Color Theory OLCHS ART 1 Mr. Brodeur Vocabulary Primary colors: colors from which all other colors are made: red, blue, and yellow Secondary colors: colors that are created from equal amounts of a pair of primary colors: green, orange, violet Tertiary colors: colors made from equal amounts of a pair of primary and secondary colors: redviolet, blue-violet, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange Analogous colors: three consecutive colors on the color wheel Complementary colors: the colors opposite on the color wheel: red & green, blue & orange, yellow & violet Tint: a color plus white Shade: a color plus black Monochromatic: one color Neutral: created by mixing equal amounts of two complementary colors (usually a graybrown) Primary and Secondary Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Color Wheel Colors are also divided into cool and warm categories. The cool colors are green, blue and violet. Warm colors are red, orange and yellow. A tint of a color is made by adding white. A shade is made by adding black. Complementary Colors If two hues are opposite each other on the color wheel they are considered to be complementary colors. When used together in a design they make each other seem brighter and more intense. (example: red and green) Complementary Color Painting Analogous Colors- colors next to each other on the color wheel es. Yellow, yellow-orange, orange, redorange, red Analogous Color Painting Paul Cezanne. Still Life with Apples and Peaches. 1905; oil on canvas 32 x 39 5/8 in. Hans Hofmann. The Golden Wall. 1961; oil on canvas. Helen Frankenthaler Bay Side (1967) Acrylic on canvas Claude Monet Impression: Sunrise (1872) Oil on canvas. Edvard Munch The Scream (1893) Casein on paper. Pablo Picasso The Old Guitarist (1903) Oil on canvas