILINK consortium may use the InterLibraryLoan service, provided free by the state, to enhance their own learning, research, and educational needs. Inventory will be taken to determine what specific varieties of media formats are available. Which formats not currently in the collection are appropriate for these learning levels and their information needs? What can be added this year? What will have to 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 24 wait? What other media are schools using for their programs that we can integrate into our own curriculum ? *Information Power:Guidelines for School Library Media Programs (1988), p.1. Cited from Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning, (1998) p.7. Goal II – To provide physical access to information through: a. A carefully selected and systematically organized collection of diverse learning resources that represent a wide range of subjects, levels of difficulty & formats: b. A systematic procedure for acquiring information and materials from outside the library media center and the school through such mechanisms as electronic networks, interlibrary loan, and cooperative agreements with other information agencies; and by review of professional materials such as, but not limited to, Tech & Learning, School Library Journal, Voya, to discover new media to enhance and enrich instruction. Objective A: – The library media center’s collection will be as diverse in subjects, levels of difficulty and formats as funding permits and be evaluated continuously in an effort to reach this objective. -The library media center will maintain and teach the use of online software through subscriptions and links to free to softwares such as Glogster, Animoto, wikispaces, AskRI.org and various other educational software. Objective B:– A listing of websites will be compiled that relate to curriculum areas and that have been thoroughly checked and evaluated by the library media specialist to ensure that they are suitable for students and/or staff. These sources will be disseminated through the library web page. Objective C: – Instruction in using a range of equipment for accessing local and remote information in any format will be incorporated into instructional units wherever appropriate Activities for Implementation: Evaluate the collection to determine any curriculum needs that aren’t currently being met, especially new or updated curriculum areas. Use the Mac stations in the Seelinger lab to instruct students on the use of the Macintosh Operating System, to use softwares available such as I-Movie, Animoto, Comic Life, to create projects aligned with curriculum. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 25 Teach 5th grade students how to do powerpoint, and incorporate the use of print and nonprint reference and searching the internet for information and images as required by the assignment. To collaborate with 5th grade on producing I-movies created by students, using materials from the Jamestown Historical Society Online Catalog and primary materials made available Goal III - To provide learning experiences that encourage students and others to become discriminating users and skilled creators of information through comprehensive instruction related to the full range of communications media and technology. Objective A: – Within instructional units, special attention will be given to the evaluation component so that students are continuously comparing and contrasting information sources. Objective B: – During the school year, students will be given the opportunity to create a project using their original literature and artwork. Use of computers, Flip cameras, digital cameras, etc. may be integrated into the project. Objective C: - The library media center will acquire and/or house assistive technology services and resources to provide all students with learning disabilities equal access to the general curriculum and equal access to information. Objective D: - The 6th grade will, through our subscription to the I-Safe Gold, a Safe Schools Education Initiative, receive a thorough education, via videos, lesson plans and projects, to recognize, and avoid, and refuse to participate in, dangerous, destructive, or unlawful behavior online. Activities for Implementation: As part of instructional units, students may be given the opportunity to create print and non-print projects. The use of digital cameras and computer software will be incorporated into lessons. Projects can be done individually or in groups depending on the nature of the project. The library media specialist, if asked, will contact TechACCESS of Rhode Island to participate in the Schools Project for Assistive Technology, The Assistive Technology Initiative of the Rhode Island Department of Education, Office of Special Needs. Goal IV – To provide leadership, collaboration, and assistance to teachers and others in applying principals of instructional design to the use of instructional and information technology for learning. To encourage collaboration beyond the classroom. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 26 Objective A: – The LMS will bring to the attention of staff information helpful to their instructional units and their professional interests. Objective B: – The LMS will connect with each teacher in the school on collaborative project, whether on an instructional unit, a creative program or sharing of information. Activities for Implementation: Use of all the computer labs for instruction, teaching colleagues how to create and maintain blogs, wikis, etc. Use of Classblogmeister for connecting with other classrooms around the world to participate in collaborative projects initiated by other teachers around the globe, and from projects that we initate. Goal V –To provide a program that functions as the information center of the school, both through offering a locus for integrated and interdisciplinary learning activities within the school and through offering access to a full range of information for learning beyond this locus. Objective A: – Students in grades 3 and up will become aware of the wide variety of information available and by the time they leave elementary school, will have a thorough knowledge of how to access information beyond the library media center’s collection. Objective B: – to bring members of the educational and commercial community into the classroom to broaden the scope of their learning and inform them about their community and beyond. Activities for Implementation: We have implemented Destiny, through Follett as our library management system. RILINK and the East Bay Education Collaborative now support our online catalog and allow for interlibrary loan between 98 other Rhode Island Schools. In addition, our membership in RILINK provides the ability to receive materials from libraries worldwide, to access articles through WorldCat, Wilson, Gale and many other databases. It also allows us to borrow various formats of materials from Universities in the HELIN consortium. The LMS will bring members of the community into the classroom as part of enrichment/classroom/reading week programs. Author visits via Skype are being planned. Authors who have visited our libraries will be repeating their visits to our school. Goal VI – To provide resources and activities for learning that represent a diversity of experiences, opinions, and social and cultural perspectives and to support the concept that 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 27 intellectual freedom and access to information are perquisite to effective and responsible citizenship in a democracy. Objective A: – The library media center’s collection will reflect a diversity of experiences, opinions, and social and cultural perspectives so that on any topic related to the curriculum, there is an opportunity to compare and contrast sources. The LMS will evaluate the collection on an ongoing basis in an effort to attain such diversity. Objective B: – Activities in instructional units will incorporate a diversity of experiences, opinions and social and cultural perspectives whenever possible. Activities for Implementation: Research the best of multicultural books and periodicals using reference books and professional journals, and purchase them for the library. Create an instructional unit focusing on diversity. Black History Month and Women’s History month would be a good place to start. Work on global collaborative projects with other States, Nations, Provinces, so that students can appreciate the similarities and differences within cultures other than our own. To maintain, and teach the Culturegrams database to students and staff. EVALUATION OF ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTATION 1. Were all the plans of action implemented? 2. If not, which ones weren’t and why? 3. What problems were encountered? 4. What strategies were most effective? 5. What would I change? 6. What would others like to see changed? YEARLY EVALUATION SHEET 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 28 1. Is the mission of the library media center the same? Are we fulfilling our mission? What examples illustrate that? 2. Are our goals and objectives the same? Are they being met? Should we be more ambitious as to what we can accomplish in the next year? 3. Do the roles of Library Media Specialist continue to be that of Teacher, Information Specialist and Instructional Consultant? What new needs of the curriculum need to be addressed? 4. Is the selection policy a useful and up-to-date document? Should new formats and their criteria for selection be included? Should the procedure and form for reconsideration of materials be changed? 5. Do all the procedures remain the same? With the addition of new technologies, what has changed and should be reflected in the manual? 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 29 Appendix D: Network Topology Building 2 Building 1 4210 –26 port 4210 –52 port Super Stack 3 Baseline 10/100 Super Stack 3 Baseline 10/100 4210 –52 port 4200 Switch Firewall Fiber 4200 Switch Super Stack 3 Baseline 10/100 Router 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 30 Appendix E: Network Policies Technology Acceptable Use Policy The School Committee supports the investment in computers and other technology in Technology Acceptable Use Policy order to aid in the educational experience of all students. School Technology includes any school computer, electronic equipment, or other such device managed by the Technology Department. Students shall be instructed as to the proper use of any school technology, after which each student shall be responsible to use the school technology appropriately. Students shall: Use school technology with care and protect all technology from damage. Use school technology as demonstrated by the teacher or staff. Always use the assigned username and password to access the school network. Always use school technology in ways that are not harmful physically, in words, or graphically to any person. Observe copyrights. Refrain from altering the hardware or software configuration of any technology without permission from the Technology Department. Follow the Internet Acceptable Use Policy when accessing the Internet. Privacy Network storage areas are the property of the Town of Jamestown, and are made available to students for their use. Users should expect that files stored on the school network may be viewed by others. No promise of privacy is made or implied for files stored on the school network. Network administrators and/or school administration may review files, communications, and web sites visited in order to maintain system integrity and insure that users are using the system responsibly. Limitations The district will not be held liable for any lost, damaged, or unavailable information due to technical or other difficulties. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 31 Internet Acceptable Use Policy Internet Acceptable Use Policy The School Committee recognizes the rich educational opportunities available through the Internet and supports access to this resource by students. The School Committee also recognizes that the Internet is an extension of the human experience and contains material that is not appropriate to children. However, the benefit of Internet Access far outweighs the undesirable aspect of this technology. To minimize undesirable effects of Internet use, the following guidelines shall be followed to the greatest extent possible: Faculty shall review and evaluate resources and materials, which support instruction. Lessons shall be designed to point students to those Internet sites that have been reviewed and evaluated prior to use. Faculty shall provide developmentally appropriate guidance to students as they make use of telecommunications and electronic information resources to conduct research and other studies. While students may be able to move beyond identified resources to others, which have not been evaluated by staff, they shall be provided with guidelines and lists of resources particularly suited to learning objective. The Technology Department, to the best of its ability, shall ensure that Internet Filtering software or device(s) are in place to block inappropriate Internet material from student access. Internet Use Regulations All students and staff shall have on file a properly signed Permission for Technology Use and Internet Access or Acceptance of Technology Use and Internet Access Policies. All students shall be informed by faculty of their rights and responsibilities as users of the Internet prior to use, either as an individual user or as a member of a class or group. Students are responsible for complying with rights and responsibilities and honoring the agreements they have signed. 4/10 To use the Internet in ways that are not harmful to others or their property, and are within the law. To protect oneself and others by not issuing any addresses or telephone numbers over the Internet, remembering that Internet communications are not private. To observe copyrights. Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 32 To be considerate of, and courteous to, others on the Internet. To refrain from commercial activity (defined as buying, selling, bartering, or advertising), including but not limited to, the use of credit cards. Internet Filtering The Jamestown School and School Committee recognizes that although the Internet is a great educational resource, it also contains material inappropriate to our students. To protect the students from inappropriate material, Internet Filtering shall be in place. All web sites shall be monitored by either software or hardware Internet Filtering device(s) and inappropriate web sites will be blocked from view. Understanding that the Internet is ever changing and that new sites come and go at great frequency, no Internet Filtering software or device can provide 100% protection from inappropriate material. The Technology Department shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate Internet Filtering is performed. Limitations The district will not be held liable for any lost, damaged, or unavailable information due to technical or other difficulties. Beyond the clarification of rights and responsibilities, and Internet Filtering as described, the district is not responsible for restricting or controlling the activities of individuals utilizing the Internet. Web Content Policy Web Content Policy The Jamestown School, in the development of a web site that is available to the public, has adopted policies to govern the content of any web page representation of the School. The intent of the Jamestown School website is to provide parents, students, and the general public with helpful information about the school and school activities. This may include schedules of extra curricular activities, calendar of events, dates of report card distribution, and listing of homework assignments. In the provision of this type of information the Jamestown School's web site shall have: appropriate content (images, graphics, text) that is not offensive. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 33 any students' work only identified by referencing the student's first name and last initial. content related to classroom curriculum. content that is current and up to date. teacher/specialist sites with a minimum of the following information: Identification of Teacher/Specialist, Grade, and Class Description of program or class Preferred means of contacting the teacher/specialist Link back to the school’s home page, and if multipaged, links on all pages referring back to the teacher/specialist’s main page. The Jamestown School's web site shall not have: inappropriate content (images, graphics, text or advertisements) or links to inappropriate content. pictures of students if parental permission has been denied. pictures of students along with the name of the students. All new web sites (entirely new teachers, clubs, or activities sites) that will be posted on the Jamestown School's public web site shall be previewed and approved for release by the superintendent or the superintendent's designated web approval representative. Once approved and posted, the content of a web site (including addition of web pages within a teacher’s, club’s, or activity’s site) may be updated on a regular basis by individuals selected by the superintendent or the designated representative. Good web design will be practiced in all pages of the Jamestown School Web Site. This includes: ensuring that the user can easily navigate from one page to the next and back to the main pages providing buttons or links to return to main or important pages ensuring that each page does not take an undesirable amount of time to load on the user's browsers (minimize graphics and images) web developers must test their designs in at least Netscape and Internet Explorer concern should be given to those who may have older computers with little memory and slow processor speeds. periodic review of links to ensure that they are still valid and have not changed to include inappropriate material. Any user of the school web site realizes that he/she is representing the school and will adhere to this policy. Content and privilege to post on this web site will be determined by the superintendent. All material posted to this site is the property of the Jamestown School Department. The superintendent may remove any web site or part of a web site at any time. 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 34 Appendix F: 3 Year Tech Plan School Year 12-13 o Objectives Replace 1/3 of the certified staff’s laptops. Upgrade older student workstations Migrate to the use of classroom pages in ASPEN Increase Bandwidth Increase Budget to compensate for loss of A31 Funding Purchase Smart Tables for early elementary classrooms o Budget 4/10 Salary- Computer Technicians: $90908.00 Professional/Technical Services: $30000.00 Supplies: $2000.00 Classroom Equipment: $20000.00 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 35 School Year 13-14 o Objectives Replace 1/3 of the certified staff’s laptops. Upgrade older student workstations Set up Remote access for all staff. Increase Technology Staff hours. o Budget Salary- Computer Technicians: $105972.00 Professional/Technical Services: $30000.00 Supplies: $2500.00 Classroom Equipment: $20000.00 School Year 14-15 o Objectives Replace 1/3 of the certified staff’s laptops. Upgrade older student workstations Replace Seelinger Lab thin clients with desktops Increase Bandwidth to meet state minimums and support PARCC Replace older switches and cat 5 cabling between closets o Budget 4/10 Salary- Computer Technicians: $109151.16 Professional/Technical Services: $35000.00 Supplies: $2500.00 Classroom Equipment: $20000.00 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 36 4/10 Jamestown School Technology Plan Page 37