Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation flEi , Doparfmcni ";l Affi( JefferT Beasley, Inspector General U :J ',.-lifics of tne X4spector Gessral. Inspector General Case #: l2_l_5231 Classification of Incident: Incident Date: :ml 07 /05/2012 Date of Report: 03/29/2014 x X T X n u r T Facility: I 02 Aparachee correctionar Institution East Unit Field Office/Region: panama City lRegion l/West Time: 6:00pm Inspector: Randy Anglin Case Type: C Case of Special Interest Confidential Medical Information Prison Rape Eriminatio.n Act (,REA) Number (if appricabre) Department of corrections presentei T:ta; art"Ii"v becrined Use of Force (UOF) Number (if applicabte) Tqlul Employmenr Opportunity bommisrio n (EEOC) Addendum Wing Video Camera(s) present in the Area of Incident x I Accepted SUMMARY OF ALLEGATIONS: :'x'$I*3!'l;'xTifl'?,x'frT'ii,*?,:*?"9'|,:Ti:.yl,l'::ri1::rli,inginmatesllH3:;ffi*t':ffi ':T\: j::::ly,"pyT:,u"*i'r''"*ffi ;filff jilTrJl|iffi ;! *r:fl:";;Tff"I!;',,1"i.1;*jl'::'"1"x hg obr.tu"a n*1e Bruce Hunsicker lying ,1:*'l;y"-l[;lil;:#*.'ffiilffii#l;l1l:L;';H:il,; -9u, in ti. ,to*., ttoo, ? vuffii Inspector General via the investigation on the same dav. Officer Sims rolled Inmate Hunsicker oil This was reported to the Office of the Informat6n Notei Sysffi MINS) on July 5, 2012, and assigned for SUMMARY OF DISPOSITION/JUSTIFICATION F'OR DOWNGRADE/EXONERATION: As a result of this investigation, it is determined that fnmale Rocky Beamon and valentin Reyes did in vi,oration of F.s.s. iaz,.0a(rxa), trre uniawfur kiring of ;"f,ilx,T:i:;:dx::r::#?:;";;;:;"nsicker on March 7'2014' the Fourteenth Judicial circuit declined prosecution of Inmates Rocky Beamon and valentin Reyes' Both inmates are serving a life sentence. They did not feel this was a oeait penaltSr and another life sentence would be all the] could case g.t. rn"y tooi into account the security risks associated with these inmates serving life sentences and the risks ofiranspo"tiog ooi onlv the Defendants, but the inmate witnesses that would be utifized in the also f"or."ution and their courtroom exposure. The case against Inmate Reyes was substantially weaker trran trrat of Inmate Beamon and it was not felt the state Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 could prevail with Inmate Reves prosecution under the best circumstances. Based on the information this case is exceptionally cleared. Name ltue/DC# D.O.B. Complainant: Sammuel Culpepper waroen 09/rr/tC Victim: Bruce Hunsicker rnmate/L,u#x093?5 a3/24/1968 Witness(es): Joseph Sims Uorrectronal Officer Correctional Officer Sergeant Inspector Inspector Senior Insnector tnmate/DC#459419 Inmate/DC#C00398 InmatelDC#L08449 rnmate/Dc#337349 Inmate/DC#762645 Inmate/DC#130439 Inmate/DC#200638 Inmate/DC#J41378 06t19n02n9tJ- Kimberly Baxter Pearletha White Michael McCord IIsa Hayes Cecil Smith Torodney Joyner William Davies Daniel Jackson Lany Mobley Raymond Sanchez Anthony Armstrong Darrvl Jones Emanuel Crockett Kendall Martin Julio Curi Steven Brinker Jonathan Frazier Cecil Moslev Luther Pease Leon Thomas Jamie Gordon Henrv Davis Ronald Brown Sercio Soto Charles Rabette William Scherwitz Mathew Campbell Tyrone Mitchell Michael Perry John Actisdano Inmate/DC#A507ll Inmate/DC#437454 Inmate IDC#743601 Inmate/DC#298494 Inmate/DC#082685 Inmate/DC#J21280 Inmate/DC#J39523 Inmate/DC#P18535 Inmate/DC#194307 Inmate/DC#T04234 Inmate/DC#197714 Inmate/DC#482027 Inmate/DC#095353 Inmate/DC#El l0l4 Inmate/DC#l I l55l Inmate/DC#145756 Inmate/DC#L56581 Page2 08/08[ trl}glJt t0t09/a6/06[/ 02/17/1974 03t23^953 0r/20/1980 03/24tr970 03/29t1972 02/27t1968 t0/15/1960 0U22t1965 06/t4/1986 05/22/1972 02t28/t96s 09/19/t971 04/16/t96r 07/24/1985 06/t5/1990 02/1vr98A t2/28t1977 09/19n979 08104/t976 0r/05/1973 04/27/1963 0t/23n976 12/06/t960 02/04/1978 rl/r0/t98s Employee ID # or Non-Employee Contact Information 4849 42627 22835 r3703 9165 I 9903 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 Mills t(av Daus Joseph Krcnard Keese Jonathan Kucker Alex Rodas James Edsall Alphonso Benjamin Carl Roland Briante Milton John Liebro Darryl Smith Winfred Clark John Ford Stephen Laplon Lewis McFadden Bernard Hughlon Fernando Bush Deleon Gray Mark Gibson Carlos Viera John Greer Nathan Smith Daniel Washington Jerry Tolbert floet pneto tnmate/DC#H23375 lnmate/DC#M04769 Inmate/DC#Vl4143 Inmate/DC#W3406R rnmate/Ltc#t(x)905 rnmate/Lrc#64015) lnmate/Dc#x{)?7Rl mmate/DC#CO3l l5 Mlcnael uomer Dennis Elliott Patrick Keels Jermaine Preston Jose Gonzalez Timothy O'Malley Christopher Clark 04/23/t976 06fi4n981 08/02/1963 09/t4/1982 07/26/1977 tnmate/Dc#5t{630? lnmate/l)C#1 | q7)g t2/14^962 tt/23/1967 0s/t3/r972 rnmate/Dc#J46577 lnmate/Dc#77,747R lnmate/Dc#.t()9810 rnmare/uu#u72551 lt/08/t95s tnmate/DC#Sl9l08 lnmate/l)c#R)6)a1 rnmare/IJU#t'23966 Inmate/DC#946369 Inmate/DC#4946\') Mark Jackson David Nuetzel Thomas Nance Antonio Owens Billy Hayes I avares Newman Douglas Lively Joseph Pollard Shadrick Bell 09/28/1986 04/18tr978 0s/08/l 98 I 03/11/1989 06t02/t976 rnmare/Du#u52207 InmatelDC#193946 Inmate/l)C#445760 lnmate/Dc#g79094 InmateiDC#199403 Inmate/DC#MLg5g2 Inmate/DC#088569 rnmate/L,c#94194? rnmate/DU#L7 t554 Inmate/L,c#t107764 rnmate/DC#744507 rnmare/IJU#tsO0372 Page 3 07t03/t968 03t03n981 05/08/1964 07/19/r979 06/22tr976 02/11/1977 t2/t4/t973 tt/20/t990 ouo6l1q17 uJt t6/t965 06/r4/1959 06/t2/1977 12/03t1961 03t07t1972 08/os/19s7 uzl tzl t9'/J 0U09/1976 03/06tr976 04/06/t980 08/21/1981 0t/02/t963 rr/19/1963 12/06/1990 02/06/r973 06t23/1977 0s/19/r966 r0/02/t964 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 David McGriff Abraham Trotter Richard Gordon Vontrell Silas Kenneth Shelbv Donald Waters Miikey Lawerance Harold Rodriguez Randy Vaillant Andrew Robles Subiect(s): Francisco Angeles Inmate/DC#N0l47s lnmate/Lrc#s76781 tnmate/DC#J30848 Inmate/DC#K766)R rnmate/L,u#817-779 lnmate/L,u#Y't 3417 lnmate/DC#X4s713 Inmate/DC#6665R1 lrmate/L,c#l]0764R lnmate/DC#M7?670rnmate/Dc#l69770 09n0^978 Rocky Beamon Valentin Reyes rnmate/Ltu#|R22569 l2n0^977 rnmare/uu#t 3J973 06/2r/1976 Arrest: IEmployee flnmate IOtner rr/09/1980 07t20n967 02123/1959 04n7n990 r0/09n966 a7D7t196r 09/23/t983 09/07n966 08/24/1988 10n6n984 I AOOendum pending Charges: fJFelony fJMisdemeanor Date of Arrest: Date Reported: Final Court Action(s): Other Agency Case Number: FINDINGS: on July 5, 2012, at approximately 6:45 p.m. (ESD, I was nottfigd by Inspector Supervisor Doug Glisson of a correct,ioyat Initttutiol Eas! (tnit in-N-doimito)y and I responded to the institution. !:::"!:.!:^l!.o,":tu:, Upon arrival it was discovered that Inmote Bruce Hunsicker #x0g325 was found in the show,er area of N- f,XT:'W".,^',r,, u, i;',:fu":;;*;;;br"o 'sla lTayes were Inspectors Mic Tet rwcLora ana Ista on-site. senior Inspector cecil smith ind Inspector Supervisor Glisson was en-route. Florida Department of Low Enforcement (FDLE) wqs also en_ route. In his incident report and digitally recorded sworn statement of July 5,2012, officer Joseph sims indicated the following: officer Sims was assigned as internal security officer and while working as Ndormitory inmates were returning to the dorm from chow, Inmate Rodriguez pointed at his identification badge and said bathroom. officer Sims noticed other inmates looking at him and he thought something Page 4 - ffi Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation - Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 might be going on' Aj approximately 6:04 p.m., officer Sims escorted inmates back into N-dormitory dii ;;; unusual. orficer sims went left reft to r., the tho over the T:u Td #J:*"':'",':lll: :9*l1"lli"ii;i ;;'"* i'i".liJill,',irt '*'*ni.i'g ::"u,.looked. Inmate Hunsicker *"r ;;;"g state issued lI bilp;lJlTT :ffi T--r"-"i."ii,t lbsjleok -----F In her digitally recorded sworn statement of July #*ry, (ExhibirsAf & Bf) s,zlrz,officer Kimberly Baxter indicated the forowing: officer Baxter was assigned to N-dormitory at approxim ately 2:35p.m., and she escorted some inmates out of the dormitory and remained on the y-o iitii'i-ilr.1,. count, she then retumed approximately 4:00 p'm' officer to N-dormitory at Baxter conducted inma-te-count and alr inmates were accounted passed out legal mail' Sergeant for, she Pearleth" yn1r.^** h;;;;'JJrg.*, ffin"o departed at approxim atery4:49 p of N-dormitory and ", -.;;; assist in feeding fu evening mear. At approximately 5:25 p'm', Inmate Tavares Newman asked to gleal up and went to the dayroom. Inmate Newman knelt down put his finger over his mouth and put his thurib at his crotch area. officer Baxter called Inmate Newman to'the ofr."r', rr",ior *irJow where she counseled Inmate Newman and he admitted he was going to masturbate at her. at ffiimately 5:27 p.m.,officer assistance and officer sims entered Baxter called for and escorted dormitory. was working on paperwork N-2 officer Baxter dormitory was called to glto the "rt "itii" *"nirrg-L"d. N-l was rining up to go to the evening meal and was later uppro.,,o"i!ry's:3r p.m., in,,,ut"."began returning from to the dormitory. At approximately 6:00 f.m., oificer sims entered N_l dormitory, went undersrand, hethencaredvia to the dormitory at app-roximately 6:30 p.m. OfficeidaxGr did not bathroom arei. Other staff entered -E altercation and she was in ,f li,Sffi the:XJ:x;,:'j"l dormitory;iJJ h#i;ir.*-un reieas;;;;;.uA, 3,i[illll3tflg.9'fi""'3t-'#;-ffi; jXp;;;,.mffi :::?ffi;fJi}Y,fl :lJ'#i i:?Jl#TJfi (Exhibit Bl) In her digitally recorded sworn statement of July 5,2lr2,sergeant pearletha white indicated the following: present in the dormitory during ifi?:fjJ}'h#jo"lit#"1"f,);*1n.,:y::, inmate count. *-",*1: fii:j:: -----' rrunares we Hi; *HfJI departed l':r,*:; to *j,:T:l ff T"1ffi: assist i llr,*r,,*t ffi il; u"ning:3*l,r"li::::'l_::.* :: approximately u1 ","* "1.j 1 4:49 p.m. t arrived at approximately 6:0d p.m. rts station *hr.. ;d##Jdt,"-,; ffirruiJilffi; :.#. m p r , t White returned when #tr#ffiT,,:11il:H"j::r*:M retumed. Sergeant White did not Page 5 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 witness any incident before she departed the dormitory. Inmates were on their bunks and everything was quiet' officer Baxter was in thi dormitoty uroir during rh" i;':HiTff":lttHi:ff:ilTiin:il:" * ";;"1;; meal. orficer Joseph Sims incident report dated Jury @xhibit Bl) 5, zltz,captain Captain Silcox responded to call for the emergency Response ream. Upon his arrival advised T::j3.:,ilIl-j:'"titory.with C n he hadi i sc;".;; Inmate Hunsicker. " I l9:liT:i1n 3nd the.dormitory and verified Inmate deceased. All inmate;E;'fif to their.assigned bunks unO Cuptuiniilro* Silcox instructed all emergency notificati rhe Rapid,Response approximately 6:35 p.h., entered the compound and departed approximately 6:50 p.m. at ;;i"l;;; Fil;;k* ;;; 3y::::r*r"d li,:ff,';liff:#j""ii"*:'j-ffii:l*,"::,x*iri"i;'{$a:,{'"1f,}:i'[#il?1i;:;:?ili::; g.jg!.sin. r;#;; #;;;il (Exhibit There was no video recording of any area in NI-dormitory at Apalochee ", Al) correctional Institution. (Exhibit A2) (Exhibits A3, ^{4 & 82) on July 5 and 6' 201'2'' senior Inspector cecil smith assisted in preserving the crime scene for into the homicide of Inmate gruce Hunsi"ker, in Nr-Jo.*itg.y. rnrp"-"t.'imith secured the investigation the scene unt' the and C'ime s.*"-e'"rvri, ao' nrjre urriura. rnspector smith arso took il:ffiiff"#i?"J"lilJ:'"t#:r (Exhibit 83) Page 6 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 on July 5' 2012' Florida Department of Law Enforceme nt (FDLry crime Scene Unit, carmin crements Jennifer Kay responded to Apalachee correctional Institution.pd photographed and processed Inmate and Hunsicker' Items of evidentiary value were searched Bruce and colrectei. rrrJ ciime scene was also examined for biological type evidence' A totai of seven (7) items were removed at the scene on that date. FDLE Analyst carmin clements advised she would belforwardi,tg irr" rrprn, and a cD containing photographs taken. (Exhibits B4 - Br0) on July 5'2012' the Fourteenth Judicial circuit Medical Examiner's lnvestigator, Rebecca processed the body for transport Reid, arrived and to the ME's office. rrt. uooy was tr;-s;;La to th, ME,s office in panama city' Florida' by Archer Funeral Home. An autopsy was conducted at q,o0 u.m., cST, on July 6, 20l2,and was attended by senior Inspector cecil Smith piJt"gt"prts -\ryere by the Medical Evidence' including clotiring, fingernail Examiner,s office. laken .tippingr, ofie'rqd trr. rigr,i'*i left hand from the body of Inmate Bruce }iunsicker.bags, were recovered It iu. .r.uiJty Ta Inspector Smith and forwarded to Inspector Randy Anglin to be secured f9m-or senior and delivered to trre ptorida r'rurtrra Depai,i"", Enforcement, pensacola Regional operations center ro, "rLaw ,Exhibits Bll _ 824) on July 6' 201 2' at approximately 9':.00 a'.y'; leyior Inspector cecir smith attended the autopsy of Inmate Bruce Hunsicker at the M.E,'s office,'r4th Judictalci1cuii,"'ii-poro^a city, Frorit Doctor Hunter were that Inmate Hunsicker l-'epanment proc.rring. Diagrams of N-dormitory-and sleepinglrea witildentifying bunk numbers of Nl-dormitory. The internal movement record for Inmate"valentin n"v"r ll-licated he was assigned to bunk Nl Department,s r l2L on .Iulv 5. 2012. (Exhibits As - A7i Department of corrections Housing unit Logs for N-dormitory.dated July 5, 2012,from 7:00 a.m., to 7:00 a.m., J'uly 6' 2012' documents the dail/shift actlvitl and exit or starr during the incident. Personnel Log documenting all staff crime Scene that entered (Exhibits AS & 49) The FD ggggtj'-!:-'2t2'authored bv Anarvst Berenger chan documented DNA matches Bruce Hunsicker. There was a idence collected minor contributor courd the dated October 19, 201.2, authored by Analyst Chan documente "trd;," N_dormitory. ".ib"lm;; &Tr';t;:ffifi:TL; Beamon' A cornpact disk rv"as re.ei,,rd le matches the Inmate Rockv "on,uiniffiffifiiffitilffitffiTr?|ffT,flt,"*tffi::: (Exhibits Al0, Page 7 All & B3l) ffi Case Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Number: l2-l-5231 on July 12' 2012' Inmate Rocky Beamon was moved frop y dormitory cell I106L, where he was housed alone' to ll07L' Inside of cell Y-I106 writings *.., rouna on the inside'of the cell door stating..crash, gl3l4-88' 7-5-12, murdered I molester in N-1". (lCrash" iriarrttped as a riiiro*, of Inmate Beamon.) (Exhibits AtZ & 832) Juty I7' 2012' Inspectors Michael l?ccord and llsa Hayes s-earched the personar properry of Inmate Bruce Hunsicker where a -few gambling sheets were found, but mostly where ni |rpt statistics on races, nothing of evidentiary value. ln On July 11,2013, a manila envelope containimg Illftjmi shoes of the viCffi,lT were submittedii"Jlffi'ff:"::ij"f yes to FDLE for examination. l#:: 1Fi-r.;;i;;""ii;;'#;:T'*J,1,iX13",1"ffi1ff (Exhibits Al3, Bl3, BlS, B2lThe .victims btue, IB24 &BZg) In his affidavit dated July 22,2013,Inspector Michael Mccord indicated the following: on July 6'z}I2'Inspector Mccord asked by Inspector Anglin to follow-up Yas on some infbrmation received regarding a possible murder -Nt-aormitory. we **p* inut nua u.Jn n*rred in u toil"t in Inspector Mccord entired Nl-dormit"t ;i-ilroximately s,rs u.-., and watched the instructor and his assigned inmate work vocationar crew'attempt to retrieve evidence from a floor drain. At approximately 9:55 a'm'' Inspector Mccord took possession of one white state tower, rwo torn state towels' one pair of state boxei shorts and one i-Jup.a weapon with a cloth handte tnai appeared Itwhich was removed from the floor ar*. ff rrni ,riii", was photographed) (Exhibits At4 & B25 - 830) Seventy-nine (79) inmates housed in at the time of.the alleged incident were interviewed during the course of the investigation by senior Inspectorc -Nll-dormitory n*oy Anglin, c""ii s-itrr, Inspectors Michael Mccord and Ilsa Hayes' Thirty-eight (3si inmates provided digitairy reiorded swoin-statements indicating did not see the incident, hear anytiring or tt either they were rr""pitu at that time. Two (2) inmates .errred participate to in interviews. "y (Exhibit 835) During the course of this investigation,an!^in-terview process Inmate Bruce Hunsicker was "Nascar", Inmote varentine Reyesf,vas identified identifirdor.M"iro,,or,,Lir Mexico.,, as In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, 2012,Inmate Daniel Jackson indicated the following: Inmate Jackson has known Inmate Hunsicker for approximately three and a half years. Inmate Jackson, he worked with Inmat" rr""ri""t"i-.urrio in th! ouy. lrr*ute Hunsicker According to was fine and acted normal' nothing out of the ordinary. tnmate Jackson was not aware of any probrems Hunsicker might have been having. Inmate Inmate Hunsicker told Inmate iu.r.ron that he (Inmate Hunsicker) owed an inmate approximately $s.oo, but had since paid off the debt. inmate Jackson did not know the Page 8 Florida Department of Conections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation - Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 ilil1[*?:j:il:'" Hunsicker owed. Inmate Jackson did not know anyrhing turther about rnmate After count cleared' Inmate Jackson went to the front of the, dormitory and played nicknamed "Jihad'" Inmate Jackson chess with an inmate stated he was a.ing trr" omr"rl, ,i"ri"". Inmate Jackson prayed chess until the dormitory was ieleas;J Jackson did ;;;;"ca, any roud anything out of the ordinary during noises or thut arrrr was calred, Inmate Jackson immediatery departed the dormitory' Inmate "iL* Jickson did not know if anyone il;*"ring during that time. Inmate Jackson also did not know Hunsicker went to ,horr. upon-Ltu,,'ing to the dormitory, *"n'to nt' rying on the noor in the shower. ilil:[1;:u'on rnmate i";;;: ti-.. iii"-"t. ;;;#;. ;,;;" of iJ-lJ]d[HilJiJi", ;; ,*il"[jTH,l#1"iF*:*;lf]::5J[iffi:xil:1'I? Inmate Jackson believed ro..onr'nl1in.a * officer sims entered the dormitory went straight to the shower area' "fn;;";;;"r. and Inmate Jackson ttr"n went to the front of the dormitory playing chess. and began (Exhibit B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, 2012,Inmate LanyMobley indicated the fo,owing: Inmate Mobley had been assigned to Nl-dormilo.y knew the deceased inmate u, f,Nurr*." lpploximatery a week and a harf. Inmate Mobrey Inmate uJur6i nua s"en in-ut* uunricker severar times earlier illl""llI;ilfi3Ji,3:'.x.l,"J,Y-d.p:n."9hisassigneddormitoryprior prior to iqdt"' vnusuar 'iffiHffJrt#T#Jffiilllli 'il;; ffi mll:,ffijtilx?:ffxiyi :: ry*yiiqjs5-#{fu ;il;;r;;iffi ;::ir:t"&:::Si#ll3Jt#i? 'ilh:f,'n5 nI:Titr* to speak with a rri end *}# dining hall' Inmate Mobley enterJ Nr-oo.mito.y *il;; a white inmate *a u brack inmaie. Inmate Mobley then proceeded tohis bunk and then the ,in[ro rinr. rrirn'ouirr.Lr rrr. sink, Inmate Mobtey saw Inmate Hunsicker lying on the floor in the rho;;;;a. mmate uurrsict", appeared to be dead. At that time' Inmate Mobliy ieard ,orrl"on. state, "Don't mess with him!,, Irunate Mobrey did not know who made the statement' Inmate Mobley r",u*"Jio'r,i, uunt Nt-toos. anyone take a shower during that time' Tlere *"." nurn.rous inmates in ln-ur" Mobley did not see irre dormitory tarking about the incident' Inmate Mobley di-d not G;t to them, u, h;;;; busy discarding contraband from his locker. Most inmates in the- dormitoty *"t"-aoing the'saml, il.ruu* everyone kn.* that the dormitory was going to be searched by officers' Inmate Mobley diinorsee anyone acting suspicious or anyone with blood on them' Inmate Mobley did no, tno* trrty ri,n"iJ n*ri"[.r was ,ruii"a. @xhibir 833) Page 9 ffi Case Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General _ Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Number: l}-l_5231 In his digitally recorded swom following: statement dated July 5, 2|rz,Inmate Anthony Armstrong indicated the Inmate Armstrong had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately two weeks. Inmate Armstrong did not know the deceased inmate' eftr, count cleared,-Inmat. e.n'rirlng departed the jfrmitory to gor ffiInmateArmstrong,.tu.n.atoN-oormiioryforabouttenmmutespriorto departing for chow' Emate Aimstrong aia"nor see anything unusuar suspicious during that time. upon returning to the dormitory after -or ciow, rn-ut, Armstron! saw a tall,.skinny, black inmate taking a shower' Inmate Armstrong did not know ttl"irr.ut.', nurri". According to Inmate officer saw the black inmati that was an t"uli*ho*r.. tnmut" Arlstrong stated even Armstrong, someone being stabbed' he would if he had seen not tell *]'onr, u"cause retariaiion. (Exhibit 833) "ip"*rfi" In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, zllz,Inmate Danyl Jones indicated the following: Inmate Jones-had been assigned to Nl-.dormitory approximately five months. Inmate Jones srept bunk next to Inmate Hunsicfer' in the to inhur" Jones, there were inmates in the dormitory not care for Inmate Hunsicker, .According that did because Iil;;;l*sicker was asex-offender. Inmate Jones courd identify those inmates' After count not cleared, rn-ut, Jones .",nuin"J on his bunk until chow was ca,ed. Inmate Jones believed Inmate Hunsicker rr*ui"ra on his bunk u, w"il. Inmate Hunsicker go to chow witrr trre aormitory. Jones saw Inmate inmlie rrunsicker returneo to the dormitory Jones,becauseInmateJones#.ilil;;ffi;'toN.dormitory,InmateJones before Inmate noticed approximately half of the in-ut".iffit-io wiig 1 ;;;;"-ed from chow. went to the sink to wash his hands fnmate Jones and saw i"-"t",Hunsiltei ttt;; on the floor in the shower area. Inmate Jones did not check on Inmate rr*ri"t"r, because r*iuiJrrunsicker appeared Inmate Jones saw a black inmate to be dead. taking u ,ho*., Juring that time. i-nmate Jones did not know the inmate' Inmate Jones returned to his uunL *a u' offiier entereJ tiJ aormitory and discovered brack Hunsicker's body' Qvote" Prior\r" Inmate Jone,s'recorded statement, Inmate Hispanic inmarcs were involved' Inmate "i;;;;;;;atu Jones srared tori, *")u ro, pror:ii, oiinrrn* information his safety.) out offearJbr (Exhibit B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, 2ll2,Inmate Julio curi indicated the following: Inmate curi had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately one month. Inmate the deceased inmate' Accoiding to curi did not know Inmate curi, Inmate Hunsicker appeared to be a quiet inmate. count cleared on July 5' 2}l2,Inmate After curi weni t" trrr rt"r, of the d^ormitory to play cards. Inmate curi was facing the officer's station' sometime during-theiurl gu-", a femare offir", in accused a black inmate of masturbating. officer,s station in tt" iuyioo,n *"u. An officer enteredthe removed the black inmate' Inmate the dormitory and cuii remair;d";;;;; card tabre until thl officer Inmate curi did not-hear anything cared for chow. unusual in the aormi-to.yprior to departing for chow. Upon Inmate curi's return to the dormitory, tt""tu-*.ost of the dormitory had returnei fr;; chow. Inmate curi went curi went to the area r,li1". The inmates in the area were :::Tli,H ?H,Tiff#trJH; Page l0 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 saying that the inmate was "blue'" Inmate curi said a black inmate. was taking a shower during time' An officer told the inmate to get out of the that shower. tnmate cu,i did not know the black inmate in the shower' Inmate curi went to the sink and washed off. rn-ut. curi did not see any inmates with blood on them in the dormitory' Inmate curi stated someone in lrre dormitory had to have inmate being stabbed' somebody told seen the the ;ificer uv.rvlrrur', something, because us.,ause the me orrlcer officer *"o went straight to the shower area after entering the 1u*nibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, 2ll2,Inmate Ray Davis indicated the following: Inmate Davis did not witness the incident; as soon as count cleared he went to the front of the dorm to play cards and did not retum to his uunt untiiirre officers ,ur. in and tord ail inmates to get on their bunks. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, zll2,Inmate Deleon Gray indicated the following: Inmate Gray was at the front of the dormitory at a table and did not witness or hear anything. An officer came into the dormitory and went to the shower, cailed rhr;;i; dormitory. "n (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, zllz,Inmate Mark Gibson indicated the following: Atapproximately4:45p.m.,InmateGibsonsawawhiteinma11-gototheshoweraftercount like he does every day' A sho{ stocky Me-;; vaiffi (nmate Reyes) and a bard headed white inmate (Inmate Roctry-Beamon) followed flre wrrite inmate aiioi" nruce Hunsicker) intothe shower. The Mexican (Inmate Reyes) had a v shaped, *ia" *"upon and the white inmate (Inmate Beamon)had a round poker (Ice Pick) ltpe wf?Lll ," t" to eight inches rong. The 3nni"1"a white inmate (Inmate Beimon).pvas wearing utu. pants, "pp.""il"i"rl-q1 white t-shirt, Nike shoes and a tower. The Mexican inmate (Inmate neyeil.was wearin! p*t, and a t-shirt. They began talking to the white inmate (Inmate Hunsicker) andihen brg^1";;;"gii.. rn. rur"*i.* (Inmate Reyes)and white inmare (Inmate Beamon) washed themselves tt" ,tlwu and then exited the shower wearing their and a t-shirt' The Mexican (Inmate Reyes) boxers went to wall (lv-lll2)' The white inmate (Inmaie Beamon)his bunk, thirJ bunk from shower area against the went to the bathroom and Inmate Gibson something tearing' The drains stopped heard up in the bathroom una r*ui" Gibson thinks it is because the - ]d it* Jrit ;l,ffi:x :t';f,h:Hf#t*i?;?f;"_X*?".?dile.u,.r,he (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded swom statement of July 5,2llz,lnmate carlos viera indicated the following: Inmate viera entered the dorm 1ggEhg* and went.to wash up. Inmate viera saw Inmate Hunsicker Iying in the shower floor ofTicer Sims entere; ,h;;""itory, caled on the radio for lI. Page I I Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 assistance,|JandsaidtheinmatehadhInmateVieradidnotwitnessorhear what happenJ6TEinmate' Inmate viera didffio* I.rmut" Hunsicker personaily. (Exhibit B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 5, 2llz,Inmate valentin Reyes indicated the following: Inmate Reyes had been assigned to N,l-dormitory approximately ten days. Inmate Reyes did not know the deceased inmate't According ,o ln,nurr'h.ryes, rn,nut. H*sicker prayed chess with black inmates' Inmate Reves did not know iilnm;i; riunsicter with any inmates in the dormitory' Inmate Reyes stated1uft., remaineo rrj, bunk, Nl-r l2L, lisrening to his radio until the officer called for chow. "ri bunk was ro*t.Jln the back of the dormitory near the sink area' Inmate Reyes did not see anythin! unusual o, *yon"-iuting a shower during that time. Inmate Reyes also stated he did not see *yon"-b"ing stabbJ ,r,"wer prior to going to chow. upon returning to N-dormitory after .rro*, Reye, ,u* nu-"rous inmates in -the Inmate Reyes returned to his dormitory. bunk and ri""r*a-i" his iadio. r"-"i"-neyes blood on them or acting suspicious. did not see anyone with taking a shower sometime later' Inmate Reyes did not ino* the {y?r: R;y; did see " black in*ut" ttut *u, i"k;;'itJrno*"r. some point he saw somebody's Inmare Reyes stated at feet in the rrt"r"rt. rrio, to-a"f-ariii*;. d-ormitory to be interviewed, Inmate Reyes leamed that an inmate had been stabbed. l#utr-n'"ies did not hear anyone in the dormitory talking about an inmate had been rr"bd;: inmate that had been stabbed' know what happened to the According to rrrrnut" n"y"s, utu.t irrmat"s pick on the white in-ut* are gay. thut nuttl .o*i ,i;il;he hJ;i;;;brems il;,-R.;; li-ii. il; bilril;ate i;"dR;; iji"", (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2ll2,Inmate Raymond sanchez indicated the following: Inmate Sanchez knew the deceased inmate with Inmate Hunsicker' Inmate Sanchez as "Nascar." Inmate Sanchez did not recall ever speaking a"r.iiu"a Inmate Hunri"t as a loud problems for other inmates' inmate that caused Inmate Sanchez did not recall seeing Inmate Hunsicker in the dormitory earlier in the day' After count oleared, I";"-i;chez went to tie-iront of the ao.miio.y playing chess' Inmate Sanchez and began was facing th; ;ffi;;r's station. et rorn" point, Inmate sanchez rost and left the table to return to his bunk Nl-lgoi. sanchez aia nti s"" or hear anything suspicious during that time' Inmate unusuar or Sanchez then departed the dormitory forchow. upon returning to the dormitory' Inmate Sanchez returned to his bunk. Inmate s-"t"raid-nothear *yon" tarking about the incident' officer sims entered the aor-itory'and found Inmate Hunsicker in the shower area. Inmate sanchez did not se: ;;;;Ll'in-ur" Sanchez stated he Tvbogl hadnothingto do withthe (Exhibit B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2ll2,Inmate Emanuel crockett indicated the following: Inmate crockett had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximatery three to four months. Inmate crockett knew the deceased inmate as "Nascar." Inmate'cro.t.tt ,fike with Inmate Hunsicker earrier in the day' because Inmate Hunsicker returneJa ,oup t. (Inmate iirrirtronaa uor.o*eJ. According to Inmate crockett' some inmates in the dormiiory referred to Inrnate Hunsicker as ..Baby Raper.,, * h-;e r* staUUinj. Page 12 E ^^"- Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation _ Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 Sometime after count cleared, but.before chow, Inmate crockett noticed no one was which was unusual' Numerous inmates taking a shower, were looking to*u.Jr lil. ur"u. Inmate thought an inmate had been raped crockett initiary in the shower area. Inmate crockett then saw iwi'short Hispanic Iooking inmates in boxers departing ttre area witi-towels. Inmate Crockett did not kno* if they had just taken a shower or if they were planning to ,ut" u shower and decided not to. Inmate crockett was sitting in the front of the dormitory and T, rr"-".y hard to ,"r. hr-ute crockett did not see anybody stab anyone' one of the Hispanic'inm;r;; ,ll; in the middre or trr.' aor-itory and the other Hispanic . inmate slept in the back of the dormitory il;; showers. tn,nutrcrockett saw the congregating in the dormitory, Hispanic inmates (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2Ll2,lnmate Kendall Martin indicated ,, the following: Inmate Martin had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately three days. Inmate Martin knew deceased inmate as "Nascar; the tno.'irrruiraie nunsicker had any probrems with any inmates in the dormitory' Inmate day' Inmate Hunsicker did not appear Marti; *"nr ro the Library-*i,1, tn*ute Hunsic(er earrier in the to be in fear or act as if he was having any problems. After count cleared' Inmate Martin went to G front il*itory to *ur"r, irr*utes pray cards. Inmate Martin was facing the shower area' Inmate "riir" Martin aii not see-anything *uruur or suspicious After chow was called' Inmatetlurtin during that time. a"purtJ"the_do;ito;.*liiou," -rnrilte inmate to enter the dormitory Martin said he was the last after Martin i.-"aiui"iy went to the restroom washed off in the sink' tnmate "rro*. area and Martin did Inmate n*rr"i."r'during that then saw officer sims' who told.ly time. Inmate Martin ato* ,i-."*ru. Inmate Martin then saw Inmate the shower floor' Inmate Martin Hunsicker on did s,ub anyone,(Exhibir B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2lr2,Inmate Steven Brinker indicated the folrowing: Inmate Brinker said he was washing his hands in the sink when he turned attacking Inmate Hunsicker' Three and saw fbur inmates of the inmates were hitting rr.ui"-uunsicker Inmate Hunsicker with a homelnade *.upon.'-"rr," jry".^".*tilrig tnmate and on" was stabbing Iooking' clean-shaven Mexican inmate Hunsicker was a nice withtattoos on both of his That inmate srept in Nl-r27L. (Note" identified as Inmate Andrew Rtbl";.;-"i;;ate Brinke, ,tut"J tr,e inmate might have also been stabbing Inmate assigned to Nr -r77s Hunsicker, cut r,. *u, noi."niin. NI-l/7s as Inmate Roclcy Beamon') Inmate f|o*; *o, identiJied Brinker aio not r,"*.*ytr,in['u.ru.rse he had headphones on. incident and washing c,othes Mi:: I;;; ffiffi#'nof il;;; " not;;;il;y ---' ;;. i;Y:'.';;,:ry:?,;:;,y;**;::::i:'1-r##":.'# ,{{:K f,T::;,,K:'3;:,{,f,:;,,:;rx:;i1#1"';,;,:;'+#,4iiF+ffi,lffiTi:"i:: '{:;: nge,l1s.) lngeles.) Angeles'threw Inmates Robles and washed them. rhe inma'tesl"u "" j;;1.;19;&:#'f"t ffi:,ffffi:,X*:l:T1,:1Tq stated rr-"," a"g"i".-ffi;##t them. Inmate Brinker at the otntn* Tn*^+^ rr^-, ni'I Inmate Bri Brinker stated ffi,"j*:rfr#riffiiJ he orc nor lcnow know the inmate who \^,hn received renei,o., "" did not ,no", ""u,oon'l@1;ry3"4."qn11 AII of ihFnmates in the b".k ;f ;il; Page 13 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Numberz l2-l-5231 dormitory witnessed the incident. Inmate Brinker looked at the officer and she was sitting in the officer's station' There was a lot of movement in t]re dormitory during the time that the inmate was being stabbed. Nr-dormitory has been out orclntror for months. According to Inmate Brinker, Inmate Hunsicker worked for an order, stocky, Mexican inmate with one assigned to M2-dormito.v. rnrnute Hunsicker messed up that inmate,s money on a ffitlTJi,l?11.*ut @xhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statemer{ dated July 6, 2llz,Inmate Jonathan Frazier indicated the following: Inmate Fraziet had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately two months. Inmate Frazierknew Inmate Hunsicker from Apaiachee c.l. w;;i-yrii^as they-hai b""n housed rhere together for approximately a year' According to Inmate Frazier, Inmate riunri"t was not a probrem inmate and made money sewing and washiig other ",Frazier was irr;;' clothing. I;;"i; unaware of Inmate Hunsicker having any enemies' Inmate Frazier saw Inmate-Hunsicker walking to the shower alter count cleared' Inmate Hunsicker was always the frrst inmate in the ,rro*r, after count. Inmate Frazier believed that he heard Inmate Hunsicker yeil ror an inmate to teil the officer to turn the shower on. According to Inmate Frazie4lnmate Hunsicker didnot appear l" u. i" fear of anyone and there appear to be any tension in the-dormitory. did not rnmate Fraziei remained at his uunt irtt -r r+s reading after count cleared' Inmate Frazier did,not t:; stab anyonr oia he hear o, ,"" urrything unusual or suspicious' After the offrcer called for ""yt;ly ""r chow, ilt-ut" departed the dormitory. Inmate Frazier lrLier stopped.|ffip'i;il;;1u*1ctoN-dormitory'WhenInmateFrazierreturnedto the dormitory, he went to hGbunk and u.g* the shower' There was a black inmate takin; u the black inmate. r;ing. office. sims'round Inmate gun.i"t er,s body in that Lrr* time. Lrr Inmate Frazier did not know (Exhibit B33) rio*", during "Yr eq'r6 In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2}l2,Inmate cecil Mosley, Jr. indicated the following: Inmate Mosley had been assignetl to Nl-dormitory-approximately six months. Inmate Mosley knew deceased inmate as "Nascar.'; Illnate tvtostey sai Inmate rrunsict". earlier that day on July 5,2012,the at the front of the dormitory getting ready to io to the Library. elcording to Inmate Mosley, Inmate Hunsicker was a humble inmate that took tu"".yttring uery s"rious. After count cleared, Inmate Mosley was speaking with an inmate that was teaching him how to draw. After returning from chow, Inmate Mosley went to his bunk' Inmate Mosley n"'rr".. went to the shower area and .,ri". saw anybody stab anyone nor did he see anyone with blood on them, (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2ll2,lnmate Luther pease indicated the following: Inmate Pease had been assigned. to Nl-dormitory app_roximately five months. Inmate pease knew the deceased inmate as "Nascar'" According to Inmate Pease, Inmate Hunsicker was a quiet inrnate that kept to himself' Inmate Hunsicker gamblid on NASCAR races sometimes. After cleared on July 5' 2012' Inmate Pease went to the front of the aormitory "ount the a.ro prayeJ until departing dormitory ""r0, Page t4 { ffi Case Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Number: l2-l -5231 for chow' Inmate Pease was facing the officer's station during the time he was playing cards. Inmate did not see Inmate Hunsicker during that time. InmatJ pease did not see anything unusual or suspicious occurring in the dormito,ry. Prior to going to chow, lnmaie pease went to his bunk and put his gambling chips in his locker' Inmate PeasJcould not see the shower area from his bunk. After Inmate Pease returned to N-dormitory, he returned to his bunk and retrieved his chips. Inmate pease did not see anything suspicious nor hear anything out ortue ordinary. Inmate pease later heard officer sims call for help and for everyone to get on their bunks. Inmate Pease returned to his bunk. (Exhibit 833) Pease In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2ll2,Inmate Leon Thomas indicated the following: Inmate Thomas had.been assigndd to Nl-dormitory approximately three days. Inmate Thomas did not know the deceased inmate' Aft"t count .t"*"i-on luiy 5,2\n:Inmate Thomas immediately went to the dayroom to watch television. According to Inmate Thomas, there were approximately five inmates in the dayroom during that time. Just prior to chow, Inmate Thomas saw an officer having a problem with a black inmate in the front of the dormitory. om""r sims entered the dormitory and escorted the black inmate out of the dormitory. Inmate T"homas then departed the dormitory for chow. upon returning to N-dormitory, Inmate Thomas went to his bunk *a ,n*ged clothes. During that time, Inmate Thomas heard officer sims calling roi urristance. Inmate Thomus did not see anyone in the shower area during that time. Inmate Thomas did not see anybody stab anyone. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2llz,Inmate william scherwitz indicated the followine: Hunsicker, but did see lfl::*t:::l:J::y:::df^9.:$ Nr-r 15 and.did not see who klred rnmate ii"ii The inmate inriate went to the l* Ib ile commode comm"i";;gri'r;;;" area and *, *"i"o'.io#: a commode. #rJ;?: when ne came out, he had a ffi ryu'' I'ng:gil.1 when Inmate scherwitz was escorted out, he did re,aving the shower ;;;;-;ir" inmate *;; il;iJ;,*il#r;iJ,#'ri.1'*";HT: r::n*+::::*:: up and made sure no-one went to the shower area. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2llz,Inmate Joseph R. Mills indicated the following: Inmate Mills was housed in Nl-135 and did not witness anything before or after retuming to the dormitory as to who may have committed the crime. Inmate uiit aiJ state that several days prior to the incident' Inmate Hunsicker made a statement to the dormitory ut". t i, lock was stolen off his locker. Inmate Hunsicker called the inmate who took his lock a "pussy boy" and numerous derogatory names and threatened whoever did it, repeating the threats numerous times. That was not a smart thing to do in that dorm. (Exhibit 833) Page 15 I Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, zll2,Inmate Torodney Joyner indicated the following: Inmate Joyner knew the deceased inmate as "Nascar." According to Inmate Joyner, Inmate Hunsicker was a quiet inmate that never bothered anyone. Inmate Joyner did not see Inmate Hunsicker on -i;;;";yner July 5, 2012' because he had been playing cards a"y. stated that after count creared, he began playing cards again and wis iu"ing the {r inmate showers. .in-ut" loyn". JiJ not see or hear anything .*u,;ilrJd"#'[|fi.'?#;,J1ffi:.'r",f""; chow rnmate joyn", was ;1;,,:1"HT"-"1iil,#h;5?1""r,:f:Lt3f:,.:g, located near the middle orthe line when ir'" a"..it".y he did not see anyone with blood on them or acting suspicious 4gdng that time. Inmate Joyner did not immediatelyreturntothedormitoryafterchow,A^|_--.. As Inmate Joyner was returning to the dontlitory, n. untii,h;;f*#itffiror ,"* ijfEi *]'Hi:-ffi:1illl,il:T,T,ll,);j;",il*",T; Berr rord everyone tr!:1""fiil?"0'ffi:',XH",:T:J:flj:::l*{'yi!:-J:v"*'4;"*",bm.er il;. r#; t'"il"1J'iXi'f;Jr"rH;:1*rtfiT: - rr"LLo. @xhibit 833) to get on their bunks. Inmate Jovner heard om-* Joyner did not know why Inmate Aunsicker had been In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, zll2,Inmate william Davies indicated the following: Inmate Davies had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately three weeks. Inmate Davies is assigned to Bunk Nl-143s' Iimate Davies knew irre deceasea in naie as ..Nascar.,, Sometime after count' but before chow, Inmate Davies heard u noir. (lnmate Davies ias unable to describe the noise) and turned to the shower area and saw a short Mexican inmate's head pop up. The short Mexican inmate slept in bunk Nl-l l2L (Inmate valentin nryeg. Inmate Davies was speaking with another inmate at the time and continued his converrution. Inmate Davies then saw movement in the shower area out of the corner of his eye, At that time, ln*utr Davies tumed una ,u* head pop up' The white inmate slept inNl-177s ltnmate iic:fu Beamo;t.-i;;;"Davies was unable to see what the two inmates were doing due to a half-wall blocking his view. sometime after that, Inmate Davies saw the Mexican inmate (Inmate Reyes) dry u"o git dressed. Irilate Davies did not know if the Mexican inmate (Inmate Reyes) showered due"rr to u *.uir blockin! r,i, ui.* of the area. Inmate Davies then saw the white inmate (Inmote .Beayton) aepart the shower L.a uno walk towards the toilet area. Inmate Davies assumed that the twhjte inmate Beamon) was flushing something, because he heard a toilet being flushed two or three times.[n*oru The white inmate (n^or, Beamon)then departed the toilet area' went to his bunk, dried off, ana oepartJlhe dormito.y roi.rro*. Inmate Davies did not see the inmates carrying any weapons. Inmate Davies saw them carrying soap and towels. Inmate Davies also departed the dormitory for chow. when rn*ut. Davies returnid from chow, he sat on his bunk. Inmate Davies never went over to the shower urru. in-ute Davies later found out that Inmate Hunsicker had been stabbed in the shower area. Inmate Davies never uqvv saw qrJL'L'Lr anybody stab anyone. Inmate Davies only saw the two inmates' heads pop up. (Exhibit 833) u;;;;#;e,s Page 16 I Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 In his digitally recorded statement dated July 6, 2012,Inmate Jamie Gordon indicated the following: Inmate Gordon had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately three months. Inmate Gordon knew the deceased inmate as o'Nascax"' Inmate Gordon ..harmless, described but controversial'" Inmate Hunsicker enjoyed debating issues. tnmate Hunsicker as Numerous inmates shunned Inmate Hunsicker' because of his charges. Inmate HunsickJr ** u"ry open about his charges and on one occasion told an inmate that he did not penetrate his victim. tnmate-cordon did not speak or associate with Inmate Hunsicker for that reason. After count cleared on July 5,zllz,Inmate Gordon went to the front of the dormitory to watch other inmates play cards. Inmate Gordon did not see or hear anything unusual or suspicious during that time. Inmate Gordon then aepart"a ,n" dormitory for chow. upon returning to the dormitory, Inmaf Gordon went to his bunk to draw. Inmate Gordon said he did not go to the shower area' Inmate Gondon did not see anybody slab anyone nor did he see any inmates with blood on them' Inmate Gordon did not know what happenea to rnmaie Hunsicker. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, zllz,Inmate Henry Davis indicated ttre following: Inmate Davis had been assigned to Nl-dormitory approximately six months. Inmate Davis did not know the deceased inmate' After count cleared on'July 5,2llz,ln ui. Davis went to the front of the dormitory to play cards. Inmate Davis was facing the officer', ,tution and did not hear anything suspicious or out of the ordinary during trrat time. Inmate Davis remained at the card table until he departed for chow' After chow, InmatJDavis returned to the card table. Inmate Davis did not or hear anything suspicious during that time. rn J. buuis later saw offrcer sims conduct a security see check and tell all of the inmates to get on their bunks. Inmate Davis never saw anybody stab anyone nor anyone with blood on their clothing. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2}l2,lnmate Richard Reese indicated the following: Inmate Reese did not witness the incident as he was in the front of the dorm for most of the afternoon and did not notice anything until the responding officer entered the ------e^rv v\ e dorm. Inmate Reese did not know the victim. @xhibit B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statementrdated July 6,2[lz,Inmate Jonathan Rucker indicated the following: Inmate Rucker was asleep prior to eating the dinner meal, when he retumed to the dorm he began reading his book and then heard the officeicailing for assistance. (Exhibir 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2}lz,Inmate Alex Rodas indicated the following: Inmate Rodas stated after count cleared, he gathered his shower things in preparation to take a shower. As he started walking towards the shower, i', ,u* several inmates ialking back from the shower and motioned for him to not go in the rear of ih" dor*. Inmate Rodas turned around and went back to his bunk' After he retumed from chow, he went to his bed, gathered his Page 17 ,rro*". things again and proceeded Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 to the shower area' When he got to the shower area, he saw an inmate lying on the floor. Inmate Rodas did not witness what happened to the inmate. @xhibit B33) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6,2}l2,Inmate James Edsall indicated the following: Inmate Edsall returned to the dorm from work and went to sleep, he was awakened for count and after count cleared, he went back to sleep' Inmate Edsall was awakened by the officer calling for assistance. Inmate Edsall never got off of his bunk nor witnessed any incident. (Exhibit 833) ln his digitally recorded sworn following: statement dated July 6, 2012, Inmate Alphonso Benjamin indicated the InmateBenjaminwasintrre9|ro1hallDandwasnotinthedormitoryduringcount. Inmate Benjamin returned to the dorm pr dorm being released for chow. lnmate Benjamin gathered his shower things and went to the shower; he then ** u body lying on the floor. Inmate Benjamin returned to his bunk and stayed there until an officer came in the door and found the body. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, z}l2,Inmate stephen Lapton indicated the following: Prior to this incidento someone had taken some of Inmate Hunsicker's property and Inmate Hunsicker confronted the- whole dormitory about the incident and called anyone involved a bunch of ,.fuck faces,, (to no particular person). On July 5, 2012,Inmate Lapton remained on his bunk after chow and went directly out of the dorm when the door was opened. Inmate Lapton did not witness any incident in the dormitory. @xhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6,2}l2,Inmate Lewis McFadden indicated the following: After count cleared, Inmate McFadden witnessed Inmate Hunsicker motion to the officer to turn the showers on. Inmate Hunsicker then headed to the shower area. Inmate McFadden stated that was a daily routine and did not pay much more attention to Inmate Hunsicker after that time. Inmate McFadden did not witness any incident in the dopmitory. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6 z}l2,Inmate Dennis Elliot indicated the following: Two days prior, Inmate Hunsicker had his combination lock and one of his shoes stolen. Inmate Hunsicker addressed the dormitory about someone taking his property and called who ever took it a 'opunk and a bitch" and told them to come see him. Inmate gttiot aiso witnessed an unknown black inmate this same date. On July 5,2012, approximately two hours before the evening meal, Inmate Hunsicker was involved in an argument with a black inmate and the black inmate told Inmate Hunsicker to get out of his face Page 18 zftEed.\ dK'*;r]h Flcipida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General F{-ffiF} t\ /ri l\\d/"/ \&\- Lt-gtr \ffitlz Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 before they go to jail' Inmate Elliot thinks the inmate slept in the fourth row, sixth bunk #49. Inmate Elliot returned from chow, he saw inmates outside of the shower, bathing in the sinks. ofhcer sims came in the dormitory and looked over the shower wall and saw th; inmate lying in there. There was an unknown tall black inmate bathing in the sink. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2}l2,Inmate Richard Gordon indicated the following: Inmate Gordon did not witness or hear anything in the dormitory, - J ' but - did notice unknown inmates washing at the sink. (Exhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6, 2012,Inmate Timothy o,Malley indicated the following: Inmateo,Malleywenttochow,:andreturnedtothedormitoryafter inmatecount'Inmateo,Malleyiventtotakeashowerandsawaninmatelyingintheshowei-* then returned to his bunk. @xhibit 833) In his digitally recorded sworn statement dated July 6,2072,Inmate Harold Rodriguez indicated the following: -td I#*::-,*:l:i9::i,jl"ry next to Hunsicker. rnmate Hunsicker was always being I Y1tl' 11""j. offender on a child. I11a1e Hunsicker always ,"r.Lr'"'ri"*"?.##"lo".,n; I'g:y*l*:b:',1s:':i before chow. Inmate Rodri was at the front table in the dormitory. Inmate Rodriguez saw Inmate in the shower and grabbed Inmate Hunsicker th",l?"k, took Inmate Fiunsicker down b.tidthe shower wall. Inmate T:Yld Rodriguez did not witness what occuned behind the wall. When Inmate Beamon came out of the shower he.was wearing blue pants and a t-shirt-with.something in his hand. B"amon on the Inmate Rodriguez went to wash his hands and saw Inmate Hunsicker's Beamon (Inmate C}and h-;t; otherinmateswerelookingforbleachtocleanup.InmateBeamon went to the bathroom and flushed something down the toilet. Inmate Beamon received clean clothes when he came out of the bathroom. Inmate Rodriguez went to chow and on the way back to the dorm, Inmate Rodriguez signaled to officer Sims to check the bathroom. When Inmate ilodriguez returned - fromchowhewentbacktotheareaandsawthatInmateHunsicker_Inmate Rodriguez did not stop or look ve,ry long. Inmate Rodriguez has heard InmE Beamon make commenrs about killing a pedophile-, but he [s always joking *oun-d. Inmate Rodriguez did not witness any other inmate in the shower with Inmate Beamon, he acied alone. Inmate Hunsi-icker was always cleaning and in everyone's business. @xhibit 833) Irl an inlerview of July 6, 2012, Inmate Donald llaters refused to provide a recorded statement, but indicated the he saw qn unknown Hispanic inmate in the back shower befoie chow. "Nasc(Jr" (Inmate Hunsicker) was usually in the shower before chow, but did not see him. Inmate lTaters did not .itrrs anything or hear anything. Page 19 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l -5231 In his digitally recorded sworn statement of July 6, 2012, Inmate Andrew Robles was advised constitutional Rights and he waived his rights and indicated the following: of his Inmate Robles was assigned to N-I127 and Inmate Hunsicker slept behind him. On July 5,2012,he was asleep during inmate count and after count he went to chow. Inmate Robles denied having an altercation with Inmate Hunsicker, denied committing battery or having any involvement in the death of Inmate Hunsicker. Inmate Hunsicker's nickname was "Nascar". A couple days prior to the incident someone took some of Inmate Hunsicker's property and he made an outburst toward the dormitory about his property. Some inmates don't like sex offenders. Inmate Hunsicker was loud and argues with inmates he knew. @xtriuit nsr; In his digitally recorded statement of August l, 2012, Inmate Francisco Angeles was advised of his Constitutional Rights and he exercised \is rights and declined to make a statement or answer any questions. (Exhibit 833) L In his digitally recorded sworn statement of August l, 2012, Inmate Andrew Robles was advised Constitutional Rights and he waived his rights and indicated the following: of his Inmate Robles requested to speak to an inspector to tell what he saw on July 5,2012. Inmate Robles said Inmate Beamon told him he confessed to the murder of Inmate Hunsicker and Inmate Robles felt he needed to tell what he witnessed. On the night of the incident, he did not want to have to go to court or inmates to think he was telling on them. On July 5,2012, at approximately 3:30 p.m., he returned to Ndormitory and fell asleep during count. When he woke up, one of his brothers "John" (13 on back of neck) told Inmate Robles to get his "stuff right" (clean out his locker oJ'any contraband), the "police" is about to rush the dormitory. The inmate told him a white inmate just got stabbed in the bathroom. Inmate Robles looked back toward the shower and did not see anything. "John'o said he is dead and twalked off. Inmate'Robles looked around the dormitory and a lot of the inmates were toward the front of the dormitory. Inmate Robles stood up to look toward the shower and saw a little Mexican (Inmate Reyes), (Sleeps in N-l I 12, back of dorm on left against the wall) facing him and Inmate Beamon was leaning down as if they were moving something in the shower. The Mexican (Inmate Reyes) came out of the shower fast, took off his shirt and wiped his hands. Inmate Beamon starts washing his hands and both went to their bunks. Inmate Robles asked his friend who got killed and was told the inmate that slept next to him (Robles). Therfriend said the white inmate (Inmate Beamon) killed him and did not know what the Mexican (Inmate Reyes) was doing. Inmate Robles went to his locker and removed some tape and disposed of it. Approximately thirty minutes later, the dormitory went to chow and when he returned a black inmate was taking a shower. Inmate Robles said the Mexican (lnmate Reyes) was short, low cut hair, some tattoos, does not speak good English and thinks he is on interstate compact. Officer Sims came in the dormitory and went to the bathroom area and then to the shower and looked over the wall and told the inmates to get on their bunks. Inmate Robles denied witnessing the incident, denied taking a weapon or shoes out of the dormitory. @xhibit 833) Page20 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation I Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-52i1 !n his digitally recorded swom statement of July g, 2012, Inmate Rocky Beamon was advised constitutional Rights and he waived his rights and indicated the following: of his Inmate Beamon said he did not know the inmates name, but found out he was a child molester. Inmate Beamon confronted the inmate (Hunsicker) about it and Inmate Hunsicker told him, he did not see anything wrong with it as long as there was no penetration with the penis. lnmate Beamon had no plans to act on it until Inmate Hunsicker told him that. Inmate Beamon said h" found out three months ago his It lot of memories and Inmate Beamon did not want anyone else to go Tlt?*d, 9roy,ght !a3k agot out. of prison. Inmate Beamon took it upon himself to stop ir. ]Tir:,the"ltsi.cfer made decision approximurely Hunsicker got into the Iy:1", _tl4l1nrlutg shower.",:1-:" Inmate Beamon said he could not , so he took the rage and ::::tr l*:-tlJ:^f:: l"ljglryte r9:Ti:i.I"-'"fHunsicker.InmateBeaHunsickertoseewhatgoes through those peoples mind. Inmate Beamon watched Inmate Hunsicker for three days. Every day after 4:00 p.m., count Inmate Hunsicker went to the shower. Inmate Beamon's intent was to scare Inmate Huniicker by pulling a knife and putting him on the wall. Inmate Beamon did not have it on his mind to kill him. When Inmate Beamon pulled the knife, Inmate Hunsicker slung his hands and Inmate Beamon The knife was a T shaped piece of metal, sharpened to a point and a piece of sheet for a handle. After inmate count and before the evening meal lnmate Beamon went into the shower, walked up behind lnmate Hunsicker and grabbed him around the throat and threw him on the floor. Inmate Hunsicker was on top of Inmate Beamon and Inmate Beamon wrapped his legs around Inmate Hunsicker. Inmate Beamon stabbed Inmate Hunsicker llnd Inmate Hunsicker began yelling and Inmate Beamon started llf and stabbed thrce or foui more times. Inmate Beamon stabbed Inmate Hunsicker some more. When lnmate Beamon tealized what he was doing, Inmate Hunsicker was still moving, so hestabbedhimsomemoreQInmateBeamondidnotknowhowmanytimeshe stabbed Inmate Hunsicker. Inmate Beamon toolii-shower to clean himself off and went to the bathroom and flushed his clothes in the third toilet. Inmate Beamon was only wearing his boxers and a pair of crocks. Inmate Beamon broke the knife in half, ripped h_is boxers and towel and flushed them down the toilet. Inmate Beamon noticed Inmate Beamon went to chow someone tol{ qUg.{fig.r because an officer came to the dormitory after chow. Inmate Beamon he returned to the dormitory and lay on his bunk. lnmate Beamon claimed Inmate Beamon anyone else was in |||} in the incident. (Exhibit 834) Page2l Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation ,i Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 In his digitatly recorded sworn statement, of August l, 2012, Inmate Rocky Beamon was advised of his constitutional Rights and he waived his rights andlndicaied the follo ing. i'^ote Beamon requested to speak to an inspector. Inmate Beamon was approached by a little spanish inmate who asked him if he would be willing to help get rid of an inmate' Inmate Beamon did nbt know the Spanish inmates narne, but they call ..Lil him Mexico" who sleeps against the wall, third bunk from bact close to the shower s. (IdentiJied as Inmate valentin Reyes) when Inmate Beamon found out it was "Nascar', he told the inmate he would. originally it was going to be done on sunday night wtrite Inmate Hunsicker was lying on his bunk. on July 5' 2012, Lil Mexico (Inmate Reyes) came to him and said they were going to do it after 4:00 p'm'' count in the shower. After count, Inmate Beamon went to Lil Mexico,s (lnmate Reyes) bunk. Inmate Hunsicker went to the shower and Lil Mexico (Inmate Reyes) said let,s do it now. Inmate Beamon went into the shower behind Inmate Hunsicker and grabbeirtii" around neck from behinilIl 5withhisrightarm*ott,,.*InmateHunsickeroith"showerfloor.InmateHunsickerwas Iying on top of Inmate Beamod to the left side and "Mexi 1ti*o,i, Reyes) began stabbing Inmate Hunsicker' Mexico (Inmate Reyes) had t-shaped piece of "o'i'tn"t"r approximately seven inches long. .a Inmate Beamon lost count on how many times Mexico (Inmate Reyesf itabbed Inmate Hunsicker, but it was over fifty times' Inmate Hunsicker was attempting to purir M"* ico (Inmate Reyes) away and It;ff "Ttrliff ilT:i,llffirul**ffi Jll.l';ffi 3;t**:x:;{,r^,."- the throat again' Inmate Beamon a"ni.a ttuuuing Inmate Hunsicker, urit treta him while Mexico (Inmctte Reyes) stabbed him. Mexico (lnmate Reyes) broke the weapon in half and Inmate Beamon flushed their boxers, towels and the weapon in the toilet. No other inmatis were involved in the incident. Inmate Beamon said he confessed to the murder in the beginning because he had a life sentence and there was no reason for both of them to get charged. when he found out the inspectors had Mexico (lnmate Reyes),Inmate Beamon wanted tolelr that occurred. (Exhibit 834) "u"iything In his digitally recorded sworn statement of August l, zll2,Inmate valentin Reyes was advised of his constitutional Rights and he waived his rights and iidicat"a tn, ftilowing: Inmate Reyes said he was sitting on his bunk during inmate count, then went to chow, returned and an officer went to the showet *9, yelled for everyboay to get on their bunks. Inmate Reyes denied witnessing anything involving the.alleged incident and denled being involved in the murder of Inmate Hunsicker' Inmate Reyes indicated he gave another inspector a stateirent. @xhibit 834) (Exhibits ArS & At6) Page22 ffi Case Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General , Report of Investigation I Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Number: l2-l-5231 The FDLE Laboratory Report dated August zl,2}r3,authored by Anal clippings from right and left hand of victim. the vi.ti-.-utu", victim, a T-shaped weapon with - incrrffi insuffi .io-f cient f'.for ;-^l',-:^inclusion purposes. -,,-^-^- Chan documented the nail right and left shoes of the from Inmate Rockv ,ffi;;:'i,il:fr: ffi:: (Exhibit A17) on september 3, 2013, I metwithAssistant state Attorney shad Redmon, FourteenthJudicial circuit along with Inspectors Michael Mccord and llsa Hayes. The case wos presented to ASA Redmon and a Draft copy oJ lhe report was submitted to himfor review. on october 7,2013, ASA Shad Redmon called requesting other evidence be submitted for examination. on october ll,2013' the following evidence was submitted to FDLE Laboratory which consisted of one pair of state issued boxer shorts, three torn white state towels and a ptastic uag items which were found in the toilet drain in N-dormitory. w"Ji*i"g the drying process of these (Exhibits Alg, 825 _BZg& B30) R.1"1 dated o,cjo.ber 31,2013, authored by Analyst Berenger chan documented the 3:i?g^t:Pt:j:lt boxer shorts, the three rvv white wrrrs towers ruwsrs zrn' *h th. prastic uui rne prasuc Dag gave chemical chemicar indi indications !uu, vuv Due to rv the trrv wvrrtPrv^rtJ complexity ur of the urv ullxrure' mixture, lnmares Inmates beamon Beamon-aid and Keyes Reyes were *"r. excluded .r"lud.d as u contributors to the mixed DNA profile' Inmate Hunsicker was included as a possible contributor to some of the items and excrrraerr frnm excluded from (Exhibits Al9, 825 - B2B & 830) others. on March 18' 2074, I received two letters from the office of the State Attorney, Shad Redmon of the Fourteenth Judicial circuit declining prosecution of Inmates Rocky Beamon and valentin Reyes. Both inmates are serving a life sentence. They did not feel this was a death penalty case and another life sentence would be all they could get. They took into account the security risks associated with these inmates serving life sentences and the risks of transporting not only the Defendants, but also the inmate witnesses that would be utilized in the prosecution and their courtroom exposure. The case against Inmate Reyes was substantially weak#;-d;;; Inmate Beamon and it was not felt the State could prevail with Inmate Reyes prosecution under the best circumstances. (Exhibits A20 Page23 & A2l) ffi Case Numberz Florida Department of Corrections Offrce of the Inspector General Report of Investigation ',feffeV Beasley, Inspector General l}-l-5231 03/28/2014 Date Regional Supervisor Lead Inspector Lead Supervisor Deputy Inspector General Chief of Investigations / Date Deputy Inspector General Chief of Special Operations Inspector General Date Date Page24 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General , Case Number: l2-l-5231 I EXHIBIT/ATTACHMENTS SECTION A. EXHIBIT(s) - attached: l. 2. a J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0. n. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Incident report by Oflicer Joseph Sims dated July 5,2012 Department of corrections chronological Record oi Health care of Inmate Bruce Hunsicker dated July 5,2012 Department of Corrections Department of Corrections Diagram of N-dormitorv Diagram of Nl-dormitory with bunks Internal movement record of Inmate varentin Reyes on July 5,2012 Housing unit Log for N-dormitory dated July 5 e,zotz Crime scene personnel log FDLE Laboratory Report dated October 5,2012 FDLE Laboratory Report dated October lg,2012 Photograph of confinement 6ell Y-1106 where Inmate Rocky Beamon was housed FDLE evidence submission form dated July I l, Z0l.3 Affidavit by Inspector Michael McCord Autopsy report completed by Medical Examiner Michael D. Hunter dated March 12,2013 Medical Examiners' case summary dated March 20,2013 FDLE Laboratory Report dated August Zl,2013 FDLE Case Tracking Form dated October-l 1,2013 FDLE Laboratory Report dated October 31,2013 office of the State Attomey Memo on Inmate Rocky Beamon dated March 7,2014 office of the state Attomey Memo on Inmate Valentin Reyes dated March 7.2014 ia EXHIBIT(s) - not attached: B. l. A Compact Disk containing the digitally recorded sworn statement of the following: . Officer Joseph Sims o Officer Kimberly Baxter r Sergeant Pearletha White Photographs of.the crime scpne taken by Srttiorinrp"ctor Cecil Smith on July Page 25 s,2012 Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l -5231 10. 11. Etgn by Medical Examiner,s Office 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 20. 2t. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. aa JJ. Pilr of blue pants from victim Pair of white boxers from victim Pair of black shoes from victim Plastic bug.toT right back pocket of victim,s pants Bag from right hand of victim Bag from left hand of victim DNA card of victim Set of fingerprints from victim White towel retrieved from Nl_dormitory toilet drain Torn white tower retrieved from Nl-dormitory toilet drain Torn white tower retrieved from Nl-dormitory toilet drain :lorT,pt.i*_._d from N I _iormitory toilet drain i":f:fT1:_b:*r.*',h,"roth handre retrieved no* Ni'-aonnitory toilet drain Photographs of the evidence from the Nl toilet drain copy of compact Disc from FD'.E depicting aigit"iprrrtographs of the scene Photographs of confinement cell y_l lb6 cell door A compact Disk containing digitally recorded swom statement of the following: o Inmate Daniel Jackson o Inmate Larry Mobley o Inmate Anthony Armstrong o Inmate Danyl Jones o Inmate Julio Curi r Inmate Ray Davis r Inmate Deleon Gray o Inmate Mark Gibson o Inmate Carlos Viera o Inmate Valentin Reyes o Inmate Raymond Sanchez o Inmate Emanuel Crocket o Inmate Kendall Martin o Inmate Steven Brirlker o Inmate Jonathan Frazier Inmate Cecil Mosley Jr. o Inmate Luther pease h:*rj::1l:l Page26 ffi Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General Case Number: l2-l-5231 34, i o Inmate Leon Thomas o Inmate William Scherwitz r Inmate Joseph R. Mills . Inmate Torodney Joyner o Inmate William Davies o Inmate Jamie Gordon o Inmate Henry Davis o Inmate Richard Reese o Inmate Jonathan Rucker o Inmate Alex Rodas o Inmate James Edsall o Inmate Alphonso Benjamin o Inmate Stephen Lapton . Inmate Lewis McFadden o Inmate Dennis Elliot o Inmate Richard Gordon o Inmate Timothy e,Malley o Inmate Harold RoHriguez o Inmate Andrew Robles (2 recorded statements) o Inmate Francisco Angeles A compact Disk containing aigitatty recorded swom statement of the following: o Inmate Valentin Reyes Inmate Rocky Beamon (2 recorded interviews) A compact Disk containing digitally recorded statements of the inmates, but had no relevant information: o 35. o Inmate Ronald Brown o Inmate Sercio Soto o Inmate Charles Rabette o Inmate Mathew Campbell o Inmate Tyrone Mitchell o Inmate Michael perry o Inmate John Actisdano o Inmate Carl Roland o Inmate Briante Milton r lnmate John Liebro o Inmate Danyl Smilh o Inmate Winfred Clark o Inmate John Ford o Inmate Bernard Hughlon o Inmate Fernando Bush Page 27 ffi Case Number: Florida Department of Corrections Office of the Inspector General Report of Investigation - Jeffery Beasley, Inspector General 12-t-s23t ,, o Inmate John Greer o Inmate Nathan Smith o Inmate Daniel Washington r Inmate Jerry Tolbert o Inmate Fidel prieto o Inmate Mark Jackson o Inmate David Nuetzel o Inmate Thomas Nance o Inmate Antonio Owens o Inmate Billy Hayes o Inmate Tavares Newman o Inmate Joseph pollard o Inmate Shadrick Bell o Inmate Michael Comer o Inmate Patrick Keels o Inmate Jermaine preston o Inmate Christopher Clark o Inmate David McGriff o Inmate Abraham lrofter o Inmate Vontrell Silas o Inmate Kenneth Shelby o Inmate Miikey Lawerance o Inmate Randy Vaillant Page 28